Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 01, 1901, Image 7

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    Straw Show Which Way (he Wind Blows "
Ami tliu oormtiintly lnorcnliig do
nntiid (or, nml stonily growth In popu
larity of, Ht. Jitcolm Oil among all
climaoii of iiuoplo In ovury pirt of tliu
civilized world hIiow eon)liilvuIy
what remedy tint people imo Mr tliulr
rhotiiniitlam ami bodily nolle nml
jiulim. Fnotri upenk louilur than wortln
ami tliu fact ruinalim tiiidlputul that
tliu salo of Ht, Jacobs Oil l grontor
tliiin nil other rmniliiiAforoutwiiril ap
plication combined. It acts llko mug
Jo, cures where cvorythlng duo Jul In,
conqiuirri piiin.
Thtlr Way.
Tew If you don't lovo lilm, why
don't you let him know it?
Jcs Woll, liu sends nio flowers
nml taken mo to tliu theatre, you
know, mid
Tens Hut, griicloiiH, I enn't h;o
Ikiw you can pluy with hi atlVotlotiM
that wny.
JcuD I'lii,
y? I call that "working"
Tlicro la mors Cntarrh In thu arcilon of tho
country than nil other Olaeaaia put trip-cthcr,
Mill lllllll win ,aai ivvf jvnrm wa. II, IHJ
Incurable. 1'or (treat ninny jeara ifoolora pro-
liotinrrii It ft lixal dlaeaav, nml j.r-rrllrt-il local
rinviir. unci ujr rauiinnujr laimiK to cars
ltli locnt treatment, (irotiiiiinreii it incurable.
Frlitirii Iim proven catarrh to lo nroimtltu.
ll()iilill-o, ttil lhilor rtiulrrciintltii.
ttoiml (rr-altnmt. Ilnll'e Catarrh Cure, man
nftrturt'il ly K. J, ChetierA Co , Tolciln, Ohio,
ltllioinlycontlttitlatinl riirntm tho market.
It l taken Internally In i!re Irom lOtlrniia to
If o-"oiilul. It cle Olrcclly ou thn blood
ami roiiconeaurfaceaol theayMetn, TheynHor
line hundred dollar! for any cam It (alia to
cure, Bond for clrculara ami teatlmnnlala. Ad.
drcea. K. J, Cll KNK Y A CO., Toledo, 0.
Hil.l l.y I)riiKll.7fK3.
lfnll'a Kainllyl'lllaaretlielHiit.
From Milwaukee.
"Von, "mid tho haughty young wo
iiinn wlio wim n Colonial iluiiio an woll
nun "Daughter of thu revolution,"
"my Krent-Kroiit'griindidro full at
Hunker JIIII."
" Ico or Imnnna kin?" Inquired
thu politu young man from Milivitti
keu. Cluvulimd Plain Dealer.
NO family, shop, ship, rump or per
ion should be without Wizard Oil for
every j n ufttl ncciJont or emergency.
Horns Niiggui, I am writing n
story I would l.ko n nitnio for. It's
fomewhat on thu plan of "Bhipi
That 1'iim in thu Nijilit, hut I wnuttho
title to Im) im dlllercut from that ua
Xiiggur How would "Elevators
That l'limi in thu Daytimo dot Chi
cago Trilmiiu.
Mothers will flrul Mri. WIiisIow'b Booth.
Ing Hyrui the beat remedy to use tor their
children during tlio icctlilni; period.
"You can depend on that man's
keeping hin promisor" Haiti tlio close,
political advleor.
"Yes," answered tho practical pol
itician, "hut which prom inert in hu
going to keep, those hu makox to mo
or thoKo liu niakea to tho voters?"
Washington Star.
Social Importance.
"Mam mn, how can you ask mo to
marry him when ho has no nodal
"Hut, my dear, ho tolls mu he has
inadu a million."
"Hut even, witli that, it will take
himaycarto got into society." Life.
Worked Both Wayi.
"It's n poor rule that won't work
both ways," Bait! tho old gentleman
as ho stood tho boys up back to back,
and otioratcd tho rulor so that it
caught ono or tho other of them,
both going and coming. Chicago
Looked Ahead.
Ho If you didn't Iqvo mo why did
you marry mo?
Shu Hecaueo you wcro tho only
man I cared to bo divorced from.
Brooklyn Life
CITC rrntnmllr Curt.1. No Ma or neriooinut
THO an. r llrat ,(ar' inflr. KlIn.'aUrratN.rrt
nottonr. Sw1 for Fit K 14 -i,00 trial Mil. anl treat
laa. lla.It.ll.KLIKE.LtilvllArcliSurbllaJalUla.fa,
Pretty, But
Fay How do you llko my now
May Its very pretty.
"Do you really think so?"
"Yes, indoedj I was just crazy to
get ono liko it whun they camo into
fashion two years ago."
I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption
anvnl inv life three years ito. Mrs. 'litos.
Komum. Maple street, Norwich, N. i..
Feb. 17, 1DO0.
A Quick-Stepper.
