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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1904)
I iAT'rn I "nil to sir tin' line line of Combs, llnirHriislie.s, Toilet Articles and Stationery A. The finest line in town f prices can not he beaten I Benson's PHARMACY. I COTTAOIi GROVE Improvement Company. Dealers in City and Farm Properly. v Imported t A ( A A A A A A a A " n ' n inii i. ui S- '.'. h r in Common Itoiigli IiiiiiImt anil (IllllfllHIliU (II 7 Ml All MiiiIh ( Kiln Unci IiiiiiImt hi ir itnrl l nui ltl low prlci'M At mill. prlri'H, iinlll April IhI. I Long i lllidiam I.uiiiIht Co. -V Pacific Lotrcr AND Columbia Miner Am: tiii: HIvST SI I OK MA UK (liiiiriuiteeil Hand Sewed I'rlccH lleiiNonalile J. 11. Davidson's Sole Agent, ('tillage lirove. J'-V!vvvvVLVvvwvvwwi'';vs! ' ItAItGAIN DAK I'.ver.v da.v UiilliirKaln Day at thU liroccry. We'e mithlllK to give bwii.v hut evorythlin; to -ell that Ih found In a First Class drumy .Store. Wo'e never Hold you itn. tlilnn lint fri'Hh c I e a n K Ih. U't IIH Ht're Jon o. o PIIOM: MAIN 65 The Stamp Sclz Schwab Fine Shoes OR THIS A. A. Gutter Anil Cnlin-Nicklesbnrg Heavy Shoes. Or Stock is Complete iti the above lines. HEMENWAY & f:'..;,;tv,,'1 I'ircnln Allcnllnn I Ull'lllllll if fl'llcllllltf II .'Will I i.v llii' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii ir menu lllKll'NH llllll llf lenllllllg III A II ("n llHM lllllg Hllll l' I II NllNllllllll'll lit I ln word k.ihIcui. The iiii'IIkhIh (if ll'lll'lllHg IIIIIhIc llHM' kl'pl lllll'd Willi llin llilirnvi'(l iiii'IIiiiiIh of leaching hcIiimiI. 'I'lm nlil IciIIiiiih, iIIhcihii-hk-llig liii'lliiiil (if teaching I In' lino finger OI'lI'lHI'H llllll HflllrH hllH glVOII pllK'11 nui inuiiKMi which i ii i ci I'M i m iiiiii lie I lull I h I'lillilii'ii iih u'i'll iiH grown H'lllll'. Mi m III i.v Welch Ihih taught mimic lor eight .Vi'lll'H during which llllll1 hIiimvi'IiI I.iihI twice Iii Mtiiily. lie ('('III I.v hIii' IiiiiI I lie prlvcllgn of .vciiim i'iiiiIIiiihiiih Htmly ii mlcr an own imiill of Cull In duly of IIohIoii Miihh.. hIiiiho gcnlux Iiiih revolution Irnl tin' ini'lliiiil of teaching iiiiimIc. Drop h ciiiiI In Hie I' (), unil Mrx Welch will ciill upon you anil give vim mi lilcii ol (lie met Moil wlicrcliy oiic ciiii lii'ulil rending ami writing I IIIVHlC (llllll (III) MlHl ll'HHOII. Cniixlil Willi Jl Hide. Htntc Manic Warden linker rctiiirtH i (lint Dcpiily Warden Marvin am-xti'il (Irorge I 'ImIiit of IIiiiiuIiim muni v. for 1 violation il the galnc In ivh. IIhIkt i iimI.ciI for trial liy Jury. 'I'lilrty-omt llll'l' llllll'M HCM' fl'llllll III IllM pilHWHH Ion ami tlic Jury rcliirni'il n x i-ii I ) I 1 ot gnlliy. lie HTi'lM'il a llnii of tW ami i'omIm. Thin h llii' tlilnl lime UiIh iart. Iiiih been nrrcHtcil mill tin i M'i'onil Hue for lilui . Deputy llolinon arii'Mti'il John I fill It'll for mine offciiMC. Hi' pli-att ginny huh wiih linen ..i, J Chlncac I'hconanli. I I'nilcr Hie ilirlHloii of Attorney llt'lieral Crawfonl, ClilncKe iiIh'iihhii I m ciiii Ih- Iiii ii t cil from Oclnlicr lnt to I DccciiiIht Ut. Ten pIicmhihiIm Ik tin limit fur one day 'n hunt . I he IiihI 15 da.VH of ,o eiulier they can lie Hold III the mill ketn. I - -- I CIII1AI' I.UMlllill. We have on our .miiiIm .V).0W feet of lllllllK'r Whll'll iiiiihI lie hoIiI to 1 1 1 1 1 k room for Ineoniliig Htock, ihIc-i m riin- ln: from fit ) to 17. on. II.mmi want a bargain coino at once. 