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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1907)
Is Yo u r Hair Sick? That's too bad ! Wc had no ticed It was looking pretty thin and faded of late, hut naturally did not like to speak of It. By the way, Ayer's Hair Vicor Is a recular hair grower, a perfect hair re storer. It keeps the scalp clean and healthy. "I am mml aneislntdt ollli Avar's llrlr Vlf'ir ah'l I Ilk It vi-iy Hi in li w.nild l-.- rialiy rf-Miiiiiiiil II n. ii ti'filht fur 111 hall, h !( II .lift ami iiumiMi, ami prevt-iii In tin tnr frum .i.iiitini at thw villi! ." MlNhia I'MI I. Vamluiu, Mil ll. A Mad. III J.H At'T Co , l.nwall. Mass. Alio a'auufaolurars Itt JAVSAPAKI'LA. I'll I V CMIKHV NXTllttAL. yers I.Ira I.imv. "Of courtio v In lllM-Nll't Mil' (lUlMM- lom nlMiiit ngc" "Sit. 1 ' h 1 1 1 1 1 : y when tlii' fjiiTl-.l about her kin JiihI h;i)h nothing, Imt ii.-k rw." "Ye. T If flic KM) H It n t lil it.; mIid lies low." riillmli'liililii I'rem. In Mrrllnv Ilea. "Wlmt r "u working ut now (3nr rlV" "I'ur III l.i( tliri-p lii i I mvi heen winking under llin head of 'unfinished tllxllll'Na.' " "I ley? Wlmt r "Just movril Into n new (iiMim', Metier M 1 1 1. "('nn yon recommend thin phono cm li 7" queried tin' prospective pur chancr. "i cm, Imt It iMti't in'i''NHiir.v, ' re plied tlic dealer. "It speak for it !'." Mothers will rrnl Mrs. Wlnslow B.M.triln ru I h" t si fined r In nau lor their thlldruu 3urltif thu Uethlug jivftiHl. Moai'llMl llurrur. Fimt Interne - Wlmt n funny little np pcmlij that l.iit patient It it I ! Second lutrriiv Yi'; regular comic UppiclIU nt. "Krlu htr.l hy l-'alao Klrr." "I'm afraid to take fencing leiutom,, for 'tin such an exhausting exercise." "Not n Mt of It. Who told you so?" ".Miillo l.i taking tin-in, n ml she al ways Id talking nlxnit how hIio feints no often while she' practicing." Hal tlmore American. Hi. Vitus 1'ani-a ana ll Ni-rv'iia Pta-aNi iM'rniaiianuy run-d it. mum a "ri-ai vrv Hcai'irer, Menu inr r ii r. r. s J i rial nniii" ami Uratlso. lit. II. JL K im. , Ixl.. SJl Arch MU, l'LHu..l'a. Kr it I Ilmlirri, "IIk nm n lar.y world. deacon," r imirkcd Uruddab Sunllowcr. "iK'fd ft nm." replied Deacon Ded-Is-rry. "Vi'iin, nali. V.t yon win to tt'll wmie jmmi U di'y cud reach do seventh hi-licii lr of I'h.irj;!' dry would iihk. you wlu-n (lit fU'vutor wiih Kolni; uiu" CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Biuuturo of C'olilly ( Irnliilliihr, "Vini Hhoiild hci' what lie writes to Hie," nald the Rlrl. "YeK," rejoined MIhh Cayenne ; "hut the (juerttloii In. will ho kIiow iih much I'litlniHliiHiii In drnwIiiK u cheek for tho KriM-er'H Mil na he doen In i-oiiiininliij; a love letter?" Washington Stur. CATAMMHmJSv'Sii And system disordered Catarrh Ia not merely nn Inflammation of the tissues of the hcafl and thrint, nstho Fymidonis f rinprinjj noises in the cars, mucous dropping back into the throat, continuaUiawkiti? nnJ pj.itting, etc., vouM poein to Indi cate: It 1.4 a Llood disease in which tho entiris circulation nrul the cre.iter Iart of the ure lnvolvc.1. Catarrh h due to the presence of nn excess of uric ncij in t!:e Llood. 