Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 18, 1902, Image 7

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It In commonly Inherited.
Kuw uro entirely Irco from It.
1'iile, weak, puny children nro
IllllU'U'd ' Willi It III IllllO CIISC8 (lilt of
Ivti, nuil ninny ikIiiIIn sillier doiii It.
Common 1 1 ii I It'll tion h mo bunches In
tlitt neck, iiliccHM'M, cutniieoim criip
tloiiH, liilliiini'il eyelids, eoro curs,
rickets, catarrh, wasting, and general
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Knidlt'iiUi it, positively iiml nbwilute
ly. TMm statement Ih based on tho
tliDlinmiilM nf permanent cure tliecu
medicines have wrought.
"My suithler had cfiiluU wllli eleven mires
n hrr neck mnl ntmut her ears. llofl Hru
(.Mills win lilKlilr ni'iimiii I' d mi'l aim tiMk
It mul was cured. She l now In Kiu-I health."
Mm 1, II. Junks, larker riiy, I ml
llaotl'm Snrmnnnrllla pronilmam to
own mnd roojia tlio firomUm.
Too llsd.
M you know, .MInh IVIhIiId,'1 mid
tlio htrgit bended young "iitli'ir, "my
most brilliant thoughts roimi to mo in
ty sleep."
"It's ii groat pity Hint you nro trou
bled with iiiHoiniilu," added the young
Indy. Detroit Kiuu I'rom.
llainlln'M Wiaril Oil V nocks tint KmtH
irymir Uiroul when It Ih sore, mid nro-
cuts dipthcrill, quinsy, I'll'.
Illi txperltnct.
Illn irlmnlAnd you can't get mon
iytsl men to consider the. matter?
Tim I'minutcr No. Monny tnlks,
but I'vo found It a mighty poor listen-,
nr. ruck.
CITO r.rmanenllr CnriKl. Mi Ms or ftMiHM
rllO nrrlilil (.. I.fl'r Mm.'l lllr.t N.rtl
:trt..rrr. s r I'll i:i:0i.ll(IH.
!... in. ii. ii i.iii ,vsiiciiit..ri.iiitiia.u.r
The run o' (t
Knoi Wo went to no tho Cndlclghn.
Inst night uud 1 1 "'I n most onjoyublo
Cox Thn Ideal Wliy they in-nnlly
full dismally lit oiitcrtii IiiIiik people).
k'.w.T I'vn.-tlv Wn cnlminl our
selves talking nil . nt Ilium on tlio way
home l'lilliulidpliln l'rcrs.
1 ,
Am Tim Uslne Allen'" runt-Rasa?
It In tho iiiiljr euro lor swollen. Hmsrtlnir,
llurnlliK, Hwcalln rVct, Coins ml IIiiiiIiiii.
Ai fur Allen's 1'imt-Kaae, a powder in m
shaken ItiliiUiv shuts. At nil ImiicisljU iiil
HhniKUiii'. 1 r. ramile inn I KKK. Address
Allen H. Ulmilnl. l-elto). N. V.
l imlly Pride.
"Mr. Cumrox Im only suffering from
un ordliinry cold, I bcllovo," mid tlio
yniKitln'tic vicilur.
"Wtdl," nniitti'MHl Mrs. Cumrox,
"fttSf dnmi our Ih'hI to keep it from
Uiing ordinnry. Wo'vo miit fpr tlio
uiimt cxpumilo pliyidclnn in tlio city."
Wucliiiinton Star.
The Modern I'Uy.
"Your frli'iid, tlio tlicntrlnil man
n?er, linn k'uk nbrond, I boiiovo."
"Vet; Iio'm j;oiio rcoiirlnu; tlio Con
tinrnt lar new nltrnctlotiH."
r "Alii Tlie Anifriiiin pntillo will i;ol
k-i , . . (, ,tl.ll.l..l
tim ol.iciiirllil!8, an iimim. i iiiiuuui'
jihia 1'rfiiH.
)limctilir Hurxiifi'i.
An tbe rcniilt of ovor-oxortlnn nnd
uipoitiire to beat nnd cold, or from
wluituMT cniuo, limy bu ticntud unci em
fully by tbo timely rpidication of Ht.
