Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 12, 1903, Image 4

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When Ituttla lcl'i go In Manchuria It
U only to get a better bold.
George Ado tins bought sn automo
bile. It I up to Mr. Dooloy to pur
chase a flying innelilne.
We can never And out what the fu
ture had In storo for ui until wo bare
paid tba ttoraga charges.
then. tJic 8ln of wifely devotion. Th
worn stocking mny not Lnd Itself so
entity to the demands of poetry, but It
la Bono the less a beautiful and appro
priate symbol. There was a time
within twenty years when It teemed
na u BiocKiug-mcuuing were uwiuni.
The needle was temporarily discard-
ed. A clever writer, speaking of the I
rots with beaded eyes to an ago
which hires outxldcrs to dnrn Its stock
ings. Hut to-day the pendulum has
swung back, and my lady presides
About the time a man discovers that
eyeglass! make him look Intellectual
bo develops optical affections.
again over the stocking basket
whether It Is filled with dainty Paris
Ian hose of silk, or with stout woolen
socks, fit for tusslo with thorn and
wind and weather.
In regard I
Fourteen i
Bamson and Absalom must have had
some Interesting discussions as to the
merit nud lack of merit In having the
hair cut.
Some people puzzle so much ovei
how to be grammatical that they tor
get what they were going to say
which Is often Just ns well.
The German Minister of War has re
signed because ho was criticised by
outsiders. It Is evident that he didn't
have I ho true ofllccholdlng spirit
A young New York millionaire takes
a detective to Bible class with him
every Sunday. He seems to have but
little faith In the ways of the Lord.
President Olyphant, of the Delaware
& Hudson llallroad, thinks be will quit
because be Is '80 years old. Well, all
things considered. It Is no more than
right that he should give a boy of
05 or 70 a chance.
Over In Paris they call It "motor In
toxication" when an automoblllst
wonts to go so fast that' people will
have no chance to get out of the way.
"Intoxication" seems to be a pretty
mild term for this form of disorder.
People who commit suicide are gen
erally lacking In any wholesome relig
ious faith. If a man believes In a fu
ture existence and retribution for
wrongdoing In this life he will hesi
tate to force his passage Into the great
An Indianapolis pastor advocates the
Saturday half holiday In order to In
sure a proper keeping of the Sabbath.
He probably argues that when Sunday
comes the person who had his fun the
day before will be too tired to do any
thing but go to church.
Some authorities are making the
strange assertion that the field of sci
ence has now been pretty well ex
plored, that the greater part of all pos
sible research work lias been perform
ed, and that It remains for physicians
only to clear up the litter left by vari
ous careless scientists. This would bo
n comfortable conclusion. lint no
doubt the time conclusion has been
accepted by every age that has pre
ceded our own. The people of 100
years from now will laugh at this con
clusion, Just as we laugh at the same
conclusion made 100 years ago. Anuls
ton, Ala., claims a man who taw the
first locomotive and cars ever con
structed. And. when we come to think
of It, no unreasonable length of life Is
required of a man to have witnessed
Stephenson's first engine drawing cars.
The grandfathers of the present gen
eration knew nothing of railroads, and
never dreamed of their possibility. To
them the relay stage coach represented
the perfection of transportntlou. Noth
ing better was deemed necessary. In
the comparatively short span of three-
quarters of a century the railroad has
become so absolutely essential to the
world that If It were suddenly with
drawn commercial chaos would result.
It has become the arteries and veins
of Industry, Just as the telegraph has
become Its nervous system. Human
possibility Is measured In the ordinary
mind only by past achievement. We
are apt to forget that the race Is con
stantly progressing, and that new
fields of vision arc ever opening before
expanding brains. There are lots of
things that we don't understand. The
half-dozen new gases discovered In air,
the X-rays and such radio-active
bodies as radium have put everything
we thought we knew Into question
again. The various new finds open up
vast fields for the experimentalist
What are their limits no one can say.
