Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 25, 1902, Image 7

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To Itself
I.. ...i.i it i., i ...i. ... ,. , i in mill IVIMIl l i ll'K Cllll-
IiillllliK llm IichI ItloiM I-ptt i ifyinK
iiltnnillvi- mul Ionic hiiIihIiukch Mini
I'll'iM'tliiK tin. iikinI riuiical mill imt
iniiili'lit run.- ..hill JiniuiirM anil nil
I'luplltiiiH, i.Ii.viiik w.miIi, tii.'.l.
In i ii it 1 IW Iinkh iiml liiiiMinu iM,
llm wliiiln nHinii in inn. only of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Nil ntliur lll-illt'jiii ii,.lH lilill it;
no ntliiT lni'iliriiip 1 mi h (liinn ho
luui'll ri'iil, MlliHttitiliul unoil, no
iitlinr in 1 i-i no Iimh riniutiil himllli
iiihI ritrmijjtli nt nu liitln rcmi.
"I was Irmililml Willi m tnliiU n.1 mine near
;;; " '; ?"';; ........hi i ,.,!,!
ii. ,oi it... .i . M,.,.,.7i,i." s
..well as a,,,." !... IIimV."hVii'ot,
"."" ' "'" 111. Kill Utile. I i-imM
Itaail'm Smrmniimrlllm irnmlmom la
aura mini hcoim llm irumlma.
A II.iiikiIIc Myilny.
Mr. Illiika MoitintttliiK 'lfr ntimit
IIKIIilim. Hu Immiiiniruinoiiimitliiiiwl
lii wlfi.
Mrs. Illiiku I'orlmpn liu imi't mar
rl.'il. Mr. Illnk.-Oli, y,., , .
wcrtld uul throe i,ilm nl shot. n timnlli
IryliiK lomivo inr furo Nuvr Yoik
The I'rlu of Admliilon.
Tlio (inly h.ii Im.l tlio lilslrl
onlo prlitl in hla nwr, mul huh In
dulltlng hi n Jnvwillo rilltlmi of "Unrln
Tom's (nl.lii." i. riiutlior'H .lrnwliitf
' 'invi'ilu.l Into it liiiiKriiry
lliwilnr, mul ultli n vli.w, iirliiiia, of
I'liiylne vil lo 'liilu iiniluiiidM),
till" iintlcu una. hiiIw ivi.r llm iluur:
mul Ktmtli'iiti'ii iiikI.t 13
yi'iitH inny mum In; U,,,, that urn not
iilinut." .Nun York j:ftitiiK I 'out.
ni:iinti: mi: i.miu viMir.i.Kii'N
ll I'liiil.t liiiiiili III. f-. lilnnaia
... I I he. Wain "1 11 (ur King."
So writoa our rritti'inril friend. Mr.
Frank (', of u r-t ,
Oliiawli'l. "I .r uvit tun yi-urn 1 anf
f.ire.1 nf i.i.. from lii.linci.iicn, nn.l lx
rnino r.'il u. n incfi. alutilnw ol my
"lillwnrt tclf I nonlil return limm.
from my ltiltii. fiwlinit o fnint Unit
I r.nil.l linrtlly .IriiK urn. lijt iiflur tin.
ntlier; my ilrar wilo diil nil t.i hi
lily rmild to t.ii.t mo Willi dumtv
illIit, and n I untnni! the I
nlffil mul tliui;lit: 'Oh, liow k1 ; I
know I van t'lit Unit.' lint nlii,' m.
wonor had I unti'ii ii fuw tutjiiiMiila,
whi'li I full Kirk; sown, piilim i-liut
throiiiih my rhit mid ohoiililrr,
my i.yud nvtain and uvi'rthiiiK n.'im-.l
t.lnrk. 1 Inhhiiih iiltiTimtiOy hot mid
.M, ii ml cut up from miuli n ilninty
diiuiur hi'nrtlly lrk of UvIiik, nnd feci
IliK 1 u 4 Him trial to vwryhody. 1
may mention that I wnnali-o very miit'li
tronlilivl with n M'uly akin, and often
hollo. Hut oiiii i.ri'iiliiK 1 notiie.l my I
witn morn clieerlul than iimiuI.
1 (llelloniil her mi. I fotiiid nliu had
been reiullni; n iuii.lilet nhu had r
cuived, of men nllllileil Jnl tin 1 una,
nnd who lnul heun cured by Vnp.ler'a
Comi-Hiiid. Mh I.I ahe, 'What uiea me
morn faith in It la that It la Hindu from
tho forimilu of nu eminent phyaicinn
now In nctlvo prnrtlco in thu WW ICml
of Iiudou, ho I am euro it la no iiuuk
tlilliK.' 'All rlulit. dear, lel'a hnvo n
Iwttle, paid I. Aftur tnkinK tlm con
tent of thu llrat hottlo I fult very much
Iwtter, and ileturnilned to kIvo thla i
remeily a fulr trial, anil I ran Hltlvu- I
ly iiHKiiro you that n few luittlu hau
mnilu ii new niiiu of inc. I run aleep I
well, rat anything ami thoroughly en
joy lifo, I limn told mverul of my :
frlentlH, nliom I know wcro iiIerin
thu hiiiiio n myitilf, uud they nil wiidi
mo to my Hint they aro liku new men.
