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About Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1908)
Ortgon lilt Soc UH Oily lati tt*M6SSNesiiSe3ttfcittM| $ # If You Like THE LEADER B oost for It- ( lt not. Send you r C r itic is m to IK * Paper. tù to t '> / C O TTAG E GROVE LEADER B O H E M IA N U G G E T C on solidated January 9, 1908 STRUCK COAL AH F N ext Monday will be the last day for the payment of taxes with out a (»enalty for delinquency. One half o f the amount «d u e may he paid at this tGnic and the county w ill obligingly carry the re luaiuder until < letober. Hut unless half has been paid, It* jx*r cent penalty will he added after Mon day and one per cent (x*r mouth thereafter until the tax is paid. Vein Twelve Inches Thick Discovered. ON S. Attorney J E. Young, F. JACKSON’S PLACE £ C O T T A G E G R O V E , O R E G O N , F R ID A Y , A P R I L 3, 1908 LAST WEEK FOR PAYING , TAXES WITHOUT PENALTY ICIPAL NOMINATING CONVENTION AND TICKET Held at the Armory Hall Last Friday Evening— At tended by Business Men and Citizens. ; GEO COMER WITHDRAWS FROM COMMISSIONER'S RACE 1 wish to officially announce that my name will not lie (x-rmitted to come up before the primaries for county commissioner as 1 could not serve the people o f this part o f the county if elected for the reason that the district which would lie as signed me would be the west and north end o f the county. T h an k ing my friends for their liberal support and trusting 1 may lie of service in the future some time, I am respectfully, O ho . C o m k r . Hon John W. Baker. NOMINEE FOR MAYOR DEFINES HIS POLICY * / ^ w ee # W 6 8 8 $ 8 G d 9 e$ $ ye$ $ & V O L . X IX . H. 0. Thompson Unanimous Choice For Mayor— A. H. King for Recorder— Herbert Eakin For City Treasurer. Woodard. Jones and„Woods. Councilmen. Samples Tested and Exhibited at Cottage Grove Prove it to be Good Coal. Advertise in TH E LEADER. .£ That is W h at Brings //> Business and gives a Paper Life. % NO. 51 TO SHIP ORE FROM BOHEMI To the Smelter at Ta coma, Wash. FIRST SHIPMENT GOING SOON F. i. Hard Has Been Working on This Project and Has Secured Good Rates. i S. F. Jackson of Lorane, was in Cottage d rove Tuesday with a sack o f fine looking coal taken from a vein discovered on his place 12 miles west o f Cottage d rove lately by his son, Charles. The coal was tested in the blacksmith forge of J. 11. Maker and was found to he good blacksmith coal, several pieces of iron and steel be ing nicely welded with it. It con tains considerable sulphur, but it is thought when the vein is tapped deejicr a still finer grade will be found. These samples displayed by Mr. Jackson also burned well in stoves and leaves little or no ashes. 'file vein was discovered under lying a strata of slate rock, which was cut through by a running stream, the coal vein just uncov ered being about one foot thick and it is thought that a large dei*osit will be found when a thorough prospect is made, the for mation being most favorable at this place. A coal miner looked through that district some years ago, but failed to locate the mineral in suf ficient quantities to warrant ex pending the necessary funds for opening it up. li e was positive, however, o f the existence o f coal in large deposits. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND ALSO CITY RECORDER Attorney Joseph F. Young is a candidate for Justice o f thè Peace for Cottage («rove precinct on the republican ticket and candi date for city recorder 011 the " T a x payers” ticket. Mr. Voting has served as Justice of the Peace for the Cottage d ro ve precinct during the past year and has served in the capacity o f recorder for the city of Cottage d ro ve for five terms. He has been identified in the upbuild ing o f this city, is a property holder, and also is interested in the snwmilliiig industry of this community. Mr. Young has many friends in this community who are solicitious for his success both in the cit> and J une elections. A NEW AND PROFITABLE LOCAL INDUSTRY In accordance With the call issued by the city council at its last regular meeting the citizens of Cottage d rove assembled at the armory Friday evening for the pur- liose o f nominating a citizens mu nicipal ticket to be submitted to the voters of this place at the city election to be held next Monday April 6. Mayor Jones called the meeting to order and stated that according to custom the council at its last regular meeting had issued the usual call for a city nominating convention for the purpose of