Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 11, 1902, Image 3

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    Difficult Digestion
That la dyspepsia,
It iinkcn llfn iiilirrnlit.
Its mflerrrs cat not jinuno tliey want to,
-lint simply because triry mui.
They knuw they nro Irrllnhlo and fretful
mil thoy rnnnot lm nthi-mlao.
They enmphihi of n tmil tittta til tlio
liliiiilli, n Imsilctnesi nt 1 1 in pit of tlin atom.
nfJi,. n uneasy toolhiK of puffy fulness,
iimtnnriiri, iii'itiiiiiirn mm wnnl not,
'llin flfcitunl mildly, proved liy ixrina
licnt unroll of IIiiiiimiii1 of sown tales, li
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Eiudllloa- -
"Iti'inetiiltir," rnlil tlio llostun boy's
uncle, "Hint clilliliun should bo won
iiml ntit heard. "
".My detir sir," wns tho courteous
nijolmliif , "Hint In firm of tlio theories
wIkihi liillucy lm long slm-o been ml
.ultted liy I'lvlllred tuitions. Tlio inn
pcror ul t'lilim Ik about tlm only person
In tlm world wlin given It rerlous con
hlilurntlon," WimliliiKloii Htnr.
Who's Yuur (iroctf?
If li ilix'Mi't luinillii MitnoiHiln Milc(in
lm ought In. If on unul to try them,
ni'iiil lm li In niilnu iiml inldrcss with two
J-ient Hump for pimlngo iiml vrn will
M'lm vuil a 1U wot tin ul Alonoimlii
(?iiyennrt or (linger or VVIittu I'limwr or
ntlu-r vnrlnly, mi know you'll my it
In tlm lliii't yon over urod rend at
tuirn to' WuiHiitms A Kerr llron., l'ort-
liiml, Orison,
ftllalnlne; fee.
(luost Am tlin expected limoT
WuMcr No, n.ilij wu ilimn accept lie
vulgar thin, mil. Wo In free-liohii
American t-ltbMius, sub, ho is, mill an
wish to proer our self rixpcct, null."
, ""Ituii glud I" limr that."
"Vim, null, nil Mn rqulro In n retain
ing feu, nuniti nn lawyers, null." Now
York Weekly.
Iluiiillu'n Wluinl Oil Is u trood mrxll-
cliiej pnlu mui niuVrlng cunnot itMdii
with It; your druggist will mil you no.
Noah'i Tioublri
"Confound tlmt dliiinuiiirunl" tig.
rlnlinixl Noali, hi llm nrk guvo such a
luri'li to ntiirlxmnl, tlmt tlio wnvnn
dashed niininnt tlm root. "I wish it
would lenrii to stay on itn own side of
tlm lml!"
Then Nonli salted a linndsplko nnd
slnrttil below ilork to nlillt tlin cargo.
Ohio Ktntu Journal.
Mothers will flint Mn. Wlnslow'a Booth
lug Hymp I ho Iml remedy to nn tor their
Children during the teething period.
Domtillc Traublit.
Mr. Nagged Oil, wlint's tlio matter
with youT You're foruver
Mrn. Nugget Jswcelly) Well, tint
t-unllio thiiiKn. You're forever losing
Mr. Nnxgnt Imine nnuT
Mm. Xaggrt Yes, jour temper.
Hurely thut'n n fault.
riTC rnuanitr fiw.i. ho nt. r r..rioaort
illO nrni.t uv' t Kli.'ilr..i Ntni
aumt. iwitd lor Pit It I! 9 J. 00 til.l ull. n l Irnu
In. it li Kut.u4..iiitiiL.ruuj4ia.i'ft
The Sun Way.
"Ilntv dare you solid a colferior to
my Ijoiiki?"
'To toll tlm truth, fit, wowcroa lit
tin ilotilitful iitoiit you."
"'J'lmu wliy not Imvo mn ImikpiJ up?
You Mould llii'ii hnvo known that I
nover puy my bllln." I.lfo.
Han't Oet Foolnorxl tint oot.Ki.
II ! i rrililn enrv for inrrnllnf, rullooi nml
hoi, Iiml, whliin frrl. Mkf nricor llihl
hiMy. Trrll tolr. Hold lr nil Druitlil".
I'rlreVx. Don I rrH iiililluie. HinH
enl lltr.K. Addrcw .MIn H. Olmttcd, IIUr
K. Y.
Only Tlmt CouldTfll.
"liny!" nlioutcl tli(cyclo H)llcmn,
n tlm mini In tlm lilx nicinKcur ntnrlwl
to K" III'" llko it ru II road truln,
"Ain't you rldluu u tiillo iiforo
tlmn oinlit iiillci mi hour?"