The, Isthmian Canal,
RRMAKKAIIl.U change of opinion has taken place
to the best route for the Isthmlau Canal
months ngo, when the House passed the
lc.tragu.tu bill, the Panama routa bad few advo
cates; only one newspaper In New York championed It,
and the state of feeling at the time Is further Illustrated by
the fact that this chainp'on was actuated by a desire to
thwart the building of any Now, however, there Is
hardly a voice raised to mourn for abandoned Nicaragua,
and we have engaged to spend millions, hundreds of mil
lions, on ranama. We have agreed to pay the 1'anania
Canat Company f 10.000.000 for Its rights, unfinished work,
and other property; wo have agreed to pay Colombia $10,
000.000 and nn annuity of $230,000. and In addition to this
outlay there Is the cost of construction, which Is estimated
at $2"O,0O0.O0O, but may.' nnd probably will, bo much more.
As much ns this has nlrcidy been suuk In tho fourteen
miles of ditch already completed by the old l'anama com
pany, and thirty-threo miles of more dllllcult work remains
to be done, Fourteen years and $250,000,000 are plainly
very scant estimates of the time and money which will
have to lie expended before the Isthmus Is crossed by n
navigable waterway. Hut the rewards will equal the ex
penditure. Public Opinion.
residence there. The condition of tho rondwnys In any
neighborhood Is nu unfailing sign of Its progress. Tho
organization of good roads associations, local, State, nation
al and International, Is doing excellent work In spreading
Information, exulting Interest nnd securing needful legisla
tion respecting the movement. Philadelphia Public Ledger.
IlUMOlt OX'1 Till!) WKEK
Tho Alien Invasion.
SN'T It a little foolish for us to talk of "tho American
race" nnd "the American character" ns If they were es
tablished and recognizable fads, In the face of n move
ment which Is vastly altering the population of our
land? Within the last forty years 10,000,000 of aliens have
come to our shores. There never was a nice movement
Odd, Curious and I.nilnlintile Pliaaee
of IIiiiiiiiii Nature til uplilciilljr I'or
trnyeil bjr Itinltieiit Word ArtlaU of
Our Own !hijr-A Undue! of I'liu.
"Didn't you tell mo yesterday that
von had n wife and three small chil
dren?" asked tho benevolent looking
"Mister," responded Meandering
Mike, "If I had n wife an' three chll
dreu don't you spose I'd put 'em to
work Instead o' goln' nut dls way my
soirr Washington Star.
A nt-Driver' Advice.
'Advice of nu old cnb drlVtr to his
"Always know the) exact hour of Ilia
train your passenger wishes to take.
Uracil the station at the very last mo
ment, so Hint tin cannot dispute with
you, whatever price you ask,?' Pear
son's Weekly.
Troll tile ! More fur Tnmtitr.
Indignant Neighbor This la the tin
pan your boy Tommy tied to our dog's
tall n Utile whlln ago!
Tommy's Mother (becoming equally
Indignant) I shall certainly have lilt
father whip hluil That was my host
pant-Chicago Tribune.
Interesting Wheat Experiments,
XPEltlMKNTS In Colorado and Wyoming point to
the development of a species of hard wheat that will
yield liouutlfully In the arid regions. In 1800 a Col
oradoan, Mr. ltobert Gauss, planted somo Improved
rife wheat and left It to take care of Itself. The harvest
gave barely enough wheat for seed the next yeor. The
crop from this seed was much better, and each year since
the grain has gained In productiveness. In 1002 Kred Bond.
State engineer of Wyoming, planted half a pint of this
acclimatized seed nenr Cheyenne at an altitude of 0,030
feet, a lid another half-pint nt Iluffnlo, attitude 4,700 feet.
The first tot threshed OH pints aud the second ,21)& pints.
No water was artificially given to either plantation, and
the rainfall at Cheyenne was only 0.3S, and at IlutTalo 4.00
Inches. If experiments on a larger scale nre equally suc
cessful, Mr. Gauss, ns the Geographic Magazine says, has
reclaimed nearly 400.000 square miles of land. The whole
nrld and seml-arld West will eagerly await further expert
uicuts. Indianapolis Journal.