put ting up a city ticket to be voted on at the regular city election. The exjienses of this stated convention is always borne by the city couticil and is the only convention wherein any provisions are made for e x penses thereof, any other conven tions that may be held, being per sottal affairs. He announced that nominations and Mr. Kakin was chosen with out opposition. FOR COUNCILMAN. The various wards assembled in different parts o f the room and proceeded to nominate their re- sjiective candidates for councilmen. In the first ward A . I.. Wood ard, the sawmill man, was chosen for councilman by acclamation. In the second ward C. P. Jones and Henry l-'ischer entered the contest, the nomination being given to Mr. Jou%- by ballot. J. W. BAKER IS OUT In the third ward there was a FOR COUNTY JUDGE spirited contest between Mr. I.eroy Woods and C. C. Hazleton, the J. W . Baker of Cottage drove, former winning the nomination by formerly stale game warden, has two votes. concluded to run. for county judge TALK BY II. O. THOMPSON. oil the democratic ticket and has Mr. Thompson, nominee for filed his nominating petition with mayor, was called to the platform the county clerk. Mr. Baker is by the assembly and he said: "M r. popular throughout the county and chairman and gentlemen, 1 stand has many friends in both parties. before you a candidate for mayor, He is thoroughly competent to per form the duties o f the office of county judge. The manner in which he conducted the office of state game warden and the ex cel lent work he did while serving in that capacity is a testimonial to his ability and worth. He will roll up a big vote in this county and in Smith I.ane in particular. For some time past, F'. J. Hard, the Bohemia mining man, has been working industriously on a plan for the shipment of the ores front his valuable properties in Bo hemia to the Tacoma smelter, but some delay has been occasioned in securing satisfactory transporta tion and smelter rates. Mr. Hard has lately returned home from a trip to the Tacoma smelter and the Leader is pleased to report that he has at last succeeded in getting sat isfactory rates both from the smelter and transportation com panies and will begin shipping out ores from his group of mities iti Bohemia as soon as preliminary arrangements can lie made. He says the smelter people are now ready to make almost any conces sion to get the ore to the smelter and the railroad companies offered finally every inducement in the way o f rates. Mr. Hard has much ore blocked out on the Vesuvius, Oregon-Colo- rado and Riverside properties in Bohemia, which carry good values and his returns from the smelter will no doubt be most gratifying. This enterprise on the part of Mr. Hard will no doubt give the whole Bohemia camp a boost and liven up things this season. STEAM LAUNDRY TO START UP MONDAY. Messrs Baker & Woodson have ieuced laundrymen and will be their fine new laundry ready for able to turn out as gootl work as operations ami will start up the can be had anywhere. Cottage plant next Monday. They have Grove is indeed fortunate in secur installed a fine new .10-horse power ing such a i»lant and such exper boiler, a o-horse j»ower electric ienced enterprising workmen, and motor, ball bearing line shafts, should show its appreciation by Baker A two latest improved washing ma extending to Messrs patronage. chines, mangle, large rotary Woodson a liberal wringer, tin-lined drying compart This plant will no doubt draw con ments, ironers, in fact, the plant is siderable patronage from neighbor H. 0. THOMPSON. ATTORNEY A H. KING. modern in every particular and ing towns. The Leader bespeaks Choice o f Friday N igh t's Convention | Candidate for City Recorder on the a li lierai patronage for the Cottage lor Mayor of the municipality o f Cottage Citizens Ticket, and candidate for Justice there is not a I»etterequipped steam laundry in this part o f the state, Grove steam laundry and wishes ( ’.rove, for the ensuing year. o f flit- Pence on the Democratic Ticket. •• 'l’he proprietors are lx>th exper- its management success. for ;i chairman and a secretary of and now since I have received the the meeting were in order, where nomination for mayor I want to Otto Gilstrap o f the F.ugene Mrs. Ira Conner went to Rtlgene upon, F". W oolev was chosen be mayor, and if elected, 1 w ill be Tuesday to attend the funeral of Register, was looking after the eliairtnay and Clias. »W alker, sec- I mayor. I have few pledges to her aunt, Mrs. Sarah Iv. Lakin. interests