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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1903)
J. E. YOUNG' Mtornetf-at-liito Office on Main street. Wrl 8I1 COTTAOK GKOVH. ORK TUB GREAT MAY AtUSICAL TIVAL. IT5S- L. T. HARRIS 'Attorney and Counsclor-at-Lato Special attention given to the Iw ot Minn. Flint National Rank Building. EUGENE, ORE. J. S. MEDLEY Mtomey-at-Laio o o o Omw on H.ln street t CoTTAOlt GROVIt, OKK. A. H. KING Attorney at Law, COTTAOK", OJIOVK. OltK. J. a JOHNSON and F. .(! EBY H ttomejjs and Counselors-at-TMic Bpcclet attention given to Mlnlnr, Corporation and Mercantile Law. Offlce over Carmen .1 Hcmenwey's store. COTTAGE GROVE ORE. JEROME KNOX Attomey-at-Zaw r-rompt attention paid to Mining Business CoTTAOK Grove. Orb. 00 TOa MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking MAIS STREET , Cottage Grovb. Orb. j Common Rough Lumber' SI 1.00 PER M BOOTH-KELLY MILLS, SAGINAW. OREGON. H. C. MADSEN, Watchmaker. fit pairing at reasonable charges. All work guaranteed Orst-class. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry at Lowest Prices COTTAGE GROVE. ORE. Tim nmiunl fcHtlvnl ol th United Choral Societies of Portland, Snlem, Albnny, Corvnllls ami Eugene will lo lii'M In l.ugvne thin your on tno i.'ui. 13th, 14tli ot Mny. Thoru will 1h it ChortiN ot 1B0 trained oleo. Portland Symphony l'oitlvil Orchotrn, novcii of tho moat prominent soloist ot tho norlhwont. Including Mrs. RotwC mil lion Rood, Mr. Dom Znti. Mr. W. 11. ltoyer. Mm. Bone niock Bauer nml Mr! Junior. T. Proton ot New York. The tlrxt concert will Ix? orchestral with Mr. Znn as sololat. On the wcond nud third nights the groat; chorrtl worku "Feaat or Ailotila, The Redemption." nml "Elijah" will Ik- produced by combined ehortm, or chcatrn nml aololxtn. SeiiMoit tickets rewrveil $3.50, un reserved 1.P0. Single coticertn. re w;rvisl $1. Single conccrta unre served 7(5c. Skvks Hv.NnitKi) D01.1.AIIH worth ot the reserved season tickets liavo al ready leen oold In Eugene. There tttv only M) or CO left. By purchasing tickets now, you have the sub acrlbera advantage ot choice ot seats till April 14th. After that date the sale will Iw thrown open to the gvn eral public. Any desiring season Ickets may address 1. M. Gi.tes. Eu gene, Oregou. Heduced rates ou railroad. BEAUTY AND STRENGTH Arc desirable. Yon are strong and vigorous, when your blood is pme. Many nay, most women, fail to properlv digest their food, and eo be come pile, sallow, thin and weak, while the brightness, freshness ami beauty of the skin and complexion, depart. Rmedv this unpleasant evil, by eating nourishing food, and taking a small dose of Herbine after each meal, to digest what you have eaten. 60c at New hra Drng Store . 7 J- Amohg Tut Daisies Sfaitdsforthcbest that is made in Jbotvvean AT ALL LEADING DE.ALCRS. CGOTZIAN(9 MANUFACTURERS, 5T.PAUU N0T10K FOll PUBLICATION. United Stales Undomce, lto-churn, Ore. Feb. 11, 1003 Notice is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act ol Congress of Juno 3,1870. entitled " An net for tho sale ot timlier lauds In the States ot California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Tviritory, ' as ex tended to nil tho Public Land kyV act ot August -I, 1S02, Joseph K. Hills. iVni.ivnllj.iii. State of Ore gon, hasthisday tiled In this office his sworn statement no. s-w, tor me i Klin..i.itll SKUKK 1.4 of section No 11 111 Pn llalitn .1. IMS.. Range No. I West and will otter proof to show that the land is moro valuable tor its timber miii.iifn, ..,t.-iiltiirHl nllrlHses. ami to cstannsii ins eiaim in mm " In-tore tho Register and Receiver of bl ottlceat Roscburg, Oregon, on innrs day, the day 80th ol April. MB. He namea as witnesses: Cleonro M. Hlaekbum ot Springfield, Ore.. William Tate olZlon. Ore., llenrv . Tllton of June, Ore.. JS iiiiihoi asr, ljineCo.,Ore. Anv and all nersons claiming adverse- It v till ltllWl.-l , . . .... qucsteil to llle their elainia In tills omiv on or oeiore sam oin nay oi Apm, . J. T. 1U.UK1KS, Hrglster. NOTICE Wl rtlliLlCAflON. fnlle.1 KiatM t Jind om. IUi4 '! n.hi ii hsistir si"! "! JS"I!,,Jl.iSS!i nwiaiena vi in ";," 1v;,..I. ;s. Miililnl "Aw rl ler. the ra eel tlmtr lands In Ihs.stalsa nl I 1 .IVAUl- " i. iv rlle.1 In IhU mi- his slais lill tor Iho rroha lhe H n So. W. Twnhli II 6 OREGON BARKER & PERMAN PROPRIETORS OF THE EXCHANGE T557 DEALERS IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Main street. Coltace Orove. -. j Residence Phone Ko. 2M Offloe Phone 1M. J. E. HOSMER, PHYBICIaS and SURGEON Eye. Ear, Koss ud Throat t SpaciiltY. Office boon from to llam-fromltoSpm. Bandar Irom U to 2 p m. Office In Madsen Bnlldlnr, Main street, COTTAGE 0R0VE. OREGON. HERBERT LEIGH ASSAYER AND METALLURGIST Eugene Oiieqon. Beit Equipped aay office in the Bute. Sam :i..i-.T.i.. nrnmnt attention. Work. fcf teitamadeonoreBamples of one to fllty ponnos to oetennine na .um.w. odsol treatment. Prices on application. DirART roB Time Schedulls from Portland Chicago-Salt Lake, Denver, Portland, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Q-Ofla. m.: Kansas Citv. fat. vialiunt- LauIs, Chicago anu ingtoii. tjitl Atlantic Express 8:16 p.m. viallHnl ington. Salt Lake, Denver, Kt. Worth. Omalia. Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and East, St. Paul Fast Mail 6 p. m. via Spokane. Artnivx rnox 1TE.MS FROM SILK CRBEK. I-nst Sunday Rev. Ilryan preached n splendid sermon to quite a large alseil nudleniv. His text was "What Think Ye Of Christ?" ami was ably handled. Trayer meeting will lie held next Sunday to which all are invlteti. Mrs. Mas- Veatch and children Te. turned home yestcnlny after a short vlalt with her mother Grandnm Wheeler. Repairs are progressing on the rock crusher nnd Mr. Gooilenow thinks ho will finish his work next week. Messrs. Keoplko and Goodenow visited their families at Eugene last Saturday afternoon. Louis Doll attended the teachers Institute at Cottage Grove last KtI dnv and Saturday and reports most excellent nnd Instructive ses sion. Mioses Mnble nnd Veva Knight who have In-en visiting with their nunt, Mrs. Hurchnni, went to the I Orovo this morning tor a short visit ! with Prof. Brlgg's family ere return lng to their home at Canby. Ore. Dnrlnir tlielr short stay In this neigh i.nrhnml tho vounc Indies won many trlendsby their pleasing wnys and lady like appearance. NOTICE Ir-OR PUIU.IOATIO.N. Uniteil Stales Ijiml OtTiee. Roseburg, Ore.. Mar 4,1908. Ni.IUh. la IiimyIiv riven that ill coin pllance with tho nrovtslona ot the act hi Congress of June 3. 1S78. entitled "An act lor the saleot timlier lands in tl.c States ot California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,- as ex tended to all the Public Und States by act of August 4, 1S03, Karl Baldwin, of Panther, O unty ol Lane, Statu of Oregon, hasthisday Hied In this of- lice his sworn statement .o. ooo inr iv , .,,. j. iKp-i urcnase of the K K Si Sec o. ism ip lunr E. DeCou. iOSof Range No. 7 vs. and will oner i Kuifeno. Co. of line. State ot lire proof to show that the laiul sonant ,. this dav tiled in tliisotriro Ins sworn 10:30 a. tn Walla Walla, Iw - iston . Spokane, Wallace, Pullman, Minneapolis , St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, Chicago A East. 7-35a.m, 70 Hours PORT AND TO CHICAGO no change;of cars.; Tickets east via all rail, or boat and rail via Portland. HERBINE CURES. Fever and Ague. A dose will'usually ston a chill, a continuance aiwnyscurci xt,. IIV M. Strnml. Mldlotntan. lexas MavSl.l&99. writes: "We have ueil tinrlilnpln our family for eight years nnd found it the best medicine we have o.r i,.p.1 fnr la crinne. bilious fever. and malaria." 50c at New Era Drug Store. The First National Back OF Cottagb Grovb, Ore. Paid ap Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges sold, available any place n tneunited b la tea """"SaV UlUKXT EAXIX, CtuMcr, BERQ BROS. ASSAYING. New outfit and up-to-date meth ods assaying, or complete analysis of.ores. Clorination, cyanide and working tests made. All work done in du plicate, and correct returns guar anteed. Mail orders promptly at tended to. f visit DR. JORDAN'S osiat i MUSEUM OF ANATOMY! I0BI tUXKET CT.f UN FRANCOCO, UL f fMvMaMttkMst tbtUrnet: in u w t)n. Qrtdltti ttrim ft IM CSL J. f 1 a OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FROM PORTLAND. Allcailincdatessub- 8 p. m. ject to change. 4 p. m. For San Francisco Sail every five days. Daily exSund'y Columbu River 4 p.m. 8P-m . .... ixceIl Saturday To Astoria and ay Sunday 10 p. m. Landings. A. L.. CRAIG, Gen. Passenger Agent. i'ortianu, uregon. ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS NOTICK op application por u. J1INBRAL PATENT. SURVEY No. 501. O 8. Land Office Roaebnri. Ore.. Mar. 12, 1903. Notice Is hereby rlten that In pursuance of the lawa ot the United Statea relatlnir to placer mining ciaim.. a. f. omce aaureHi aiuu j. uf""u7 , . ' plication tor a patent for toe Ollre placer cla m, t.V.. n Nil. allnated In Bohemia Mlnlni District on BieamDoainiTcr,iu, . 8tateof Oremn, and deicrlbed br the official ;i.Vl..T.i., .Ml and br the fleld notes on Me In the offlce ol the Ke irUter ol the Roseburg Land Olitrlct, Oregon, a. iouow. ,u-i.. 7. KnltnT ItohmIa Ullt. I 1.1 111 1 ..luu iuwhw.u..