Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 22, 1904, Image 7

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    Spring Medicine
Thorn la no (iIIiit Mcntioti when yoml
Ijicillclno I d luinli ncciloil nn In llio
'J'lio blood In Impure, weak ami
lmn)VorlliL'il u condition Inillcntril
liy iilniplcii nml ollior onipllonu on llio
(ncu nml body, by tlcllcli'iil vllnllty,
Ions of nppolltn, Inclc of tlciilli, anil
waul of iinlnmllon.
Hood's SarsaparUla
and Pilis
Mnko llio blond purn, vIk'HOIib nml
rich, crualo uppclltd, ;lvo vitality,
rtrtnt;lh mul niihimtloii, nml euro
nil eniillimi. Iluvo lliu whulo family
IjpjjIh to In I; o llicin tmlny.
" Hood'. Kitriutiuttlllfi linn linen tired In
our family fur minis I line, nml nlwnya wltli
Rood ri'miltn. IjhI .print! I hi nil run
ituwn nml k'ul a Imlllii of It, nml a uaual
rrr IvcmI great liolitirlt." Mm Huilam
llorcr, Slowc, Vt.
Hood'a Bnronpnrllln promise to
euro and kooa tho promlso.
lii'li-lliiiiiliil IVntni'ii Not Wnutoil,
I'nw liunlni'HK uii'ii will employ n
li'fl'lliiiuli'il iiiTHiin nn n clerk or book
ki'i'iir mill tlii pri'Jiulleo nunliiitt tlioin
I'XtviiiM to tlm guvr-riiiiiriit clojmrt
ini'lltn nt WnfliliiKlon. '1'liu rlilcfn of
tliop tlcpnt IniriitM nro (Mitlrrlr wllllns
tn overlook lind pciiiiianalilp on t ho
pnrt of n really cooil nml luiliiilrloun
cleric, lint It In I lio limn or womnn who
write vllli tlio left linml nt wlilcli tlio
lnlk In iiimiJi'. Tim ilenil Una In drawn
Jint tile liniineiit It In nncertnlneil Hint
n rli'rk In leftliiinilcd nml li In forth
with liiforineil 1 1 nt t If It In liln tlenlro
to rontlnuo In government nerrlro It
will ho nerennnry for 111 I n to wrlto with
hln rlKlit tin i t . Thin Information In
nlwnyn u hIMer pill for tho left-hand
pi'liholilern, lint (hero In nothing1 to ho
iliino hut lieKlu t wrlto with tho rlKht
hnliil or "throw up tho Job," nml fow
nro nnxloiln to ipilt unveriinient norrlca
oven for thin ciiune.
That Acid Trouble.
CoIiiki, Cul., April 18th. Much linn
liecii wild nml w rilten recently nhout
Uric Aetil in tho nynlein; what caunen
It nml how to j-ut rlil of it. It In
known to Ihi tho llrnt emmu of Ulivmnn
tlnin nml ninny other illtennon nnil linn
therofpro received n (treat ilenl of atten
tion from inwllciil men.
Mr. I.. I'. Moulton of thin plnco
claim. Hint liu linn nolveil tho problem
of how to Kt thin nclil out of tho )'
tein. lie wiyir.
"1 linil thin neiil trouhln mynelf for
yonrn At times tho KUIney accretions
would bo very profuxo ami at other
tlmen ncant but the nclil wnn nlwnyn
my lirentent troublo. Meillcluo fnileil
to euro mo till nt hint I hoaril of n rem
edy ralleil Dodd'n Kiilnoy l'llln nml
after taking a mx I ru-oinod to Ihi en
tirely cured. Ilowccr It enmo buck on
mo ami thin time I took novernl boxen
with tho renillt Unit I wnn completely
niul permanently cured. Thin wnn
tli no yearn hro and I havo not hnd n
(IiikIo nymptom of tho ncld troublo
luce. I mn 70 yearn of ngo uud I nm
well nn eor I wan."
Homo people think rmeri'M nmiiii
Imply to get rich. Other, think It
inrnlin merely to keep out of Jail. Olio
of thena delliiltlonn In nbout an nenr
correct an tho other, nayn a plilloao
nher. CASTOR I A
Far Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Soars tho
A l.lttlo .Miatnkii.
