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About Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1908)
O t« ^ < B u to r !«* ! accliU I f Y o t L ik e TH E LEAD ER B oost fo r It- I f not. S tnd you r C r itic is m to tKo Paper. i A d v e r tis e in TH E LEADER. > T h at Is W h a t B rin gs / Business and g ive s j a P a g er L ife . L RtiSSSSSSSSSSS^ " H i CO TTAG E GROVE LEADER BO H EM TA N U G G E T C onsolidated January 9, 1908 LOCAL NEWS OF INTEREST Another Main Street Cor ner Changes Hands. STORM MISSES LANE COUNTY COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1908 Cottage ('.rove is getting thej paving fever. A ’’ representative of the Warren Construction company was liere last Friday confering with some of the property owners in regard to paving the main street. lie estimates the total cost of the work on Main street from the de(K>t to the bridge, including the curbing at $16,(KM). This amount of money could not be ex pended in a more judicious and practical manner in this city. Hen Lurili, II. O. Thompson and Marion Veatch comprised the com mittee in conference with the con struction representative. FU LL VERDICT IN MAHON TIMBER CASE WILL RESUME EUGENE’S GREAT T Roseburg Masons are to put up a $.10,000 temple. Cottage ('.rove masons ought to go them at least the same. Institution of n e w granges throughout the county shows with what rapidity the farmers of Ore gon are bauditig themselves to gether for mutual benefit. Remember we are giving, the very best electric service which will compare with any city, no ex ceptions, why not have some of it? Cottage ('.rove Klectric Co. 48tf Rev. I). K. Maker and Frank Kelly passed through ottr city en- route to Dorena Monday where they began Tuesday evening a series of two weeks revival meet ings. The Williams Colored lubilee Singers apjieared at the armory Monday evening before a large audience. Their concert was good and brought forth rounds of ap plause. Their soprano, contralto, tenor and bass singers were un usually good. Company E Visited Eu- To be Held This Season gene Tuesday. April 14th and 15th. ATTEND FLAG PRESENTATION BIG SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Tuesday morning and was for $42,470.60 including interest. This was the most stubbornly Without any' possible exception, A railroad man from San Fran contested case of the term and the cisco. representing Chief Kngineer the greatest musical movement ever ablest attorneys in the state were I 1 lood of the Southern Pacific, was organized in this part of the state, lined up on lxith sides. here this week and bought every is now under way in Kugene. The A brief summary of the case is asj ! ton of hay for sale between Drain choral society of that place, known follows: II.C. Mahon timber dealer j and Seottsburg. I le also renewed as the Kugene ( Iratorio Society, re of Kugene, entered into agreement the leases for all of the old camp organized its chorus with 175 with M. H. Rankin of Portland ing grounds along the route of 4he members this winter and liegati to purchase for said Rankin 40,000 new road to Coos Bay. This looks training in January for a big musi acres of I.ane county timber in the like they are getting ready to go cal festival in April. The choral western part of the county upon works chosen were Gaul’s “ Holy some.— Noupariel. which Rankin was to pay him City” and Dudley Buck’s "Goldeu Co. E's Visit to Eugene. $40,000 in commission as soon as Legend” each of which will re the deeds for the timber were j Co. Ii turned out about twenty- quire lietween an hour and a half placed in escrow in the bank five strong and went to Kugene in When Mahon had complied with full uniform and equipment Tues and two hours to sing. Ten or twelve years ago, when his part of the contract Rankin day to attend the flag presentation declined to take the timber and pay the commission, hence the suit by which the jury awarded Maliou die full amount of his claim. The judgment given the plaulifT, $42,470.60 in the Mahon-Rankin 'I’iie Leader has never complained at carrying subscribers who case is said to l>e the largest of o fall behind a year or two on their subscriptions; some even are : any civil suit tried in Kane County ?much more than that in arrears m .i still we do not ’ dun” them, except the Mitchel Doyle case, and p This is a matter of accommodation in many cases, as we will, at the judgment he received, $45, imhi , | some time or other, receive our pay. This we can no longer do, as damages for personal iujuries, owing to the new ruling by the postoffice departmei|t, which re is said to l>e the largest but one, if fuses to carry any weekly paper through the mail’s in cases where not the largest, of any like case the subscriber is one year or more in arrears, unless a one-cent tried in the sl:lU. Both cases postage stamp is attached to each. * wi„ appealed. ap|>ealed For this reason if you are in arrears one year or more, we ask Tuesday’s dispatches brought news of freshets and high winds prevailing throughout Washington, eastern and northern ( )regon, whde here at Cottage Grove we have only been favored with fine, warm W HAT CAN BE DONE spring