I ulneerely bleH thu (treat phyrlcinn
who pivu you tho formula of Voseler'H
Curative Conioiind, nnd nlno your
Helve Jut iniilliiK It virtue known to
a tnirfcrini; piihlic." Thu proprietor
(thu tit. Juroha Oil, Ltd. llaltlmoru,)
will Hcnd ii rumple, freo to any onu
writliiK to thuin.
An Obiliclc.
"Them 1 nlwiiy room at tho top,'
raid tin. (iood Advisor.
"Indeed, yen," niiHWored tlio Unfor
tunntu lVrcon, "hut tlio elevator ' not
ulwnya ruiitiliiK."
,tl w
RIteumalio pains ore the crlea of protest
and distress from tortured muscles, aching
Joiuts and excited nerves. The blood has
been poisoned by tlio accumulation ol
wasto matter in the oystrm, nnd can no
longer supply the pure and henllli sustain.
lnC food tlU require, Tho whole system
feels the effect of this ncid poison ; and
not' until the blood has been purified nnd
urougui uacic to a ucauiiy conuiuou win
the aches anil pains cease.
Mm. James Kelt, of J07 Ninth treet. tf. It,
Washington. J). C , write ai follnwti "A fc.T
months ucl I had all nttaclc f bcUUe Rbcuina-
lliniiniiiwortiiorm me
Cain was so Interne Itiit I
ecnme comiilelfly vroa.
traleJ. The attack wai an
unusually severe one, amt
luvcontlltlon was re;aril
cj as Lclng cry dinger
out. I was atlcnileU by
one of llie mott able doc
tors lu Waslih.sloti. who U
also a member t.f the fac
ulty of a leadlnir medical
collect here, lie told me
to cuutlnue liu prcicrtn-
tlontaud I would ret well
After haTlntr It filled
twelve times Wiiliout rerrlvinv the allgliteM
be ne fit, I declined taronllniie liii treatment ani
longer. lUylnff heartl of 8. H. H.fSwrlft'i Specific)
reco mm ended for KheumalUiti, I ilerldcd, atmotl
in despair however, to give the medicine a irUI,
ana alter I nau n lew uuiiiea i wai auic ic
liohble around on crutcliea, and very too u there
ifiir had tin use for llie 111 at all. H. S. fl. liavius
cured ute aund aud well. Alt the dUtresslns
t..ata Isafr ins tiiv nnnollln li si rl II r tt f I
and I am happy to be ngalu restored to per feci 1
I tae great vegetable
I purifier and touic, Is
the ideal remedy ia all
Irheumallc troubles.
f m ..:-4 ...
minerals la It to disturb the digestion and
lead to ruinous habits.
We have prepared a special hook on
Rheumatism which every sufferer from
this painful disease should read. It Is the
most complete and lutcrestinR book ol
the kind lu existence. It will bo sent free
to any one desiring It. Write our physl.
clans fully anil freely obout your case. We
make no charge for medical advice.
ni:M.u -ji.i4IIa1ii -a t -e.ii -rua
rtAafc (luuah Hvruo.
i. nolo or oruKS
6eWf HW lap
13 nest Cu
lie. Win Dun f lr jj,,,, M.terfill
tliai, ultra HlniD tin, ii,,,, f k.
I.olr.ln Ilia A.
Ilia lllciilrr A lolillliio.
Not hlncu tin diiyn or Niiiolron Unn
'Ivlllziilloii Hi-en mieh ii iiiiiaitrful 'liur
nuliT UN C.'dl lllioili-N, ll.o Hiiplro
hnllilor, who died In Cupo Town. Hoiilh
Afrlcii. Ilu poHneHscd ii Niiioluonl
Hinhllloli, n lllnnlle eiiiTKy nnd n now-
frflil llil. Heel nnd. like hln (jn-nl pro-
lotypi', llm Coialenn, lie liuil u Hillirviiio
oiiiimipi rlKlit. Jumli-o mid liu
inmilly. Illn huh llm plollliiK that wn
lilolleil tJieni 1 1 it I ii I n Mini I In. llix-iH III
Iho liieivllfHH KtriiKKli. "hleh la drown-
llIB till. Afriemi veldt In hlimd. III. It
WIIH Who lllleelnl I lie Jlllill'HDII rnll.
