Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1895-1903 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1896)
T h e L e a d e r. as citizens, and «aid “I o! prophète having gone by. ex ' . will t ‘ 11, and it looks wc w uld 1 eve to learn that let the cost he what it will. Poor ilM i.. tir failu fulness, they j leaded to be re stored PUBLISH ED EVERY BATI R PA Y . I Time is a uivine gift and one of to the ranks and carry on his wars Pneumonia: !*. T U O H I*, - - E D IT O R . ] the jewels priceless. It is the meas indefinitely. His eloquence and irn- suffocates,! ure of life, of death and eternity. It seems to be a fact that the bi p&ss'.one 1 tones, offering to do that SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1896. because the* By all means be economical, but I t is a royal personage with gems which they most desired, reversed cycle is ousting the dog from his don't be too economical where health priceless in hand, and they are his s xv o 1 l e u ! their feelings and produced the re- t i me place as outing companion or life is concerned. The matter of tu b es get? OUR OPPORTUNITIES. suit he desired. Human nature is w‘t' 1 men- W hether large or small, a few cents should never count be who will reach and clasp. Time solid, and! The wideawake and enterprising pretty much the same the world a «log may with the best intenions tween the old, standard and reliable lies behind us, but is always a pen k e e p a ir* people of other towns are reaching over, in all ages and among all 'n ^he world, become a danger to preparations and the new, obscure, dulum beat ahead and a heart throb f r o m the ! out to gather in the trade of the kinds und conditions of people his owner bv runnning against the and in many cases, almost worthless in front of life itself. Time has ] substitutes. luugs. Dr. j length, breadth and thickness, but ’ Bohemia mines, ami no oppor unity Princes who have lived in exile to wbeel, or by causing an accident in j Acker's E nglish Remedy» man can neither expand or contract should be over looked by the peopb save their lives from the wrath of sorne similar way. In the country : reduces the inflammation,: it; it has value, but wealth cannot of Lemati and Cottage Grove to keep the populace, have been carried in one sometimes notices a dog runn p ircl ase one second ; it has all di jso the patient breathes* the trade of these rnitiea. Some day, pomp and splendor bv the same ing along with a bicvclist, but on : freely, and is soon well. : mensions, all values, all history and and before long, the operations people to the throne of a kingdom, the city thouroughfares they are : M issR .R ay ,3 5 4 \V .2 2 d S t.,N .Y ..f prophesy, but it responds to no j ; say s : “ W hen th rea ten e d w ith: there will be large and im portant, without any change in the man, his generally tabooed. Besides the j pneum onia, I took one bottle o Dr. ; measures except in the Death sum trouble they thev m ight cause, few dogs and the busiuess in consequence purpose or bis principle; the feel-1 tr°ut»le of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites 5 A cker's E nglish R em edy, and th e! I pain an d cough d isappeared.” 1 will lie in proportion. The business mgs of the people turned from hate can ^ ve " ‘th a bicyclist for a ten Is as much the standard for all con of life itself. Grasp its wings and it will fly I • 3 sizes, 25c.; 5Cc AU Druggists. ; and trad« of that section naturally to loyalty by extraneous circum- mile run, and they would be utter- ditions of wasting in children and adults where the lungs are weak or with you to the loftiest heights of ] : A c s e u M e u i c i s b C o ,1A-W CI c u ii ) k t s s i . X .Y .: belong to this place, b ut how much stances arousing their emotions ly done for on a longer journey. affected, as quinine is the standard for However good the cause of silver of it we get depends upon how much Men who once took great pride malarial fevers. When you go to a the heart's desire; your aspirations ... , , ... I Ou the question of good roads 7, effort is put forth to secure it, and may be, or however stalw art its ¡ and pleasure in their dogs as com- store to get Scott’s Emulsion, don't will be answered; your prayers will F , T c , .. , , < . 