'I'lic llooth-Kcllcy I, umber Co., Saginaw, Ore NOTICE. All lillli due the Nun of C 'lirlHiiimi lilui Manga If not puld iH'foiv the l.'tli of.lnlj w III lie plai'eil for eollirllou. W. S. Ciiiuhm s. Just Now While you're waiting toget a planu let .M ih. Welch tench your clillilren lo rend iiiiihIu anil uuilcrHluud liy her new method, which hmc mIiiiIIciI con. IIiiiiihihIv fur a vear iiavliu; M.OO an hour for her liiHtructloiiH. hi cIuhhch of four mIic will ulve two full hour Ii'hhoiih kt week for $S.WI per uiiiiith. NO PITY 8II0WS. "For yenrM fte m niter mn contiii'i oiikIv" Hrilen K. A. (iiilletlKt'. Verlivnii, A In. "I liinl H terrible oio-e of I ! It-i" eniiniUK 'i til null h When nil fniled lliickhii'it Arnica Snle cm til me. Ivpiidly nixlf(ir ItnniB unil nil ih'Iick nml paiim. (July SfH" ut Nov Hr lrii(( Store 3000 HEN WANTED. t 'I'u liny Kcnneily'M Cliitln I-IkIU-i nhi IJiuiiieiit, for llhi'iimntlHtn nml all pnhiM ami Inllamiitloii. Price t'M I'i'utH. nil driiKulHt. or liy mall i upon receipt of price, write I' I. Ken nedy. Saulimw, Oreon, for lint of tcMtlnmnicH. SuttHfactloii Kiniriin- I tivtl. SAI'K(IUAHI) IOU CIIII. IHtKN NotuUliHtanilhiK nil tluit In denu hy iHinriiii of licitilh mill chiiritiiiiitt inclliml lierfouH, the dentil riite niniinn Kiunll ehildiin in very liuih iliirlm; hut enthor of t'i miinnicr niiiiitlm Intlirliircecitieii. , There is proli.thly not onu vara of Ixiwel 1 coiiiplitnit ill ii Ii n ml red. however, Hint . coiiid not Ih cuiod hy the liuiclv ii ho of I OluiiulHjrliiiii'H Colic, Oholeni it ml Ularr- Ikh'ii Iteincily. Tor khIu liy l)etv Km Drug Store. I riRii. Don't ncKlect that limine, hut call ! at the cxprcHH olllee unil have Tom Aifliti'v ivrlli vint tin it liollcv lit either the .Ktuii liiHiiraiicu Co. or the Oregon Tire Itellcf AHHOclutlou of Mc.llnnvllle,On'oii. eot-o I'M It. V Kits .1 VI li.XTIOX. We luive a larne Hiipply of ehenp luinlier, Juki what you want on n ranch, price very cheap, niiiKt hu Hold to make room for other Htock. Tho ltooth-Kell.v Lumber Co., Sauluaw, Ore. WOKKINO NUIIIT AND DAY. Tilt) bunlent nml lillulitent littlo thiliK that wns ever inudo In Dr Klng'u New I.ito I'llls. TIk'bci pills clmime weiikni'Kn into ftrt'iiKth, liHtlcNKiicNH into enciK.v, brnln-hitf into incntnl power. They're wonderful in bnllilini; ii the hciilth. Only 2fH' per box. Sold hy Morgiin A llrehiiiit. of Quality Tlicse are the magic words that appeal to the Shoe buyer. That's what you want and what you get when YOU BUY ii i fk 1 ft BURKIIOLDER. VTrinnnrrinnnnrinmnnrTTnro HOME NEWS Dr. I.owe, Oculo-opth'lnll, KtlKcho Hiuclwood Ice cream at tin) Htar. I''IhIiIiik tacklu at Tin) Moilern I'hui'inac.v. The lendhiK Htar. Iiraiul clKiirH fit the Any prcHcrlitlon filled at Tho .Mod ern I'liiirmucy. HpaulilliiK'H Olllelal b'liKHe HiiIIh af The .Modern I'lntl iniicy. ( Hot coffee nml IiiiicIich at tho t'.X cIiiiiikc ri'Htauraut. HhvIiIhiiii keeiH the lient Iokkcth' , hIiih'h on the market. 'I'd hiivii time try (he Mxi-Iuuik'" lunch roouiH for (ulck xervlce. I Vou can net the bent Iokkcih' and niliieiH' hIioch at J II IIiivIiImiiii's. JumcH llemenway of the llriu of Uariuun & Heiiienway, Ih hm'iiIIii u i week or ho III Pent I If. A Hplemlld reHldencu lot only bloekH from Main St. $110.00. (hrei' I'm- Hale by Medley .V Milne. What everybody IlkeH Ih HiimelhluK lo Hiitlnfy their alilH'tlte. Hie Kx- clinnue rcHtmiruut Iiiih it. 