Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1895-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1896)
T h e L e ad er. T H E ATHLETIC WOMAN. •FOOL D ELIG H TFU L LEAK IN THE C IIEESE BUSI i i s l;)i$ u l i a i ¿ ¡ i s y e a ? FRIEN DS.” to i your doctor for T Ti,'- woman wLo at this end of the NESS. a dvice ; he is the I centur- neglects i.hvsical culture or The republican party and the re u W Í 2 % There is a lib leak in the cheese PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. be 2st man to tell I ■ ! • H are you a feel- < h 'tí A AI the j i actice of some form of at publican candidates seem to be un business. Here we are im porting you ing of w ii^h t in I 2U what medi- E. P . T H O R P , - - E D IT O R . is a curiosity ; all ages and conditions, fortuuate in the possession of a the Stoma-.h — ! lover $11*0,006 worth of foreign cine you'need. Go to your druggist Bloating a f t e r ’ all classes and nationalities, agree num ber of “fool friends,” The ut- cheesi se every mouth. Our exports for your medicines; he knows more 1S96 •( A Y’5 e a ,in S — Belch-1 SATURDAY, JE N E 6 about drugs than a dry-goods man. iJ jS -T ' of W ind— , that woman to be at her best, what- terancea of these ‘ fool friends” furn- for the past nine months have been P l^ X . V om itinzof Food Stick to your doctor and to your ever her ruling ambitiona may be. ish the very best ammunition to the ¡ a b o u t 25,000,000 pounds, while our i l s ' —W a ttrb n s h — druggist if you're a sick man, ¿n? c a ff The New England Farm er em [ H eartburn— Bad Taste in the Mouth must cultivate her physical as well opposition. Monday night in Pen imports have been 8,000,000 pounds. go to your druggist fo r advice, especi in the M orning— Palpitation of the phatically states that cows th a t pro as her mental powers, for on the dletou Tall Timothy Geer, from > Heart, due to Distension of Stomach ’ The value of our exports was about ally If your doctor has told you what duce onlv 150 p uindn cf butter per j -Cankered Mouth— Gas in the Bowels to get. If your doctor tells you to get perfection of the former depends the Marion county, “a republican or- , 2,200,000, while our cheese imports i — Loss of Flesh—Fickle Appetite— re a r don’t pa1 Unfortunately the bnlliancy of the later. The “all-per- ator of prominence,” said in a speech I Depressed, Irrita b le Condition of the cost us $1,131,000. Now there is no average Oregon cow does not pro i Miud — Dizziness — Headache— Con vading bicycle ’ Las undoubtedlv at Frazer’s opera house: reason whatever why American stipation or Diarrhoea? Then you have duce even 100 pounds of butter per been an im portant factor in establish- “The republican party is opposed cheese m anufacturers should not year. ___________ m g this principle, and if not the in this election by, populists, nifcil- produce every pound of the vast in or? of It* many forms. The one positive Wool 1« said to be cheapei now favoiite form of exercise is invariably lists, anarchest, Canadians and Zu- quantity of cht-eee that is now lm- in the United States than in any an adjunct to her special fad in lua.” ported. The worst of the present it is because he knows of scores of o ther large consuming country. Of physical culture. D emorest ’ s M aoa - Think of an utterance of this kind situation is that, while cheese ex- cases which have been benefited by C harles R amsey . Hotel Imperta! New < I the immense am ount of wool which , ZIXE l°r June has several excellent coming from a prominent and in- ports have fallen off nearly one-half its use; because he knows that it has i. Acker’a rabieta, taken alter ' ' ni :u*. bave cured me.” w&a imported last year some is now articles in this line: end all women telligent man! Is not such an utter- in the period noted, imports have a record of more than twenty years’ > Awfcvt Medicine Co.. i 6- i 5 Chambers St. K. T being exported and a little American “hould read the handsomely illust- ance of a “fool friend?” Canadians, increased materially, including en results back of it