.TnnorM Oil. A thorough rnbbiiiK i"
nurvHNiry. Tbo OH ebotild bo nppllod
vltforouidy for nt leant twenty miuutoH,
two or tbrco tlmen daily, wlien all pnin,
noruncHH, HtlffnofH will bo romoved in
twvnty.lour hourH. It will aUo
MtruiiKtlion nnd barden tbo miiHclefl.
Football player h, !yiiiiiatH nnd nil utli
loteH will tlnd St. JncobH Oilmiperlor to
uny otber remedy for outward applica
tion, for tlio reason Unit its action Is
more rapid and itH effect permanent.
TboiiiandH of peoplo nil over tbo world
ubo and recommend St. JncobH Oil for
miiKculnr HoronoVw. A twonty-flvo cent
lottlo ii iilto Hitlllcicut to provo ita
oiricacy. In cnn'H wlieromilfcular oro
neKH is complicated with any dli-eiiHo
which requires an alterative Vot;eler'ii
Ourntivo Compound nbould bo taken.
Thin prepared by tho proprietor of St.
JncobH Oil, Ilaltimoro, Mil., who will
Hond a tamplo freo on appllcutkn.
LucM Well
llrowu What a lucky fellow Hobln
Hoa in.
Joneii Lucky I 1 ehnuld say ho w as.
Why, his llanceo's birthday comoii on
Half- Sick
" I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla
in the fall of 1848. Since then I
havo taken It every spring as a
blood -purify! nc nnd nerve
sirengihcnlnc medicine."
S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans.
If you feel run down,
are easily tired, If your
nerves are weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand
ard family medicine,
Ayer s Sarsaparilla.
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder. Jl.00itx.llle. Allifoll.
A ik your doctor wlmt lis tlilnki of A j.r'i
BtniiiHirllla. lis kmmi all about thli grml
old (ainllr rotillrln. tolloit liU advloaand
J. 0. Arm Co., Lowell, Uau.
Wiiiiiiin Won llcnvlly unit Hold tlio
Hccret of tier Hyuloin-It Cunt 70,1)0(1
I'lnMCM, iiml Wiih' CoiiKlilercil Clieuli
it tlio I'l'lcc,
Lord Itowtlyn'M recent vain iittumpt
to "break lliu lunik at Monto Curio" bus
bioiiclit out ii number of old HlorlcH re
KIiiiIIiik Hliullnr atteiiiptH In tlio piiHt.
1'erluipH tbo bcHt of tlio lot wan told
by mi ollleliil ut Moule Carlo to it Lon
don wrller. Thin ollleliil deeluruH tliilt
never but ouru did n "HyHlem piny"
Klve Die bank any iiiii'IIhIiichm.
"You reinuiiilier," Hiild he, "what In
Keneriilly known tin tbo hiiIcIiIch' tablo
tlio hccoiid on the iIk'IiI on entering tho
roiiletto riMimV It wiih nt Hint tablo n
few yearn iiku that I hiiw one afternoon
an old lady who, like many othcrH here,
MltlkcH her IIvIiik by ohtilllilliK Kood
pluri'H at thn talilo on the opening of
Iiluy mid mc'IHiii: them to eiiKer players
an hour or ho Inter. TIiIh old lady, whom
you uiUHt know iih M mo. X , wiih
well known to me uud I wiih mirprlHcd
to notice Hint Hbe had a yuiiii),' Italian
with her. They were pliiyliiK oi ciihIoii
ully with llve rinne pleecn Mini win
nliiK. Hut ho Htmill were I lit? HlnkcN
that I took very Utile notice hiivo to
coiiKraluliito minium wbeil mIio rone to
go home to dinner. Then the old woman
turned to me wiih an air of HiirprlHliiK
delluueo mid linked: 'How much will
m'Nleur Hive me for the neeret of an In
fulllble HyHlem ut roulette?' 'NoIIiIiik.'
I ieHionded, IiiukIiIiik; 'we lire not buy
liiK Hi-eretH to-day.' To HiIh hIio renpond
ed: 'Ah. but mVleiir will be Kind to pur
ehiiHi) It Home ilny. Hon Holrl' And hIic
wiih none.
