Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 17, 1903, Image 2

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tt ( never too late to mend tf yoa
da K In
tt iM't what a au ha, bat what
be does wMh X. that Niltt.
W eMM not alaasr Mtr wth the
fact l that the apparent speculations
by which many him atfitaSJ faccuaiu
late ttnmensc fortunes are not specula
tlJMs at afl. Th Hrtifetit of chance
I almost If not entlrvty ellitiluitcd by
masterful Information aid carefully
rorttvsrrd Jmlrmnit. Oreat enior
prior, at well as smaller ones, ilepcnd
for thctr wiccc upon the kn.iwlr.ltr
and eitef kj
eapula of Industry
tarn aad MtO of hta eaterprtse 'from
I Mrtamhjr to ead. lib MruUiltou la
Koeaefellcr and mm
1 1 r
"H ill ik. "J,.
I IUt llllil.l
l wM
(via, rrtH nit'i i-iit'i rh 1
ef II..m N.lmt Oiattlallji IVrs I
tt.j..l ! HwIh.mI Wml AMl.L of
Our It-.. llas-A IU4.I of s". I
iMRtoataK to
1 ttiM Hilwv
' They )rt others, hw ranttow. da (be
1 1 1 iilmiaiiii
A jrtrl thjak tt ts better to have bee
kJeeoi Md caaght than never to hate
heat lUrocsL
Arc USantafC Ddu.itajcti..
. . - . 1 .. ... hi4T
ARK wealth au.t j --;tj --
lly weight an ap rsnt for uw and bo-r ttt
when be .n in p. r"". ' ltrJ ' ' '
credit? Frank!,. e do n t rcl.e.e t! The iitnt-f
.V Mi's Bick waa broke the other
itiy by collar batten. The Mocb
; used -a boat art trie ha at laot tnrard.
1'mUiM KHoC of It arrant, soys,
that educated men are to Marry.
lie fa Bed to add that married atea are I
Voa Mustn't ware roar handkerchief
-wheat the kaber poe or throw b
laots at him. He vioakju't hj, bat
hi borne Might
Tber take no chances.
o md jvaar, mau wi.nkl tbtak of la-' )f ptacu ort,,n k a ttio c. n.icomi jve
re-tlmt h! farlnn In any ordinary . ... h r ts.ii the number of thoo b
btbdaew of which he had no definite !t tDe ,dT4nW)CV, wealth and a dttntalrted au.trj
knowledge, lie woald trndet Brst that , w ,,,, fof m , ,Ut ahlte . e.T jk.J
11?? Sr"'.1" ti"" "ST k!a I ' o6 " "! bw' " Sn,U U"" " B '
aad that the profl.s be aored by pat , , . .k..,,,., .. h M-mi- r,,! that to mui:u
Mice If hair at ood Judcmentj fc mtellectuatliy and general capacity t. mn-uj
werejwd In taretaft !n HtiTe nB Un (J r, frwy ltM olcurlty of lT,-rt,
raterprteec. there wonM be few toae. !Ty ' i H..r I
Ph.Bc .,.1 .kl., literacy 10 mw-e v.
To ay that w.alth and a utin-uine mwhij -handicap
to one wbo wlabea to be la the hifbnt Orcnre,
nwfil in life la no tuo.e tioe than It w.m d I' ' "I
the mi uk- of a good contltntln or a ayattn free from
H op canalty T!e reran - - - mveiittM' f Hw "fl ranBin ewwe,
.teat in the . IJ " k "p " " li.e anli.mallc d..l.l Im.-V H
left cUee aitk but a. ant of " Kn " , Brt, ,,,, (he t
tad literature . . 1Bj '..l.ctni hjrdlu healed ilyaamo, lh-
If KMUah were a pfwcrlbed tliidy M all trh.wia no , ,tU!rrtl.
.xdletea aad were taoht tb..nmbly the common peern j lUrtlM.. Vea. be au I Inreat 8 pitM
the l!d wenM -.a impr.te ami i - . - t(l4l vtrmf ge bit wife fof
Htrr aoiiUi '.. .,.nt i'U m.fe eleat . lUn,.. -
,'tic-trutliieM in " . ...J.
Oe.ilat tfttteJ
Mabel l a ' n aa
It tin. w
wiat i
Kl In I. .
Van t i
Kitblr I
t li 1 n lllrrary wii'-n work ware dvue.-
Mo lrat v Pul n
Chaace aud lack are h r t hi age to
depend wren. Another man's came H
a poorer thlajc Hill to pat faith la.
