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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1883)
CHRISTIAN HERALD , The printing art—that is, the typesetting part of it—has an at traction to most people who gain an insight’ from observation into its mysteries. Some of the most dis tinguished men this country has produced, were practical printers and many ladies of wealth have be- come type setters solely because of the fascination surrounding the oc cupation. Of late years, women 'compositors,' who pursue the occu pation for a living, are numerous in all parts of the United States. To the trade is a school, rich in know ledge, from which it can gather treasures not always to be found in Books. Indeed, there have been eminent men, graduat s from tfie composing room, who never had the advantage of a single term of school ing. When we consider these facts we are prepared to hear that the dashing Empress nf Austria,*whd is proficient in horsemanship and field sporta, is having a printing office erected in her palace, and intends to learn the printing business. The Have a Purpose. 1 ' P PURGATIVE RII I ft I ^rlLLS » Carlyle once asked an Edinburgh student what he was studying for, The youth replied, that he had not quite made up his mind. There was a sudden flash of the old Scotch man’s eye, a sudden pulling down of th 6 ‘shaggy cyehf b w.%* * and’ ” the*' stern face grew sterner, as he said, “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder—a waif, a nothing, a no man. Have a purpose in life if it is only to kill have a purpose; and having it, throw such strength of mind and muscle into your work as God has given you.”— Haptiai Weekly. “ First a cough, carried me off, And then a c j IH u they cun ied me off iu !" This will not be yotir f-pi*><rli if yon take your cough and Dr. R. V. Pierce’s •‘Golden Medical Di covery”iu time. It is specific for weak lungs, epittii-g of blood, night-sweat*, aud the early stages of consumption. By all druggists. To think we are .aide is almost to do ; to determine upon attainment is frequently attainment itself. Thus earnest resolutions have often seem 15 o. i?.' Würr’T,Um ’? ,hr*' months. Aay pm«i «ho will uke ON E PI LL EACH NIOIIT !• 11O-M ONE TO TWELVE VI EKES, may ha restored to sound health. If such a thins is posaibie. For miring I enisle Coaiplaiata th w Pill« have no equal. Fhy.ieiaa« u.e them in their practice. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for ■-■Scent» in »tamp». Bend f-r »■.iniphlet. j. S. JOHNSON A CO., BoetOQ, Mass. The only known specific for Epileptic Fits. T3 Also -for spasms w<t ranw *stetmes». ‘ Xervtfv* Weakness ft instantly relieves and cures. Cleanses blood and quickens ^lugglsh circulation. Neutra lizes germs of disease and saves sickness. Cures MONMOUTH MARKET. (A SKEPTIC SAID) ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Eliminates Bolls, Carbuncles and Scalds, J yPermanently and cures paralysis. Yes, It is a charming and fiffilaBSFSraa and 'Klugs WT twin brothera. Changes bad breath to good, remov- MEAT -:o; . L . . •A. . IJIA.VE ..J..UST...BEMÜVEDFI1ÜAL L my old Staud to a NEW COMMODIOUS HOUSE Ing tho cause.- Houts billons tendencies and makes clear complexion. Equalled by none In tbe delirium of fever. A charming resolvent and. a matchless laxative. It drives Sick Headache lfko the wind. tirCori tains nod rustic cathan Ic or opiates. Relieves South of the Post Office, ■tr"7 Wli^e I can be found at tbe (THE GREW) 13 X j O O K. (M e | r | v ] e X c | o | h | q | u | e | r | o | r D When the wants of the community de mand, where I keep tbe brain of morbid fanclM.I^mp^cure^Rheu- ~ niatfsm by routing it. Restores life-giving proper ties to tbe blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders. fF~Rellable when all opiates fall. Re freshes the mind and invigorates the body. Cures dyspcjmla or money refunded. FLOUR AND BACON • « Constantly on hand. And I will try and » . and will, so soon as she has made □tench. ~ ___ \.......... ,'c __ _ _ Bitter than *10 009 ! sufficient advancement in her new vocation, set up her own poems in type and personally superintend their issuance from the press. The announcement nas its novelty, but to the initiated is not at all sur prising, only so fur as it relates that the eccentricities of female royalty should lead it to the adop tion of a mechanical puisuit,—Ax.. If yon have any disease which does not yield to ordinary medical treatment, don't fail to get the Treatise on Com pound Oxygen, that wonderful revital izing agent and beulth restorer, and study it carefully. It is Bent free by Das. S takkky & P alen , 1109 Girard Street, Philadelphia, Pa. All orders for tbe Compound Oxygen Home Treatment directed to H. E. Mathews, 606 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, will be tilled on the same terms t»s i» sent directly to us in Pbila delpbia. It is a great mislori line to have a fretful dis|>osition. It tnk< 8 the fra grance out of one’s life, ami leave- only weeds where h cheerful disp.»si tiou woul I cause H tweis to bloom For a cough or cold there is no reme dy equal to Ammen’s Cough Syrup. From m Dmgglst. Mr. Harry Williams, the leading drug gist of Greenville, Plumas County, Cal., under date of August 1 th, writes: m»t- isfactiou. I expect my sales to greatly increase as soon as the fall sets iu.” • Auimm’s Cough Syrup is prepared by a competent drnggist, from the pre scription nf one of the most noted pity si cians of Europe. It is a sure* and safe remedy for eotds, coughs aud diseases for which it is recumureuded. Askyuttr dealer to show you a large bottle. “ I spent ovi r 81(1,000 in 23 years,” said M.j-»r H. W. Hines, of Boston Mass., “an being doctore I for epilepsy. I employed the best physicians in New Orleans, 8t. Louis, New York, Pbila., Bostou. London and Paris, but all to no purpose. Samaritan Nervine lias cured me entirely.” 