You have no right to let your drug wool is being sent to Europe, rated papers on “The Reign of the of whom there are many in this ormous quantities of Swiss, Italian, gist advise you against this prepara LANE COUNTY VOTE. Rural Northwest Bicycle” and “ Woman and Her ! county among our most prominent, Dutch, English, and Germau cheese. tion and induce you to try an obscure î 1 Wheel,’’ also “Women in Athletics,” progressive and respected citizens, We take the following official fig Directions for making many of the medicine, the value of which is LEMATT OREGON. num ber of seedling cherries in eXpert8 ¿n golf, swimming, will surely appreciate this allusion ures from the Eugene Register. We fancy brands of foreign cheese have doubtful, for the sake of the few cents have been observed this spring which wheeling, fencing, tennis, etc., give to them. may be able to give a more elabor been published in bulletins and more he may make. Let your tailor, blossomed d u riug the rainiest of the valuable points regarding the beni- Again, on Tuesday morning the ate account in a supplem ent of T pe standard works 011 dairy products. or your butcher, or your grocer, fool you if you will, but when it comes to rainy season but they are now loaded fit3 and j,ifcasure6 derived faotu the organ of the office holders in this L eader in time to mail with this Dairymen and m anufacturers who a matter of health, get what you ask with fruit. An unanswered question particular sport which each adores, county priuted in its editorial col issue: ate making a business of these for. is why the rains did not prevent Then there ig a paper Qn „Arcfai. umns the following: A ll d ru g g ists sell S co tt’s Em ulsion. THE VOTE. specialties are alieut the onlv ones T w o sizes—50 cen ts and Tot’l. Plur pollenization on these trees. Rural tecture as a Profession for Women,” “Two democrats have promised to Candidates in the cheese trade who are not com Congressman :— Northwest. illustrated with portraits and speci- reduce the expenses of the respect-1 A CYCLONE CURSED COUNT plaining today. It is high time son 115 RY. mens of the work of successful, ive offices to which they aspire, and yfyers .......................... th at others in the cheese industry A correspondent of the N orth The Chicago Tribuuecom m enting " 1,1 those who are contemplating Imihliug in tin »pring to ban women architects; and it is safe to naturally enough put up a bond as Tongue.............................. m u C44 awake to the realiza.ion of the possi western H orticulturist, published in upon the late destructive tornadoes ‘,nlr ° nlers for bimlK-r now. so they can Iw say th at every one of them is devot- a guarantee of good faith. No one Yanderburg ................. 1270 bilities of domestic production of Wisconsin, says the Columbian is ed to some form of athletics. Robt I of course, would take the word of a Supreme Judge:— fancy foreign cheese. It is simple | which have vistted the Mississippi the strongest grower, heaviest crop Bean ................................ 2170— -1089 Louis Stevenson’s last story, “ Weir democrat, hence the necessity of giv folly to continue to exchange two j per and best quality of any red rasp B u rn e tt............................ 1030 of H erm iston,” is begun in this 1Df? bonds.” The jiremature spring of 1896, ' ' ’’h am kind of lumber you may wish, which will then be ready, and von pounds of American cheese for one G asto n ........................... 1081 berry ho has tried. The only fault num ber; and in connection with it This surely ought to make votes won’t have to wait, Prosecuting Attorney:— of foreign cheese. We don't like to ' which has advanced everything a with it is its color which is not a b rig h t red but on the purple order thfe il,U8trated PaP®r on “Stevenson’s fast and thick for republican candi- Upton ............................. 2050 trade that way! This isn’t the month ahead of its time, has done like Schaffer’s Colossal. It does Llfe ,n Samoa” « of special interest. dates. The word of a democrat is en- Yates................................ 