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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1901)
BOHEMIA NUGGET. CREDIT IWEilE CREDIT IB 1) ve. C. J. HOWARD - EDITOR. Kntarad t tht poitofflce at Cotur Oror, Orttfoo f Second Clan rnll matter. abasrlptlos price, OI.BO, In mlirsmce. Advertising rte taaO known upon npplloatloa. FRIDAY, FKBRUARV I, I9I. JAMES G. ELLIS, ACKNT l'OR COTTAGE GROVE, OR. OREO OX IjEOISJjA T UJIE. All Mail Onlcrs Promptly Filleil. T A. GILBERT, Eugene, Oregon. Mr. Cushmnn, congressman from the state of Washington, in his criticism of the liver and harbor committee in which he says some very satirical things about the Co lunibia river appropriation and Con gressman Tongue, has proven very conclusively that Oregon has an able and well qualiGetl representa tive in the person of Mr. Tongue. Those who visited the legislative In its report of Congressman halls of Oregon last week expecting Cushman's speech against the river to see nn re-enactment of the ex- nn(j harbor bill, the Washington citing scenes prevalent at former p0st of Jan. n, has the following: senatorial elections were certainly imperial Caesar, Mr. Cushman disappointed, and no doubt heartily said, had divided all Gaul into so. A calmness prevades the two three parts. Caesar was an ancient . kj:- : ..r.,ro tr Mie anu provincial, naa uc uvea to b . . . .... the dawn of the twentieth century, senatorial aiiair wuicu is " Isajrl be, he would have divided and unknown in the history of "gall" into enough fragments to senatorial elections in Oregon, cive one to each member of the When one recalls the great struggle River and Harbor Committee. He Headquarters for MINING MEN and bitterness during Mitchell's was especially severe in Ins cnti- fiirkf ? tWnrl Ph,Vo nnrl then " ",C -HH'P" awureu KVEHV WAST ATTENDED TO ' by Mr. longue ot uregon tor ins the strife and excitement prevailing statei caiimg attention to the fact during the last hold up, it is quite that though $5,000,000 had been Eugknk, ----- - Orkgon impossible to imagine the present expended upon the Lolumbta nver mlm nr1 nlarid txmrment. The between Portland and the sea, the . r . . I. , depth of water was today less bv members seem to be there this ses-1 - 5 , , ..... v . seven jeci uian ii was oeiore sionwith something else in view dollar was expended." Desiaes electing a unnea oiaies Th s sounds ou te d ifterent to "SOROSIS" A SHOE THAT IS WORN BY All Fashionable Ladies. Hotel Eugene IIOLLEKBECK BROS, k BRISTOW. NOTICE 1'OK PUBLICATION". United Staler Lund OHioe, Ko-Bburjr, Oru., Jim. 15, 11)01. Notice if hereby irivon that in com plinnee with the proviHions of the nut of enneresv ol Juno 3, lrwti. enlltlttl "An quite ... , . . .... ..I i ciiiiuresp ui uuu senator, aitnougn to Desure, uiai is the remarks of the Oregonian of the act for the unlo of timber lands in the a duty none should neglect, and all ,st instant when it nntted Cnnt-rc. s,",ei!.of Ctilifnrniii, Oregon, Xevmlii, , . . ... tr i r uiKl Wiismnaton territory." its ex- should exercise every effort to effect. man Cushman on the back, to the tended to nil the Public; Land Ptie by Itispurely and simply a business Unjust detriment of Congressman fe T&nS'tt acssion. .every uicuiucr in Toneue , trom which the following of Oreiron. hat, thin dav tiled in this house or senate seems to be looking ja an extract- ofliro !iis Rworn statement No. 1-102, for . . a-. c, t is an cxirati. tho purchase of tlieSoiithwest (VO Quur- mto the affairs of law and law mak- us g:ve credit where credit tw Se(;tion No, 34 ln Town.-hip No. 21 ing with keen interest, and all seem is due, but let us also $rive credit to South, Kanse No. 2 Went, und will offer to have a splendid idea of economy, the Washington and Idaho, de e- tor ItH t& TOne a feature heretofore unknown in gat'" at Waslnngron for the Snake than for agricultural purposes, and to , .... . t and Columbia river appropriations, establish' his claim to said hind U'fnre u.cguuicijBuuvi: xvcH1c- If ,hese rjvers flowed ti,rough Ore- "o Kegiutor and Receiver of this offlro sentatives McQueen, Harris and jr0n we mieht have less tonat niir- Mt RoburB, Ore. on Friday the '-Dth Hemenway from Lane, have their selves on the back about." "he names uswitnei-pcs work well in hand. Mr. Toneue is an nhle and ran- J. D. Palmer; V. P. Phillipf. F. D Another commendable feature of sistent worker and is deserving of aV" KoWnBon' ot CoMnBe the present session is the scarcity of more consideration than the flour- Any and all persons elniminc nd- ,. r .uit. jUi. I s-t.: r j.. . . . I v'ersely the alove-desiTibetl lands are uciks, umu WUU.