Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 13, 1906, Image 7

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    Buy Hair
at Auction?
At any rntc, you bccm to be
Kcttlni! rid of it on auction-sale
principles: "colne, cohm.
g-o-n-e!" Stop the auction
with Aycr's Hair Vigor. It
cheeks fulling liair, an J always
restores color to gray liair. A
splendid dressing also. Sold
for over sixty years.
" Ml liair cama .nit .o l.a.l'y I nearl. l".t It
II. Iliad li'-ai.l ' tn n. I. .Im.iiI A vi a Hair
Vltfor I lliinillil I would a;! II a trUI. I ill,!
... and II ..illi.lrtnl at.. '! ti, rallm- ami
innilo hit lif ki. lapidia." M.m .
llltl l. S r 1 1 , ft . I.I. Mm
MmS ly J. V. Ayr (T.i , l..wli, M.
Alio m iurkoturr uf
Uw O till lilfV PTCTOKAl..
Ulilllll'lll rlllr,
"Iln! ha! Tlmt win a funny J.ikn
ji.u uruli' nielli Iln fi'llnw who illiln't
It now n 'bunker' frmii u 't nib',' " s.iM
tin' K'llN-r.
"Mii'Ik n lilt wttli u ntvrn, -ti?"
ri-illi"t tin funny mini.
"Y'. 8tl'll tKlinruiK-n la Iiiii;Ii:iIp"
upl"mc mi. Kny, wlmt are 'Inink
rs' nii't 'l.vinl'.' auyw uy T I'bll.i
ddi'lila I1k't.
Deafness Cannot lt Cured
tie )(h 1 aplli allotis limy cannot roa.' h (lis
(Mara..! ...MI..ii ill tun oar. 1 limit In only una
stay in c um .a iii'H, and lhal In lT roiialltu
lloiial rriiirdlrs I I nr I i n .1 I. an In
Ham. 1 c.ii.llll..i of I lie hiii-uua II Mn if i.l II.
Kuatarlilatl I tila- W lien tlila III! la I nllntin-.l
ul Have nun till iik a.uni.l i.r liniwrf.-i t In r
I ii (T . ami w hi-n II la ciill-rly rlnae.t, I f 1 1 la
thp result, ami unlr-aa Uin liillaiiifiialioii rati lt
la.rn nut ami II. la lul.i. te t -..- 1 In Iln normal
rim. HH. hi, lii-arliiu villi l.n d.-Irn).-. (..rex.-r;
Ulna rara nut iif Iru aio rauaed ly I alarrh.
Iili h la in ll.lllK I ill in lliilaiiu-.l ridl'llUon id
Hi-in ui-iiua aur'ai ri
N i v II I Kl vr lii.i' lliindrel I'.dlara for any
raaui.f l'in'iiaa(.au.l l. catarrh I It. at can
not I i ruri'-l l.y Jli.ll a ' aianli tin, N-tn' lur
G 1 1 ulara, Iln-.
I J I II I" v KY A "., 'lol,-.!.., ().
H .1.1 I y I'mi'I"'".
lla.l I an. l.y Ilia am 11..- I., nt.
I'Innllnal I orn In I'mmina.
"AnyniH- wli.i In ullllux tu work i-nn
Ki-t ri.'ii in iIk- iti-putiH.' if runiiiiiii."
Kill. I IHIIwynn M. to u Kiiiihih
riiy J.iiininl rlu-r. "II mnt lo n-ntu
li litiiii li to ruin- tiiinaniia mi'l tln r.- In
nlvYiiya anl for tliriu ut 3D rintH n
Im nt-tt. Tlircv itojih tif nirii rim U
riilaiil n yi'iir n ml no c-ultl vnttnii Ih ri'
qnlrt'il. A niii n tviilkn nloni; ninl ilmpi
tlio corn In tin f.m(ii'lii(a lu inuktu
niul a nnttvu followN uiul rovira tin
corn with hi Mk Um. That U nil there
In to ilo until It In ttim- to fnthiT It."