'Die Liver, Kidneys nml Boweb frequently be- , cotne torpid n:ul dull In their action and iustead of carrying olt the refusa find waste of the body, leave It to pour and form uric acid in the pysteru. This li taken up by the 1 lood and throurrh it3 circulation distributed to all parts of the system. These iainurities me uiuereni mcmoranca ana iissucs oi lae uouy, nna me contracting of a cold will start the secretions nnd other disgusting nnd disagreeable eymptoms of Catarrh. As tho blood goes to all parts of the body the ca tarrhal poison aflects all parts of the system. The head has a tight, full feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, slight fever comes and goes, tho stomach is upset and the entire pj-stem disordered and I had Catarrh for about fifteen fCCtf ' ? ,S StQ yean, and no man could hovo tunc to try to cure Catarrh with sprays, lioen worn. I triod ovorythintr washes, Inhalations, cts. f.ucli treatment I could linur of, but no Rood ro- ... , ' , , , uitud. I then bntrari s. S. s., nd does not reach the blood, ami can, therefore, could Boa a llttlo Tmprovomont do nothing more than temporarily relieve from tho flrt bottls. and attor , . . . , "W. t.iii... it ni.n.. ...i. iX i thi discnttiforr nf t'ir trorl.l.v To euro l'hia wna six yearn anro, iiu'l I ani Catarrh Catarrh U la llooJf dUoaaa. and thoroughly purified nnd ther.ystotu cleansed know thers ia tiothlnw on eart U 0f a Nobody tUiuku mora of B. 8. 8. strengthened and built up. Kothing equals than I do. . . ., MtJttAXSOIi. S. S. . for thU trarnnsc. It ntt.icka the JLiupeer, Mtoh. disease PURELY VEGETABLE every symptom disappears, the constitution is built tip and vigorous health restored. M. ft nlun tnnpil lir thrt Rlnmnrli ntiil 1nTclitr nnd nrtft fl.4 fl fine tonic to the entire system., If you are suffering with Catarrh begin the use of . S. S. oud write U3 a statement of your case and our physicians will send you literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical advice fritliout charge, q, g. is for sale nt all first class drug stores. turn yrvr nrli (ilmhrr., When all hai heeil Kiild there In no It.V on (; rl li whei e inerlL Ja Ho iiili Jy eroiiiei mid I'ewardeil MM III New ol d. A hoy enter I lie aervli e of II illloMil eiiinral Inn Mild lit Hie lit,'" of i he la Kolirral liillinurer of a Uleat I t-ii I'M 1 1 Kfliiii, True, he Ij.ia a din HnpilMheil lawyer and NlaleinMii for ill liiii'le, Imt he Ktiil'tH nt the liottoiii, iml hln iroiinit Inn Ik due lo hln own 'xeilloii. Sii'h la the. career of Orcn Hoot. II. II. V leeln lid. II hr.'lliein.'l II ultle ut ni!l, rnKex hlmielf In a mIi irt ie. 'ii lo the l'f fchleliey (if the Mel -n"ll- I.iii ll'illuay I 'uiiipaii.v. tlthlu two ;eiiel at iolia nil the K iect a ill hi r for lilliea of New York have heeii iiiado fl'iiln liolhln. Keward of merit eomea iiilrkl.v In other Ih'lda. ChiilleH I;. 1 1 iifhex, n iliiia r:i 1 1 ely olmiine hnv.ler, U se ! ' t ' I to l ondii' t mi linpoi taut Invea- k:ition In whli h the w h de eoimtry la lliterrvted. Wlliiollt liMVlllrf prevlotlily held olhi'C, II Very llovlce, he la made a governor.- Ilrntidwnv M;u'nliie. I linnu In I iillnn limnlnf. l"lMt fill 1 1 vii I loll nf eotloil, iih Intro duced hy the ArkaiiHiia exielliiietit Kta llon, la Undine' favor with the lint Kriiuf-r of that htate over the old inethod of hill tillage, III" ndvaiitajri" helm; 'li the Havlut; of lahor and emri oiny of need, Mild, It Ih di't hired, II hetter Jleld. I'nder old prartlce. aaya Southwest Mai; ilue. the hoI wiih thrown 1 1 J In a .'.mow and the wed aown continuously In t drill. I. atrr the Jilalita were lliln lied to n hIiixI'' ht.Hid hy hoelliK the entire Hiilfaee of the cotton row and c titling away nineteen of every twenty NtalkH. Flat cultivation ronalata of thorough ly 1 1 rfj ii r i i if the Meed hed ami planting the iiittou III eheeka ek'hteeli to twenty four liu hea iijiart In M drill, to en.thlo I'ultlvatloii In ImiIIi dlrc'-tloiiM, a inethod that will naturally li'nwn the work of the choiier and nave a greater part of the fceed. A Hiirc r. FlrMt Author- oh, tin nnutternhle inoiiotoiiy of exNteiiee! I am thor oughly dlHiiHted with It all. Would that I Inlaid coinjiIeLdy diH.tiiear for nwhlle. 