Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, October 26, 1907, Image 1

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s a t d r DAY,
fills Close Down on Ac
count of Advanced Rates.
lum ber
W. C. Miles, president ot the
Southwestern Washington Manu­
facturers' Association of Centralia,
and president of the Globe Lumber
Company of Globe, Washington, is
in the city and he reports the fol­
lowing mills closed along the line
of the Northern Pacific. Stillwater
Lumber Company’s plant at Little
Falls, with a capacity of about 100 ,-
i 000 feet daily: the Chehalis Lumber
Company's plant at Littell, with a
i daily capacity of about 80,000; the
t h ir d t e r m
Unique Step lo Test Senti*
ment of Country
p o p u l a r it y
Wisconsin Lumber Company’s plant
men Familiar With the
Situation Sa y at Littell, cuttiug daily; the
tue Attitude 7oward|Lumbermen
is Outrageous.
OCTOBER 20 , 1907
H, H. Martin Lumber Company’s
plant at Centralia, with a daily cut
o f 75,ooo; the Salzer Lumber Com.
panv’ s plant at Centralia, with a
Senator Bourne Offers $1.0 0 0 Cash
Prize tor the Strongest and Best
Written Argument
mess success aud public tranquility
could possibly occur at this time,
in my opinion, that the substitution
of certainty for uncertainty regard­
ing the Presidency. It would be
worth hundreds of millious of dol­
lars to our material interests. The
business wotld would profit incal­
culably by the assurance or reas­
surance such a certainty would
bring. The administration’s poli­
cies are accepted aud approved.
Only the knowledge that Roosevelt
will continue at the helm is needed
to inaugurate auew an era of pros­
perity on a safer and sounder basis
than ever before. Call it a third
term or a second elective term, as
you like; the exigencies of the times
demand that he serve four years
more. It is a patriotic duly which
he owes to his country. He cannot
Bhirk it, it he would, without mak­
ing self greater than couniry and
forfeiting the respect aud public
confidence he uow holds. He will
not shirk it once the people make
heir wishes known. Now is the
time for them to be beard.”
of Interest in a
Condensed Form
A Resume of the W eek's Local
penmngs of the State and County
Briefly Told.
The car shortage, cancellation o f l dady output of 75 , 000 ; the Mutual
Tbreshing is still going on in
orders due to the proposed advance j L,1,nl,er Company’s plant at Bucoda
Washington, Oct. 20.— Hon. Jon­
Langell valley in Klamath county.
in freight rates to points East of w,th a dai'y C11‘
« 0 , 000 ; and the athan Bourne, Jr., of Oregon,
The walnut harvest is quite an
theRockie» and the danger of the B1,,m» " er
Company’s plant United States Senator, has taken a
event in portions o f Yamhill county.
new rate becoming effective are j at •«un>o, with a daily cut af .r>o,-: unique step to test the sentiment of
A Grants Pass brick plant finds
three factors that are gradually but 000
Mr Mlles '* Muoted as bar 1 the country on the Presidential *it-
rea<ly sale for the hundreds of thou­
sorely putting
sands of bricks it turns out.
Washington sawmills out of busi­ mill down unless relief in some lazine, of Boston, Mass., he has of-
Extensive additions and improve­
ness, says the Portland Journal.
are being made to the big
During the past few das s dozens of
Brownsville cannery and preserving
sawmill» in the Willamette valley, m g tho effects o f the attitude of i the strongest and best written ar-
along the lines o f the Southern Pa­ the railroads, and prices today aro , gument in support of bis following As Announced by T. H. Vail. Presi­ factory.
dent of the American T. T. Co.
If Stay ton ciuld have a dozen
cific ami equally as many along tbo lower than for several months past. | assertions;
“ First. That the sovereign people
vacant houses today they would all
Northern Pacific in Southwestern
and not Theodore Roosevelt, the
An important change in the pol­ find renters wilhin 24 hours, says
Some Fifteen Years Ago.
Washington have been forced to
individual and public servaut, will icy for thirty years of the Bell Tel­ the Mail.
discharge their employes and shut
decide who shall be his successor.
ephone Company has been made
The Medford Tribune says that
their doors.
