Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 27, 1903, Image 7

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    Spring Humors
Oiino (i) muMt p-.plo nn.l 01111,0 man
Ir.Mil.lM.-i.liiipl,.,, l,o ,,.) ,h,r
riiiptlmn, bvxtiliM loto of nppvtllc,
lllltt llmt fiolliif, Ills of lilllotiaiiosa,
IllillKnallon iiml lirniinrlie.
Tlio mi'iii'T ono tfcln ilil of fliom llio
liotlor, mill lliu wny lu m l i lil of Ilium
nuil to Imllil tiii ihu system llmt lnu
iiiffeiuil from lli"".i I o (nko
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Formlnjf III comlilimlloii Ilia Ppilnv
Meillcliio jmr e.rcelviice, of iiiirijmtlU'il
llreiifllli In ptirll)lii.; lliu liloml m
liuivn liy iiiicipmllud, riulloul anil pur
niniirlit euro of
Scrofula Gait nhoum
Bcnld Hon (I Molls, Pimple,
All Kind of Humor Pnorlnsla
Blood PoUonlnrj Rhoumntlim
Cntnrrli Dyapoptln, nto
Accept no lubttlltiln, lint liu sum lu
CCL Hood's, and tful It tuiby,
The Inilliiii Wn I'linny.
Wlilln on mi iililomolillo trip Htntii
Hi'iinlor ,Iiiiiiih K. I locl , of Hurt.,
Midi., met n iii'mnti'il IihIIihi, wlmrii
il 'tnt npHiir( iniii'li filiclitomxl nl lliu
liinrlilnu. riin icimtor mlltd out:
".Ion, In your Ikumi ninth iilrulil?"
"Ninv, liciip fool ; lin only mud. I In
t'lnk you titku Id Job." lliookljn
Hlnoi HrltliiK for tlio April I'unttiry
"Tliti Kvoloiillim of Ainiirlinii Onstla
Tnkliiir," wlilrli Kirns Intortstlni! tit
tails uf tliti miiikiiIIiiiIii mid Intricacies
of tlio "dm'iinlnl pn.'ip-idiot r ( tlio im
Hon," tlio llonnr.ibUi W. It Miirrlnln
linn H'sIkiiwI tlio nlllin of dlriH'tnr ol
tlin iciisiis, to Ih'c-iiiiiii vl o president ol
tlio t n tcrtint joint I momintllo iiKuncy.
Itctcntly Acquired.
Tom lly (icorxo, old limn, tlint h n
stuiiiilni! i;lrl you' lint liowod to. Wbo
In sln7"
Jack Mr slstor.
Tom Your slsttir? Klnce wlicn?
Jink Kluru last niitlit. C'IiIi'iiku
CITf) cui s nt nnfiini:
slltj rurArii'L?,.nr Hln'ilrlNm
bni, sii ri(i:i:sj.ui)in.ii.ii.1i.iuv
tM. Dl.ll.ll KllI.IM. m'UM.I'lll.lfllri.r
No Simulation.
lis I lupjioio you tlilnk I'm acting
llkn i find.
Hint No, Indeed. I know bolter
tlinn tbnt.
Hit Von do?
Hlio Yen; I know tint dlffvri'mo be
tnwii actlni; nnd tlio real tiling.
Motlinn will nnn Mrs. rVlnslow'a Booth.
Inr Syrup the twal rriiietlr lo uia lor their
Bldltlrt n Uuriui: ilia tmliliii; period.
Same Old Complaint. I
Old Knideo Well, how do you liko '
your profession?
Young Kiiidco I'mfesalnn'a 0. K.
It's tlio prnctbii I'm kicking about.
Town and Country.
llawara of Olnlinrnts for Catarrh That
Contain .llarrury,
As mercury will surolr deitiar the nemo of
tinrll atideentf'lelelr drlaiiKQ Ilia whole ays.
lem whennitcriiic it through the tniii-oni inr
jam. Hurli articles Rlintthl never he medei.
rt-t un ereti-rliitioiit frsiti re.uiahle phyil.
cum, a, theilamace Itiey will do U.lrn lohf lo
lhKootroiiau Hitthw derive from them
Halt's Catarrh Cure, manufactured liy '. J.
Cheney A Co , Toledo. o., contains tiu mercury,
and Is taken Internally, actlni dlreelly upon
Ilia blood and mucous au'f area of Ilia srstetn.
Jn htijrlnr llall'aCaiarrh Cure t sure yuu get
Ihe arniiltie. It U taken Internally, and made
In loledo, Ohio, hy K.J. Cheney A Co. lent.
laonlall free.
Hold by liriiislili, price 7c. tr bottle.