"He's a nico littlo horso (I saw him
myself), and thoMcalcr says I may
liavo him for a song. Would you
advise mo to buy him?"
"That Ueponus upon your eyo lor a
horso and his
car for musio."
Brooklyn Life
Saved for the Larger Event.
Olanoy Oi hear yo jumped into a
foight this noon and saved Jim Mo
Carty from gottjng both his eyes
Oostigan Oi did ; Oi wanted to savo
thim for Flanagan's wako tonight I
An Eternal Vow.
Edith I supposo ho sworo to you
"till tho earth grows old and tho
stars grow cold," and all that?
Ethel Oh, longer. Ho sworo to
lovo mo until that Ohineso indemnity
was paid. Judge.
BMjiiaiinni .flu'i , ) .-i.pij.i) t.nt in
luhls nntitt Ait ti in? km
LSI Beat Couih fljniD. Tutea uooo. ua- gi
BH lBtima. Sold bf druf lata. CI
w i imii am i ajaaaa i am
Owner'i o( Utah l lotki llrln. Damage Suits
Agalnil the Idaho Authorities
Hall Lake, Oct. 28. Utah sheen
men who had no much trouble with
tho Idaho authorities early in thu
HUinmer over tho (titration of grazing
Utah sheep in Idaho, havo begun
MiiitH in tliu Third tlintrlct court to
recover tlamiigra, Thcro were nino
cults filed in all, eight of them for
diimngi'it to tho Hocks and ono for
nialigloiis iiroseoutlon and damage to
chaiiioter Tho nggregato amount of
dntiingoM claimed is $:M,47.
With tho excujition of the com
plaint of Hliafor, thu allegations are
all sfnillar, and slatu'tlial on or about
July. VI, 11)01, tho defendant un
lawfully took poHsenslon of Hooks of
sheep belonging to tho phiintiirH and
grazing on tho public lands of Oneida
counjy, Idaho, and that by reason of
Hit) fiction many of thu shuup tliud,
and Jtrayed, many lambs wero prema
turely born and a largo amount of
wool was lost.
The Inner Man.
Mr. Hrown (to Mr. Green, who has
Hlupticdin juHt.athupper time):r-Como
on flruuii; sit donli anu tiavo a.llt'tlu
something to refresh thu inner man.
Willie. Hrown (in astonishment)
Why, p.i, I heard you lull ma this
morning Hint Mr. Oreun hadn't a hit
of manhood in him! Philadelphia
Kvening Htilletin.
I.e-r mu. wni)m ami! ctilM an(T
Inv w iti eolila, atthntn, crmiii, pnru
rnoiila OM-fiimutotiilMi to rlt" ua.
Alii-rlmu f.unlc llnlni I'ml Co.,0liatlarioia,
She Knew. ' '
Mistress Did you toll tho lady !
was out?
Servant Oirl Yty, ma'am.
Mistress Did she seoin1 t'o'liavo'iiny
doubt about it? - ,
Servant Oirl No, ma'am; sho said
she know you wasn't. Ola'gow
Evidence. '
"Dooi Mr. Illiminins know much
about horsu races?
"No," answered the man, with a
faded and experienced look.
"How can you tell?"
"Hy tlio fact thai, hu's willing to
liot on thuin." Wahington Star.
To Fit the Dlieaie.
Littlo '1-year-old Mabel coming into
thu room ono day and finding the
baby with ono end of a door key in its
mouth, exclaimed: "Haby, take that
key right out 'of your mouth, or tho
llrst th tic you know you will havo
tho lockjaw." Glasgow Evening
IS A SUCtttt
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of MorrUaa 8trt
Can give you the best bargains In
lliifnnva. 1'lo'ws. Hollers and Knginos,
Win'i'mills and Pumps and General
Machinery. See us before buying.
Summer Resolutions
KeeBey Cure
ture relief from liquor, opium tad tobewaj
hablU. Band lor partlouUra ta t
lflau Inrlllllta MllVVll to 'io tVllllama
KeelSy inSUIUIS, Ave., furtlmitl, Oreeuu.
iiaa hall bearlnir In turn-table.
Turna freely to tlie wind.
Hall Lfarlnca tbruat in nbeel, Inaurlni
llcbtest running qualltlea, and rcaorylnf
ireateat amount ol power lor pumplnc
Oilvanlied after making. 1'ut together
with galranlaed bolta, double-nutted) no
part can ruat or get looae and rattle.
Wight regulatorl perfect regulation. No
arrlng to chango tendon with every, change
of temperature, and grow weaker with age.
Itepalra alwaya on hand.
Thcae thlnga are worth money to you.
Then why not buy a BTAKT
n; r. Nt v.
Mo. -190l.
WOKN Wrltlnr U dvTtlfTS please
mtutlon tula piper.
i 1 1
M 8 jf 881 H 140 TACt. ' lW. I I
H ij iJir3'irr P4 I PS 3 s ft W U fij U W m iM"'3$""!rcK I
rJ trrn$oi niHiKC ta fortes. 111 11 Nn I t T fV R I 1 I I T jS?&&!"ttr I
H lr'-iw;r . ; ', -3 W I 1 I 1 J9P 1 1 raj I fflh I
""ulat j "'E. Rice, areenvllle," 'J T.," Qood Luck," VL fhiM I
f TTS! "Cross Bow," "Old Honesty," ' Brandy wine," -tsaones.