'Ve.find Author Then why don't you marry u fniuona woman? .ludk'c. lb. 1a ul I. -. "Your htisliii ml naya ho would walk on hot plow aha ren for you," Mia. I.tu kle," aald nn envloua nelhUir. "Yea, Ix'canse he knowa he doeKii't have to," retorted the wife, bitterly. "Hut Jimt watch hla expression when I nsk him to hrlng up n rnuttle of coal." llultlmore American. Riiua llv I'.rlli'aril. "Ih Jimmy, de porch cllmher, a star?" asked the j;recn k'oolM man. "Naw!" replied the safe cracker. "He UKctl to he a star, hut now we cull him de mm." "Ami why de nun?" "liisuuse lie Is ulwaya Kettlnu apot ted." Where in I.HnuuMitra A rrr Hpokrn. WliinljH'it la wln-re tlii-y do third's. Tliia Is really tho plaeu where the fron tier was uhalixheil hy the resl esla'o r'2icrlr' A kiliudoiu Is old daily Wiuuipes. nn iiiiny ia inarched in mil to occupy it over iii:lit. The yards of the ( '.inadinn l'neilie rail wny olonu in Wiiiuipe have over VJO miles of trnckn'e, nm! they need it. The luimih'riHitH come hy hatialioii KnK' tneu in caps, Scoleliiniii in honnels, 1 '. r e Idii I'rencli in tilue eoaii, ( Senna ns, Swedes, Norwegians, AiiMrians, Memjoii lies, i.'iilieiaus nil manner of furtive folk and wild. There are fifteen known laiiRiiacea In tho Winnipi'K ncIiooIh, and n lot too late to classify. When you see n atrnner you. rntinot tell whether or not lie is within the riinpp of hiiainn apeech. Vou bitterly reth-ct only that he is om of those wliol nnve wiped out uie oni irontier. lost it forever to those who love ttiu wildorueaa. Outiiitf Magazine. In the blood irritate and inflame permanently the blood must be poisons, and nt the same time) ' nt Its head, roes down to the very iKittom of the trouble and makes ncompleta fitpj . lasting cure. kS , 5. 8. removes every Imiiicic oi i no cauimnu poison jiuiu uiu ilood, making this vital stream pure, fresh and healthy. Then the Inflamed mem branes begin to heal, the head Is loosened and cleared, the hawking and, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. 1 7 I ') "I'M I understand you to my that Iny liiieal nnee hail Iiiii i i d V" ' No, I aahl yon looi.i d more1 like yoinsi l:." - Mfe. "lienr KoU-rt, I lnt"iid to Khan- nil your caiva." "I'.uf, my .et, I have no iaien," "I menu alter we tiro mar ried." Mil Konde Jlhilier. lirlKH My hail a hlithd iy ye telihi. and we took a day "IT. lir'.'.'t When mme Iiiih a hirlh lay .lie lak a !l ear "IT. OlKHellH Jolll'lilil. Ilailhiiiu I want n j,"""! revoher. Ileah r A hi X hlmoter? ilalHiiai II. t ler maki- It a nine hhoolor. It'a lr u cut m U d or. Ally Moper. "I'o )ou know, my hUMoand, had it tel'l lhle iiihit of Hlei-iin In rli.ll'ca, but he hroke hlm-elf o it:" 'II.a'" "(Jave up kidk'." Sketchy lilt. Teacher--What la u coal niac in te, Toiiiii.lcjr 'lo.i.mle I don't kiii,, madam; I only thought tiior-e tlnn.i L-oiinf 111 cheche! ioliueia .Si uteMnan. Al K-donary - And do ion feiiow iu;li ln whatewr of religion' Well, we ol a of It wiieu th -Inst inlNhioiuiry wua Inn1. C'JcvcI.ui'l l'lider. HoU-l t.s -I'oor WilllamH died utnl left u wile and three children. J'ju-f , That'H iiothlhK. He wat too mean to taku them unywhere when he was liv-Ili4.- Life. l'l'lelld -I MlpMN the hahy Is fond uf you 7 l'apa i'oud of me 7 Why he hh-ejm all day when I'm not ut home niid stays up all nlKhl Ji'-t to eiijoy my society ! New a. Mrs. I'.ackpay 4 roiMl. iiioriiln;', Hi r Will you take ch.lil'7 111 House ddliitor No, thank ou, imi'ain. I've come to take the plali). i'lillmielplila Keinld. I-'irst Thespian--And the audience, my liy, juh' should have seen them. They were filled to tln lr seat.s. Sei oml l'itlo -Ah, a K'oisl of kee.diii; them there. - llystander. The I'omlin; (Sliest 1 see you charge live shllllnjcs