1 the In te r Ocean savs: “If the 4,- OREGON. LEM ATI. find a resting place, and the finest how well we bxjk after our our op chumpion may be, such scenes are paions on pedestrian jaunts, are now be fooled into taking something else 000,000 bicycle riders in the United portunities The fact that we have not indicative of wholesomeness and wheeling, and their canines have they say •• is just as good.” It isn’t. wires swept above the voiceless States should unitedly urge good natural advantages are some times stability. No such scenes were en- vanished. So it seems that dogs are Scott's Emulsion has gained its repu harps, will find sympathetic vib ra-1 . country roa ls we should get them. tation by its superior merit, and noth dangerous; too much dependence is acted in any of the proceedings suffering from the rivalry of the ma ing of its kind has ever equalled It tions in the noblest choirs If bicyclist get goo 1 country roads To waste time is to suicide. No ' put in that alone, while others slip looking to the establishm ent of this chines as well as horses. Your doctor will tc’l you that. ! they will pay up for some of the mortal man can squander his time, J AU d ru g g ists sell S cott's Emulsion. in and create advantages and induce government, or in the settlem ent of ] wrecks they have caused in some of Two sizes—50 cents and $1.00. for morality is made up of other] A certain chronic croaker, who is ments that attracts trade in another the- vital questions that have since the occupations.” If every road come up. There were no sensation constantly predicting failure and cepted by many’ as a sem-oiiytjfjj stuff than blind idiocy. The street | direction. maker who does not ride a bicycle Ju st now the people of E ugene,' al scenes at the signing of the dec- lisaster and failure to every enter- declaration of the position of the loafer is a curse, and the loafer ] could push oue over the roads re assisted by the county, are viewing i laration of independence, or in the prise, and complaining of the e x ist-! sc’un^ ‘moneJ' men °I the admiuis- around his own hearthstone is a ! cently made by the prevailing meth Wishes Io inform the»' Abo are emití n pitting building in the -priilg to hau ill lin i: orders for lumber now «o tle v m u be out a road to he built from some discussrons or deliberations oyer I ing order of things, walked down i tration. This impression is further mockery to civilization. The youth ods he would realize as never before doling away the morning of his the street the other day past a win- ¡strengthened by the belief that the adoption of the constitution of p<unt on the military road to con the horrible work done and the nect with the Jennings road near the I nited States. Those things dow where there were a n,umber of Hamlin spent several days at Mari- vigor is a suicide, and the society- cruelty of compelling his horses to the summit. Douglas county is were characteristic of France dur- stuffed birds and animals, and was on near Gray Gables, on his wav petted, dress-glutted bigot is a vil- pull loads over cobble stones and With any kind of lumber you may wish, which will then l>e ready, anil you building a road from Oakland by 1U“ short-lived republic, and al- heard to make tlie following re back to W ashington from Chicago. lian before the altars of tru th and won’t have to wait. through pitch holes. The hike ! so during its short-lived war with m arks: “If I coulden’t stuff an owl The statem ent referred to is as manhood. There are no laggards wav of Elk Meadows, to the Music rider is able to appreciate the diffja- in the liveries of eternity. There mine. The survey ing party reached Germany. Jefferson got his ideas better than that, I would quit the fsMO[(o: ence between good and poor roads. Orders From a Distance Prom ptly Attended To “No political issue is involved in are no misfits in the temples of life ♦ he Msuic mine last week an«l of extreme popular government business. The head isn’t right, the poise of the body isn’t right, the j the comiuS «lection. The question There are no mockeries in the from the I rendi during their revol announced that the distance is forty- Send in your orders al once. A poorly clad little village girl to be decided is far deeper and economy of God. Time is a jewel ution, and at one time it threatened ! feathers are not on right, the feet j seven intlae. These efforts on the went into a stationer’s shop the CO I TAGE GROVE, OREGON part of these people are commend to destroy the fruits of the victory | »re not placed r ig h t’’ Before lie more vital. The perpetuity of re and you are a craftsman between other day. She wished t<> buy some able aud proper. The more roads of tlie war for independence, but i could finish, the owl turned his publican institutions lias been threat two eternal walls preparing an ac- writing paper, says tlie San Fran the b etter; the better the facilities the staider minds of Washington head. The crowd laughed and the ened. Every loyal citizen should acceptable offering.