Ilolh wcrii In line with lil.i hltlon-
U erenlii n eonreileuitu Hoiilh Africa
tinder tlio Huk. nnd of HiIh new
I'oiiiiiionweiillli he uih In lie Hid licnil.
Ilhiiilen wiih tim Htm of mi Ctnilliih
reeinr mid went I., Houlh Afrlnt a
ituirter or n i-einiiry iikh for the henellt
or hln health. Illn health wns rcHloretl
mul he lninU. minify at the Klmlierly
tllmiioiiil fiilneM. nltlmiili'ly coinhllilni;
all thu varied nnd warrliiK InlereHta
tlllder tint title of llie lie lleern MlnlllK
l'iiliiirtiiy, or which In. lieciiniii rritil
tletit. In IS'.K) he heeiimi' prime millili
ter or Cnpn r.ilimy and then hu em
(inrlicd on hi aeheme of eoiiiinHt. liu
rorined the llrlllah Kniilh Afrliini f'om
pniiy. a triidlnz and eiplnrlns coiiecrn.
which was permltteil mi nbwltiicly
freo hilliil In K.itilh ATrlcn. Ithotlca
ruined Hie cry or .Urlcn for Hie Afri
kander., which Kiiined Ilnlch Hiipport,
whllii hln inoueil ileierinlmitlon to
pnlni nil or Smith Afrlcii u I tilt Ih Ii reil
lllli lllell to Illl.l llleil ih,. Ill li I 1 1 iiiiiii:
llintl.ill lie M... He.) the I'.ipe It.
Cult. i Hulli.
Hull Ii Sii.i.
Ilia ivin r
It'll 'He itf
cr.ctL- j -irtionr.s-
miMlcrri hlicmneil ihroiiKh Iteehuatia
html uhl li lie priii'tlenlly wrcaicd
from th Iliicia 1 1 kcIxciI MiihIioiiii
tn 1 1 I . Ilia machine l-iiiii nlleil llie
I plalnx or .Mntiibeleltmd IiIkIi with dead
luullvuM and by uliulhir nrKiimenta nth
ff iMvliica, the whole iKdiitf liow 111
cliiile.l under the p'li'Tal term llho
deahi, cam..' under the away of tho
chartered company, which wa Ideiitt
nil with Ithodc.
Hla Napoleonic Ambition,
It la probable Hint at the henliinliic
ltlculca conceived (Illy of u
South Africa li empire. Hut 111 nmbl-'
Hon rcw uud when tho Cape to Cairo
ltaili'o.iil wiu projected hi view cm
lira ceil an empire oteinlliii; from tho
lleilltcriaiiean hea to thu Cape of Cood
Hope, cinliiuciiif tlio lanils or the
I'liupiaha, the territory of tlm Malidl.
thu nliuont umxploivd region In which
the Nile ban II ininy soiu'cok mid on
down beyond tho ureut Inke nnd
ncron the veldt to Tahiti Hay, where
Hie warship or (ircat llrllaiu tuu nt
their nnclior. I rttlr n Nnnoleonlc con
'ei.itllnti mill n V,t,i,tln..,.l.i nu(-
Aa km Id. the Infamous Jameson raid
and the war with the ltoera were In
rtirthernuco or hi darlnc scheme.
When Hip Hour worn subdued then
Ithodc would resume hi empire build
Iiir without opposition. Hut ho hna
died too soon,
lthoden wa enormously wcnlthy be
rorc nie noer war. anil uIHioiikIi his In
icrcstH nmicreii ns u consciiuencn or
' it.-n, A.JIIKIK ..CIlllll
'or lteir. Hu was covetous or the
power Hint wealth give ami ho wns
Rcnerotl with hi money. Once he
B,oc;cd Kiiglnml dlirhis tho heat of
,,, , ,. , ,. n,.i.,i ... , .. . ,,
'; " f ,? K , 'r t'",,.rl '"
XK) ,0 rl'' "'" "ule
'"''' lu' rrltlclsed ho turned on
his critics, told them to Hludy the
Ainericmi cmiHtituilon and learn how
to trovcm Ireland. Ho believed In a
vast federation under the Hrltlsh tlac
with tho most liberal rorm or Kovern
itneiit In each soparalu Slate, nud thus
his home rule proclivities were natural
'and Inevitable. He wn a groat nil
jmlrer or thu United Stntes. Ha Im
mensity and success nttrncted him.
lthodcg wn simple In Ids tastes. If
kingly nmoni; lilng, ho wns nlso n
fanner mnoii) rnrmers, and niuong the
Capu Dutch mid liners such n meta
morphosis Is the necessary steppliiR
utoiip to the hearts and votes or tlmt
numerous people.
