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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1883)
C'tlTltSTt A N" I Warren Truitt THE CHRISTIAN HERALD C. A. Johns. » ’ TRUITT & JOHNS, ■ " DALLAS, OREGON., Office—North of Court House, on Mill Street. 13-14-3m K MART T . COLF,,---- MflL PHYSICIANS 4k SUHGE3N.» Suver Polk County» Oregon. SPECIALTIES : ♦ Dr. M. T. Cole, Disease of Women., Dr. J. W. Cole, Chronic Diseases. 12-1-tf, Consultation free.1. T. J. Lee, M. D. J. E. Davidson, M. D. DAVIDSON & LEE, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS - INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. Diseases of women a specialty. Prescriptions filled at the office. “ sijsrca-ian. ” SEWING thf P ublished every ■ Attorneys and Counselors at MACHINES, strongest , SIMPLEST, AND MOST DURABLE Sewing Machine in the market. Sold on easy ineteUmente, or* liberal discount for (ash. The Singer Manufacturing Co. WILLIS B. FRY, Manager, 04 Morriaon St., Portland. i-ituikaiFT. At a very large outlay we have had issued a very FINE ENGRAVING IN COLORS, (size 28x40 inches, nearly 2*4 feet wide and ovor 3 feet long,) representing "An Australian Scene,” and their manner of traveling in that country, with OSTRICHES as a motor. That you may see how this picture is appre ciated by those to whom it has been sent, we annex a few of the voluntary commendations we hav** received: M ahomet P- O’.,TH.. Nov. 22; 1882. Dear Sirs : Your lithograph received and thanks to you. I will have it framed and hnng up in my shop, Yours truly, R. B olton . P omona , Kan , Nov.25, 1882. . I received your beautiful picture to-day. My family think it is splendid. I am much obliged for the beautiful scene. I ahull re member your firm hereafter, and do yon all I • can. R. M. G raham . C incinnati , 0., Nov. 23, 1882. Dear Sirs : Your favor of the 21st inst., sending me the lithograph, received. Am much pleased with it, also very thankful to yon for the same. Please accept my thanks. Wish ing you success in business, I rem ai u Yonrs very truly, G eo . A S teelz . P aulina la., Nov. 27,1882. Gttde : ThS engraving sent for by us is re ceded. I am very much pleased with it. I hope it will be the means of selling one or more of your buggies. Yours’, Ac., W. P. D avis . C hambersburg , Pa., Nov. 22, 1882. Gentlemen: Lithograph received.- It is very attractive. Respectfully yours, J. H. S uehsenott . We desire to become better known to the People, and our proposition ie, to such as will tend us 18 cents in postage stamps. we will fur-’ niah this fine piece of Art by mail, which amount is roqnired to pay the expense of post age, packing, and cost of advertising the pic ture. Address COLUMBUS BUGGY CO.. Columbus, Ohio. Also at Kansas Citv, Indianapolis and Cin cinnati. < ” Manuf-.ctnrers of strictly first-class Vehicles only. * . ¿8-11-13» $ßß a week in rox,r own town. Term* and f> outfit Address H. iUuutr* Co.. Portland, X«. SUCCESSOR TO FISHEL & ROBERTS, fhiday from Comer First anti Alder Ste., P O R TLA N DJ. TfiE LEADING Clothier, Merchant TanöFäh^^attcr^-- EXAMINED THIRTEENTH VOLUME, OF OREGON, Is on a permanent basis, with good building, power, an abundance power presses and steam pov of good material for running such a papei ir. The , H __ erald I_ ______ contains each ____ week sixteen Bi four-column pages, stitched and trimmed, so as to turn a book, with only a t_ ___ JI like ’ the leaves of .............................. dvertising, and that of the lunitoil amount of adv» most select kind. , AIT advertising not trusts worthy is refused. As now published it is one of the FROM A SCRIPTÙRAL POINT Guarantees to^sell tho very best Clothing fot less money than any other house in the State. 