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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1882)
2 a HERALD. CHRISTIAN ———- .-.i...1 ------------ J — - ■ ' J of either to obey the laws ot God tthder tlie ol<l covenant the relalioii witli tilt painful truth that but a Original Contributions. or man. The Jews contended that began by a birth of the flesh, but small minority have gone from the “Ye Are Not Under Law, But justification and righteoilsness-came under the newtlje new birth is re- school into the sacred preeihets of - =• Uao er Qraeo.” ■ I uh tT 1thLLuh.l thc.knowl.-hhe church. We recognize one hi the lnw _*ll Mim, (|uuJ.d -■!/•**_____ rd was taught to tiling lacking—the conversion of and that they could merit and hence edge of till! L(»rd ' »KPLÏ TO ELD K K 8. C. ADAMS BY B. H. MOBS. demand of God salvation because of them after the jpjption began, 1»tit the children. That this is the end «' SUMBEB XI. their obedience to that law. 'flic under the new “ he that cometh to proposed in Sunxltfj-school work, Spirit, in these passages, and many God must believe that lie is.” needs not, I think, a single argu The next quotation is no better. others also, contradicts this, and Under the old the greatest or older ment in attestation. Should there To sav as Paul does in Heb. 10*: 1: teaches us that we owe all our ones knew the Lord while the least lie a Superintendent here, or a '“■“Pirr'thr ■-tvatdiiT,— essings to the grace, or favor or "ni'*ymmgrT"nTrcs 'dirb the good things to come not the God ; .that the only meyit is the to be taught to know him by their is to build up a fashionable school, very image of the things, can never meiat-of Christ ; that the procuring fallow citizens, while under the^ a school large in numbers and with the same sacrifices, year by cause of justification and pardon is new the least or youngest citizen small lit Gospel facts, great as year, which they otter continually, the--blutai of Christ, not tlutt i>f the must know the Lord.' The new, as singers or performers, aild tfiiciil make perfect TKein draw sacrifices under the law; that we the old, is written on paper, As it tured iii Hie lessons of di viiit? "truth,’"“' nigh,” is a very different thing from are righteous in the sight of God,, must be first, in order that it may perfect in their dress, maqners and tjie proposition which Bro. AdaiAs not because of our obedience to his be written on or in the mind and deportment, and wholly deficient quotes a part of it to prove, that is, law, but because we are clothed up heart. If a man, yes, even a godly in the knowledge of Him who gave, that God’s work with the Jewish with the righteousness of Christ; man, finds anything in his mind or himself a ransom for us, I will say nation was “ a miserable failure ” (?) and our imperfections completely heart in addition to the law of in the outset, that my remarks are Evidently Paul in this entire con hidden by his all glorious perfec Clirist, as written in the New Tes not for such Sunday school work / text, is contrasting the priesthood tion, and that men coming to God tament, (not to speak of things ers. If, on the other hand, there of Christ with the priesthood under through Christ, and as.godly men which are in antithesis or contrary is one teacher present who is in the law; the sacrifice of. Christ or Christians yielding a dutiful and to it), it was put there not by Got! earnest, about his works who really witli-the sacrifices under . the law ; but by Satan, and Paul never said desires not only to know the.wav ■ Living- the blood of Christ with the blootT law of Christ, which hq ordained or intimated that he might follow of truth and righteousness himself, of those Sacrifices, ami showing the and gave through inspired men, it without sin. And yet another is but X willing, yea anxious, to superiority of the work that Christ teach this knowledge to his class— (who wrote it on paper that it to follow. has done for his people over that (jentervillo, Or., Sept. 19, 1882. I hope that something may be said might be written in men’s hearts,) which the Levitical priesthood could would be saved not alone because The Sunday-School Teacher— to aid such £ii one in the great do for those who were under the of their obedience to that law, but His Responsibility and His work in which he is engaged. law. To quote his language then The teacher is the most impoi> tiecause of the infinitujiiercy ami Preparation. and apply it as a measure of tlie tant factor in the Sunday school, love of God to them- manifested power, or virtue of any kind of BY JI j SHADED, MODESTO. because to him is consigned the through Christ These glorious law, is clearly to misapply