- , ' . a . ... a min w?a i ft. Rteamboat creek ibearteaittu leet.a flr-toins diam tjrari north 6 feet, and a nr is ins mam uean in wc " feet each blaaed and acrtbed 1 ooi bt tnence I0derl7mlnwos leetto corner No 2 thence it nn.i. nr ini?ft to innitt Ko 3 thence 9deg: 26 mln 3 405.8 leet to corner So i thence I n 10 mln e &S9 1 leet to corner Hob, thence S3 defMl mln e aw -a locorner uv v mkiii. " " - I Wmln e 1041 S leet to cornerho 1, and place o r:.r;r, ...i.i.m. la iatacrei located It J .7 .I wV.. .: Bi..mhnat IHielnvaon nniorreyed land about 17 mllea south ot IheC 8 location monument et In mlneraUorTejr o 229,on Urouse Mountain, BonemlajJiitnci, ana la about it deg e 17 mllea Irom Bohemia lost There are no' conflicting or adjoining claims except tne name unanowni puni .v- , f- ariinlnlnffnn thft nnrth. Anrand all persons claiming adversely the above described land or anr portion thereof are herebr notlfled to Die their adverse claims In this offlce within tne next sixir U7.VU' . . . ,i . . - n , nA,in. and ahnflld t II P T lal to do so Ibcy vrlll be Urred by the proylslons ol tf J.T. BRIDGES. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. -VIA- United States Land Office, Rosebure. Oregon. Mar. 30, 1003. . .,A-vmr-vnnaT Vnlinn m hprnhv civen that ill CD III J k H AT N K H K, i N ! T".h jmjs?' I art fnr the sain of timber lands In th in the Statea of California, Oregon i VkvsiIa. and WaBhincton Territory," ai , extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, lsx:. 1 1 CARL C. RICE. nl Eucenu. County of Lane, (State Railway TO Spokane, St. PaiU, Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicago, NEW AND ALL POINTS BAST. TRAINS DAILY FAST TIME. EQUIPMENT WkBeae. of aareoa tract- d dliaaaa.a.oalSlToll' asirW by tba oldaalBpaelallataatbaraolfta f;nainaaq m aana OS. JOBDAH-PIIVATI DISIAJtS Ta aaaaj aad middle T. avsad Wa wha are auffartaf A frtim iha effacu ot youthful IndU. r. eraUutia or aaVfaaaa In anaturar a lyeara. Servuus i.nd pb ralcai Melilllcy.lin. I i B4tatie?,l.uatdlMA.i.Mlli!l!lucumpll- ) rations; NpernnslwrrliWH, I'roatnlar. p I -ir I... 11,1. 111(1 In this office Ills sworn statement, no. ni, i.... l av. 1.4 nf Sec finnNn. 4. Townshio 23. South, ot Li Ranee 2 West, and will offer proof I i aL.i it.. I .1 .Aiinhi lu m nr A THOUOHOin.. valuable for its timber or stone that for i.n,i.nlinnl nnrimaH. and to establish Day Coaches , Palace and Tourist his claim to said land before Marie Sleepers, Dining and Buffet, , L.Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Eu Smoking Library Cars. ' gene Lane, Co., 0e., on Monday, the 8th . !3.vnf.Tiinn. 1903.' D!!al Tflp lurODgB in. F?1?' M! fie name. a. Chesses t y . Rnrtv ManntaltlS 1 Austin Root, of Springfield Lane Co., HOCly B.nniaiDJ. , N Handle, ot Falrrnount, . ' . r rnru Kl.pMon. Georee Tor full particulars, Bales, Folders ,y iiunter, of "Eugene, Lano Co., Oro. i- 11 - . -.1.1 . . , nilvA.llll. Any ami an persons nai.,v ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this offlce on or before said 8th day ot June, 1003. allh Ihe nrmUlena of June it, lS7i on. Neiada, and Washtnatim Trrrlloty," a; KMed Tilllhe VnbJ0V,,l8,,i,K Sen.' ..0. ,i" a'm.t, ' of" - W.c.oii. "I... hasthisday ment I v'-nv.. : : ii..n,.r.m;f, .,.h.wihai the "and s.mhl Is mote valuable tor It. Unil !? .inn. than tor atlcullural priH.., ami to establish hi. rl.lw in .aid land ,, llaianl.l' limral.l.iit at tiralii, noiid's fn..Oreinin. nl lilltiay inewtnuay i- t" ,, Nathaniel. I. MowlT. tiny H I1""'. VMW.t Any and all per-on. clalmluir adrrrwly u alHiti .le-crll.! laud, am teuaealfl l l Ihelrrlalfnatullil umreun nr Ktore .aid 1li dayolAPr..lXi. j. T. Hansa. Kesl'" NOTIOK FOR PUIIMOATION. United State Uml Oirici-, ..,!. . n,.... Atir. 4. UHKI. Nutieo Is hereby Riven that In eoinpll uicowlth Iho provisions ot lh" "U' Kniiressot June!!. IBM. nlUtol "An XctU tho sale tl Timlier Lands In the anco Com A,.t States of California i tiH.i.i....if,ii I mini i ni .... ..... i... tended to all llio runno i-mi ouiu'i iw.....,i Vit.'inlii. in. ui,Ku.,, ... 'r.,Prllrv 11 aa i.v act of Annus! J lEWi, NOTKi. roil l'l'IIMOATION. Hulled Htivtt'K l.iuul OllU-f, RoHebiiric. Ore., IVb. T. llHta, Nollre la hereby nlveit thill In eom plliliuu with tint iirtivlMloiiH ot the M tit Onnurt'HH of .Itino M, 1HW.''" tttlctl "An Act for tho mile ot Timlier LuinlH In tho HlntcM tit On IJoriiln. Onwin. Neviulii nnd Wimhlimtoii Terrllorv," iih exleiuleil to nil lh Public 1,'nnil StiiteM by net ot AiikjimI I. IM. Phillip , I"."" "". 1 I-"; ismiiit. nf l.ime. Htnte of IIIIH lllln illl.l mill ii n NOTICR rolt rUllt.ll'ATION. Uud omce at ItuMdairt. Oj-. Mai, ft, iww. ..?f? .lirsssr..!!? '"A!;" ?. 'nllllu; HKIlir.1 .ailiri "a .nr.. .,..