There h a bapreaeiaa that an Nun
dance of Amerlcaa battle ships might
tend to Mmpltf r any ndden eeettv
for a eoMdaetTe laterpretatloB of the
Monroe doctrine.
It k hH that the carina 1 largely
repou;ble for tbv reforms that bare
bee atatted n Kosala. If tbfe te the
cae tt (s to be hoped that the Udy
rJt kep oa talking to him.
Dr. Kleiner, of Kockfeller Initltnte,
announce that he has found a terum
to aiay cBolera Infantum aerura.
Uts aa to when hewHl announce that
the aerutn la a faHare are bow In order.
From that mjMerkw M-at of jadg.
meat where fashion are dvoreed the
edict ban come forth that the mara
llne Jrtrl hat been denoted and that
the cooecn of opinion h In favor
of her elder and daintier sister, she
of the row-white complexion, fr"JI and
forberows and rcented fan. Whence
thh U(ernles ronm no one can jay.
I'rrfaaps tt I public opinion, not ex
nreed. but quietly enforced. Any.
way. the masculine gtrl I taking her
departure. Mnnlh ties, tannlsh com.
plexlons. low bed and tood. raucous
voices are gnlnc The smart young
woman of tontay foil ws rather ckf ly
tee ideals or ber grest-graDdtuothers.
The distinctly frmlnlnr note Is per.
Intently sounded la the whole schema
of her drea and demeanor. It la not
In place here to point out the technical
details of this change. Hut It la Terr
May la what a tth. h urrer tlirttwa aajr
lhe VtmmA CttU Uiu awav Hii't br W bre
it it iM't iauel h He. rvtarj Hat and fir. tiartao. , K ,j,i ,k, (.ni n.etti up and wa4a
the ftetomMaa Ulaister. I a loaa step iaatt iwar ,,,1 apola.
the eonetrortlea of the Itaaama Canal ny ine i anew
Ktatr. i sperlal easkm of the lfeuablaa oatas
ul t held ta the spring to maalder the treaty ami tna
hereditary taint. To say that Ui.y mtniniaa jn, iweauie company, which wlU uadoubledl, be
to struggle with aad overcome oba arte ts true """"!.!
stace one who starts with gnat adranta does not Mei
v,,"r ""jr.. ', exteaded.
m far to lift himself and need not do as Much hard , lb, fy, company, the preaeat alu. . f n.
in bandorer-haud climbing. That la many tostaa e. the ' .-T.. B,r.u7b the W. k.ri
ZOOS W rim MM rvm Trl nirg Jn wjrwr--' jp
"I" ' ' . after tea year. t. the rulomWan ...
renua. im-ladiu the Panaiua Kallroad'and (3. the
"It na-cJartnI that the ranways of ftkw'- "en " those wbo ar not
- . .... I famll'a with tha r. .-...- ... A
Orcat HrltalB dldn t kill a JaMrtiRer
Ust,yr. If this Is true It might pay
aSm'e ef" tbe'Amerlcans wbo are run
ning rajlroads to gorer there atul take
a few lesseaa.
familiar with the mysteries of pleating
and flounces and by no claas U It
more keenly appreciated than by those
wings Known as men. In deference to
whoee unreasoning eensklTeness these
complex and erer-changlng fashions
are tarented. The return of "the fem
inine girl" can but be regarded as a
favorable sign, though It must be ad-
Among the treasures of the British
Museum I j a phonographic cylinder re
cording the voice of IlAbert Urnwnln
Tbepaet spoke for the purpose not long mI,,eJ he swing of the fashion
before be died. What would not the I l"ut"uu' 'anreiy reaponsioie ror
world give for a single sentence ut-,Be cniI"rT- Tb boKterioas stjle of
tered by Shakespeare, thus preserved! I ,Be niasculhie young woman bad
narara an extreme Doruermg on the
An oM throne, almost as good as UDCOU,b and ralgar. The eighteenth
aSd "M.
not tw difficult to snow tnat poverty, aa lum raie aui.rj ,. u.n-.ia.
aou me uici. of iKiiiu.r u. . ,u,,v.. ' ,. . . ... ...ih.i i .
"nuallyathe bottom ronaJ of. he '- m nre ,., be The Kw-e rr.u ,
they are lBCOWiniby better tltted to slay there than v..., .', .. h. ,h. ,
State. And by an itrrantemrnt with Ureal HrlUla u.t
svcen.1. Heredity counts for a great deal, aad It I a safe
generalliatku that the better a man s ancestry the better
his chances of developing a high. weH-dtrected. and
talnol ambition. That th s is not aa Indelible saw of
If K
rredluWe to the coMtiion s-He of her tatrstnew the t'uilr.1 '
State. wtH bavr etrlu.lte control of the canal strip, tub-
were Sivlety ' J1' 'rtMnelit with t'olomWs.
loe in..i mim oi ine r.nni onr-n.u win u hi v-
nature Is a cause for coagratulatloa.