showers which is bringing ON A SM ALL FARM all kinds of vegetation up with a bound. Record of two men on 18 acres from Dr. B. R. Job has purchased o f land near Medford, the Crowley property on the corner April 19, 1907 tojanuary 17, 1908: of Main and Third stteets, 25 by Garden truck sold, $2,250; alfalfa 100 feet for a consideration of $2,- .500. This is one of the best hay, $220: $100 worth of garden corers on the street, hut is at pres produce now on hand not yet sold. ent occupied by a siugle story From two cows they have made wooden building, which will be re eight pounds of butter a week, placed with a modern brick in due adding another $100 to the aggre time. gate; and besides, the family liv Miss Gertrude Palmer has re ing has been made from the land. signed as teacher in the primary The total receipts, not including department of our public schools the living of the family, were $2,- and has gone to I.os Angeles to 670. From feight acres of land take a sj>ecial three months course they sold $1000 worth of potatoes, in primary and kindergarten work. and from three-fifths of an acre of Miss Georgetta Berg is teaching land sold $420 worth of onions, Miss Palmer’s unexpired term in and from one third of an acre of the primary department of the lierries of different varieties they public school. realized $269 in cash. VHEELËB-THOMPSDN CO. Have it For Less. W E meet Competition in Prices. W E Surpass in Quality of Goods. W E have no Competi tors in Style, Fit or Fashion in Mens, Boys and Youths Suits, as well as Ladies Skirts W aists and Shoes. -THOMPSON CO. lions there is the full numlier of clarinets, oboes, flutes and bas soons which, with a quartette of French horns and the full numlier of trumpets, tromlxmes and per cussion instruments, kettle and other drums, round out one of the greatest orchestras this country can boast and one worth an effort, j even a sacrifice, to hear. It costs $1250 a day to run this orchestra every day it is out on the road. They carry two Pullmau coaches, a diner and a baggage car for their own private use. They have their own chef, cook ASSAYERS RETURNS ARE RICH and waiters and often form a special train iu making connect ions with their engagements. With Development Work Will be Pushed the orchestra is a quartet of vocal Big Camp to be Established. soloists of national reputation. Will Ship Ore. It necessitated assuming a very great expense and risk by the choral society at Kugene to secure The ( Iregonian has this to say this attraction which appears at aliout the recent discovery of gold only one other point iu Oregon— Portland. But by offering such a made on Ml. Baldy one mile south great musical combination as this, of Drain: “ G. G. Vance of Portland, who a general interest in the event will doubtless lie aroused and many recently returned from a prospect outside of Kugene, induced to at ing tri(i to Drain, Douglas coantv O regon , believes he has located tend. The chorus is working regularly one of the most promising mining under the direction of Professor properties in the state. A ll assay Glen of the I ’ niversity and will be made a few days ago by local as- the liest balanced and altogether sayers shows the ore to contain strongest lxidv of singers heard in 14.72 ouuces of gold to the ton valued at $4o4.46. Mr Vance is any of the valley festivals. Tickets for the season of three associated with Thomas Ilargest concerts, April 14th and 15th with of this city in the proposition and a matinee on the afternoon of the is confident that it will prove a 15th, and a different program at bonanza. “ Our property can be developed each concert, will be sold at $.t. The details may lie seen in the without much expense as it is near large advertisement in this paper. the railroad said Mr. Vance yester The festival will lie held iu Villard day. “ It is at such an elevation hall at the 1’uiversity; where a that the ore can lie ‘handled special stage will be erected to ac through a chute most of the dis commodate the 25o musicians that tance iu getting it onto the cars. It seems very strange to me that will etigage iu the concerts. the place has not lieen discovered before now. The firm who as CHAMBERLAIN ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR SENATOR sayed our samples is very much interested in the nullter. W e George K. Chamberlain, gover have already made arrangements nor of Oregon, is a candidate for with eastern men to finance the the t ’ nited States senate, to suc work of developing the prospect ceed Charles A. Fulton. Saturday and by next week we expect to afternoon the governor made the have a camp established there. announcement of his candidacy, By April the 1st we should have pledging himself should he lie the work well iu hand and should elected, to serve the jieople of the ship out a carload each day.” For some time, the belief has state irrespective of party, fairly, earnestly and , impartially, and been current that ‘ ‘payingore” was promising should the office fall to being taken from “ Mt. Baldy,” him, to place country above party but until quite recently it has not and to supjxirt those measures lieen known that such was the