A Mntler of I nntitiaiie.
Old Ijuly How Is the 7 o'clock
train, Mr. Kohwiirtzuielsterl
I Sohwnrlsuiclstrr (who loves to revert
to his German! Allrs reoht.
I ill. I t ...I.. '..-..II. f.. I..... ........ I
III... ,t. H'l. V......... fX. ... .... nf t.'tn,!. ,t wnm ' .., n .-.j i..i,.-
microscopic; the Invasion of HZml American
uuu .ll);iea lis iiiiKiiimnm, (hit mvsii'iii ut iiiv- imii'tuitiiin
upon the Itouiau Umpire wns n small affair, cumpared with
the Invasion of the United States now going on. In the
retrospect, all the great movement of population recorded
In history nre seen to have profoundly altered the charac
ters and affected the careers of the countries to which they
moved, and we may be certain that the national character
and the national destiny will be no less materially affected
In our own case now. lu the nature of things, the effect
will not appear nt once; the newcomers are poor and of
slight consideration; does any ono expect that they will re
main so for many generational Doesn't every one who will
take the trouble to think about It know that .In the worlds
of business, politics, and even "society," the sons nnd
daughters of those who fought for American Independence
already In many cases have to give way to the descendants
of those who were coming ashore, with their parks on their
lacks, out of the steerage, n generation or two ago? Phila
delphia Public Ledger.
"What did the ever are In him that
mnde her want to marry hlni?"
"Nothing, Blio married him because
she wanted n home."
"Poor glrll Aud tie took her to n
tint I"- Chicago Tribune.
Nov England Thrift.
THE proportion of men and women who retire on
small competencies Is doubtless greater In Maachu
setts than In any other State lu the Union, unless It
be Pennsylvania, which Is the oilier State of Dr.
It Is success In any laudable under
taking that counts not the measure of
that success In dollars and cents and
the time vC-111 come In this republic
when merit and not money will be the
standard of success. When that day
arrives the cultured, educated man
will take his rightful position. In the
meantime he Is satisfied to wait
Tho Minimum Wage.
INDIANA has a minimum wage law. enacted in 1001. It
provides that no one employed on work done by or for
counties, cities or tonus shall be paid less than twenty
cents nu hour. The act was passed at the demand of
organized labor, and the purpose, of course, was to estab
lish a standard minimum rate of living wages. While It
was not believed that the State could enact any law mak
ing a minimum wage In private business. It was Imagined
that municipal corporations could be required to pay a
minimum wage or more for work done which would be
come a common standard. The Supreme Court of. the
State has pronounced the law unconstitutional, as being
And now thero are Intimations that
If Ilussla Insists on retaining Manchu
ria It will not be possible to dislodge
bcr. What difference! We might as
well be worrying about dislodging
Great Ilrltaln In East Africa. Euro
pean nations are going on with their
schemes of conquest and expansion,
and our sensible course is to remain
friendly with all of them, but keep
them out of this continent
E. Coste, president of the Canadian
Mining Institute, recently read a pa
per before that body attacking the the
ory generally held by geologists that
Detroleum resnlta fi-nm tho ,1
tlon of animal and vegetable organic an lmProPer Interference with the liberty of contract. If
remains. One point made by Mr. Coste thc I-lslature has the right to prescribe and enforce a
is that this process of fornilnn netro- "'" " " iuer o prescnoe
u (....--(.u ... .. in, ,.i.u ,,ui ,uuhuc noun lu ilKes, uhi
proceed to tlx the prices of corn and potatoes. The court
concludes that counties, cities and towns stand upon the
same footing as private or quasi-public corporations, and
cannot be compelled to pay more than Its market value for
any property or labor. Roston Herald.
Benjamin Franklin's residence. Hut n man who has even
the most robust respect for the thrift of the pcoplo of
Massachusetts must be surprised to learn from the report
of the Stnte's Ilureau of Labor Statistics that there are
more than 45.000 such persons 28.000 men and 17.000
women. Two-thirds of them uro natlvo born, too.