'I'. K. (,'iiiupbcll, Hcerelary of the Pacllle Tlinber Co, Hpent nuveral (Iu.vh In ItoHcburK nrently. Hplemlhl line of Hcrlo for vlnltluir ciiiiIh, iirouiiuuH mid other Htyleo of tin ii 1 1 n k ut the Nuiruet ulllce. Don't foriret to take your iiicuIh at the I'.xrhatiiH' reHtaurmit. livery tidily the Ih-hI the market can mipplv i,. u.i. ....ii. . .. I.O.ST On 11 1 Ju v. a amc uo Id link chain bracelet with mullock, I'luder pIciihc leave at Niiklti olllce. l or nick heuiluclie tiiku ('hiiiiibt'ihiin h Htom .eh nml I.iver TtihlctH nml ii uulck cuiti Ih cerium. For Mile by New Krn i'iiiic nioie. lieorue Ijv left WedncHday for Sherldmi where he will put III a hid fur putting In the water workH at that place. Mmiauer A. II. Wood, of the (). mid H. i:. rallroail ami MrH. Wood HH'iit IiihI .Sunday with Mr. ami Mrn. lienniM at lilacKliiltte Dr. Hall of London, ('auailii. Iiiih Ih-cii placed at the head of tho piano department of the !'. (). hcIiooI of .muhIc anil will nerve iih iiiHtructor. A ft room Iioiihc anil . of an acre of laud, very mIl-IiiIv liKiitlon. Price (700.IX). K down, balance In li yearn A Krenl harciilu. Medley mid Milne. ihnrleH Duttoti. aHHlittmit punt imiHter, took the train on Wcillit-Mlay nielli for Portland anil oilier polulH He will have about two weekn vaca tion. Icvl lieer, initimirer of the Oreuou Mineral SprhiKH, reporln that the innclilncry for tuittlliu; the water w III Hooii Ik- hiHtullcd mid the water placed on the uiarket. The Pacllle 'I'IiiiIht C'liupauy have lllHtnlled a larv'e tloliKey enulue at A lea to haul the Iouh Into the mill. During the mouth tbev will bee in riinnliiK the mill on full time. All who have accoiintH with the iiii(lernlirneil of more than thlrlv iIiivh' HtmitlltiK are reiiucHted to call and nettle Ih-Ioiv AtiKUHt IhI, KH4. Metcalf Morne, tlr(K-erH. Two Inrire lotH mont conveniently hK-ated, on Kant Hide of river, within two hlockn of tho IiuhIuch center, for $17.1.00, no Itettcr ntu for nice renl dence In town. Medley Ac Milne. Wi have horneH. milk cowh, yntinir cattle, hopt, wiikoiih, IiukkIch. har- iichh and chattelH of nearly every IIh- rlptloii, that we can hcII at a very low price, link to hco Home of them, .Medley unit .Mime. An v one wIhIiIui; a country home near tow a. will do well to cotiHltler the following, SO iici-ch 'J iiiIIch out, with Htock and liniileinentH. $1100.00. Medley mid Milne will tuko you out to nit- thlH property. Friday July 211th the Claflln Fnl- vernlty HtuilentH from OrunKehurj;, South Carolina will nlve a concert at thin place. 'I'licl r ri' in t ri t Ion hjk'ii ka lor cottain." urove one ot tne tincHt cntertalnmentH In Uh hlHtory. I'homiiH KIchurilHou of the Cotu-i merclal Club of Portland. addreHned i the ineinbi rH of the Salem Club on I'ueHiluy L'veulm;. .Mr. Coinan. !enT PnnHemn'r Auent S. P. railroad, wiih' ulno prenent and talked to the Club. , W. II. DennlH. ninnaw!r of tho : lllackhutte (jtilck Silver Mlnen, panned throtiKli the city Tuesday on his way to t'ortlmid where lie nan irono mi i laiHlneHH connected with the inachlu-: ery for the new ninelter nt tilnck-1 lllttto. ' Mr. D. U. Welch, formerly with the Pacllle Tlinber Cinnpmi.v. Iiiih moved 1 Ids family to llluckbntte when) he bus been engaged by Mr. Dennis iih the Mechanical F.nglnecr