2315— 265 Yankee metl od at all. the same unpleasant office for wind- Orders From a Distance Prom ptly Attended To Board of Equalization :— not acker “Where Summer Days Fly Swiftly" titled to as much respect and con- storms, cloudbursts and lii;htiiinfT. W alker............................ 2130___ D E C O R A I IO M -DAV N U M B E R O F T H E rp i has a host of beautiful illustrations «¡deration as that of any other party. Ward The cyclone season began its fatal Send in your orders at once. N E W Y O B .i LELMiEK. ...................... 2121 R ural Northwest The fruit and 18 especially apropose at pres- This is the utterance of another Senator:— The Decoration-Day number of ¡ties in the latter part of April, and Co tTAGE GROVE, OREGON growers of the upland districts in en(. and a]j together the June issue ‘‘fool friend” of the republican party ■ Baker............................. 1391 __ the New York Ledger, with its four from that time to this 717 persons Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washing- of this all-around magazine is quite and republican candidates for office, D river.............................. 1531- 39 cover pages and its newly increased ’are rel,orted to have been killed., the Skipworth.................... .1492 tou and Idaho appear to be in luck ,, p fo die Iuaric and appropriate for —East Oregouiau. number of inside pages, is a marvel 1,noSt l’ro,ldueut disasters being the Representatives:— this year. The backward spring de- the 8eason. ——— — — _ of cheapness even in this age of low- following Bilyeu ................... 2102- -455 laved the blooming of their fruits April 26, Kansas, 13; May 15, The Fashions are summery and | The death of Kate Field marks the Houston............................ 1408 priced literature. There is no extra uintil serious dauger of frosts was up-to-date, and everyone who has sudden ending of the career of one of Mathews ..................... 978 Texas, 126; May 16, Kentucky 6, charge for the special numbers ever. The reports from the Grand used the patterns given with the the notable American women of the M oorhead.........................1647 ami Kansas 28; May 18, Nebraska, which are issued on every Holiday, 1862- Ronde, Palonse and Potlacb districts maf?azinc knows their intrinsic value i age. H er life was one of great ac- P alm ............. -215 OREGON. 44; May 21, Oklahoma 10; May 24, LEMA1I, -122 aud which contain a rich table of a re a llo f the most cheerful charac- ■ and how practlCB, they ar# Every | ti, ity> partakiug in a Jively degree V aughan...........................1769- A FULL LINE til contents inclosed with a cover of Iowa, 40, aud May 27 St. Louis, 400. Neely, ..............................1204 In the same period seventy persons _ num ber of Demorest s contains a of the intellectual movement of the S utherland....................... 1387 surpassing beauty. Mr. Ralph W. Hersey, m anager of pattern order wbicb « t it le s the | period which it covered, w ithout County Ju d g e :— The price of the Holiday num b have been killed by lightuing. the Ctlifoania Dried F ru it Agency j boldei to rebable and stylish pat- sharing its vagaries or being touched McMahon ..................... 2103 ers of the Ledger is the same as the The Swineherd says that a -106 savs it seems reasonably certain that tenis at a merely nominal cost The ! by its vices. Miss Field w ras an P o tte r.............................. 2209- regular weekly issues—-only five qui. klv developed pig makes good Sheriff:— California will have as much fruit pettern8 tbat caa be obtained dur- aggressive woman without being of H am pton.......... ...............2128 cents. By comparing the artistic weight and better quality, and, fensive, her unfailing good Dature Johnson........................... 2186- 58 embellishment and the vast amount therefore, as a better selling pti.