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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
F ■ >** I * ' —t if CiliUs'j'lAN ~*il iiÜALD? k S • . ♦ ’ t- Loose Pulleys. shown that the law of God and the said men sinned ami brought moral Z law of Moses an* the same. See 1 death, thus admitting, in spite of ¡1 live, we need life itself; and . that I’fe should be a life lived by ‘faith , on the Son of God, who hath loved 1 us, and given himself for us.— The [ Armory.. Every One who. knows anything -Chron. 22: 12, 13; Dent. 11 : 13, himself, that the moral law was about shops or factories, has no 1G ; Ezra57 \ G; Luke 2 : 24; Acts binding from Adam to Moses. 1 ticed that where .power is used by 15; 84 Rom. 8: 2; Dent. 31 : 9, have proved that in A. 1). 9G the means of belting, there are usually .Sabbath was called the Lord’s day. two pulleys side by side on the 24 ; 1 Kings 2-: 3. ’ Character» 12th, It has been shown that the I have proved that the ten coiri- shafting. To\*all appearance they law was not made for a righteous mamlments were taught in the New look just alike. Sometimes the Many people seem to forget that man but for sinners, etc 1 Tim. Testament, and that they would be belt runs Upon one and sometimes character grows ; that it is not in the judgment. They were mad«* upon the* other, and the casual ob something to put on ready made 1:1,11. ’ ~ ‘ ’ . 13th. I have shown that Christ in Paradise, ami they will be in the server might imagine that it made with womanhood or manhood ; but ‘ fulfilled the law ami aliolished it. ark of the testimony in Paradise in no differi nee on which pulley the day by day, here a little and there See Matt. 5: 17; Luke 24: 4|-; the judgment. In his attempt to belt was placed. In this lie would a little, grows with the growth, anil Matt. 2G: 54; Acts 13.;.. 27, 2b; establish the origin of the Sabbath be mistaken; for one of them is a strengthens with the strength, Hosea 2:11; John 1 : 17 ; 15 : 19, with.Israel, lie first put it with the loose pulley, and however fast it until, good or bad,.it becomes al 14; Acts 3 : 22; Rom. 1 ; -1G; 2; falling of jniainJUh on.<l next "at may run,- it communicates no I most a coat of mail. Look at a 12, 15; 3: 19, 31: 4: 14, J7 ; 5 : Mount Sinai, 33 days after. He power ; it simply whirls upon the man of business—prompt, reliable, 13, 21 ; G: 14 , 7: 1, 13; 10: 4; attempted to show ten command shaft, and is oriiy used to keep the conscientious, yet clear-headed and 13:-8, 14, Ac.; Gal. 1: G; 21: 1G, ments’ for the Jews alone, but I belt in position where it may be energetic. When do you suppose 21 ; 3d ohap ; Col. 2: 14 ; 2 Cor. showed by Hom. ! .{: 19, that, all .tiewj(/}1 a slight, motion, on the he developed all those admirable world is'proven guilty^before God pulley beside it, which is firmly qualities? When he was-a boy? 3d chap.; Gal. 4 chap. 14. lie has never attempted to by the commandments. I showed fastened to the shaft, and which, Let us see how a boy of ten years. show any command to keep the that Law and Gospel worked,to the moment the belt; is ahi ted on gets up in the morning, works, ♦ gether in the “old dispensation ” as seventh day from Pentecost to this «■>•.. * ■ * to it, sets the whole machinery in plays, studies, and we will tell you . 'N . day, and freely admits there is none well as in the “ new.” I proved motion. just what kind of a man he will \ 15th. I have shown that the that* if the law of ten command There are in the churches to-day make. The boy that is. late at apostles keeping the seventh «lay is ments are abolished, there can be a great many men and women who breakfast, late at school, stands a no authority for Us to keep it, as no convictim).-;- therefore, no par resemble loose pulleys. They are .poor chance to he a prompt man. " they. also kept circumcision ami don and no Gospel. I “proved by- not fastened anywhere They do The boy who neglects his duties,»be .Matt. 5: 17, that not,a letter or the- not* fake hold , with a firm grasp I they ever so small, and then ex- Jewish feasts. IGth. I have shown that it was smallest point of a letter shall pass upen the sources of eternal strength, ; cuses himself by say ing, “ I forgot ! given as a memorial of. the children from the ten commandments till all or the duties of a Christian life. I didn’t think !” will never be a of Israel’s deliverance from Imndagiv- th«* ‘prophecies are fulfilled. 