When ho wan In tlio Capo 1'arlln
tuciit. Mr. Ilhodea woro a hat which
was so shabby that It bcemno tho sub
ject of iiowspnper Importance. When
lie was In Ithodcsla hu donned the old-
t't 01 ciouiiiik m m witnirobf,
ami folio wim tlio linblln of Iho ploiu'ers
who wcro Bcttlhitf tho country. Ho
Li,.tu in n i.-itit-., ..... -
w" ' lMi MtH.I UUi tUill
a town, mid nte or the sumo canned
beef mid cradteis that his Chartered
Company served to Ita momited police,
formality bored him, mid ho would
rather 1 1 we n mouth rontles and col
Inrloss In u native I; ran I with an old
colony story teller than spend half au
hour at a statu dinner In thu govern
or's mansion.
lthodes was too stroiiR In character
to stoop to a He, He shouldered tho
full responsibility for the Jnmesou raid,
nnd when his friends nsked him to bu
discreet and pin riled in his utterances,
ho replied: "I am not gains to lie about
It," Tho conviction nud sentence of
unit . i in i'..uutl I he
r s.,iii h n h ii. Imii-iiiu
Ilia win n .i III v ii. no, I Miihni:
! len lie itfi. i I. u I r. I II'.- s.,ll a
I ZL . 1
On tnl arrjiind a rrd cular uttimp In grotipfd thf entire potajl.Hou ot
Hit. lotrn of KHlro, Waali. Hlttlmr olid utantllnic on the top ot ttn Hump lra 38
full Krown mm and otw tittle -lrl. 'Hi'rr I) ample room on lop f thl, Hump
ror all the men In alrlit. hut ir placed there omr or tliim wouia W out of ilnht.
It la tlion.iiulily Intrreatlnir to note that thla huge atump I V " " orcurafr
raw. nwikinK It a fit aaaoclate for the mUlity redwwd of Calirorw, T0 u ,
Kiml tilcn ..r the timber urowtli In the tlclnlty or thla wonderrul "ttoip It wtj I,
alutcd tint there are many aturapa In the rlclnlty or thla one tilt M W) U. 00 f.ct
In ilrcinnffrrnce.
Dr. JatncHon, tho leader or the raid,
pained him Kreutly mid drew from hi in
thla hlllni; HiirciiHin: "What n trlhtilo to
tin. morul worth or thu nation that has
'Jumped' thu world!"
IIIioiIcb una niiver married. Ho wai
Mid to have been a woman-hater. Any
wny ho never hint time or Inclination
ror Hit! aoft Hhlo of lire. He waa proud
cohl, dnrlic:, audacity Itacir, and ho
hewed toward the conl or hla ambition
without n lc tcniug aentltueut or cither
mornia or mercy
Himrtlim Kei.nrler'a Trouble TrylllK
to Deacril.e u Church Ccreiunnj
"Onu of the most mnnzlug thltiK"
Hint I have noticed In tho conduct or
m-wspnper," mild u prominent Iloninn
ciilhiillc clergyman or thl dloceso In
lalkluc with u Stindny Inter Ocean re
porter the oilier day, "I tho absolute
Ignoraucu or our church matters that
i he .ueraxe reporter detailed to wrltu
..r them exhibits. Onu would suppose
Hint the paper would select men for
Hiicb duties who were .piaHUcd for tho
uoik by reason or being members or
the church, or who nt lenst had such
a general store or Information ns to
enable them to approach their assign
ment with the spirit or Intelligence.
Thu ru verso seems, however, to be the
"I nm Impelled to make this criticism
by nu eiperlence that I had at tho
Holy Nmue Cathedral a short time ago.
There wns uu Imposing church cere
monial to take place In which 1 was to
uiku part with scores of other priests
i.f the archdiocese. A short time be
fore the services were to begin a re
porter Tor olio or the papers came up
to thu pnrlsh-houso for Information,
and, seeing inu there, asked too to tell
hltn In advance Just what wn going
in be done. 1 sat down mid he pulled
out his pnd of paper and began to take
notes. In my description of the cere
monies 1 mentioned tho acolytes. He
stopped hla writing and looked up at
nie with u puzzled expression.
"How do you spell that';" he flaked.
"I told him and he put It down. Then
he looked up ngalu and nsked:
" 'Say, what are acolytes, anyhow?'
"llrletly, 1 told 111 m what acolytes
are, and then went on with tny descrlp
Hon of the ceremonies. In doing no 1
mentioned Hint the brothers were to
take a certain part. Again the reporter
looked up and asked:
" 'Say, what bribers?'
"I gnvu him a brief explanation of
thu brothers, mid he took It all In
When I hnd coucluded ho tired another
iUestlon nt me:
" Sny, what's the difference between
the brother and the priests?'
"It wns now tny turn to nsk iiues
llot.s, nud I did so. 'What Is this, uuy
how? A theological class?' I Inquired.
What kind of work do you do for your
paper, young man? Horse rnces?'