"l'-or nevcrul dnyn I did not hcu her
mid the malter punned completely from
my mind. One afternoon a week later,
however, I hiiw her at the huiiiu table
lit company with three men. Tho 'chef
do purl it-' whlxpcrcd to me that they
were wlnnliiK heavily and I told tbe
HiirvelllunlH to wuteh ami report. An
hour later one of the men ciinii) to mo
urn! Htated that madam nnd her party
had won 70,0J francs, nnd that.
HtruiiKCHl of nil. they only phiyed for
tbe maximum uud Hcurcely ever lost.
"Tlmt evenlni; I myself looked on at
their play Hcvcrnl Muich and certulnly
they seemed to win each time they
Htuked. Tbe curious point, however,
was that In twenty coups or ho they
would never play more than twice, Urnt
one of the partners and then the others,
but on each occasion they won tbe
maximum. Indeed, the system certainly
seemed to bear out the prophecy of
madam, and was actually Infallible.
"A week passed and their winnings
amounted to a very respectable sum.
all of which hud been safely Iodised In
the Credit Lyonunls ami trniiHinltteil
to a bunk In Milan. The mutter wits
uow urowlnn serious, for three times
they had broken the hank at the table
where they played, and ut length I tele
grnphed lo 11. Illanc In Turin. He asked
for furtlic reports, nnd these helm;
still unsatisfactory he came to Monte
Carlo to see for himself. What he saw
Ktvutly dlieoncerled him. The biiiik
wiih wlnnliiK most nssuredly. but by
what system we were uutterly tillable
to discover. Well, to cut n loin; story
short. M. Itlnue had an Interview with
Madame .mid. ufter Ioiik IiiikkIIuk. ho
purchased the secret for "(I.(hm frillies
and It was cheap ut the price.
"The money belnj; paid nflcr piny
had ended and the rooms closed, Mml
iiine led us to the table and astounded
us by her statement. She told us that
ufter some yenrs at the table she knew
quite well that no system was Infallible
until of a sudden, when reKlstcrlnu the
numbers, she noticed that certain of
them ulwuys followed each other.
Thus, If the cropler spun with the num
ber U opposite blni il wns certain to ho
the next, and If zero wns In the same
position !(2 would surely follow. For
duys she watched this, then played nnd
won. She quickly nt together her lit
tle syndicate of Italians and upon her
observations they profited nearly .'I0O,
U00 francs.
"And why was It that these numbers
turned up In sequence? Well, It was
quite simple when Madame told us.
The roulette wheel had become, warped
by the heat and wns not quite round.
Hence If turned from n certain point It
Invariably stuck at n certain other
point, therefore the players never hesi
tated to risk a maximum. That Is tho
only system which has over been In
fallible," ndded tho courtly olllcInl,"nnd
I need hardly tell you that hIiico wo
havo been careful to test tho wheels
every day."
Kxporlciica of ii New Yorker In the
l.uatunrtnn at llurllll.
Ono summer day In 1800 a New
Yorker vlsltlui; llerllu strolled to the
I.ustKnrtcn, and, HlttlliK on ono of tho
benches, contemplated tho various lino
buildings around him, He did not know
uU bearings well, and. In halting Ger
man, asked somo questions of it young
mini who bad snt down besldo htm.
This youfiR man wns unquestionably
n Herman, but be replied In perfect
IOngllsh, remarking that ho presumed
his Interlocutor wns either an English
man or an American. The couple chnt
ted for half an hour, and tbo American
became moro and more astonished nt
tbo minuteness of tho other's knowl
edge of tbe archaeology of Rerlln. Ho
know the history of ovcry building In
sight, told tho American just thoso
things that tho guidebooks do not tell,
and, withal, wns so courteous nnd un
affectedly cordial that tho heart of tbo
tourist warmed to his unknown guide.
At length tho conversation drifted
from tbo past to tho present, nnd tho
New Yorker made a remark about Ilia
opinion held III America of I lie Knlscr.