lor u room. When I was Irere III I eceliiher you only charged three shillinit.s u day. Tin- Landlady --Ah. hut the daya ure longer now. Sketch. I'lrr-t Man I low do you do? Sec ond Man I '.eg pardon, hut you have the iidvitiitc.Ke of me. First Man Yes, 1 suppose I have. We were eiutKsl to the same fcirl ; hut you married her. Tit lilts. Suhiirhari Host (to unoxpivted sup--r guest) Now then, Miss I1o!imj:i. will you have a little of this rahhlt p!e or T or (looking round find dis-i-overlng there la no other dish) or not? The Tattler. "When I was coming home hist night." said Miss Skeery, "I saw a man skulking along In the shadow. Oh, if '.-. A in I how I ran!" "An" inuldn t you catch hy;hliuV" Inquired her little brother, iu i nocently. Cleveland leader. The F.hlcst Hope Who's that, ma? Ills Fond Mama Tsh. '()rav. that's the gentleman that married me. Tho FIdest Hope Then, It that's the gen tleman wot married you, wot's pa do ing In our house? The Sketch. Visitor (to artist's young wife) Whatever were you two laughing over so Just now? WH'i Oh, It was such fun! My husband painted and I cook- wl. JUid then we both guessed what the thing were meant for. Tutlcr. A who wn ..hurge.l at tho Will- lesden jiollco court with Intoxica tion and using bad language pleaded pullty to the first part of the charge, lidding: "As to the language, I know nothing about that because I'm deaf." Loudon Express. "That young student upstairs must have a tremendous correspondence, postman; you always have letters for him." "Yes; 1 quarreled with him . i. . i i. ii i. once, ami ever since no semis muiscu a laist card every day, so 1 have to mount live (lights of stairs to deliver Tit-lilts. A Miss Withers You are Uushli-.j;, Coy a ! What was tUit clumsy partner of yours saying? Miss Kuisely oh, nothing: only that before he met mo life Beemcd u desert to him. Miss Withers That Is no reason why he should wnlta like u dromedary, U U? Town und IVmntry. They had U-eu inarrltHl Just seven months and nineteen days by the almanac. "To-morrow," she nnnoumvd, will bo my birthday. What nro you goliitf to get for me, tJiHirgeV" "I haven't the least Idea, my dear," re plied her husband. "1 read In last night's paper about a Kansas man who got ti second-hand overcoat and for bis wife, but I'll probably not m so luck v." Chicago 1 tally News. "Don't take It so html, Mr. Play man," Bald the young woman, mock ingly. "There are other girls, you know' Tllore's Ml (irumpllns, Sail inilIllKril Kato IsnoggleS and Fi, 10 an Itlllwliik. Any one of them would innko a better wJfo for you than I would." "I know' lt," ho said, swallow lag a lump In his throat nnd turning to go. "If any one of those four girls had snlil 'Yes,' do you supiKise I would ,ver uavo thought of coming here for ia wlfe? Answers. 1Iow eil8y lt to 6UgKest a reinwJy .or otn,,r neouio'n Hist " MRS. DH PASSE 0f: iNLYV YORK CITY "I Cnieoiiled Pitvenil I'bydeliiriH, hot They id Me N'oJool. I'e ru-till nml M.iii ii-lin Helped Me. I - jc n : S. y . j. x . MRS. ALINE Dr PASSE. Mrs. Aline' ImlVi-M-, 770 K. 15th Kt., New York, N. V., writ's: "It idy l me pleasure to testify to lh- curative qualities of I'l-runa and M: rial In. "I was nfTII'ted for ye: tk with iiilarih of lln and di'-eslive i'1-aiis. fiVT S''V'i. lii'.'i'l, throat many physicians, hut th v diu lu e no good. "fine day I happened to read some lesi Imoiil.ii in your Feruna almanac. I!, ( to try Ivrun.i utnl Manal'.n. I l)i!i;ht a bottle of evch, nnd after ti'klng t tii-iii for a wer-k I noticed a chanj-'C lor the better. Fo I ktpt lr up, and lifter usln;; twelve bottles I was perfectly cured. "I ulso leave the rnedleino to my children and they bail the eimo bene ficial