Theso persons who hare retired on competencies are
apparently not. as n rule, the owners of largo fortunes.
Indeed, most men ef large fortunes. It Is safe to say, da not
retire till physical Infirmities compel them. In the list
are an amazing number who are farmers more than 3,500
whereas less than 3,300 were merchants. Even the re
tired blacksmiths number 359. and there aro 1,070 "labor
ers" on this list World's Work.
leum has nowhere been found In ac
tion. He thinks that If this were ac
tually the mode of production or gen
eration It would pretty certainly be
found going on somewhere at the pres
ent time on some scale, great or smalt
He further argues that the decomposi
tion of organic remains, especially an
imal, la so rapid and complete that
there Is no opportunity for the preser
vation of such a residuum In rocks.
He points out too, that the oil deposits
are found mostly In formations which
existed before tho carboniferous de
posits and when there was but very
little vegetable life on the earth. Fi
nally he reasons that If petroleum
were were due to the destructive dis
tillation of coal there' would now be
no coal beds, as the coal would long
Religious people In the United States
spend annually between $33,000,000
and $40,000,000 for new church build
ings, and for every day in the year
there are built and dedicated some-1 ago have been transformed Into pe-1 convenience nnd pleasure of good roads nre admitted. They
LTuieuui suu a coneuse resiunum. Mr. improve social conuitions in ine countryside nnd Invite
taste's conclusion that petroleum docs
Tho Cause of Good Roads,
NE of the most striking evidences of the civilization
reached by Itome are the remains of her great high
ways. It Is said that 50,000 miles of roadways were
built by the Itomans, structures which In their decay
are the envy of the modern road builders. It Is n reflec
tion on the American name that In the older States, which
have been organized communities for more than two cen
turies, there are thousands of miles of roads that nre
practically In no better condition now then they were In
the early days. In Pennsylvania thero nre thousands of
miles of roadway maintained In no better fashion than
they were at the beginning of the last century. The value,
where between twelve and fifteen new
churches. The Church Economist
makes the computation, which seems ft
pretty good antidote for pessimism. It
Is bard to argue that "the world Is
Waxing evil" In the face of such an
expenditure for the worship of God
and the servlco of man.
Sato tho Big Trees.
HE giant sequoias of California form n natural won
der and beautiful scenic feature absolutely unique.
How far the rumor that their existence la In danger
may be true Is not quite apparent, but It seems cer
tain that tho Calaveras tirore at least Is threatened with
extinction. It must be remembered that there are at least
tire hundred trees In California which are really entitled to
be called glnnt trees, nnd that these are found lu many
rather widely separated groups. The Mariposa Grove, near
tho Yoscmltc Valley, Is owned and cared for by the State
of California, while the United States holds at National
parks two tracts of land on which big trees stnnd. The
Calaveras group, the tlrst to be discovered, contains about
a hundred very One giant trees, nnd has been well main
talned and preserved. It Is private property, and, of late
years nt least, has not yielded a reasonable profit on tho
price paid by the present owner. $100,000. There Is, there
fore, great danger that the trees may bo cut down and sold
-It Is snld that a single sequoia might yield 50,000 feet of
lumber. It seems evident that California should have pur
chased the Calaveras Grove nt tho very modernto price
named above, but the State authorities have hoped that the
United States would buy the tract as a National park; Con
gress, however, has seemed averse to this, and has refused
an appropriation for the purpose. It Is now suggested that
a public subscription should be made, or that an Individual
benefactor should present the famous grovo to the nation
In one way or another tho destruction threatened should
be averted. New York Outlook.
j M l.nst.
Netting 111 m Itlilit.
Mr. Wabnsh-1 hear your family
went South for tint winter.
Miss llnckbay (precise Ilostoness)
Not nt all. They went South for tho
absence of winter peculiar to that lo-rullty.-Phltadelphla
I.Ik a Picture.