- . .V- in mate tlnal pmol Hi supiitl i;l hi. elali i. and that .aid prixit III I mads Mailt I, Hate, t'.M. tvmnilMinner, ai ms. on April lltM. ls: Ud. K. No. wi,ol Al't andeV IMiumlns. tor IheHKi.Xrc 10 Ip. -.1' M "itVn'amer Ihe loll.iwlng wllnranea I.' fw hi. eoiillnimu. reaUlem-e un ami enltHi lniiu..., ,v..i. ii.,,,. Th.inia. minsaarr. n. i.. i ,.o,.a. Jr. . H.dbnH,k. ..loa. une. n (;,r. Maui la. ivr.rtk in ( Um Kluto of Ore . " a ... t i i I., ii.i, line i.niriui. pml,a tn.s.u .v uir,. ... - ;' iHlltv Ida Hlnleinenl No, 4IW MX & W M Hee HI f IJTh Th ".S " itZ ? RWaiid uill offer p.oot lo show Ihut Towiih -I N mil "X,vv land soiiKhl is Vw"W'f;r, , H, ' , , h Kh I- umv villi.- t iiihor or stone Ihan lor iircultnr il liiiu ' " ....iIhih ,,r Ht.iiii tlmli for purines and to e.tabllsh her e Ulm eH.ub- .ald and betoio Marie 1.. N are. 7 I W'i., " .V.! . . t',, m , land betorv Commlsatniierati;:.. SinmunlaMliHiel?. HHVI. She names as wllnesaes: Frank Davis, of Uirane, MneCo,, Ore.. Andiew J. Htullli, ot juio Co., le., t imries mmuiiMi, Minnie, Oregon, Olulr l.uckey, ol ucene. laine'Jo.,ure. Anv and all persons elniiuliiK ail- ......K. aluitiM oaer lull iiiiiIh nreie- ...... ..I ... ill,, claim, in this I1Ui on or lwti.res.ild Klnlday ol June, 11KV, J. T. IIIIIIHIKS NOTICE rOU PUlll.lOATION. UiiIUhI States Und Office, Rosebud, Oickoii. Mnr., 10. IIHM. Ihti'Iiv civen that in comnll anco with the provisions of the act of .,,.,....,,( Jim., a. 1H7S. enllt led "All net for tlio sale ot HiiiKt land. Ill the Males of California, Oreiton, Nevada ...,.i Vaal.lnuiniiT.rrltnrv."asexlendel ! to all the Public Und States by act ol noro valulble for Its timber or stone I bau for agricultural purposes ami to stabllsh his claim to said land before farm It. ware. U. S. Commissioner at Euueue. Oreeon. on Satunlay tlie.lOtli dav ot May, 1903. lie names aa witnesses. Frank Crenshaw. John Hooker. Charlie Shaw, of Panther, Ijiic Co., Ore., UcorKO W. Iiunter, oi r.uKcnr, Lano Co., Ore. Any ami nil persons claiming tlin linr ileacrlbnl lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 30th day of May, 1003. J. T. HniiKiKS. lUtnsTgR. statement No. t.Wl. of tho N J, N NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statea Und Office, Roseburg. Ore . Feb. 7, 1003. la l.prnliv civen that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ol timber tanus in tne States ot California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex- ton.tul tn all tlm Plllllic Ijlllll StalCS UV act of August 4 1892. (iny S. Potts, of t- rA Ar r si.tu nfrir... ttUKV.IV, W .Ml, w. ... has tor the purclui.e of Section No 8. Tp23SofRl W.and wllloffer proof to show mat ineiaiu. sougni is imirn i.. able forita timber or stonollian (oragri iilinrdl niiriioses. and to establish hli claim to said land botoru Marie L. Ware u H Commissioner at huuene, ure., on Saturtlay tne23nl day of May, 1903. lln naim-s its witnesses: James N . Handle, ot Fairm.mnt, Ore Austin Hoot, ol ynritmlleld. ()re George W. Iiunter. Henry Sheldon K.mmln On.. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho above-descrited lands are re fn llle tlielr claims lu this olHei on or before said 23nt day of May, 1003 J. 1. ItltllMJES. 1.1'Klimr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State- Uud Office, Roscburg, Oregon, Feb. 21, 1903. Notice la liercby given that in com pliance with the provisions ot the act ot Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho salo of timber lands In tho KnHna nl California. Oregon. Nevada, and WaahingtonTerritorv," as extended this day filed in this office his sworn to all the Public Und btates uy act ot statement No. 4119, for the puichase August 4, 1892, of tho NE ii of section No. 20 Town-' Elizabeth E. Gcrum, ahli. N'n. 21 8. Ranee No. 7 West and I of I'ottairo Grove. Co. of Ijine, State of will offer proof to show thai the land soui'lit is more valuablo for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish HIS claim to said land before O. E. Hasard, U. 8. Commissioner at Drain, Douglas Co.. Ore., on Thursday, the 3Ulti nay oi Apr. 1903. He names as.witneseea: Phillip Caron, Jacob Jasper. L. K. Halt, Nathaniel L. Moodv, ot r.ugene, Lane Co., Ore. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 30th day of Apr., 1903. . J.T. URinaxs, itcgister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Und Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Mar. fl. 1903. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with tne provisions oi mo u. Concressof June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands In the Statea of California, Urcgon, novaua. and Washington Territory," asextended to alt the Public Und States by act of August 4, 1S92, Horace G. Cox, of Eugene. County of Uno, State of Oreiron. has thla day filed In th office Ins s Ihn nurchase Nn.l4.Tnwnshln23. 8oulh. of Range West, and will offer proof to ahow that the land .ought Ib more valuablo for its timber or stone than for agricultural Ore., has this day filed In this office her sworn statement No 4 WW for tho purchase ot tho W h SW h of Section No 10 tp22 South, of Range 3 W. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timlier or stone than for agricultural purKses, and lo lalillali her claim to said land boforo Mario L. Ware. U. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Thursday tho 21st day ot May, 1903. Sho names as witnesses. Inils O. Gerum, Harvey Taylor, James 8. Powell. John Powell, of Cot tage Grove, Lane Co., Oro. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described hinds are re quested to filo their claims In thla office on oi before said 21st day of May., 1003. J. T. BuilxiES, Itegistor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR I'U BLICATION. United States Und Office, Hu'clnirg, Oregon. Feb 9. UHKI. v.... i,,.,l,v i.lvi'ii that ill com- nli'ance with the provisions of the act of I. ... i in.... m 1H7M. iintitled "An v, ...11.1 .'p. I.. ... ..... , . . .. act for the sale ol tunlajr lands In the Stales ol California. Oregon. Nevada and U' T..rrlllirv." US liXteillllM tO .1 ..KM..,..,.'.. -- . nil the Piilille l.aiiil mates uy r i gust 4. 1802. George N . McUan. of Camp Creek, Co ot Uno, State ol Ore., has this dav Hied In tins omen iu .' " statement Su. 424 (or the purchase ot tho N ) U'lng Uta 1, 2. II and 4 of bee No 2, In Tp 21 South. ot Ranguri . and ir..r i.r.uif in show that the land sought Is more valuablo for Its limlH-r or stoiiulhan lor agricultural iu"--. " i,...ail, lila claim to sa d land lieloro Marl., 1. vi... u M IJOIIlllllSSIIllirr .1 Eugene. Oregon, ou Satunlay the 2Mb iluyolApr., ivui, f I., aa wltlll'SSI'S : Gtorge M. Miller, ot Eugene, Une Co., Ore., W. It. Tuckcr.oi Anisui,.rc., Edwurd J. Frailer, of l.ngi'iie. Uine u Oregon, Kd l. Ilessler, ot Monuioutli 1 1... Anv and all persona claiming adverse u. ii'... uiaiv,...l..aerlUl lands are re- ,,,inii,l tu lllo their claims in this office !-.(,, r mid 2flth dav olApr., UHKI J. T. IIkiimiks. Register. NOTICK rOR PUBLICATION. Uniteil Slates Uud Office, 1t.u...lmnr. OriH-nn. Mar.. 24. 1003. V,,.,,- la L-IVIMI that III COIlltlli anco with the provisions of the ac) ol Cnmrruinl Junu 3. 1878. entitled "An . i inr the sale of timlier laud in the Hini.u. nf Culifiiriilu. Oriiion. Nevada and Washlncton Territory," as extended to all the Public Uud Slates by act nf Au gust4.1892. tlKNKVA H. 8KAVEY. ot Eugene, Co. of Une, State of Ore. I.aa thla .lav tiled iii this office her swori sUtement No. 4717, for the purchase i ol the E, NKli. SWV NKtAHK MJS ofSec No. II Township 23S, of li 2 W . and i. Ill iiin.r r.riMif to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timlier or lln,, fur ucricultiiral iiiirnnses.and to e-tnblish her claim lo said land before Mario I. Ware, u ri uomuiissioner at Kimeiie. Oreiton, on .Monday, in 8th day of June, 1903. Kt... ntiiiii.a iia .!,.. Rravov. John II . Heavev. Tom ! Scavey.of Eugene, Une Co., Ore., Ma rlon liavis. oi kiiuiku uruvr, sm- " Or... Any and all persons claiming adverse II, n auoveiieacriiMii niu -i iiursled to file their claims in Ibis olln 1 . , .... D.l. .1 1 1...... HuVi on or iHfioru sain oiu iy i. ..'. ..'' J. T. IIKIIMIKS, liegister, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ut Driiin. nmmiiiH i... "n-K Thlirailay tne '"in '.' " "i'1'. I" He imincH iih wlllii'HHea: Nittlmnlel I.. Moody, tiny H. I'litt, Jacob .In-lier, 1.. K.llnll. ol Lunelle, Uine Co., Ore. Anv nnd nil ikthoiih clulinlnit ud verw'lv the ubtive-ileHcrlla'd IiiuiIh urn n-iitiinted to file their cIuIiiih In thin ,lllceonor before aulil !Wlh dnv of AI""". l..,U,..r TToiruKTrnir" vo nt.iiiATfoN. United Stales Und Office, li.,...l,.iriF. Oreeon. Feb. 24. 190.'!. Notice Is hereby given that in compli ne Con ice with the provisions of the act of ingress ot June 3.1878, entitled "An I for the sale ut tlmta'r lands in the States ol California, Oregon, Nevada. ....I U' lnrritorv. SBexirmiru to all the Public Und States by net ol August United States Und Offico, Roseburg, Oregon, Mar. 12,1903. Notice is heroby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act ot Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land in tho States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex londed to all tho Public Lind Stntcs by nrtnf Anpliat 4. 