Miitbrrawlll ftn.l Mm, Wliiilc.w'a Hoothlna;
Pjrriip tlm lt rcmmly toua tut lliolr chllJreu
during the tacthliiK rlixl.
A laolluul Klaandrr.
"Io you favor K-JViTiiiniMit owner
klilji of r.'ill wnyH?"
"I tl.m't knmv," niiKWiTit FiirmiT
fnnit"h-f. "It "ml In- nil rlirht If wo
f. mill nihil ln Ntiri' of Mi;irlii' ir.illis,
I i t I'vi K t Irmilili' t'lioiik'h with tuxi't
wltlmiit illiruln' ilowii to my tli'Ilflt.i."
Wiihhliinton Stnr.
hi. V tna' I'an' P nn.l nil Nomina lila-a-ei
i riimiiitly i-iir.-. l.y lr. Khui'a iir-iii
o-rv H. a. or.-r. rcBil r-r I HI I', l-irmi nolo ' ii' .1
Uvatlar. It. K II. Ulin. , Ul.,.il -Vi.-h M.. I'Lilo..!'.-.
Mr Urn. I the luna.
t):i" morning two yoiiiin women en
teleil the Snllvllle Kro.ery, ami after
Home iIIs.'iisnIoii hotilit a poiiml of j
ilati'h, two Niiniiln of Kii'k'ermiiipH an. I
two hiiiiiiIn of trnekers.
"Stopping at MI-'m liray'Njf" Impilnil
the rlerk, iih he tied up (lie ImmlleM. I
"Yen," Hiihl nie of the yminj women,
with evident Hiirpi'lse. I
"I 'nine ahoiit jester.lny foreiiouiiV" ,
Hah I Hie elel'k.
"How ilhl joii knowV" ikeil the oth
er younn woman, rurloii'-ly.
Tin. Well, I can most generally
tell." Hillil the ilelk, without ulnneiHK
lit the ohjeets of Ills llillhl re.iillli.',
he twlteheil a Knot In the utilni,'. "Ymi
pis-, II'h pretty an. I to
ilny, ami I knew there wouldn't he any
ImiiI.v'h hoardelH hut Miss tSril.v'H feel
the need if iinulnt; out here hihIi wenth
er; and oiii iih you tlhln't eonie till to
day, I knew for mire ni inuldii't have
In-eii here moie'ii one day. Three inealH
Ih I'.hoiit tlio nveraKe."
Indianapolis Transportation Facilities.
IndiaiiHpolln has 18 rnilroails, reifh
Iiik all the Important cities of he Cen
tral WeHt, and 14 iiitnrurban elei'tric
lines and connections extending from
25 to 75 miles in every direction.
Theae brliiK into Indianapolis an
enormous trading population. From a
tad ins of 60 miles more than 25, COO
manufacturers and dealers come to In
dianapolis for their supplies. Editors
and publiHliers will visit Indianapolis
in June, the occasion being the annual
convention of the National Editorial
Fallncr Aliout Jfwelera.
JewoleiH, when watehea aro with
thuin for i-epalts, lire frequently Insult
ed with the reiiiak :
"I tniHt there Is no daiiKer of crys
talH bolnt: suhHtltuted for the Jewels lit
tlio works of my wutch."
For a great muny persons think there
are dishonest Jewelers wlw make a
practice, with "full-Jeweled" watches,
of substituting crystals for the Jewels
at an enormous profit
As a mutter of fact, there Is no truth
la this suspicion. A Jeweler, no mutter
how dishonest, could not steal tho Jew
els In a watch, for they lire valueless;
they only cost 10 cents apiece.
In antlquo watches the Jewels were
often costly. In modern watches they
are never worth more tuun J 15 u gross.