Mr, Goodword- -Yea, Indeed, aim
made quite, an Impression upon me.
Hlie reminds inn of an old-fashioned
Miss Spelti-Alil you noticed, then?
Mr. Goodword-What?
Miss Hpelti That she's painted.
Philadelphia Press.
It la future.
"Tommy," snld the teacher, "I'm sur
prised at you. Do you know what will
happen to you If you continue to tell
"Sure." replied Tommy, "I'll get
asked when I grow up to inako after
dinner speeches,"
"Why does siibbubs always carry
that load of machinery In and out each
"Why, that's his patent contrivance
for raising cur windows."
Perooael Kiirleiic.
Crlttlck Is this tho poem you sub
mitted to thu editor?
Poet Yes.
Crlttlck-Wby, It's feet aro all
Poet-Perhaps so, but tho editor's
weren't I got oua of them all right.
The M'rlcome Crow.
I heard litui today with lili "chit I caw!
And It nunded niliihty cood.
After paying twenty dollars a lou for
And twelve per cord for wood.
Norway (Me.) Advertiser.
Till. U Awful,
'John." said tho mother of a squal
ling Infant, "what do you suppose Is
tho matter with tuiby?
"rll-o fever, more'n likely," replied
tho heartless father.
YimngliulH-There's nothing like mat
rimony for teaching a young man tho
value of money.
uiuweil That's right. A dollar n
man gives to his wife looks twice as
big as the dollar ho blew In on her
during courtship.
Waste of Tim.
Little .Wlllle-Hny, pa, what
prnlltlrss enterprise?
Pa Telling hair raising stories to u
haldhcadcd man, my son.
II Kernel the Money,
While Ilussla Is as steadily and as
stealthily pushing ber expansion along
several lines, she naturally prefers that
of least resistance, which at present
appears to be that of Manchuria. But
even there she may go slow now for a
time, walking softly, but still carrying
a club. When she Is checked In one
direction she turns to another, even If
the check bo but diplomatic, and we
shall not be surprised If In the Balkan
question her energies now find their
most publicly active play. Ilussla may
find an outlet for domestic discontent
In "a spirited foreign policy." The sit
uation at least favors the supposition.
Things are going badly for Ilussla
now, Thero Is great discontent and
not a Ilttlo suffering. In some of Its
aspects the situation suggests that of
Franco Just before 1780. Much, If not
everything, depends upon the army.
If tho Itusslan nrmy Is actively em
ployed It cannot let the throne slip off
Its bayonets, whereas If It continues
quartered among a distressed people
the kin of men In the ranks, sympathy
with the people may lead It to Imitate
not come from organic remains may
be correct, but If so It does not con
tribute anything to our stock of affirm
ative knowledge. It may serve In a
negative way to assist In the discov
ery of petroleum by teaching that It
may be found where no considerable
organic remains are present It docs
not assist at all In forming a con
jecture as to the extent of the deposits
or their probable exhaustion. The the
ory of organic origin raises a presump
tion In favor of continuous deposition
so long ns organisms nre genernted,
die and are decomposed. But also If It
Is of other origin there may be continu
ous deposition, for changes nre con
tinually occurring In Inorganic as well
as In organic matter. In fact, there
would be no organic matter were there
no nntecedent changes In Inorganic
matter. While Mr. Coste's conclusion
adds nothing. If It Is true, to our stock
of affirmative knowledge, It may serve
a useful purpose In stimulating efforts
to ascertain tho rent nature and source
of a substnnce which has come to All
so Important a place In the supply of
various human needs.
City of Wolverhampton In llnclund
Successfully Conducts One.
The first municipality In England to
estcbllsh a municipal Ice factory under
the approval of the local government
board Is Wolverhampton, says the Mu
nlclpal Journal and Engineer. The
board has authorized the council to
make Ice and sell It to 'Its customers
and will allow any surplus to be pur
chased by other traders. Despite the
many objections that were raised
against this undertaking, on the
ground that It wus too doubtful for
any municipality to assume, the offi
cials went ahead with thejr plans.