Hall's Vaully l'llla are the Inn.
The l!tclcilnitlcal Tender.
Cashier In what denomination do
you wnnt your money?
l'nclo ItulHj Wn'nl, I'm a Methodist
inysull, so yo tnlglil as well miiko 'om, "0 marrletl bla tyiKiwrlter girl In-
that. rrlncoton Tlgtr. ' side of a wiek, nnd alio wouldn't let (i.t A.!.;;.. root ... riiKi:.',,lm00," wlt1' tbu bilnee bectiiuo It
Writ. Allen H. ni,..ed, Ultoy, N. V.. for a 'oo d.ingeroiis."-ClovoInnd Plain,
free ainlof Alton's loot Haw. It cures chll , dealer.
oiRiiiw, Rwi-.iiiiir, tianip, fhoiicii, acniiiK leet. i
fure (or Corns aiel liunlons. All dnitfcltlaseit
it. 'Ac Ihtu'i accept any suUlltuta.
The ilest of Reasons.
"Why don't you go to housekeep
ing?" "Couldn't afford to llvo In keepli g
with tbo wedding presents." Kg
change. l'or forty yenr'a l'lso's Cure for Con
sumption lias cured coughs and colds. At
druggists, Price i!6 rents,
Her Plan.
"I'vo been two weeks trying tn get
my husband to give mo Kill to buy a
now droit," complained Mrs. Gaxnatn
to Mrs. Wllllos.
"I nuvcr do tbnt."
"What do you do?"
"I bnvo my dress charged nnd lenvo
my busbititd to fight It out with tbu
collector." Hurpor'n linzanr.
Tlio Kind You lltivo AhvnjH ltotip;lit Imtrborno tlio Mnu-
tttro of cutis. II. 1'lctciicr, nuil huh uucu nmtto unticr ins
Iicrxoiiiil Htinervlslou for over JJO years. Allow no ono
o ilocclro you lu tills. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
Just-us-irood" nro lmtKxpcrlinonts, nnd cnilniiKcr'tUo
licultli of Children lixperlonco nniiist KxporiincnU
flnnlni-ln 111 II linrllllosS Ml list 1
Korlo, Drops nnd Koothlnir Syrups. It Is l'lensimt. It
4-ontnlim neither Opium, Sloi'phlno llor other Nnreotlo
mibstiince. Us nijo Is Its jriiiuunteo, . It destroys Worms
nnd nllnys Fovori.shness. It cures Dlnrrhiurv and Wind
Colic. It relieves Tcothinir Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the l'ood, regulates tho
Klonmcli and lSowels, WUK lienljliy ni"l natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tlio Mother's l rlend.
TMM You Have Always Bought
Boara tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tms eiNTAun comesNy, 1 r Moaast
Die Appicclntlon.
Tlio Ailtlini (allnr Hid Ural perform"
",,)-Wiill, nlint l ymt think of my
'' ,,, ,,,,,,, , (uHlovclyl
Win. .IchIkiicI lliu licnvoiily iltitseoa?
1 llrnnklyii
I'ulc'a Injustice.
Nninsli (dlnroiinolnlely) Tim rlili
nro KtiltliiK richer mid tlio poor poorer.
I'rlcnd Wlinl'a uruiitf now?
Nnciiali Mlaa I'lillpurwi Iiiih rnfiiseil
inn mid Ik koIiik to murry Mr. Cotipnn.
Now York Weekly,
Will Smash lllni Then.
"lie Iiiih olinlluiiKfl on," mild bin
frlitiiil. "Why don't )ou lllit blm?"
"It litu't tlio rlnlil tlmo of tbo moon
yet," itxelalmed tlio unrnKiil mnn,
Krlmllnit Ida tenth boirlbly. Cli I in
Juit Suited the Sturdier.
And llio aoul of tbn Hlckrd ono wna
next eondeiiiiiod to full tbrnuiib nmio
n tlio rnto of ii iiiIIh n mlniilo for 10,-
1100 jnnra. 'Vny," bo kboutial kh ho
pnated tbo lO.OOIIlh ulionlly mllo poit,
"tbla benla uiiy riding I uvor trlfil I "
Automobile Mugiirdrio.
No Compnrlaon.
l lmt Hoy-My mnminii liolonga to
ono of Ibn llrnt fnmllloa.
Koi'oml Hoy I'oohl tliat'a nothing.
Mine lotomra to one of tbu Inat fnml
lloa. Now York I. Mo.
One l orm of Argument.
A Denver Juntico eomea f tbo nop
port of tbo Now York crumdo ugnlnnt
wheel lug baby iHrriagun on tbo nldu
WAlkN by mylng tl.ut If (Jil meant
balilea lo go on ubeilo bo would lone
put ilieola on them.