" '.Mostly sporting,' he nnswered, not
In the least abashed. 'I never tackled
a proposition like this before, and It Is
Just so much (ircck to me. Sporting
news Is pretty dull Just now, so they
scut me out on this.'
"He was so frank about the matter
and realized his own limitations so
well that I couldn't feel angry with
him, mid actually had to laugh nt the
bewildered air with which he np-
pronched the whole matter. 1 lled
him tip ns well as I could, hut never
had the courage to look at the report
that his paper prlutetl." Chicago Inter
Wonderful Kecorda nf Tills Vear'a
Work ut Tiirklo, Mo.
David Itankln or Tnrklo, Mo., owns
tho largest cultivated tract or land In
tho' world. To those who havo never
visited a largo ranch tho methods nec
essary to carry on tho vast amount or
work would seem a great problem.
Mr. Itnnkln owns fourteen ranches.
containing '."AOOO acres; 700 tennis nud
'10 men nru required to operate tho
hilly routltio work in the busy season,
whllo thu crops aro under cultivation.
Each much has an overseer, who Is re-
lii I red to make a monthly report and
to submit tho samo to his employer.
Tho records nf year's work for 1001
over all tho ranches show Hint a total
of;) head of cuttlu hud been Bold
for $172,(520 nnd 8,210 head ot hogs for
$111,840. The total clcaranco for tho
year amounted to $100,000, Tho ex
penses, Including Interest reached tbe
sum of $01,851.13,
Tho most profitable much Is tha ouo
looked after by Foreman Ueorgo Itoss,
whoso yearly report contains tho fol
lowing Btntements: Number of acres.
1,280; cuttle, 1,328; net proceeds from
cattle, $i-!,M)S.OO; hogs, 1,232; cash for
tho same, $17,05-1.10; expense per acre,
$4.30; corn bought, 08,720 bushels.
Mr. Itnnkln Is a closo observer, says
the Cincinnati Enquirer, and soon picks
out thu good qualities of his men, Ho
Is pleasant and accommodating, daring
,11ml energetic, which qualities havo
won for him tho wealth ho now com
mands, llesldes his farms ho has an
Interest In soverol banking concerns,
but to these lnttcr ho gives little atten
tion, nud spends most of bis tlmo rid
ing over tho ranches to see that proper
euro Is being given the stock. Some
time he lends a helplni bond to pull
ing a steer from the nu4; again he will
assist In building shed ror tba rat
tened hogs.
A lllploinatlo Waltrssa.
"Jack" Maber, ofth Pike atock
Company, Is very fomVof egjs. and
when the products of the Industrious
hen wrre soaring higher than North-
eni Pacific stock, he 'entered a certain
popular-priced restaurant and ordered
lomo of them boiled. The waitress
wished to inform ti.m that the price.
on eggs bad been raisea, and as a pre-
llmluary remarked
"Do you want them very bad?"
"I rather think not," said Maber. "I
should prefer mine fresh, If It's all the
same to you."
The waitress attempted to explain
and blundered the second time.
I mean do you want them tbt worst
way?" she queried.
Mnher became angry. "Bsy, do you I
think I'm n barnstorming Hamlet or '
au antiquarian on hen fruit? What I
want is some ineuium uouea eggs, anu
bo quick about It." I
Tho waitress fingered the table cloth 1
and timidly remarked:
"If It's all the same, wouldn't you I
rather havo them poached!" I
"Why?" asked Usher.
"Well, you sec," responded tbe wait-
res, "cges are so hltn now and tha
dealers aro so unscrupulous that we
find that It saves argument with our
customers If the cook opens them In
tho kitchen." I
Without a word Maber seized his hat
and fled Into the open alr-Clnclnuatl
Enquirer. 1
where. Men Hat to Lire.
The Trapplst Monks consider eat- !
Ing to bo a necessary evil," says John !
Hall Osborne In Llpplncott's March I
Mugazlne, "nud curtail It to such a de-
greu that oue step further would bo t
suicide. Dinner, to which scarcely 13
minutes Is devoted, consists of a mess
of vegetables bolledLln water without
tllltlpr nr ..nil an,lervnrt In- cnliln
butter or bait oodrved In-a crudo
earthenware v'
ry5bftaTr w'..
or two ot
aaVbd tt mug
of milk or watts average. Sup
per Is the barest a,iogy for a meal,
being nothing mortf than bread and
water. The guest-master did not men
tlou breakfast; It there be sucb,n meal.