In IIioho dnys tho young "wnr lord"
was regarded lis n dangerous llrebrauil,
tin mi IrretpoiiHlbhi monarch who might
nnd day plunge Kuropc Into coiilllct. It
wns even mm lit that he had shown uvl
deuce of Insanity.
When this subject nruso the young
Herman suddenly changed from u giv
er of Information to n seeker for It,
iiHkliig eagerly for details of tho reports
about tho Knlscr current In America.
These tho New Yorker furnished to tho
best of his ability, nnd ended by asking:
"Whut do you personally think of
"I urn nfrnhl," replied the young limn,
"thnl my opinion on that subject Is not
of it h wiltio. I am tho Kaiser my
self." The American sprang to Ids feet with
nuiii.ement. Tho Kmperor cut Ills npob
ogles short.
"My friend," bo said, "you have done
inn n service. II Is hnrd for me to lenru
.1 ...... , . ... ....... t (.1
I tlio iruin uooiii wiiiii ih mini in un. jum
iih hard as It Is for people far awny to
learn the truth about me. Hut, Willi
Cod's help, I will show that what Is
said about me Is wrong."
"And no one." says the Ainerlcnn In
telling the story nowadays, "need say
anything about the Kaiser to me. I
know n man when I nee one."
It Iiiih tnken tbe world many yearH to
tlnd out how wrong wns Its estimate of
the ruler of the German nation, but It
has found It out by now; nt any rate,
those whoso opinion Is worth anything
have done so.
Twelve yfars ago people talked of
"the mud emperor."
Nowadays ho Is referred to as "the
cleverest man In nurope."
The bitter view, nccordlng to those
who know blm best. Is fur from lielng
an exaggeration. New York Times,
I.Ike (ieiiernt Cronjc, He Ciirrlen No
WciipoiiH III the 1'lelil.
John Hendrlck Dchirey llrst saw the
light In tho district of Llchteiiburg
llfty-four years ago. Ills father wns
born In tbu Orunge l'ree Stute. uud wns
of llugenot origin, lie look part with
rretoiiiis In driving the English out of
Itloemfontuln In ISIS, and bad bis farm
and property conllseuted ufter Sir Hur
ry .Smith had reversed the situation by
forcing the old lloer warrior buck again
across the Vital. The Ueluroys sought
a new home- In the west of tho Trans
vaal, where Jacob Hendrlck spent his
early life. The general Is a inaii over
tho medium height, sinewy In build,
and remarkable for his quiet, illgullled
mamier. He has deep-set. dark eyes,
a prominent ltomnn nose, nnd u large,
dark-brown beard, giving to bis face a
strong, handsome, and patrician ex
pression. He was born of u lighting family, nnd
has had the experience and training of
campaigns In coulllcts with hostile
Kulllr tribes. Ills llrst command was
In the wnr which the Kugllsh Incited
the llusutos to wuge against the b'reo
State In the early 'i)s, when he was
quite young. These experiences qunll
lleil blm for a prominent military posi
tion when tbe present war broke out.
uud he was unanimously elected to the
command of tho Llchteiiburg burghers
who became part of Cronje's western
He represented bis native dNtrlct In
the Volksruad for ten years, and was a
consistent supporter of the Joubert, as
against the Kruger. following In that
assembly. Wis favored a lurge fran
chise concession to the Ulthiuders us a
menus of averting u coiilllct with Kng
liiiul. but soon hiiw that a demand for
political reforms was only u pretext
for precipitating a coiilllct. He wns
one of the most ardent advocates of un
attacking us against a defensive mili
tary policy when Knglniid forced n re
sort to hostilities upon the republic.
Like General Cronje, be carries no
weapons In the Held. Ills tlchl-ghtss,
wooden pipe, and, last but not least, bis
Klble, are his Inseparable couHiaulons.
Ho Is a universal favorite with the
burghers of both republics, and In
spires great conlldence In bis nieii by
his almost unerring military Judgment,
splendid generalship, heroic courage,
an Indomitable tenacity of purpose, and
an all-round resourcefulness In all
Ho Is remarkably self-contained In
bis actions, never getting excited, even
lu tho thickest of the tight, but always
remaining cool, cautious, nnd alert.