result. I would never be with out thei.e remedies in the bouse. "I highly recommend !' Tuna and Matialin to all my friends, and In fact to every body." .Miss '.Mi Id" ied Grey, 110 Welmer Ft., Appb-ton, Wis., writes: "It gives me pleasure to recom mend I'ertir.a for eatnrrh of the stomach. I had this disease for a number of years, and could not en joy a mouthful of food that I ate. It 'was Imb ed a great relief when I hit upon I'eruna, pnd obtained de cided results from the first. I took six bottles before I felt entirely cured of my trouble, but I had an aggra vated case." In I. eil ('lrc)ca. A plea of insanity met a plea of self Jefcnse. "Well." Bald the first, "Fin not ho crazy I don't know you have no busl aess monkeying in a case with me." Thereupon they clinched and an un written law that had Imk-ii loafing around In ho's of a Job took to the woods for Bufety. I'hiladelpUIa Ledger. A motor driver was fined $115 in the town of Fast Wo'seley, Kngland, tie-' oth'-r day for passim; a cart on the wronj side. ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING I1ICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon ST. HELEN'S HALL POIiTLAND, OKtGON A Girls' Rcliool el tlie liinlieM clan, t'ollei Hti' ili urtUM nt. Mniic. Art. Klocution. (jyiu l.asium. Full term n;iens September li. SEND fOR CATALOGUE Remarkable Success The great house of Sherman, Clay A Co., pioneer Pacific coust piano dealers, purchased tho entire system of et res ol the Allen & Ciilbert-Kamaker company, July 1, 1 ! 6. The first year lias juid closed nml it lias been a year of marked success. The people of the Northwetd have become wearied by the numerous, almost continual, "special," "fake," ami sptctacular piano sales, in which they were supposed to be able to buy a 5t)0.(K) piano for $38.00, etc. Fherman, Clay i& Cornjiany came into this territory without blare of trum pet?, inaugurated no opening or special sale, but simply (dated thut they were ready for business. Kvery piano and organ was marked in plain figures and thus a child could buy any instrument mi cheaply and safely as could a state senator, or any one, anywhere, could order by mail and secure the same price and terms tis he could by visiting the store. The results lmvo shown that the people appreciate such a policy. The business came sales increased in num berorders came from far and near by letter, telephone and telegraph. The business grew by lonp9 and bounds. We understand that even Sherman, Clay A Company were surprised at the rapid development of trude. Doubtless the great success was large ly due to the fact that Sherman, Clay it Company's reputation bad preceded them, for they have been selling pianos tit the conrnp r of Kearney and Sutter streets, Sun Francisco, for over thirty tive years and every Californian will vouch for the integrity of the house and tho reljability cf their pianos. Such pianos us the woi Id celebrated Stein way, Knabe, F.verett, Packard, and such player pianos us the Angelus, A. 11. Chase, and the many other reliable makea whioh they sell would mark any concern as "The House of Quality." This is the name by which their stores ore recognized oveiywhere. They have a perfect chain of uteres from Canada to Mexico. If you want a piano, write them for catalogue and prices. They will send you full Information. Their principal Northwestern stores are located at Port land, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Ever ett, and Uellingham. PASSING OF THE DEACON. Title In ll to lli- I. oat rne nf ll Olir-'l lm lte rreiire. It Is a pity, If true a. reported, that the ollli e of deacon hn ceased to lie re;:irded wltli I. -nor by members of the Protectant churches in New Fughiiid, says the .North 'American Itcvimv. Time van when lie- title co.ifdreil dlstine lion and honor, atel was inulit with us gnat diligence im could Is- consid ered seemly by cuod and pioil.