It probably consists merely ot a glass
of water. A slight relaxation of this
dietary Is allowed to Invalids, who
may bnru two eggs a day, while on
extraordluary occasions, such as a fu
neral feast In honor of a departed friar.
the monks revel In an egg apiece. They
nru strict vegetarians, and a Trapplst
must bo In the very Jaws of death be
fore be will consent to eat meat. How
these poor, untiring tollers can exist
on such feeble food surpasses my com
prehension; nnd yet I saw Individuals
at Westmallo who had been undergo
ing the rigid regime for hnlf a century.
the majority of the veterans, how
ever, were haggard, sad faced and
gnunt, nnd bore no resemblance to tho
proverbially sleek, Jolly, rotund monks
of tho cloister." -n
The Moon Kept ou Bliliilag,
A certain well kuowu Judge was
nee violently attacked by a young
nnd very Impudeut ,counscl. To Iho
surprise of everybody, tho Judge heard
Mini quite through, unconscious of
what was said by those present, and
inuilo no reply.
.Vfter the adjournment for tbe day
and when all were assembled at hotel
where the Judge and many of the court
folk hnd their refreshments, one of tho
company asked the Judge why he did
not rebuke Hie Impertinent fellow.
"Permit me," said the Judge, loud
enough to nttract the attention of tbe
whole company, among whom was the
barrister lu question "permit me to
tell you a little story. My rather, when
wo II veil In the country, had a dog, a
more puppy, I mayl say. Well, this
puppy would go oiSlevery moonlight
night nnd bark at tlio moon for hours
The Judge paused, as If ho had fin
"Well, what of It?" exclaimed half a
dozen of the audience at once.
Oh, nothing-nothing, but tho moon
kept shining ou, Just as If nothing had
A lr.viua I,1. ........
"Two dollars to lAirty-secoud' street? ,
How far away is it?"
"Ohl It's soma distance from here."
"It Is, eh? I paid a cabman two dol.
lars to go somewhere In Now York
wunst an' ho got there almost as soon
ns ho got tho two dollars!" Puck.
Mortality of MaryUtitl Horse.
Investigation by tho State vcterinn.
rlan shows that tho high death rate
among horses In Xlarylaud Is du tn
ccrobro-splnal menlnglOs. The dlscaso
Is tho result of poor food, bad drainage
aud generally insanitary environment.
Chinese Woolen Worker..
In San Francisco 570 Chinamen are
employed In factories making under-
wear for women and children. Olrl '
are loiunj uuuuio io competo with
When we have a kick coming, we
have noticed that It comes from some
other man.
Port Ploiuro for Woman
"Umto nerroui, thorn l not a well
Inch In my whole body. I km no weal
t my Ktomach, nnd liare Inillgontlon
horribly, and palpitation of the heart,
...! f ... In. In.. An.t. tTltta l.un,ln.tin
and hackacha nearly kills mc, and yes
terday I nearly lnul hysterica; there
la a weight In the lower part of my
lxjwela bearing down all the time, nnd
palm In my (rrolns and thigh; I can
not aleep, walk or alt, and I bellcre I
am dlaeaard all orer ; no one ever
aufTrred aa I do."
Thla la a deacrlptlon of thmtvinda of
riLv.H which come to Mr. I'lnkhnm'M
laboratory for adrlco An Inflamed and
nlceratcd condition of the neck of the
womd Can produce all of thew symp-
toms, and no woman should allow
herself to reach such a perfection of
misery when there Is absolutely no
f V WIlK'f
Enirllshtown. N.J.. has been entirely
cured of such Illness and misery by
Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Com
pound. No other medicine has such a record
for absolute cures, and no other medi
cine Is "Just as good." Women who
want a cure should Insist upon petting
Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Com-
pound when they ask for It at a store.
The Coiiiic.
"I had a terrible time last nieht. A
crank called at my houso and I had an
awful time getting him to go away."
"Threatening, waa lie?"
"Yes; he threatened to tell me all
about bis exploits on the links."
' A Mtsiurc of Tlmt.
The Tupil It eecmed to me that I
must have piacticed all of two hours.
me rroieesor nut rm sure you
didn't. If you had practiced two hours
11 woula "ave seemeu like six. rucic.
TaMnj the Short Cut
Mrs. Galey (musingly) Suppose I
should publieh your love letters, dear?
Mr. Ualey Why not simply mako a
public acknowledgement that you mar
ried a fool?
"non " Princess mum.
Sir Arthur Sullivan was once tho
bearer of a letter from the Princess of
ales, now ljucen Alexandra, to Her
mother, the queen of Denmark. The
'otter read it and said:
I llcr IoUer- '1Ie wi" tell
little monkey.'1 'I
ouo Fays in
you about the
onkey.' " "I assure your
majesty," taid Sir Arthur, I am quite
ignorant on thesubiectolanr monkey."
Tho queen, with a laugh, replied:
"She means hert-elf,
Whittle In Old Mexico.
The ancient Mexicans had a species
of whistle which produced at least three
notes. It had two finger holes and a
mouthpiece on the side. Wsltlnj.
'Doesn't it make you the least bit
envious to see what elegant furniture
Mrs. Eyeflv is putting Into her house
next door?"
"Not a bit. My husband says it
will be sold by the sheriff within six
months and I'll be there to buy."