-.l.t -.ti.aH Mtr-atlfr ll. ... m..- 1. If k. tli
that wme are steadily slaking from the top to the bottom h" " "plete.l Thirteen mile,
rrhll- nwre are as steadUr aad muck more rarddlr. rWsi ' rn1 " ,B fhagrea
from the bottom
ml the tnu I. the
minded cltUen.hlp to which the hlgfcest aad the lewe-i,""" ipro" ,n hae f lh. fvatlnMil. pre-i.ts lb.
strata contribute with every geaerattva. estahaUe. ta treatrst dlfaculty It will probably U pid by MCtlofl
sxlstence and operation of a taw net foaadad e a xl , ,hoB, "nty f.-et ahov. th. tra And th. iWr. of tt.
mental rvu,rnt of the dUarlrantsr. sf liTi.UfM ut l w, lower.nwre loan .W leet .Ten CX. last I.T.L
to the top. aad that hrtweea the 'roes! ltu ' IU,hlB- whl"' lPad hslf a cubic mile .f
e great mas of solid, coamoa place. rUM ',Jrr The mnslnlnf ten miles, the fsmoit. t'al.hra
the adrantage of dlxadvantagea. Nsw Tork Times.
Th. ranal will be nowhere less than 120 fret Mi st th.
bottom and u.uslly csosklerably ttvor Th tneki plsaaeil
by the Krench cumpaay wer. ta to fret toag. hat Is.
rapid InrrrSM In th site of ocean craft mi 7 dletal. a
greater length. Tha mlalmum JcjKh of ten metre. (IS..
riches. It has the greatest of all llteralBret, aarr
that of lirnw, and It has the advantage over (irv-
cun literature of being concerned a 1th modern Uf and
being a living speech. English, probably, win become one
oay the universal language.
1'ntll very lately our pedagogues seemed to have over
looked English as a medium of education. Earlier scbol
new. has recently been discovered In cea,DI7 can. of course, never re- Ustlc curricula made Latin and Oreek the main forces In
France. It waa occupied by Louis ,urn- Tb rUDC woman of this day the higher education. The college boy of twenty years ago
Philippe when be opened the French maM retM'" to a large extent an "out- was stuffed with Cicero aud Virgil. Demosthenes and
parliament, and disappeared after the T etci-" ewrn wnen she to Homer. . . .
Itevolutlon of ISIS. The discovery has mW w'" men In haberdashery and Then came the scientific movement In the school.
name historic Interest, but la not lm- be broad Jump and football. This Is Laboratory work was declared to be the great educational
portant omerwtae. as the market for I " - iiJe ur.iiaf, Dngni- method. Thyslc-, chemistry and political economy took
uuoura is uoi as goou as rormerty.
- Klir all th Mufkt like a
twine "
indeed r
e .0 wrapped Uf ht hf4f."
fUf.r IW. ih.T.rf.
"Hew U It w doa't see Mtsch f
jat FarsetblM lhe.e lUj.r
'Oh, k. I. la a "get rteh
qalrk' flmiw."
"I IbtMtghl he wa In loi.r'
"Thct's rlghL Hi's trying ta ntarry
the trust magaal'. daMghler."
V.rr l-ii
"Are yer really etMply. txrdl" !
Schools Slur Study el nglUb.
NGI.ISU Is one of the moat pliable aad adaptable
of tongue. It haa plundered aU language, of their f pUotml by French enalneer. may sUo U laereasei.
The, facts convey some lapre.loa ef ih msenrtad
.if 1 1... 11 n.l m-. V . n ' It. f. I a.v.1 w HI I. . it--.. . .
Kiel fan.. ,n (iermany From an raglneerlhg ..ewpotnt f., 'f ."eTwM
It will be one of the t.neW. t Ik. u. -..(. ' r,B "'Jr Hoaasch WM
to trail, will b tait and rapid la growth.-New York
A Woman's Happiest Dar.
HAT Is the napple.t day la a woman's llf.l
Three hundred .New Vork club women met re
cently to Had out. On woman plum pot far th
oa thlag
"What I. datr
"A puet'. pttfte."
KlttjH t
"Ye, the stork twvagfct as a baty
-llat he It M INItH.'