—Exchange. cisco Examiner, and finally was ally himself against the forces which for getting al>out in the mountains and Hamilton prevailed, and the crank took another turn. shown some at 15c. a quire. “ How The Yreka Journal sa y s; Some controlled the Chicago c o n v e n tio n - the more miners and prospectors ' rn,n^rJ’ was prevented from run- of the craineries report that the de much will half a quire be?” she in W ith all the ills that afflict tlie forces of lawlessness which, are in will go into them, and the more min-1 m ug to riot by persons hysterical mand for Siskiyou butter keeps in quit ed in a plaiutive little voice. ing and prospecting there is done i over the idea of personal rights. body politic, the country is to be consistent with the maintenance of creasing in the lower end of the “Teii cents,” replied the assistant. there LEM ATI, _ _ _ _ _ _ OREGON. The extreme enthusiasm that congratulated that if free silver is to the republic. Henceforth the more there will he found. It is county, and in the counties south of “If you please I'll take the other should be no ropublican, no demo- a mistake to suppose that the mines nom inated Mr. Bryan does not por-i bo un issue, or be a fact, that the is- j A FULL LIN E OF here. They are making more this half.” in'operation there now will be the J ten‘*,nuc^ f°r h*8 election; violent sue is made, and the responsibility ! crat> but union of loyal citizens season and find a ready market for DO YOU WANT A HOME? only ones. Mining in the district, j actlons are alvvaj s followed by de of it falls upon those who feel a m or-; a oa' ns^ the combined forces of re- 4 0 A rre s of choiee bottom land it. No trouble is found in disposing and disorder. M lien has only begun, and as operations liberate reverses. There will be al and national obligation, and not Pl,diation 7 miles east of Letnati, 8 acres cleared ouce this dangerous element has of the cheese when it is ready for and 7 in wheat. 35 acres can be made plenty of time between now and bv the blatant blatherskites who on- proceed new mines will be discover- , - . sale. Last winter cheese from P et ed and developded, ami the people of Dext X oïeu,,,w ior every body to j ly advocate it to work up sedition been »tamped out at the polls by un cultivatable. Good box house 18x20. aluma and other places was sold Row river runs through one corner. 1 " ................................ - . - indignant people, we can again di these places shovld provide for the co°* °®’ an<1 vote their intelligence and inflame the minds of the unfor here before the winter was half gone More land adjoining can be had if probabilities of a large trade, and *nb^eafl their emotions, tunate with the injustice of the in vide and discuss those political questions which for generations as a great deal of the Siskiyou article wanted. F or particulars, see E. P equalities of natural '■onditions. inducements to a ttract it. The Thorp of T he L eader . have kept alive two great political had been shipped and the home su p ORGANIZATION NEEDED things essential to this are the keep WOOD— WOOD. ply ran short. ! parties.' ing on hand of all kinds of supplies Now that the Bohemia road is The directors of the school dis- We are ready to accept. 20 aud 22 needed in mining work, and in is completed from this place trict of Cottage Grove are to bo i H id Y ou liv e r inch wood from a few suliseribers of quantities anil at prices that can’t to the mines, and a well organ commended in their efforts to pro Toledo Leader: There is one In- Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for T he L eader in the country. be beat at other places. The ized company with ample means has vide educational facilities for the d*an 011 Ale Siletz that had an ex- your troubles ? If not, got a hottie Trespass Notice. road aud the facilities of travel over taken hold of the devlopment of a people of the district. Nothing so perience with a bear th at