II ni-i'imh iiliiio'-t I ii r. 'l Unit ii c la -ii r
tllllll lilinlll'l hi' one (iT tin' l',,llll"'t IllIIH
li r of 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 , Hint Ii ) 1 1 1 -1 hi'Milnl In
lli'f Hint Hoilho
-.'ii, tin- Kill lit of
i-oiniiom-i'M, hhouhl
hiiM' 1,1-i-n ii III 1 I '1
u II h t ho Iom of Iili
In iil 1 1 1 ivC 1 1-1 1 ho
wild hut i'1'l yi'iilM
mi, III till' full .ell
Mil of hi Wolnler
I ul Hivti-rs.
To 1 1 1 1 1 1 a mitii
HiIh n III 1 t I o ii
ui.iiM IniM' i Ioni'iI
t Ii ! il ini r K of
m illet I'llii'lif , Ii II t
Hot Ho with the
Won.lelflll llill'ili'lll l. At HlHt (eMiol.
flit when he hn.l l.een hhkiiiiiI I y tin?
I t .!i. hli IiiIim Hint liothlliK i , 1 1 1 1 he
ilolie lo help him, he lefiiHeil to meet
liny one, ni hi' eotil.) not In-nr tin- Worl'l
to know Hint he hn.l heeome ilenf. It
vt loi I hell t lint he u rote :
"It iiinkeN me Hn.l to think Hint otli
ith eiili the lioteM of a furoff flute
or a illstaiit dlieiiheril'it Ko!i;, niul I ran
not." lint Krniliiiilly lilx nrrwit tint u r ron
(jiieriil tin- lilai'kiii'KN of IiIm ili'HMilr,
ami Im went to work hkhIii with ileter
mliiatloii, IiiMjilte Ii 1 m ili'iifm-HM he ile
(ermliii'il to leinl an orehehtru In a nyin
ihony of hU own. When the hiHt note
hml iIIihJ away the Kreut au.lleiiee wan
jH-rfii'tly ijulet for it moment. Then n
atnrni of MjiphiUHe hroke forth. Itei'tho
veli eoiil.l hot hear It, eoliM imt know
Hint hl aymhoiiy hml lileanil. The
MIliii)xe fc-rew lomleriiml lomler. Filial
ly one of the liiiiMli-iiiriH t'lin lieil Uii-tho
veil liin the linn, lie tiinie.l ami xaw
what he hml not heen ahle to hear.
It was alter he hn.l l.e.-oine ilenf that
many of I ! hot en's irenlit coiiHihl
tloim were trltteii. u proof that hy
for if tlll n I. in.- a man may prove
M.u-.i lf greater than cln iinihlniice.
Mr mI a I'uriiUlipil fur Oe.-nalona In
I i-l.,-lMle llouara of Woralil.t.
I.lcht ami heavy housekeeping as
pr.ietl.-ed In UJi to-diite churches Is U
revelation to the jM-oplc who his- It for
the 11 rist time. The country vlxltor Is
Hpt to le Kho.-ki'd or delighted, ninrd
Ing to teinp'rainent. Many i-oiuiervti-the
folk, IncliidliiK mlHklouurleii, rural
piiNtorH, uml laymen, come to ceiuiurv
iiik! remain to digeMt.
Why nhoiildu't n church have a
What could Ik more practical? It Is
nuked. There ure cluhrooins, libraries,
and gymnasiums in churches nowadays,
and Miple say it Is quite proper to
have a well furnished klrrhen capable
of niipplyliik; after meeting refresh
incuts and the solid meals of rarer oc
casions. Ill some churches the eivleslastlc
kitchen gives forth a savory efllueiice
three times a diiy. A ciii of iviffee hot
from the urn often heartens the min
ister before he asi'i'lids Hie pulpit. Age.l
members of Hie eoiis'rejjatloii, wearied
by a long M-rvl.-e, may be revived In
the basement by u draught of gleaming
"It Is a sign of progress," sai.1 nn
'nthiislastlc matron, who manages one
church kitchen, the other day. "The
f.Mtl at festivals and sociable used to
be ii byword. F.vcrythiug was tMld,
soggy and uneatable.
"People nibbled at things out of il
sense of religious duty and went to a
good restaurant afterward. Now the
menu at any afl'nlr compares favorably
with w hat you get outside.