"flow tlo I know," liowkxl tlin npwil
nmkrr ovor hln nhoulilur. "I hnvon't
ridden un hour yot." Automobile
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hays Always Bought
Blfpnturo of
A Windfall.
','You iny Ms money fall to Mm?"
"No, ho foil to it tumbled through
a ronl liolo and nuoil tho city." Clil
cnno Humid. ,
Guffcrera from till borrlblo mnlady
nearly always Inherit it cot necessarily
from tho parents, but may bo from some
remote ancestor, for Canctr often rum
through several Renerntlons. This deadly
poison may liy dormant iu the blood fot
vrnm. nr until vou reach middle life, then
(be Crst litUc core or uloer makes its sp-1
nearance or a swollen eland In tut
breast, or some other part of the body,
gives the Crst warning.
To cure Cancer thoroughly and perm
ently alt the poisonous virus must tx
eliminated from the blood every vestagc
of It drlveu out. This S. S. S. does, and
Is the only medicine that can reach deep
seated, obstinate blood troubles like this.
When all the poison has been forced out
of the system the Cancer heals, and the
dlscaso never returns.
Cancer beglnsof ten in a small way, as tin
following letter from Mrs. fthlrer shows,
A lumll pimple cm on my lw shout n luck
txlow the car on tlie left slut of my face. It Kvi
menoyiutcr inconven
since, auo. I sttoiild nsve
forsoiten nlmut It hid It
riotbecua to Inflame aaq
ich i It would tlctd a
little, then scab over, but
juld not beat. This
continued for some lime,
when my Jsvr began la
tntll, becqtnlng very
painful. The. Oncer be
tau to est and spread,
until It wsa at lares ass
half dolUr.whtn f heard
f B. 8. B, sud detetmln.
'edtoclve It a fair trial,
ami it was lemarkabla
.hnl m WAndprful effort
It had front the very beginning the sore began t
htal and after taking a few bottles disappeared
entirely. Thla wsa two years sgo I thel e are still
no signs of the Canccr.and wy central health
continue irood. Mas. R. Rains, I.a flats. Ma
I is tlie greatest of all
I blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed
purely vegetable. Send
lor our free book on
Cancer, containing; valuahlo and interest
ing; information about this disease, and
write our physicians about your case. Wl
tuako no charge for medical advice.
fooiet linen He llun In I'lulit to Mnlif
tuln JlUoliilInu One l'filiiuouiiB Who
Vlilicd lintlre CIum Miucle u lm
piirliinl a KeguUlte un JnHyliiiluralilp.
Wlin liiitli blci'dliilf nt tlio nuna? Ilu
who tiavli(itli u country, sbuol. WIkto
fui'o I nny iinlu you, uo not KUlly forth
to tciicli Ilium tlmt dwell In lliu l.iiid
loilinl ithout li'nt yu havo woumU unil
norcn, for verily It bootvtli uioro to
I'ouipius yu boxe than to read tlm stunt,
0. K 1118 Muxliim, '
It In truth tho pout shifts tlmt ho who
I'nniiyn to liuiiillu tlio unruly In a coun
try school has cducatlolutl work cut
out for him not laid down In any ic;iu-
IhIiIii text book.
No ii'rnou on earth Is siilijcclod to
us many pvtty piirncvllllonn Ikiiii of
nlii'cr duvlllry as tho country ncliool
t-iicher. For a wcuk, mnyhf, ufli-r lm
" In" tin' nchool lm bus a fairly
(tiny roml to liuvid; tho hoys Imvo not
llnlnlii-d suing til Its up. Hut won to
ti t nt If liu ht-coiniM unduly coiiUdi-nt,
for thluun will huppvn nut not forth lu
tlio simply iuIik ho hits piulol up
iihoro tho lilitcklioitrd. The sei-oiid
.Mouilpy In Kent-Hilly tho time net for
tho opolilujf of honlllltUM, Tho Mn
li'iidcr. Ilki-ly n n not Mxht limn tho
li'iiclicr, linn uni-.l Hitttirdiiy and Huu-
dny iiiniiplnt; out liU procriiin.