Young I.iuly What In tlio price (
tliitt ble)cIo continue?
Denier Thnt In not n Meyrlo costume,
mlsin; ll'n a nult of nniillnry iimlerwcnr.
Permanently t-urrrt. no nuor nerrouineoa
aftrr first lUy'euseuflir.Khne'Bllreat Nerve
Jtotlnrer. Henil fur rrK - lrlftll.IIU&niltrtl-Hh
llr, II. II. Kline, Ltd.. W Arch Ml . rbllailelphla, 11k
(iiHiil Tlini) to Din.
(llooniy Mull Who In tlio fool who
wroto "1 Would Not Ilo lii tjpriui;
tln.or Wife Pool I
Gloomy Mini Yen. SiirhiKllme In
JilH tin) xennou to ille.' KHcnpo tlio .print:
liouie clfii ill ilk. .011 know.
Itothernwllt flnil Mra. Wlnalawa'. Boothlne,
Byruii tho imitroiuixlr tumo lor tholr ddMreu
Mill it Clillil.
Old Mnn Wlintl Mnrry thnt chllill
Suitor Your iliiiiKtiter is no louscr I
clillil, lr; nlio In n woiiiun.
Olil Mnn Nonnclinol Why, tlio Isn't
a bit bosriy yet.
You Can (let Allrn'i root-IInnt PHEH.
Wrlto Allen 8. (limited, Lo lloy.N. Y for t
Ireo iniln ol llon'i KiHit-i:-o. It curn
wontliiK, hut iwollaii, aching left. It mabci
new or Unlit ahoca raij. A eettaln cure foi
corni, liiKruwtiiEiiallai and tunlona. Allilruic
glataaolllt. itc. 1'on't accept any autiatltutv.
No Noimonao Nowndnya.
Modern I'oct Ulvo ma a rhyuio for
Krlend Whnt nro you writing?
Modern I'oct An odo to iprlus.
llrl HAIMU r klUnTMIblllbl WIIUI
Another I.oiiK-r'olt Wnnt,
Tough Hnvo yer got pull enough In
Wnthhigtou to git n pntvut fer mo?
Tiitcut I.nwycr Whut Is your Inven
tion? Tough It's a pneumatic tire for por
llce clubs.
Perrin's Pile Specific
No Case Exists it Will Not Cure
AdllNTS WANTlll)
Tor our New llnmilone Drag Haw. Wo let on
Kino only oncq lor oacli log. quo man can
novo um. Wo hamllo tho onlr Malleable
tlriiliblng Machliio, wrlto u your watitaln
thoniachlillno MAcnlN151lv f0
Toot Morrlnon HI. 1'ortland, Orogon
uutfUtiruu. 'lailoa tiood.
HoI.l br driiiftfUta.
tUW oif.l : LSI 1 1 I -V H lCBHkJI
Oilili Ciii'loun nml Iiiiiixhnlil)) I'lni-ra
of 1 1 it ii i i ii Nntiiru (IrniiliUiillr l'or
tiiixd liy i:niliient Word ArllnU of
Our Onn Iln-r A lluduet of I'll n .
"I womler whnt linn becoina of
flooilley. When ho wnn nt nehool, yon
remember, he tired to tulle no much
iiboutviiillflliiK uinnkliid, llnlered tho
in I iiIkI ry. perhnpn."
"()li, not llu'n mniiufnclurliiK oxfilo
ulvo rIioIIn unit torpeiluon." l'hllmlcl
pliln I.eilKer.
Itlrrclly Under It.
"It'H funny," ciihl Iho loiiK-wlndcil
lioie, "but imlioily oter necnm kIoiI to
neo mo."
"Anil Imven't you oier found out llio
i'iiiiko of your unpopularity?" Imiulrcil
hn enudlil friend.
"No. I oim't illneovor It"
"Well, Well; It'n rlxht under your
Very none." I'hlhiilolphlii I'rcnn.
Katrrme MciiMtirra.
Mother If 1 enteli you chimliiK thono
heiin iiKnln I'll wnnh your fnco every
dny next week! Punch.