-i men. Oie ! aciiiir d, too, it i roii I it a marked, though lliico.isclous, change in Mie demeanor of tie- p iHessor, who forthwith became graver and more chary of spce-'h, except In saying grace nt tab'e and. In the really old days, at the beautifully "la.ple home service known as "family prayers." P.ut. as the spirit of irreverence gradually i"T iiejite unr'-geiierated days, stories of uncouth humor were iiiii about the deacon im a central figure, mini.' pa pers depleted him chletly ns Indulging on the Hly n liking for a horse, race, nnd, nil in all, the title continued to lose Its former dignity and significance until now, as we are told. It is not only no iong.T sought, but rather generally n voided. Although perhaps sometimes forgot ten. It Is a fact, scarcely surprising to those given to Investigating the ori gins of customs, that widows are di rectly resj-insiide for the earliest a;-point.-neiit of church officials of the class we have In mind. When the nes tles realized the necessity of providing Isjdlly sustenance for those who were In attendance on their ministrations they made the reijulslte arrange ments; but apparently the distribution w as unsystemiitlcnl, and presently the f; reclaim were egged on by their widow folk to complain that the Hebrews were obtaining more than their fair share of the provender. U'hercuixm the twelve took counsel nnd decided that, since it 111 bc'uuie them as spiritual teacher to serve the tables, the appointment of certain biethren of good repute to superintend the business was In every way desir able. Seven were chosen Stephen, who subscpuntly wa.s famed for his faith and good works; Philip, another admirable man; Froehorus ; Men nor, Tlmon. I'armenas and the proselyte Mcolas and they were designated fit tingly from the nature of their task as deacons from the Greek dlakonos or Its Latin derivative diaconus, meaning attendant, or one who serves. That first members of the order jer furuied well their work Is evidenced by the fact that the widows ceased to murmur and by their own rapid ad vancement In authority, until some were permitted to preach and even to do miraculous deeds. To this day In the Methodist Episco pal Church, deacons are ordained by the bishop and may serve as traveling preachers, solemnize marriage and ad minister the rite of baptUm. In the Congregational bodies, they seldom preach, but often read a sermon In the absence of the pastor, and Invariably distribute the elements of the com munion. They are also supiwsed to act ns almoners after the fashion of Ste phen and Philip, and In some States are empowered to hold as trustees the property of the church. In the very early days there were deaconesses also : but. as the widows generally selected apparently did not enjoy being classi fied as "of mature age," the practice fell Into disuse, although the order Is still maintained In Germany, and to a limited degree by various sects In this country. BARBER'S REGISTER. I'nlque Melhnil of Antuiuatleallj IlteKlaterlnic the Dity'a Work. An exceedingly unique device for use In barber shops as a check on the bar tiers Is the reivnt Invention of a Texas man. In all modern, up-to-date barber shops It is customary to give each cus ' tomer procuring a shave an application of bay rum. witch hazel or other facial toiih'. Such being the case, the Inven tor has arranged the mechanism of his device whereby each time a bottle Is removed and an application is given the fact Is automatically registered on a dial. Obviously the