HiiIiiIiiiiI nnlcLi'M, Innttviitlou to tlio
liiinlm-nn In liiind, piMirly pri-imritl Im
Minn or Imsou nlinoluli-ly uiili'iiiiii-d
mnrk the dny's provi-iillnKS. Tlio loneli
er ri'prluiiiudn nud ordurn tlio school to
tick to thonv tusks until tliey nro
U-urni-d. .NoUnly in ktiit lit nt nri'st or
noon n-st. for nn yit no opi-u dclliiiuM
Inn uuirki-d I In- di-iutunor of tin pu
iln. Thoy no slowly, for tin- touiper
of -tho mnnlcr Is not n rovutled tiling
yot. Just boforo scliool "h-tn out" tlio
ti-ni'hcr rlnon, tups his Indl uu I, liiivln;:
sornroil iittoiitlnu, di'llvors a curt loc
luro coneoriilnjr wlmt linn lioon done-
or, rntlior. not liot-n ilmio and hln nox
ious drnlni to sov Immodlnto liiijiniri
mi'iit. Tlii-ii tlin Indl Inn-vln
nud tlio Imyn rush tuiniilttinunly out.
llrliiK linck liui'olli- sliiiutN of scorn nud
dollmiro ns thoy mm I tlo nwny.
Thon tho lonclior. If lm In wnry.
known ho Is In tho position of the mnii
who linn hot his solo rouinlillin; dollar
on n loslinr horso -ho In up nu.ilmt It
Ecxnl mid pli-nty. 110 nrrlros nt tho
scene of his Inborn on Ttiondny wlt'i
tensu muscles and hard face, for there
will bo somo kilt I of n row before tho
shades of night full. It Is very seldom
that n coward can be Induced to trikc
a country school, for his dominion will
not last live days. The boys cau tell u
shirker at .a glance ami they lose uo
time with such, but get busy at oncq.
The little boys begin the Picket, for
they hnve been Incited thereto by their
elders, who wish to take a few notes.
The big boys hnvo said they nro behind
tho little ones and they are, so fur be
hind that no help comes lu the long
aching day. Home small boy fulls to
learn his lesson. When asked why, uu
says with a wildly beating heart, but
bold front, "I don't Imvo to." This
causes a snicker to run nil over the
room, wherein the bold youth Joins,
closing with a gnsp as the ruler drops
on some soft spot In his anatomy. He
knows he cannot whip the teacher nud
looks lu vulii' for the promised help.
Bo ho takes his licking and Biiullllugly
promises to bo good, Itagu Is lu his
heart against tho teacher aud tho big
boys both.
I'osslhly three or four such happen
lugs r winces that school to a condition
of somber thought; the teacher Is not
io easy after nil. Morning recess calls
for a conference. Usually tho teacher
stays lusldo the school house In deep
thought. Ho sees his work-and plans
to have It out ns soon ns possible, for
delays arc dangerous. Uo sits nt his
desk, lingers Ids ruler aud ouco lu n
while, glances out of tho window. Ho
marvels Hint tho children do not seem
to be playing, but ho has things to
chain his thoughts nud fulls to hear tho
stealthy footfall on tho roof, Then as
tho children tlio In, bobbing In awk
vord 'courtesy its thoy enter, ho bo
comes awuro of n largo amount of
smoko In tho room. Ho Is belug
"smoked out."
"Jack Simpson," ho says to tho bis
fellow ho has plckedjnit as tho ring
leader', "see what Is 'the tnattor with
Hint stove,"
Jnck oboyg-It Is part of the play
ami a huge volume of white Biuoko
rushes out Into tho room. Ho closes
tlio door, coughs explosively It Is all
put on -mid backs away, "She's full o'
sumplii'," ho gasps.
"Why Is tho plpo cliolccdT
"Swullers must 'a' built their nests
In tho chlniley."
This sally Ib greeted with a roar.
"Slleucel" cries the teacher, his
words cutting llkp knives. "I will do
tho laughing fot this school. That clilni
uoy wus uot cbokd vue achoel
Hcmhlod this mnmliitfj why Is It In
this condition miwl"
"Itivlion thoy built thorn uosts w'llo
wif wtits ut rccMs."
"Wlmt woro yotl ilolnu on tlm roof n
wlillu nttoV"
"Wu.u't up on no roof 'mil."
"Opon tlioso wlmlown, Nobody Is to
lonvo tho room until bid," snys tlio nn
(try lonelier, sflxlujf tho rutor in n firm
uritnp. "You nturfod somettilnrf In that
t'hluiiioy, Hluipson, nud you're koIiisc up
thi-ro mid tnku It out right now,"
"Think so?" In- (ho Impudent retort.
"You will either do It or I will hnvo
to punish you severely."
, "Keekou you bettor lick mo If yo
kin." suyn Jack as ho defiantly facTs
tho prdiiROKUe.