-U uu uuuui isuinB oi praisewonn eauonais in reonested to Hie their claims in thin must be laid to benator K.uyken- favor of such congressmen as Cush t.Tr i ,1 i I aau irom iane inrougn tne medium man, wnose very utterances con i" ii. . . i I i oi xne law governing cierKS ana mem mm as navmg taken any clerk hire, known as the "Kuyken- stand other than that of opposition dall Law." to the Columbia river improve Much cheap talk has been going ment. the rounds to the efTect that votes In the foregoing- words of the are beiner boucht rieut and left. Oregonian "let us give credit fand&nTwdujd thfrik to hear some where credit is due of the vicious talk along this line oilice on or before said 291 h day of .Miircii. ivui. J. T. BitiDQE.s, Kcgistur. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Ktaten Land Office. Rosehnre, Ore., Dec. 20, 1000. ' Notice is hereby jdven that in com pliance with I lie provuinnn ol the net of Uonurenn ol June a, 1878, entitle! "An act for the pale of timber lands in t) .Stales of California. Orec'on.Nevaila iini Wfinhinirtiin THrritnri.." iih HXtmnli! tn rewer uaunncs id me great state all the ruiillu J.anil stales uv net An nmr.nn oor, Knncl t,.. 1 t. ClIHt 4. 1892, .lames . . Uoyd, Ol UottllCi ing, more manly or more business has this duv lileil in this office bin pworn like men than those combiner th s.,nfu'"?". N" l:7. (or the purchaHoof 0 the HW Jf. of Section Ko. 14, in Town Lane county delegation in the ship No. 22 S. Ramie No. 2 W.. ami will nr liner )!of tn hIiow that the land huiiitIi MU.W w. UWU3V. I . . I.... I.,,. . in iiiuir tiiiuiijic: iifi nn iiimiur iir Mime than for ntutioHec. and to It IS hicrll time the citv tnnt nr. establish his claim to said land befori I I ht TtfMfiytHriind Icim. vit of t Iiim nmp nf casion to replace and repair the iiosehnrjr. Oreunn, on Monday, the 4th side walks wliich wpri flnmno-fl (tayoi .March, lifoi standard as deoicted bv the averace ' . . ... . He names witnesces: ... " iuuu. uiauiaceu uunntr ine recent i t ii.tuin. ihii; sn t,,..i. " . fl(,,r WIIK. ill. fx hich water. Lewis, O.lirumbauuh.of Cottuue Grove wreiion Any and nil persons elniminc nd versclv the nhuve-deiwrihi'd Innilii nn. nill often cause a horrible Burn, reouested to file their claims in th Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen'a Arnica pfhee on or before said 4th day of March KnlvR will kill iUn noin orwt I.. 1U1. "I ... v..w it. ,iu MlutlllJU. heal it. Cures Fever Sores, Ulcers. Boils, Corns, nil Skin Eruptions. Best WANTED! rue cure on earth. Unly 2oct. a box. nollablo man for Manaeer of Iiranch offlre we wuu to open in tms vicinity. Lurch's Lurch's A Great Reduction vl -IN- Ladies, Misses and Childrcns m Jackets and Capes, j Call Sarly for Bargains I Lurch's Lurch's i g A CARLOAD OF l -.T-r- c c- u r cr c- a full line ok thf.5s latest patterns. 0 0 The Prices will please you, and in point of Quality and Beauty cannot be beaten. is Hemenway & 1 Barkholder. i MAIN STREET. To The PUBLIC 1 Arc You Wanting a Heating Stove or a Cook P ii COME IN AND SEE US w We are Selling our Heaters at a Ten Per Cent DISCOUNT and giving a Good Uig Discount on Coolc Stoves. Alto have a Ilig Stock of HARDWARE, TINWARE, FABM IMPLEMENTS, Etc., to select from. Come In ami See What ire Jlave for Sate. Respectfully, WHEELER & SCOTT. mmm that the legislative halls of Oregon are being turned into a second-hand junk shop. Upon mature thought, however it will be determined that while some money may be used in the fight for senator, it is not very promisciously flung in the faces of the legislators, else they are a class of men far above the political orator who is now dwell ing upon the affairs of the state at much length. One