Truo Knoiiulit
'I'o w ne Did you toll Mnrklcy you
hnd Jimt botiKht n mnKnzIno rlllo?
llriiwni Yen.
Towni' You'ro n truthful Kentlo-
mnn! Why. It'n only n chenp nlnslo-
bnrrel nffulr.
Ilrnwno Well. I ImllL'lit It thmuzli
nn ndvorllnomeiit In n mnKnzIno, didn't
1? l'lilhidelphtii I'ronn.
Cluirltitblo Heft
lio (nt nmiitt'iir concert) What do
you think of Minn Scrcechor'n volco?
Mho Oh, I think It'n nil of what It's
cracked up to be.
Then or Neer
Mint WIIIIiik Should a f-lrl allow
her llnnco to klnn her before they aro
.Mm. Wcilderly Woll, If iho wants
him to klnn her nt nil tho thould.
Homctliliiu tu Mow.
"I wonder If they produce liny In
tlio nrctlc Holds?" said tho hnlltoom
"I don't know wlnlhor tlioy cnll It
hny'or not," replied tlm cheerful Idiot,
"but it's omctliliiK' tho I'nklmoi."
A I'rlnceljr Kewnnl.
"Hoy," nnld the wealthy mnn, benm
Ins with Kriitltudc; "you hnvo ilono mo
a Krent tervlco nml I nm going to re
ward you."
"Oh, thnnk you, ulrl" gnepctl Iho
tmnll boy.
"Hero, In thin enno, Is tlio first dollar
I ever mndc Onzo on It nnd lot It In
spire you to bo Industrious nnd snvlnv.
Oood-by." riillndclpbln Ledger.
Tlio Cnrre of Youth.
"Vot's worry In' blm? In for a lick
In'?" "Nope; worneor'n thnt. He snys tor
dny'a tho dny bo's decided tcr propos3
to tho teacher."
Why Hhe Objected.
"I suppose, my dear," said old Mon
eybags, "that you object to my using
tobacco becnuso It Is a poison."
"Yes," replied his young wlfoj "be
cnuso It Is cr such n slow poison."
An Old BiD'liiu Applied,
"I nm Hgreonbly nurprlseil nt tho
loom you havo given mo," said the
manager of tho tlicatrlcnl troupe, with
a putronlzlng nlr. "It's really first
chins." "Alii" replied tho proprietor of tlio
lintel. "Your room Is bettor tbnn your
compnny." Philadelphia Press.
Hllulit Mt.tnke.
Shopper (In depnrtmont store) Isn't
l rnther early to havo thoso mosijulto
uetn on salo.
Saleslady Iteg pardon, but thoso are
boardlng-liouso blnnkots.
l'lunte. I
"Aro you still making visits to your
"IIpw's that?"
"Oh, nothing, only I ran out of
I Bufety Appliance.
Husband Why aid you want a
spcaklug tubo from tho dining room
to tho kitchen?
Wlfo So I can glvo tho cook orders
without having ner throw dishes at
I Nnl In lriir T.Iiia.
I Mrs. Faddon Havo you ever had
ony oxporienco In Qrlng china?
I Mrs. Aitlcss No, lndeodl Our cook
'attends to that whan suo uuit a baa
An tliilurk L'ninhliiiitlon
I'rlnon Ylnllor -What broil ulit you
hero, my mnn?
Oonvlet Hupcrnlltlon, mn'iim.
Trlnrtn Visitor Superstition?
Convict Yen, mn'ntii. It wns tho
iiului'ky l.'l, mn'iim.
I'rlnon Visitor Thlrtcenl In whnt
wny ?
Convict Why, tho JiiiIko nn' tho
Jury united ngnlnnt me, mn'iim. Clovo-
hind I'liiln Denier.
' Mmlly I'oood In llio Dark.
Ho I think I ought to tnko n hot
foot bnlh. Whero In Iho mustard?
Hho Out In Iho pimlry.
Ho I'nhnw! It'n dnrk out thero
mid I hnven't got n mulch.
Slu-Yoti don't need n match to lo-
cnto It. It'n right nlongsldo of tlio
I.lmbiirger cheene. I'hllndelphln
Not (Julie tins Hume.
Mm. Ilnekwooiln-Oiir Henry's doln'
renl woll In (own. Ho'n runnlii' a ho
tel now mi' It's n big one, too.