Thin places tho nchool nnd lonelier on
n wur routing. Tlio ultimatum hnvln
beeu delivered tho lonelier either k"s
In nnd tights a winning light or loses
nil control of the school, It ndinlu of
no alternative, l'or tliu honor of tlio
profession, bo It known. In most cases
wnr medicine of n llereo mid tuner va
riety Is speedily mixed. In tho eitrly
clil h li bono nml sinew on the sldo of tho
big boy tells nml the scholars dmico
about, hoping for victory. In the end
In most eases skill, endurance mid high
er nervous energy turn tho scales rind
lu almost record time Hluipson Is a
licked commodity. Ho may not actual
ly ascend to the roof to correct his er
ror of Judgment, but the thing Is done
nud tlio "smoko out" Is a dismal fail
ure. Id Kansas after the closo of tlin war
n sot of boys from New York arrived
In a little vlllngn to llud homes. Tlio
vlllngo school was tnuglit by a former
trooper who still wore his blue uniform
vest. Ono of the New Yorkers was
Ihe soul of mischief. lie signalized tho
coming of winter when Ice was gool
and skating line by putting some aw
ful things on tho big cannon stove.
The smell sent the school to the tall
grnss outside. Wilson was ch.vgcd
with the trick, hut denied It stoutly.
Thou the school reassembled and tliu
usually mild eyes of that teacher blaz
ed. Wilson was as big us ho and fun
wnn sure to come.
The boys commenced to whistle In
concert with the shrill piping of the
wind. One small boy was detected In
the act and received n hot ruler on
his crupper when Wilson Interposed
nn 1 said he nluiio was to blame. Tho
pi-dnKogtie then allowed ho would Imvo
to whip Wilson, so the action commenc
ed without time wanted In prelimina
ries. Wilson sent tho teacher lu under
a form In the first clash. The teacher
rose and stnggered to a clinch. Then
he cot busy over Wilson and pounded
that y.oung fellow right merrily. Half
a dor.ett of the bigger boys yelled foul
nnd went to the rescue.
As lovely a bicker us ever came off
In n school house followed. Tho boys
had the teacher In tiuder tho desk.
Which was .upset, tho forms weru
marked by hunches of hair as some
head went against an Iron standard,
the dust of buttle covered the strug
gling heroes, but the teacher would uot
yield. The small boys and nil the girls
were howling In concert, scared into
tits, for all thought murder would bo
done. Hut this kind of thlug must end
and It did very suddeuly.
The nou-cumbatuuts were gazing eag
erly nt the place where the row went
In behind tho dust clouds. Xhouts,
blows and howls broke the veil, but
nothing could be seen but nn occasion
al protrudlug head, arm or leg which
was promptly smitten. The nssnllants
being over esgcr and lacking the cool
skill of four years' buttle with the
"Johnnies," wero buffeting each other
In high vigor while the teacher dodged
111 nud out, missing a punch hero uud
giving one there. At last Wilson sud
denly shot out of the cloud nud strik
ing his shock head against n foot of
tho stove upset that and lay out.
In tlmo too short for record tho big
boys were fleeing while tho teacher
camped on their, trail, laying about
with n thick cane. He was something
careless concerning the part of the
anatomy, but ho landed. He droru the
mob to a corner of the room and con
tinued to bnsto thoso boys even after
they had all made submission. Ho In
tended to Bottle tho bosslsm of that
school right there, aud ho did. Then
as tho smoko from the stove filled tho
room ho marshaled his enemies mui
standing over tbcm forced them to
right tho stovo aud pour cold water
on Wilson.
Tho teacher's head had a scries of
bumps much resembling a map of the
Dig Horns, Hut others also displayed
mouutnlnous regions where naught but
hair had previously existed. Hluck
eyes once blue wero frequent. In fnct,
tho teacher was tho only ono In tho
bicker to Ignore his bruises. Tho oth
ers lay on bauds and emitted short,
poorly suppressed groans nt lutervnls.
Wilson crave 1 and obtained permission
to speak and mndo a manly apology bo
fore tho wliolo school. This ended tho
wnr and It was snw 9sutned,
All there Is to some telcbratlous, yva
hustle to get there, and hustle to gut'
lliiinlileTrniicily of the Hleiceof l.mHy
When tho lloers besieged J.ndystnl.'h
they poruilttid a "camp of refuge" and
a Held hospital to bo established at ln
tombl, a fuw miles dlsimit. Hero tlm
iioit-iomlmtiinls weru gathered. And to
the, writes (leorgo Lynch lu
tho London Dully Uxpress, came every
morning the train from I.ndysmlth,
bearing Its burden of sick and wound
ed. To tho dwellers at Iiitoiulil that train
brought tho history of the siege, tho
diilty.bullelln written In blood mid din
en so. Women who lind husbands and
brothers mid sous In I.ndysuilth crowd
ed around ulwnys to siu what news it
bruught, mid went nwuy with a sigh of
rusplt6 nud relief when It carried noth
ing for them.
And yet. after a fashion, these wom
en ut lutoiilhl weru more fortunate than
tho men in I.adynmltli, since they could
learn from the new arrivals how their
lot td ones fared. Hut un-n were not
allowed to go backward and forward
to Intoinbl; those who went had to re
mnlii, and somehow or other little or no
news seemed li reach the garrison.