might be excused for giving voice to the assertion that there is considerable honor yet in the make up of candidates and members alike. This in itself is, no doubt, a poor and unpraiseworth compliment to Uure guaranteed all parties concerned, but notwith- CM,russis! A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER J. T. Bridges, Register. Hold by Benson Drug If Your record Kindly give O. K. here la an onportanltv. goou rcierenro wiien writing. The A. T. MORRIS Wholesale House, CINCINNATI, OHIO, Illuitrated catalogue 4 ct. stamps. Standing, taken in the face of the FOr your consideration, degrading and unmanly comments Suits cleaned and pressed from Hung Broadcast in tne lace ot both 2.2; and ud according to teYtnre. wanted. Capable, reliable person in members and candidates, it will no Prices in proportion per single iH7.SffiS& uuuui uc giaui) ing. mem. .cucne oieam Cleaning per year, puynuie weekly ; iter day nb Works, Geo. E. In view of the fact that Corbett and Dyeing has been accused of vote buvinf. in ""'"'Ui AKi. r or me event ot nis deieat tt will cer- Benson Dnuo Co, the druggist, will re tainly reflect credit upon each and fund you your money if you ate not every member. Should McBride 8atiBfled after using Chamberlain's be the lucky man, it being gener ally known that he does not possess the sack, no harsh words con be fotutely euro und all expenses: straight Dnnii-imo siuary, no commission; tmlurv paid enun oatumay ami expense mone advanced eimh week. 8TANDARI HOUSE, ai4 Deardosn St.. Chicago. btomauhe and Liver TabletB. They cure disorders of the stomach, bilious ness, constipation and headache. Price 25 cents. Samples free. SUMMONS. Tn the Circuit Court of tlic State ot Oregon lor nut; i oumy. MAUV IIOLLIDAY, Plaintiff W. P. HOI.UPAV. DefcndantS PIANO LESSONS. To W. P. Ilolllday, the above named defendant entitled Court and ramie on or before the 18th in tne ."amo oi ine mate oi Oregon you are r required to anncar and anauer flio mm. plaint of plaintiff filed axalnat you in the above said relative to money and influence in his vote getting. Mitchell is said to be without financial funds, so ij; stands to reason whoever shall win, unless new developments shall alter the financial conditions attendant upon the election, shall reflect credit upon the campaign and give the cry that money is responsible street. for the election of a senator the lie. To the. casual observer there is some remnant of honor still in Ore- for ai,aska. gon politics thank God. Thos. Hunt of Wildwood was in the city Saturday and left for points I he curlew ordinance ot this city north. Mr. Hunt contemplates nn seems to have good effect. Occa- early departure for Seattle, Was., sionaiiy some youngster rebels, Dtit at which point he will join the lie maketh home just the same, or geographical survevinir oartv and conniypjerk of Lane county, Oregon, and the , , ,.... f .. "lv-J'"h t""1 Judge of the Probate Court liaa fixed Tuelay, else be walketu along side of Night- again cast his lot in the northern MVch6V,,,9l01,ttV'!o,cIot'kp,m,tuoroo''l',uo day of March, 1001. that bclnetlioflritdavof tlm T-Tnvifitr nrninnnf1,r ,.,1 j.. next regular term of aald Court, to be begun and riaving permanently located 111 holden In Eugene, Ijne County, Oregon, and If lrnv T .,,511 tok n f... j"u nil--r answer am com plan jrove, 1 Will take a few for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to aal nunils TTirmnnr onrl TI,rr..rrV, C','t for the relief pruved for In aald complain pupiib. narniOIlJ atlU IllOrOUgh towlt: ForadecreoofaaldCourtdecInrinirth Bass a Soec altv. T?iMiPr r.-,n "LW,C"" P 1 w -J V r A t-U t or American method. Lall at residence. North River Mrs. W. H. Adrams. t. tlin uro coniraci now oxixiinir oetwenn niuint Iff and defendant forever dlnaoTrcd. thnt ulnlnt Iff have the care and cuatod v of the minor child of plaintiff and defendant and for uch other ami lurtner reuei as to tne court may scorn eqiiltable. TIiIh aiimmona li nubllishcd ln the nnhemta Nugget for tlx consecutive weeks by order of linn If. It 1fln,Atl fn, t,wl lnw ra. CountV.OlefiTon.wlllch RAld nrdnrh(,flri1flttlin unnuayoi anuary, ivui, ami tne date of the HM publication of this mimmons Is fixed and prescribed ln said order for publication to bo ruuruury jsi, jwi. J. E, YOUNO. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is herobv eiven that tlm undAralffnAH administrator of tho Otto Fredcrlcksen Estate nasnieanis unai account 111 tno omcoof the watchman Nunn to the cooler climes of Alaska! Mr. Hunt . 1. t.A 4 - i a r i.. -i . iicic ucwuiciu iu u iuw ucyicc uinictis iu uc aosent some nine temperature. , months. date for hearing the samo. Any and all persons huvlnir oblectlons tn mlrl account are notified to bo present and tile tho same. Dated this First day of February, 1001. O. (t.SNAPP, Aumiuisiruior, DyeiiiffiCkniof Works, rMCE LIST FOP. CI.EANIM1 : Coats, - - - - 11.00, up. Vests, - .Ml, up. Pants, - - - - .75, up. PP.ICE LIST FOR DVE1NO: Suits, .... I'iM.up. Single garments iu proportion. Dress patterns, - 7Jj cts per yanl. Dreics, - - - ' - !., up. GEO.E. ailJJTITJr, Agent. notice to OHKPiToitfl. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has bevudnlyappolnteil by tho County Court of HifiHiHliMif Oreiron for l.xne County, uilnilnls- trittorof the estate of (lunrgo P. (laruntte, do-1 teased. All persons havlnv claims against said estate arc hereby required to present tho same j to ine itroiH.riy vermeil at mo ouiru mi j. r.. i Vniinirln i'ottaird llrovc. Oreuon. wllhln six iniiiiths from the date hereof. Hated Hils'iJtli day of Jannsry, iwi. I KniK KiaiY, AdmlnlstrHtor of tho estate of Ocoru'o p. (in. I rontte, deceasifl. I 1 Central Market MePARLAND A CO, Proprietors. DEALERS IN Bepf, Mutton, 3?ork, "Veal, Bcicori, Lard, Saxisage, P'isli and Game in season - AT THE LOWEST PRICES. MAIN STREET, COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. KOT1CK FOK PUBLICATION. Land Office at Kocclmrp, Oregon, November 13, 11)00. Notico Is hereby uiven that tlm follow nnimxt settler has tiled notico of UU in tention to make final nroof In Hunport of Ids claim, and that suiil proof will be made before Joel Woro, U. ri. Commit) nionor. nt Euircno, Lane Co.. Oreuon. on March 2, 1901. viz: Williitm V. Cnnady, on II. K. No. 0CC0, for the W & SW M. Sec. 8,Tp. L'O a., K. 3 Went . nu iiaineu ine luiiuwiuir wunuseua in prove ins contlnuoiiH renidenue upon und cultivation of said land, viz: iBhao Wilcox. Honry Jfreene. I-ninciH Smith, Clmrles Wriglit, of.AVulker, Lane (Jo., Oregon. J. 1. liHIDOKd, l!o''intt'r. Successor to B. F. PHIIvIvIPS, DltALISHS IN Groceries, Flour and Feed. All kinds of Produce bought at the highest market values. Call and get acquainted with us. We shall be pleased at all times to quote you prices upon all lines handled by us, whether you buy or not. Our Stock is New, Neat and Clean, and having had years of' experience in business, we assure you the very best goods the market affords, and, the lowest possible prices Remembef the place: Phillips' old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore. Cbe Chicago Zypeveritev FOR CHRJSTMAS s. The CHICAGO TYPEWRITER with a complete course of the Gregg system of Shorthand taught by mail for $40. Tbia will enable you to own your own type writer and become an expert stenographer by utilizing a little spare time each day. The CHICAGO was awarded' the Gold Medal at the Paris Exposition, is a viaibla writer, has standard keyboard, and it tht most speedy, simple and durable of all Typewriters, and turno out the most attractive work. E. L. KING. General Agent for Oregon, Albany, Or. v 1 Price $35.00 GLASS BROS. PROPRIETORS OF. Cote Grove We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Brackets, Mouldings, Cornice, Sash and )oors, Door and Window frames, Screen .Doors, Windows, Pickets, etc. Woodwork of all kinds made and repaired. We will also work Floor ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or size Studding, etc. PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NEAR S. P. DEPOT Bpn Ton MEAT MARKET t Main Street 1 Cottage Grove, Oregon. SUPPLY HOUSE FOR COTTAGE GROVB AND BOHEMIA. Ordirt ly Tiieflm ninniiTTD 1, un iinn unuvuiiu a tuaivh, g Proprihtoks. I m Send Your The Nugget office carries a full line of legal blanks and visiting cards. ma I L