"Weil, yea the Rom are tn amsll
at a day and moment bea lh. rarrln-. h.i . 'la nar boate 1 don't mm ik.
!tS .S7alld".D ow tBe Wt almost ashamed of hi. In th. prrnce of thel wan fft A.
- '" " nwiBrr HiMifr 11 1 .,
-1 - i ....... - I Hlll lh
Not many years before his death
ADram m. Hewitt .i. 1 M.. h. . 1 ixaii iiiuses 01 lonner 1 rim waac. m . . . . . .
. .. . ; ""c, , " ., " I lupcrcuiuus young mau inai oau w-en Drought ud on
f nr nnliii-.i .,1 f. .. . 1 calesThenlrs. tii th J t-wl j I . ... MI UV
- t 6wu - . ow puysicai science.
ui iuc cuinmuniiy may De auecteu, or r.nL-w " hiuvu b i umoour-
for business success except as the gen- work ,nJ tB6 "Planet Yet the de-
eral welfare la Jn that way Influenced." murf malda of ctntury before last had
This Is a good Ideal for one to set be- mocn tBat "tnns to be said In their
lore mm. ir more men sought to real-1 ,aTur- ineir occupations, narrow
lie It there would be less strlvlna for I tnDh they might be. were genuinely
the honors of office and less eagerness I Tbey had occupations that
provided both for comfort and char
acter. The proverbial spinning wheel
is one of the most sacred traditions.
It Is as Inseparable from memory as
ts the good old-fasnloned family flre-, that has gone with It. The old
for wealth for Its own sake.
But physical science. It Is now admitted. Is not sura.
dent for liberal education. A writer In tha I'opulsr Sci
ence Monthly confesses that there 1 undoubtedly too much
narrowness, and too little general culture, an outward and
visible ilgn of which la the bad I-atln published by many
ui me juuuBt-r uien iu we lonn oi zoological names. Ex
The child born to-dsy may expect
four years' longer life than the child
born fifty years ago. One of the agents
to brific about flits remtt la tha u.h.t
nurse, who ene frrwi. u-h to .ht tlm feminine girl, who charms mem
treating Incipient ailments. Many a OTy aBd tllrt:nt, history, can never re
cough or a cut or a sore la quickly ,urn- Sbe wlU eTer llre In Ptry and
cured, which threuch Inattention art- but 8De uld neTer flt herself Into
VOUld dtTf4on Intn tAHltlC trnnMa Sin
successful baa been the work of a Mdlj' out of PIac at oi-o-date social
alnr-le nnr tn th. v. v.v functions. Her home-made flnerr and
this winter that twelve more have been h" nome;na,Je complexion are out of
Many persons of good discernment
believe that Frank Stockton was a
keeper of secrets because he never ex
plained the lady or the tiger contro
siyie. uui me modern girl can at
least be n woman. And men are learn
Ing to like her better as such.
Slaking Sure.
One day a very nervous, tlmld-look-
Perhaps thev fonrot that if hJ Ing woman, accompanied by a robust
had explained It all Interest In the book ,oollnB farmer man. came on the plat-
would have been lost It Is the busl- Iorm ot 8 ll,u? rallwny station at a
ness of the author to cause talk abjut remot country spot. Fcr a short time
himself and bis work. I boliere . "he seemed to devote ber attention to
pound of talk ts worth a good part of tDe tlme but not finding there
an euition. .Numerous authors of to- lue Miwtaciiou sue sougnt sue stepped
day are making money by advertising I up t0 ,ue B,at,on master as be came
luemseires in all sorts of freakish ""'
ways. The stuff they reel out ts the "n rou PIca,e me If the three
veriest trash and flap-doodle, but an flftefn bas cone yet?" the aked. In np-
lnterest being created In their Individ- Parenl "ncern.
nallty or the lack of It the books "V": about twen,r minutes ago," be
sell Stockton's way of arousing curl- rt,PIled-
oslty was legitimate and honorable "And woen wl" ,De four-thlrty be
He wrote the story for a purpose and alone' do yoa ,hlnk''"
achieved It. It was finished where "WDy- not for ""me time yet, of
be left off. course.
Now It Is our friend the country's
friend Edward Everett Hale who
has robbed us of a popular belief!
Daniel yebsttT was not a drunkard!
In the twenty-six years during which
Mr. Hale "knew him Intimately he
saw him thousands of times, read
thousands of his letters, ran In and out
of his bouse constantly, and never once
saw him under the Influence nf nn.,..
Of course we all will say we re'olce I lns t0 ber """hand,
. . i. ... . . J 1 I ow, 1!., SI'MII..
to bear It. But In our secret souls we
don't altogether rejoice. Why Is this?