In the dearth of news one man lu
I.iidysmllli had arranged that twice a
week, when be could get off duty, his
wife at Intoinbl should go at 12 o'clock
nnd stand In front of a big mnruee
where he could see her through the
ship's tele-icope nt the 4.7 battery.
8he wont there regularly with her
child, and straining her eyes townrd
that sand bagged point above Courent's
Illll, sometimes fondly Imagined that
she could see 111 m. And nn the months
panned her child, like the others In the
camp, grew more sickly, thin and pale,
till It seemed us If ihe Crl King spirit
of the uilasmlc fog had wrapped It
round and entered It, nud made It a
changeling of his own.
Hut delicate as the child was, the
mother was Ihe first to rail sick, and
the news of her Illness reached her bus
band by his seeing one tiny figure
standing alone nt the appointed place,
wavlngn handkerchief. And there came
it dny when It, too, was no longer to
I to seen. He could not go to them, but
hud to stay and fight on with bitterness
lu his heart.
A Vanishing Itlrd.
If the north Cleruian farmer looks
with equanimity upon the gradual dl
appearance of the stork, the Northern
tourist In quest of the quaint and pic
turesque will hear of tlio vanishing of
the long-legged, red-beaked bird with
unmixed regret. And what will tho
children say, whom Hans Andersen has
told stories of the stork so wonderful
that tho bird seems part and parcel of
Fairyland? Hut the facts are that with
in the last half century the number of
storks lit Schle8wlg-Holstcln has stead
ily decreased. Villages which used to
be the home of over sixty families of
storks, aud where sometimes six stork
nests could be counted on the roofs of
one farmer's buildings, hardly show a
single nest now. Yet the arrival of the
stork was always hailed with delight
by the natives, and It was counted as
much a sign of good luck If a stork
built on a roof as In other parts of Ger
many It Is to have a swallow build un
der the eaves. I'lilbidelphla Itecord.
IIo Liked the l'lueo.
He had sidled Into a cheap restaurant
not beyond earshot of the Herald
Square clock, mid hung his high hat oc
n iow peg, As became one of those un
placed Individuals who loiter In swell
lobbies nnd eat at uncertain Intervals,
he tried to Ignore the casual acquaint
mice who sat opposite, but with n per
sistency peculiar to casual acquaint
ances that person wouldn't stand for
It. lie butted In, so to speak, and th
tenant by courtesy of hotel rotundas
felt that It was up to him to say some- ;
"Do you know," he began, "I llko this '
place. The cooking Is so homelike, tho j
griddle cukes so delicious; they are Just
like my mother cr mother er moth.
cri servnnt used to serve." New York '
A Phenomenon Kxplalned,
"Why Is It," snld .Mrs. Mlggs, "that
a single man is so noxious to take a
r-lrl to tho theater, and seems to est-. '
so llttlo about plays after ho Is mar- tlle flrst wns "eml",1i evc,T "cm was
rled?" - j there.
"That's very easily explained." an-' M''s' Gay Graclousl lou don't un
swered her husband. "It Is due to a derstand me. I want, you to send only
certain deplornble but Inevitable mas- "o lem encl) 'uout'1, or my husband
cullno vanity. When ho takes tho girl will never pay It.-Phlladelphla Press.
to whom ho Is engaged to the theater ,
ho knows she Is comparing him with
the handsome hero of the play, nnd to
the disadvantage of the hero, After
marriage, she doesn't hesitate to tell
him flatly that he looks llko tho low
comedian," Wushliigtou Stnr.
Mouoy Is tho Magnet.
Sfine men excel In talking much,
nU some In talking loud,
Hut the man who lets his money talk
Is the one who leads the crowd.
Washington Star,
Ancient Cemeterr of HI. I'uiil In I'arl
ill Hnpimned llnrlnl I'lnce.
Ono of the old houses of l'arls, situ
ntcd at 17 Hue Hoautrelllls, Is about to
disappear, and tho place thereof will
know It no mora. It hns been handed
over to workmen, who will demolish
It to make room for n workshop. Itlio
llcautrelllls Is nn ancient mid narrow
street which tho omnibuses do not
penetrate, rcmunnt of tho times when
the I'lnce dos Vosges wail tho I'lnce
I loyal and the homo of beaux, "po
ruked," nnd red-headed. In the gar
den of the doomed house, famous In
times past ns the residence of distin
guished persons, Is a grave which local
tradition snys Is the resting-place of
that mysterious figure lu history tho
Man with the Iron Mask, says the
Paris correspondent of tho Pall Mali
Oazette. Ono remembers that this re
markable person died In the Hastlle In
170.1 and the local register says he was
burled In the parish of Ut Paul. Now.