he does now and get relief. This medicine Notice is hereby given th at I, the it should bo the best that can pro group of mines in the district, a j attracts a desirable class of immi- not care to repeat. It was old “Dr lias been found to be peculiarly undersigned, have posted trespass The highest prices paid f<nall kinds ot produce. vided, and all possible courtesy and new era may bo said to have dawnad ! grauts as good schools. Johnson,” one of the old tyees. The adapted to the relief and cure of all notices on my respective premises and all persons trespassing thereon after ÜB information extended to stangers in the progress and development of other night he caught a bear. Female Com plaints, exerting a won this date will be prosecuted to the full . . . derful direct influence in giving ex ten t of the law. arriving here on their way to the this place, and to meet the many M hen he discovered the hear in the Judging from the Chicago ccn- b. II. Y arbroiiwh . strength and tone to the organs. If mines. This last costs nothing and questions that will come up from trap he had no gun, and so he se . . . , vention, if etiquette would permit you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa is the most profitable stock in trade, timo to time, effecting the interest I at z z i zi z • ? • cured a good sized club and started tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are „ - * , ° Mr. Bryan to take the stum p in Ins Many of the people who will be at- j of the town, an organization should in to beat the life out of old bruin. Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, .Mi lan own behalf during the campaign he tra d e d hither by reports of the be made of a number the most deep- would probably sweep the country.I B ut the bear had not figured that clioly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, COTTAGE GROVE, OKEGO* way, and at a second blow’ from the Electric Ritters is the medicine you mines arc people of ample means ly intarested and iuterrpising men Dealer? n who are willing to pay well for a o -' of the town, and m eetngs called to I club it wrenched itself free from the need. H ealth and .Strength are guar i W IL L PUT U P ANOTHER trap aud took a hand or naw in the anteed by its use. Fifty cents and coinmodatons and good service, j discuss whatever may be brought up H a rim rs , S t a s , t a t a l TICKET. ! fracas itself. Rearing up ou its 91.00 at J. A. Benson’s Drug Store. Invariably the first inquiry that is effecting the wellfare of the town. Pine Job Printing at the Lowest made by persons contm nlatiug such A general discussiou of m atters hind legs it started in on “Dr. Jo h n F in e P ig s F o r S ale. Cash Prices. The democratic gold-standard son,’ in regular Marquis of Qutcns- a trip is concerning the best point brings out the best features of the Persons desiring some thorough of departure from the railroad ami situation, and all measures can be leaders have not yet decided on the bury style. The first swipe split bred P oland China pigs can obtain S H E E T IR O N W A R E , the best and shortest load over i niore effectually p u t into force and !date and place of the conference at the scalp on the trapper's head from them of E. P. Thorn of T he L eader W ild w o o d A x es, A m u n itio n , a n d a ll s iz e s c f which to travel, from the railroad execution, by being discussil before which it is expected a manifesto the back of his head to the forehead; to the mines. Other places will hand in some formal way than j I will be issued, defining their atti the second took out a new swath of PÍ C A b Z R T Z R T T D G -E S . •oonbe In the field competing for the hasty conclusion, or acting in a bap- j tude toward the national ticket scalp; the third made a kind of a w Kei | a full block of NAILS, CUTLERY Shelf and B uilding trade. This in the end will proba- hazaed manuer. The town should I nominated at Chicago. William C. weather map on his face; the fourth O ffic e in M e in z e r R e sid e n c e ZE3Z 7L Z P U Z D W A R E . bly not work any injury to this have a Board of Trade, and all mat- ' \\ hitney is still at his country home tore all the clothes and a good share M ain S tre e t, C o tta g e ffl ) on Long Island and Senator Hill is of meat off the Indian's breast, aud place; competition is the life of ters of interest to the place fully G ro v e, O re g o n . Repairing neatly done n