In the erec tion of the new furmiccH being built for the smt'ltlug of the quick silver ores of the mines at that place. A wave of water from 25 to !10 feet high swept down the cunyons at; On Wediiesdav J. S Mitchell Oregon, on tho 11th. A'fnmllv. iinrrv Wvniie great ioriioii in mo niiio low ii in swept away, two old people wore drowned, 10 homes were carried away. The residents barely readied the side hills before the Hood came. Dr. Lowe the optician was in the city the llfst of tho week, after a two I months absence In the Flint, while In New York Jie took ii post grudti ntecournelu a special line of his business. He returned by the way' if North Carolina where he visited his father now 110 years ot age, also (sited tho st Louis Fair. Mrs. Cottlo thin week received a letter from Mrs. H. 0. Y. Urown Who wus nt tho time of writing In Kan sas. Shi) states there has been too. The Fast Side ncliool house which much rain unil tlie farmers ure quite j presented n rather ancient appear blue over the poor crops: also thntaiice has been thoroughly denned they will como buck to Oropou dtir- ami tvpnlivd on the Inside and has lug September, llrown adds a post i scrip Htutlng tho weather clerks are al dead and tho weather Is beyond control. State Ouino Warden linker and John Darker went llnhlng up Mosby creek last week. They report llshlng rather poor In that stream tills year. Although they caught somo trout. John caught one on which he spent about an hour in trying to drown It. Ho llnally concluded to land it even at the risk of breaking his tackle or losing tho fish. Whon ho suceeded In taking it from tho water the hook wiih found In its tall. He now admita tho mouth must lie up stream to successfully drown a fish. Hems of Interest in ntul about Collate drove and vicinity. Kodack ami Kodack HupplleMUt The .Modern I'liarniacy. I'reHh iTawflnh Inwlne at the Cx eliMliKe ItcHtltlirillit. lliiudleM of old iioWHpupciH for Hide ul NiiKKi't olllce. A ri'Kiilar Hiindiiy Oruhaia, I'.'i ceulM. (Ihiniir nt the The Commercial Clllliliavt) nilopteil ruleM for IIh fiilurt' Koverninenl. A live Htatnp mill Ih to be hiHtullcd at tlio Democrat mine In liluc Itlver. ThoimiH lllew returned from n trip to lloHwi'll SprliiKM WeilneHilay. Mrn. I'.lla Mohmcv of Hnlein, Ih the KUi'Mt of.MiH. ('. V. Caldwell of thlH city. It Ih claimed that oil Iiiih liecii found at I'ratiim, 12 iiiIIch ciiHt of Salem. A chicken illmier at the (li'itliam I H'i'liJ" W ct-litH. MrH. J, II. DhvIiIhoii went to Hit Irene .Monday to vlnlt her iliuiKliter, .Mrn. l'Mter. .MrH. Frank HendeiHon anil MIhh l.ottlo u-e went to I'oicHt (jruvr 'I'liur )iln.v. Dr. I'aine, of I'liKenc, Ih home iiKiihi after a iiioiiUi'h vueatluu In tho .MouiitaliiH. A fort e of men nro eiiKaced HiIh week in palatini; tho new hank block ' A. F. Dell, who will lie ( iiHhler of the new liank arrived the tint of the week with IiIh mnilly. i Ihh Ullle MllariI who Iiiih Ihi-ii vihiuiik in vt ooiiiami, caillonila. re- I turned homo on Monday. I Samuel .M. Joiich known an the ' "Ooldeli Utile .Mayor" of TolvtloOhlo died at that city on July 12 in. Preaching wrvlcen at the ChrlHtlan Church Sunday morning ami even ing. A cordial Invitation to all. .Mr. .Miller of CorvalllH Ih hh-iiiIIii 1 a couple of weekn at the ISohetuia I Seven Mining Conipany'H proiHTtlen. I The report that the newer contract Iiiih Ihhmi