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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
Burying and Planting. . The Reason Why. wife is a grandaughter of Henry Cl>v. and ifc ppy ip the family, =.... The of" the -fnttowrng again. The proprietor is of the quaint article was recently found city families removed to New Jer Gov. McDowell family of Virginia, in an old tower in the very ancient sey. The first work was to put tht and therefore, on his side and that town pf Chester, England. It was garden in order. Charley, a pre of Mrs. McDowell, the race is his among a lot of old books, papers cocious little boy, watched his fath toric. The mansion, rebuilt some and diversified rubbish that had er intently for two or three morn thirty years ago, precisely as it was •hrthe day s of Mr. Clay, is now i— just been unearthed by some re ings, asking innumerable questions seat of generous Kentucky hospi pairs that were being made upon about the why and tho wherefor of planting potatoes, corn, peas and tality, and visitors on pilgrimage or the building. M. F. W. squashes. He caught the idea, as by invitation are daily-entertained. THE'“ REASON WHY.” many older people catch ideas, by It was at this elegant mansion tail "■ H-was- ihe-third -'Wghtr that we had the honor*, on Saturday “ Mr. A dnnks because Lis doctor when his father came home that evening, of assisting at what is recommends him to “ take a little.” Mr. B, because his doctor orders there was general mourning in the here called a “ High Tea.” The “ first families ” of Lexington and him not to drink, and he hates family. Several choice china dish es, a score of costly ornaments from vicinity, in full evening dress, were quackery. Mr. C takes^a drop because lie’s the parlor, and three or four valua assembled for a social party : the ble small pictures had disappeared. halls and library and saloons of the wet. In the confusion Charley had been Mr. D. Tiecause. he*s dry. manor-house thrown open, and the Mr. E because he feels something forgotten. The maid said he had guests circulated freely and pleas been amusing himself in the garden antly ; tea was served, with abun- rising. • dant refreshments besides ; music Mr. F because he feels a sinking. all the afternoon. His father went enlivened the' scene ; the youn S Mr. _G bee a use he went to see a out and found him planting, the last picture ThcT little fellow people enjoyed themselves greatly ; friend’off to America. Mr. H because he’s got a friend wanted to raise a whole crop of and it is very rare indeed, in any beautiful things, and failed to see city or in any country, that so much just come from Australia. beauty, gracefulness, ease of man .. Mr. J because he’s so warm in why if twenty potatoes would grow" from one,-twenty picturesand china ner, with real refinement and cour the evening. cups and articles of vertu could tesy are to be seen. As Ashland is Mr. K because lie’s so cold in the not be produced in the same way. some four or five miles from town, morning. , Mr. L because he has a pain in The difference between planting the company was assembled before nd burying is as poorly understood sunset, and Mr. McDowell was kind bis head. ' enough to take me to his «tables Mr. M because he has a pain in y many grown people as by the little city boy. And there is a and show me some of his horses. his side. Several of them are magnificent Mr. N because he has a pain in vast deal of burying done under the pretense of planting. People are creatures, easily bringing, when he bis back. . sells, $10,000 each. Not long ago Mr. O because he has a pain in too apt to forget that burying is not planting, and that every invest he sold one at that price, which his chest. soon after brought $25,000. Mr. P because he has pains all ment of time, talents, interest and money which is not likely to yield The principal market for these over him. a return of something valuable is horses, for the raising of which this Mr. Q because he feels so light not planting, but burying. A great part of Kentucky is very famous, is and happy. the city of New York. The quality Mr. R because he feels so heavy deal of the monejr spent by thought less, fashionable people yields no of speed is most in demand. Not and miserable. return of comfort, of happiness, of for racing chiefly, and I wash it Mr. S because he’s married. anything desirable; it is simply were not at all for racing. I do not Mr. T because he isn’t. believe it can be shown that horse Mr. V because he likes to see his .buried. A large proportion of the racing has ever helped to improve jriends. investments made by shrewd busi the breed of horses, while it is true, Mr. W because he’s got no friends. ness men under the infatuations of beyond all doubt, that it misim Mr. X because his uncle left him speculative crazes are not planted, proves the breed of men. But the a legacy. but buried. Only last week a rail increase of wealth and the desire Mr. Y because his aunt cut him road bed which cost nearly a quar for fine horses for the road and the off with a shilling. ter of a million dollars was sold for * park creates a boundless market Mr. Z because he went to Llan $35,000; the original investment for the very best animals. And dudno* yesterday. was money buried. More than this is true also of other cities, and half of the things bought in these *This refers to a neighboring town that long, all parts of this wonderfully advan long ago waa a famous resort for merry-mak days because other people have ing, etc. such things—articles of dress, orna cing country. ment, finishing gewgaws—give no Every day at Lexington brought to us invitations to entertainments Our Father comes down to the pleas are to the buyer, and add no far beyond our capacity to accept places that we walk in, stand in all thing to the satisfaction of living; and enjoy. But we left it with grateful hearts and abiding memor the paths we go in, reaching out they represent money buried. Of ies of delightful friends.-—I renæüs not his hand alone, but also his the fashionable excursions taken in N. Y. Observer. heart; and if we appreciated his feel- every Summer, costing enough to l I « make a family comfortable.for the The most important part of any ings we should be saying every day business is to know what ought to and hour “ My Father,” and winter, or eJucate a boy or givl, very few will add one particle of into his arms.— Warren. be done. J H real health and enjoyment to the travellers, and many will bring n VUk pULlIUUICILU woo, ttutt*“' heartache. All the dissipations bury money, and what money can not buy, in a grave from which there is no resurrection. To read worthless or poor books; to go to places of amusement which merely entertain, without lilting the senti ments and imagination; to spend time in gossip with idle compan ions ; to form habits which lead to costly and- hurtful practices; io drop into vices which drain out the heart’s life—is a burying of what ought to have been saved to plant. And from burying nothing, but de cay and ashes come. The trouble with most people is that they have spent their days iu burying instead J of planting, or in planting what had better been buried. To plant wisely and generously is the great thing. The secret of— hap py, profi table living, oF h eal th and friendship, and public respect, is in knowing how and what to plant, and doing the work well in . the season of it. Every good les son learned is a seed planted to bring forth fruit in its season. Every good habit, every good book read, every noble purpose carried ~ out, every true friendship formed, are things planted that will yield a rich harvest in due time. It is as foolish to expect happiness from recklessness and folly as a crop of paintings from planting chroinos in the back yard. It does not come in that way. It is by planting the best things at the right time, and in a wise and generous way that the rich harvest is insured.— Chris tian at Work. t • • • Some time ago a sacred concert was given on a Sabbath evening and 3100 of the proceeds was given to the society for the improvement of the poor. At their first meeting the lady managers decided that it would be incompatible with their principles as Christian women to accept the donation, and therefore returned the money. That same evening one of the ladies told her husband what, they had done, and asked his opinion. Turning to his desk he wrote a check for $1,000, and turning to his wife handed her the check, and said, “ There is what I think of your action. Hand that to the treasurer of the society. The beneficiaries of your society must not suffer for your de termination to act as become Christian women.” Comment is unnecessary Pittsburg Commer cial ptazette. t