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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1903)
BOHEMIA dfs i (us 5s S NKAT JOB PRINTINll, 2 ii w w w M 'lllr Ali HITIslNll Kll M. 5 4-. MUGGET. ZOL7 V CONOR liSSAIAN TONUU iT 1)1 liS AT WAS! I INfiTON. j 1 Passed Away at His Pont of Duty in Washington D. C., on Sunday Morning, January 11. THIS KSl) V AN His Remains on the Way to His Oregon Home, Hillsboro, Under Escort Comment of the Press and Public. Ort'uniilitii News Itilienu, WiihIiIiiK' ton, .Inn. II. Iti'i'ivfiiUtlvi'TlioiimM II, Toiikiii'. ot llic l lrirt l-'oiiKn-H-hIoiiiiI District, In tin prcsi'iicn of IiIh dmixlitur llcrthu mid IiIh secretary. Miss Uuuiie. dli-d suddenly In IiIh room lit tin IrvliiKtnn. In this city, at l'i:M I''1" afternoon. A low Minutes tM'foiv he paused away he lnp-d hitu uuciiiiscIoiihiickh, und died without 11 word, without any MUfK-r-Itifc. Ill moii, TlioniiiH II.. .Ir did not reside with hit father, lint was notllliil ol his approaching end, mid hiiHli'iii'd to IiIm father's licilsldc. hut did not reach there until after In hud passed nwiiy. The physicians who were sum 11101111I, and thu family physician, Dr. Hurt, on well as the coroner, nicnv (hut dun th wiih duo to acute IndlKi'" t ton. which siiierlnilurcil paralysis of tho heart. Mr. Tomjun hud Isi-n In iimiHiml health, and circpt for ne ciihIoiiiiI iittackH of dyMHMli. lo ...i,i.,i, liuu Imn'ii Hiilileel nf lali' yeurH.hiiHiiot complained off.y.., Imilly thin winter, lie ciiiimmi.t,-.. IIIHI lie WIIH Ml IM'llIT IH-lllni had Ihvii In for two yearn pat, lu fut. Mr. Toiikiio attendiil a dinner Ian nlKht. and did not retire until a littr hour. When he nlept late tlil iiioruhiK, contrary tociiMlnni, untie lllK WIIH tllOURllt of It. At 10 o'ejock ho received a ciH 'r two OrcKOii frlendH, II. II. dllfry and Orvlllo KoiIki'. with whom he di oiiMHed ut leinflh iiiatterH of ihthu i il and political character. I)nrln t t Mtay of lln-MM Ki'iitlcmca he reiual.n-1 lu ImiI. but aroHO unit druHwd an l,ic,. left, and had n IIkIiC bn-akfatl In hi' mom. lie wild at tlm time that Ih npiH'tlte wiih not Kood. and com lilalneil Hlluhtly of dyHiH'pHlu. At h h niiucHthlMiliiuslitiT. Ilcrtlm, brouichi him a Hilda hoIiiUoii, which he drank, mid remarked that ho thoiiKht that nouldllx him nil rlK'ht. She. h.iw OTer, wan miinowhut concerned, iih he looked unuHunlly pule, and linked If he did not want the din-tor. lie re plied that he did not; Unit he wind I . mooii Ihi at IiIh iiormulcoiiilltloa. lie went throiiKh IiIh nioralui; mall, and then lay down on the couch to rend the paHrH. IIIh duiiKhter Joked with him HllKhtly about IiIh being nick and too Htiibboni to have a iIim-. tor. but he liiNlHted that he wan not III. A few inlaiiteH Inter MIhh llcrtliu I.,, i lii.t l,,l.r ivi.m bntullLko inner man uer ivpn-euieu ure- lug heavily uu.l .Uvply. She liecnn.e nlnrnuHlaud telephoned at once f,.r n m..nlH.r of phyHlclai.H, fearing thel wornt. HhoiilHo wilt word to her brother Itefori' either the doctor or bin 1 arrived, however, IteprcMoututlve 1 Tongue hud punned u wuy. huvlugl lM-conm iiucoiiHcloiiH at the time heavy breathing net lu. lu IiIh lute iiiomeiita of coiihcIoohiichm he Hiiffered