o f his paper in this city Fine new line o f ladies lace and Don’t forget the W a ve for fine iretarv. Upon taking the chair Mr. ¡make. However, if elected I will She was the mother of Clint Brau- this week. He favored the Leader embroidery collars at the Bazaar, stationery and see— gars (c iga rs). ! W oolev said it was not his purpose ■ endeavor to give the city an econ stetter formerly of this citv. with a fraternal call. I to make a speech and he at once omical, business-like adtuinistra- called for nominations for mayor. jtion. I will insist that the ordi nances l>e enforced or else re- H. O. THOMPSON FOR MAYOR. |x*aled. It has l»een rumored that » Mayor J. 1. Jones arose and : if elected 1 would lx* inclined to JÜ L stated that the man he was about ward extravagance. W hile 1 lie- i to place in nomination to head the lieve in progress and advancement | "citizen s” ticket was a gentleman and the upbuilding o f the city, I well and favorably known in this have no more money to put into city. Had resided here four years ! taxes than you have. ( >ur firm or more; with his fam ily had es paid something like $l sd in taxes ■ tablished a pretty home in this city this year and while we are willing & & ; and was instrumental in building to pay our just proportion o f taxes, & I up the elecrtic light system o f the 1 am not anxious to have this tax I town, which he operated during ation increased. I would look to ! liis early residence in this city. the city's sanitary condition, ami Later he had liecome identified if every citizen will do his part the j with the mercantile interests o f this city would need to be put to no city and his firm today was one of expense in providing clean streets, We carry only the very best brands, I the city's heavy ta x p a y in g insti- alleys and yards. It is tip to our which are marked down close to the j unions. In conclusion Mr. Jones citizens to beautify and build up wholesale price—bargains, every pair, j said he desired to place in nomina- the city. I, as mayor, could not Ition for mayor Mr. TI. O. Thotnp- load our citizens with burdensome (tood, strong, serviceable Overalls, I son, who was neither a "religious taxation, from the fact that the Jumpers, Shirts, Socks and Gloves. ' nor a political fanatic.” There property owners and citizens have ' l>eiug no other nominations Mr. a voice ill all matters of public im | Thompson was made the unani provements.” mous choice o f the convention. Mr. Thompson is a very good | sjwaker and made a very favorable A. It. KINO FOR RECORDER. impression, demonstrating the fact N ext came the nominations for that he has the ability and quali I recorder. Leroy Woods presented fications to make a wide-awake, the name o f the present incumbent, vet safe and Conservative mayor. A. I I . K in g for reuominatiou and At the conclusion o f Mr. he was also chosen by acclamation. Thompson’s talk, Recorder King HERBERT EAKIN FOR TREASURER. presented and read the recorder’s financial rejiort and answered all The name o f Herltert Kakin was questions which the assemblage j (»resented for the nomination of j was solicited to ask regarding the citv treasurer by A. L. Woodard. city ’ s finances and affairs. It. I-'. Finn was down front Lea- land finds read\ sale for his output. He is now having it put up in burg yesterday the first time in pint bottles for shipment for ntedi- three years. Mr. Finn runs a sawmill and I cal purposes. An order Has just supplies the local trade in his sec come in from a Portland firm for tion of the country. In addition 10 gallons. to this he manufactures turpentine, Mr. Finn says thousands o f dol the pure, unadulterated article and lars have gone to waste in I.ane his is the only manufactory o f its county during logging processes by kind in Oregon as far as is known. destroying and throwing away the Ilis product is first class and is pitch. Mr. Finn lias demonstrated that only for medical and chemical pur poses. The product is made from turjieiitine o f the best quality can what we call the ( )regou fir and in lie manufactured here and that it other states called the balsam. He can lx* made a great and paying makes alxiut 2<X) gallons annually industry.— Register. ;jsr jt FAMILY GROCERIES F W E meet Competition in Prices. W E Surpass in Quality of Goods. W E have no Competi tors in Style, Fit or Fashion in Mens, Boys and Youths Suits, as well as Ladies Skirts W aists and Shoes. WHEBLBR-THDHPSON CO. Fine Dress and Loggers Shoes a 3 Produce Bought and Sold