Michael Dnvltt In "Tho Itoer Fight for
HtutoIioiiBcs nt Caiiltol.
Every State In the Union should erect
n Htutcjy building ut Washington, sug
gests W. A. Iliingerford, In tfio Wash
ington Times. Aside from these build
ings adding beauty and grandeur to the
Capital City, and reflecting credit upon
tlio States, there nro many other ad
vantages. These, buildings could be
tho business headquarters of the State
Senators nnd Representatives In Con
gress, Much of tbo State's business with the
National Government might bo trans
acted through this channel. Visitors
to the city from the States could make
their State building their headquarters
or u meeting place, have their mall ad
dressed there, etc.
Tho States could also maintain there
in a permanent exhibit of their prin
cipal agricultural and manufacturing
resources for tho edification of the
thousands and thousands who dally
throng tho city, not only from all parts
of tho United States, but of tho world.
Tbo ICurly Olio,
Clara Yes; my tlnnco Is n bookworm.
May He must thluk you nro ii bird.
What has become of the old-fashioned
woman who gave her children potatoes
to mnke nnlmnls with, using toothpicks
to make the legs?
fttllmt for the Note.
flhe Tbo violinist k-ciiih n little un
ccitaln on tho high nolo, doesn't be?
Ho Yes. Ilo plays with a great
deal of feeling,
Illi Kewird.
Von Illiurier Wii.l, they havo elected
lid president of the club.
Mr. Von lilinuor I mppnso they
glvo tho presidency to tho limn wh.
Mays nuny from homo tho most. I)o
Croit Itco IroiH.
A Definition.
First Hoarder Wlmt Is tbo exact
meaning of "viands?"
Second Hoarder Oil! Tilings you
get to eat when you don't board.
Thi Truth.
Mrs. Hkinlllnt Hobby, did you ask
your mother if you could tako dinner
with urn?
Hobble YeH'in, but she ceemul to
think I'd better stay homo and get a
good square meal.
Not Wlut Me Rrqulrtd.
"You ought to try tills," fa id the
druggist, hb bo held up n Iwttlo. "It's
tho best thing out for dyspepein."
"If that's tho case I'll keep it out,"
replied tho victim. "I'vo got nil tho
dyspepuia I want right now." Chicago
Daily News.
One Opinion.
"Wlmt n Hour individual?! What's
ho growling uliout, nnyway?"
"Oh! Ho complains that ho hasn't
got wlmt ho dei-erved in this world."
"I should think ho'd have causo to
rejoice on that account." Philadelphia
Polite to Them.
"I understand that potatoes are very
high in prho, " said Gummey.
"I should my they are," replied
Glanders. ".My hoarding homo keeix-r
never calls them anything else, but
pom men do torro now."
Uncle Sim'i Good ilnouijh.
"It is claimed that n certain gang ol
counterfeiters mnko better dollars than
I'nclo Sum does."
"That's a into wbcro I bellevo in
letting well enough alonu." Cleveland
11 ii i ii Dealer.
ttumorouily Handicapped,
Ilibb? It is very amusing to watcli
Sellers play golf.
Itibb. He has an impediment in his
speech. Tho niart Set.
The Rcaion Why.
Jack It's no uto; your father won't
listen to mo, and yet you assured me
that ho wanted to get you off his hands.
Helen I'erhups that's why ho won't
listen to you.
1 lo not lH-llre Pio Cure for Con
Miniption hits mi equal fur cnmrlis and
colds, Jiiii.v V. llovt.n. Trinity Springs,
llul., Keo. 15. 11XRJ.
Sure to Come Down.
Tom Yes, we had quarrelled, but 1
was determined to see her.
Dick How did vou Piunage it?
Tom When I called I told tho maid
to say it was a society reporter who
wanted to t-eoher. Philadelphia Press.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
An Absurdity.
"Suppose," fnid tbe friend who hnd
been rending "Enoch Ardon," "that
you went nway out on n sea voyage and
came back to tlnd that your wifo lind
married another man?"