nothing iH'yond the natural dU turhatice caiiHed by an attack of dyn. pepnla. lie had no coumcIoiihiichh ot bin true condition an he lapned Into ItiHeuHlhlllt.v. IIIh end wiih quiet ami icnccful. Ah her father breathed IiIh IiihI, MIhh llertha und MIhh Itiiaue, pructb, vcally nn udopted daughter, com-1 pletely collupHed, nml were attended by the phyHlcluiiH who arrived aliniiHt luuuedlately. Thin evening they had rallied, and with the con volution pf 'I'Iioiuuh II. Toligue, Jr., mv iH'arlng their liercaveiaent iih Ih'hI they can. No other member of the filially Ih In WiiHlilngtou, Mm. Tongue being at her illllHboro home, anil the daughtei-H elHewheiv lu Ore- m nu)cii,iuiini,i Mi Just opened in the j Walker Unildini? near j Depot on South Side S3 oi iMaui vsircci. vkc will supply you with j Meals or. Short Orders j at any time. We buy only the freshest and . ., .. e rga nest tnc maritci. ai res fords and prepare in iinv stv c vou iicstre. MILLER & ClOWDY, Ut Dour Wi'.tal DoikjI ai Boulh Bide of Mttu Street. 55J tm Devoted lo t HOiVOKAIgMO MFti at Kou, Minx llcrllm I IiIh iifti'riioou Hlllll lllllt IllT KI'I'lllMt I'OIIHOtlltlllll wiit that her father Imd passed away as hi wished. Some iiioiiIIih ll?0, III HK'llklllH of hi piMHlhle demise, Mr. Tiiiikiii' hud lidd Iiit Unit whi'll Im dli'd hi1 wished to k Niiildi'iily, iiucniiHcliiilsly mill poni'i" fully. ThriiiiKlioul the nfternoon. ns the sad news spread iivcr WhhIiIiik 1 011, friends hiiii been IhriiiiKliiK In tm IrvhiKloli, .Senator Mltchi'll, who lives JiimI iiitohh tin street, WIIH the llrMt 10 arrive, mid Itcpresclitn tlin Moody followed closely nftcr. Seuatiir Slmun, ('iiinmlsidoiicr Her uiaiiii ami countless friends called Inter to offer their coiiHulntloii to the iHireaved huh und daughter. I'lllll.lC I'OMMIINT. I.. T. llnrrlH .Mr. Tongue's huiIiIcii deathcaiiie iih n shock to IiIh wide clivlo of Immediate penman) friends. lly uuilrlii ludiiHtry nml native alillll v Mr. ToiiL'iie h tirinnl. -,en, Htau,l.,. and ,,i .,l,,e.-e an t m me naiioaai iiuuwi oi 'I'". HI" imiiiiiv UHtTI n. i. oren a credit to hltiiHcIf and an Ii iniir to I lie Htate IIIh death U de .pinreil. it. A. Ilnoth UIh euery.iihlllty and win in were recoKlilteil bv coiikivmh in. I ne wiih an liuportunt factor In .i iIivImIiiiim. Aiiioiik UreKon'H tvp. ive. unlive he Iiiih never Ihvii ex celled. The knowledge nf IiIh worth a. ih whlcned with the yearn of IiIh hoc. Ice. Tim Iiihh Ih Irreparatile. ii .. r.uiiv wrcgon mourilH the, of one nf her greatent cltliciiH u.i.l HtntcMincn. The Hum-im of IiIh inir wiih due to-hU m rLuverhrLrt eifnriH lu evervthlnir he 1 and to IiIh lilirliMl.iniliinl of iinin l,,.,l He illeil In the Mervlce of IiIh Him.. 1 ,, .. ..... . ,. ' It. I-. .Mulkey ThomuM II. Tongue a.igal the young men of thin Mtato tual energy and a good degnv of ' niient iiiUHl triumph over olMtacleH. I ah a cougivMMinuu he wuh thorough, . keen iiinl effective In comiultteu ami la delmUi and wan a tower ofj Hiivngth for Oregon at Waililngton, I timl IiIm Iiihh fronl the rlvera mid liar I born cnuimltteii ut IIiIh time U to, lr. i ivimrahle Iohh to the Htate. i', v. Kultoii I coimider Mr. TouguoV death one ot the grentent Iohm-h t IiIh Htate