The council fortunately decided to
Incorporate with the Ice factory cold
stores and this union of Interests
yields better results than If the cold
stores were undertaken ulone. In fact
the men Interested In the work felt
that to cut out the manufacture of Ice
from the schemo would absolutely rulu
It rrom a llnanclal standpoint
The estimated demand for Ice In
Wolverhampton Is about 1,000 tons a
year and a manufactory producing
seven tons a day could meet this con
sumption; hut to provide for any pos'
Bible Increase In the city, a plant of
ten tons output per day was-Installed
and arrangements were made so that
What Education Teaches.
The great thing In all education, says
a noted professor In the Beacon, Is to
make our nervous system our ally In
stead of our enemy. It Is to fund and
tho conduct of tho French soldiery and capitalize our acquisitions and live at ,uls C0UU bo ncreased ,0 twcntT tons,
"rior-llnn in not " Tho ot.h . c h Infarct f t.o rA .. w intmy ions
...,,vu,v-ul.-jr ui . ...vw .-v ........ u necessary, tuo cost of the build-
employing the army, In which dlsnf- For this wo must make automatic and Ings ami msuiatliig was estimated at
t -- i'.vuu., biuwiub among uaimum, us eany as possiuie, us uiuuy $:8,o00 and for this necessary mnchln-
both officers nnd men, was one of the useful actions as we can, nnd guard eTJ anj appliances $18 760 making a
Inciting causes of Ilussia's attack on against the growing Into tho ways that total of $17,250. It Is estimated that
Turkey In 1877. aro likely to be disadvantageous to the runniuc exnenses will t xinooi
us, as we should guard ngnlnst the which Includes 2A ner cent allow
jsienuing siucKings mignt well be piague. me more oi me aeiuus oi our for dcoreclat on and s Ink nir fnmi nn,i
thought a prosaic occupation, If not a da"y Ufe we "an naD(l over to tha cf- Interest on the loan. Tho cold stores
auu one. me woman wno sits down I oniess cusiouy or auiomaionism, mo nave a capacity of 22,500 cubic feet
every week before twenty pairs, worn
uy active rect, Dig and little, often
finds the pile discouraging, although
she would not hare It smaller by a
tingle pair. But there Is a curious,
half-mysterious charm In the work. It
Is as If it typified all wifely and moth
erly duty. Even the maiden aunt, with
a darning-needle In ber baud, has the
air of tho matron. The coziest corner
In the bouse Is most nt for the stock
lug basket and Its presiding genius.
An Incontestable verdict against a
gorgeous palace recently built by a
rich man was pronounced by a woman,
herself both refined and rich; "There
Isn't a spot In the whole bouse -where
I could darn a stocklngl" It It amus
ing or pathetic but true, that the mod
ern stocking should have taken tho
placo held by the medieval shield. To
more the higher powers of mind will
be set free for their own proper work.
Thero Is no more miserable human bo-
lng than ono In whom nothing Is ha
bitual but Indecision, and for whom
the drinking of every cup, the time of
rising and going to bed every day, and
the beginning of every bit of work, aro
subjects of express volitional delibera
tion. Full half the time of such a man
goes to the deciding, or regretting, of
matters which ought to be so Ingrained
In him as practically not to exist for
his consciousness at all. If there be
Buch dally duties yet not Ingrained In
any one of my readers, let blin begin
this very hour to set the matter right.
A ten-cent argument often ends In a
$10 quarrel.
A woman Is never 30 until t bo is 40
bide ot bom and polish the shield was I or married.
which If let at 20 cents per foot will
produce $1,500, and calculating on four
mouths, 1,300 tons of Ice at $0.25 per
ton, would bring In $8,125, a total of
$12,025 and a profit of $1,030.