Mm. Korntop Do tclll
Mrs. Iliickwoods Ho surely Is. Clot
n letter from lilm this mornln' nn' hn
ner.. "I'm n hotel runner now nn' It's
ii rent swell plnco." rhllndelphln
Mimcilllno Vlevr.
"Tho coming womnn," mild Iho type
writer bonnier, "will not tnko a back
neat for anybody."
"I hopo you nro right," rejoined the
nciinly-hnlri-d bnchelor. "Those fo
tnnles who ocupy tho bnck Rents re
served for smokers In street cars maki
ino real weary."
ITnurpInir Ifcr I'reroicnllire.
"Will you marry me, darling?" ask
ed the young mnn In the parlor sccno.
"Kir," rejoined hln fair companion,
"this Is leap yenr nnd you should know
thnt In matters of this kind n gcntlo
uian should wait until ho Is asked."
Nu dilutee for u lllow-Out.
"If I were to glvo you S10," said the
phllnnthroplHt, "would you blow It In?"
"Nnry n blow, mister," replied the
hnnl luck victim. "I'.t I wuz tcr git
hold tiv dnt much coin In er lump It
'ud dike mo brcoth crway. See?"
Other Hldo of It.
"When women get their rights,"
xnlil Miss Strongmlnd, "there will ba
lens foolish lovcmiiklng."
"That's nil right," rejoined Mr.
Mnnherton, "thero won't bo a girl left
worth spooning over."
IJotntix Clnan.
Teacher Mushrooms always grow
In damp places.
Pupil That's why thsy look like
umbrellas, nln't It?
All Indoraeitieilt
Asctim Hut docs this medicine real
ly euro deafness?
Clerk i:h?
Asoum (shouting) I say, does It
ronlly cure deafness?
Clerk Well, I should say sol I've
tnken It regularly for twenty years.
There's the Huh.
Towno If It hadn't been for thnt
follow Cutter I'd bo $100 richer to
Ilrowno Oh, forget about It. lou
ought to take things philosophically.
Towno I do. That s easy enough,
but It's hard to part with things phil
osophically. Philadelphia Press.
Cooked I) p.
"So this is tho old family Dlblo?"
snld Mr. Nowsooter, who wns waiting
In tho' parlor for Miss Pnssny.
"No," replied Miss Pnssay's little
brother, "that's tlio now one sister
boi lit last week so alio could wrlto In
It nil nhout when she was born."
Philadelphia Press.
"Oh, thero's a word of nine letters
that describes Crabbo to a '(.' "
"Ah, yes 'pessimist.' "
"Well, I meant 'dyspeptic,' but It
nmounts to tho same thing," Philadel
phia Press.
Murder Will Oat.
"You simply can't get that girl to
tell her ago."
"Well, tlmo will tell, cvon If she
The Style that Coat.
"After all, I guess It doesn't cost
much to llvo In New York."
"It may not cost much to live," re
plied tho man who bad tried It, "but It
costs a lot to mnko people behove
you'ro living nnd not merely existing."
Philadelphia Press.
Tlio Gypsloa.
dypsles wcro found In England
about 1614, according to "A Dyaloguo
of Sir Thomas More" (1520), but tho
oxact year of their arrival Is unknown.
They wcro present In Scotland In lf05,
and possibly they wcro tho "Saracens"
whoso depredations In that country
prior to 14C0 nro on record.
Uatalllard mid other authors bcllovo
that gypsies existed lu Kuropo from
lmmoiuorlnl times, for tlioy llud no ac
count of their crossing tho Ilosphorons,
and no record Is known to exist of
their passago to England or Scotland.
Thoy woro better received In theso
countries thnn lu any other, but so
early as 1531 an act was passed re
quiring tho Egyptians to quit tho realm
under pain of death, a similar edict
being Issuod In Scotland tn 1511 and at
varying periods In most of tho Euro
pean states.
Transportation across tho seas was
among tho milder means adopted and
probably was tho cause of much
further dispersion of the tribes. Under
Honry VIII. gypsies were shipped from
England to Norway or Franco, und
from France, so recently as 1802, tlioy
Iwero deported to Africa.