12-12-tf OF VIEW, BOOTS & SHOES. PROTZMAN & UeFRANGE— By J. F. FLOYD, LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED by our brethren. It is conducted by a strong editorial corps, assisted by the contributions of the best writers among us on this coast. We feel safe in saying it is one of Author of “ What Must I do to be OUR BEST PAPERS. Saved ?” Every Disciple on this coast should take it Every one in the Eaxt who desires to know all that takes place of general in tereat on this coast. It contains FOUR DEPARTMENTS, Devoted to such.matters as will make it indis pensable in every Christian family. First comes the EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT Of great interest and value to parents and teachers. Next comes the TKllPERUfCE DEPAItTMBWT;—~ Devoted to advancing the great cause of Tem perance, reuresentin^ the thoughts of the greatest workers of this important field. The RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT Is the central thought of the paper and em- braces Editorials, and contributions from our best writers. The Spirit of the Religion ious Press lupionuiiurip too various vmiouo icus>uun Lowliefl, And representing tjie religions bodi church news from all the States in the Union. The SECULAR DEPARTMENT Includes Editorials on the important secular topics of the day, and news from all parts of the world. It is, in short, Just the paper for every family, and especially every Christian family. Subscription Price $4.00 Per Year In advance. Address THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, M onmouth , O b . The Queen City Suspender Company of Cin cinnati are now manufacturing and introducing their new Mtoekln< Hup porter* for Ladle« and Children, and their unequaled Kklrt Huspendrm r< r Tarn#«, and w n ntret uitde lady a gent» t o sell 1 ' them in every household. Our agents every where meet with ready success and make hand some salaries. Write at once for tenns and se cure exclusive territory. Address Quern City Hnspender Ce.» tintinnali, Ohio, I^e>dmg Physicians recommend these Supporters. «£0 MENEELYBELLFOUNDRY Favorably known to the public since Church, Chapel,School, Fire Alarn and other bells - also Chime» and Peal». Meneely&Co., West Troy, N.Y. , <. ■■ a BK ■ pR ■$ Rook. «■» nil "h" <”• ■ M ■ «Onape foe p„««nKn and W.ntlon «hl« paper, „ ■» 111 aVMMI (. 8. HIDEOUT A Cl., NEW TOIL CK fn COfl per day at home. Samples worth 15 free. pU IU StU Address S tisson <k Co., Portland, Xe, The Largest Retail Boot an<l Shoe House in Oregon, occupying two Store Rooms. Send for catalogue ana price list. 13>15-2m REVISED AND ENLARGED. This is a tract of 3 J pages neatly printed and well bound in paper covers, and has been highly com- mended by the press" generally." It is divided into six chapters, as follows : K nows to M en 2. New Testament usage of the term and Scriptural Inductions. Scriptural Inductions con tinued. 4. Dancing Condemned by the New Testament. M onmouth , O regon . FREE I CARDS & CHROMOS. We will send free by mail a sample set of our large German, French and American, Chromo Cards, on tinted and gold grounds, with a price list of over 200 different designs, on re ceipt of a stamp for postage. We will also send TThS'By mail a s samples , *e n o f ou r bo a utifa l Chromos, on receipt of ten cents to pay for packing and postage ; also enclose a confident ial price list of our large Oil Chromos. Agents wanted. Address F. G leason & Cd., 46 Sum mer St., Boston, Maes. 16-4t of F ume and S cience tor R emovino ILL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOO. Actacvhdjsd a Grind. Pleuant. aad Iffleiort Cart for CONSTIPATION. datl ftre.