"A missionary to China said that our
church reminded her of the Chinese
temples which are used as hotels by
travelers. Anybody out there may
sleep and get his meals In the temple,
which Is often the only available pub
lie bouse.
"Now, I think that sjs'aks well for
the Chinese and for ourselves. Tho
church can never ! made too jiopulur
and too useful. Kcllglon ought not to
he an enemy to modern Improvements."
"One good thing about church kitch
ens," said nn uptown matron, "Is that
they permit us servant tyrannized folk
to practice a little cookery. I could
never dare to enter my kitchen at homt
and make experiments In cook's pres
ence. Hut I can go to tho church es
tablishment and eduente myself In nil
tho departments of cullnnry art. Also
one meets there ladles who have trav
eled nud there Is n chance to noqulro
tho rudiments of cosmopolitan cook
ery." llevenne.
William II. Chase, tho portrait paint
er, tells a story of the time when tho
late James McNeil Whistler was nt
outs with tho Koyal Academy nt Lon
don. About this time an ndinlrer of
Whistler In r'.Minsylv.inlii wrote hlin
requesting his autograph. Tho letter
was sent In care of tho academy. That
Institution took advantage of the op
portunity thus offered to revenge Itself
for tho alleged aff routs put upon It by
tho caustic Whistler. Tho I'ennsyl
vnnla's letter was returned to him
some months later, through tho dead
letter olllcc at Washington, nud It lore
ou the envelope tho word "Unknown,"
repeated ns many times as space would
allow. Washington Star.
II Ii h Ivllne of OiiU.
A Russian timber dealer has discov
ered n valuable initio of oak. It exists
lu a rlvw lu south "usslu und has lay-
crs threw nr four feet deep HrnHered
oter l.'o square miles. Its most strik
ing feature Is 1(4 variety of colors, sup
posed to be due to th" variegated Soil of
tbe river bottom. No fewer than
twelve shades of pink, blue, yellow ami
brown bate been noted, each log bav
in Hi own uniform shade, Tim log
taken nut bate ranged from forty to
L'oo feet lii length find from fifteen to
twenty Inches In diameter, and It Is
(".llmilled dial more tllllll l.'O.UKI,
averaging seventy feet, remain,
.ol Altwiya I liny lo lialn lillali One'a
riirinlovloiil iis It may seem, the most
illllii-ult thing to prove In a court of
law Is who you are. It Is n simple
mutter If you hate still living plenty
of rchiHtt'H of nn older generation, but
suppose your pin-cuts and uiii les ami
limits lire dead, It becomes well nigh
Impossible, siim a writer lu the New
lurk World. As a matter of fact, your
knowledge of your Identity Is absolute
ly hearsay. You know your father ami
mother culled you their son, and to
that fact .ton may testify If the ques
tion of your Identity should ever come
before a Judge and Jury. ISut the tiftl
inony goes before the Jury with the
warning from the Judge that It Is only
hearsay, for you have no personal
knowledge of the mutter.
utllcliil town or parish ps-ords are
valuable, but by lio Iiiciiiih conclusive.
huppoe you are John Smith, son of
Itobert and Mary Smith, born at Al
bany on August 1, 1-Si;."i. The record of
births In the Itiireau of Vital Suit 1st lea
nt Albany will prove that u sou named
John was Isirn to Itobert ami Mary
Smith on that date; the register of the
church may prove that John, son of
Itobert and Mary Smith, wus Ixiptlze.l
on a certain date, but they do not prove
that you are tbe John Smith, of H hum
theae are risords.
To establish the connection Is-twcen
you and the person mentioned lu the
records, lu other words to prove your
own Identity, Is th" dllhVuIty. If your
mother l.s alive she cnii do It; If any
relative who has known you since you
were horn Is alive he can do it.
The successive suits for the estate
of A. T. Stewart failed on such grounds
as these. The plaintiffs, cousins of the
late Mrs. Stewart, were unable to prove
their relationship. It was necessary In
one of these cases that a man should
prove his late father and A. T. Stewart
to have fcs-n brothers, but he had no
personal knowledge of the matter; he
had heard his father lu Ireland refer
to A. T. Stewart as his brother, but
the court would not let htm testify
even to tliat, and, as the defendants de
nied the relationship, the case fell to
the ground.