Anvunod lmii.wlf ran mmlllv ee
the economy lu paying C centa moro for
n :i-iinnl enn of aolbl packed tomatoes
I Iuiii for n -Jij inund run tihleb i hall
wnler nnd of Interior quality. And
tills, to any nothing of tbu entlafnction
wblcli you may have in getting tbo very
beat which tbo market afford. Thla
Hitlsfitctlon limy bo youra if you nek
your dealer for tomutoea and other
aimed goods of tbo Monotiolu brand,
They bnvo no cpinl nt any print.
Vindlinins vv hrrr Jlro., packers,
l'ottland, Uro.
Marriage of Dontcitlc Scrvanta.
In I'nrls Jiinlo domestic rervanta are
encouraged to marry, as they nro oh
Mirvod to bu more settled and attentive
to their duty than wlien bachelors. In
Uiuilon audi mnirlagea arodlscntimged,
na rendering sorvnnta inoro attentive to
their families than to those of tboir
Ocean Liners of IHHO.
liy tbu breaking up of tbu Hen-la and
tbu Alaaka tlioro disnppired two ol
tbu threo famoua Atlantic linore whose
appuirouco twenty yoara ago was ro-
irardod as tlio ononinir tin of a now nnd
most Important page In tbo history of
Atlantic steaming.
A Oreat Atcnue ol Trees.
Japan linn an avontuyif trees fifty
miles In length. Tbo trues are crypto-
IlllirU, atld every 0110 Is a IMtrfuCt Spocl
men, quite straight, Irom 131) to loll
fret in height, nnd twoivo to fifteen
feet ill circumference. The avenue ex
tends from tbo town of Nainniula to
Tremendous Power ol Pixploilve.
l'ranco has Kecnred tlio patent rights
of a now nltro-glycerino powder wliicb
It is eontunded will send n rlllo bullet
seven ami one-hall miles and Increate
tbu artillery range elghtocn inllee.
An Uxpert Opinion.
"Yes, bo startetl u matrimonial agen
cy nnd expected to mako a lot of mon
ey." "Wl,v didn't he?"
A Different Species.
"I thought ynu said Ilrown was n
regular hlbllomnnliic."
"Not on your lifu. I said bu was n
bibulous miinbic." Baltimore News.
A Pcmlnlnc Dig.
"Mrs. Kill ff v Is awfully uppish, Isn't
"Yohj mnde-tipplali."
Harmless Infatuation.
"Confound those literary clubs, I
n.iy. 'My wife's crniy over Browning."
"tVs mine. Hut I'm not raising
nny objections. Browning's dead."
W.iulilngton Times.
Wisdom of Arc.
ItnfM fauTnl nt vtonn iDli1 vnil nntltA
what n knightly nlr Mr. Dashing has?
Aunt Marv Yes -sort of an tin-all.
nightly air. as It woro. Chicago Nowb.
1 tl t () for CllStor Oil. l'llrO.
Sifjnaturo of
eras it. nsw yoss city.
- -. - ... .
Kcclnscs Live Apnrt
From the World
Ono ibiy In tlio curly llftlcn n Cum
brlilKenhlru woinnn pmtiiei from bu
mini ken. Tor over thirty yearn uo
Iiml lieeii Keen liy none, her menln liar
liiK lieeii left oulHldo her room to lie
I a ken In when no ono wnn liy; nnd It
wna only tbroUKh her im'kIccIIiu to do
thla for tbreu eoiiaecullvu dnya Hint
iiplirehenalon na'to her anfely Vna
nrouaed. 'ITio door of her room will
forced nnd alio wna found (lend un
her bed. Tbo renaon for her eccentric
conduct nerer trunaplred.
An e'llinlly inyalerloua recluao dwelt
In n Keutlab town. A truated civic
employe, ho ono mornliiK ipilt Ida poat
for no oalenalhle rntiae nnd retired to
bla houae, where lie lived on n aennt
annuity he poaaenaed. Hueh food an
lm needeil wna piirchnaed liy n Mind
alater, with whom he lived, n nil lie
' nvo no alien of exlaleiice, anve whi'ii
at night hla atepa coiihl he plainly
henrd pacing lita hnekynnl, whleli. Hint
j ho might eaenpu prying eyea, lie had
roofed In with cnnviia. The myatery
, gl (,.nlll ri.,nll,)Mj imaolved.
A phyalelnn iinmed Illorc. wbo lived
m the end of the eighteenth century.