whether to a Republican or a Dem case, but it is now a certainty, as ocratic administration, which his two assays of ore taken from conscience approved as best calcu "B aldy” show approximately $1 .Vi lated to promote the liest interests gold and $6o copper. This is in- of the country at large and the i deed rich and promises to lie a great wealth producer for this part of state of Oregon. the state. ( Mytnpic' flour, highest grade Fresh compressed yeast daily at hard wheat flour iu the market for Metcalf & Hrunda. sale at Baughman’s feed store. Post Office Ruling Effecting Newspapers. that you remit at once, otherwise we shaft lie compelled to remove many names from our mailing list and collect the amount already due. • Please do not blame us for what may, on its face, look like a “ dun” as we are compelled to follow the rulings of the new law. 5 It is either a case of oliey, quit business or be fined. y W e have already mailed statements to each subscriber one '/ year or more in arrears, showing how their subscription stands, and ^ those receiving these notices are urged to rescind promptly. This is the only way we can comply with the new postal law ji. la n d we ask the help of our readers in the work of getting t h e » % Leader list in the condition required by the new law which takes | I effect April 1, 1908. the chorus there was small in num ber, perhaps not numliering more than forty or fifty singers, the ac companiments to the singing were furnished by a siugle piano. As the chorus grew in numbers, how ever, die volume of tone from a piano was not large enough to sus tain the chorus and other instru ments were brought into requisition to very great advantage. But | these instruments never made an | en t i r el y satisfactory > orchestra. | The players were mostly amateurs j and could not lie expected to h ave. great proficiency. Five years ago, however, a de cided step in advance was made, when at the spring musical festival Give Alfalfa a Trial. of 1904. the management itito- The theory that alfalfa will only dueed the Portland Symphony < >r- thrive on our rich sandy bottom land has lieen exploded time and chestra to accompany the chorus again by the appearance of small which numbered over 15< i and tracts o f alfalfa oti the bench and which was drawn from Kugene, hill lands tributary to Cottage Salem. Albany, Corvallis and I’ort- Grove, one particularly fine stand land. of this splendid forage is to be seen This year the chorus of 175 on 1*. A. Lindstrom’s place on the summit of the mountain between voices will have its accompani | this city and Lorane. Mr. I.ind- ments played by the Chicago Sym strotn gets two or more crops of phony orchestra «if sixty-four j hay from his alfalfa meadows be- pieces. There are twenty violins I sides having green pasture through j the summer and fall months. in the first section alone, in this There are few places in south Lan» great organization. Think of the | county on which a fiue meadow of volume from twenty violins in the alfalfa could not be grown, even hands of professional musicians, I on the up-land farms, and the and all playing the same part, farmers should give it a trial. playing in unison! This with the violins iu the second violin section, W h y 'n o t have electric lights? six violas, six violoncellos and < >ur patrons are satisfied and say four bass viols make a t«ital of they are cheaper than the oil lamp, and perfectly safe. Cottage Grove fortv six stringed instruments lie sides the harp. In the other sec- Klectric Co. 48tf ceremonies at the county seal oti that day over which Governor Chamberlain officiated. T h o s e members of Co. K attending were: Capt. J .C . Johnson: First Lieut. II. K. Metcalf, Second Lieut. II. II. Petrie, Corporals, Horace Coch ran, Karl Sirneral and Jas. II. Potts; (Juarter Master Sargeant, W . II. Ostrander: Musician, A. Griffin and privates F'rauk Sly, Joel Palmer, Clarence Hull, A lf Powell. B. Mooney, G. S. Gourlev, Thos. R. Parker, C. A. Van Deu- lierg, K. T. Crow, Oscar Hubbard, Chas. Whitlock, Harry D. Mit chell, Ray I.angdou, R. C. MaGee, Dave LaCure. W illie Sherwood, and Jessie Lewifc. The boys re port a courteous reception and a general good time. GOLD FOUND NEAR DRAIN L Street Pavement Committee Met Con This Part ot Lane County Adapted to Of Chicago Will Play Accompaniment Kugene, March IS.— Verdict of struction Representative. Cost Growing Alfalta Crops in Valley for the 175 Voices. Orchestra the jury in the case of Mahon vs of the Work. and on Hills. of 64 Pieces. Rankin was opened bv the court A ll nature observed St. Patrick’s day in the wearing of the green. VOL. XIX. NO. 49 Eighteen Miles South of Cottage Grove. SPECIAL SALE SHOES Bargain!« in Footw ear which cannot lie duplicated any where. Many of our liest brands of shoes included iu ottr Sacrifice Sale. Family FRF.SH S T O C K : Groceries BF.ST B R A N D S L O W F .S T P R IC E S V^xaminc our China «V A ¡lass- ware. Heavy, serviceable (¡loves, Shirts, Overalls, Sus penders, Sticks anti other work clothes for buiulK-rnien, I*oggers and Miners. F IN ». H AN D -M AD F. LO G G IN G S H O F S S4 00 T O S7.00 >• >- P E A R C E BILOS. 'k 4 »