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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1883)
ó I — ft * f 1 1 ♦ • ~í CHRISTIAN HERALD. 9 T ---------------------------------- 1-—---------- ~~---------- — to sign the total abstinence pledge, word for word, as it appeared in I always watch him to see how Dr. Gunn’s woik. I have also un- many cigars ha smokes before he mist'ikable proof that it was pub gets out of town. And when a lished in the Mt. Vernon Nenes, oi minister preaches temperance to the Ohio, in 1842 ; about the same time people, I expect him to be a living I it also appeared in a Canada paper, example of that which he preaches; published in Toronto, called the and if he fails in this respect, hfa, Christian Guardian. But the earl- evidently shows his own inconsis iest mention of it that I can find, is tency. in the annual report of the Ameri Now, that tobacco contains dead can Temperance Union for 1838. It ly poison, and, therefore, used as a appears in that report in full, as a beverage, is highly injurious to the part of the report. It has been in human system, is not a question to timated that it can be found in a be argued. This is a fact that has medical work written in the time been fully demonstrated, and is now of the Revolution ; of this, however, settled beyond a doubt, by both I have no positive evidence. J can science and experience. This every positively trace it to 1838, and this preacher knows, and he is, therefore, takes it far beyond Dr. Gunn’s day. morally responsible before God and A knowledge of the authorship is of man, if he does not make it known no material -consequence, however, to the people. But what are we to except so far as it would put an think of those who, not Only fail to end to a long and unprofitable con- do this, but who actually practice tioversy. The production itself urfe that which their own knowledge gem of rare -oxcellenee, ami amply and experience teach them is a deserves to be preserved among the curse to the human race ? Consis ijt«rary archives of this great tem tency, at least, teaches such an one perance reform. that be should hold his tongue on Desiring that this terrible,, yet- the temperance question till he can just indictment against the merci learn to practice what he preaches. less monster—A'cohol—who has, I verily believe, that both preachers, and still is, inflicting upon mankind and all other Christian people, so many and such grievous sorrows should give up the filthy habit, re and sufferings, should lie kept con pent of their sin, turn to God and stantly before the people, I thought ask his forgiveness, and then preach it advisable to reproduce it in this and practice temperance in earnest humble offering to our temperance Till we learn to do what we allow liteiature. to be right and best for the people, INTEMPERANCE. and in this way practice consistency, Intemperance cuts down youth in we are not likely to make much all its vigor, manhood in all its headway in the reformation of strength, and age in its weakness. others.—77te IF orker.. It breaks the father’s heart, bereaves the doting-mother*extinguishes na ' A Graphic Description of* the tural affection, erases conjugal love, Evils of Intemperance. blots out filial attachment, blights The following we take from Dr. parental hopes, and brings mourn A. M. Collins’ new book enti:lcd ing age in sorrow to the grave. It “Wines of the Old and New Testa produces weakness, not strength ; ments:**—[E d . H erald .] sickness, not health ; death, not life. The authorship of the following It makes wives widows, children inimitable production, is at. the orphans, parents childless, and all, present lime unknown. I have at last, beggars. It produces fevers, sought in vain to find out when and feeds rheumatism, nurses gout, wel where it first appeared, and by comes epidemic, invites disease, im whom it was written. It has had parts pestilence, embraces consump a most eventful history. It has tion, cherishes dyspepsia, and en been ascribed to a great many dif courages apoplexy and paralytic terent individuals, and claimed by affections. as many more. In 1856, Dr. John It covers the land with idleness C. Gunn practically claimed the and poverty, disease and crime. It authorship, by publishing it as or- fills our jails, supplies our alms- iginal matter 4n hte /*e>»n»¿y Pkgs- hou seM,--aml—fuwih b es s ubj ects—fw- cian. It is now positively known, our asylums. It engenders contro however, that he appropriated it versies, fosters quarrels and cher , without giving proper credit to the ishes riots. It condemns law and unknown author. 