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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
ÜHTtiÖTlAisT tiiiJlALTY X r The Washington Ohurch. peace will bless them. ■ Let every Christian household in Oregon and C leveland , O., ni w h-hnri ng Ft a tw hftY p -it the . Letter T üw WTSSS? H erald and I anticipate a new era Dear Bro.: L exington , K y , of prosperity there. Bro. Rower of Washington writes J une 27, 1883. R. G raham . Dear Bro. Floyd : me that the census reports embrac I receive the H erald regularly, ing church statistics will soon go to Report. and I am proud of it. You have in pres.%,and that he is “ anxious that ■the judgment of all 1 have heard, <**»»M^*pea*a»oa.Aljall be sensible.” »peak of the matter, succeeded in He writes to us for answers to July 17, 1883. making the H erald one of the best One by confession and baptism questions which we cannot furnish papers published among us. It last Lord’s day, at Lewisville. by any data in my office. I there »tands in the first rank in matter, fore send him to State Secretaries Yours in Christ, form” and spirit. I.. do' fihpe "its and others with request to send on ~ It. M. W aller . patronage will be commensurate —♦ < --------— the answers very soon, to L. D. with its merit; and if so, I am Power, Washington, D. C. The Report. con ^dent its success is assured. answers must be given for the C olfax , W. T, July G, 1883. There not a PaPer comes to my year 1880. Please do not fait hands w?^b I open with greater Dear Bro.: “ Very truly, -i. I landed home on the 2d of this pleasure than' yours. R. M offatt , Cor, Sec. G. C. M. C. The brethren on the Pacific Coast month ; found the brethren all en- * FORM OF REPORT. now have it in ,** 1beir power to es joying a reasonable portion of Answers for the State of tablish a paper worthy themselves health, both spiritually and tem- Number of church organizations They meet on every and the cause thçy 1 qv < 21 an(^ I shall porally. _ Number of oburch members — be filled with regret and • shame if first day of the week tof Number of ministers they fail to do it. I am wre ^ie school and worship. Our yearly Nnmber of ministers employed ability, tone, and Boundnet'"*' In meeting is in progress. ’ We hope Number of ministers having doetrine of the H erald must c >m' for a good time and pray that many will turn to the Lord and find rest charge of churches as pastors mend it to every disciple of Chrib Value of church property 1870 who is strong to restore apostolic to their souls. Value of church property 1880 J. S. F isher . Christianity to the world. Though Amount paid to sustain ministers r I have never been in your State, I Amount paid for all purposes Report spent two years just south of you, Amount paid for ministers and and I feel an abiding interest in the benevolence P leasant H ill , O r . cause on the whole Pacific slope, The answers are given by and I rejoice that now at length we Dear Bro. Floyd: (si gned)------------------------ I thought an ibem to y°ur PaPer have there ah able and dignified exponent of our principles. 1 pre might be of ’K>me interest to the Instructions to Agents. dict for you and my brethren in brotherhood in general. The church at t hi« place is in a Oregon with God’s blessing a Dear Christian: career of great prosperity and use fair condition for future results. If the brethren can be reached fulness. We all have known you We enjoy the pleasure of Bros. they can be aroused to do a fine too long to doubt for a moment Wilste and Mulkey’s e'ffhrts quite work with tracts. I will continue your fidelity to the great principles often. With the talent the two to write appeals and publish in the of the Reformation, your integrity brothers have we look for" good newspapers, for the publishers are as a man, or your prudence in thé seed to be sown to the dying MTi>rId, kind enough to print them free of responsible position you now occu and also the brethren to be charge. But personal appeals are py. The College of the Bible will strengthened by their efforts. more forcible than that through the The Sunday-school is in a flour always watch with interest every papers. Hence I have decided to indication of prosperity in your ishing condition this summer. The c xll in the help of others to act as average attendance during the life and labors. Agents. I see by the H erald and by the spring and summer has been about I propose to furnish you with all Church News, now published by 80. The last regular S. S. election the card tracts you need and other Bro. Ware, of Sacramento, Cal, that was as follows: J. D. Mattock, things to aid you in the work. a large number of evangelists are Supt.; G. H. Callison, Asst. Supt.; But I cannot give you anything for moving to your Coast. This will R. E. Bristow, Sec.; B. F. Mulkey, your labor unless you can sell necessitate more and more a com Chorister. The S. S. singing is several thousand at 50 cents per mon medium of communication, very good at this pl^ce, but think thousand. Some few may be able and this they will have in your an improvement could be easily ; I to- do this. My work is given paper and the one Bro. Ware is made by purchasing some new entirely free. If the agents will pow, publishing. I pray you may singing books. S. S. meets at work it will not be long before the have large success; there is room for 9:40, church at 11 A. M, every Fund will be able to give not only you both, but I should be sorry to Sunday. card tracts, but large quantities of S ubscriber . see any other paper started in such Tracts as “ Our Position,” either your State or California ; nor “ Sincerity Seeking the Way to True humanity, thè basis of the do I think there is any probability Heaven,” &c, &c. of Buch a thing soon. Let all the Christian system, is the low, but HOW TO WORK. brethren there harness themselves deep and firm foundation of all real Correspondence. for renewed effort, and the God ot virtue. matter before your minister and enlist him. He can carry tracts JKiltu hi m* an d grea tl y ex tend Jhis- influence. 2. Show the tracts to the breth ren, and besides making personal appeals for money ask them to take up a contribution at some public meeting. They may wish to spend the amount givenin their 'bwil field. This they can do. Some are now engaged in this kind of mission work. The Sunday-schools may beinduced. tsolo the same work. 3. Give to those not members - — ' • - - give liberally. Keep the pure gospel before them. Many a soul has been saved by a tract. 4. Some brethren may want to buyT=aell all. you can. Raise, all the money you can. The work depends upon it. Be sure your own heart is full of love for the worki -Mak e -frequent-mention-of it in your prayers.- Do not hold money too long. Postage stamps may be sent. J. W. H igbee . Madisonville, Ky. Synopsis of the Minutes of the Umatilla County Co-operation. Cooperation met May 19th at 2 o’clock p. m . D. A. Reeder was chosen President, S. I. Gerking, Vice President, and J. B. Gerking, Secretary. Committees on Order of Business and Resolutions were appointed by the chair. MONDAY, MAY 21ST, 4 P. M. On the question of evangelizing for another year it was decided to employ Elder R. H. Moss as our Evangelist for the next year. Bros. P. Ely, O. Mozier, W. M. Scott, Wm. Whitman and S. I. Gerking were appointed a committee to solicit subscription for this purpose. TUESDAY, MAY 22ND, 4 P. M. Bro. R. H. Moss made his report of labors as County Evangelist for the preceding ten months, which was adopted. WEDNESDAY, MAY 23RD, 4 P. M. It was decided to have the Co operation meeting next year, com mencing on Saturday before the first Lord’s day in June, at Center ville. Bros. R. H. Moss, Thomas Boatwick and S. I. Gerking were chosen delegates to the District Co operation ' at Waitsburg, Walla Walla Co, W. T. TUESDAY, MAY 25TH, 2 P. M. It was unanimously voted to authorize Bro. C. M. Ely to preach 1. If you do not preach lay the the gospel and give him a letter of