" I wandered to the grog shop,
“ Second. That Theodore Roose­ known.
When questioned regard­ it is that town, without a doubt,
Men thoroughly familiar with Tom, I stood before the bar, and
velt cannot decline a second elective ing the report that the West­ that is going to be the second city
the situation declare the attitude of drank a bowl of lemonade and
term or attempt to name his succes­ ern Electric Company, the concern in Oregon.
the railroads toward the lumbermen smoked a rank cigar; the same old
sor without making his own per- that manufactures the apparatus
is outrageous, especially since it is kegs and jugs were there, the ones j
A potato unearthed on Wild
or egotistical opinions used by the Bell Companies, would
charged that the roads are not only we used to know, when we were on j
Horse creek weighed five pounds.
paramount to the combined wishes hereafter sell telephones and sup­
depriving them of transportation the round up, Tom, some 15 years
One bill yielded l b pounds and
and intelligence of the Republican plies to all buyers, President Theo­
facilities for orders now b e in g . ago. The barkeeper is a new one,
mauv others a few lesi.
party and the electorate oi the na­ dore H. Vail, of the American Tel­
placed, but also for orders for lum- j Tom, the one who used to sell cor-
Business conditions in Dayton
ephone and Telegraph Company,
bei that have already been cut.
rosive tanglefoot to us is smoking
never better and our mer­
“ Third. That Roosevelt's hon­ confirmed the report.
Unable to make deliveries within : now in H — alifax, the new one has
chants ull state that the volume of
esty, courage, initiative, imagina­
He explained that the ideu had
tie prescribed time these sawmill I a plate-glass front, his hair is
trade has greatly increased during
tion, versatility, and tremendous been uader consideration for a long
the past year 3 ays the Optimist.
men are caught with material on combed quite low, be looks just like
capacity for work, with heart and time, hut tint heretofore one diffi­
hand which, perhaps, they cannot | the one we knew, some 15 years
A Prineville .nan is busy gettine
brain constantly attuned to the cult) had been that the Western
dispose of without great sacrifice. ago. O ld soaks came up and called
people’s rights and commands and Electric needed more plant; its full out 10,000 pieces of juniper to be
Willamette valley sawmill operators ( for booze, and dudelets stageered his insistence upon the enforcement energy being required to supply used in the manufacture of novelties
ia particular are said to have been in, and burned the lining from their
rather than avoidance of laws, and the demands of tbe Bell Companies such as comb , backs of brushes,
placed in this disastrous position, throats with fine old Holland gin,
the protection of the rights of men alone. This obstacle to doing a etc., for ii factory in Hoboken, New
and they are finding their only re­ and women stood outside the door,
and property,have to an unparallel­ general business has been overcome Jersey.
lief in shutting down their plants. their faces seamed with woe, and ed degree gained the confidence of by tbe recent completion of verv
Montana is contributing 20 or 110
In consequence thousands o f men wept just as they used to weep,
all people; that, in the popular large additions to the Chicago fac­ families to J a c k s o n v ille and vicinity,
have been thrown into idleness or some 15 years ago. I asked about
mind, Roosevelt, during his execu- tory of the Western Electric Com­ says the Pos;
A colony o f home-
forced into other fields of labor, the old-time friends, those cheerful tiveship, has demonstrated his abil pany, and hence it is now in a po­ seekers from I hat state will arrive
with which they are not familiar.
sporty men. and some were in the itv and determination to make good sition tJ take care of outside or­ here within t few days and all will
poor house, and some were in the as the people's chief public servant, ders.
purchase some homes and become
pen, and one— the one we liked the land not their dictator; that this
residents o f this vicinity
G. M. Cornwall, editor of the 1
. ., , . ,
¡best— the hangman laid him l'»w; confidence, being a brain deduction probable effect of this action on the
From halt an acre of land R. E.