-e ; especially prunes, this year as last, ‘" g a * year -Vfear on on the orders Clerk:— of reading m atter in the Ledger j and all t ¡is for less money ami tu b u t it is not yet certain as prunes would, if purchased in the regular protecting her in the expression of Je n n in g s......................... 1684- 48 way, cost at least from $50 to $75. opinion concerning men and issues, with the contents of any other five- i less time than is required in the old sometimes drop badly as late as Spencer........................... 1636 Everyone who will take the to au extent denied her less politic cent journal, the new readers of the style of doing —that, processiti which Ju n e 15. The exchanges held about Y arnell.............................1094 Ledger will readily see that they the hog comes near eating his head 40 carloads of dried fruit, almost en trouble to cut eut this notice and but more progressive sisters. W ith Commissioner :— -360 are receiving more for off I t pays the fanner to push the tirely prunes, on May 15. This is forward it, with ten cents, to the ad al, her name in a newspaper was a B ailey............................. 1849- growth of the grade pig. dress below, will receive a sample Caldwell......................... 1083 guarantee of something worth read their money than they considered a small amount. Hill ................................ 1489 copy Demorest’s Magazine, contnin- ing on timely topics, both as a m at can obtain elsewhere. O ur old T reasurer:— L et us forever fix this in our *ui? a Pattern Order which entitles ter of pleasure and information. in t o w n , readers know what they have been G ilstrap ........................ 1428 minds. The fixed charges for dairy ■ the holder to any pattern illustrated While her death was unexpected, it Gray ¿ iff I In h i g h e s t p r i c t h f»$r k in h- n t r r o t i i n r , receiving, and, judging from the 1356 maintainance will be the same for a *n “nJ number of the magazine pub- is not unlikely that she was one of P a tte rs o n .........................1461- 33 letters we are in receipt of from Assessor:— cow producing two pounds a week lisbed during the last twelve months those who “ran too swiftly up the ? 1, them, their only thoughts is, what as for one producing six pounds a at the uniform price of four cents way” to give reasonable prospect of D. P. B urton............... 2148 — -671 atnaziuglv brilliant feature will the O ffic e in M e in z c r R e s id e n c e C h ic g o Ledger add to its columns next? week. Big as this tru th is—as it each; and frequently over thirty lingering an til .. e n ü d . upon the! M .mori.1 M a in S tr e e t,C o tta g e cuts the ground from under the patterns are illustrated in one num- Journey of hie. T h e re » , however, I nterO ceal, ten,I, ' D id Y on E v e r G ro v e , O re g o n . s to restore the feat of the dairym an—yet there are her. thus affording an almost unlim a degree of compensation for a 1 ry Electric Bitters hk a remedy for who have country or city moral and personal equiliberiuin thousands of farmers who are groan ited variety to select from. Demor short life in the abounding activities your troubles ? If 110!, get a bottle property for sale would do well to call c o r i AGE GROVE, I disturbed by the selfish activities of him The following is a few spec <>RKK<)> now and get relief. This medicine on ing and sweating along today, who est is published for $2 a year, by f such a nature, and it may be ial bargains in farms. • j ii a 1 j , i bfe- ^ e spirit of it is a leveler, an De.,1. has been found to he penlnirly don’t believe it. If they really be the Demorest Publishing Company, said that Miss Field got 11s much out Li; t f .