Albany, where ha publicly de the fifth split his pant legs from the Jf®*Ab who have country or eitv trade, aud the exertions on the part discussed aud every means possible, clared that he would not preside, as waist to the knee, and incidentally property for sale would do w»4l to «’ail of the people of these other places tending to the development of the on him The following is a few spec reported, at the democratic notifica tore up a lot of meat with it. By Q ial bargains iu farms. should only incite us to action, town, provided for. « tion meeting to be held here at this time the bear had got excited A RARE BARGAIN. This place has many natural attrac- j _________ _____ . M adison-square garden. 160 acres of land with running ami it landed a full body-blow, aud tions and all the advantages over i ONLY A PR O PH ET CAN TELL- t-q water the whole year; fine fir and One of the Tammany leaders says Pi other places, in the m atter of roads when Dr. Johnson lit he was in the cedar saw timber, nev,.r culi««i; 20 If the democrats can do what they the conference will probably be creek and the bear had clatwaed. and distance, but will not do to de acres cleared wilh some fruit trees. l have declared to do, they will have held at Long Branch, Wednesday, P m — AND— Johnson crawled out and made his o pend upon that alone. Everyone Will make a splendid fruit place done one of the greatest goods ever and that it will be attended by ] and only 5 miles south of Cottage should constitute himself into a way to the Agency where Dr. Meri bestowed upon the American peo- democratic leaders from New York i Grove. wether dressed his wounds, none of committee of one to promote the ad j pie. If success is brougnt out of und several other states. Another l ’OR SALE. which were very serious. vantages of this town in its relation A FIN E 80 ACRE FARM FOR the fiee coinage of silver at a fixed Tammanyite said the u n d e rsta n d s Made and for sale in the best manner. W e will please to the Bohemia mines. 2 8 0 acres of the very best tim ber ] SALE, j ratio, it must be done by pursuing was that the New York leaders you w ith all yon w ant in our line Address land with Saw Mill 9 miles from C o t-; . miln„ ..n A large part of the state of Mary such policies and practices as will would first confer and then invite ROBINSON & PH IL L IPS, TH E SILVER SENSATION raise the price of silver to corres. the gold men of other states to a land has become a garden for the The wave of enthusiasm that car-j pond with the coinage ratio, aud it general conference. great cities of Baltimore, New York Cottage G-rove, Or. and Philadelphia. According to the ried Mr. Bryan ou its crest of pop- is safe to presume that that is the According to a statem ent made RL’MMET, ularity to the highest place in the idea enterined by conservative by a friend of Mr. Whitney, the Baltimore American, able bodied in kind of saw tim ber. I w ill sell this Cottage Grove, Or. cheap. F. E. T ouchette . gift of his party, was felt in gentle democrats. J u s t what policy that conference of New York leaders,is dividuals who are just pining for F o r S ale o r E x c h a n g e fo r C o t NOTICE. ripples out this way. Probably no w 11 be, has uot been announ- likely to result in a decision to ig- work, but cannot get it, can be ac ta g e G ro v e P r o p e r ty . preparations for 425 acres or land, all feueed ami There will be an auction sale at commodated at present in their anch spectacle in an assembly of ced; but to an observer it seems nore the national ticket as far as cross fem-i d, about 40 acres of plow men bus ever been witnessed in that it could be done in only one or j possible, and to call ou the gold- heart's desire on the truck farms of the residence of N. W. White, ou land. 40 more could be easily cleared, June 15, at 1 o’clock for the purpose balance good pasture land. Spl.