this garden undoubtedly forms a part
of the ancient cemetery of Ht. Paul,
nnd tho church. Itself, la near at hand,
set In the midst of a cluster of old
houses. It Is In the garden that the
famous Iron Mask Is said to hare been
burled, and the spot Is the Mecca of
dally pilgrimages. Outwardly, the
place la unlovely enough, ragged and
uncultivated. A few poor bedraggled
flowers try to live on, cut off from tho
sunshine by the over-topping houses,
aud prematurely faded by the smoke
from a neighboring wash-bouse, out of
sheer respect for a great name. In a
comer, where are the decayed trunks
of some acacias, and where a pool of
stagnant water gives an additional as
pect of melancholy, Is the reputed
grave of the Iron Mask. The old at
tendant will tell you that the water
does not run away because there Is a
vault beneath covered over with a
thick beti of cement In the middle of
the garden there Is a subterranean pas
sage which leads by gentle descent
direct to the cave of burial. The ques
tion which is ngltatlng the minds of
tho "Old Paris" society which watches
over these matters is whether the
aones of this fascinating figure of n
former century arc really there. This
will be settled, perhaps, when the
tomb Is opened. Will the (Strange In
strument that he wore for so many
years lie found, rust-eaten, among the
remains? Actually, there Is on the
grave a column which bears an Inscrip
tion, cut with a knife. "Hero lies Mar-
chlnll, the Man with the Iron Mask."
It would appear that the Inscription
was copied from a stouc, which was
formerly in place there. The ancient
cemetery of St Paul Is now almost
built over. Here, however. If one may
again believe the tradition of the quar
ter, have lain the ashes of Ilabelals, of
Mansard, 'the architect who built the
Hank of Krance, and the hotel, now
the Musec, Carnavalet, of Mollere and
his spous, Armando Hcjart
Another Illusion Dispelled.
ltuthless bacteriologists destroy one
by one our fondest Illusions. Now- faith
lu the purity of glaciers must go the
way of other popular fallacies.
Hitherto the uian In the street had
Imagined were all the waters of
still find Immaculate springs In the
.1... .. f ltl... -.1 -1.1.
a chemical laboratory at the Pasteur
Institute, having no such faith, obtain
ed some Ice from the glaciers of Mont
Itlanc Itself and placed It under his
pitiless microscope. Ills verdict shat
ters the dreams of mountaineers, lt
appears that even the summit, -which
so long remained untrodden by human
feet, has lost Its purity. If It ever bad
Tbo Ice in question, and water melt
ed therefrom, were found, on bacterio
logical auulysls, to be "peopled with
colonies of microbes." Tho statement
which follows Is particularly terrify
ing. It nppenrs that "the germs In
question were found to belong to the
most varied families of bacteria."
M. ltlnst accounts for the pollution of
tho Mont Wane glaciers, says the Lon
don Telegraph, by surmising that the
microbes liave been conveyed to the
mountain peaks by the winds sweeping
the cities In the valleys.
Crlmlnnl Careilessnesa.
A woman was recently robbed of
73.000 In bills at 8 o'clock nt night,
her dress being literally cut from her
liody by the thieves. An unprotected
woman has no business to be carrying
$3,000 at night anywhere unless she
la prepared to take the consequences.
Within the past year the newspapers
have recorded hundreds of cases of
murder, assault, torture, robbery nnd
arson, all due to the criminal careless
ness of people keeping In their houses
or on their persons, large sums of
money which should be safely lodged
in the banks. Many people are preju
diced against the banks, but where
there Is one bank failure there are a
hundred robberies. It Is easy to take
proper precautions but practically Im
possible to catch thieves.
An Economical Parson.
"Br'er Williams, all thoo' do lvlnter
season you wuz preachln' red-hot sei
monts on hell Are, en now tlat de spring
come you ain't got a word'ter say 'bout
hell Are. How come?"
"Hr'er Thomas, de wayfarln' man,
do' mighty foolish, mout er knowed
why dat wuz. In de winter season,
Ilr'er Thomas, coal wux $0 a ton." At
lantic Constitution.
In Installments.
Mrs. Gay Hut I told you to Itemlzo
the bill.
N The Mtlllner-The bill I sent you on
"Somcthlu' Is bound to happen to old
Jones If he keeps on the way he's
"Think so" '
"Yes. He'll cither git kicked by n
mulo or run for the legislature." At
lanta Constitution.
There mo certalu words ono never
mettts except In n description of n wed
ding, or somo other society oveut, aud
we huto every one of them.
Tht Following Polnli Should bt Kipt Is
ISotvara of unscrupulous dealers who
misrepresent the quality of this imjiott
ant article.
