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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1883)
V 16 ■ • ■ ■ ■ • CHRISTIAN HERALD. two ' to the Grown Friuee on town. -s the occasion of his silver wedding. Col. Harry T. Hammond died at L ob i of schooling. Hon. Marshall Jewell died on the 11th This is the first telegram ever sent by Angeles on the 9th. Monmouth and Vicinity. the Chinese sovereign to a European Another Baw mill is said to be a want . at Hartford, Connecticut. Some new students have arrived this William Wadsworth, the last sur Prince. needing to be supplied at Salem. woek for Christian College. viving son of the poet, is dead. The scarlet fever has proved quite fa The sleet #torm at New York which, There has been some sickness in Mon- The British gunboat -JledWhig haB at the- beginning, threatened to bi ing tal in Jaekson county. mouth of TafSTbut nothing serious we ,, A gentleman is at Silverton looking made another fruitless attempt to reach disaster upon the telgraph wires and believe. around with a view Of starting a tan the island of Innismurray with stores of property, fortunately qnickly changed One of our printers, Luther Rowland, nery. . ' the starving inhabitants. to a warm, heavy rain, turning the ice who has been disabled for several days Archbishop Croke of Cashel writes iuto slush. The court of inquiry into the loss of on account of contracting a bad cold, is steamship Tacoma will commence about . confirming the widespread and fearful The schooner L. J. Caruey has been again at his case in the office. distress prevailing in the counties of lost near St. Johns, New Brnnswick, the 15th at San Francisco. It is not often that we have much ice with all hands. „ Sheriff Baird, of Nez Perce county, Mayo, Donegal, Clore and Sligo. in this part of Oregon ; hence the young Idaho, froze one of his fingers while i By the Btorm of the 9th and 10th it is The British steamship Labrador re people (and sone of the older ones) of riding from Pomeroy to Lewiston. estimated that from sixty to one hun ports that February 9, off Nantucket, Mounmouth have made the best of the Maud Bybee, daughter of ex Sheriff dred large iron and wooden bridges were ■he passed the British steamship Egbert, short skating season. Even the Editor Bybee, died at Jacksonville last week of ' swept away throughout the State of from Newcastle for Philadelphia with and his wife caught the skating mania scarlet fever, also Alex., his son, from Ohio, and nearly as many in Pennsyl the British steamship*»4?/«/« of Georgia in and went skating by moon-shine. What .the same disease. vania. The losses will run up into ma tow. next ? The residence of A. Lamb, at Ash ny millions. It is reported that the British Several days ago we were suffering land, was destroyed by fire on the 3d Wyoming protests to giving the Yel steamer Keamunre Cstle, 2,000 tons with a severe cold, and Dr. Waterhouse The household goods were nearly all lowstone to Montana. burthen, bonnd from London to Shang gave ns a bottle of his Balsam of Life saved. Wm* E. Dodge, a wealthy New York hai, via Suez canal, has been lost. All for trial. We soon got well, and there The Dayton, W. T, Journal reports merchant, died on the 9th. passengers saved. Many of the crew The mail was robbed at Cedar Rapids, were drowned. fore the Balsam cured us. Isn’t this that the cold weather last week had bad legical ? But seriously we think his effect QU cattle, and many were dying.... .. „ on. tha 9th.__________________ _The report of th« In— nf iKa ....... 'medîcïno did us good, and we reoom A fire at Rondout, N. Y. on 11th de Keumure Castle «is confirmed. She A new coal vein, fifteen feet thick, mend it to all suffering with a bad cold. has been discovered up the Skagit river, stroyed a large storehouse and setting foundered in the Bay of Biscay on the T ue W eatiier . —Mark Twain’s de and is said to be the best find of coal fire to the steamboat City of Catskill, 2d of February, and wm only able to scription of Oregon weather would come yet made in that vicinity. The vein is which burned to the water’s edge. Loss launch one boat containing all passen $150,000. in place about now. It seems to us thoroughly bituminous. gers, numbering eight, and eight of the D. L. Turpin ’ s residence at Corvallis A coach which left Pacific Springs, crew, out of forty. that during the last two weeks it has been clear and cloudy, cold and hot, was burned at 8 o’clock p. M. on the on the Sweet Water stage line, last week was canght in the storm of the 9th. The Business Locals. pleasant and unpleasant, raining and 11th. L obs , $2,500. A giant powder explosion occarred at coach was abandoned and the party snowing, freezing and thawing, calm If yon want to got a picture and stormy, muddy and dry, such like Port Townsend on the 10th, by which started back on foot to the station. The enlarged or a lot of fine views < ffi'WM'ff vet‘“lC<6'fifity ,o "«’ete;- aW-at tire sararttme: TW WUliVê fl two «malí boys were burned khfl iffblh'Tf drtVWV’W'. JrSWart.