1892. MarvE. Cowan, of .n..ntifrT 4-M1 T;, Eugene, County of Lane, State of Ore iTUf 'hp ; o'f ration Bon-has this day filed in this office her "V,' &c T?!nio!8wornstalement No. 4009 for tho pur- chase of the 8W of Sec No.4, Tp 23, b ot Range No. 2 West; and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more val if timlier or stone than (or ag ricultural purpoBes.and to establish her claim to said land beloru Marie L nro U S Commissioner ai Eugene, Lane Co. Orpirnn. on Monday, tho 1st day of June, 1903. Rl.n namftflfla wltllCSSCS Jamea N Randlo, ot Fairmount, Lano Co., Ore., Austin Koot, oi opringuciu. uine Co., ure., ueurgo , Euirene. i-ancCo., Ore., Aivin j rer kins, of Crow, tane Co.. Ore. Anv and an neraonscmiunni, I., Itm nl,vMlpanr IImhI lands are re quested to filo their claims in this office on or ueiore sam ism. uiuut.v, J. T. IIBIUOIB, itegister. purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Marie L. Ware, u. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Thursday, the 28th day of May, 1903. He names as witnesses: Joho Seavey, of Eugene.'Lano Co., Ore., Anafln T?nnf. nf Hnrlnirfield. Une Co., Ore.. Jess Seavev.of Eugene. Une Co.. I - .. , I TV. 1 . . . Ore., James uanuie, oi ri,u,i Lane Co., ure. Any and all persons claiming adverse -i.. ,i.o oivs-ilrarrilieal lands are rt- quested tofilo their claims in this olTici on or oeiore saiu son. i.y , J. T .Bbiuoes. Register. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned haa been appointed by the County Court ol the Slate ol Oregon lor Lane County, admlnlstra. tor of thi estate ol John S. d. deceajed. All persons having claims against said estate art Mreby required to present the same to me properly verified, asbrlaw required ,i the office of J. E. Voung fn Cottage .Oro. Lane Co., Oregon, within six months Irom the date h"atedthl027tbdayof February, 1908. Renoim M. Cuac. Administrator of lh state of John 8. Mansfield, deceased, NOTICE FOR PUBLIOAIION. United States Und Office, l!i..nlmn, flrfffnn. Mar.. 10. 1903. Ua.1.11 la Itnrflliv tylven that 111 COmnll- ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands in tho States of Calllornia, urcgon, nuvu. exiuiiueu Land States by act of only i.fford eura. Til Thjclor dot! BAl utmcItM. Lut u well known HaKf PhyolcUn una Murieon, Will Dot i if, but prmaunt r iliJm tAptrforM i n to Ix Ulr nd f ;eon, fn mtnot YllIII.Isi il,r.muehlv rftdloled ttQm V ijriUu viuout th uof Jlerrurji. Trun fltteU by a Eitert. BHdliil rur lor ltiiinr. A quick aod radical Dr. JorUn'i spoclsl ptlolMri mttbodt. h II A M r.nnlTlofUUWUltiMITt r inUinot LUcofupUiiit. etc. call on or address J. "W. PHALON, T, P. A. II. DIOKHON, O. it A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. DENNI8TON., G. W. P. A. A. B, 0. CIS rint ATnue, J. T. Bridges. Register. BeattU Wftih. EVKItY MAN ftpplllnf to M will 10 t OsrhOKitii opiHUmot ulitmpliiiiit. irsl tflit UUiniaitl UaTVM4irs wwaMsm FltKK n4 triotlf vrlrU. Trf itmeut peronHy r llrvt f Writ ror lioosi, jtm a . Del JOftOAN CO10SI Market MalXK f rriia nrintn. Veatxh Ilardvenre Co. tirtvn luat received n car load of NOTICE! Oil PUBLICATION. UultMl Btates Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 7.10OI. Nolle Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of Congress ol June 5, 187, entitled "An Act fr the sale of Timber Lands In the Btates ol California, Ore ion, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the nubile land states by act ol -'.""7 -I" SI".. f laran. ha. Inl nrn one prool to show that the land sous County of Lane, State ol Oregon, has ...t. ,i.aii4 inhfa nfflM hi. .worn statement NO.aUMIortne purcnase oi iuj n " 7 "?""R7 .au.iownsnipzi o, x.ub. " . ooltoshow that the land sought Is more tlonKo.l va.uable lor Its timber or stone then for sgricui. Kjal purposes, ana to esiaoiisa u w nd before 0. "b. Hasard, 0 B Commiu oner at Drain, Douglas Co., Ore., on Thursday the SOtli oayoi April, ivuo. PhlUIn Caron. Out B. Potts. L. K, Hall, Jacob Jasper, of Kugene.Lane Co.,Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to ale their elalms In this office on or before said 80th day eIAprll,lW9, NOTICE TO BR1D0E BUILDERS. Scaled bids aro requeated by tho County Court of Lano County, Oro- rron. for the bulldlnR ol a county brldce across the Coast Fork river at Cottage Grove 87 feet span, Howe trusB. double bent piers at eaciicnn, 59 feet of approach, 18 feet roadway, without cover, according to plans, BnecIficntlonB and strain diagrams furnished by tho County Surveyor and kept In his office. Five ner cent deposit required. lllds to bo opened May 6, 1003, at 2 o'clock n. m. Dated at Eugene, Oreeon, tins totii day of April, 1903. C. M. Collier, County Surveyor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State. Land Offlce, Itoseburg, Ore., Mar. 16. 