-dwremw»." APOPI FYY EplJepRy.Pumlyalw.dim wruruLA i ,<4,71,1 sound in ears, giddiness, * confusion in head, nervousness, flashes of light before er.a, 1<> m of memorv. Dieearea of Bladder and MIDNFYQ urine dark or deposit; • MURI. ■ «J, homing, stinging,H-aringdown - aenntiona, frequent doaire to urinate, nuesaiaeas. inflamed «yen, dark eirrlea, thirat. Dlaecaea of |AC A DT aevaut*. [>»ina, flnUerinK or weight near It CMH I t heart, mure so on mod ng quickly ur* when lying on left aide; out of breath on exertion. UCAnAPUF °r aharp pain* in temple», llLHUHurlL, e, ea or bead ; ftuntneas, aauaea. Dropsy is canted by watery fluid. Rheuma tism, dke., by nrio Mid ia blood. Bowel Din orders by oompt matter. Wurm« by the pent» within. Colds bv choking of the accretion». BWATHBW PILL»*, by gentle setion, removea the eavee. making a porsuuMnt on re. Sent by mail for 25 oenta box of Ml Pill»; 5 boxee. *1.00. (In postaao- atempe.) Addrou, OR. SWAYNE A MOM. Philaalelplilat. Pa. Sold by Druggie«. THE BEAUTIFUL DINGEE KVER-BLOOM1MG & CONARD CO’S ROSES THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Our Great Specialty is ffrrncring and dwfribtif/n/, these Beantlnxl Honea. We. deliver Strong Toe Plants, suitable for immediate bloom, eafely bg mail at all post-offices. 8 Splendid Varletiea, your choice, all labeled, fbr Gli 14 for 84» 19 for S3» ‘40 for •<» 33 for S3» 75 for »10» 10O for S13. Mp’Send for our New Guide to Rone Culture — SO pages, elegantly Illustrated—and chooee from over Five Hundred Finest Sorts. Address THE DIMGEE A. CONARD CO., Bose Growers, Went Grove, Cheater Co.. Pa». LM STOKE 1B7 THIRD ST. OIIJ» . GUN® EDLES. IUR $15 SH0T-6UN - READ. at greatly reduced price. Rend at snip for our New JI hi?*. Catalogue. 1881*4ft " * HDIIIM HABIT / SEWING,. MACHINE — Lowest price» ever know® on Louder*» Ki He», A Ke vol vers. P. POWELL ------- HVQPrPQIA known by irregular nppe- U I orcr «JIM, sour bi, v., ; and tenderness at pit of stomach, despondency. I IVF R <-,,l’ll-lltl"t- Bdioufoe««. M«l-iri», Chill» and L»l iLn J’evGr, causing sore lies« in bank and (ids, also bottom of ribs; weariness, irritability, tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cold sen- sations.eyei» dull,dry congh.Mified and obstruct ed feeling, irregular pulse, bad colored stools. 1. Definition and Old Testament usage of the term. Weak churches will find these tracts useful. Evangelists should go well supplied. *. j. Address \ .1. W. HIGBEE, Trustee, 12-35-tf Madisonville, Ky. Employment for Ladies. 35 K and Alder Street«, PORTLAND,OREGON 5. A direct Scripture argument against Dancing. • THE CHRISTIAN SOWER 6. Dancing by Alien. TRACT FUND. Price, 10 cts. per copy; 31.00 rpnis IS THE PIONEER FUND FOR THE I free distribution of tracts. Is well supplied per dozen. with tracts on the elements of the Gospel. New 1 kinds will follow soon. These tracts are free to Address those who are not able to buy them, and fifty cents per hundred to those who are able. CHRISTIAN HERALD, Every cent received will be used to print tracts. articui Ini uDi''*-"™"-**. “"“’“"5 GENTH WANTED for the Best and Fast Bibles. ational Pun- lishing Co., Piiila., Pa. 18-9-13t -a.- ROEBB.TS, T A APAITA^" n<"Y " fortune, tint. ÄllkN I Stil »u, th tie frpp... Address E. G HULI m I ^RIDEOUTa 00.,10Barclay gt.y ■mam ■■■ mb as Pictorial Books and A est-selling Prices reduced 33 per cent. N 13 I M0DÉ&N DANCING MQNM0UT1I, OREGON. ■» 1 1 he iiehald is the onl \ weekly on the Pacific coast unblished by Disciples of Christ, and is of special interest to all who iper devoted to pui pure, primitive desire a paper 4 by—luuuiWL traditions. As successor tcH tian Messenger it is in its 12-85-tf a tìÉRÀLb ENTS,etc. AGEMT easily <•< KFICv-itfi IMll HI I UI I V |f I CHLOKWK of GOLD. E»»y Free. The Morphine Uier: 200 pp. $1.0« UiSufi £. KG£L£ l M.D., D wiosi ,III. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WHITE ■W""