1 There is no power in them. When reliable man. And the boy who proved by Matt. 5; 19; Rev. *22: they come in contact with men finds pleasure in the sufferings of MR. jones ’ s summary address . I showed that the seventh day 14, ami 11: 12, that Christ com they exert no influence. They do weakly things will nevelr be a was blest and sanctified at creation. manded ns to do tin* ten command very little that amounts to any noble, generous, kind man —a gen I showed that sanctify means to ments, and to teach others to do thing; they are simply loose pul tleman.— Christian Helper. f them. In harmony with thin cove M apart, to a holy and righteous leys, whirling at a touch ; going nant I-proved in Luke 23: 5W, 5G, S afe in the A rms of J esus .— us«*, to appoint,- prepare ami com through the form and routine of mand. • Where he showed where kept it after his death- I proved motion, but having no power, and Last week three young gentlemen men were not commanded to keep by Matt. 24:' 15-20, that he taught communicating nothing to the were descending from the fifth story of one of Cincinnati’s largest it was disproved. I showed that his disciples to rememlier the Scrip machinery beyond them. There are ministers of the “loose buildings in an elevator controlled command was to “ bid,” sanctify is tures, 1 proved that the disciples 9. to “ bid.” I prove»! by the Bible kept it. 1 proved by 1 John 2: pulley ” order. They keep moving by an elderly colored man. They ~A- ^thatr the -Sabbath was marie for 1, 2, that Ch^t is advocate for and hold the belt in position, but were discussing the question of A«lam, also l»y the dictionary that -transgressors of the law, with the they seem to run no machinery, what the result would be if the this is true. I have prov«*d by father, thus proving the obligation and do no work,' Year after jear elevator should fall, and one of them historical facts that the ( of the Father’s law in this “ dis they go round arid round, but they said ; “ 1 don’t care for myself, but anciently* had the Sabbath, and I pensation ” liecause he cannot I >«* an have neither grasp nor grip ; they I am anxious for my old friend proved that there has lieen slabs advocate, with himself. 1 proved start nothing, move nothing, and here, alluding to the colored man,’ unearthed in ancient ruins bearing in 1 Tim. 2: 5, that Christ, is the accomplish nothing that requires and turning to him, he said : “ Uncle, _ _ the. inscription of the Sabbath. I mediator between God ami men, power. Saints are not edified nor where do you think you’d alight ?” have proved that the command and in Gal 3 : 20, a mediator is not are sinners convict««! or converted * Tire <44 man replied promptly “I ments were observe«! from Adam to a meiliator of owe, thus proving the tinder their ministrations. They , would light in the aims of Jesus! are orthodox, comfortable and res • Where woul l„ you light C The Moses, . but he has denied it. existence of the law of God. pectable, but they are loose pul j young men were" silenced, and left (Wright, “ I sai<I there was no law W «> urge the duties of Christi leys; they seem to have no con the elevator without anothei word. whose penalty was physical «leath anity upon the consciences of men ; nection with those sources of ever Herald and Presbyter. from Adam to Moses ”) 1 proved but duties are constraints till they lasting strength, the grace and that the nations w«*radriven out for r are change«! into charms by love. power and Spirit of the Ltvinn-^ -Whe»«-be- really stood: “I breaking the commamlments. I The very word duty is a harsh one, stand,” said a stump orator, “ on proved that Christ kept, tlu* Sab until the heart grasps it, ami then God. What Christians need is not to the broad platform ol principles of bath. I showed that the pamorer the lowliest service an«l the boldest ’ was the memorial of the departure endeavor are cheerfully accepted be loose pulleys, but to be so joined ’98, and palsied be my arm if I •* of .the. children of Israel from and welcomed. To win men to the to. the Lord that every act and desert ’em.” “ You stand on no 1 Egypt, an«I not tTu* Sabbath, aa lie performance of Christian duties, it motion shall be instinct with di thing of the kind,” interrupted a is nre«*sHaiy to win them to the I the crowd ' : argued. I proved that the nations love of him who requiies them,and vine power, and shall make all our little shoemaker in had been tinder- law, or they won hl to the love of those lor whose bene nrtivitii a result in real service in “ you stand in- my boots that you /tmn >SVro?-Master’*- oaiwe, It aS ^nahH^W.jairl me for, and I want the I, not Ravi* been guilty ■ • of sin. This fit they are required.—, | enough that we have a name to money.” he alhiitted yesterday when he by i . j IV 1 »1 If IH l U .IV k«l l* J X < ■ j r J 4 ■ » 4 a ; !>■ r V f il' ’» jv * Hi llv- — 4 I I “4 *• I : ^~r 'I