COTTAGE GROVE LEADER OL. XIX s a t d r DAY, PUT OIT OF BUSINESS fills Close Down on Ac count of Advanced Rates. cancel ORDERS lum ber WASHINGTON MII.I.S SHUT IIOWN. W. C. Miles, president ot the Southwestern Washington Manu­ facturers' Association of Centralia, and president of the Globe Lumber Company of Globe, Washington, is in the city and he reports the fol­ lowing mills closed along the line of the Northern Pacific. Stillwater Lumber Company’s plant at Little Falls, with a capacity of about 100 ,- i 000 feet daily: the Chehalis Lumber Company's plant at Littell, with a i daily capacity of about 80,000; the t h ir d t e r m SITUATION Unique Step lo Test Senti* ment of Country ROOSEVELT'S p o p u l a r it y Wisconsin Lumber Company’s plant men Familiar With the Situation Sa y at Littell, cuttiug daily; the tue Attitude 7oward|Lumbermen is Outrageous. OCTOBER 20 , 1907 manufacturers. H, H. Martin Lumber Company’s plant at Centralia, with a daily cut o f 75,ooo; the Salzer Lumber Com. panv’ s plant at Centralia, with a Senator Bourne Offers $1.0 0 0 Cash Prize tor the Strongest and Best Written Argument mess success aud public tranquility could possibly occur at this time, in my opinion, that the substitution of certainty for uncertainty regard­ ing the Presidency. It would be worth hundreds of millious of dol­ lars to our material interests. The business wotld would profit incal­ culably by the assurance or reas­ surance such a certainty would bring. The administration’s poli­ cies are accepted aud approved. Only the knowledge that Roosevelt will continue at the helm is needed to inaugurate auew an era of pros­ perity on a safer and sounder basis than ever before. Call it a third term or a second elective term, as you like; the exigencies of the times demand that he serve four years more. It is a patriotic duly which he owes to his country. He cannot Bhirk it, it he would, without mak­ ing self greater than couniry and forfeiting the respect aud public confidence he uow holds. He will not shirk it once the people make heir wishes known. Now is the time for them to be beard.” FROM ALL OVER STATE Items of Interest in a Condensed Form TAKEN FROM EXCHANG ES A Resume of the W eek's Local Hap- penmngs of the State and County Briefly Told. The car shortage, cancellation o f l dady output of 75 , 000 ; the Mutual Tbreshing is still going on in orders due to the proposed advance j L,1,nl,er Company’s plant at Bucoda Washington, Oct. 20.— Hon. Jon­ Langell valley in Klamath county. in freight rates to points East of w,th a dai'y C11‘ « 0 , 000 ; and the athan Bourne, Jr., of Oregon, The walnut harvest is quite an theRockie» and the danger of the B1,,m» " er Company’s plant United States Senator, has taken a event in portions o f Yamhill county. new rate becoming effective are j at •«un>o, with a daily cut af .r>o,-: unique step to test the sentiment of A Grants Pass brick plant finds three factors that are gradually but 000 Mr Mlles '* Muoted as bar 1 the country on the Presidential *it- rea08, the contest closing one ing their immense wheat crop to P*ny has discharged its employes the same old cry of doom we heard, ear)ier snd three judges, giving telephone service. ,nd stopped the machinery The It is felt that this actioD may some fifteen years ago I wandered gentlemen of high standing, will «t»r Lumber Company's mill at to the churchyard, Toro, and there ^ named shortly to pass upon the cause it to be more clearly under­ loncalla is lying idle and so is the stood that tbe Bell Company’s only 11 saw the graves, of those who used | arguments submitted. Star Lumber Company’ s mill a t| to drown themselves in red ferment! j Senator Bourne, speaking of this claim for patronage is based on Drain. waves; and there were women sleep-joffer aai(j tonight: “ Frankly, my their ability to furnish the best ser­ ■ "At Glendale the Glendale I,um- ing there, where grass and daisies purpose ¡g to secure discussion and vice at reasonable prices and not on Company has laid off half its grow, who went and died of broken . agit(ltioo resulting in conviction any instrument monopoly. Mr. Vail explained that at tbe " #w> and the Booth-Kelly Lumber hearts, some fifteen years ago. And an>at in the November issue on ‘ ‘Thanksgiving—-Then and Now .” With bis wonderful power of reminiscencing, Dr. Hale talks, rather than writes, to his readers on the earliest New England Thanksgiviugs in their Puritanic setting, and then of our latter-day celebrations, still strong ot the old- time flavor, yet pregnant with pos­ sibilities in which twentieth-century steam cats and motors play a large part. No oue could have written so delightful a Thanksgiving hotuily but Dr. Hale. Quick Work. Forest Grove, Or, Oct. 29.— G . Harvey Baldwiu, of this place, v a i married in Portland, Monday, to Miss Birdella I.ene James, of O x ­ ford, Neb., Judge Calvin U. Gan- tenhein officiating. The bride came here front her home in Nebraska a month ago and had been visiting her uncle, F. W. Emerson, of this place. The groom fell in love with Miss James at once, although it was the first time he had ever seen her. She was not aware even at the fist that he intended to p r o pose. Mr. Bal I win accompanied her to Portland last Monday on her wav home to Oxford, and while she was on her way to purchase her ticket East, proposed and was ac­ cepted. Miss James says when she left Forest Grove Monday to go homo she never thought o f marry­ ing. Mr. Baldwin is a brick mason and builder by occupation. He superintended the building of tbe foundation o! the new ladies’ hall of Pacific University just finished at this place. They will make (heir home at Forest Grove. s Lumbermen m t i NOTICE and trans­ ------------ - tend to disclose the popular feeling assuring proper « service c c ir e *m m to the effect of the increase ! John C. U M » w , head clerk of - todgy. | If the view« which mission. For example: There are ,t’,*stern freight rates coupled ! the Woodmen of the World, d'*“ hold—and which are shared fully. thousands of so-called “ Farmer Lines,” which will furnish valuable feeders for the toll lines of the larg­ The most iniquitous part of it s|mw was near «0 years of age and lion witb whom I am brought t er system when properly equipped * ls not on'y the proposed increase had been head clerk of the order. f0IjUct_ , r e the view, of the Amer- and maintained. This situation can b u t‘ he withdrawal ° f cars with headquarters at Denver people, generally, then it M now be provided for through the «'I order, a,ready cut. Eastern welt to establish that fact and es- sate outright of Bell instruments iniM* *re “ 0t g° ' Dg to wait indef-i at'onceVy1’ ! I. Boak! bead consul, ublieh it at once. The earlier t e and apparatus. In answer to the question whetb- *'y and orders are being can- The office^ill be filled in this way den,0nstretioo, the better or 00 on the part of tbe lumber 1J T 5 . i S U f i L “ f t : V J i ».,• .*>. W - " 7 « 2 TAKE - • With tbe result that the roa-; until the meeting cf the head camp coaBtry- „„Hnrive to bus temi it l,ft upon , he hands o f the j 8is8jon in Portland, U»10. | • -Nothing more conducive to b IÜ W e have a large stock of hand-made Logging Shoes to select from. Prices: $4. to $ 7.00 . P E A R X E BROS (Continued to page 2.) - j.WRWr I