Tho Iswt material for Wilding Twino
.Is puro .Manila fibre, Tho poorest ma
terial for Diluting Twine Is Plsat fibre,
Tho beat Illnding Twino is I'nro Ma
nila, sulcotoil flbrn, 050 leet to
the und. Tho next grade Is made
partly of Pure Manila tlbro and runs
GOO feet to tho pound.
Twino mado of Pleat flbro cannot bo
spun longer than 600 feet to tho pound
with proper strength and evenness.
Tho great question Is how many
bundles can you bind with one dollar's
worth of Twine? Notice tho length,
per noond,and figure how many fcot of
Twine you get fosa dollar. The mixed
fibre twino Is 20 per cent longor than
tlio Sisal grades. Tho Pure Manila
Twine is 30 per cent longer. It Is a
simple problem in arithmetic. Una a
little "horsj aneo" and you cannot
I fail to decide right.
I Standard Twine is Sisal Twine, col-
orod or dyed to imitate Manila, and is
sarno longth to tho pound as Hltal, is
the some strength and same price at all
factories where it is made. Some
dealers are selling it for a better grade
than Sisal, which it is not. When
thoy misrepresent the twine and use
deception to enlarge their profit do
I they deearve patronage?
If Twine is mado of Pars Manila
. flbro the tag attached to each ball will
always bear the words '"Pure Manila.''
If Twine contains any Manila flbro
the word "Manila" will always appear
on the tag, for no dealer or maker will
fall to put on the labels any fact which
will recommend his goods.
The "Hed Clover Lea!" is the best
grado of Twine mido and is the favor
ite with the farmers all over the Pacific
coast, and is of guaranteed length and
Tho Manila grades are the smoothest,
erenest and most satisfactory in every
The Sisal grades are rough, coarse
and harsh; they wear out tho knotters,
twine guides and twine holders on the
binders very fast and are to stiff and
unyieiuing mat tlie Knots are more like
ly to slip and become untied when tho
bundle drops from the binder or in
shocking and hauling.
Somo twines aro sold merely by the
name of the manufacturer and the
salesman is careful not to mention the
grade or quality. In baying always
require specific information as to the
quality of the Twine, and, moreover,
be very careful to inspect the tag at
tached to the balls. Tho buyer,1f well
informed, cannot be deceived.
Manila fibre is all brought from the
Philippine islands. The Pacific coast
should especially encourage trade with i
these islands, for they now belong to i
our country, and in Asiatic trade lies j
our best hopo for the future, for the j
reason that when this trade is dovel-!
opod tho Pacific coast will control it ;
and our commerce will increase a.
thousand fold. I
The only check that can be put upon
the rapacity of the producers of Sisal '
fibre In lucatan (which is the cause of
the present high price of twine) is the
largest possible nso of Manila flbro.
Keduco the demand for Sisal Twine
25 per cent and you will tee twine, HfOI'l'l LyHfOOI
mln..MIli..lIr,ra i"vl 1 aJiJWIIUVLi
Owing to possible market changes we
ao not quote prices in tins article, our at r,..iBnn.ih'
. . . ......
pi ices based on the cost of the goods,
and Ve will tell tho trnth about
tho twino and will not
resort to any
Our grades and brands .are: Pure
Manila, "Bed Clover Leaf" brand, 650 j
feet to the pound. Mixed Fibre
"Manila, 600 feet to pound. Colored
Piral, "Standard," 500 feet to pound.
Sisal, "Pure Sisal," 500 feet to pound.
Patronize home manufactures. All
our twine is made iu Oregon. None of
the money goes out of the state except
tho bare cost of the raw material.
Proves His Heroism.
"Did you sav," asked the author's
friend, "that your hero, who is poor, is
to marry the rich heiress"
"Yes, that is the way he proves his
heroism.' Indianapolis News.
Reasonable Inference.
"Did the evidence in that divorco
suit indicate that Mrs. Flash was gid
dy" "I guess so. Tiio judge and five of
the Jurors wanted to marry her."
Brooklyn Life.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
Sf Facsimile Wrapper Delow.
Tetry small and a eajiy
to take as sugar.
ibfcMis I Purely Yertt4ile.2&wt
Cure Your Horses
AT DCALMS, 6Vi, BY Hill, eOc.
cumku TinitTV-i'oim houses.
PauasuN Rhukdy Co., Bt. Paul, Mian.
QbntLiuin: I have been uslnr the PBUBaim IIB&va POW-
bHRS the nast eiuht months, and In that til
in that time
of heaves, 14 of distemper and O of chronic
kcmcdlcs have gained a great reputation In
UUWKM sKKD BTUUK, Voasl Agents
Your Hair
"Two vein ago my hair vn
filling out badly. I purchased
bottle of Ayer'i llslr Vlgsr, nd
soon my htlr stopped comlniout."
