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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1883)
M Ö ^7—====== * Missionary. How to Support the Gospel The rule of equality is carried out by giving as God prospers us. The following table shows what a • f <1TV> »on, nmy dTby a pfôpôrtiônïte giving every Sabbath. It is calcu lated for God’s poor people. Amounts may be respectively in creased and the numbers giving proportioned to the means and numbers of any congregation. A new congregation in a country dis trict was especially in view in pre paring this table: TMte thrrminy whrtf a(Jonyregalian of 100 , Pertone am do entity in one year. If ten person* give $0J0 ««ch, amount would be $1.00 a Sabbath, or $52 a year. 115» pereona give $0,2v each, amount would be $12.50 a Sabbath, or $>150 a year. If 30 persona eive $0.50 each, amount would be $15 a Sabbath, or $18» a year. If 10 persona give $1,00 qrch,amount would be $10.00 a Sabbath, or $520 a year. 100 persons give together r total of $38.50 a Sabbath, or $2,002 a year. $G-.10eaoh Sabbath, 52 8abbatha. $ >.20 $0.25 each Sabbath, 52 Sabbaths, $13.00 $0.50 each Sabbath, 52 Sabbaths, $26.00 $1.00 each Sabbath 52 Sabbath», 52.00 k One hundred persons can easily, -even .i n asmall congrog a t i o n, raise in this way over two thousand dol lars, and thus support their pastor comfortably and assist the various benevolent schemes of the church. The rates aro designedly made very small, and are not to be con sidered in any sense a limit to giving. There are members well- to-do who can, if they are “ willing of themselves,” give twenty dollars more easily every Sabbath than their servants can give ten cents. It must be carefully noted that proportionate giving must be regular to be effective. Should any be absent on one or more Sabbaths from their church, the amount must be sacredly laid aside, It is the Lord’s money. “ It is devoted, and brought when the worshiper appears again in the house of God. We ought to consider it a blessed privilege to be allowed to give to God for his worship and service. We should give cheerfully “ The Lord loveth a cheerful giver;” the Lord will abundantly compensate all who thus give.” *' There is that _ giveth and yet increaseth ; there is that withholdeth and it tendeth to poverty.” The proportion must also be well settled, so that we shall not mock God by our offerings. What are a few cents offered to God by those who are well able to do mòre ? Consider if this is as God prospers you. ~ Wouldmy uf us offer « friend such a paltry sum who asks us to help him, if we are able to assist effectively ?— N\ Y. Inde- ^ndent, ; i 7 HKKALD CHRISTIAN » under the auspices of the ministries culation its powers of endurance. « —According to the Missionary of foreign affairs and.public instruc Efforts, to be permanently useful, must be uniformly joyous—a spirit Review's tabled, the Foreign Mis tion.— Christian Standard. all sunshine—graceful from very sionary Societies of the world show American Bible Society. gladness, beautiful because bright. ■again nf 308,6.43 .cftUHiuinicaiijaJu the T“"* 5'<Jar They^pent a little | - Tl,,; staudf meeting st the »ami leas than eight and a half millions- of Managers was held at the Bible of man is an action, not a thought. of dollars. The home churches House, on Thursday, January 4, Endeavor incessantly, with all the could not show a corresponding in 1883, Frederick H. Wolcott, Esq., strength that is in you, to ascertain what—there where you are, there Vice Presidential the chair. crease for their outlay. as you are—you can do in this Religious services were conducted —The Baptist Home Missionary 1 ssirs1 1 "^5 1 It has byrthe Rev, J.M. Pringle, of Astoria, world ; and upon that bend your whole faculties, regarding all rev paid $1,700,000 for actual mission N. Y. Grant of books were made to the eries, feelings, singular thoughts, ary services, $1,000,000 for educa tional work among colored people value of about $9,<X)0, and a grant moods, etc., as worth nothing what and Indians, and over $300,000 has of $182 36 in money to the Mission- ever, except as they bear you on been loaned to 331 chnrches for the »^Society of the Methodist Epis- that and will help you on toward that. In a valiant suffering for copal Church for Sweden. erection of edifices. During the month of December, others, not in a slothful making —It is estimated that the number of schools at present connected with 21,865 volumes of the Scriptures, of others suffer for us, did nobleness the various foreign missions exceeds the value of $6,722, were consigned ever lie. The chief of men is be 