"That's nn absurd proposition,"
answered Mr. Meekton. "Henrietta
would nover bo so careless with mo as
to let mo go nway on a fea voyage"
Sores and Ulcers never become chronic
unless the blood is in poor condition is
sluggish, weak and unable to throw ofl
the poisons that accumulate in it. The
system must b: relieved of the unhealthy
matter through the sore, and great dangei
to life would follow should it heal before
tbe blood lias been made pure and hcaltln
and all impurities eliminated from the sys
tern. S.S.S. begins thecurc by firitclcans
lug and invigorating the blood, liuildim.
up the general health and removing from
the system A CONSTANT DRAIt
When this lia3 been acconipl islicd the dis
charge gradually ceases, and the sore oi
ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old
indolent sores to grow worse and worse,
and eventually to destroy the bones. Local
applications, while soothing and to come
extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat
of the trouble, b. S. S. does, and no mattci
how apparently hopeless your condition,
even though your constitution lias broken
down, it will bring relief when nothing
else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood
necessary to heal the core and nourish
the debilitated, diseased body.
Mr. y n. Talbcrt, I.ocV Box Winona, Miss.,
p-iya: "Six years rco tny leg from the knteto
the foot was one &olitl sore. Several physlclani
treated me and I made two trips to Hot sprlnga,
but found no relief. I was induced to try S. S. S ,
and it made a complete cure. I have been a per
f ectlv well man ever since."
is the only purely veg
etable blood purifier
known contains no
poisonous minerals to
ruin the digestion and
add to, rather than relieve your suffer
ings. If your flesh does not Leal readily
when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood
lain bad condition, and any ordinary sore
is opt to become chronic.
Scud for our free book and write out
physicians about your case. We make ua
charge for this service.
WfaSlt ECS
Q wan H 2 Us 7
A dull, throbbing pain, accompanied
by n sense of tei!deriien nnd beat low
down In tbo side, with an occasional
hooting pain. IndicitcH InlLirnmatlnn.
On examination It will be Unit
the rc'fion of p.iin shows soma swell
Inir. This is the first stn;;e of ovaritis,
inllainmatlon of the ovary. If thn roof
of your hcnn.p leaks, tny sister, you havo
It fixed nt once ; why not pay the sumo
respect to your mv n body ?
You need not, you ought not to let
yourself go, when uue of your own u-.x
Mrta. Avtf. Arrox.
holds out tho helping1 hand to yon, nnd
will rtdviso you without money and
without price. Mrs. Plnklinm's labora
tory Is nt Lynn, Mass. Write a letter
there telling all your symptoms and
pot the benefit of the greatest experi
ence in trcatintf female ills.
" I was suffering1 to such an extent
from ovarian trouble that my physi
cian thought an operation would be
"Lydla K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound having been recommended to
me, I decided to try it. After using
several bottles I found that I was
cured. My entire system was toned
np, and I suffered no more with my
ovaries." Mbs. Asna AsTOX.Troy. Mo.
Pcrfidloui Man.
just dying of
a broken
"What is tlio matter?"
"A man. As usual! After refusing
him 17 times bo etopped proposing."
The King.
"Lizzief Lizzie! That vase was
2,000 years old."
"Oh! And just think! I came near
crying becauEO I broke it. I thought it
was new."
Giving Him the Turn. Down.
Tie Now, don't bother to help mo
on with my coat.
Slit It's no bother. It's a pleasure.
Town Topics.
' Of Coune Not.
Politician No; I never read what
tho newppapers say about me.
Helen Blazes I suppose you wouldn't
believe it even if you did.
Precedent EiUbliihcd.
"What makes you think she will
marry you?"
"She has married other men"
"Come on," snid Weary Wngglen, as
he pave bis sleeping comrade a kick.
"Nnw," replied Willie Wontwalk,
"I can't goenny furdcr; I'm too tired."
"Wot made youpo tired?"
"1 dreampt I wuz wurkin," replied
Willie. Ohio State Journal.
In a Very Bad Way.
"I havo lieen kept in tho house for
three days," raid Feltt, "with a felon
on one of my fingres."
"I know a man with 1,400 felons on
.bis hands, and they do not bothor him
much)" paid Ilatt.
"Fourteen hundred felons on his
hands? Who is ho?
"The warden at thn stato prison."