1003. v.ii... i. i.,,.r, vn that In com pllance with the provisions of tho aclf of. I, I T.. .. a Q 1H7H nntltled "All act for the sale of timber lands In the States ot California, Oregon. Nevada, and Vabhington," asextended to all tho Public Lano eiatca oy uui u. ui"..ii 1892, . ..r-'T. r-lT." T.' VT jviinr.nji diuu.,, .i u..i,u Pnnntv nf Lake. State of Minn., has this day filed in this offlce iiin Rurnrn merit purchase of the S K, NWJ6BW JNEK & NW SW X of Sec 24 Tp 22 8, of R I West, anu win oner pruui " that the land sought ia more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agr cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Marie L. Ware, U. S.CommisaioneratEugene.UnoCo., Ore., on Saturday tho 6th day ot June, 1903. He names as witnesses i Lauritz KverneBB, of Two Harbors, Lake Co., Minn., Martin -Olson, Pcder Ophus.of Blue River. Lane Co., Ore., Martin Haagenson, of Eugene, Lane Co., Anynand all persons claiming adverse ly the above-dcscrlbed lands are re quested to file their claims In this offlce 6n or before said 0th day of June, 1903. J. T. Bridc-mb Register. and Washington Territory, to all tho I'uDllC Lanu on August 4, 1892, 1Tinrv n Rlml.lon. of Eugene Co. of Uno, SUto of Oro. haB Btatcment No. 4502, for tho purchase of tne H 4 ri J4 oi oec. no. . i "i Itango 2 West, and will offer proof to show that tho land sought ia more valuablo for its tlmbor or stone than for agricultural nurposea, and to establish IiTb claim to said land before Marie u Tir TT a rlnmnilflatonor at UU1 gene.brcgon.on Saturday the 23rd day oi Jiay.iwj. l.a nnmna n, wltnURHOS 1 Jamea N. Handle, of Fairmount, Ore., Tnt nf Hnr n Hold, ureeon,. Austin "r-'-c: 7' " fu,,' Carl C.Rice, George W. Hunter, of hu- BAny a'ndall persona claiming adverse- lu tun a muHicHunuKu ,.. r- Unltixl Slntea Uud Ollli'i-. Roeburg, Ore., Mar. afilli. 1003. Notice in hereby u veil that in com pllance with the provisions of the nut n Congress of Junu a, l7M, eutriKHi -a art for the sale of timber lands in th nf California. Orcuon. Nevuda and Washington Territory," as exieiiu.'ii to lithe Public Land mines uy act oi ah gust 4, 1692, ELSIE M. BALL, ol Tho uailcs.uooi wasru, oiutuonn-., has this day tiled In this office her sworn statement No. 4726, lor the purchase thoN N of Section No. 1-' in low K. HI H. Unniro No. 2 W. Illl.l w niTr nrnnt to show that tho land sougl is more vaiuauio lor us uiiiuur r nuniu il, nr, fnr auriclutural iiurnoses. and tu ostabllsh her claim to said land lieforc Marie L. Waro, U.B. commissioner at Euirono. Oreeon. on Monday tho 18th day of June, 1903. Klio names as witnesses : j, u, raiiner, oi tottnKu uiuvoj Co.. Oregon, J W I'arrisli. of Jefferson, Marion uo., ure., r. n. .i.i'i'i "'" Debercuux, of Eugene, Lnno Co., Ore. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho above-described lands are re quested to filo thoir claims in this offico on or boforo Bahl 16th day of Juno, 1003. J.T. MIIIUUKS, itegister. 1 I L.IUI 1, IIM'-, John I. Vhlllppl. .. - f Eugene, County of Une, btato of Oregon, has this day riled in Ihlsoinco i s smirn statement nu, .. " v purchase ol IhcH J HE V.J tiW BE V ilh.Ml2, Tp 22Houth,ol 112 W. and will oiler prool to snow ius sim i".." an.iulit i. more valuable fur its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes. and to estal.llali his Claim to sam lami More Marie 1. ware, u . n. ioiiiinis sioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Thnrs- lay. the Hlh day ol May. iwu.i. lie nauira as wltnesaea: Jnlm U. Palmer, of Cottage l-ioe, Imw County, Oregon ; J. I). Hamilton, of Cottage tirove, Une Co., Oregon, M W Davis, ol Mohawk. Une Co., Ore.. H K lls, ol Cottage Orovc, Une Co., Oregon. Any anil all persons riaiming auvrrrr iii aluivi-ili scrlUti lands are re- tn file their e alms in this iilllco tl, ir iH'tore said 14th day ol May. 100,1. J. T. Hiiiimiks. itrgisier. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. United Slates UudTJnice, Itoseliurg, Orrgon, Mar. IB. 1908. Nntirn la hereby iflvrn that In compli ance with the provisions ot tin act ot Congrce.ot JuneS, 187H. entllleil "An net fiir the sale of timtr lands In tho States ol California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory, as extended to all Ihe Piihl.c Und Statrm by net ot Au gust 4. 1H92. l.AUIUi. i, of Two Harbor, Cool Uko.Klaleof Minn. ha. this day lllril In this oftlre his sworn statement No. 4035, for the puri'hase ot the E i. NE K. SW X Nl! X A NK V fJ-H of See No. 20, Twp. 22 S nl 111 West will offer proof lo show that the lxi! sought is more valuable for its timlK-r or etniio than for agricultural purKj.e., mid to eslaliliali his claim to nil, I land More Marie I., ware, U. ti. Ciiiiiuiis.lonrr at Eugene, Une Co., Ore. mi Saturday, the lUhday nl June., 1003. He names as wltm .: Kriieal Slre.i, ol Two Harlmrs Uko Co.. Minn.. .Martin Olson, l.'wler Ophus.of Blue Hive , Lane Co., Oiegiin, Martin llHUgeiiMin, ol Eugene, uine Co., Ore, A n-iiii.l nil persons claiming adverse ly the alaive-ileecrtlKil lands are re qiie.lril lo file their claims In this office on or Mure said fill, day of June, 1003 J . T. llniiHias. Uwlsler. lllue print limpa of any towtialilp lu KdHchtirg. Oregon l.nnil lllatrlct, nIiow lng nil vnenut Iiiii.Ih for fiOctn. ench. If you want any liifonnntlon from the 1'. S. Uinil Olllie, nililrcHS, Title (Iimrnutiv Loan Co., Itoac burg. Ore. NOTICE Kill PUBLICATION. ' United Stales Und Office, Itoseburg Ore., Mar. 11, 1903. Notice is hereby given that in com i.iiance with the provisions ol tho act of Congress of Junu 3. 