- A RARE BARGAIN. ,, , ... eliminator ot distinctions, a creator adapted to the relief and cure of all lieve it, would they not take pains 110 Fifth Avenue, New York. of her little more thau half a century 160 acres of 1,-ui I with running of the bond of affectionate sympathy Female Complaints, » xerting a won- water the whole year; fine fir and i to find out that cow — H oard’s Dairy of life, and gave as much to the that is understood by tbe word com deiful direct influence in giving cedar saw timber, n ev .r culled; 20- C on d en n ed T e stim o n y . man. world in return for what she got, as rade. We all become comrads un strength a m i tone to the organs. If I acres cleared with some fruit I i ces, Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Manu has many another for a much more der that influence— the veteran of a you have Loss of Appetite, Constij a-U V ill make a splendid fruit place I Rural Northwest : The American facturer’s Agent, Columbus, Ohio, cer exteued term of years. This is one S H E E T IR O N W A R E , tifies that Dr, King’s New Discovery hundred battles and the youth who tion. Headache, Fainting Spells, or are and only 5 miles south of Cottage! Jersey Cattle Club has expeuded Grove. has no equal as a Cough remedy. J. of the consolations that wait at the knows war in his imagination aloue; N e r v o u s . S le e p le s s , E x c i t a b l e , Mi lan W ild w o o d A x es, A m u n itio n , a n d a ll s iz e s of $5,000 in investigating cases of forg D Brown, Prop. St. Janies Hotel, Ft. tomb of one who dies in or before the man of wealth and the victim of eholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, j A FIN E 80 ACRE FARM FDR ed and false pedigrees and has can Wayne, Ind., testifies that he was cur the prime of life, and since death Electric Bitters is the medicine you C A R T K IB G E S . SALE, celled over 415 pedigrees in its herd ed of a Cough of two years standing, under such conditions is conceived to poverty; he who is distinguished need. Health and Strength are guar NAILS, CUTLERY Shelf and Building miles from Cottage Grove, all under Keep 8 f„U stock «f book. A Kentuckian has been sent caused by La Grippe, by Dr. King’s be contrary to nature, it is well to and he who is obscure; he who anteed by its use. Fifty cents and 4 good fence. 25 acres in cultivation, I fought and lie who served in other $100 at J. A. B enson’s Drug Store. 150 fruit trees four years old, good ! to the Insane Asylum by bis friends New Discovery, B. F. Merrill, Bald-1 bring philosophy to bear upon it, to ways; comrads all for one day in buildings, well watered, two or three ! to escape the criminal proceedings winsville, Mass., says that he has used the end that the inexorable decree The Mississippi river in many res good springs, and one half miles from Repairing neatlv donej the year, ami the grind of the world good school. Price $1260. Write or instituted against him by tbe Ameri and recommend it and never knew it may be accepted uncomplainingly if pects, is a remarkable stream. In is a little the easier for it, and the caB on W. B rummet , — 111 can Jersey Cattle Club for false p ed to fail and would rather have it than not cheerfully.— Oregonan. cluding tlie Missouri, it is 4100 miles Cottage Grove, Or. music of the spheres comes a little any doctor because it always cures. igrees. The vigorous action of the F o r S a le o r E x c h a n g e fo r C o t nearer to our hearing. Days of long, the longest in the world, ex ta g e G rove P r o p e r ty . Club in this and other cases is de Mrs. Hemming 222 E. 25th St., Chica cept, prehaps tbe Nile, the exact go, always keeps it at hand and has 110 425 acres of land, all fenced and The m ayor of a Willamette valley peace aud days of love are these serving of commendation and will fenced, about 40 acres of plow fear of Croup, because it instantly re city has recently received the follow days of remembrance. Blessed be length of which is not yet determ in cross land. 40 more could be easily cleared, inspire confidence in its certificates ed. Its system drains an area of balance good lieves Free Trials Bottles at J. A. ing lottea from the east seeking in the days of remembering. pasture land.’ Splendid T H. BLUNDELL, Proprietor, of registry. 