Few Things In Stripe.
"Will you kindly show me what you
have here?" asked tho visitor to the
"With pleasure," replied tbe
warden, who had once worked in a dry
goods store; "we have a few things in
etripos that I think will Interest you."
A Hire Brand.
"This," said the salesman, handing
out another package, "is aUo an excell
ent substitute for coffee. It is very
wholesome. It makes red blood."
"Haven't you something," asked the
young woman witli tho earrings, "that
n-akes blue blood?"
Friend Why do you imagine that
drink drives away your troubles?
Old Tank Oh I I exchange one
load for another.
Sullivan's Truthful Rcmirk.
John h. Sullivan has been recognized
as a truthful as well as a fighting man.
"I've made a monkey of myself again,"
he said the other day.
Denial from American Scout
Major F. R. Ilurnhnm, an American
I scout, who served with the British cav
airy in the lloer war, denies that he has
applied for tho place ot Instructor of
1 scouts at Aldershot.
Work of Joel Chandler Harris.
Joel Chandler Harris, tho author,
iivos In a littlo frame cottage. In At
lanta, (3a. He writes from six to seven
hours a day, turning out from 1,500 to
2'000 words' "slngatypowrltor.
A Sacrilegious Desire
Mrs. Jonos What's become of that
silk smoking jacket you gave your
husband (or his birthi'ay?
Sirs. Smith Oh, I had to mako that
over Into a sofa pillow. He actually
wanted to sit around and emoko In it.
Nice Man,
-Won't you glvp me another
Miss Wiggins Really, Mr. Cad-lok-li.
vou'vo had nearly all so far,
Cadlelch Yos, you know, It's just
to Bpito Miss Pechls. We'vo had n
If. V. N. U.
Mo. 17-1003.
UKN writing to adYortlaere lles
mention tins paper.
He Do you find It nn interesting
Sho Oh, very. I'm so anxious to
get to tho end that, really, I can't help
skipping nearly ovory othor pngo."
To Mn. Brooklyn, from Hubby, j
"My husband Is going to give mo
this portrait for a birthday present." i
"That's very kind of him." I
"Oh, but he doesn't know about It
yot." Ilrooklyn Mfe.
Used to Carrying a Load.
Papa Are you sure you ran support
my daughter In tho stylo to which alio
is accustomed?
Tho Huitor Well, I will only say
that yestert'ay I dipsoed ot my auto
mobile, which I kept in good repair for
over two year.
Papa (brokenly) She is yours, my
boy. I, too, onco owned an auto'.
Ilrooklyn Lifo.
CITQ rnnanfttlr dr1. So nts ar narTonsoeal
lllO trtrflm Uf't.i.-oM.r Mlaa'sUrrat Nml
Baatonr. Saul lor Pit RK i.OntiUIMtUao.l trtat
toa. Da. II. 11. K in i. LW .yjl 1 rcli SU flilladal tbl. fa,
Too Bad.
First Author Stackson's is a caso of
where a littlo knowledgo is a danger ,
ous thing.
Second Author In what way? '
"Why, ho knows just enough of his
tory to unfit him for being a bis tor leal
novelist." Brooklyn Life. i
Lame back makes a young man feel
old. Hamlin's Wizard Oil makes an old
man feel young, fete your druggist. j
Foolish Man.
"So Markiey is dead."
"Yes, it was a complicat'on of
"Why, when I saw him a week ago
he only seemcl to have a slight cold."
"That's all rig t, ! ut he tried to
take all the remedies his friends sug
gested." Philadelphia Press. I
Piso's Cure cannot be too titehlr snoken .
of aa a couch cure. J. V. O'liaits. 322
Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan.
C, 1100. I
In the Land of Dreams.
Hettv Oh, Bertha, you must show
me that hat your husband said he was
going to buy for you. Tlio last time I
waa here, you know, be said it was :
Bertha And it is still a dream
Hetty. Tit-Bits.
Ltatllaa Cau Wear Shoes
One size smaller alter ostne; Allen's Foot Ease,
apowder. Itmakettlsbt or new ahoea easy.
Cures swollen, hot. aweatlnr, aching teet, in
trowlne nails, corns and bunions. Altdrus'
rlsts and shoe stores. 2Sc. Trial package FREE
br mail. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le ltor.
New York.
Jimson Did you see the society buds
at the reception last night?
Jester Yes; one would think tney
would be afraid to come out so early
in tho soring without wearing more
protect!' n against the frost. Ohio
State Journal.
Some One Must Pay the Bills.
Anxious Groom I thought you said
something or other about a check; I
don't see any.
Angry Father-in-Law You blither
ing idiot, your wife is a regular check
book. Every time either of you wanta
anything she writes me a note anl I've
got to cash it.
MIsi or Mrs.
She I want to get a necktie for
Clerk Yes, miss; here are some
very pretty ones for l.