Are we at bottom a kind of malignant
animal? Is there a nasty vein of
malice In every heart? Or Is It that the
ordinary man and woman are chilled
and stilled by these faultless ruling
folk powers and dominions, as John
Milton would coll them? The dazzle
and shine of an archangel awes us,
but a dab of coal soot on his wing
makes him human at once. He Is our
brother now. We can claim fellowship
with him at lost; he "calls cousin" with
us on account of that smut upon his
"Are there any expresses before
"Not one."
"Any freight trains?"
"Nothing at all?"
"Nothing whatever."
"Are you quite sure?"
"Certainly I am, or I wouldn't have
in"! ""in ine oiu woman, turn
I think we'll
Jhr.h. :, F,2l.a" r w,mua'' I "wh " r ..-ww
tn..,. ,h. ! . " "Vr" " of the -l acle Ton.', t ab
. , " " "nng inai a pans had UT company
. ... ,.,.r.r.. io j ter rent, .crapei together all
the money the could lay bawl. oa. sod depo.lied It forth
with Th. . . i . . .
uriirviausillS fUm or fettl D fl. Clut.s II.. h.. . .
In th. contention of a third orator, who ar,M that m -Jtrasi-itiii,.
a.llra.d Tr..r.rHsll.i.
stranger.- dt.wM live .
rnwr. "that traiu It luJi .m.
Why." teplll la. elrlle.1 c.U l.r
" 'IJm y. ik. le. It.ik-l to aatuial
Mau. ii . ,.1 i HBtctt
itar. -.tsaKciD
Uil ... tt MMMBl.Tll
vircHX 1 'fJaMMMtSl.
W'H l,, ssaWS
xer tut!... ' 'p
rLti.i , , "
liar i mmmKo
I .... .BMMMTiT
raK w';SBly 4ertroiii 1
fl Ve ,w '.'m.'BS
J Utar," rest.,...) iTrr 1)1
wcrJ "" ' -BP
.i M . .. aaanFs'iii
of l neaiUi vJJV' .If,
f .. i. ,,. Brai'
"t)l .ay. Muli t'WtwtH!i'
forWgMs-i' It th.. aik,. HtaJHj,
"H". a Tan tu. hBt3 t.ik.o t,. kitKi
utit awa Hint a .kJ WaXH
"U1.L B1'-. be, rstUgkjHHjl
SU 'uattmikstil. Ttu' H
IU Ml. K.. H. lenmBl
"IHd yoti .. Mr Kp-iH)fK'
strt. of ikinct on tu WhH
tait Night r MsltB
"Vv. Tbef. ii l VVivHl
H th. rtrp4 Jun a i. h laHK
ence 7v Si UT- 'rT' -To,"
!.lldl.,..P.?!U.Ce.C'Mr aDd th,Dkln Dd corre. , Z tlT LT:! " ! .. 7.
...r. iu .u .iptrMiou. i never ram. W., it .. . . boli, -
in education? English ha, been slurred. On the whole, a m.n I. more putsled t JnT . . l fJl the city man.
"' for tbe ,,udMlt PPI to to trim hi. sail, -Undo. nST buli.
Why not. then, mak
manltarlan element
hitherto In tbe schools,
milk train r
Modern Inrtntlon. Na
ture Almost Perfectly.
In the case of a man who bad been
awarded J3W.i for ibe 1ms of a lig bjM
a railroad and wbo had appealed the
case, deeming tbe compensation too
small, a Chicago Judge has decided
tliat limbs should be accepted
as part recompense for the Ios of rial
ones. During the trial, on anneal, wit.
nessea wtre Introduced by the railroad
who testified that though supplied with
nrilllc-al legs they could get aruunj as
llvtly as persons with rial onts. mnM
dacce and ride tbe bicycle. To this testi
mony tne appellant stronzlr nli, .,!. ,1
whereupon the court banded down tbbi
Art and Invention have done mnM.
to mitigate the InconvenletieiM
alontdbythe loss of limbs and to restore
me power ot locomotion at.d th men.
Ing capacity which otherwise might lw
about as servlcahl s. . flv.h atj ' a chance of Hlnnlog th, peooant
J s- a w -rt (tsj, J Htm
matlsm. and the other ailments to
which flesh is heir.