The Identity of a jK'rson becomes
even harder of proof after he Is dead.
In the I toy al Arcanum there are sev
eral hundred thousand dollars of death
benefits tied up because of the Inability
of heirs to prove that the Insured man
Is dead.
Very often It Is necessary to success
lu litigation over an estate to prove
not only who were your parents, but
who were your grandparents. Family
Itlbles, with the records therein, help
out In this, but are not at all conclu
sive. Hlrth and marriage certificates
are accepted as corrolsirntlve, but It
requires quite a mass of such matter,
together with at least some witnesses
who can testify of their own personal
knowledge, before a court will accept
such n fact as proved to Its satisfac
lla.l I.ul.l 4,7(10 Kuna Il.-fore She
Dle.l ut Agr of 'i'i.
"lletsy," (Jisirge ltradley's famous
hen, known to isiultry raisers all
through Tennessee, Is dead ut the age
of years, and has been burled with
honors befitting her career of useful
ness. Hetsy was one of n brood of chicks
hutched on the day that ltradley's eld
est son was born, nearly twenty-three
years ago. Hy the date of the young
man's birth the family established her
Hetsy was occasionally jicrmlttcd to
Indulge her motherly Instincts, upon
which occasions she Invariably brought
Into the world from u dozen to lll'toon
of tho tlnest chicks that ever scratch
ed gravel.
When not engaged In motherly duties
Hetsy sometimes worked overtime mid
laid two eggs a day.
As year after year passed without
any appreciable difference in Hetsy's
strenuouslty, sho became tho wonder
of the country nnd the barnyard jewel
of tho Rradley family.
It Is estimated that during that time
this Industrious hen has laid 4,750 eggs
and hatched 570 chickens.
Over her grave Mr. Hrudley will
erect n headstone Inscribed as follows:
"Hero lies laying Hetsy. Horn In
lKS:t; died In 11KI5. She did many a
fowl deed for those she loved. Fence
to her bones let them lay. May she
lay ngaln some other day."
If tho 4,750 eggs that Hetsy laid dur
ing her nineteen years of faithful serv
lco were sold In the market nt their
present price they would realize
$008.50. If her 570 chickens brought
an uverngo price of 30 cents they would
represent a market value of $171.
Ou this bnsls Hetsy earned $1,070.50
for her owner before she retired from
actlvo duty and commenced to tuke life
easy. New York Herald.
Terrllile Thouitht.
Mrs. Hacon I see Japaneso cooks
are coming Into favor.
Mr. Hacon Well, suyl After discov
ering what fighters those Japanese are,
lmiitftno going up against a Japanese
cook I Youkers Statesman.
1'roml of Ills KiiglMi.
how he N like h!,i father
"Ah, ma foU
A chip i,( ze
old block head, Is lie not '"
I ontradl' ti-d. "Ilore's n scientist
who says that we think with one half
of our brain." "W ell, I could show him
some pei.ple w ho don't."
Ill a I li lemma. The Wife -Two weeks
ago you said my husband couldn't live,
and now he's nearly well. The Iinetor
-Madam, I can only express my re
gret. Teacher Hit Hard. "Now, hoys," said
the teacher, "how many months have
days?" "All of 'em," promptly re
plied the youngster ut the foot of the
service, ci
sir - very
Have you
ilonel? Col
active. I
ever seen actlvo
. (irass -I have,
once promised n
If he served me
waiter two shillings
quickly.- 'l it Hits.
"Iteliielnber," said
angry hus
band, "what I say goes." "It does," re
Joined his wife, calmly, "providing you
write It down ami put a slump on It."
I'hlladelphla I'.ulletin.
1'arson .'ohmiing- Ills heah turkey
has shot In him, denkln; inn he a wild
one? lien. on Ketchum - Wal, no but
some o' de shot dat was fired at rue
done hit de turkey! Ufe.