Tho borough engineer, after consider
ing the different methods of commer
cially producing cold, such as cold air,
liquefaction, vacuum, absorption and
compression systems decided on the
one In use. This was tho one In which
the cold Is produced by an ammonia
compression machine. The three prin
cipal methods of transmitting the cold
were the direct expansion system, In
which ammonia Is directly expanded
Into a series of tubes bung from tho
celling; the brine circulation system;
nnd the cold air current system, In
which tho tubes, whether dry or wet,
are placed In a chamber and air Is
(caused to flow over them. Mr, Brad-J
This Is tho type of the new submarine boat destroyer which has
been approved by the Urltlsh navy. In addition to carrying the regular
torpedo tube and. projectile In the bow, the strange craft Is equipped with
an "outrigger" torpedo, charged with tlilrty-tlvc pounds of gun cotton,
which Is pushed against the submarine or other ship to be destroyed.
ley chose tho last as the most prefera
blc system.
The cold Is produced by tho evapora
tion of anhydrous ammonia In a series
of wrought-lron colls submerged lu n
rectangular tank containing brine. In
the brine are the molds In which the.
Ice Is formed. The cold brine congeals
the water In the tanks and the clear
Ice Is produced by tho use of hydrnu
lie agitation gear, by means of which
tho small quantity of air lu tho water
Is extracted. After the ammonia has
been evaporated In the Ico tank colls
the vapors are drawn back Into the
compressor nnd delivered Into nu am
monla condenser on the roof of tho
engine bouse, where they are liquefied.
The work of cooling In the cold
rooms Is produced In a similar manner,
but Instead of the evaporator Colls be
ing submerged In a tank they are built
up in the form of a battery. This Is
placed In a duct which Is so nrrauced
mat air is drawn In nt ono end by
means of an electrically driven fan,
and being cooled by tho colls, Is dis
tributed from tho other end to tho vari
ous storerooms. The admntage of this
system Is the entire absence of mois
ture on account of tho cold, dry air
used, and a further advantage Is tho
fact that tho whole power of tho plant
may be concentrated In any ono place
If It Is desired to cool such room rapidly.
Electricity In tlio Blot.
In England the Sunderland town
council has decided to supply elec
tricity for tho lighting of tho work
men's dwellings owned by the. munic
ipality on the penny-In-tho-Blot prln
clple, one penny to pay for an eight
candle power light lasting five aud oco
fifth hours.
lust the Pame.
Stern Father What nn unearthly
hour that young fellow stops till every
night, Dora. What does your mother
say about It?
Daughter She says men haven't al
tered a bit since she was young.
"What do you think of my wlfo se
lecting my tics nnd shirts?"
"How enn I get oven?"
"Why, go out nnd select her spring
like you're
'lento help tho blind.'
"But you don't look
'I ain't, air, but the 'blind man' has
gono out to sco the baseball gnme, and
rm taking his placo till ho gets back.
Iletter than a Telephone.
Duffy What I say to my wlfo goes.
Meeker Is It osslble!
Duffy Yes. As soon ns I lenvo the
house she goes over and repeats It tu
her mother.
A Chance for Bister.
IWen at That.
Gus-Tho Idea of his saying I had
more money than brains. Quite ridic
Jack That so?
Gus-Of course. Why, I haven't got
a cent
Wasn't In the Almanac
"Say, Silas," queried old Mrs. Meder-
gras, "what be that air Monroe dock-
trlu th' papers hev so mutch tow sar
"I dunno exacktly." replied Silts.
"but I reckon ex lieow It's sum new
fangled cure fer sumthln' or nuttier."
Museum Is 2JW0 Yeurs Old.
A museum of tho sixth century, B.
C., has come Into tlio possession of tuo
University of Pennsylvania. Tlio mu
seum Is not big. being contained In a 1 my sister,
w., ,1.1.-11 jur, uui mu coiueius nro
very vuluable from n blstoricnl point
of view.
Ethel I sco you have discarded all
finery of late,
Mllllcenl Yes, you seo I found that
ribbons and Inces were dragging me
down to perdition, bo I gave them to
Prober Cauer.