It Is only about n century ago that
the first artificial leg was made, ami
It was considered one of the wonder, nf
the world. It was called the Anglesea
leg. from the fact that It was made for
tbe marquis of tl;ni lanie. Thl. flr.t
limb was wonderfully and fearfully
as an Iron leg. since that time great
Improvements are made, until to-day a
msn with an artificial Ifg can walk,
run. Jump, hop, skip and do nearly ev
erything that tbe mau with flesh and
blood legs ts able to accomplish.
rotatag down tU
,atuaauia It left the track, and U.
- ,lt got back stain aM th aiu U4
Me-. be chansed tola t..n -
I'Mttln, Ii II. , ,,f
W good ath In the
tilnnlty did not appear Ut bo affected
by the ettra w.wk. but oa the contrary
1" reiistl II. as he Brali.l .
hount for the tol. it... ... .. " as etee w.. M,i .
i. .. " .lore inea i ,, -
be Iron Man" bat not b,i iu mmi.I,, ro cares) wttch for th.
... I-..HI u eueeiireness. i"
Managers of top-notch reputation
iwoaitsi oy tness, Incident. In
laeUll history. Tliey want to pr
serve IMr valuable pitchers a. Umi
a- po.tlWe. to ibey readily eoDWM, ,0
...v KH,e. . weeic pro,lto and
proceed to hire half a doien b-uiuen.
Ther lima Bn.pCmp.r.d with Star.
or lljgon. 11.x..
Baseball pitchers In thes. ir. n.inv
ther are nerfnmiin .. may steal It If It rt..,i i.. i . .
greatly ltssened or lost, anil eeiit.neo nmel.ti. in .... ,. .. .. ' . other war. lit. ,.u .... BJr
. . -.vw - - ... u .wiiivii a wee. ir tnev . - " . juivj netu rrm v.. . . ..
juicy uwnof nle Hapotaws Btlo? ;er . Ctw
A Itoy th.Trn. A ppl.. I:.,.,, ,,, u
lh. Hkins on for lllni.
The by I. IndeiHl the jru. spp, eat.
tr. and ts not to I questioned bow he
et. ar. MM. It MoK, ,0 ,m
nnillnn n . 1. . m . ...
. ","UW,"1CU 01 tuat mtture Is were asked to go In the box more than
competent for the consideration of ih twice th.e ..,w i ..."
.. i. . "... uiey were
Jur' belntf enrlri-jl tn .tMtl.
During recent years the Drotrreu Ixiklng lack, liowever t , .t..
mode by artificial limb makers lu. ! when John Clarkson. Tim trf m...
been wonderful. An Interesting story la I'T Hadlwurne. Kd Crnne, Charier
tolll III thl. viinoln . . . . Vn. . i ..... . ' . J
cross tbe line, William."
Their Own Lookout.
Tncre was an irisuman who after
rcacniug America was full of homesick
brag, In which nothing In America even
approached things of a similar variety
lit Ireland. In speaking of the bees of
tbe ould sod he grew especially roseate
unu miii
"Why. the haze lu that counthtry Is
twice as blgas In this, bedade. In.
dade, they're bigger than that they're
as uig as tue sueep ye nave In this coun-
"Bees as big as sheep!" said bis In
credulous listener. "Why. what kimt
Experience with "get-rlch-qulck" con- ot b,Tes do tupT bave to keep them In?"
ccros is pcovlng costly to a great many "'Sgcr tuan tbe ones In this coun.
people, but If the eiwrk-neu be tiron- I thry," was the reply.
etly assimilated It will be worth furl "Then how do the bees get Into tbe
more tuan tne lost money to thousands uivesj" ue was asgru.
of youug men and women who are "Well," replied tho Irishman, "that's
learning through this means that an- t"e"" "n Megouir
other man's cntiiR la nln-nr. run f
the other fellow's protlt. So many A vroman doesu t consider that her
great fortunes seem to be mode In spec- pa',or oea J"1" duty UIlIess be n,k her
ulatlon that young men ore apt to Jump ev"y 1tl,nle h seca bcr If thr flre
to the conclusion that that Is the only Wv" nt "omt
way to g-t rich, and It Is all the more A diplomat Is a man who tells his
s 'durllvo because It re-julrrs no work, wife everything that hoppens not tu
either physical or mental But the happen.
told lu this couutctlon of a man irhn
was lost In a blizzard lu the wilds of
the Dakotss. When he was finally
picked up be was so badly frozen It
was thought he would d., bjt by isre-
iui uur.iiiK ii pan or tue man uas
siTeu mat is, nis trunk and b s heal
both In a damaged condition. It m i,n!
inned he had some money and was able
iu puce uiiiiseir out.
