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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1882)
I Brother Jonathan The origin of this term, as ap i r OFjaER. MX^ARM FOR SALE, ■ situated one mile west of Monmouth, plied to the/United ■ States, is as j rrm.mining .A lv land. - Good house. barn, fruits, berries, follows:" ..... - ’ I etc. Sixty acres of summer fallow on When General Washington, after the plac<5. A splendid, opportunity for being appointed commander of the j any one wishing good eeiiool advan tages. army of the Revolutionär}’ war, For particulars applv to J. I’. LUCAS. came to Massachusetts to organize ' it, and make preparations for the BUSINESS COLLEGE Iti illd Uli . At««- ■» ■ - .».Y ■ ’ffr * j ™‘d'.mo nt-t1‘»u.11”?.? Tu’ I fcj^ ‘ —' ' " uens education of boti» sexes. KIDNEY-WORT AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER ! ed no way could be devised to make KIDNEY-WORT such preparations as were necessary. His Excellency, Jonathan Trumbull, the elder, was then Governor of the THE CHRISTIAN SOWER TRACT FUND. State of Conneticut, on whose judg ment and aid the General placed the greatest reliance, and remarked^ '• We must consult Brother Jonathan on the sulject.” Th1© General did so, and the Gov ernor was successful in supplying many- of th e- want s of- the' army. When difficulties afterward arose, and the army was spread over the country, it became a by-word, “ We must consult Brother Jonathan.” The term Yankee is still applied to a portion, but Brother Jonathan has now become a designation of the whole country, as John Bull has for England.— Ex. ’Twill ewe your cold Did any scientific physicians know the formula from which Ammen’s Cough Syrup is prepared, he would not only recommend, but prescribe it to his pa tient* troubled with a cough or cold, or any disease of the throat and lungs. Try it. It has no equal. For th e b e u- efit of those.who would say, “ Another humbug,” a trial 15 cent size is pre pared. Ask your druggist to get it.for you. In bottles at 15 cents, 50 cts and 81. No man can be happy without a friend, or be sure of his frieDd till he is unfortunate. The subjoined opinion, we perceive, is by J. A. Daniels, Esq., of Messrs’ Stogdill 4 Daniele, attorneys, La CroHse, Wis., and appears in the La Crosse Chronicle : Some time since 1 was at tacked with pain in and below one of my knee joints. A few applications of St. Jacobs Oil quieted the pain and relieved the inflamation. I regard it as a valna ble medicine.—Elgin, 111. Daily Leader. «4 ------------------- -------- V GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED SCHOLARSHIP, h'or the Full Course, $00. Business PEN WORK Of ail kinds executed to order at rotaonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. The College Jonrn-1. containing information rf the course of study, when to enter, time required; cost of l>*rd, etc., and Cuts- of orna- T. J. Lee, M. D. J. E. Davidson, M. D DAVIDSON & LEE, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. Discute» of women* specialty. Proscription« lillod at the office PHYSICIANS & StiRGEXV Stiver Polk County, Oregon SPECIALTIES 4 ï)r. M. T. Cole, Disease of Women. Dr. J. W. Cole, Chronic Diseases. Consultation free. Ji ON I JI ENTS, 12-1-tf TABLETS, —AND— Columhev, Ohio, is the largest fsetorvin the world f r first-class Buggies. I’liwtons, Surreys and Car riages, and do give more real value for the money than any other manufacturers. Dealers sell our vehicles everywhere. Name of nearest will be sent with prices. Be sine, before b-tying, to examine the Name Plate to be found on the rear of every Buggy menu actured by us, for none art genuine unless they bear the name of .» Execute! in Italian and American marble Also, every variety of Cemetery and other Stone work, Granite Monuments, and .enclosure* to burial lots, fornisbedTo order. Opposite the Opera House, Salem. Also, Staiger Brothers, Albany, Oregon. COLUMBUS BUGGY COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO. Many inferior goods are offered ua Columbus Buggies, and cure should be used to distin gnian between ‘‘Columbus Buggies ” a»<l Co lumbus Buggy Co.’s Buggies. 12 37-3m RgtMKSEEB. -No House on this Coast can compete with us in Quality of Goods.