81 50. Wellesl y College has a Leiuti- ful room named in honor of Mis. Ihowning, and containing Story’s bust of the poet and the manuscript of her poem, “ Little Mattie.” This manuscript was the gift of Robert Browning. TUTT’S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVEF, and MALARIA. From these sources arise three fourths or the diseases of the human race. These tymptomsindicato theircxititence: Tx»aa of Appetite, Bowels costive. Sick Head ache, fullness after eating, aversion to exertion of lxxly or mind, Eructation of food, Irritability Of temper, Low spirit«, A feeling of having neglected suine daty, inzzineAS, Fluttering at the Heart, »otR before the eyes, highly col ored Urine, COM9TIPAT1O.1L and de mand the use of R rcmody that acts directly on tbe Liver. AsaLlvei mcdiolneTUTT’S PI 1.1.9 have no equal. Their action on tha Kidneys and Skin la also prompt; removing idl impurities through these threo “scav engers of the system,” producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear okin and a vigorous bod v. TUTT’S PIELS cause no nausea or grlpir.g nor interfere ■with dally work and are a perfect supply my customers with as good Disease« of the blood own It a conqueror. Endorsed 1* writing by over fifty thousand leading .citizens, clergymen and physicians in U. S. and Europe. tWFor sale by ail leading druggists, ,12». (28) The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med Co.St Joseph,Mo. , For testimonials and circulars send stamp. ’ REDINGTON A CO., Agents, San Francisco. THE OLD-PATH GUIDE. F rank G. A llen , I E(1Hori. O. W orth Y ancey , ftUltorg- AS THE MARKET AFFORDS, AT LIVING PRICES. Thanking my friends for former patronage would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. A. B. GRIGGS. EDITORIAL EDITORS. C. L T oos. J. \V. M c G auvey , R obt . G raham 1.1*. G ulbbb . May 22, 1883. 13-21-3m rptUS IS A LARGEEIGHT-PAGE WEEKLY 1 devoted to the advocacy and defence oi Auost<die teaching and practice. ” Aak f<>r the Old-Faths, and walk therein ” is its motto, iu PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDAY practice and its U-acliing. Its matter is pure sate, fresh and sparkling. Its make up is order SCHOOL SUPPLIES, ly, neat, attractive and on excellent paper. A «{ecimen copv will sstisqv all of the above, anc L O ü I S V I L L E , KY. will coat you but the limo and {sa»tai card 01 which the request is made. Addre-s the Pub T K R M H : liahora. Seo “ Our Principles,” and “ Oui Rules ” I Word and Work, me year 50 ct«., six months 30 cte., three months 15 cts. Good Words, 10 OÜB TERMS. or more copies, one year, 45 cents per copy ; Single Subscription, One Year, $2 00; Six •ix months, 23 denis ; three months. 12 con's. Months, $• 00 ; Three Mouths, 50 eta Eittle Pearls, Ilf or moie copies, one year, 30 cents per copy : six months, 15 cents ; three CLUB RATES. months, 8 cents. To any one sending a ciub of Five and ilO 00 Les. Monthly 3 Months 6 Mouths 1 Year cusli an extra copy. .70 10 copies, 1.30 2.40 T he O ld P ath G uide ($? 00) and 1 40 •25 2.60 5.'0 99 T he W ord and 'I nt W ork (50 eta) ¿5 50 2 60 5.00 0.50 99 l’acuto C hurch N kwh (fl 00> $2 50. 5.00 , 100 9.50 18.00 99 T hr C hristian H erald ($2 00) $3 00. Address for specimens, Les. Guide, 3 Montini 6 Months 1 Year C. C. C line A Co., • 10 copies, J'S .65 1.20 General Publishers of Church an<l Sunday 25 .70 1.30 2.50 - 99 tchool Supplies, 310 West Main St., 1.30 50 2.50 5.00 99 Giuisrille, Ky. 100 250 5 00 0.00 99 13 3 tf No SulMcriptions received for less than . ___ ’ Ten Copies of the lesson Mcnlhly and Lesson Guide. Address C. C. CLINE A CO., * No. 310 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky. 133-if C. C. CLINE & CO., ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, Koh 1.ewrywh^rc,5Bl$c. ( TUTTS HAIR BYE. G uay H air on W hibkera changed in- etantly tonGLosBY B lack by it single ap- pUoHt’on of this DTK. Sold by Druggists or by express on receipt or if 1. . Office, 44 Murray Street, N*w York. •JTT’3 MAHlAL Cf USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE tS&foH J883. ,, Will be iiiulied f ill to all applicants, aud to ctw- e t'-'mcrsofl -oar withoutoru<-r1n:r ft Itcnntains rlout 176 pagw. riixi illi>«trati«ns, price«, accurate descriptions aud valuable dinx-Uons for planting • liOO varietit* of Vigvtabte and Flower 8eeda, 1'lauta, I ruit Trt'cs.etc. Invaluable to all, uqwe- lally to Market Gardeners. Rond for it! D. M. FERRY & CO. D etroit M ioh . 19 any sunenng wnn vavarrn or Bron chitis uno earnestly des<re relict. I can furnish a meaua o' Pennanen' and Pos itive Cute. A Men-9 Treatment No Charge fcr'cOnsMltstion by m.-Ji. Valua bly Treatise Free. CartiBcatosf'-onaToc- torà, Lawyers, Ministers. BiiS'nesiWn'H* Address Rev. T. P CHILDS. Troy. Ohio.