"Hy (jt-orgc, but I've got n Jewel of
a girl. I proposed by wire and told
her to answer at my expense." "Well?"
"And the frugal little thing waited un
til ! j i. m. and got night rates." Cour
ier Journal.
;od Answer. "I atn not going to
Join the church," said a w iseacre to Ir.
Van I yke -"they are all hypocrites
there." "Never mind, my dear fellow,"
replied the divine, "there Is room for
one more."
She FlM-d li;m: Visiting I'hilaii
thropNt -i;.jod morning, madame; lam
collecting for the lu-unkiirds" Home.
Mrs. MciJuIre- Shure I'm glad of It,
sor- If ye come round to night yez can
take me husband.
A Troublesome Future. Nurse
Hridgcf, come here and see a French
baby lu Dublin. Hridget 1'oor
little ilarllnt: It's u great s-rplexlty
you'll be to yourself, I'm thlnkin', when
you begin shpeakln'!
On the Trolley Car. "Your fare,
miss," said the conductor, pausing be
fore her. She blushed and bit her Hp.
"Your fare, miss," he repeated. "Sure,"
said the girl, "air what if I be? Ye
must not be repeatin' It like that before
That's Different. Smith: "He took
several good-sized sticks and l'at his
wife. Hrown I cannot believe he
could be guilty of such cruelty. Smith
Cruelty? There wasn't any cruelty
about It. They were playing golf to
gether. "What I want," said the young man,
"is to get married and have a peace
ful, quiet home." "Well," said Fanner
Corntossel, "sometimes it work that
way, and then again sometimes It's like
Joinln' a debatiu' society." Washing
ton Star.
Y'oung Wife The landlord says he'll
paper the bedroom, but will have to
put It on over the old paper and not
scrape the walls. Husband Well, that's
all right. Young Wife Hut think, that
room Is much too small already. Amer
ican Spectator.
"What a lovely collection of odd
cupsl" exclaimed a guest, peering Into
the china cabinet; "did It take you
long to get so nianyV ""oh, no," said
the hostess; "those are samples of tbe
sets we have had In the last two years I"
lK'troit Free I'ress.
Tho Judge Hut, if you tooted your
horn, how Is it that the plaintiff did
not bear you In time to get out of the
way? The lc fondant I nni convinced,
your honor, that the accident was dud
entirely to the Inferior velocity of
sound. Hrooklyu Life.
Mrs. Scruggs (viciously) It seems
like a hundred years since we wero
married. I can't even remember when
we first met, Scruggs (wearily) I can.
It was at a dinner party, and there
were thlrtoeon at table. Translated for
Tales from Fainllie Journal.
Hliner Have you read any of those
versllled advertisements I'm writing
for 'Thlsslek's I'lnk l'anaceu?" Crlt
tlck Yes, and they make me sick, ltl
mer Good! That's the effect I wnnt
them to have. It helps tho sale of tho
"l'unacea." Philadelphia Ledger.
"Mr. Hugglns," said tho attending
physician, gruvely, "I urn afraid your
wife's mind Is gone." "Well, I'm not
surprised," replied Mr. H. "She's boon
giving mo a piece of It every day for
twenty-three years, and sho didn't have
n whole lot to start on!" Washington
"I'd like to pay you something ex
tra," said the customer, "but see that
sign." He pointed to the printed no
tice, "No tips must be accepted lu this
barber shop." "Whist," said tho bar
ber, "that's a tip from the boss, and
It's agin the rule to accept It." Phila
delphia Ledger.
Moving. "IV said Tommy Twad
dles, "this hero mythology book says
that Orpheus was such a tine musician
th't Jio made trees an stones move."
"Your sister Teresa has Orpheus beat
i city block," grumbled l'a Twaddles.
"Her plano-playlug has made twenty
families move out of this tint lu the
lust two months."
Kt- JT "kV-''jL.: '' I, !