1,147,00(1 square miles, ou which garden land; about 5 acres of or- Benson’s Drug Store. formation, which is very rich: The California F ru it Grower says .here i, „„ r .ia f .ll „1 78.900,,W0. ! “Please let me know the weekly and I t is announced th at both hoops 000 cubic feet, of which tbe rivet ! Horses, sheep and goats can be Tbe man that does not advertise monthly deth statistics of your city tbe cheii’v situation is causing the carries awav 18 900 000 000 | bought on th e ’place. Price per acre n " b l t e ' V.v a“ d^ s. <Jolden W yandottes, Barred and White Plymouth and tight sleeves are decreed for away 18.J00, 000- 000. At ¡13.00. Situated 9 miles from Yoneal- Bb^ k and \\ lute Mmorcas, Rose Comb Black Minorca«, Red Capa, canners some uneasiness. The crop because “no one reads advertise and what they died of and what the womon in in the near future. Per New Orleans it is 3000 feet wide, and !1;1’ miles from Elkheud Quick Sil- Buff Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, B. B Red Game Bantams Etc haps, as women say, it ssn’t any ments ought to explain why, if that favorit diseases of your climate is of that state is very short and prices thuugh at the bends it broadens to a ^ d ^ m ' p ,S ! Pekin Ducks Fancy Pigeons and Sauabs ’ business of men what women wear; is the cause, so many prosperous aud where they prevail the worst asked are beyond the average can- mile or a mile and a half, this re- j °ffice, mail twice a week Call on or geons ana OQuADS. fatal ! ner 8 Seven cents per pound m erchants spend so much money in and how many resulted in b u t men are naturally interested in write w . B rummett , Cottage Gmve, Eggs and Stock in Season. Correspondence Solicited. mains the average width for 2000 j Or. these things and have a rig h t to advertisuieuts, and why so much death- Also the high and low tem- for cherries means $2.25 a doxen miles, the junction with it of many m , , . -------------- SALEM, OREGON. regards to the high eans> at wb>cb price very few can be NOTICE FuR PUBLICATION. u tte r a protest, if they feel like it. care is taken to have artistic pictur perature and imporant streams it deeper Uniteu STATEg , AfJI) <)fhce #s?*60 Prizes in the last Two Years. 2 Sweepstakes. They really depend much upon the es. The advertising pages of the winds blowing and on what per cent sold’ In view of the foi’eg°ing it is but no wider. I t anually transports ; R osburg, Or., M.iy 29 1896.J leading monthlies, and of such pa per mile it blows and if cyclones are ® vident tbat wbat cherries we have character of woman's dress for their to the gulf 812,500,000,000, -?i0,:.i. ... c.e,s.h* u !reJ?y ? lventIiatth e M llo w in g -n am -------------- -------------- , . . ed settler has filed notice of his intention to composure of miud, refinement and pers as the outh’s Companion, have frequent enough to be unpleasent ’n ^ le ^ orthwest ought to bring pounds of sediment, or enough to nnai proof in support of his claim, and tiiat PRET'.RATION'S FOR proof will be made before Register and good fellowship. Distortions like designs pretty enough to save as and what precaution necessary to mucb better prices than they have cover a square mile of , ground ° 241 said Keceiver, t . S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore- pictures. I t must be that 6ome one escape from being blowed awav. beeu S°iDS ftt the past two sea- , 4 , „ , , , fc'on, on Ju ly is, 1896, viz: Samuel H. McKer- hoops and tig h t sleeves destroy the ™ “■ 1 sons. feet deep. More money has beeu "fa”-,('.in3 e^ tr>' No 5895 ,or the se’-; — benign infl ienca of lines of grace pays for these things. Few merch Anything else about your climate j spent in its improvement than on ', ,He na!"es’he following witnesses to prove ., . i , . llj s coa’inuous residence upon and cultivation and beauty, and disorder, the mul ants furnish so much to read and aud disease will be thankfully re- ( lanrt' viz William M. Inm an, Dennis cejved ' W hen tem pted to rail at the hard any other stream on the globe and | "!