Impure blood always shows
somewhere. If the skin, then
bolls, pimples, rashes. If the
nerves, then neuralgia, nerv
ousness, depression. IF (he
stomach, (hen dyspepsia,
biliousness, loss of appetite.
Your doctor knows the
remedy, used for GO years.
' llMtiirrillil' fr.iiM Hi riil.lii war, I wll a
ti,frt wrti. k. lt I.I e.l Wftl Im.I. Rli'l II, r
liimtlli wif K'Hin. ll il h f l.olll4 of Ajer'A
Kit, Hrraiiton, Vt.
91 00 a l.r,lll.
All 'lriipirlil.
J I AVKItro .
1 TMMI.n TV 1 1 H hsndlo to It, nnd It was mennt to tie
iniPlir2 HIOOQ I used, sir." "That's so. Well, Ilroom
njMui ii""iiiw ' i in ii i - - ,MJ handle, how are you?"
Aid tho anrsnpnriun oy Kooplnu tho
howolo rcKulnr with Ayor'o Pills.
Alter people pimn rorty they find
thnt they hnc no plnen lo wear their
now clothes uiil"n they go to church.
II I TM t I i'viii.;u nami luni mo ! w
w. orrer c ZV,LMvJ rar 1'tV've.'!nni:!cnfl,nr
any caae of Catarrh thai cannot be cured ty of nicely cooked food." "Well," nn
,ui,',ir;uK",r';vACO,rro,t,Tole.lo,o.!"ed Slrlus Ilarker. Irrltnbly, "why
We, tho underilienoil, hare known K. J. don't some of tbem try It? Washing
Cheney lor the Uiilteara, ami bellevohlia . snP
(perfectly honorable In all Luilnem traniao-. lon oiut.
Irfoctly honurahle in all bualneia traniao-,
tloni and IllianrlaUr able to carry out any oti-
Ultatlulia mane lir tnuir urin.
Waar A TnuiJC, tfhulraale liruicilili,
WAUiINO, KlM4M4 1lAllVl.f, WhulC
i. Toledo. O.
holeialo liruic-
llall'aCaiarrh Cure la taken Internally, act
inic directly uun tho bluuil anil uiucoua iur
laiea ol the ayatein. l'rlco "ic. (r bottle.
Bold by all I'ruKKlata. ltailmonlala free.
llaU'a lainlly f'illi are the boat.
A huge niinfJali, the largnut ever seen,
was recently enpitired nenr Snnta Cnta
llua Inland, off tin- i-nnut of Callforuia.
It weiglied nhout h'KX) pounds.
Plio n Cure fs a remedy rorcouulu, colds
and conauniptioii. Try it. Price 25 cents,
The population of Jnpnn Is twelve
times nt deuso as that of the Uuited
1,.l,tri fl
Little Liver Pills,
Must Door Signature of
See Facsimile Wrapper Ilelow.
Terr nail nnd as eu;
to t&ke as nmr.
ts cants ! rarely VeretMovjfrS
HOWARD t BURTON. Ajsarcr and Oicniit
hm-ctini n T ' - i "ilil. Mln r. ix-iul, II : Hold, Ml-
er,7-; i .ol.l. : Zlor r i 'opiwr. 1 1. Cyanide leala,
Malllncnrkina anil full prti-ellalaenlonapptle-
tlon. Ctmtrol ami l niplre worn aollcimi.
Ille. vulu. lieitfreui.-owaruouj.iw
. rS"ll tri AO
S4.00. S3.50, $3.00, S2.50
union ounce ."ST in
men than nny other
raako. Tho reason
Is, thoy hold their
shaiie.lltbct tor, wear
longer, ami havo
irroator intrinsic
vnluo than any
other shoes.
Soli mywlnrt.
lloiiu'liia lieeaj Corona Coltskln. ulileh la
everi lierti conceded toliotlie llneat l'atent
jVittlier set liriidilced. fait Color I mHltmd.
tllioea ly in ill.l i-etita extrv Write ror Catalog.