I wit auddfiily aelr.eil with n hatred of
hla kind nnd reaoivei until hla Oca Hi
never to we or ho aeon by man. Ho
he hnd mnile n largo bell aliaped atruc
ture of wlckerwork, open nt the top
to it ii it) 1 1 nlr and food. Into thla. huv
Ing catis,-d It to be placed In Ihe hall
of Ida houae, be, having hidden a sol
emu farewell to hi wife ami daiigh
tera, deacended through the aperture.
In thla cane Inannlty wna nt the bot
tom of the mutter and lllore perlahed
by hi own bond In leas than a week
"fl-'r taken possckalon of hla
d'I dwelling.
Aiioincr curious instance or iininiii
was that of n gentleiunn whoso family
woa well known to the writer. He
wna atrlckcn Willi the atrnnge fnncy
Hint he poaaeaaed a (iorgon'a head, so
Hint everybody who beheld blm would
lie turned to Btone. He therefore re-
tired to n couple of attics, to which
he would ndmlt no one, nnd. though
uotilitlesa lie might with propriety nave
, been relegated to nn asylum, his fam
ily respected hla lilrnrro wlilm and
ho remnlned religiously secluded for
over three years, when he recovered
bla normal senaea.
The victim through nn accident of a
ghaatly disfigurement, n wealthy I'n-
rlahiu, nays the London Tlt-Itlta, made
u vow never to be Keen ngnln by mini.
He kept to n special suite of rooms
III hla house, where be wna waited
upon by two well-trained blind ser
vauta. jvlio were the Intermeillnrh a
between lilmseir ond tlie other mem-
l,l'r '"" uotiselioid. .o exception
"m"v ' "i" 111 "IL ul " 1,1
"'' cnimrcn. who. rrom the ttay or ma
accident to Hint of hla death, never
iifciiiu m i i-n uiuii nuil.
The lute K. I'. Whipple, the Amerl
enn lecturer nnd critic, used to tell
of an eccentric New Yorker who, linv
lug read n pamphlet ou Immurement
nn prnctlced liy the mediaeval religious
orders, wits possessed by nn Irreslstl
blu desire lo ropy their procedure
though not lu Ida own person,
This lie gratified with the assistance
of an elderly pauper, who. In runsld
crutlon of a handsome annuity allowed
lo his wife, agreid to be confined In n
small dungeon built In the walls. In
this cell he spent four years of his
life, being fed through a small aper
ture so contrived as not tn permit n
sight of the voluntary prisoner.
' A Ntruuge fancy seized a Viennese
watchmaker home years back. He
shut himself up In his house, nnd till
Ills death, seven years Inter, was never
again seen liy mortal eyes. All the
windows were closely shuttered and
such communication as he hud with
Hie outside world wits carried on nfter
dark through nn aperture made lu the
door. Ho continued, to some extent,
to work nt his trade, at which he was
nil expert; wutelies, clocks, etc., to he
repaired being taken lu and returned
through the same small opening.
Children llcgln In These Ilajrini Boon
in 1 her Tulk
A group of live llrouklyn children,
cousins, were playing hi the nursery
it few mornings ago, the eldest perhaps
ID years of age and the youngest, the
only boy. nearly ii. Their mothers nre
club women, alert and Intelligent, and
these youngsters had heard much ills
cusslon of "tlio new woman" and of
"advanced" topics mentioned lu ad
dresses, before the clubs. They hnd
absorbed more of the Information than
their pareuts realized, says the Brook
fa ,MWC-
tbo morning In question the chll
drcn wero talking over what they had
beard and tho oldest said: "Well, ev-
crybody's got to bo something now
adays. Mother says you can't be Just
humdrum nnd comfortable and sit
around home any more. - Must bnvo a
career. I shall be a musician. People
wll come to hear mo play and will clap
and glvo mo lots of 'plnws.' "
"I," suld Jeaiinette, "shall bo a sculp
tress, I already make very nice things
In clay modeling nt school."
"Prottdeol" yelled tho others.
"No, I ain't. "I know my Ilmmut
tatious,' as mother says when sho
reads a paper. Hut I know what I can
dol Bo nowl"
Marlu thought she would bo au act
ress or a teacher, sho bud not decided
which, onjy that she "would know a
lot" and wear a long gold chain.