let Ih erroneoiiH The Coun cil iHHtlll coiiMlderliiK Home of the blllH. Oncar ParHomi Iiiim brouuht IiIh fninlly from Kukciiu and will make Cottage drove IiIh ieriiiauent renl. deuce. Mrn. .lainen Hart and her two ilaiiKhtiTH returned on ThurHilay from a live week vlnlt at HohwciI SprltiKH. I'ohI imiHter Howard and W. A. White, repn'Hentatlvu of the KvenliiK Telt'Kram, vlnlted lllackhutte on Tuenday. .MIhh Ada HmiKcn nnnounceH that her Millinery Store will i-Ioho on Sut ibiy mid remain cIohciI until the llrnt of Svptvtnlier. CIimh KlHHliiKer of KiiKi'tie mid .Mr. KerrlnlH'rry of CIiIciiko ar In llo- heiiilti vlnltiiiK the llelcher and Itl Hock proHTtleH. We will trade Home of the In-Ht mining Htock lor town lotH, do not overlook t IiIh offer, for It Ih a nood one. Medley and Milne. .NOW? JFST NOW, Ih the bent time to buy either farm or a town prop erty, we have them nt a price that will Kiilt, Medley anil Mllnc Co .MIhh Ada HmiHvn will vlnlt at her home In KuKcue for a Hhort time, then no to Seattle where nhe will take a Hteamer for San FranclncH The Ounril myt: tho Allen ennnery nt KttKFiiu Iiiih Hldpitcd to Cnllfornln 1.1000 poumlH of noft white, 77 tonn of Itoyul Ann'n anil 2.'i totiH of Illuck Heptlhllcaii cherrlrn. Harry iSrcen arrlvetl in the city TiiCHtlny from a trip of Heveral weekn on the Steamboat nml I'piiua Htreams. He reportH cutchlni; nome very line Haliuou. Tho long dry hh)11 of hoiiid two montliH Iiiih at hint Ihimi broken. Thurnday moruliiK It heifan to rain mid tho iiidlcntloiiH ure it will con tinue for mime days. The lllckn (fold nml Silver Kxtrnc- Hon Company will have severiil of Its iiiachlneH on exhibition In Port- land (lurliiK the wnsloti of the Amer- lean Milling ConuresH. ,,r,..k ....,. , ,., of .,. n!w )mn '""''""B lnbout coin- pieitti ami tne uxiurtn tor tne tmiiK re 1,1I."5 'mt 1,1 !,lncc ,ln!1 "'"J r" ".' " ""i""'v ,, . ,, ('ennui uoyi anil wue, oi illinium, ioohlo, arriveti m i oimue urove ' hiHt Saturday to vlnlt relatives. .Mrn. Hoy t iiIho came lo Dr. Mmo for nietl- Icul uhl Mrn. K. A. Cottle and daughter. Miss Ktliel Cottle, left on Wednesday for a months camping out. They will locate near the Oregon Mineral Springs ut London about 12 miles south of thin city. Iteunou and mid family. Misses Ktliel j)rn, Herbert l.akln Kaklu ami Mable ltoconbuiv left the city for a two weeks stay up Mosby creek. They will pack their otitllt several miles from tho end of tho wagon road, whore they will camp out. Mr. Frank White, representing the levelling Telegram of ISirll.ind, was In the city several dnys this week gathering special Information of the local resources of this locality to be used In the special edition of that paper for general distribution ami I especially at the St Louis Kxponittoti j r. W illie is one oi mo oesi niiius- 1 trial writers In the country. received a good coat of paint on tho outside and has the appearance of a new building. The new school house being built on the West Side Is progressing as rapidly as can be expected and will probalilv be ready for occupancy by school time. A Smooth Tooter. A man came to the store one day, And to tho druggist lie did say. My feet once all covered with corns, Are now as smooth us u yearling's horns. " 1'se Pop Km All Com Salve for sale by Morgan & Hrehaut. i leu Dm Ih ii popular 1 1 1 1 u mini died at IiIh hoine hi Kiikcuc on Sun da