-iioio m odern times. And ouly in repub two ways, viz. 1 he principal trade i standard domocrats to help to elect Maryl and. The American remarks: of selliug 1 mower, 1 sulky plow, garden land; about 5 acres of o r lics can such scenes and incidents of G reat Britain aud the continent congressmen opposed to free silver “The pay is good, and the work is 2 walking plows, 1 barley crusher, 1 chard: 1 good dwelling bouse and out 4 barns; 7 chicken houses. occur. W hether they are the re of Europe is with the Oriental coun coinage, and to join in an effort to not heavy. I t is hard to understand wheat fan aud a lot of smaller tools. buildings; Horses, sheep and goals can he sults of wholesome minds aud nor tries, aud principally in silver. The carry New York for the democratic why more men do not seek this em Terms, all under five dollars cash in bought on the place. Price per acre Situ ¡ted 9 miles from Yoncal mal conditions, and likely to pro cheaper silver is in the m arket the state tic k e t By refusing to bolt ployment. There is in it assurance hand, all over five dollars on 60 $8.00. la, 1% miles from Elkhead Quick Sil days time, with personal security at ver M ines; 20 rods from school; 2% duce wholesome results is a ques greater it is to their advantage, aud and put up a third ticket, it is said of regular pay, with opportunities 5 per cent interest. miles from cbuia h ; 60 rodsfrom p. si- tion.. Itsievnlent that the demon the less of it is used as money bv the state organization can maintain of branching out and becoming A. V. W hitney . “fflee, mail twice a week. Call o n or OF NOVEMBER 3 ARE ALREADY UNDER WAY. A NEW owners of farms. There is especial strations were but the outbursts of tlie first class nations, the less valu- its regularity. write W. B rummett , Cottage Grove, Or. emotiou. Mr. Bryan, by his im lt will have as a commodity, hence Calvin S. Brice, senator from demand in this community for a The directors of School Dis.rict, IS TO BE ELECTED, AND THE passioned tones, dramatic manner but little prospect of an internatiou > Ohio, was seen and asked whether higher grade of vegetables and small NOTICE FUR PUBLICATION. No. 45, Lane county, Cr., will re aud pathetic sentiments, aroused al agreement. But if this govern-! fie would repudiate the Chicago fruits.” U nited S tates L and O ffice , / ceive sealed bids until June 8, 1896, R oseburg , O r . July 7, 1896. f the emotions of all present. Such ment takes advantage of the tech- ticket and platform. Iu reply Mr. will, as always, be fiiuni in tin-thirkiist oi the fight, b attlin g for building a four room addition to Notice is hereby given that tlie tuUowlug vigerously for SOUND BUSINESS PRIN C IPLES, vvhich will feelings are but a mo l form of ¡¡- - riity i f tlie word “coin” in its Brice said: the present .•- iiool building accord named settler has hied notice of his m ieutiouto , make tiual proof insupportof Ins claim, andthat C o n d e u s e d T e s t im o n y . bring PROSPERITY TO TH E NA'l ION. ing to plaus and specifications. The teria. and like mai.v o ih n ,nov<- i unii act, and tenders silver ' said proof will lie made liefore J o e l W a k e , U. "I am not ready to be quoted on THE NEW -YORK \V LEKLY’ TR IB U N E is not only the lead Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Manu- contract will be let to the lowest re S. e. e'. Uommissiouer at Eugene, Oregon, ou meuts in human affi.ii s i s iu- coin m payment, one of three things that subject, and shall not, until I August 1'.». i-'.id. viz Josepli Berzins, jr. on 11. ing R<-| paper of the country, but is PRE-EM 1NENTI Y facturer « Agent, Columbus, Ohio, cer sponsible bidder, who will be re I E, No. 5074 lor tile S!2 Sw1,, W'■ 2 s e see. 20, terest with time a n o n , coming iu ! m ust happen; there "will be no bonds have heard fr rom mv friends in Ohio tp. 21 S., It 2 West, lie names the following A NATIONAL FAMILY NEW SPAPER. tifies th at Dr. K ing’s New Discovery quired to give bonds. The right re witnesses to prove his continuous residence contact with the realities ■ of life, presented for payment, or if pre- aud learn what they are Its cam paign news and «liscussiuns will in terest every Am eri 1..................... ................... nf, * — John served to reject tiny or all bids. For upon an I cultivation said land, viz io in g to , has no equal as a Cough remedy. ,. .. r J . • i i t” Hubbard, Joseph T. Xeet, John S. Allen, can citizen. Mr. ■. Br Bryan added no new principle sented aud the silver coin accepted, Or recommend.” further information, plans aud sp e - I George Down?, Of Cottage Grove, Oreg. D. Brown, Prop. St. Jam es Hotel, Ft. K M. V e a tc h , R e g ister . All tlie news of the day, Foreign Correspondence, A gricultural cifications call ou Board of Directors. ' ju ly ll-« to the cause nor changed the the takers of the silver will either Secretarv-Trassujaj W ayne, Ind., testifies that he was cur- D epartm ent, M arket