y r- • -, < ■ uZW'-. - ôiifiisï’iAisj’ tìtìtìAhb. id Notes and Comments others will open if we judiciously enter the ones now open. Support’ Louisville, May 14th, 1 confes­ your missionary, your ptiper, your CONDUCTED BY J. W. CAIJJWELL. sion. B. B. Tyler. preacher, and your poor, and God will bless, you. All matter intended for thia department Quinby recommends the cultiva­ should be sent to J. W. Caldwell, West Union, We need to do more tract distrib- Owen Co., Kentucky. tion of catnip for bees. We wish to correspond with every preacher u ting. The Standard Pub. Co., .w- 7 Ke_utucky referenee lo th* ,.f tne HEttAxir, and contributions to its columns. TTw'NZYrrrïb/tiie paj-s t2*7,000; •Uhristian Pub. '^o., John BurnsjU Send for terms. • and the Herald $21,000 per year Thos. Holman, and J. W. Higbee, postage. *** are all doing a good work. But we Preaching. think it proper that the General More conversions in foreign fields Society take hold of the work, and The religious press should watch in the last ten years than in the push it vigorously. Or that a c with jealous care the pulpit. If that Christian Tract Society be formed ever our callee.ls.CQrxupUd..and-utc- missionary work is a failure. go down on the breakers of corrup­ to publish in large numbers, to in­ tion and division it will eminate sure cheapness, and circulate at Honest atheists who know any­ cast, thousands of tracts. All these from the pulpit. thing of the matter, recommend now publishing, could unite in one We had the opportunity recently ------------------------- - ------------ ■^ciety~an