The Usual Procedure.
"What is tlio usual procedure in
marrying nn heiress?" !
"Tell tbo indy how much you lovo '
tier and tell her father how much yon
St. Helen's School for Girls.
Thm v-thinl venr Commudlouibuilil.
I ii p. Muilerii equipment. Acailcmlo
hihI collegi preparatory coariei. Sh.
rUI lourtes in muMc mul art. Illua.
trateil cmnlniie. All departments will
reopen R'uiemter 16.
MISS jaKAKOH TKnnETTS, Principal.
Founded 1BTO
m f f o f t r
Military and Manual Training
I Wrlto for Illustrated Catalogue
Hubbing them to pieces; uso my Wash
ing Tablets. No rubbing required. Send
6U rents for sample package and lull di
W. O
Box 606, Portland, Oregon.
Cure Your Horses
PmmsiAK liituuDY Co.. St. 1'iuil. Minn. .
nKTi.KMKN! I have been uslnc the Prussian I1BA.VB row-1
prrs the past clk'ht months, nnd in that time havecurcd 1 1 horses
of heaves, 14 of distemper itnd 0 of chronic conch. Your Prussian S
Remedies nnvc Kmneu n ;rcni rcpuiaiton in
I AM 5
Host ( irash Sirup. Tnnics Ooml. un !
in limn, houi nr uniRBi.i..
An Ohttrvlng Hoy,
1 ittlo Hoy When I'm grown up I'm
gnln' to bo a perlhomnn, an' you can ba
my inirfc..
Littlotiirl I'olirotnnns don't havo
Littlo Hoy Don't they? I gues-i
you'vo neter walked up tho avenue.
I horrid.
I Harriet Sndio's husband never get
'excited, never fights back, nnd tho
1 simply cannot muko him cross.
I IMelie Yes. Tim horrid thing.
1 Jin is simply exasperating. Itrooklyu
I Hooked.
Mrs. Nowlywed Tho night you pro
pofed you acted liko n flh out of water.
Mr. Newlywed I was and very
cleverly landed, tool I'm k.
Very Appropriate.
"What did lie get $300 back pension
"Oh, ho was shot In the back." Tho
Smart Set.
In New York.
"Is be rich?"
"Mercy, nol i don't fuppoee tho
poor man could scrape up more than
two or tbreo million to snvo his lifo."
Chicago Itecord-IIernld.
No Excuriion.
'I see by the paper that Jones, win
died yecterday, left two sons and thrco
"Well, you didn't expect him to tako
tho whole family with him, did you?"
The Farmer'i Intereit in II.
Farmer Wayback Thoso pesky boys
tied n tin pail to that dog's tail and
then ran him 11 miles. I'll Hie em!
Mr. Cityman Was it your dog?
Farmer Wayback No: it was my
pail. Somervillo (Mats.) Journal.
Puzzled lllm.
First Tramp (in tho
don t you go
Tlio dog's all
Don't vou fee him wairgin' Ills tail?
Second Tramp Ye, and he's growl
in' at the same time. I dunno which
end to believe. Tit-Hits.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Slgnaturo of
Seo Pac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
Tory mall and as easy
to take as angar.
p . iXlTKUXrVIi MU.THAV1 tUIUmwt. J
xL &a I - -rely TegtaMo.y?2i
ritvn better aatlsfartton than anvthllta on
the market nt anything like the price, be
cause they are mule uf gnoU material to
Hand "Oresou roads" Iron comers oa
holies, bracea on shares, luavy second
urowtn wheels, screwed rlni. 1 f yon want
to foel aure that yon are Retting yoor mon
ey's worth, lisle lor a "llee Line" or a
"Mitchell" (Ilcnney) Uujgy. We guaran
tee them.
Mitchell, Low la A Siavor Co.
Seattle, Spokane, Boise. Portland, Or.
New Year Resolutions
Sure relict (rum liquor, opium ami tobace
r.aous. Bciimor particulars to
N. 1. N. D.
No. 1(1-1003.
TTTIIKN wrlllnc to ad vortlsera plea
1 T
mention tills paper.
mis section.
Portlaud, Ore., and Seattle, Wash