Timberman, of this city, Las just
I the world is much the same dear and not a heart emotion, is impos­ revenue of the American Telephone Davidson, who lives near Spring-
fetuined from a trip over the South­
! Tom, as 15 years ago. I asked sible of destruction except by his and Telegraph Company, Mr. Vail field. has picked 9,000 boxes of fine
ern Pacific linos in Oregon. He
I about that stately chap whom pride betrayal; that by the selection of said that no considerable direct in­ strawberries since May 9 of Ibis
®js the actual state o f affairs
1 marked for its own, he used to say any other man, business contraction crease was anticipated, but a great year. The second crop lias kept
among the sawmill men is appalling 1
, , ..
indirect advautage was looked fori coming since I be latter jiart of
ami describes the action of the rail - 1 that he co,,ld 1 " f ’/ ^ ,etT‘
S‘ " ff and re 3 tiiction must exist during
from improved relations between August
roads as the most outrageous pro -1 a,oue’ l,e pe" s,,ed ° f lhe l8meB
Jams out in tha storm and snow, | demonstrate to the people's satis the public and all of the associated
cacding ever porepetrated upon
... .
1 ----------------
- -
From an eighth of an aero a man
white people.”
ah, few surT,ve who used ,he b 1 faction his ability and determina Bell Companies, because there bad near Drain dug 75 bushels of as
“Filteen min«
• .
. some 15 years ago.
tion to make good, and therefore, been an entirely erroneous idea fine spuds as ever came out o f the
h,TC »hut down at T I "
•* ee°i
New crowds line up against tbe, ^
l)Srring death or serious ill- more or less prevalent that the ground
This is at the rnto of 000
Mr. Com will
"A t p
^sa,d bar and call for crimson ina; new
president Roosevelt must and charges of these companies for their bushels or $450 to the acre. Some
J H Chamber«*
ll l ° ,ageC’ r,,' e hands are trembling as they pour
j b selected and elected fora services were based on a monopoly specimens weighed six pound« each.
J;H. Chambers mill has ceased op- theB lu(nhey shouldll't drink; but ^
elective term.”
of telephonic instruments, while the
eration, and at Dorena the mill of still the same old watch word rings,; The prjze w]1] ^ awarded March fact is that the instrument is but a
Farmers in the vicinity of llepp-
ner have just marled in to haul­
Chambers Lumber Com-
‘This round’s on me you know,
u>08, the contest closing one
ing their immense wheat crop to
P*ny has discharged its employes the same old cry of doom we heard,
ear)ier snd three judges, giving telephone service.
,nd stopped the machinery
It is felt that this actioD may
some fifteen years ago I wandered gentlemen of high standing, will
«t»r Lumber Company's mill at to the churchyard, Toro, and there ^ named shortly to pass upon the cause it to be more clearly under­
loncalla is lying idle and so is the
stood that tbe Bell Company’s only
11 saw the graves, of those who used | arguments submitted.
Star Lumber Company’ s mill a t| to drown themselves in red ferment! j Senator Bourne, speaking of this claim for patronage is based on
waves; and there were women sleep-joffer aai(j tonight: “ Frankly, my their ability to furnish the best ser­ ■
"At Glendale the Glendale I,um- ing there, where grass and daisies purpose ¡g to secure discussion and vice at reasonable prices and not on
Company has laid off half its grow, who went and died of broken . agit(ltioo resulting in conviction any instrument monopoly.
Mr. Vail explained that at tbe
" #w> and the Booth-Kelly Lumber hearts, some fifteen years ago. And an<i crystallization of opinion. Con-
Company 0f Eugene, has closed there were graves where children j fi()ent that the overwhelming senti- present time many inefficient tele- i i
djWn its plant at Saginaw. It is ] s|eep for many a year, forgetful of ment 0f the country, regardless o f ; phone instruments are in use on lo-
Considering seriously closing | tbo woe that marked th eir short,
ty favors the renomiDation and cal and private lines, and that the m
“ l lin e ; r
______ . . . D
n lz a
t this!