AftiT he was sulllclenlly recovertd
from his Injuries he was brought to
Chicago and takeu to an limb
maker, wbo was told to go to work on
the foundation aud see what he could
build. In the first place he put on two
artificial legs, and the man could walk
The ll. .... . ......... "a"-
with two arms, arid this was done aflTrT-a't.
uiutii .,., uuu me tlBttern.l
dressed In the latest fashion, began to
loolr nnlfo Ilk. . h.. i. ... lu
..... wuiuaii ueinir hdm.
u.vir. sou man was tt III tn mi. I....L
bis ears and bis nose and nn
while his hair bad all fnll -n nt t.. '
...... I I,.... . . .. o
oruucmi iiuiu rnager tald be could flx
the ears and nose all right, and ie
went to work and made a pair of ears
for bis man, fitted them on .n.t n,
took up (he task of a nose. This was the
most difficult of all. but flnaUr a rm
neat celluloid proboscis was mode
which was held In place with specta
cles. The man next got a wig and a
glass eye and went out a new mau In
the real sense of the word.
bonders are certnlnly nerfnrme.1 in
the way of making nrtlilclnl M,.,i..
J .mo wag wlll tuo ,)(.g )cg wai )hu
only thing known, and the uiuii who
lost om cf It's lower limbs had In fi i
stutaplns through f0 wllh a wooden
P"B Now bo tikes Jioo and goes mid
guts him a nr(v itB. aud t.n ti,n t.
Sweeney and other famous lKixmn
were In their prime one cannot help
icx-iius umi me star pitchers of mod
era times are enjoying a comparative
annp. uncn itaoixiurne was a mem
ber of the crack Providence team In
tne .-xtttlonnl League he was called on
to pitch every day. The box was only
fifty feet from the plate, t 1k, ,.
but "Old Had" had the best letters
In America la-fore him day after day
He had tnorveliitis speed ,i-n he
wanted to use It. a wonderful siow
ball, great curves and a head filled i
........o,.iK 1IU Kray m4,u.r u
after day "Had" pltchcl. winning con
"tan ly , soon creating a furore In
... wuiiii Hiirill. ITov denre . .
lit. won the Nntlnnnl r. .
r.t. J. 1 1. Cliaill-
...i..FiiyH, and Iladbourn
famous all ofoo land.
m;l,'ZJ': : "'! I -:cw Vork. were
- i,.v,u uiu tor the pennant,
which was won that year by 1 10 Ita
mores, Manager Ward during ill Z
other day Both were g' , J
and depended chiefly ,, ,pmn J
P ched phenomenal ball, and with an
other week added to the sche.l. th
would have landed tile p '' 'j.1'
motropolls. As It wa, though theVow
orks came stvond. Itu,. .,, !, , ,w
Practtatllr won tho I R"
nous Tetnple Cup by ,helr fiZ o ?n
tho Points. It,,t ,i... .... .. " "or 'n
either show: , Ti" " "e J
IH frult-enilnn .. i,.,,. ... I Lhlutmlo-I'm a tryln' ter vri,.
to the ttate of hi. appetiie. Whether h. i!! ' Kurl' ,,,,t ' enn't git any
'ull of meat or eiiptr of n IV h! , W"rd '." ' I .!-. '
.. . ' . " "T Ultzy. I eut shottlil Iw required to be tin lh. . . . '
... ...i- aimie lost ! s.n.. ii... ... .
tn.l ... " . "mr list fri.i.. .11. .i
amiss Th. i . n"r '"""I J" g-v. mo.
I d y ll' ,T " ",U"r"M -PPl" I M-IW IVactlc.
nr " I7r t"rUif" ,bel "We"' ,d0'''1 -" t lb., Von
lr,w,:;i'0T,t'.,'HU0U,',,,(,''11'-, T-. '-rrlHl'tS,
Tbey furtlieil th. 'scl
"Well. It won I ti'.rt ot.
lanes. l T.MiaSt
Mr. Callow W 1st a fuaattel
la th sofa! It kutt UU
b Uxhif.
Tow my MayU j o iMd H, II
Mr. Callow I
Tosstmy Ves I hiard sbMal
wir a bur.
In ihu.aih
"K tk.y fiord the nil) aatM
efkUonerlHr human I f."
Ye.. atfl the ottMf ..Ii
for altMcMt mini n it the dettls'l
"How was It b g. t "ff wnai
-Oh, he's a chaurfeur."
Cartful of It.r C.sll.
"Now, dear," said mswitt1
Ksliw, wbo had Just beep M
rlth a Ink of candy ya
one of jimr llttlo (i sinulrt hi
It with you."
