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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1883)
• ’ ■ » I -1 1Ö V 22 òìifttsTiÀR titìftALB Notes and Comments. ever our plea is known. There can be no excuse for, all Vanceburg, July 25, 7 confes th’8. The cause of justice, truth CONDUCTED BY J. W. CALDWELL. sions.—-A. Faile. and righteousness does not demand . y___ All matter intended for thia department it. JUUU A Al 114 CJ- Vz VUIl VVUIV WUiy Such language can come only , .AliuuliLUiwiUü 4., iiLCAhtoU...ïïuaLUumu •—tnrirUi r, Kant t ic fty -------- ^== from Tiearts MIc ci w itb cravings Tor lor ing at Monroe, Ga. We wish to correspond with every preacher in Kentucky in referenee to the circulation of self glory, and heads void of educa <»■ ■ the H erald , and contribution» to its columns, Three additions at Gilead, July tion. There perverseness, ignorance bend for terms. —w-------- - and malice somewhere, and a dis 24—J. T. Hawkins. Responsibilities criminating and intelligent brother Tbirty additions at Richmond, hood will not be slow in locating it; Few men realize the weight of It pains us to refer tix.iJu.L4P ugly. July 24.—H. T. Wilson. responsibilities which devolves on affairs, but we wish to express the Pendleton county has a coopera them. Especially do ignorant sentiments of a large number of tion for home mission work. and unlearned men fail to exercise brethren, that these should cease themselves properly when they are - J. C.. Creele wants all the un- forever. .... promoted .to placea-Jif. honor, and ¡„,222. bound voluinns of the Millennial trust. This is a most jmportant Harbinger^ Aderess him at Hen Missionary. Jy matter, as upon it depe derson, Ky. ------ en their success for real good, T he K ols of C hota N agpore .— with much energy and “ cheek »’ Pastor Gossner’s Mission in Chota H. S. Howell, (colored) of Dallas, push themselves forward and at Nagpore was begun in 1845. The Tex , and editor of the Star has re times get into places for which inissonaries saw no fruit for five cently held a series of meetings in they are neither by nature or ac years. In 1850 the first four con - Louisville.-------- ' —----- — complishment, fitted. Men of victs were baptized, and ever since Our State S. S. Evangelist was coarse natures, raised in a rude the blessing of God has rested upon way and set afloat in the world work among the Kols. The Society married July 25, to Miss Sallie Orr, uf Cultuphia. by .11 C. Cline. They without, education enough to write ■fnrthrrPmpagation of the ttospTt O? i.T or speak a correct sentence, apd also at work among them. We have our best wishes. whp continue in this condition, are have now 32,000 church members, Bro. F. G. Aileu is improving, certainly not capable of filling living in about 1,000 different villa AVe thank God fur.these indication* ' ptaces which require refinement, ges, in some of which there arc but of health, and pray Him to yet good breeding and education. A few converts, while in others nearly «pare Bro. Allen to us a long time. man is not to blame for being all are Christian*. These villages raised without an education, but are divided into 120 parishes, each Bro. J. W. Foster, of Ep., writes, he is sinful in no small degree if he comprising from five to ten villlages " Organized at New Columbus, with continues without education, and 'and presided over by a ruling 27 additions.” This ma*k’s the at the same ‘time trying to fill elder, aided by catechists and teach second congregation organized by places which requires the highest ers to instruct young and old and Bro. F. since April 1st. and best that knowledge can afford. preach on Sundays. .The pastors We are yet in our twenties. We For a man to so do and spend his and teachers get half their support time in lounging around, is crimi from the congregation, and one is feel the boyish spirit of the “ teens.” nal. entirely supported in this w&y. Our body is frail, but our spirit is Such men make sad havoc of At Ranchi, our head-quarters, we youthful. While man’s works grow their work. They have no respect have a seminary for training pas old and pass away, the immortal for others only as it suits their own tors, a normal school for teachers soul lives on and has eternal youth. convenience and furthers their own and catechists, and a training Bchool Bro. Munnell proposes that we selfish schemes. They trample to prepare for both. Ac each of organize "Minister’s Meetings” in upon the most sacred feelings of our seven missionary stations is a others with their slimy vandal feet. boarding-school, partly supported every district or county, for the To them nothing is correct that i« by native Christians. The native purpose of more efficient work. above their own coarse and rude pastors are excellent preachers, ol This would doubtless be good. logic. For the praise of men they excellent character, and give great They could be held in connection live, and a little earthly glory they satisfaction to the missionaries. with our county meetings. are exalted above measure. From The converts are wonderfully simple In his salutory, Bro. McPherson, Buch, good Lord, evermore deliver and powerful in prayer, and have a in reference 'to what he admits to very encouraging missionary spirit, bis department, says, " I never in so that their lives tell powerfully on tend to admit anything like offen Controversies, their heathen neighbors. All the sive personalities, church troubles There are one or two unpleasant Kols as heathen are great drunk or grumbling.” To this let all our and unprofitless controversies waged ards, but when converted they editors say amen. between some of pur papers which abandon drinking habits.— If. Lor- Oil Bro. Sryglie’s promotion to indicate a low state of spirituality beer. the regular staff of the Guide, C. • and a gross misconception of the McPherson, of Waxahachie, becomes high vocation of religious journal The Gospel Advocate, Nashville, editor of the Texas department. ism. Tenn., has swallowed up the Chris We extend to Bro. McP. our best The worst features are slanderous tian at Work, Bells, Tenn. This is wiKhCw, and hope that he may be as personal attacks on men whose fair wise. We read several other con successful as his worthy predeces sor. names are household words wher- solidations. KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT —--------------------- ÚU «.. . ■ , —— --------------- ; O'ur indefatigable Bro. Neal has been prostrated for some weeks. But he is about again, and up to the mark in the temperance fight. The Standard proposes for him to go To tbtTsiba siite, but tbíñfes it necea- " sary to watch him, in order that he do not organize the sea waves into mission bands. Bro. N. is a good — organizer and a great worker, By . the wav, he wants the name and very. preacLer,.in. . Ky^ Send them in at once. The typical Canadian editor is provoked to display his humor oyer the celebration ™of our” " glorious Fourth,” by any " Yankees ” who dance to te in the Dominion on that eventful day. The editor of tha Callingwood, tries his band, but makes a lamentable failure. It is hard to find so poor an attempt ~as he make.«. For example, lie speaks of “ our planet smash-eagle,” etc,, etc. If our biethren in Canada make as poor an “ out ” at celebrat ing the "Fourth as Bro. Hands does of being witty, they certainly failed lamentably. To-day we were working in the hay harvest. Whilst some of the halo of the poet is destroyed by the vigorous use of the-fork and rake and mower, yet the “ sweet scented hay,” the lark, the bee, the brook, floWter, and over reaching blue, conspire to make a sweet picture. We can draw several useful lessons from the meadows. When we first begun work in the meadows, the scythe and wooden fork were in use. "These hillsides are too steep for machinery,” Baid the wise farmer. But the mower is come, and the rake, and he who holds to the old way of working, is counted silly, to «ay the least. Let us learn wisdom from this. Let us learn that oar way of preaching and teaching may not be the best; let us improve our preaching. While we should not fail to declare the whole truth, let us do this in the most effective way. The scythe and the mower both do the same work; but the latter is the most effective. We Bowed only grass seed in our meadows; but to-day we find a few briers, bushes and weeds. What are we to do about it ? Abandon the harvest and lose an excellent crop of grass because of a few weeds ? This would be the height of folly. Or shall we aver that our meadows are all weeds ? No. This would be a plain prevariation. But thia is - 1 I