■sa,d see at so great cost, simply as a Palm, Samuel (i. Lockwood and Adeibert 8 . ' titudinous nerve fibers of the mas Still It remains almost unmanagea- j W alkley all of Lorane, Oregon. m atter of benevolence. Some per ! times and complain of poverty, re- bje I lun-6-t R. M. V e a tc h , Register. culine brain. A grotesquely-dress sons read advertisem ents who do — 1 meinber tbe words of Garfield: | NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ed woman is a tretuendious discour not read anything else. You may select your wife rig h t “Poverty is uncomfortable, as I H anging will be played out in U xiteh S tates L and O ffice , , agement to the best of men. She on the square by the way she walks. ! can testify; but niue times out of Ohio on aud after July 1st. From ' R oseburg , O r . April 25, ]S9f This is the way it feels to live in M is demoralizing in her influence. hereby given th a t the fniiowing- The girl with her chest high, head ten the best thing that can happen this time forward criminals sentenc- Notice No,i.c'‘ is hereby OF NOVEMBER 3 ARE ALREADY UNDER WAY. A NEW She assails the true, the beautiful any of the cyclone states. We copy named settler lias tiled notice of her intention to i thrown oack and chin held close to to a young man is to be tossed over- ed to death will be killed bv elec- niake ,inaI ¡»supportof ii.-r.-,aim. andtiiat and the good. To usher hoops into description from tbe Kansas City . . ' ; said proof will lie made before J o r l W a k e U her collar, will be proud, self-willed board and compelled to sink or tncity. I S- c . C. Uoimnissioner at Eugene. Oregon, on ' tbe feminine world in tbe closing Journal: “If there is ever an occas- Ju n e 29, 1896. viz. Anna M McUIane on h o m e-' IS TO BE ELECTED, AND THE and steadfast, especially if her step swim.” There is nothing better for T ______ a 4 1-44. 1 • stead entry No. 6325 for the 8U Nw‘i, and lots years of the Nineteenth century is ion when man realizes what a puny i . 1 have opened out a little business 3 of sec. 4. tp. 21 s., R. 3 east. He names th e , is swinging aud swift. sw ift Tbe &irl a -Toung nian tbaB to compelled „ t - X T .!., 0» t following witnesses to prove his continuous re>! au outrage upon our propressivc thing he is it is when he is called ' 8, SWIU5 1D- . on Jiain stieet adjoining Cooper A Idetice upon and cultivation of. said land v izi w ill, as .always, be found in the thickest of the fight, battling 'tpon to face some great disturbance wh° Se is not 80 Prorai- to rustle for a living. It makes Medley’s law office, where the twb- G ^-?nd ^ a S T M * ite iL civilization w! icb should be accom vigorously for SOUND BUSINESS PRINCIPLES, which will Of nature, like the tornadoes which ' and whose head diops ops a little, tittle ' s strong, tr self-reliant, capable men the panied even dress by .-.¡1 th .t i-. lie can be supplied with ice cream may2-49 bring PROSPERITY TO THE NATION. __ R. M. V e a tc h , Register. and whose step isn't quite so high j kind our country needs. tribotory to cxalied nt sthetic taste, have recently devasted portions of for family or public entertainments. THE NEW -YORK W EEKLY TRIBUNE is not only the lead NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. will be affectionate, gentle, intelli- ing Republican paper of the country, but is PRE-EMINENTLY It would tot'ii iuo'ossible for the Ifs a s and Kansas. At such times, Also fruit, confectionary, lemonade Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, irg, Oregon, Alfred Lisstrom, a Swedish descen- and other temperance drinks in A NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. many thousands of women who *n 8pite of his boasted knowledge gent, sensative and modest. Tbe April 25, 1896. ' Its campaign news and discussions will interest every Ameri girl who carries her head one side , dent, age 29 years. He went to work in stores aud offices to yield and b’s aspirations to control the their season. Your patronage so- Notice is heretw given that the foil,>uing can citizen. lii»i fori named settler lias filed notice of his intention to passively to the hoop enormity, elemental forces of the world, he is and unevenly is a flirt. The one Washington eight years ago, and 4JV41CU. m ake final proof in support of bis < laim. and th at : All tlie news of the day, Foreign Corresponilence, Agricultural whose chest is depressed and whose later to Portland, Oregon, and has said proof will be made before J o e l W a k e U. They can’t hoop themselves and at- as an eggshell tossed upon the bosom Department, Market Reports, Short Stories coniple.e in each D. L incoln . S. C. C. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on belt is prom inent is inclined to not been heard from for four years, June 29, 16:si. Viz: Isra-I .1 Grj ,m i lio nestead number, Comic Pictures, Fashion Plates with elaborate descrip tend to business. As for tight tbe Helpless as a babe, all entry No. 5765 for tbe S'.. Sw . and l o t o l sre NOTICE. coarseness, but may be good heart- i His aged mother is very anxious to tions, ami a variety of items of household interest, make up AN . is, tp. 21 s., R. 3 east. Ue names tlie following sleeves they are pitifully ugly. Thin tba* be caH do is to await the stroke There will be an auction sale a t willlt‘sses to prove Ills Continuous resnl-nce up- IDEAL FAMILY PAYER. ed and affectionate. The girl who know if he is living. Any informa- . . , z x- n* si*, on and cultivation of. said land, viz: Almanza I* arm ed womsn cannot possiblv lelish as the resistless storm bears down the residence of N. \\. White, on McUIane, Alonzo 8. Winfrev. G<>rgi 1 a rte ra n d We furnish “ Tlie L e a d e r ” and “ New Y ork W eek- f o r t l i e n i n n o « e Anlla M• -'l'< iane, all ot' H.-iz> l hell,O regon, the change from the graceful baloon uP°n him, happy indeed if the dread comes down on her heels will fight tion leading to his whereabouts will J i i u u n u e e i 1 o 5 , . a u t 1 1 o o c ’c i l o o t c K k IOI m e p u t p ose ma>-2 48 R. m . V e a tc h , Register, ly T r ib u n e ” (both papers), for her opinion. The one whose kindly received by Charles Linstrom, o f s e l i i u g 1 mower, 1 sulky plow, sleeves winch conceal the quality of funnel shaped monster passes him heels a rt light will have her own Otho, Webster county, Iowa. Other 2 walking plows, 1 barley crusher, 1 Trespass Notice. t he arms effectively and give a grace- b7 unharmed. wheat fan aud a lot of smaller tools. ■ Notice is hereby given that I, the - way even though she has to make papers please copy. r - i ful, dashing air to every woman. lerm s, all uuder fave dollars cash in undersigned, have posted trespass N on the larm responds so her way yours to do it. A girl — —— . CA SH IN A D V A N C E. Why not let well enough alone? hand, all over five dollars oil 60 notices on my respectiveprerrusesand Address all orders to readily to proper care and with whose arms swing free will be more W hen a sow proves a valuable days tune with personal security at w i V l ^ p n i ^ u t e o ^ h e full THE LEADER. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder such certain results as does the live thau one who holds them stiff and breeder do not part with her as long 5 per cent interest. , extent of the law. Wtite your name and address n oa postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, <israr4e\i Go»4 Medal Midwinter Fair. San Franuac^ stock. tight, as shy remains useful, A. V. W hitney . ! L. H. Y arbrough Room 2. Tribune Pudding, New York City, and a sample copy of th.» New York W’eeklv Tribune will tie mailed to you. SOME n I U A N e w L in e o f L a d ie s ’ CL.IIIKS DYSPEPSIA ,C0Tì3 B°ucle Dress Goods. Emulsion = C L O A K I N G .= A gents for th e sale of th e ¿n n m m . A LU MBE R. B. ROUSE, j. PRO M PTLY F IL L E D N ew Goods and N ew S ty le s L U R C H ’S C L O T H IN G , DRY 8iveu G O O DS, B O O T S and S H O E S . L a d ie s D re ss Goods, H a ts a n d D o m e stic s All Sizes of Trunks. W. BRUM M ETT N o tary Public and This stock has ju s t been refilled an d is the best selected Z E IJ L Z R , 3 D W J L K E S. R. P IP E R . H A R D W A R E Morningside Poultry lards, B re e d e r of P r iz e W in n in g P o u ltry . in u I p lew G reat B attle P re sid e n t of th e U nited S ta te s NEW YORK WEEKLY T R IB U N E ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2.25, I