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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
(HïiitsT [ AN" tìtóìtAÌ,t>. 1Ó 4 1 KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT CONDUCTED BY J. W. CALDWELL. . ■».to» fni thti.jijilff.riww» Bhonld be sent to J. W. Caldwell, West Union, Owen Co., Kentucky. We wish to correspond with every preacher in Kentucky in reference to the circulation of the H erald , and contributions to its columns. Send for terms. . Little Things. Notes and Comments. Two additions at Pembroke, Ky. -J. W; Hardy, There were two additions re cently at DeMosSville. J. B. Jones succeeds Bro. Oldham as financial agent of the Bible College. ....... I > I I B* ■ I , < ri -gospel, by despising present and As the rivulet flows ceaseingly seemingly insignificant duties. toward the sea, so should our lives Rightly considered, no duty is in toward God. 4 significant. The smallest act in the ——a—Bible GoMege , we cannot enumerate. The Master Student, will preach for the church said that if one gave but a cup of at Milford. cold water, he should in no wise The prohibition party of Ohio lose his reward. It is the constant speak of nominating ex-President neglect of these acts of Ibve that Hayes for governor. lead many to spiritual coldness. No business can succeed withqpt Boston would do well Co turn her close attention be given to details. attention from “ culchau ” to the The skilfull engineer neglects no horrible abuses of Tukesberry line or curve or angle in drawing Almshouse.------------------------------- 7bT 8Urveymf. - It is by closelittem There Ts a proposition to, con tion to the minor; parts of the struct another canal across the workr that success is insured. 4 The physical world is full of Ithmus of Suez, which is favored striking and familiar illustrations by the London ship owners. of this fundamental and vital prin In New York City $60,000,000 ciple. The great oak grows by are spent in intoxicants annually, constant and minute additions. while the State pays $11,183,000 to The hills and mountains are noth- sustain her public schools. particles. But why multi ply examples ? Until we give good W. F. Cowden, minister of Main" heed to the “ smaller work ” we St. church, Lexington, is on a visit cannot succeed as we ought. to his parents at New Castle, Penn. To-day we can give ten cents to Bros. Loos and Graham fill his mission work. But if we neglect it, pulpit. to-morrow we may not be able, or J. M. Holms, of Owensboro, is a worse still, willing to give a farth ing. So, we may fail .to give dol candidate for representative for lars, and thus make the good cause Davies Co., on the prohibition go begging. One neglect opens a law and order ticket. We wish gap for a thousand. To-day we him success. may give a cup of cold water, or a J. T. Hawkins, now minister o£tha meal to a weary brother, or visit Commerce Street church, Dallas, the bedside of the sick, or clothe the Texas, has returned to LaGrande. naked. But if we put it off, We gladly welcome him back, as he to-morrow brings its own duty and is a true yoke fellow. we never will have time and oppor tunity to do to-day’s neglected Madison county has a coopera work. tion of churches to send the gospel Let us be up and doing for God to the destitute in her borders. and for man. Let us not sleep as There is a membership of about do others, but let us watch and be 2000. sober. Let us work while it is day, The State Charity’s Aid Associa for the night cometh when no man can work. Let us not despise tFie tion is one that should have the assistance of every one. For plan day of small things. of work, objects, &c., address the Association at 6th East 14th St., There is a company organized to N.Y. cut a canal across Florida, at a cost of $30,000,000. It will shorten the The Worker is doing a good distance to other ports from New work, and deserves the united sup Orleara about 600 miles. $26,000,- port of all lovers of God and hu- 000 is already subscribed. ma'ntty. Bro, Neal is sacrificing his time and comfort and deserves H. W. Elliott, of New Liberty, our cooperation. was married May 30th to Miss Mollie Turner, daughter of Prof. B. There was paid into the treasury E^.rT.a,PJLUjMBiedjg... professor, of... of EngTanT on“ glcoKoliff^rinks in mathematics in Eminence College, 1874 $155,000,000. In 1881 $145,- and now Principal of Sulpher 000,000. This is an average for High School. Pres. W. S. Giltner every man woman and child (1874) officiated. They go to Tennessee, $29 ; (1.881) $26. the birthplace of the groom. They have our best wishes. H ealth B ook for the P eople . —This is a neat pamphlet of 60 pages, by Drs. S. & D. Davidson, 1707 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. It is filled with valuable sugges- —Nu. price is given. - J. H. Beazley recently paid us a visit, and preached one sermon. Since wre last met he has preached both in Florida and Southern Kentucky. He is now eradiating from New Castle, and as of old “ on the wring.” There are few brave enough ta act upto their own' convictions, especially if such actions will cause pecuniary loss. ThostLwho do not, can never prosper morally. A true moral’ (spiritual) hero is the noblest work of God. If one trulv loves God • there need * be, no fears as to his devotion This is the great want of the church. Let us labor with tongue and pen, not to air our opinions, vaunt our soundness, hunt heretics, or accuse our brethren, but encourage the cultivation of spirituality. Bro. Higbee wants agents to aid him in his tract foork. Let some I active brother or sister in every congregation assist this important work. We surely do not appre ciate Bro. H.’s efforts to assist us in preaching the gospel cheaply and effectively. Address J. W. Higbee, Madisonville, Ky. The fear has been expressed that the spirit of liberality, now so prevalent, would soon prevent a man who preached “ sound doc- tTine” from getting a chnreh, a s-------- - though the getting a church to preach for .was a preacher’s end and aim. It is to be feared that there is too much “gospel peddling” in the land. When preachers have no higher idea of success than to get churches that will • support •* them, they have not the slightest conception of their mission. Sumo one recently - made assertion that when you heard a minister say, “ Preach love,” you may be sure that he is unsound, and unsafe. This is a very reckless and harmful statement, contrary to the teachings of Christ and the apostles. Love is the great motive power in the church. The Scrip ture says, “ God is love,” and he who objects to preaching love ob jects to preaching God. Is it not alarming whem the " most straight- est ” sect of our religion oppose the preaching of God (love)? O shades of Pharisee and Saddusee I One of -our papers objects to preaching love. How any sane man with the slightest conception of religion can make such an objec tion is beyond our power of concep tion. The bare idea of condemning the very practice we most need, is. startling. The entire redemptive system is conceived and carried out in love. “ God is love.” When one B. B. Tyler and A. I. Hobbs are preaches love, he preaches God. regular contributors to the Southern But our objector wants one to Herald, Louisville. The Herald preach his own opinions and make them tests of fellowship. is a staunch family paper, “ devoted to Temperance, Prohibition, Educa “ The institutions ” (Missionary tion and Literature.” It is the Societies) “ are builded up to give Good Templar’s organ in Ky. $2.00 the managers of them power.”— a year. Address, Southern Herald, Gospel Advocate. It seems to us that statements of this class have Louisville. Ky. been repeated often enough without The editor of tlife Zion'8 Day Star has issued a 4-page tract, “ The Sodomites shall Return to This Earth and be blessed with a knowl edge of the truth.” Like many of the editorials of the Day Star, this tract presents a peculiar problem. If you want a curiosity, send for the tract. Address- A. D. Jones. 1159 Broway, N. Y. I 1 ♦ proof. We have no evidence that any man among us, of any promi nence loves 'power,' There is no necessity for this continual cutting one another. It-is Tight to discuss all these questions in a brotherly spirit; but when the motives of the best men among us are com stantly impugned’it is a great evil. Let us study humiliation and brotherly love, subjectively. i U