ISJl r 1
1 lie Kind i fin Have Always Iioii";!it has borno tho signa
ture of (Jims. II. ITctclicr, and lias bcrn mado under hN
personal supervision for ofV IH years. Allow no otio
to dcccivi? yon ',l this. Counterfeits. Imitations niul
.Iiist-dH-jfooil ' nro lint 1!xperiinents, mid 'inlant;er tho
Iieulth of Children lit poriencu iic;aiiist Kxpci inicn t.
What is CASTOR I A
C'asforiii Is it harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Iare
feorle, lrops ami Sooflilnir .Syrups. It Ih I'leasant. It
, contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narootlo
substance. Its nere is its ,'uuranteo. It destroys Worm
nnd allays IVverisliiies. It cures Diarrlueii ami Wind
Colic. It relieves Teethititr Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tlio
Stomach and itowels, Kivintr healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tlio Children's I'anacca Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Oyer 30 Years.
tmi ciniua coaia-anr. tt Muaaav arairr. new roaa errr.
wa 1 1 a i .UK 1 1 .tianti 1.1., man lii i ,n v u mm m
Grandfather's Cure for
REAT medicine, the Saw
buck. Two hours a day sawing
wood will keep anyone's
Bowels regular.
No need of pills. Cathartics, Castor
Oil nor "Physic," If you'll only work tho
Sawbuck regularly.
Exercise Is Nature's Cure for Consti
pation and, Ten-Mile walk will do, If you
haven't got a wood pile.
But, if you will take yjur Exercise In
an Easy Chair, there's only one way to
do that, and rr.ake a Success of it.
Because, there's only one kind of
Artificial Exercise for the Bowels and its
name is""CASCARETS."
Cascarets are the only means to exer
cise the Bowel Muscles, without work.
They don't Purge, Gripe, nor "upset
your Stomach," because they don't act
like Cathartics.
They don't flush out your Bowels and
Way of the World.
Deacon Hardest- I'm sorry to hear
that you are dissatisfied with your preaeh-
crH He is a most excellent man.
Hrother MeGinnis (of another congre
gation) Oh, yes, and he'j a good preach
er; but he iloesu't draw well. We have
a chance now to get a man who has just
been tried for heresy.
You Can (let Allen's Foot-Ease FRE0.
Write Allen S. Olmsted, I.e Roy.N. Y., for a
free samile of Allen's Foot-Fuse. It cures
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
new 01 tipht shoes easy. A certain cure for
corns, Ingrowing nails Rnd tmnions. AJ drug.
gii.ts sell it. T.. l'on't accept any substitute.
niiia mid I'ruiioaala,
"Has Count Fucash inmlo a proposal
for your daughter's hnnd?" j
"Not exactly," answered Mr. Cuiurox. :
"lie is wtiltlntr for pie to put lu bldd
for a title." Washington Star.
A Itochestrr Chemist Fountl a Singular
ly Effective Medicine.
William A. Franklin, of the Frank
lin A Palmer Chemical Co., Rochester,
N. Y., writes:
"Seven years ago
I was suffering very
much through the
lailure of the kid
neys to eliminate
the uric acid from
mv svstem. Mv
IXiVAl bac,k w.BY,efr? lame
II r- if mh '- " and ached if I over
exerted myself m the least degree. At
times I was weighed down with a feel
ing of languor and depression and suf
fered continually from annoving irregu
larities of the kidney secretions.
I procured a box of Doan's Kidney
rills and began using them. I found
prompt relief from the aching and
lameness in my back, and by the time
I had taken three boxes I was cured of
all Irregularities."
Bold by all dealers; 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
nOWAHl) K. IH'KTO.N Assayer and Chemist,
l.tuitlvill.', Ciil.iriulu Hh'.-Iih.. ir!(-t-a: lio!. I,
Silver, I., a.l, 41 ; Hold, Kllvt'r, m; Hold, &0c; Zinc or
r.imir, l. Cyunl.ttt i.-la. Mulling i-iivuIojih aii.l
lull irti-e list st'iit ou uiillcuU.ui. Control uml I'm
litre work miltciti'd. Kulervuco I Lurbuuultt Mit
ilouul lluuk.
i c'i" 'tiTT
fal-ill '"'-.t ... "
Signature of
Intestines with a costly waste of Digestive)
Juice, as Salts, Castor Oil, Calomel,
Jalap, or Aperient Waters, always do.