"1 r7Q''f'i I ,i" !. myiS "Jolly Tar," "Standard Navy," "Planet," Nep- ssdMtjMjf I
p tune," "Razor," "Tennessee Cross Tie," "Granger ' ' f. I
I 'iTrffl!lll&BiaMEriM (Two" Granger Twltt" UgVbetns equal to one of othera mentioned.) 3
H una - B5 40 llvrwi
I nunrAiH re Jttucs. i g eocAtr.
MATCH aox lTi Our new illustrated II
((((tS tajiM ' will IhcTude niany articles not shown here. It will contain the M m hakous.
Vwl t fWott.attractJveilit o Prsenta ever oftred for Tag and wfll ml U j r Pv I
ft iWji be ent 6y mail on receipt of postage two cents. AA&slMfv I
SpJi?' ' - (Catalc-'guo will be ready lor mailing about January ist, ipoa.J s3ESas I
I Our offer of Present forTags will expire Nov. 30th, ipoju Z I
I Klr ' Write, your name and address plainly on oufilJo of pTckages - I
I HS ConUlning Tags, and send them and requests for Presents to WlJM 1
MW""' i .. C. Hy. BROWN, : ' m I
1 ' 7 St. Louis, Mo. rs agyft'ffij
H sSS Xg ittrtATiMii vr ' ' 1 '"TQ I
p I , 1. (
A Prnyor.
Not for tho silent chief whom Death
Gently find sciluously keeps
Within ft splendid calm; naught mars
His well-won laurels wnero 110
sleeps. 1
Itathcr for him who newly stjtnds
Half startled on a slipporyuioight,
Liko a strong .falcon, which somo
hand j
Unhoodcd rudoly, whom tljo light
Floods unforseen, hut who shall provo
A wide-winged strength 1 .iorinm
wo nrav !
Qivo him such wisdom swift and keen
Ho shall restoro ub Yostorday.
' Dillon, Georgia.
A Suggestion.
"No. I'm not very woll impressed
with tho house," said tho prospcotivo
tenant, "Tlio yaw is ingnuuiy
small; thoro's hardly room for is
singlo" flower bed.". " : K'"
"Tlllnlc SOI ropiieu. nio agum,;
"hut or mighton't you uso folding
flcwer bods?" Pliilaolphift Press.
Hard to Identify.
"That is Jimmy's hair, "said the
football player, laying out his
trophies after tho gaino,- 'and this is
Hilly 's nTSso, and this is Tom's oar, and
this eyebrow bolongs to young Rusher,
but I can.'t jdontify this finger to
savp md.'" Baltimoro American.
llSTlf Not hMSr
Politician (arranging for musio at
a political', meeting) Isn't that a
oig.pricor xou may noi navo to piny
half a dozen nioccs durinc the wliolo
Urass Uand Leader Hut, my Hear
sir, we havo to sit thcro and lis ton
to tho spoeohes. Tit-Bits.
-"Enough; Dut Nol SumcItnt. "
Mamma What's, tho matter Wil
lie? Didn't you havo a good time at
tho party?
Willie "Nawl"
"Why? Didn't you got enough to
"Yes; but I didn't get too rauoh."
Philadelphia Record.
Thirteen it Table.
Mrs. B. Oh, Charles, wo can
novcr sit down with 13 at tablo.
Mr. B. Pshaw I I hope you aro not
sp superstitious as that,
Mrs. B. No, of courso not, but wo
havo only 12 dinnor plates. Phila
delphia Evening Bulletin.
A Pour.
Elsio MAmrna, wero you ever a
Certainly, dear. All human be
ings wero onco children.
Elsie Really? Well, who took
caro of the babies then? Philadelphia
The Real Thing.
"Unole Tom, what is charity?"
"Charity, Tommy, is finding good
oxcuses for tho faults' of people we
don't like." Dotroit Freo Press.
"Did Polohuntnr have any success
on his Arctio expedition?"
"(Jli, yes I lie succeeded In getting
back." Puok.
A Report
Ho How is tho now cook getting
His wifeWell, I had to discharge
her twico this morning, but since
then slio's been doing fairly well.
Yes, Darling.
Mother (drilling Teddy for hip first
party) And now, darling, what ' is a
greedy boy?
Teddy A boy who wants every
thing 1 want. Tit-Bits.
Useful Mr. Green.
Young Lady Oh.Mr.Groon, I don't
know what to do with Efiiot She's
so miserabio becauso sho hasn't had
her donkey ride. Would you mind
giving her a piok-a-baok? Punch.
That Friendly Feeling.
Miss Olivo of St. Louis Wo cot
absolutely pure milk in St. Louis.
Mies Wabash (of Chicago) Yes.
thnts one ailvantago of living in a
country village Eacb 'o'ly "can
keep a cow of its own.