register Indicates the number of customers procuring n shave, etc. In using this Invention three bottles for containing different tonics are employed one for bay rum, one for hair tonic and probably one for a shampoo tonic used, respectively, af ter shaving, halr-cuttlug and shampoo lug. A separate register Is provided for each bottle, In order that an accurate Indication will bo made of the day's work. The owner of the barber shop can thus readily ascertain the number i of customers accommodated during his absence and the uniount each spent. When authority spoils a man, it Is also apt to be hard on those over whom It extend. - - - - I I I 7i : i m(Jmm KI.I.ISIKHS MMWB OK SHAVES. j Banking by If :;l WE PAY INTEREST On KiTingi depoiiU of dollar or more, compounded twice every year, lt is just ni ear to open t Savings Account with tis by Ala 1 ai if you lived next iloor. Send for our free book let, "P-ankmg by Mail," anl learn iuil particulars. Address Oregon Trust Ik Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sts. KOWAHT: F.. nt'llTO::. A.nftTT ."hein't. lajA'lli", I 'dlnrififfc Sp4M't",'fi Prli'1: li'l, f !lv.f, 1. a.,, i ; i nkil, silver," ; iol.l, &"; Zinc of li't'lr. (I. Cvanirlo V'ntii. Mulling nvWip"a nml full price II a wntua nppi lent .,n. Contrnl and l'm j.;r wi.'H ilii-lied. J.lcrtui;il arbuual f-ar tlunal l;auk. MM I It llm as Can Ba EctrM in u,a liA Del.verf Mucb Qulckar Writs Us To?if BRiNG YOUR TOOTH TROLBLCS TO US Before Going Elsewhere DR. B. C. WRIGHT, 342S Washinston St. Portland, Ortfn OmoIIim Eirlnn ud Zrrl Ktvuon Plknta W&Urloo Well Drills Bnflt (wrinllr for wort In Uie nort h wt, lri 1 1 intc ni tUhtnti tfHlL V cirry are torit. Write unall tout mwhin. ery who tm. VV J1 d rt t lerV contrHct blanlu five' KElTReOlf MACHIltEKT COMPAHT, Mr rton St., rortUnd, 0r. THE DAIST FLT XUXCS Aemtroym all th Uiih and aflard. c-omfort to every home-in dininii nMitn. pleeplng room and evfrv place vbnre fltea u r t roulilfum e. ('leHn. neat hwi will net acil or ininn- Hnrthintf- Try them om-e and yoo will ne'er If without them, li not kept lj- dHiera. acnt prepaid for Si.. BXKOLO S0US, l DtXalb At., SrookJja, B. T. InstantlT kills llee on Ponltry by Its fumes. It U veir powerful tlie stronit est of all lli-e klllera. It la a nereswury reniely.. Iiecnuae lice-Infected iKinltry ean not lay or thrive. Sold liy denlera. Made only by fhaa. H. I.llljr Co.. Seattle, Port land, San r'rannlai-o. CPFMn YOUR VACATION AT THE BREAKERS HOTEL North Beach, Washington, the leading resort in the Northwest. Now open. Advantages: Rlijut on the edge of the ocean beach. Electric lights, Mcrhi heat, hot and cold fait water in every bath tub, .ublic bath, pri vate' bath, ami lostottice in the building. Private dairy, private, livery atable, private vegetable garden, private poultry yard. Amusements Two tennis courts, four bow l ing alleys, roller skating, golf, horseback riding with private teacher. A beautiful lake In tlie hotel grounds, boat riding, bil liards, pool, private hotel orches tra, two pianos, pianola, orclies trelle, excellent dancing pavil ion. Write for Free Booklet THE BREAKERS HOTEL Breakers, Washington CLASSIFIE D ADS NOTK'K The following announcements aro Ireni leading business men and linns, and aro well worthy your mieiul reading. Iho list may contain ju.l the proposition you aro look, iuu for. REAL ESTATE EAST GREENACRE3 The only tracts on the market w here you can contract to sell your crop. Ten trains a day. Abundance of water. I'rico ll.iO.ou per aero easy payments coma In or write fur purlieu U"', BEHCHER b THOMPSON Spokane. Washington. 110 Steven P. N. U. No. 27- 07 w JIKN writing to advertisers pleas. lueuilou tills imp.r. I ICE