W. 1 WOUUIVS, Uroclitou, 3llla.
Dr. C. Gee Wo
Thla wonderful Chi
tifaa doctor la called
great becauaa ha curea
people without opera
tion thai art ElTen un
lo die. lie etirea with
thoae wonderful Chi
nese hcrtie. roota, huda.
barka aud egelitblea
that are eqtlrel un
known lo medical acl.
nice In tills country. Through Hi use o
those harmleaa remedlea thla famoua doctor
knowa the action of over WO different rem
edlca, nhliil ho aucceasfully uses In different
diseases, ile guarantees to cure cattarh, asth
ma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness,
slomarti, liver, kidneys, etc.! has hundreds of
testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and
see hint. 1'atlents out of the cllr write for
blanks nnd circulars, fend stamp. CUMIULe
TheC. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
1st AUer St.,
17-Meuuou psper.
INirtUnJ. Orejon.
p. N. o.
No. 17-1904.
HEN writing to nrtvertlaero pleaae
uentiiiu ciua iiuiior.
.. . VB1
Hell Hoy (outside of room &&) Sny,
Iho gns Is pncnplng In (hern. Country
man (Innldo of room r,") No, It oln'ti
I locked tho door. Kx.
Mother Johnny Jones, did you get
thnt nwful cold out skating? Son
Mother, I think I caught It washing
my fnco yenterdny morning. Judge.
Chwnply I don't know whether I
ought to tnko your daughter from her
'other's roof. Her Father She doesn't
live on tho roof. I'hllndelphln Ilulle
tln. "I any, Ilroom!" "Cnll me by ray
whole nmno, If you please. It has n
Curloso Your name In l:phralm. in
jiaw'd your parents come to glvo
jou that name? Modestus I don't
know for certain, but I suspect It wm
because I was a boy. Hoston Tran
script. "If l.tM 1 1, n . ,f,A In an
A ureat Dent: nragg-i owe nom
Ing to any man. Newltt Oh, yes, you
do. Ilrngg No, slrl Newltt Oh, yes.
You owe an npology to every man who
has to listen to you blow. Philadel
phia Press:
Improvement nt tho Oas Office: "Did
you have any luck when you went to
complain about tho gas bill?" "Hetter
luck thnn last month," answered Mr.
Meekton; "the man didn't laugh this
time." Ex.
Magistrate (sternly) Didn't I tell
you the Inst time you were here I nev
er wanted you to come before me
again? Prisoner Yes, sir, but I
couldn't make the policeman believe
it. New Yorker.
Funny about Ralston wanting bis
former wlfo to get a divorce from her
second husband so that they might get
married again." "Not very. He's al
ways been falling In love with other
men's wives." Ex.
Dally Guide to Flattery: If there Is
something on the table that the
hostess knows Is so badly cooked thnt
the feels bored about It, ask for moro
and eat It with tho greatest apparent
relish. Baltimore American.
"Have you any taste for Thacke
ray?" asked Mrs. Oldcastle. "No, I
can't say that I have," replied her
hostess; "is that anything like this
paprika they're pnttln' In everything
now?" Chicago Record Herald.
What he Would Rather Hnve Ex
pressed Differently: Gushing Ijidy
Oh, but Mr. Jones, I should lovo to b
beautiful even If for only halt an
hour! Jones Yes; but you wouldn't
like tho coming back ngaln! Punch.
Conductor All aboard! riease get
aboard quickly, Miss; tho train Is
about to start. Young Lady But I
wish to kiss my sister good-by. Con
ductor Get aboard, get aboard; I'll
attend to that for you. Yalo Record.
"Coal vases?" said tho hardware
merchant "Yes, sir." "Something
nicely Japanned?" "No, sir," said tho
customer, a man with fierce mustache
and a foreign accent; "haven't you
something in Russia Iron?" Chicago
How to Hold Actors: "It always
lnnkos mo niad to talk to an actor. Ho
protends to listen politely, but his at
tention is wandering all the time. Ever
notlco It?" "No. I always talk to
them about themselves." Philadel
phia Ledger.
Owner of Fishpond (to man who Is
trespassing) Don't you see that sign,
"No fishing here? Angler Yes, and
I dispute It. Why, thero's good fish
ing here. Look nt this basketful. Tho
man must havo been mad who put
that board up.
"It was only five years ago that I
started In with our firm at five dollars
a week," said Bragg, "and now I earn
fifty a week without any trouble."