Iiiih ever HiiHtullicd. "; ' ' '. tUe " - ' I'ullnrly unfortunate, iKvaimeof the ' luid nwun-d u very Htrong poHltlon hi the Hoiiko of Itep- rvHOutiitlvw, not only upon Impor. '"'""'t'"'". " ' the wuy of "'"ro i"" , . .. Ah for inywlf, 1 feel lu hlnj , ileuth a peiHOiiul Iohh, for he wan my friend ot many yearH, u friend whom I ever found eurucHt, nlm-cre nml iiiunly mid 1 profoundly regret bin untimely death both from u pomonal Htiindpolut and the public welfure. (leorge 0. Ilrowuell I n-gret ex ceediiigly the ileuth of I'migrcHxiimu ThouiiiH II. Tongue, and view It an a IrorHouul Iohh nn account of my ht hoiiiiI frlemlHhlp for the iiiiin ami aUo iih tin exceedingly greut Iohh not only to UiIh Htate but to nil of the l'aclllc Count ut thin time, tie wiih ii very ntVoug iiiau and a lining man. IIIh piiHltlou lu CougiVHH wiih nafc for iniiny yearn If he hud lived. IIIh lute Hpeech upon the Irrigation (uentlou undoubtedly lucrctiMcd hln reputa t Ion and nhowed that ho wan a man of largo ability und of givnt force. Notice of Stockholders Meetfng. Notice In heivby given Hint there will ben meeting of the ntockholderH of the .ludnonIIock Mining t'oiupiiny held ut the olllce of. I, S. Medley, at Cottage drove, I.aiiol'ounty.Oivgou, on Monday the 'Jtith day of liiuimry, 1003, ut thu hour of one o'clock p, in, for the purpone uf electing n Hoard of niroctorH of Hiild corporation toworvo an hiicIi for the period of one year and until their taiccennorn Hhall huvu Ucon duly elected and iiiialllled and for the trmiHuctlou ot nuch other IiiihIiichh iih tuny proierl,vcomu before Hiild meeting. Dated DwrnnliorlHth, A. 1)., 1002. J. S. Mkiii.kv, Secretary. The Itallroml Qntottu la authority for thu Htiitoment that railroad con utructlou lu the United States last year aggregated 0,020, iiiIIch ii total not exceeded In any year hIiico 1878. Oklalioinu leads with 570 uiIIoh, fol lowed by Toxiia, 400; ArkuuniiH, U71, and Indian territory, !10:t iuIIch. Jic Mining, Luiiihcrliifj; utnl FiirmliiK fntcredts of this Community, to flood COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Bohemia Hews. Tin' North Fnlrvlinv MIiiIiik Com I Hill V WIIH I llf (II It ifil I lllllll'l' till' IjLtl'H 111 llll'lflllt I'iilll'llllt't' 'iltll KHI'I ami own a Ki'"iii of Incite i-oiiIIkii-hum cIiiIiiih. 1111 1 lie iiurlli hIoih' of Full view nioiiulalii In the llnlieuila District, xleuilliiK fi'uiii l.'liiiinplon I'lii'li 1111 the ciihI in I'alrvlew ctii'k 011 the weMlerl.i xlnpe uf I'alrvlaw liiuillilalii, Mil 11I111111 the llrnt of IiihI July ilevelnpuieiil work Iiiih Ihh-ii I'oullnuiilixly koIiik ahead mi I IiIh properly, mill II Im (lie pui-pnni- nf the ciiiiiiiiiny In keep a crew nf wnrkuien driving ahead with nil piihhIIiIc Mpeed nn nne nf their hlu .'III font vcIiih. At piVHelil wnrk Ih liehiK IiiihIiimI In No. .'I level, .VKI feet Ih'Iiiw Nn. 1 level. In No. 'J level, nlmut eiiinlly illHtiiut Ik I ween Nn. I und No. :l a ernHBcut tun net Iiiih- Ih-cii run, cutting the vela, which proven It to Iw :u fti't from wall to wall. A iceneriil average Hiuuple of thin ill' feel of vein matter Knve anaHHiiy viiini' 111 in ier ion III flivirnlil. Till level will liectrlvcll alienil to tap a Imdy nf IiIkIi uruile fret- til III I it lt hit that Ih known to exlMt Ik'Mvccii Nn. laud No. '1 leveln. II" mpnny owiim u Kpleudlil mill h.!V..,.'''