12,000. The Bible has been trans to 180 colporteurs of the Society at who stands in the van of men, front ing the peril which frightens back lated into 236 languages and dial work in twenty two States. Two societies in California, four all others, which, if it -be-not van ects, while its circulation during the past eighty years has reached an in Iowa and one in New York, were quished, will devour the others. Every noble crown is, and on earth recognized as auxiliary. aggregate of 148,000,000 copies. AV it h in the last year thew omen Mr. Loomis, theSocietys agent will forever be; a crown of thorns. of Nov- My friends,alt srpecctrand-Turnoriir of the United States have given the Th Japan", wfites un^ magnificent sum of six hundred ember 14, giving the very impres short-lived, foolish, and untrue. thousand dollars for the spread of sive intelligence that Japanese Genuine work alone, what thou the gospel in heathen lands. Of this Christians hail formally expressed workest faithfully, that is eternal amount the Presbyterians gave an earnest desire to be represented asthe Almighty Founder and world nearly $200,000; the Baptists, $156,- in the work of translating the Old builder. Himself. Stand thou by 000; the Congregational ists, $130,- Testament by scholars chosen by that, and let fame and the rest of it go prating. To the better order of 000 ; the Northern Methodist, $108,- themselves. It was announced that C. T. O. minds, any mad joy of denial has 000 ; and the women of the Metho King, of Monrovia, has accepted the long since ceased; the problem is dist Church South, $25,110. An examination of the reports of these position of agent of the Society in not now to deny, but to ascertain denominations show that many of Liberia, to which he was recently and perform.”— E jc . thfcir large amounts are made up of elected by the Board. God’s greatest blessings often Mr. Hamilton, the Society’s agent come to us in the way of surprises. small contributions. It illustrates the value of the small mites when in Mexico, wrote on December 11 When the skies are as brass, when that the sales during the four pre the earth is parched, and the aggregated. —The Burmans are beginning to ceding months had amounted to (lowers dying, and we bow our show increased interest in Christ $380. beads in despondency, how often Reference was made to letters re ianity. Though the Baptist mis does it happen that we are startled sionaries in , Burmah began their cently received from Mr. Prince, of from our hopelessness by the pat labors among them, they only num St. Petersburg, from the Rev. 'Jas. ter of sudden rain, and, looking up, ber about 1,500 converts, while E. Tracy, of the Madura District, we see the green earth created anew there are 81,899 church members India, and from Mr. Wm. Ireland, about us. God’s mercies in their of the Zulu Mission. among the Karens. coming have the freshness of that The total receipts for December —The exploration of Africa goes unexpected rain. When human as were $79,906.45. The issues were on apace. The French Chamber of sistance is impossible, and it seema 106,038 volumes. Deputies have voted 1,275,1KM) francs that eVen God cannot, or will not, to defray the expenses of M. de Brazza’s mission to Africa. Henri Rochefort’s son has been authorized to accompany de Brazza. The re port of the committee on M. de Brazza’s mission says that he con siders it possible to complete the ex ploration of the Upper Congo in two years. His object is to main tain the position already achieved, by founding eight chief and elevep. minor stations, forming a chain to Brazzaville from Gaboon and from the sea. In order to mark the pa cific character of the mission, it joe» Carlyle on Work. " Give us, oh, give us the man that sings at his work ! Be his oc cupation what it may, he is equal to any of those who follow the same pursuit in silent sullenness. He will do more in the same time, he will do it better, he will persevere longer. One is scarcely sensible of Tue very stars are said to make harmony as they revolVe in their spheres. Wondrous is the strength of cheerfulness, altogether past oal- help, there comes a sudden change, and the difficulties disappear, and the heart that scarcely dared to hope is filled with the love that is without fear. “ He that believeth in Him shall not be confounded when his need is direst, he shall had that God is nighest; when his own hand cannot save him, he shall stand st il| and ace the swift salv$- tion of God.— S. S. Times. •a . Step by step hit bad to good, Without halting, without nat, Lifting Better up to Beat; Planting seeds of knowledge pure. •5 * ■