"I'll be a p'lecsmnn," piped up little
brother. " 'Nen if you nlu't good I'll
ketch you on' you'll bo sorry. 'N'at's
Dear little Marjorle, 0 years old. who
hnd tunny dolls to caro for. snt content
illy In her lltlo chair rocking, hugjliu
licr baby doll nnd crooning a "byo-!ow"
:o It. She had not spoken nnd wns nsk
td to contribute, her Idea of n enreer to
this symposium. r!hu glanced up, n
puzzled look on her contented llttlo
fnce. "Yes, I heard you nil talkln',"
snld hIio with n sigh, Then her usunl
hnppy expression returned, she lifted
baby doll to her shoulder close under
her chin and snld; "I'm Just goln' to
bo n mother With n nlco fatnhly o'
chll'rctt "
If n limn hits iik'iity of money his
lool letimt'Us nre cotis.Jctod witty,
Wnnlel Mm. Illirlifiil in Unit Ham
Conitinnjr, lint Hlie Wnt ltnilclii,
'J'bero wnn uvldently ometblnn on
bin mind, for bo did not even notice
Hint tbo toffee wan eold mid Hint the
rook nnd tbu hoimemnld were giinrrel
lliu iiudlhly In the kltelien.
"It can't bo tlio (Irnuinifikcr'n hill,"
mined tbo wife, "for ulio linn only Kent
It to too twice n yet; It will only go
lo hla olllco nH a Inat reaort. Any-
liuw, If It la anything utiplenaant he'll
a peak of It aoon enough," nnd alio
poured hcraclf another cup of tea,
which wna hot.
At Inat ho apok. "Ity the wny, my
dear, It eem rather drenry for you
alone all dny In thla largo houae. How
ahould you like a visitor thla win
ter?" "Whatever put aueh nn Idea Into
your mind, Claretico Hlghcad? I'm
aiiro I bnvo no time to apend tn In
venting nmuaementa for n girl who
would make me n atrnnger tn my own
parlor. To be aure, Helen la engaged,
nnd by coughing every time I coino
Into tlio room but, then, I'vo mnde
nil I hone lovely new aofa pillow I
can't bnvo tbein ruined. Then Hutu
In i:iHn look here, Clarence, bad you
uiiy une in pariieuinr in your ininur j
Mr. Illgbead looked alarmed. "Not
at all, I aaaura you that la, I menu
cr the lady I bad In mind la quits
middle-aged-elderly. In fact"
Mra. Illgbead BtlfTened. "It la quite
Impoaalblc. In tbo drat plnre, His
gueat ehninbcr Isn't fit to be aeen and
AllVlinw T ,lnnf Mini nnvluiitv
, )at oYcy .,,,,, lpo. t,Jt
j set of pillows. Besides, 1 shall be too
otiay io tarn to anybody tuts winter;
the house takes up all my time."
"Hut what I was thinking was that
you might be glad of a little help In
your Housekeeping."
"That Is Just where you are mis
taken, Clarence Illgbead. When I want
any Interference In my domestic af
fairs I'll let you know. Oh, yes, I
know Just bow much she would enjoy
putting a finger Into coy pie."
"You quite surprise me, my dear.
HIIII-, you must know ber better than
"That Is the-first time since our
marriage that you haVo shown any ap
preciation of my Judgment. I'm glad
you've learned Its value at last"
"Ob, well, I only thought to give
you pleasure."
Oreat pleasure, I'm sure. I only
nope you haven't already Invited her.
If you bare, I give you fair warning
I shall Just cxposo myself to smallpox
and bnvo tbu bouse quarantined, so
she con t come."
"Of course I haven't asked her.
thought I'd Just suggest It. lest you
didn't like to, and you'd enjoy asking
uer yourself."
"And enjoy hearing all winter bow
stio brought up ten children without
ever a sealskin Jacket or ever going to
balls or parties of any kind."
"Itcnlly, I was not aware tbat you
"Of course you were not aware of
anything. Well, I'll not have any
company this winter, that's final. I'm
going to fit up the guest chamber as
n private gymnasium and I'll have no
room for any one."
"ery well. then, that settles It;
we'll soy no more about It. I wasn't
overanxious for It myself." He was
struggling Into bis coat as he spoke.
"I ouly thought you might like to ask
your mother down for a little visit."
Mrs. Illgbead gasped. "Oh. Clar
ence!" sbe gasped, "my mother! I
thought you were thinking of your
own mother. Certainly, of course. It
will be very "
Uut ho was already far enough down
the street, says the New York Times,
to be out of earshot
The Cprlotie Thine, that TIii-Its
an AquJrlum.
Mr. Spcucer, tho superintendent of
the New York Aquarium, a few days
ago was busying himself by picking
a lot of sand fleas from a dipper and
dropping them Into a Jar of anemones.