it, ami rn and sublime, soul satisfying and H rather Moderator and Felluvj- specialities of the work. The Su make him teach what he never perintendent may have a greater t soul inspiring truths, arc so far re Workere in lice Sunday-School: thought of teaching. The next work with regard to the general moved from the weak and beggar It-seems that the subject assign marked as a quotation “ righteous ly proposition of Bro. Adams as to ed me luts assumed special impor outlines of the school, but upon the ness could not come by law,” 1 fail justify me in saying that there is tance in this Convention, and, in teacher rests the direct responsibili to find anywhere in the word of an infinite distance between them. deed, it must be admitted that the ty and imperative duty of impart God. But if it was there it would The next quotation to which I teacher's work 'in the Sunday ing such instruction as will lead not prove that God tried for 15(H) will call attention is the one from school is of the utmost importance, the child out toward truth and up years, and then called his effort “a Heb. 9 : 1(1, or 10: Ki: “I will put ami demands our most prayerful toward God. The responsibility of miserable failure.” Neither would the teacher liecoiucs apparent as my laws into their mind and ou ami careful consideration. it prove that there is no power or their heart also will I write them.” For more than one hundred soon as we admit the proposition— virtue in law. In contrast to what If I understand the use made of years Hie "Sunday-school has been the work of the Sum lay-school is Bro. Adams has tried to make the this quotation, it is this, that the in existence. These years have for the conversion of those in at Scriptures say aliout the law ; law <>f God " written on paper,” xis been sufficient to attest its merits, tendance. If this I»e true, its-aim- (but as we have seen has entirely in the Bible is one thing, a/l that ami to-day it comes from the cm pic announcement lvnmvcs any and failed). 1 present the Spirit’s he puts another law in our mind cibleof trial, a grand reality, a gem all objections to the Sunday-school. estimate, found in Rom. 7: 12- and heart which is in “eternal of noble worth, an ornament to That we yet occasionally meet a So that the law is holy, and the antithesis ” to it, “ as much unlike ” Christian lalwir, and the means of father or mother in Israel who commandment holy and righteous It “ asTight aIY*t~rtarknrx'< or “good bringing many to the liberty of the and CT "ood.” I notice next “ a few ami evil.” 1 confess that such glorious gospel. If the experience the Sunday-school work, is too quotations ” arrayed to prove that statepients are, to me, most shock of Sunday-school lxiys ami girls .true; but here the broadest charity • “ the distinguishing feature of ing, and T can but think that Bro. could 1>e poured into our cifrs, by must be allowed, and we who so "■ Christianity ” is “ that Godly men Adams wrote them unthinkingly, some wonderful telephonic system, freely and willingly sanction this are not under statutory or com- and that he really meant some from all over our land ; from the work should stand abashed in the nianded law.” in not one of these thing else, though I can make no northland and the southland; from presence of those to Whom we are passages was this proposition lie- less out of what h.e has written the fatherland and the land of hu- showing this beautiful tree, with fore the mind of the Spirit. In To use this Scripture in the way inanity’s infancy, wliat a grand its shapely trunk and lovely leaves most of them, (apd I will specially o he has used it, is as far from the chorus of praise would we bear to to hear them ask Us for the fruit of note tlîc exceptions when I reach way in which tin* Spirit lAes it as the Father of mercies for such a our years, it may be of toil. The that point), the question before the error from truth. The contrast in lxencvolent, such an educating, such Roliert Raikcs movement, a hun mind of the Spirit was, How .can the mind of the Spirit is between sinful man be justified before God ? the ol<l covenant and the new ; the a guiding and saving institution as dred years ago, was simply the seed plant from which has grown this gi not how much or how little good law of Moses ami the law of Christ; the Sunday-school. gantic tree. His conception has But in all these years of Sunday- long since been outgrown. We’ad- _ can the law do, either godly or un and especially the conditions of godly men, nor yet the obligation covenant relation under them. school work, we are confronted mit that the Sunday-school would r .«w. v..... ............. . .. ....... „ --------- '/ ■ .....—- ’ _ ■ ~