h ifl
i«1 1 P
y v m n a t l i p R desire to
‘he Coburg and Wendling plants säd journey here; and "neath afine
I A take
see these
«nless conditions improve. From
monument in peace there
on the subject The propositions order that it may make traffic con-
. . .j, „peak for themselves, and nectioce with the greatest possible
“vs in Oregon to the other there 1
■ of * properly
---------*- —
-îpped lines
¡'evidence of the greatest appre- Woodmen Head Clerk Dead. |8el
^ eresponses thereto, Willat
leaet 1 number
market. In the vicinity of Hard­
man they have just commenced
threshing and it will likely he early
spring before many of them have
deposited their last load in the ware­
Toledo Leader: The Portland
Oregonian of Tuesday published an
editorial in whioh it devoted almost
a whole column to calling every
citizen o f Lincoln county a lazy,
shiftless tbiel. It was one of the
rottenest hunch oi lies and insults
ever handed out to an honest, law-
abiding and enterprising commun­
ity of true American citizens.
o f
Springfield News: Every oue is
prosperous—more so than was ever
kuowii before— yet we are all work­
ing for reform; that is, we want our
neighbors to reform. There is noth­
ing much the matter with us, but
our neighbors have faults by the
Thanksgiving-Then and Now
Ot all the monthly talks that Dr.
Edward Everett Halo has given the
readers c f SVomsn’s Home Com­
panion, none have been more de­
lightful than t>>at in the November
issue on ‘ ‘Thanksgiving—-Then and
Now .”
With bis wonderful power
of reminiscencing, Dr. Hale talks,
rather than writes, to his readers
on the earliest New England
Thanksgiviugs in their Puritanic
setting, and then of our latter-day
celebrations, still strong ot the old-
time flavor, yet pregnant with pos­
sibilities in which twentieth-century
steam cats and motors play a large
part. No oue could have written
so delightful a Thanksgiving hotuily
but Dr. Hale.
Quick Work.
Forest Grove, Or, Oct. 29.— G .
Harvey Baldwiu, of this place, v a i
married in Portland, Monday, to
Miss Birdella I.ene James, of O x ­
ford, Neb., Judge Calvin U. Gan-
tenhein officiating. The bride came
here front her home in Nebraska a
month ago and had been visiting
her uncle, F. W. Emerson, of this
place. The groom fell in love with
Miss James at once, although it
was the first time he had ever seen
her. She was not aware even at
the fist that he intended to p r o
pose. Mr. Bal I win accompanied
her to Portland last Monday on
her wav home to Oxford, and while
she was on her way to purchase her
ticket East, proposed and was ac­
cepted. Miss James says when she
left Forest Grove Monday to go
homo she never thought o f marry­
Mr. Baldwin is a brick mason
and builder by occupation.
superintended the building of tbe
foundation o! the new ladies’ hall
of Pacific University just finished at
this place. They will make (heir
home at Forest Grove.
s Lumbermen
t i
and trans­
- tend to disclose the popular feeling assuring proper « service
c c ir e *m
m to the effect of the increase !
John C. U M » w , head clerk of -
todgy. | If the view« which mission. For example: There are
,t’,*stern freight rates coupled ! the Woodmen of the World, d'*“
hold—and which are shared fully. thousands of so-called “ Farmer
Lines,” which will furnish valuable
feeders for the toll lines of the larg­
The most iniquitous part of it s|mw was near «0 years of age and lion witb whom I am brought t
er system when properly equipped
* ls not on'y the proposed increase had been head clerk of the order. f0IjUct_ , r e the view, of the Amer-
and maintained. This situation can
b u t‘ he withdrawal ° f cars with headquarters at Denver
people, generally, then it M now be provided for through the
«'I order, a,ready cut. Eastern
welt to establish that fact and es- sate outright of Bell instruments
iniM* *re “ 0t g° ' Dg to wait indef-i at'onceVy1’ ! I. Boak! bead consul, ublieh it at once. The earlier t e and apparatus.
In answer to the question whetb-
*'y and orders are being can- The office^ill be filled in this way den,0nstretioo, the better or
00 on the part of tbe lumber
1J T 5 . i S U f i L “ f t : V J i ».,• .*>. W - " 7 « 2
• With tbe result that the roa-; until the meeting cf the head camp coaBtry-
„„Hnrive to bus
temi it l,ft upon , he hands o f the j 8is8jon in Portland, U»10.
| • -Nothing more conducive to b
W e have a large
stock of hand-made
Shoes to
select from.
Prices: $4. to $ 7.00 .
(Continued to page 2.)
- j.WRWr