As they fell Into tho water they
straightened themselves out and then
slowly dropped to the bottom, kicking
as tbey fell. A few of them alighted
on the body of an anemone, wblcb
promptly closed up. One, unfortun
ately, found himself, wben be had set
tled, on the tentacles of one of the
anemones. These began to serve the
purpose for which they were bestow
ed upon tho anemone, and tbo flea, or
scud, suddenly found himself Inside
tho capacious maw of the anemone.
and tbo life waB soon squeezed out of
'All Is grist that comes to our mill,"
quoted Mr. Spencer. "These were on
lot of mussels which cam In a
little while ago 1 thought I would
save them. There Is life everywhere
In tho water. Look at this!" He held
up a dozen mussels, held together by
what appeared to be a vegetable
growth, "That Is nu animal growth,
known as sorturlarla," said he. "In
this bunch you will find all sorts of
nnlmal life There are scuds, or sand
fleas, and rock crabs. Lookl" die
held up ono of the valves of a mussel
shell. On It was a sea anemone. "No
tice that reddish coating, part of
which has flaked off. Look at It
closely. Doesn't It look like lace-j
work? That Is the bryora coral, the
lowest form of mollusk coraL You
will find life on nearly everything
that comes from the sea. Here's on.
the nest of mussels a little crab, about
tho size of one's finger nail, and drop
ped It Into a Jar of water. New York
tionietlilnir of H;a1 Value.
"I notice lu the horrid newspapers
that some person ovnh on the conti
nent has dlscovabed the microbe of
hydrophobia, don't you know."
"Deab me, how stwangel nut, weal
ly, that doesn't couceru me nearly so
much b would the discovery of some
means to counteract, don't you know,
tlio effect tbat is pwoduced on a blood
ed dog by biting common persons. My
llttlo Ftuo was quite 111 the last time
ho bit nn ordinary child on the street,
don't you kuow." Cleveland Plain
A red uoso may not be conclustvo
ovldenco of Inebriety, but It Imposes
upou Its possessor tho burdcu of proof.
A Stealthy, Insidious, Weakening Enemy to Women Many Thous
and Women Suffer Needlessly Prom This Cause.
There are a multitude of
Pacini, liniiirtrivfj and all othrr
obliged lo be mi their feet cointmitlv. n l,..
are wreiebnl heyoim decrlplliu vim f,
Knumn uirir sireiigm ami vitnlllv la,
peil nway by ratnrtlml illteliamea'fr.oii lic
M-maorgaiia. Tliem w.inien get n p in
the morning tired, drag the melve through
uieiriiaiiv iiiuiea ureo, only tu go Led u
night an tired as before.
Mra. I!va llarlho. IJJ lal lrih N v
City, N. y., wrllfi "I mllerrd h,r Ihno tpr
with what U aenerallr known leurorrhea
ifi runiKciion wim uiceraiion ol ti.a womi,
The doctors adroralol an otrallon wl.lrh I
0lealM very much, and itrr.naly ohlcrtf.1 to
aounaeril. ueaiina ol the value of I'ernns I
ttiotieht It lot to Klre thin well known remnlt
a trial, ao I twtlahl thre l.llle ol It at once
" i am a cnanifeo. woinan rerutia ctirefl
ine. It took nine 1ltlei. hut I (elt . inuch Un
tiroml 1 kept taking it, an I .IreailM an otra
Hon an Much I am loilay In lerfeei health,
and I are not felt w well for flbeen rear, "
lira kra llartho.
Mils LmUe Marion. J Olen tlallle Street
Toronto, Out.. Can.. Secretary of the Kings
writes! -"If all women knew of the bencnts to
be derived Irom taking; l'eruna we would hare
many nanpier and and more healthful women
Mr health hai never been too rotto.t intl t am
easily fatigued and can not stand much About
a year aco I wai so run down that I had to take
to my hed. and became weaker and weaker A
friend advised me to try l'eruna, and 1 hare
irreai reaaon lo t irrateiui foe In two weeks
was out of bed and In a month 1 was rcrfectt
well, and I now nnd It at my health Is mud
more rouuii man formerly, ao I take reru
n. once or twice a montn
Louise Mahon.
I'enm a Is such a perfect specific for each
case that when patients hate once used ii
tney can never be Induced to quit II uoti
tbey are permanently cured, it begins t
relieve the tlisncreeable sviiititotna at on, e
The backache ceases, the' trembling Lnn.
are strengthened, the appetite restored, the
ingestion niaue t.eriect, trie (lull nendaclie
ts stopped and the weakening drains are
Jrauuaiiy cured. Ihese results ceriainn
ollow a course of treatment with l'eruna
llarbara Alherty. corner heventh and
Walnut streets. Appleton, Wis., writes a;
follows in regard to Permit.:
"Kor years I have etiflered with back-
acne aim severe pains in tlie side. I iloc
lored so much that I became discouraged
A school friend told tne how verv much
l'eruna had benefilied her and I sent om
for a bottle, which did more to relieve me
than all the oilier medicine I have ever tak-
"1 btf coo 14 it a tlmt without a
r Ik bwct. not ttflni able to
moro tbtoi icpt bf Uklpf bot water lojiciloot.