"That's so; It's easy to earn that," re
plied Newltt, "but how much do you
get?" Philadelphia Press.
Ida I don't believe Mr. Smart bo-
Ueves my handkerchiefs nro linen.
May Why not? Ida I told blm I
had my pin money wrapped In my
handkerchief and lost It, Ho said
there was a great deal of money lost
thesa dllrs.ChIcnB0 News.
Tommy-To-morrow'. your birthday.
ain't It, ma? I wlsht I had a dollar;
I'd buy you a present Ma That's
thoughtful of you, my dear. But why
do you need a dollar? Tommy 'Cause
that's tho price of It. It's tho dandi
est catcher's mask you ever saw.
Philadelphia Tress.
Fond Mother I don't know what to
do. I want to send my daughter to
college, and yet I don't want to send
her Into the world unprotected. Wise
visitor, who has observed the daugh
ter's disposition You mean that It
would bo unkind to send her out Into
the unprotected world!
Never say again that a newspaper
writer is not a master of diplomacy.
One of the fraternity wns to write up
the history of an old lady of 03. Ho
was told she bad never so much as
learned her letters. Did bo blurt It
out In print? Not a bit of It Ho
morely stated on his finely written
artlclo that "she can read tho finest
print as well as she ever could."
"Hades Is supposed to be located In
tho center of the earth. Isn't It?" re
marked tho thermometer.
"Yes, but what of It?" Inquired the
"It seems funny, I was Just think,
lug the lower down I should get In
that direction tho higher up I'd go."
Philadelphia Press.
It sometimes happens that a family
which cannot boast that ono of Its
1 members underwent nn operation, can
recall a tlmo when ono of tho children
went from ono convulsion luto nnother.
MiM Marjory Hampton, 2010 Third Avenue, New York City, writes!
"I'eruna Is a fine medicine to take any season of the year. Taken In the
spring It tones up the system and acts as a tonic, strengthening mo more
than a vacation. In the fall nnd winter I have found that il cures colds and
catarrh and also find that it is invaluable to keep the bowels regular, acting
as a gentle stimulant on the system. In fact, I consider It n whole medicine
chest." Miss Marjory Hampton.
Blood Impurities of Spring
timeCause, Preven- -tion
and Cure.
Dr. Hnrttran'fl medical lectures aro
eagerly scanned by many thousand
One of the moet timely and interest
ing lectures lie ever delivered was his
recent lecture on the blood impurities
ol spring.
Tlio doctor said in substance that
every spring tl.e 1 liod is loaded with
the effete accumulations of winter,
deranging the digestion, producing
sluggishness ol tho liver, overtaxing
the kidneys, interfering with the ac
ti6n of the bowels and the projor cir
culation of the blood.
This condition of tilings produces
what is popularly known as spring
fever, spring malaria, nervous exhaus
tion, that tired feeling, blood thicken
n; and many other nair.ei.
Sometimes the victim is I ilious, dys
peptic and constipated ; sometimes he
Sometimes wo mny lean, more from
a mau's errors than from LU virtues.
nt AlzrnvprpA
rt-r,r m R S. R. The neoole everywhere indorse it, '
nnH th-r nro few homes where S.