!!r.,,,,.li'!i!!!,'!!?;..V! L'V.?J V.'.'.?; UiiiUt for iiiIiiIiik purpoHcH. Thin Hiime larKe vein extcmlH down Into the Champion canyon near the pro - it... i 1 li I ' Km, ,. rV. ". ..." ' )' l hhfli irrade, Iiiimo nre Ih In Hluht await- Iiik Hhlpmeiit to reduction workn. While it Ih true that North I'alrvlew ii. .. !i ' ,l"'.7Hl iihiiiu hiiiii iiiiv inner miiick hi ine dlHtrlct It diH-Himl necvHKarlly fol- low that the Htock In worth Ichh. vll poHteil InvcHtorH an- liuyliiKthlH niwn ill iiiotnn ui iv,wti rilllivn III IV time, nn well pIcaHed and want more. W. W. .MiiHterMon Ih In from Ro hernia, where he Iiiih completed thin j m baHh." 1" ,,t.,lMf) wt, the AJax. In working! inn IIHfH'MM,illclll Hi MirilCK .IS HI'l III :iW : fnv nillllnir ore III 100 feet. TIiIh Ih a i itohh ledxe uncovered In driving for the inalii liilge, which kIvch promlw of large ipiautltleH of the Ih-hI of ore. iitiikii minimi m:vh. Tim tntiil i irf.ilnt.t If in i.f tni it... v..,,r limj siifcKiTli i. - r,. i... ,.f .i ten .im 'im... production of Kllver uniouunted to .ll,OIO,0-.'ri, a net Incn-UHii of :i.:ir.-f on. tlregon proiliuitl fl,Ml,l(Vi of the above amount nf gnl.l. 'und tm. - litKl of Hllver i'jki ,,f Hii,-,.r Cripple Creek iiiIiich grey copper lmM Uv" 'o'"'"'. "H renlllt ot deei "dnlng ocrntloiiH, I""" lo ihi ncn III gold. It Ih lK'lleveil tliut the dlMCovery will renult In the! production of greut wculth. 1,or''"'' pnrtlw have piirclnuw-il " t'ontlm-iitnl proierty on South Mjrtlt' Soutlieni On-gon. T,H' ,rlw ,M mM to 'M-m- 11KST I.INI.MKNT ON KAItTII . Henry D. llnldwln, 8upt. Cltv Water Worke, Hlnill)iiri;, Win, vtriieH: "I IBV0 ,IU'" mu"'. ""!" ol. Unlmcnl, Hut Inive never rccclvetl much benefit until I lined Itullanl'x Snow Liniment fur rlieuinutirjin mid pniiiH, I think it the bent liniment on earth.' -.V, f0e und 11.00 buttle at New Kra I)nit Store. SA01NAW LBTTEK. .Ian 7, 11KKI. I'.DITOIl IIoiikmia Ni'ixikt: On New Vear'H day of llXKI. Uie l'nrmer'H Club nml frlendH of Walker and vicinity met at the church building at Wnlker to Hieud the duy In Hoclnl lutercoiirKo and to exchange hlenn on I farm toplcn, and to iIIhciikh a farm I home dinner nuch an only the good ! wIvch and iluughtern of the farm know how to hulld. While the frleudn und the well , laden bimketH were yet coming lu, ye Hcrlbe hiiMtled nroiiml niiiong them , and Holicltcd a volunteer progrnin with pleiiHlug hik'cchh. Our club ptvHhleut, the Ho v. mid Kiirtner W. J. (In rill nor, called the i house, to order and the meeting wan i opened with a nolo, entitled, "Your Mission,'' by our Irreproachable Mliiger, Mr. (leo. X. ('untie, Minn Jonlo ' CiiMtlo presiding at the organ. I Alter prayer by our ..worthy prone I dent there were recitations and nougH by old boyn mid iiiImhch, all I bent on making the occntdon u pleus i nut one. Among the nuugn were: The Old Wooden Hocker," rendered by J. Myem and daughter; "A Southern Soldler'n l.lttlolloy," given by S. 1), .InckHuu. The ivcltntlons by MIhh Dolllo SIiiiiiiouh and Minn Millie l'lingle wore eHpwlnlly well rendered. About thin