Cbroole eooatlpatloo tot yean placed me lo
tbia terrible coodltlODi during tbat time 1 did
trj tblof 1 heard of butDCTtr found aoy rellefi aucb
wii my caie nutU 1 began oilog CAbCAHETH, 1
now ba?e from one to three paiaigea a dar, and If I
ii rich 1 would (If 1100.00 for each mofementj It
lnuoba relief.- atijiiu I llt'NT.
uss iiaiieu bU ietrou, uich.
flood. Do
Qood, MarsrSlcssn. wsakso,orUrl.e. too.
SMcllaf ImiIj CMtwr, CUm .tr4tt 1. ImS. SSI
Somewhat of Uampcner.
Mrs. Simpson Just fee what mother
has sent us a lovely big turkey for our
Christmas dinner! Ii came by express
this morning.
RlmnMH ! n.. f ,. 1 1 Tl I .inn l,n. l,nn.l I
'7h's g h.'
Mr,.'simnenn An.l h nt n. a
note saying she would be hero to help
us eat It.
Simpson (not quite so Joyfully) The
dickonil That's Just liko her, tool
New York Times.
" I bid a most stubborn cough
r msnv vetrs. It deprived me
of sleep and I grew very thin. I
then tried AVer's Cherry Pectoral,
and wis quickly cured."
R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn.
Sixty years of cures
and such testimony as the
above have taught us what
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
will do.
We know it's the great
est cough remedy ever
made. And you will say
so, too, after you try It.
There's curelneverydrop.
Tins slits I 3t, tic, SI. AlUmtlsts.
Consult your doctor. It ha says take It,
thsn do as n says. It ba tells tou not
to take It, then don't take it. lie knows.
Ltaia It with Win, We are wllllaf.
J. U. ATKlt CO., Lowall, Mais.
aotaaaa I.
Spa rsiaoi mask aioiiTiaio g
D ta
,SST1 I tiflV HH VXVWA-.
I ILA Vi. iJZJIbr tair- -,V3U 1 1
kit. m-?tiA
1 w ts&e I
tfi isT 79 Vr jMBl V'J
i it? tstrM vzx: w
lit mm Zen (e?ma u
I III ier4 " vTn III I
III 'g? . Ttff 111
ft V "Os T fl
a M
Steam, Wood and Drag Saws to Order.
THE AlcCAULEY AtACMINE WORKS, Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or.
Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing.
Portland Wire & Iron Works
Foot of Morrlion Street.
Can tdre you the be it barpalni la Bollen
and Kcrlnee, Windmllli, rum pa and Gene
ral Machinery. Wood eawlnir Machines a
apecialtr. See us before burin;.
Will know tou want the best eanned
' Fruits and VegetaUes tn the market If
S rou slmrly say J
'? Xo other brand Is a irood. Wadhams $
& Kerr Bros., 1'ortland Oregon. sj
tK t5tlSi.?(sii)
When you can secure an Ideal Sharpener
worth 40c for 25c. Very convenient for
ladles to use. if not satisfactory return i
it nnd get rour monev back. Muil 25c I
to Convex Sharpener Co., 215 31st St.,
Greatest. Cheapest Food
on Eartrifor Sheep, &wln.
VT1 b worth 1100 t yooi u ml wUt
HaIiM I CtUlOi 1T. KbsJUl rap.
CUIlcn Dollar Grass
. f irr d, b 'I ail, 61 but, pr
ewro. J 't! tuitnfypit. J i bus. pi
r- Ki t Tfotiuu, i itlJ 100 teae
Urtca 4lr fct rt.
Forthls Notlconnd 10o.
b 1 1 tie ulo t 1 10 t arm st
VotUUci, fuil vorU Iff 14 tt lUrt.
Cattle ond Hag for market. Shortens
fattening period one-fourth. Saves Feed
"I fed rrut.ln Stock Food lat winter and turned
oft th fattcat cattto 1 ver had for tli aratj Irnrrth
online.--- consider
lrutUn Stock Pood
well worth thecojt
I would not be with
l'arkcr, S. l.
Pnop Take tbu ad.
rllLU, to ihe Jo.ler
piw.n Iwlow and iret a
topj o( lh riBMKK'a A
SrocKMiN'a UlSU lioos
1'UItl'i.A.MI HKtill C(l I'ortlttild, Or.,
Coast Ag-enta.