1 have myself spurns order. It crowds the peni seen n copy of a newspaper, pub tentiary and furnishes victims for lished i« 1847, which contained it the scafftlds. It is the life-blood of the gambler, the food of the counterfeiter, the pi op of the high waymen, and the support of the midnight incendiary and assassin, the friend and companion of the brothel. •It countenances the liar, respects the thief, and esteems the blas phemer. It violates obligation, reverences fraud, and honors infamy. It defames benevolence, hates love, scornsvirtue.and slanders innocence. It incites the father to butcher hiB innocent children, helps the hus band to kill his wife, and aids the child to grind the parricidal axe. It burns up men, consumes women, detests life, curses God, and despises heaven. It suborns witnesses, nurses perjury, defiles the jury box, and stains the judicial ermine. It bribes votes, corrupts elections, poisons our institutions, and en dangers our government. It de grades the eitizen, lowers the legis lator and dishonors the statesman. It brings shame, not honor; terror, not safety;despair, not hope; misery, not happiness: and then, with the malevolence of a fiend, it calmly surveys its frightful desolation, and, insatiate with havoc, it noisons felicity, kills peace, ruins morals, blights confidence, slays reputation, and wipes out national honor, then curses the world, and laughs at the ruin it has inflicted on the human race. -------------- » f-— Facts about Whisky and Whisky Sellers. » HU * * » ' ’ s i A Nice Business For Women. A man said to me the other day, “ This is a very good work for wo men to be engaged in, but it’s poor business for the Governor of a State.” I replied : “ My dear sir, I wish you could stay at home and bend, like yonr wife, over the wash tub, nurse the babies, dam the socks, and attend to the duties of the house, and every thing else of that character which tends to wear out the physical strength of wo men, while your wife could loaf for* awhile around some grog-shop: you would then be a ‘fanatic’ your- -i— self upon this question.” If there is one of you to-night who should catch your wife loafing around a saloon, you would apply for a di vorce inside of twenty-four hours ; you would think if she were guilty of so infamous a thing, she would be unworthy of such a specimen of * manhood as yourself; and yet -for all this you can linger about these__ places week after weck.—tZm1: ---- John. I was born and brought up in a State that contained twelve or fourteen hundred breweries, and was personally acquainted with a score of householders engaged in making and selling intoxicating drinks, and I can testify from per sonal knowledge that thirty per cent, of the male householders and three per cent, of its females, be came drunkards. Of the remainder of the families in the same territory, alongside of these, but not engaged in making and selling liquor, four teen per cent, of the maie members became drunkards and less than one half of one per cent, of The females. The greatest per cent, of drunkenness, of the male members of single families, known to the writer, the heads of which were en ga ged inx n a king and Mailing liquor, was seventy-five, and the least four teen; in one, none. In this the head engaged in the business only Submission to the will of God, partially and not very long. I ob both inward and outward, is the tained the above figures by actual shortest way to attain to the high count in a large number of families. est pitch of truth and perfection. ♦ V * I have known quite a number cf men who lived sots for a long time, and their prosperity was noted for lack oTenergy. If a son or grand son of a sot manifests much energy it is generally one that was born before the father or grandfather be came confirmed in habits of drunk enness, or. one that is strongly im- pressed with the features ami char acter of the sober mother. I know eight pothers, all men growm, of good size, of common sense and well developed in muscle, not one of whom manifests energy or persever ance ; and if all the property they all possess were thrown into a pile, it would be but a small one, and of poor quality ; some of them under no extraordinary circumstances have had to be relieved by county aid. The father of these brothers was an old sot of long standing, and the mother would get drunk. In vain have I ransacked the histories of families For a parallel case of brothers and sober parents. The above faets teach two lead ing lessons : First, it is the frequent touching, handling, and tasting of strong drink that causes so much drunkenness. Second, drunkenness of a father destroys not only his own energy, but that of his poster ity also.— Indiana Farmer^— —