IiihI. II. K. I .oil ihIii i ry . traveling frelxht iiKcul for the Soiitliern Pitcllle, ar rived ThurHilay. The ilefcclt In the Cemetery Hide walk fund hIioiiIiI In Home iniumer lie made up ami not let two or three men hear the burden. Archie ilraham ami IM MathewH, who have been at the Orulintn Hotel for niiiiii' montliH, have none up to tho OrcKoii-l'nclllcCompuny'M prop erly for the Hummer. Henry KlHuhiKcr, mull carrier at IIilKcne, wih iiccideiilly nIioI III the rlht le? WedncHday. HIh revolver fell from IiIh pocket mid wan (1U cliiirKed, the hall atrlklnt; livlow the kliet'. II waMloca(ed by tho ue of the X-ltnv. Preaching At Dohemln. Hev. Dr, llornco II Warner HpemlliiK the Hinnincr wltli Haul at the VihiivIiih mine who Ih T. J. In Ho heinla will pn'ich nt the bourdhiK Iioiiho at Miinlck mine on Sunday nt 2 o'clock. There will lie nooil iiiiihIc ami all me cordially Invited tout lend Free Assays Free AxHiiyn will In- made for llo- hemia pronyectorH (luring the next three iiioii t Iih, not to exceed two aHHiiyn iter day. Sample! inunt lie left and reportH received at the Htore of KnowleH and (fett.VH. Thene free annayn are for the lienellt of the pron pector and dlntrict and at) are Hollcl- iuii to make the benelltH iih tar reach Iiik an pOMHlble. F. J. Haiiii. Birthday Party. Tuenday evening July 12th in honor of .MIhh Merl Schniutz and .Mm. Will .MuHternon'M lilrthdny, the l.ady MaccalH.-eH K'ive them n pleanant re ception ut their hall; iiIho In honor of their new candidate, Mrn. Itnth Copron. A very pleiiHant time wan enjoyed by nil prenent. Almut thirty youtiK K.'0)le were Invited In honor of MIhh Merl, who pnrtlcliuted In KmncH until a late hour. The Green Children- The eiitertaluinent Klven by the tlreen Chlldieii under the uunplceH of the .Junior Kmleavor, at the 0rn Hoiihc Tuenday night, was u very enjoyable affair. There wiw-a fairly Kood atteinlancf and tho children nhowed remarkable ability, enpecl- ally when their yearn nre connldered. jii-h. ttoy vvelcli, who presided nt the piano, had while a resident of Kuecne. anHlstoil In the tralnlnir of thene chll Iren and was very kindly mentioned hy the munaceinent. Kent Hampton, nanir a niimlH'r of comic and Hciitlmental hoiikx. .Maruuerlte HUKeiila. the little three V.)l,r .1 ,rlrl ,r.,.-ii ual'ii.ii nunliil. her clarneHH for one to Htnall cantl- vated the nnillence. Clare Hewitt's violin tilaylui; was good us wan Huth Iru on the piano. Birthday Party, On Saturday the 0th Inst belnc her 13th hlrthduv. MIhh Mable Itosenburif eritertuhieut n numlier of her frlendH at her home on all street. The younsr ladles present were: ix'ali i'erKins, urnce Knniip. urnce Uiughmii, .Mary .McCllvray, Hnzel HeiiHon, Hnzel Hemenway, Marie Cninpliell, tiertrude Cnmpliell, Hattle viias, Lottie woole.v. l.ottle Veatcn. Vernie Urown. Iteuetta Whlpjile, IMlth Shannfelt, .Marvel Miller, Lcxle Miller, Mabel Veatch, Vera Cochran, Ktliel Fakln, .Mable Cochlln, ier- trutle Tl'oiiian, Kdltli UoHeuhurir, FrancenUoneiiburgauil Mable Hosvti- bunt. A very pleasant afternoon wus spent playing tennl-t nml other games after which a dainty lunch was spread to which all did ample j tw ee Council Meeting. On Monday July 11th, the Council met pursunnt to adjourned meeting of July 6th, I lie following cotmciimeii were present: catch. Htmls, lllnghnm. Currln, Chamberlln, Mayor Medley and Itecordcr