"Well" trjolne.1 Fdns. tn
Utent'a sedotlt thought. "I'D n
I twl. Vauxi ramlr tnakrs M t
hurt an' she cen t eat miKh.
.Nut rv n.. I
"I hear your father I W."
neighbor to a-year-oUl Nottta. 1
has he gut 7"
"lllni's dot a doctor." repoel
tla miss.
Klr.nuth N,.tl.
"I iloti't see why oltln rs IH
The gentilne
"I'l'Ie eater comforts
...,., or
hns nothing (.), t0
ats an nimie. mih.h
l.nh. .... ' - irii-r. nr. ....
I,, ..if ,.. '"' " wlk he nrtns ..v ' Bmi"0 M Ills mother
II 1M fflrtir....l,... ...... ' "I'l'IV 1(1
fhey are hi, .h , '""'self.
t ,. lUM ""'"fa when on it..
others hIii. . . i . Ir IHtl ss ..ti ... " , , " ""ironi.
don't bare to do any nfil
"No but tlii.r liava lo r",
HMtiy utednls."
Mhe 11. .full ihill.'lnl.
Is ciiiiilnir ilovvii.
Ho Never liilnd I'll l'lk H"!
Aofnllr lll'l.
"How old Is your gramlfats
la,1 n vl.llnr' nf .innll Will -
"I iloti't know." replied n"mJ
lis unlit tin n -f ill old. tie'l tins
hero over slnro 1 ran reruM'tl't
rood. He tosse, n,e
window n,l f,,,, . . " ",c rHr' To'"
witn a knife n. ... . ""I'etisi-s
best flavor i. iin.fw..ii. ? . knows tho
l't flavor l. n '
kin. and it... ... "eneoll, the
l. If vou .lJ!l!I.'W''iu
iMVOIheklnon I.T-. ""MM
Hom.wlint Dlirer.iit,
tiara Did p,,p Kvo .,,
Tom-No. He ...Id lie ,,1( no 0,j
)I1 111 I'll I f frs.ttl.. . . . "Ji-a
r ; "t. but not a
J0"- "you win ,J
n, va.tie hi.iii.n. ..! ' ' co'or
dish. " "'u "tvor of tho
long, to tho own ; , .," U
open air tti.le'aa" ,1, U-jT,
roughs' "Winter hZuu Uu "ur-
,.. , , Nn' All In Him.
Johnnie." snld his mother
- - ....... uui ui inii pantry."
Johnnie bliuhed guiltily
"Oh, Johnnie," shs exclaln....i ...
aldn't think It was in J.? mA"u,1'
oi'nTr J"b'"". 'Tart
I'rought him to tho fro " T". .."!"
crs, u piicii
uv HUH
Alien Hninno Willi" l,"'4
A city employo tells tho '
nfll.ul.i.litr u'l... ..... line of "
flint nlli.l.ilit tl.. fillil.rsl Of .... . HnliilAV.
grent deal of Interest In fl01
vloo nt tho grave, nud "ollfjJ nil..... Iltliii.u A rOs"4!
wits left tluro by tho deiat.'".1?
Calling one of the "Chlnk""
"Wliy do you leave that iat(.
grove? Do you think tho drao I
oo mo out unit rot It? ,i
"Yeppce." replied the U"T,ij
ii.... .. ....... .. 1 1. wh tNl
....ur, niiu .n.i.vv ... .- - . tm
It.- i.... ..i .
"That young lad must i.'.e . ",im '"v 0,"oe nl,d "'U'
ITM Imoglimllon." -Bparo Mo.neiils.
Inglon. Wish.
"What nmkis you think ao?"
"l'J.'i.ri. .1.... .....
viKlilngloii sinr.
Output Wa Oooil
Mfty million .i,. '. .'
were produced m Z"-' "roU" 'lav. she' " r n. ,W
TU tT",',' !,","""' Mhrary.
ill ll'tdle tin ill... '
Misleading linn.- .!
''Vnii'n, loi. earlv with I'1" "al
- - - . . .i. .
Hecret ot Hucce.tu
Own W hat nro you ()u,n now,
r-Jwu llmmlnir n grocere VT
"rc n Making a sur-w.. nt u.
.. ... .. ... , ...
"Why, your sign rem!'
paid on Ilia lUin. , W
..v.... ..... rorcrs iw .
tnotitli, my frlPiul. nm t
yctl" Atluittn t'oiislliiii'0-
In nit nrgiiiiunt the loiiir "'" hli'J
succneil. ..Illinr lit COIIVI"'
IM'IWII V.. . v.. 1. . .
.......... ....... i nib .
i .. ... .1. ii. nun "i