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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1883)
t ...y:J 'K " S - ci-rttrsTiAisr. ÜE±iAt,ti. 11 t Call to Convention. To the Friends of Temperance, Citizens of Washington Territory. v god w ants us to go forward . feud between the bottle and the ballot. . Forces of evil are organized ■and.- aggressive—What haves the people to oppose to them ? The great, popular, mighty organization, for insisting on right and enforcing it, is the political organization. Our system of government is ex pressly framed for resisting, pursu ing and punishing wrong and up holding right. The liquor traffic has proven itself a gigantic wrong. Degradation and ruin lie in its CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, •0« At the Temperance Conventions for Western and Eastern Washing F A C V L T Y : < ton of last June and July, a com D. T. STANLEY, A. M, P resident , mittee was appointed to plan and Professor Mental and Moral Sciences, English and Biblical Literature. summons a Temperance Convention W. E. YATES, A. M., for the whole Territory, to assemble Professor Creek, Latin and German Languages. at the seat of government, before or J. M. POWELL, A. M., during the next regular session of the Legislature." The Territorial M rs . M. B. STANLEY, L Convention^ thus projected, is here mands its overthrow. Now the Principal Primary department. by called. It will meet in Olym question is, “ Shall the people have .Miss RETTA RASH, pia, at ten o’clock in the forenoon their government maintained in Teacher of Instrumental Musici of Wednesday the 3rd day of Octo- their interests?” Its answer de- Miss E. McFADDEN* L_ ber.- 188 3 ---- pends on action. __ Teacher of Painting and drawing. Inasmuch as this important body Power waits on movement. It 'n W. E. YATES, A. M„ L should not only represent the does not stay with him who lags to —------- — - Secretary of the Faculty, [ diffusion and drift of temperance dream, but sweeps along with him B ' eentimonty but also ba able tn speak. . who goes to do—.----------- *______ Such Assistants as are needed will be engaged as the session .advances. clearly and forcibly the views of By the Committee, dated Olym LOCATION.., those who have -given the subject pia, W. T., Sept. 1, 1883. Monmouth, the seat of Christian College, is a village of about 400 inhabitants, noted for their morality and devotion to the cause of education. The Oregonian Railway passes through of temperance, in its political and R oger S. G reene , lhe middle of the town, giving daily connection with Portland, and affording the means for easy travel and rapid freights. In addition to a passenger depot in the middle of town, the O. A (J. social aspects, the largest and most Chairman. R. R. passes through Independence, two miles away, and the steamers plying the Willamette land there also ; making Monmouth one of the most easy towns of access in the Btato. Parents I careful consideration, the following who desire to place their children under good educational advantages, where they shall be free Acknowledgment. from the intemperance and immorality prevalent in the larger towns, will find in Monmouth has been adopted as the basis of just what they desire in these respects. It is a school town, built up for this purpose, and all * # . , membership : I wish to acknowledge the receipt other interests center in this one. Hence its superiority for educational purposes. ADVANTAGES. 1. Every county temperance or- of the following sums for the sup- The Faculty is the most important element to the successful working of any institution of . i* • W V * * H VJX t? IIX OX looXLJXXo • • I ganizàtion shall be entitled to three tim-r l)UI L vJ v J LI L JU • * hsvo sought ♦<. to j put the yanoua various cha chairs of Christian Christian Coll College l ea r ning. The Etoard of m t in in the ira of ego expBCt to lee chxiBtiaiT CoJlege*1 among delegates. For General Fund : From a friend^ iiUhe honored institutions of the land. 2. Every organization for any per James Leslie, $100.00; Mrs. M. the moat B uilding .—Only one wing of the new brick College building has been completed, and thia larger section or for the entire Ter C. Wood, Boles, Mo., 2 25 ; Church, isboing remodeled and greatly improved this year. It contains three working siories of large, airy and well lightod rooms, used for study and recitation. The old College building adjoining ritory shall be entitled to four dele Scottsburah, Ind., 2.69; unknown, has been thoroughly overhauled and converted into a pleasant and commodious chapel. — — Apparatus sufficient for ordinary purposes of illustration, is now provided, and additions will gates. Ionia, Mich, 1.00; church, Mont be made from time to time. The Library contains a few volumes ot interest, and new volumes 3. Every other temperance or- erey, O., 8 00; Mrs. M. I. Moody of value will be added as fast as the means at our command will allow. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES. I ganization, including churches and and friends, Pomeroy, la., 3,50; M. features of Christian College to which we especially invite attention, as distinctive of our juvenile societies, within the Terri H. Lindsay, .Willow Glen, La., 10.00; work The are as follows : C hristian M orality .