Reports, Short Stories com plete in each S. R. P iper , Chairman. chances for success at the poles throw it onto the m arket for what Hamlin made a short statem ent this NOTICE OF l-OREFEFIL'RE. of a Cough of two years standing, num ber, Comic Pictures, Fashion Plates with elaborate descrip It was simply the power of his per it is worth, or assume a pa, t of the afternoon iu explanation of his po- caused by La Grippe, by Dr. K ing’» C t O t o t H p S T lP V W n n r ì T T n n ^ lP T. J. Lewis, Ueorge Pctiey, Jasper Wilkins tions, and a variety of items of household interest, m ake up AN c r u LU L l i c O l l U i W U U U n u i l b u I alld , aoü a l i g n s are sonality wl lie upon the platform, burden of the responsibility to el- ollA hereby miliued Wai we iiave exi«mueil two ID EA L FAMILY PAYER. regarding the democratic Risooveiy, B. I . Merrill, Bald Bakery huimreil Collar? ill labor on tlie Jaaper & New- Such set ui .- have been fre«|ut nt in evate silver in its monetary charac anil nominations. Inasmuch winsville, Mass., »ays th at lie has used For goods at the loliowiug prices: , tul‘ situated m Bohemia , ounty (jre- We furnish “ T h e L em ler” aud “ N ew Y o rk W e ek as ° ,,, 1 , » o n , lo r m e y e a r Ol l?'ja and oue hundred dot • history. Once upon a time t .tsar's ter and value. W hether the value Hamlin represented the administra aud recommend it and never knew it Ginger snaps 10 cents per doz. lar? ni labor o u said imue ill l»o4 said one hund ly T r ib u n e ” iboth papersi, red Hollar? being tlie local ou eamp assessm ent boldters refused to longer light his ’ of the silver dollar will be expressed tiou forces at Chicago, aud has been ' to fall and would ru tb tr have it thau Lemon snaps 10 cents per doz. , lor tlie year of l»:i4. Iu order to hold said mine puffs under 'tlie provisions of section 2J24, Revised battles and carry on useless wars, iu the value of what it will buy, or in frequent consultations with 8ec- any doctor because it always cures. Cookies of all kind». Cream * statues, being the amount required for uoliluig 20 cents per doz. Augt-i food cake- the same for tlie je a r ending 1803, aud if within Mrs. Hem m ing 222 E. 25th 8t., Ciiita- C A S H IN A O V A X C E . and met him in a body to announce whether the value of that which the retary ninety days a lte r tins uoliee by publication jo u retarv Cs,’lisle over tLie political I go, always keeps it at hand and has no 20 cents to 40 cents apiece. All fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of Address all orders to it to him. aud tin great Roman, silver dollar will buy will be ex- situation sim-e such expenditures, as eo-owners which should ii lj uit nnient of tear of Cioup, because it instantly re- kinds of cake, first class, made to lie one uuudreo and fifth dollars. ($130) as in THE LEADER. order. Bread, two 12 oz. loves 5 cts. terest in said claim, will become the property of with a mind equal to the occasion pressed by the dollar, would re- i h t u v v iilz o i. made , lie ves. Free T ria ls Bett'e» at J. A. Pies 15 cents each. Opened April tUe tne subscribers under said section 2.1x4. W tite vour name aud address n oa postal cani, send it to Geo W Best, C. A. H arlow , rose before them, addressed the m ‘ quire c..prophet to tell, and the days by him today will doubts be ac-1 Benson’s Drug Store. yo i ", and ¡ Air, No Life, I Economy LEWIS & BURKHOLDER. A N e w L i n e ol* L a d i e s ’ CAPES, CLAOItS AND JACKTS. Boucle Dress Goods. = C L O A K I N G .= WÊmuîsion Agents for the sale of the s r a r a ii 1 IU CLOTHIHQ. LU M B E R . J. B. ROUSE, PROM PTLY FILLED N ew Goods and N ew S ty les L U R C H ’S C L O T H IN G , DRY G O O DS, B O O TS and S H O E S . Ladies Dress Goods, H ats and D om estics All Sizes of Trunks. This stock has ju s t been refilled an d is th e best selected in tow n. ZEE A N D W A R E S. R. PIPER . T h e L e a d e r, The M ost Progressive M S P A P E R I« LARE COUNTY, W. B R U M M E T T N o tary Public and Estate Agent, Pickets, Fruit Boxes, X The G reat B a ttle Notice to Contractors and Builders. P resid en t of th e United S ta te s NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE O lio k o - I 1 O .V , ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2.25, 1st 1896. aprll-45 xle . r u t STOCKS Room 2, Tribune Puilding, New York City, and a sample copv , of the New York Weekly Tribune will be mailed i ,\ ,u .