Wheeler. Absent Councilman Wall. Minutes of Inst ndlourned meeting read and approved. This being the time for opening the bids and awarding contracts for tho sonstructlon of sewer system in Cot tage Urove the following bids were rend, viz: .lames Frnney Sc Co. $12,S7.ri.ftl, ex tending main 170 feet down County toad If desired, additional $U$0. Mummy Hros, Eugene Ore, $11,800. K. V ltlner, Portland, Ore, $12.. W17.S5. Alonzo liesner $12,320. .lacobson Hade & Co, $13,923. L. N. Uooney, $11,511). Samuel Mnuerrud & Co, $13,12ti. Moved unil seconded that all bids be rejected. Motion lost. On motion tho Iiecorder was In structed to return bids with certified check to their respective owners, and that the hid of Mummy HroslHi taken under consideration. Moved and seconded the motion to take Mummy Ilron bid under atlvls mcnt bo reconsidered. Motion cur ried. Moved and seconded tie motion to bo reconsidered be amended so that the two lowest bidders, Mummy Hros and Fraury & Co's, bids be taken under advisement. Motion I carried. i Heading of ivmoustranco x'tltlnn i or suggestion that the City Council t alter the proposed Improvement of I Mill street wus presented discussed, ! nnd llnally withdrawn. On motion Council adjourned to meet Friday eve, July loth when bids for sale of bonds will be opened. NOTICK FOH l'l'UI.ICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Olllce at Uoseburg, Oregon. July 12, 1004. Notice Is hereby given that tho fol-lowlng-nnineil settler has tiled notice ot his Intention to miike Html proof In support of his claim, mid that said proof will bo made lidoru E. lT. Leo County Clerk ut Kugcuc, Oregon, on September 20, UXM, viz: Wllliaiu H. arlllln on his II. K. No. SSBI, for the NE H Sec. .'U Tp II) S H. 1 West, lie names tho following witnesses to prove ids continuous ivsldenco upon and cultivation of eald hind, viz: W. F. McHeo, ot Fall Crook, l.nno Co, Oregon, Tlionms Maloy, of Zlon, Lane Co. Oregon, W. F. Tate, of Zlon, Lane Co. Oregon, U. G. (Irlflln, of Fall Creek, Lane Co. Oregon. J. T. ltmi)Oi:n, lteglstcr. 1 PlkJ-S W m CLEARING SALE m TT.'rrl, Class Goods in all de- 5S 1A,b" L"f nil efniotifn o f 1 h LOW - 1; An opportunity for the con m sumer to economize. Pi 1 LURCH'S THE - - SPOT HOME - - Spare's Addition 5 Blocks South of Post Office 75 x 150 feet. High and Dry. Cash, or Installments. Kayser & Huff Next to Awbrey Building r8 REALIZING The Scarcity of Money And that many people are suffering from chronic ailments of nearl' all kinds and believ ing that nature has provided a remedy for nearly all the human ailments in the I Oregon Mi I We have therefore rates so low that all natures remedies Kates 25 to 50c for Meals For Board Lodging and Baths SO to 810 per week. Camp grounds and Baths $1.00 per week. OREGON iWMUL LEVI GEER, j London, Laws OTTDUDUT "V That's what they say ot it, and always of uuifortn quality. Try it once and you won't want the "other kind." Swetlnncls Famous Ice Cream Knowu as tho "IOK CItHAM OF QUALITY'." Itecelvcil fresh every day by express at II. BILLS, Sole agent for Cottage Grove. VfTR When vliltlng I'ortlind, don't lull lo cnlt.tSWETtAND'i 273 Morrlion St., liU I L one ot l'ortland'i flneit itorei, and the heit plica In tlie eltjr (or a lunch, ummer lT -wr PRICES FOR A IS - - concluded to put the may take advantage of Manager. Oregon. TAUT TrTATTC t ira Springs mm