—The Bible is read every day and lectures calculated to impress its tory shall be entitled to two dele W. W. Newkirk, Obian, Tenn., 1.00; morality are given, and with the Bible as a basis, the effort to impress the highest C hristian morality as the guiding principle in the lives of our students. Dogmatism and sectarianism are gates. C. F. Seaton, Indianapolis, Ind., carefully avoided. We ignore all religious or political divisions, and encourage great freedom of To provide against contingencies, I. 00; Mrs. Lillie’s Sunday-school thought. aDd aim to stand on that high plane where Protestant or Catliolic, Democrat or Re publican, can meet on one common level. suitable alternates should be chosen class, Willoughby, O., 1.00 ; church, P ractical E ducation _ The great demand of the times is for men of action. An institution of learning to meet the needs of the people, should not only impart instruction, but along with in every instance. Clarinda, la., 5.00; D. R. Brown, the knowledge gained, give students the power to use it to advantage for themselves and others. . The idea of Christian College is, that the finest mental culture and the greatest benefit may Our Legislature meets on pur Nevada, la., 1.00; Miss SalLie Far be obtained by the study of those things that will fit young men and women to at once enter some business, and carry it forward successfully. Instead of those branches that are pose to do whatever is for the com rar, Moonfield, W. Ya., 10.00; Miss simply pursuitor ornamental, we prefer those that are useful, and we invite comparison and criticism on work. Our aim is to graduate young men and women so that they may at once enter upon mon welfare. Its just and praise Nettie Farrer, 5.00; Miss Annie our the pursuits of life. worthy desire is to have at hand Farrer, 5.00; Miss Kate Farrer, DEPARTMENTS. trustworthy information and- well- 5.00 ; S. S., Short Creek, Ohio Co., M athematics .—The Course of Study in this department is very full. The various branches taught from a practical standpoint, with a view to the application of each principal to such digested measures. The object of W. Va., 6.00; Church, Magee, Mo., are affairs as people meet with in life and desire to understand. E nglish L anguage and L iterature .—A ready command of our own tongue, with an ac this Convention is to bring such in 2.00; Church, Belmont, Ridge, O., curate knowledge of its history and authors, is one of the most important acquisitions. No other accomplishment can supply the want of this. It can only be acquired by a thorough study of formation and to devise and press 7.00. English. In Christian College the course of English extends through four years and we consider for passage such measures. of our most valuable features. . For Heathen Fund: Sarah H. this S one ciences .—The rapid advance mado in the various departments of Science and the rapid Have not our people been cursed Campbell, Salem, O., $5.00; S. S., succession of discoveries of new principles and applications, constitute one of the wonders of the age. No man can .claim to be educated who is not conversant with the present advanced stage long enough with the liquor plague? Streator, Ill., 1.25. of Science. Very thorough work is made of all these, assisted by the use of the apparatus at our __ command. Sufficient time is allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the great principles Is there not something wrong For French Mission: Sarah H. of each science. . . . A ncient L anguages . — By pursuing the best methods, the progress in acquiring a I enough to be criminal in that Campbell, $5.00; Church, Morris of the Geeek and Latin languages, is rapid. We have dropped several authors that aie knowledge frequent ly read in Colleges, with a view to doing better work in those that are read, and to give more traffic which almost all crime is town, Ind., 311. time for the pursuit of the course in English and the Sciences. Experience lias demonstrated that both better linguists and scientists result from this cotirse. . . . .. h somehow associated with,—that A. M c L ean , Cor. Secy., B iblical L iterature and E xegesis .—This depar .nent w as organized in Christian C ollege É business, which swells taxation for the first time with the opening of the present session. The object is to study thé Sacred Cincinnati, O. Scriptures analytically and critically, with contemporaneous profane history, and evidences of ■ enormously, because it engenders Christianity. Methods of sermonizing, pulpit oratory, methods in revival meetings and the care of are all carefully investigated. It is this uejiartment that the Chnsiiaii brotherhood, I and nurses crime,—that employ Many of the best leaders of the as churches, a bodv, are particularly interested in. The intend of the church is carefully considered in this, while all other departments are wholly free from any religious discussious except the uni ai ment, which swallows the earnings, world do not seem to lead at all. iormly recognized principles ol Christian morality. U weakens the frame and unmans the Their opinions gradually possess COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. .1 heart of the laborer,—that work, other minds and diffuse themselves Every facility is here afforded for fitting voung persons to successfully carry on any kind of The best authors are studied on the various subjects, and such practical tests are W which palsies industry and desolates through society, leavening as they . business. made as will usure thoroughness on the part of the sb .dent. go the lump that is entirely uncon 0^*For Course ot Study and other information >ud for Catalogue. Address K home ? \ D. T. STANLEY, A. M., P resident , ■ j^alize it or not, there is deadly scious of their existence, X. ✓ ■ » i : Vv » l I It? il i. & * «I