1878 entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In tho Slates ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as oxlcndctl In all tho Public Lund StnP-s by act of Allirunt 4. 1H92. IIUNIIY C. SCI1LEEF. of Cottage Grove, Co. of Lano, State of Ore., has this day lllril In this office his sworn statement No. 4A03, for tho purchase of the N ii NE ot Section No. 34, Township 21 South, ot NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg Ore., .Mnr. 18, 1903. Nntixn la hereby irlvon that In com- Clianco with tho provisions of tho act of ongrdsa ot Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An .,. iV,- .1,., anln nt tlmbor hinds in tho States of Calllornia, urcgon, novum., and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all thoTubllo Laud States by act 01 Al,?,u,5U,A1,r'rrtYnsTAD. of Bohemia, Co. of.Doughia, State ofOro., haa this day filed in this oflico IiIb sworn .... t Vnaftin fnr tlio mircllliHO ot tho siuwu,.!.'" . . ain 1 Ml.' . W W EJi "clngLota ami d 7i ii n , W 8El-4of Beo No. 2. Township 2l) Ranges West and will offer proof to ahow that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or sfue than or agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to salt! land lieloro tho Reg ister and Receiver of this ollice nt Rose burg. Ort'Kon, oil Thursday tho 23rd day of July, 11103. nenamcB as witnesses: A L Woodurd. William Klmtwl. I). 0. Baughman. J Q A Young, ot Cottago (irovc, Oro. Any ami nil persons claiming adverse ly tho ahove-descrlbcd lands aro re quested to filo their claims in this olllco on or ueiore sam iru nay oi Jiuy., iws. j. t. Humous, itegister. will land quested to file tlielr claims InthUofflco on or beforo said 23rd day f My. lf3- J, T. liBIDOUB, IVUKlBUJi. AN AGGRAVATING COUGH CUBED. A customer of oura who had been suffering from a aovero cough for Blx months, bought two tattIeiof(m Iain's Cough Remedy from ub and wag entirely cured by one ' half bottlea of It, It gives perfect Batisfaction with our trade. Hayncs-Parker & Co., Lino vllle, Ala . For sale by Lyons & Apple gate, Drain. Benson Drng Co. , Cottage Grove. South, of Range H west, ntm ..IT... nrnnf In hIuiw that tho Bought 1b more valuablo for its timber or Btouo than for agricultural purposes, nnd to establish IiIb claim to uaid land i.rn,. M.rln I.. Waro. U. 8. Commls- slonerat Eugcno.Lane Co. Oregon, on Wednesday the lutn uay oi auao, iw, i r .......... i u wtlnrHana: George Luce, E J Pottit, ot Alma, Lane -v. r. (i rirnhnm. of Bohemia. DoukIbb Co.. Oro., Herbert A. Cox, ot Alma, Uno Co,, Oro. a nn.i nil nnrsona claiming ni veraeiy tho abovo-doscrlbod landa are requested to filo their clalmB In thla oflico on or ueiore gaiu ium uy tF..v 1003 J.T.BrtiDaiis, Register Tho.aoldcndnlo, (Wash.) railroad will 1k completed and lnsta led with n Mlrlllntl If I 111 W'rVILV iwrnw: fi. " ... r n... l.rta t,. (loll! AXTdtab.J.T m. ArT.yle tho road W'H wttn ttwrogu ia. linn ,i' t i-Miicm rnnntng to Portland. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land office, Roseburg, Ore., Apr. 11, 1003. Notlco Ib hereby given that In com- nllunco with tho provlslona nf the act ot Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An t V ,i.n ....... ..I rl...l... I ..,!. I. tl.. V1L, lu. V..W null) u. i.iiiuu. ......i.o ... ,t,v StateH ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,'' as extended to all tho Public Land hiatus by act ot August 4, 1692. LEVI GEER, of Ixmdon, Co, of Lane, Stato of Oro. has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No, 4919, for tho purchaso ot the SW SW 1-4, Iit 4 of Bco No. 80. Township 22 South, of Range 3 West and will offer proof to show that tho land Bought Is moro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, und to establish his claim to said '.and the Register and Receiver of this offico at Roseburg, Oregon on Friday the 21st ilny of August, 1903. Ho names aa witnesses: John Powell, ot Collage Orovo, Une Co,, Ore., John Ovorhalser, Lawrenoo Moxloy, William Lively, of London, Lane Co., Oro. Any and all peisons claiming ad versely the above-described lands aro requested to filo their claims In thla nrnr" in. or More anil 21 Jt day of Aug,, 1903. J.T. HKiuia, KeglBUr r ler trtcevlly - bttttpo' glove ami alioetj ure propoaa d ! ' niotorin.ii , Hercules powder. J, T. Bsineis, Register.