time hoiiio hungry fellow remembered the tunny por teutlouH bankotH ntowed away In tv side room and proponed dinner. A fancy cuke ntaud had been offered to the maker of the bent cake, and iv committee of three old Iibuchelors wore mimed by the chair to award the prlie. Their choice wan found to belong to Mm. Owen Walker, and with great good nature friend Castle guyed the poor fellows for -vnnt of tact, In awarding tho prlio to a mar ried lady when there were ho tunny nlco young ladles competing, whom It might be supposed old bachelors would bo mixlous to please. While tho program wtis Im. promptu the itluucr certainly was not, and n survey of the handsome Bproad indicated jtliat v were to get a griMid Htnrt for the New Your on the luncheon qucHtlnii, iiikI the ' ivallnatlnii "mm complete. Ah mihiii lifter dinner iih our happy crowd fell ahle thl-re weieHllll nllicr hiiiikh, iimihIc and idmrt t iIKh. Mr I'MMlht mIiikIhk "The llnly flt" uf. feet lately! .Mr. (I. O. Walker addiCHwl the audience on the fciiHllilllty ami pirn Mllile lieiielltH of u HyMteia of mlver UmIiik for the farmei'M. 111m plan enn IcmplalcM the dlMtrlliiillnu of hliink foriiiH, on which. In their proicr cnlumiiH, the farmer may Hhi ivhnt evcr he Iiiih to wll, or wIhIkw to Iniy, huiidlliK the lint ln-lo the mtimi np polnted to poHt all HhIh reculvcil on it hulletlii lioard, coiiHplculoiiHl.i placed at Home much freipicuteil point. I Iiiih inakltiK It piihhIIiIc for a liuyer tn hco ut it kIiiiicu what Im for huIc, In what inantlty, and where loailiil; alno to facilitate all exchiiliKCM anii)ii the farinerH tliciiiwIveH, each payliiK n Hiuall HtlM-nd for nxe of liulletlu hnard. Mr Walker h tut til that he had Int'ii kIvcii to iindcrHtand hy the . proM.'r olllclal that the H. I'. It, It. To i would dlMplay the farmerM' adver- ' tlHinr l!.t at varlot.H polutH al..n t'''r llt-' Kratln. (lur rarmerH' Club were In accord with Mr. ! Walker' plan ami liiHtructiH th,, 1 retarytohavea numlM,r of IImM I'rlnted, lor the purpose of rIvIiib ; friend Walker'n HUKKCHtlou a prae j tlcul tent. Mr. Kdltor. I know iiothlnir nf , ,,.,, JvumallHin, hut Home uiiKiilded hull vldual iIiiiiIiIIchh overfull of pic, . Miirinur ii motion on the Iioumo that 1 hIioiiIiI write up the occhhIoii mid wild In to the preHH. rnhappy motion; another mh;ht have Klvea a more readable report and intruded upon your npace Ichm. YourH lu tlie IntcreHt of the Huh m,ii,iii, I A. IIkMknt. For the Karmeni' t'luti of Walker. Or. Reduced Kates From The lUst. i I'lidcr date of DeceinlHT 10th the Southern l'aclllc wiiiIh out u circular Ictjer to their iw-iiIh which ri-ad- iw f folloWH: It Iiiih Ihvii decided to place lu ' f1 '':'"''"-y 101. contln. I AI,r" MlU hiclUHlve, the I Maine om--way hccoiuI cIiihi Settlvrn' rikteH to all Oregon Much potntH, and north, rut were In effect during llm copper lHimtw f Sontcmlier and October i UMt. vlr: fJo.W from MUHourl Itlver polutH Sioux City to KaiiMiin City IiicIiikIvo f.Kl.lAI irolll Kl. l.OlllH. $.11.00 from l'eorhi. :w.00 from Chicago. Hilton to lie no higher from Inter mediate Htatlonn. The niton will apply via all ronton through I'ortlaud, tint will not ap ply via Sacramento. Tickets routed via Union