Mrs. Wsggs (reodlng)-A well-
known physician lays that ono should
never go Into the wntcr after a hearty
Wnggs-That's right. It's Iwtler to
go Into a first-class restaurant after It
If one happens to liavo tho price.
At Drowsy vlllc.
"Wo used to iiitas that nhrommoda.
tlon train every morning."
"V lint do you do now tbnt ther
have taken It off?"
"Why, wo miss It more than ever."
Whether tho specimens were exca
vated or purchased Is not known, but
they undoubtedly represent a collec
tion which must have been made dur
ing the time of Bclshazzar, since it
wns found In ono of tho upper strata
nt Nippur.
The best specimen In tho Jar Is nn
Inscription containing tho titles of Sar
gon I., who liver nbout 3800 B. O.
Thero Is a black stono tablet of Ur
Our, 2700 II. a. which tells that this
king built tho great wall around tho
city of Nippur.
Then there Is tho terra 'cottn brick
stamp of Bur-Sin, which Is tho first
yet f,ound of that king. Another tab-
lot stntcs tbnt the largo ball of the
templo was cnlled lEmakli. and that
thero were twenty-four other shrines
to gods In tho templo besldis tho ones
that bnvo been found of Bel nud his
consort, Ileitis.
Some exceedingly flu0 oranges como
up out of Mexico the nraugo maggot
Is nwnre of that but they quickly go
to pith. Florldas and Callfornlns nl
most alone bnve staying qualities nnd
that deep, satisfactory bouquet which
a touch of frost Imparts.
Magistrate What Is your occuna.
Witness Pm a lawyer, your honor.
Magistrate Well, try to forget it
whllo giving your testimony.
Oreut Show.
Lrnlc Mabel wns engaged four
times down nt the beach last summer.
She said It was a regular circus.
Edith Sort of a four-ring affair, I
Ilrlalit Hellenic,
Paraon Brother, how can wo pro-
vom every ono rrom donating cop.
Dcncotf-Oh, I have n good scheme.
We'll take up the collection with
cash register.
Iletwcen I'rlcnds.
Mnyme I beur you are going to be
married again.
Edyth-Agaln? Why, I've novcr been
tied up as yet.
Mnyme Noj but I can't recall the
number of times you were "going to
Where She Pound It.
Grnco-Why, Ethell How could you
tell all the news lu Mary's letter so
soon xou haven't even read It
Ktuei wen, you see, dear, I rend
the postscript first Yonkcrs States
Oreek Meetlnir tlreek.
Towno Met Gabbla and Perkins at
a smoker last night, and Introduced
thorn to each other.
Browne Oh, Buy, It's a shamo to In
troduco a bore llko Gabble to any-
Towno It's evident you don't know
Perkins, or you'd see tho humor of It
-Philadelphia Press.
One Man'e Wisdom.
Ping Thoro goes n man worth
$3,000,000 and bo mndo every dollar of
It In trade.
Pong-Well, nil I've got to tar Is
that I don't want to trudo with a nun
llko that
Her Comment.
Softlctgh Yaas.'I uhvays cahwy an
umbrella, doncber know.
Miss Cutting I always sutnectcd
that you didn't know enough to go lu
wbcu It rains.
Worrying a Had Habit.
Worrying It n habit that grows very
rapidly. Tho more It Is Indulged tho
stronger It becomes. When you dis
cover that you are its victim, Just
stop and consider: Aro you gaining
anything from It? If so, what Is tha
gain? Aro you losing anything from
It health, strength, cheerfulness, tho
power of helping others and the op
portunity of doing tho next best thins-
at hand? Whatever you do, don't toy,
"iiui i can't neip ui"
Colossal Counter Claim.
It Is bard to get ahead of some girls.
Ono who was presented with a bill for
UO for money spent on her by a re
jected suitor nearly frightened him to
death by only threatening to put In a
bill for ono shilling npleco for all the
kisses he had taken during the court.
thlp. Sparo Moments.
Mighty rivers rise lu quiet places.
but like somo men tho .further away
from home they get the moro nolss
they make.
A moment's auger
years of sorrow.
may result In