not known and used. It is superior in many ways to the ordi
nary blood medicines. In the first place S. S. S. is a guaranteed
numlir vpm-tnhle comnound. made exclusively of medicinal roots
oWtprl for their wonderful nurifyintr and tonic properties that act
upon the blood, purging it of impurities and restoring it to a healthy,
natural condition. At the same time, under its tonic effects the gen
eral system improves, the sluggish organs are toned up, and renewed
strength and vigor and better health is the result. No bad after-effects
follow the use of S. S. S., as so often happens with blood medicines
containing strong minerals, which derange tho stomach and digestion
and in otiier ways damage the system. For diseases of the blood,
such as Chronic Sores, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Boils and Pirn-
oJS1 troubles due to impure or
been ualnsj your S. S. 0. as a household remedy, bad condition ot the blood,
I have taken It aa a tonlo and appetizer, and be- n0 remedy acts SO promptly
lleve there U none better. I have need It for my an(j thoroughly as S. S. S.1
children at varloue times for little .kin erupt.on., j reaclle3fadc'en..ea ted '
boll, and poisons cau.ed by playinir with weed.. readies ueep-seatea,
B. B.S.l. my .tandard, never mind what 1. the long-standing cases, upon
matter. If Iuae a bottle ot S. S. S. it tone, up the which the ordinary potash
yatem, clean.e. the blood and make, me well and Sarsaparilla compounds
again. Aa an all-round family medicine I consider havenoe,Tect Even whero
B.S.B.the beat remedyof the kind thnt have I nacnoeneci. cn wnero
ever uaed. and generally keep It on hands, a fam. there IS an hereditary
liy remedy. 2IB3. V. O. WHITTINQTON. preaiSposition to disease,
S. S. S will search out and remove from the blood the fixed poison and
build up the health ; it enriches and purifies weak, thin blood and stim
ulates the circulation. Pure blood is essential to health. You can
exist without good blood, but can never bo robust and strong ; for every
organ, tissue and nerve in the body looks to the blood for nourishment,
and unless this vital fluid is kept in a pure, healthy state, the rest of
the body suffers and the system soon breaks down. Nature has pro
vided in S. S. S. a remedy for diseases of the blood which long
experience and a thorough test have proven superior to all others, and
the acknowledged " King of Blood Purifiers."
OUR flEDICAL DEPARTMENT, in charge of graduated physicians,
is an important part of our business, maintained for the benefit of thoso
who need advice or special information in regard to their case. Write)
us, and our physicians will advise you without charge.
Tho improved Aivord Sage Brush Grubber and Land Cleaner
out all
brush by
tho roots
will romovo Saga
(Jlilco, otc.
leaving same In
nllos at regular
intervals. Troth nro .
automatically cleaned.
No clocKlne. 'Will work on
stony ground. Our booklet
describing the machine in detail.
Its advantages, cost, shipping :
weight, etc., sent free on application.
X. i. at 1 A a. 'ater-eL mTm MT
is weak, nervous nnd depressed; and
again lie may havo eruptions, swellings
nnd other blood humors. Whichever
It is, tho cause is the same effoto
accumulations in tho blood.
Nothing is rnnro certain within the
whole range of medical science than
that a course of I'eruna in early spring
time will perfectly and effectually pro-'
vent or cure this almost universal affec
tion. Kvcrybody feels it In some degree.
A great majority are disturbed con
siderably, while a large per cent of the
human family are made very miserable
by this condition every spring.
I'eruna will prevent It if taken In
I'eruna will cure it if taken as di
rected. I'eruna is the ideal spring medicine
of the medical profession.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isff o'ory re-u Its from the use of Peru
na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv
ing a full statement of your case, and
he will bo pleased to glvo you his valu
able advice gratia.
Address Dr. Ilnrtman, Piesldent ot
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
! U takes two to make a quarrel until
you have one of your own. and then tt
is always the other ono who makes it
has met with such
S. S. for the blood is
-" t a- T H IE Y M
D D 1 1 C C A ll Kllla I.loo on roultry. Yoq
rnUOOlAPJ paint the perchea, the
a - rr lM CD fumea kilt the lice. lieu.
aVIlatl ll&.lCr cannot feed lice and feed
yon. ITlce, OOo nnd 01.00 n can. Sold by dealers.
MlVSSUrl ItEMEDY CO., St Taut, Ulna.
uentlemtn 1 am a brewlar ot ttrst-ctasft Sll-tare WjandotUa,
I won.csuof roiirl'HCSSUN LIQUID LICE KtlXkll aaaspsclat
premium at tha bt 1'aul Poultry Show ol 1J0, anil lad It Is all
rUht. There arasareral hero mat naatarrllaMe Ilea killer. an4
Youre la all rllhl. WM. U HWAnuCKT.Warata.HlBn.
' J. II iIALO.SR.ot Add. lo ,,os too HiUSSIlN LICK KtLLUt
la Just tho Ihlaff for lice on hone, aud I worth flf a times 1U ooet
l'ortlaud, Or., Coast Aeouts
Drusb, Kabblt Brush, Qrcase Wood,
loaves tlio ground la perfect condition
r wiinout t