-'W’TSfffiffTOW Wff no complaint to make. In fact we ra er seriously injured. It appears the to death standing in the snow, and first-class photographs any size, go to boys stole the powder from a warehouse Thoe. Scot, superintendent, was found I. G. Daridscm. tne busiest and most ther like Oregon weather ! successful photographer in Portland. and threw it into the fire, when it blew standing op in the snow, frozen so that N rw M usic .--Send stamp to Wiley B. I’lU'ifle (east. up, causing a report like the discharge he could not move. He will lose his Allen, most i&pular music dealer, Port of a cannon. hands and feet. W. V. Clark, a passen land, Or., for complete catalogue and Wood is $10 per cord st Dayton. ger. has not been found. sample copy •• Musical Pastime.** All Wheat is 93 cents per bushel at the Eastern. The Illinois Central announces the orders by mail filled promptly. Albany, mills. The Household Sewing Machine took New Tacoma ¡8 to have a new county Chas. Baldwin Sedgwick, member of completion of arrangement for the sale jul. Another evidence of advancing congress in 1764, died on the 8th st Syr of through tickets from Chicago to San the first premium at the great Man Francisco. The route will be over its chester (England) Exposition for the prosperity. acuse, N. Y. best family Sewing Machine. John B. Last Saturday the mercury stood 20 On the 9th the Ohio river was 57 feet line to New Orleans, thence to San Garrison, general agent, 167 3rd Bt., to 25 degrees below zero at Pendleton. and throe inches above low water mark Francisco over the Southern Pacific. Portland, Oregon. Rates will be the same as by other lines. A $2,500,000 grain firm has been or and rising two inches per hour. ganized in Ban Francisco under the firm Ex^Governor Davis, of Texas, died on The route is five hundred miles longer than the Central and Union Pacific lines Dime of Star A Co. the 8th. There are seven cases of diphtheria at On the 9th B. J. Grear’s saw mill at but managers believe that the greater Albany ; also in the vioinity of Bcio. Charlotte, Mich., blew up instantly kill comfort to winter traveling in travers On the 7th, was the first time in two ing the proprietor and Wm. Gordon, ing the Southern route will induce ma ny to go the other way. years the mail failed to connect between the engineer. A Broadway dealer sold strawberries Portland and Astoria. The Governor of Missouri has declin The people of Lane oounty are anx ed to deliver np Frank James to the on Saturday at the rate of $10 a quart. Oet the WMttli*«. They were hothouse berries from New Kverÿ I» the world. iously awaiting the appointment of a authorities of Minnesota. hm Stir trade-mark aad county judge, as much business is ac The river at Wheeling, W. Va., reach Jersey. He received a few quarts of is inavkcd Waaler’*. Sola everywhere. cumulating. ed, on the 8th, 37% feet above low wa the fruit on Wednesday, and a few more quarts Saturday. They were not sold It is claimed that th are is an immense ter mark. body of coal on the Siletz reservation, It is stated that 150 bodies have been by the quart but in little baskets hold- a which, if it could be mined, would stolon from graveyards in the vicinity iug from four to a dozen berries each. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF ** J Twenty five cent« was obtained for each prove of inestimable value to the bay of Montreal during the Winter, one- a CONSTIPATION. region. half of which were sent« to medical berry, at wbioh rate a bushel would Wo other dliw » U«o nr—l«nt la taw try m Constipation, and no ramady haa avaJ— •« « have cost $320. The same dealer ex There is a probability that Lian and schools in the United States. •quailed the eelabrated Kidney-Wort m aWI <mra. ».---------- N <1 pacts peaches this weak, whicn will cost Marion counties will build a* bridge Richard Keese, last surviving mem the oaee, thia remedy will overeomeic l i I $3 each. across the Santiam near Jefferson. ber of the 20th congress, died at Keese George Fouts, the smallpox patient ville, N. Y., on the 7th inst. He was ■J •* Foreign. at Dayton, W. T.,died on the 7th. An born on the 23J of November, 1794. other person has also contracted the At Taylorville, Ill., by a boiler explo A steamer of about 1,500 tons bur diHease, and it is reported some of Mr. sion on the 9th, Four men were killed then foundered off Cape Cornwall on * Black’s family, where Fonts was stop and two m3re fatally injured. theOih. It was impossible) to render ping, have taken it. The damage by inundation in th.» vi assistance. The fire at Cheney, W. T., a few days oinity cf Pittsburg is $100,000. A like Field Marshall Haustab, of Austria is 1.0«*« prier* ever knows ago originated in Straub’s bakery at amount will cover the loss up the Mon dead. 4 o’clock a. m ., and got a good start be ongahela valley. Another earthquake at Archena Spain fore people were aroused. Eight build The New Jersey legislature has pre lasted about five minutes. No damage « X D H«t greetly reduced prioo. ings were destroyed. The citizens turn pared a bill to prohibit the employment was done. VJg ad» Q W ,t»uip for our New ed out and fought the lire and saved the of children in factories under 10 years The Emperor of Chius telegraphed bis • • Í4 4.’’ ¿L a tí 1 AXLE GREASE. f : KIDNEY-WORT i Ill KIDNEY-WORT ■ ■ BU tl fa I i Ai OmJïr: wsæa hil|UX°!OLSH^ r . j IMMMMN 1 * •