Mlts Minnie Hoover, Tarts, III,
Perhaps your mother
had thin hair, but that is
no reason why you must
go through life with half
starved hair. If you want
long, thick hair, feed it
with Aycr's Hair Vigor,
and mako it rich, dark,
and' heavy.
Sl.ttatsnlf. Atlfrrnlats.
If Tonr drnrrUt cannot supply you.
send ns one dollar and w will eipraia
oti & tattle. He anra and lts tlis nam
of jour nearest express onica. Ailtlreaa,
J. 0. AYKK CO., Lowell. Haas.
Patent Mail Expired.
Loa Flold met Gus Hodgers on tlia
Itialto a few days ago. After talking
a few minutes Field said:
"Ous, what's become of those patent
leather shoes you woro last winter?"
"They have gone to the wall, Lonis."
"Why, wasn't the leather good?"
"Yes," said Ous with a sigh, "but
the patent explrod." New . York
Something Wrong.
Windlg I make it a rule never to
talk on any subject of wl lch I know
Jabber If that's true, it's mighty
Windig What's mighty queer? '
Jabber Tho fact tiiat you nro con
stantly talking.
Stilt Racing In Gaicony.
Until very recently hardly any fea-
ttvam L- nlflM In f1A ll In ..... rl fl...
I cony without stilt races. Tho prlies
usually consisted of a cun. a sheen, a
rooster, or something of tbo kind, and
young women took part In tho exercises.
And It's Incurable.
Judge What is your profession?
Witness I'm a poet, your honor.
"Huh! That's not a profession; it's -a
dieeasel" Chicago Daily News.
Foundmti 101 0
A Homm So hoot tar Bay
Military anil Manual Training
Writ for llluatratad Catalogue
St. Helen's School for Girls.
Th I rt y-th I rd year. Commotlloui build
la?. Modern equipment. Academic
and college preparatory course. Hpe
rUl coonet In mini a and art. Ulm.
t rated ct al turn e. All department will
reo(4 n September (.
MI&3 KI-EANOR TEBBETT3, Principal.
rarentadealrlns home InHuenees, beautiful
lurroundlnri, perieet climate, esretut super
vision. nd thorootn menui. moral and phrs-
leal training; for their boyi.wlll And all
dot. win nna au ineac.
requirements lullr met st lioltt s Scaool.MenIo
i-rk, sn Mateo County, cat
Mnd .for Catalog.
iiu a. iioirr, ra. u., rrincipav
Stands for all that fa test In Co6ee, Spices,
Haling l'onder. Canned Goods, fcjrup.
Oysters, Etc. Ther are confessedly the
finest ptols packed at any price. Aakyour
grocer for them.
Foot of Morrison Street.
Can rive you tbe beat bargains in Dollars
and Engines, Windmill, I'uaipsaiid Gene
ral Mscbloery. Wood Eawlng Machines a
specl&lty. Bee us before buying;.
When yon Btrllce a stump with th ordinary
pash cut mower, something happens about aa
aliown la the above Uliutrntlon, and they ate
all push cuts, and all will dotulaescepttha
Champion llraw Cut Mower.
This serves to show that pressor against th
bar will rala the wheels from around, decreaa
tractlou and cutting power. With th Cham
pion Draw Cut tbe contrary la the result pres
sure against the bar In heavy cutUnr gives
downward Dull, holuioe- th wheela tlKhUr to
the ground. Increased traction, raor power,
neth hinst rjowerful euttrr nn th map.
keb This fact stands undisputed, and If you
want the beat mowar made, buy th Champion
Craw Cut.
Bend ror book of testimonial letters from hun
dreds of delighted customers all over Oregon,
Washington and Idaho. MITC1IKM, LKWlJ
BTA V1311 CO., Qsneral Agents, I'ortlaud, Or
Jl AUsky bldg.. Third and Morrl.on His,
The merits or th Springsteen Medlcln fern
pauy are wellltnown. llolh Male an 1 female
Complications, many which have banied me11
cal experts everywhere, have yielded to the
potency of these medicines. To those who
csunot call, address as above, and all Informa
tion will be provided.
Summer Resolution
Til IS
KeeBey Guro
Eur relief from liquor, opium and tobacco
habit i. Bend for particular! ta
Keeley Instituta .VsSOT:
X. F, N. O.
HEN wrllinj to advertisers pitas I
mantlets mu paper. I
Of Heave, Coach
or Distemper with
nuTCcarea 1 1 nurses
coach. Your Prussian
this section.
I'ortlaud, Or aud S.allle, Wash