I'uclllc.Orcgon Short Line, O. It. & N. to l'ortlaml, will be al lowed Hto-overH not to exceed ten dnyn, at all polntn went of I'm-atello, ami lu order to enable Intending net tlern to look over the Willamette Valley and Wentern Oregon thorouhly thin Company will allow iih many Htop-overH an dcnlrcd at Htatlonn in termediate to final domination of the ticket, each ntop not to exceed ten days. I'IiIh announcement in ot nHclal Importance an lt Iiihuivh the uecen Hiiry cheap rates nml iirrnugcmoiitH i to bring a large Immigration to Wentern Oregon next spring. IMenHe have your nownpaiKTs give lt publi city, as no doubt a great many of our iH'ople who have already moved to Oregon "from the middle states and theennt will udvlne their frlendH and rclatlvcn who will take advant age ot the low raton to visit Oregon. Youm truly, W. E. COMAN. O. P. A. IF UNWELL. Try nliOi! liottleol Ilerhine, noticothe improveinent siH-i-dlly I'llccled in your Aiipctite, Kneruy, Strength and VlRor. Watch how it brightens the spirits, uives freedom from Iiidicestioti and De bility! Isiuio Soory, Avn. Mu., writCB, Sept. lOtli. IIXX). "I wii u in hud henlth. I hud stouuich trouble for 12 months, also dumb chills, Dr. J. . Mory prescribed Ilerhine, Is cured we in two weeks. I cannot recommend It too highly, it will donllyou chilin for it." Sold by New Eru Drug Store. J. E. YOUNG Attorney-tit-Law omco on Main street, Weil Side GKOVIC, OUB. A. H. KING Attorney ut Law, VOTTAOli CiUOVK, Oltli, H. C MADSEN, WATCHMAKBR. Repairing t remoimble cmiliti, All work gutrtnteea flnt-cliu. Wttohei, Cluck tail JewelrjrU-oweil 1'iteei COTTAQK OHOVE, OltE Buy your toilet articles at Benson Drug Co, A cholco line, well selected from thu best goods oustatnabio.coii' stantly on hand for your inspection, Government, and Hustling mr a JANUARY i6, 1903. Great Reduction Sale We have debidcel to close out our entire line of Ladies and Misses COATS, CAPES, Wc have some Jackets and Coats rcmnitiiti"; that we will Sell for Fifty Cents on The Dollar. We will Also sell otts entire line of Now is the Time to make your Purchase. "Money Saved is Money Earned " EAKIN & BRISTOW. Odds and In Holiday Goods Sold at Cost Next Week Commencing January 1st our En tire Stock of Goods, Excepting Groceries, will be' offered at a Great Reduction. BARMAN & HEMENWAY, NOTICE KOtl PI HLICATION. United States Land Office. ItoKehurg, Ore., Sept. IS, 1002. Notice In hereby given that In com-1 pi lance with the provisions of the act ofCongrenn of June .'!,' 1S7, entitled i "An act for the sale of tlmlicr landn In the Statcx ot California, Oregon, . Nevada, mid Wellington Territory," tin extended to all the Public Iind States by act of August 4,1002, Dnnel W. Itlchnrdnoii, of Ht, Helens Co. of Calumbla State of Ore., has thin ilay llled In this office his nworn ntatement No.."l3:tSfortheimrchaHeof theS of Sco No :U, Township 21 S of Knnge 9 Went nml will oner proot to snow that the land sought Is more valu able for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish Ids claim to Haiti land before the Iteglntor mid Itecelver of thin olllce at Itosebunr.Orecon.on Wednesday the 4th day of March, 1003. lie names nn witnesses It. T. HonlH. of