Kl 'hiS;ao1:lBfl ' P
TffiratrifiitniL All tlitTallS. " PJT
m 1101 uiuva oyrup. Tantes uood. uso rH I 1
! I "." llf'thfi'llyfortwo weeks nnd it
,..?. p ' r"r"' 1 ' ml ,M'1 "
w? Z "T "''". M "k a new
eernn i J. V" '"I1 thankful for what
tie" y ' f0f ,ne-"-"rlwm Al.
rJl,io,,o.1,nnt.',n """'I Street, To.
?V i.0r,."Cn".l',l'",1')'t,' Ihe tidies
Aid Society, wr test - "I am i,I.uhI to .1.1
Ph"1" s,.rn ,,,r he M Rtw n"
throurh ta nn I .nir..i f,,i!l!..V . 7-Sr
ache and drauirlng down pains and often had
KAVi'' ' there when I was i. bV,.y
that I could Illy l spared It wai therefore a
Ini Lie iroilHind h.n r.-..n. .... . "i:.
ll-lt"' tr"y. rt'op seemed to aire ma
If ""' I r'0'"'!' myself that If I found
that It cured ine I would advo.t. it ,k.
otnersurrerlng women should know of It. I
have been In perfect health for one year, I en
W'irk and rdeasurn itaiim. in ini,h An- K.i,k
and no trouble seema tuo heavy to hear when
you are In (food health, l'eruna has simply been
a household l.lea.tncr, ami t tin ullt l-: ..i.h.
out It asjaln " Mra Kate Mann.
Mrs. Anna Martin. 47 lloyt St., Brooklyn, N,
V., writes: -l'eruna did so much forme that I
led t nir dutr to rer,,iiiinn,t ii in nt..a
may -e rirulllariy affilcted About a year aeo
m health was comptHely broken down, had
larkacheditilneas and lrreirularitles, and life
ecmed dark Indeed We had un for rerun
tn our home as a tonic, and for colds and ca
tarrh, and I det tded to try It for my trouble.
In lena than three months 1 became regular,
my pains had entirely disappeared, and I am
now perfectly well. "Mrs. Anna Martin.
Mrs. Wm. Helrick. Kennard, Washing
ii county. Neb , writes:
' T am tiftv-il rear, old .,,.1 I, .v.
felt well since the Change nt Ufe began ten
ears ago. I was In misery somewhere
niost of the time, tuv back wiis very weak,
and my rlesh so tender it hurt me to lean
against ihe hack of a chair- I had pain
rder my shoulder blades. In the "mull of
v back and bins. I sometimes wl.iuxl
mvelf mitof this world. Had hoc ami
cold spells, dizziness and trembling of the
bin bs. and was losing rlesh all the time.
Alter loiiowiug your directions and taking
l'eruna I now feel like a different ner.on.11
-.Mrs. Wm. Hetrick,
If vou do not derive nromnt ami aatl..
factory results from the use of l'eruna,
write at once to Dr. llnrtman. giving a
full statement of your ease and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
i'eruna can oe ptircnaseil Tor II per bot
tle at all first class drug stores.
Aooress nr itarin an, I'resiuent or Tne
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Shaltlnz, Hangers, Pu'Jlys and Beltlnz.
UJSJ -di 1 jit ijllL ..VlIiL-h-L-l I
Poultry Netting
WIreand Iron Fencing
Chicken, Duck and Geeso feath-
crs. Atldrcsa
g 10th andDmv!aStu.,PoHlmnd,Or i
This spring U any other
time be sure to provide
Between St. Paul cr Min
neapolis and Chicago by
obtaining; tickets via
DetaL'ei information cor
rectly given on inquiry to
210 Mutual Life BU Seattle.
373 Stark St.. Poit'trd.
Thli wonderful Chi
nese doctor Ii called
sreat because he curee
fieople without opertv
Ion that are tflven up
to die. He cures with
those wonderful Cht
neee herbs, roots, huda.
barks and vejetatiles
tbat are entirety uiv
known to intxllrnl tu
rnciu litis count rjr. Through the uit or those
ItariulcsA remedies this famous doctor knows
he action ol oter 600 differ tu remedies, which
he successfully uses tn different diseases, lit
ruarantets to cur raiarrh, asthma, luax,
throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
liter, kidneys, etc.: bashuudreds ortesiliuou
tais. thanes moderate, fall and are him.
I'atlents out Of the etty write for blanks and
circulars. Send i Cita In stamps,
13 IS Third St., Portland. Oregon,
tT Mention ppar.
N. U.
No, 13-1V0J,
KN wrltlne to advertisers d1s
weutlon this paper