She 0, I don't want to pay more
than a quarter.
Clerk Yes, madam; dees your hus
band like dark or light co!ors7 Phila
delphia Press.
"That boy," remarked old C'rherus,
drily, after the youthful hope and pride
ha'd been led off to the spanking de
partment, "has the bump of litigation
very strongly dovcloped; lie is already
vigorously engaged in contesting the
parental will."
Had Earned Her Retirement.
Miss Susan M. Hallowell, professor of
botany for the past 27 years at Weles
ley college, has tendered her resigna
tion. Her retirement withdraws from
the faculty ranks the last member who
served in the opening year of 1875.
'iho Kind You Havo Always
turo 01 units. 11. l' ictciicr, mui lias uccn liintto uucicr ins
pcrsonnl supervision for over HO years. Allow no ono
to deceive you in tills. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
.Tust-ns-good " aro but Experiments, nnd endanger tho
health of Children Expcrienco ngalnst Experiment.
Castoriiv is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paro
jrorlc, Drops nnd Stiothinsr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphiuo nor other Narcotic
substance. Its npro is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms
nnd allays Povcrlslmcss. It cures Diarrhoea nnd AVIntl
Colic. It relieves Teethlns' Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flutulcncv. It nsslnillntes tho Food, refrulntcs tho
Stomach nnd llowcls, Rlvlnfr healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend,
Tie Kind You toe Always Bought
Boors the
In Use For
The Oreat Conditioner and Stock Patttner. HORSES da
More Work on Less Peed. COWS give More and kl:ntr
Milk. IIOUS I'atten Quicker II given this Pood.
Package, COo nnd $1.00.
makes rias tutow aoot) ran htuntiid calves.
racseiAN Kkueiiv Co., 8t. Pant, Minn.
Ob.ntlkukn; I nave been feeding your PausstaK Stock Pood to ml
thoroughbred awlne. It glvea them an appetite, and makes the pigs
crow, I also tried It on stunted calves with satisfactory resnlta.
" For two vesrs I suffered ter
ribly from dyipepsla, with great
depression, ana wss always teeiing
poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa
parilla, and In one week I was a
new man." John McDonald,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Don't forget that it's
"Ayer's" Sarsaparilla
that will make you strong j
and hopeful. Don t waste
your time and money by
trying some other Ainu.
Use the old, rested, tried,
and iTuc Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla. SMI a bottle. Alt nulili.
Aik toot doctor what h thlnlu of Aftr'a
aaaaansrllls. 1 lei knAwl fill flbnutthl TTin(l
Idfimllf me4lfto. Follow hUadflct and
J, U. ATIK tO., laOWSU. 911
Otre better sathfartlon than anythlnfon
the markat at anything- like the prlcp. be
cause thay are made of K'Kwl material, to
stand "Oreaon roads" Iron corners on
bodies, brarea on sbalta. heavy second
growth wheels, screwed rim, ir you want
to feel sure that you are netting your mon-ejr-a
worth, ask for "llee Line" or
Mitchell"' (Uenney) Buggy. We guar
antee them.
Mllchmll, Lawlm at Slmrer Co.
Seattle, Hpokane, llolse. fortlaod. Or.
HtfttYa tnd lhsbat ho, dnlcri ererrw
UCT103I ihegtnaJMhaTiimuiij4priconbgUoin
IfotU increajt 0 tola tn Wit e4tf 1
Utttsillt,10 Tlr.
1 190 1 HOH,1M ralray
19011,566,720 Pairs.
Bittntst Vor Than Doubltf tn Four t$ars.
tuit nraiinNfti
v. C Dutflu inaaea and aolli more mr-n'i iJX and '
u.M uoi 1 ana anyouirr two man i n in iiw worm.
W. I. Doartaa ILOO an4 tlio ilioea placed aida try
ride with 1&.00 and $tJ30 abota of other makea. are
found to t )utt aa rood. The? will outwear two
pain ot ordinary li-co and S3.U ihoea.
aVarf of Vim bitt ltathtr$, Including Pattnt
Corona Kid, Corona Colt, anil national Kangaroo-
Faul Color Xtl4t Mai II at) Blatk Usaki Mat.
W.L.DalM f t.OO CI4 I iff tin" ( ft .! 14.,
Portland, Oregon. Founded Wi.
1 Horns School for Bays.
Military and Manual Training
Writs for Illustrated Catalo-ue.
New Year Resolutions
Burt) reltet from liquor, opium and tobacco
habits, Send for particulars to
Keeley institute a.. iu.t.Hi..i( or.Kn
Bought 1ms homo tho sigtm-
Signature) of
J SoMbrUDooctaaM
fi "" HtnrtMa sirxi lhs.bat ho, dealeri CTerTwEera. I
Over 30 Years.
Tortlaad, Or.,' and Seattle, Wash,