llaygor, On-., W. F. Slaughter, St Helens, Ore.. J. E. Ulnck. Fulton, Ore.. A. L.. Uutler, ol Elkton, Ore. Any and all iiersoiiH claiming ad versely thenbove-tleserlbod lands an requested to tile their claims In. thU office on or liefore snld 4th day ol March. ItHW. i T. uutiincs. uegister. ' NOTICE FOK I'UIILICATION. United States Land Oftlce, Iloseburg, Oregon, Oct., 10, 1902. , Ninlru is hereby idven that In compli-1 mice with the provisions of the act of f UOnCreoS Ol dune o, ioio, cmmim .in act for the salu of timber lauds la the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, as extended to all thu Tumlc Land States hy act of August 4. 1892, Henry S. Wilson ot hu- geneComitv of Lane, State of Oregon has this day filed in this oltlce Ids sworn statement No. 3031, for the purchase ot 1 the S U NW H A W V SW M of Sec. No. 12, Township 23 South, ot i ltango 2 West, anil will oiler prool to show that the land sought is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ids claim to said land before Mario L. Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Eu gciiH.Oregon, on Wednesday the 7th day ol Jim,, iwj.1. Ho mimes as witnesses! James N Handle, of Fiiirinoiint, Ore., James Iloll'imin, Annie ilson, of hu gene, Oio., Austin Boot, of Springfield, Oregon. Any anil an persons ciaiiiiuig miveiBo ly tlie above-described lands are re nested to II lo their claims in this olllce on or before said 7th dav of Jan., 1903. J . I. IliuiiuKS, ucgisier. EVEKY BOTTLE OF OIIAMllEB LAIN'S COUGH BEMEDY WAB- BANTED. Wo guaranteo every bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Uemedy and will refund tho money to anyone who Is not satis fied nltor using two-thirds of the con tents. This Is the best remedy in the world for lagrippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough and Is pleasant and Bafe to take. It prevents uny ten dency of a cold to result In pneumonia, Lyons A Applegate, Drain. Benson Drug Co., Cottage Grove. Grub Stake. JACKETS AND Ends Leaders in Merchandising. Griffin & Veatch Co p "There's No Iluee Like Home" 3 and there's no cooking like mothers, but i2 p if vou will stop at the I KAYSER HOUSE You will be so well pleased that you will come nguin' and bring your friends. Everything new, neat and clean. I Plastered Rooms Newly Furnished. SZ Conveniently Located, Two blocks West and One Block E Nortli of S. P. Depot. r2 Win. T. Kiiyser, Proprietor. 3 !AUERS, SU??i 0lSE Bohemia, Oregon. General ilIerchaiidisL, rHiners' Tools und Ammunition Give us a call and we will treat you right. KNOWLES & GETTYS. Beware of air dried or half dry tlooriug, celling and rustic. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. are making special prices on kiln. dried lumber. NO. 1. WRAPS. Everything You Need. Some things you dont need, in the hardware and home furnishing line is to be found here. Gas ranges, oil stoves; pojs, pans and ksttles; about every culinary device that war ever invented and stood the test of time and trial is on our ooti nters and shelves. Come and see for yourselves. FOB SALE il acres of sandy loam bottom land with stock and Im provements, 2 miles from Cottatre Urovo. For further Information call on the owner. C. W. Oiltikiit. I