Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, June 22, 1883, Page 10, Image 10

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Notes and Comments
others will open if we judiciously
enter the ones now open. Support’
Louisville, May 14th, 1 confes­ your missionary, your ptiper, your
sion. B. B. Tyler.
preacher, and your poor, and God
will bless, you.
All matter intended for thia department
Quinby recommends the cultiva­
should be sent to J. W. Caldwell, West Union,
We need to do more tract distrib-
Owen Co., Kentucky.
tion of catnip for bees.
We wish to correspond with every preacher
The Standard Pub. Co.,
.w- 7 Ke_utucky
referenee lo th*
tne HEttAxir, and contributions to its columns.
TTw'NZYrrrïb/tiie paj-s t2*7,000; •Uhristian Pub. '^o., John BurnsjU
Send for terms.
and the Herald $21,000 per year Thos. Holman, and J. W. Higbee,
are all doing a good work. But we
think it proper that the General
More conversions in foreign fields Society take hold of the work, and
The religious press should watch
in the last ten years than in the push it vigorously. Or that a
c with jealous care the pulpit. If
that Christian Tract Society be formed
ever our
missionary work is a failure.
go down on the breakers of corrup­
to publish in large numbers, to in­
tion and division it will eminate
sure cheapness, and circulate at
Honest atheists who know any­ cast, thousands of tracts. All these
from the pulpit.
thing of the matter, recommend now publishing, could unite in one
We had the opportunity recently
------------------------- - ------------
■^ciety~an<T Jo a much bclTe’r work.
“learning seme vital lessors from
Our papers could, and we believe
a brother, who is a representative •“ Politicians used to move the
would advertise these tracts gratui­
of a "large class of qur preachers, people as a western cyclone does
tously ; and our brethren would
lie is a graduate of one (f our best the houses.” The cyclone tears the
The excise law is unreasonable,
schools, and has been preaching for houses to pieces. We are happy to require respectable dramsellers, donate liberally for free distribution. |
Brethren, think on these things.
about 15 years. Upon this special that we did not live in that age,
when no such anomaly exists. It
meeting the one at which we learn­ when people were torn limb from
might as well demand polite ruffians ■ From several quarters come crit­
ed the vital lessons in question, we limb by office seekers.
or pious highwaymen.— Rescue.
icisms on Carlyle, for his abuse or
propose to offer a few criticisms in
He made one special effort to
neglect of his wife. One authority
. order to correct a few mistakes. It show that thought would discover
In three months there were im- avers that his influence has suffered
was in the midst of a protracted the connection betwegp the* body, porUd into this„£X)untry.,3,390,264
50 |H?r cent. diseount sinee hia
__ meetings
and thiabr<
-- ■ ZZ
■■... tnnivr
TTRn v iolu"
and spirit, and also demonst'ratiTthe dozen eggs, valued at $465,564. death. We have no sympathy with
ing in the neighborhood, and—came immortality of the soul. And tlie There is a chance' for preachers to
these outbursts of bigotry. It is
to church. The brother who was impression was made that the Bible engage in chicken raising, as they
the same spirit that is crying out
preaching invited him to preach, account of these matters is common­ “ take to that excellent fowl.
against Luther, and on a smaller
and he accepted the invitation.
place, and will never accomplish
scale, condemning our efforts to
The C. W. B/M. will send J. F. Spread the gospel. It is of Satan
1. This is an imprudent practice. any thing without science.
When a man is holding a series of
This kind of preaching is posi­ Taylor, of Kansas City, Mo., to and cannot be winked at. Too, it -
meetings and a brother visits them, tively injurious to the cause ‘of labor in Montana. He will begin is none other than tho first germs -
he should not accept a request to Christianity.- The church and the the work in June. Sisters, what of Nihilism. The spirit that asass- 7
preach. Because it interfears with world both need the unadulterated are you doing for this noble enter­ inates a Czar, kills a lord, blows up
the general drift and interest of the word of God in all its natural terse­ prise ? It needs your prayers and a parliament with dynamite, cen­
meeting. There are, of course, ex- ness and power. Circumstances, your purses.
soriously criticises Carlyle and
v captions.
now and then, may require a pulpit
Are you helping your brother or Luther; and impugnes the motives
2. The prayer was not what we discussion of science and the Bible,
of good men laboring together for
conceive prayer to be. It is a se-
the conversion of the world, Let t
are you by your coldness and
rious thing to criticise prayer. But
us labor and pray to eradiate such
indifference making the burden
a man should not tell God that He these general topics is worse than
a spirit from our midst.
heavier ? Take cognizance of their
made the world and the planets and no preaching at all.
wants and sufferings, and . draw
A true and tried man of God,
man. God needs no information on
There is preacher in 50
them nearer to you, and also nearer Bro. O. Wright, deceased, when on
this subject. It is equally irrele­ who is mentally able to discuss
to Christ.
his dying bed became delirious.
vant to tell him how wise and pow­ these matters, and they should be
His .physician and family were
erful he*is. Giving a general de­ handled by none but a master
Miss McEvan, of the Midway standing round. His lips moved
scription of creation is not prayer, hand.
(Ky.) Orphan School has gone to and one bent over to catch the
in any sense of the word.
We must never cease to preach Jamaica to assist Bro. AzbilL She whispered words, " Two forty two,”
3. .The text was, “ We know the Word to both saint and sinner. will teach. “ They welcomed her
were his last words. They could
that we have passad from death The gospel is the " power of God with songs, fruits and flowers.”’
not divine tne meaning. The Bible
unto life, because we love the unto salvation,” and whenever it is The school
with_ 32 pupils. wag searched, but to no purpose.
brethren.” The preacher then gave laid aside for something else, the Bro. Houchins has also gone to A fej* days after he was buried, the
a short and uninteresting autobiog­ church will degenerate and sinners assist in the same work, Let us
family were speaking of the affair,
raphy. Told where he had been, cease to turn from the “ power of visit them with our prayers and
when one of the little girls re­
what he had done, tec., &c. This Satan unto God.”-
marked, * I know what papa
getting so much self in the pulpit
We must not ignore true science ;
meant,” that is the way they give
and so little Christ, is wrong. No but it must never take the ascen­
Before the close of the. year sev- out hymns at the meeting.” The
man who comprehends the magni­ dency over the Bible. Reason is eral other missionaries will be sent
well worn hymn book was got, and
tude and solemnity of the work profitable so long as it is subservient abroad. We are glad that the
242 turned to. It was the old
will continue so to do.
to Revelation, but when it usurps spirit of Christ is so manifesting sweet hymn, “ O when shall I see
~4r The sermon was broad gauge. authority and runs unbiidled at itself. Our exhortation is to give Jesus.” What a glorious exit, to
It contained Calvinism, Arminian- will there is certain ruin will fol­ abundantly to these enterprises, for sing of seeing him just before the
i®m, Darwinism, Algebra, Geometry, low.
several effectual doors are open and meeting, to part no more.
s • ..
Anatomy, Philosophy, Electricity,
railroad telegraphs, newspapers,
books, &c., &.
A smattering of
each. A little of everything and
not much of any thing. (Here re­
member the text.)
It was a
heterogenous volumo of words hav­
ing no connection wiftr ttie subject
5. A few of his statements may
be instructive, in a negative way :
“All men think, and think cor­
rectly.” This is certainly wide of
the mark.
“ Knowledge is as general as the
waves of the sea.” We have no
sea waves hereabouts, and hence
there is something wrong with the