No, Cascaret3 strengthen and stimu
late the Bowel Muscles instead.
These are the Muscles that line tha
Focd pacsag-js and that tighten up when
Food touches them, thus driving that
Food on to its finish.
They are the Muscles that turn Food
Into Strength through Nutrition.
Well, a Cascaret act3 on your Bowel
Muscle3 as if you had just Sawed a cord
of wood, or walked ten miles.
That's why Cascarets are safe to take
eontinuously in health; and out of health.
Because they move the Food Naturally,
digesting It without waste of tomorrow's
Gastric Juice.
They thus work all the Nutrition out of
It before it decays.
The thin, flat, Ten Cent box Is made
to fit your Vest Pocket, or "My Lady's"
Carry It constantly with you and take
a Cascaret whenever you suspect you
need one.
Thus you will ward off Appendicitis
Constipation, Indigestion, and other
things besides.
Druggists 10 Cents a Box.
Be very careful - to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold in bulk. Every tab
let stamped "CCC."
We want to send to oar friends a beautiful
French-designed. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX,
hard-enameled in colors. It is a beauty for the
dressing tabic Ten cents in sumps is asked as a
measure of good fait h and to cover cost of Cascarets,
With whichThis"daIiity trinket is loaded. 713
Send to-day, mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York.
SUCKER mt'&'
forty years tvjo and after tuany years
of use on the eastern coast. Tower's
Waterproof Oiled Coats were introduced
in the West and were called Slickers ty
the pioneers and cowboys. This graphic
name has come into such general use that
it is frequently though wrongfully applied
to many substitutes, you want the cjeruine.
' Lk for the 5ign of the Pish, and
tbe iwne Tower on the buttons,
mmsmmm i -arrrrririi'iain laWiiiiiMaaaaMssM
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses In Portland of Repre
sentative Business firms.
MAGIC I.ANTKKN8 Welster Co., Tordand.
lxiwaal prices ou Lauterus and Hllitea.
IIOHHES of all kinds for sale at very reasonable
prices. Inqulra 274 trout BL
CRKAM SEPARATORS-Wi nuaranlea lha U.8.
rSeparulor lo be the best. Write lur free catalog,
littiel wood Co., UllU and Oak.
MEN'S CLOTH I NO nudum A Pendleton, sole
aKeiiis Alfred llenjamln A Co. 'a corrwt clotliea.
Kverythlng la luen'a I'uruliihlniiti. Murrlsuu and
Sixth atreeta. Oppoalte poaiulllce.
POULTRY FOOD-Ifyou want your hens to lay
mure ek'L'S write uS fur free parLlrulurs Hh.iul PU
RINA POULTRY ii-h-lia-Aciuo Mills Co,
Portluud, Oregun.
PIANOS A ORGANS Old. -at piano house on Pa
ct do coast. Ordain and Plauoa uu eu-sy pnyuieula.
V rite fur Hat. ua .ju.ite ynn a price, Alleu A
Ullberl-Ruuiaker Co., Portland, Ureijou.
W AN l i: Ii Men and Women to learn Harbor trade
In eUht weeka; Kiaduatea earn Irotu I5 In f2i
weekly i expert Insiriu iuia; catalog fr.-e; Moler
8yat. in ul Colli'Kea, lib N. Kourlli at., Purllaud.
plete i-ourae uud puall un aecured when graduated
1 Ida orter Kood only for aliorl time. Wr le lor .r
tlculara. l'ACl Kit' TK.l.KU It A I'll I NSTITUTK
liruud Tlieutra ilulUiuig, Porlluud, Oregon.
P. N. U.
No, 24-06
11 FN wrltlnsr to a.lvortlsers pluuso
luuntluu tula pa par.