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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1900)
LIKE MAHYJDTHER8 Itnpp W'rolfl fr Mrs. riiiklintii'n Act- EirAn Mim. rmititA! s- -I Jiuvo seen 1 fllll lutllllU till... ......... lmy '. .. .i.. m pi. .ii v ii,.. l thought 1 would ask yonriulvleu 111 ri'H"1" '"j i.iiiiiuon. X liuvn licoii dnetm-lng (or lour years mid have , tithoii different imt- rrri'ivi-M very IIUHl benefit. I in troubled Willi buck lie) io, III fuel my wliolo body iit'lifH, stomach feels mitci, by spoils got hhort of breath unil inn very imrvoti., Men. tttruutlnn m very Ir regular with scvero bearing down paint, crnmpi and Imclt acho. 1 hope to hear from yon ut mice." . Ci.aiia Koit, Hock port, J8cpt.27, 1808. i'l tlilnlc 11 U my duty to willr a Lfloyou In rotfard to what Lydin plnkhatn'H Vegetable Compound did 1 f tvrntu VOll lOltID tllnrt mm. Bf IDr. " "r Escribing my symptom, ttnd nsklng Knr sdVlCC. ijr nullity . r nm now i canny a in cannot 1 M - ...... i...t iiwIrratlillllH IL woinini'n mif. I Xf-U I'ltllf l.f.l.l flUlt.1 1 i .n.rlfiun Iii trentlntr frinnln II Ik. UUDl " " - . ..lulflA , 1 1 1 1 t ,,,.. ...... .. . . H...r KOMrfrt.' Cr.AItA Kni'R kport, Iud April 13, 18l. mil. rpi " ' ' . . f...t..-.i4i Tim hill 1 IriiMitnil qumuwi "i - i ii ...U..H fffitn lEiclminml. Vn . . ...lit. it-tini flw .luttmM river Tr AIIhii' Kottt Knar. powder to i pii"rii nun ui- Mm", ai II imrvii . i- . ,.HtMiOei tir I ishl try Mini i ... If iUIItt II1H UIHI lllllkf All IAl Mil" Jl r- iriMiuii ""oiium. . T.Ul i lr h ( K It tr. A(l(IrfnH Al ril OlruitfaJ, IHoy, N. V. Nut Invitlnntr. Mm. Hrown DJu everybody in youi Mr?. MnIiiro Ol no, St wnn mmlr ODI. HOW TIUflT P. J. CIIENKY A CO.. I'ropn., TolcOo, O. tkaundml(nl.liTa known I'. J. CIiciict f. l ...I.. I.. fin. Kir at i ni'A. Wliotoilo Driurrliti.TolfJo, '). Waudi.nci. iciNNAN A Martin, Ymnlniili) Druir'-llll.Tnlfdo. it. CiD'iCtUrrh Cure U t; ken .nt -.rnlly. tcdni nn lh t.lrvl anil tn. ennm UMAl'0ft J4 A little unit nddod to nn 0g cools it, J iL . ... l . n inn fiir imitin iiilu H in iniirfi fimnifiv. IIOITT'H NCIIOOI.. Mnilo Park fmi MiiIpo Oiuuly. fill. IlllMlllirN llllfl I1I1IIIM 1 II II1lfIll'fK . IK fill!' Ill ill i ililfirn ..I' lip 1m tl Miiltr iltlll lu IK. cut it'n ul i iip 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iti 1 1 if. riiti iur i iifc- Tot.lli l.,...IiAf L ll.lllyl U 1lfcl He I lolivo I'll co to churcli with nun nn )U Kub J""l " " w' rnrnipino "I'm little, but if you If ymi would make timo fly, uivo Hiriimp Aib1. lnrfnu' tho dufouHQ of CharloHton, S. il. l ... .t. ..... inn hit --ttiiiH i ! tl it iiwt t Mnnttrtii u it 1 1 Ihlll flu. ni...!.,, . lmrtii it ana i.vuu iMiiinr in run nrrnnir iiiviii rnri Ud....u rlil. . 1 1 it.. lima u .. ... i l i i .....,.ii. Hfillefn erow in ut'tlnn. tint rionlits in Mlr.i.. . r t,,. Jkl Ui been taking (MSOAKKTS nrt they All dUipptared. I bud been troubled i.1'1' ontlptlon lor lome time, but tter tak. ',.u, Drtt Cktoarot I bare bed no trouble i. . i.hl ttlment. We o.nnot speak too blgh '"".G.8?.t " Fnn WAnWAW, xveuermantonn Ave., Pblladalpbla, Fa. CANDV I yW CATHARTIC TWA 01 MAJIN KeaiOTilllO m nTr Sicken. M I'ount. Taate Oood. Do Weaken. or Qrlpe. lOe. lie, We. OIIdp nntinTiDATinN. ... 4 Hltl '"it f.-M.r.,, TMk. 911 dru. abli. yvm'JMI.Il.!llliiUBIHI Wl 'KiMiup 7q pioa eioitBl Pa i tew,r 'anus iuoo u I LIU PIMPLES BRIDE IN A BOX CAR. HERE'S A ROMANTIO DRAMA IN HEAL LIFE. ! H" W'rr.l I.. Ittllr, Now w. n . """,0 '" " ,'rc,"t c" wll llor H..Hl,((llrt vr)l uw.,rl ' ii Kiilliondir. "l-m; Iii ft ll..x enr" Is the title of the ronmnlle dnuim In run I life wlilch In now owi.ii.vImk tlie attention of Kansas "NV ,'orl S,,,lt lln "'"1 tlirlllliifff 'H'lodnwmiH hi the twn 0entt bmm ut iioih! ,.,,,,. Ilt(!ri!Ht wUl the Ininimmd-llnriott "Love lu n Ilox Car. Hrli'fly II Is t,(. tory f yllK clmr. Hmninoiid, who married a Miss Hnrrett, only dauirliti.r- ,.r .. ...mi .iliKMMvut'rorilmio.Mont. H.unmond urn Hon of ll. a. Hammond. K((ncra MiMTluii.ili'nt ol ll. K0rt Hcolt and Mil. ANII JII1K. HAMMOND. Mi'inphlH llnllroiid. Tho couple mnr rlod without the loiiHt'itt of nnyhoily who holds tho llnrruti-Hammond for tuiifn lu chnr(!. Thoy aro now living happily In hox cnr No. Ii!,ll8, and Ham uioiid Ih Imihk of a work train ou the Mi'iiiphls road. "Haminoniril rlHp," rny tho men on i ho road. "Ile'n nt the jtrit and he'd ot the knai-k." And young Ham mond Ik working with the vim of n man who linn made up IiIh mind to succeed. Ill In alert to tho M)wlhllltlen of IiIh Jul), ami him already won one promo tion. Menu while the fnmlllen of both frown on i he young people, nnd there U every evidence that Hammond will need all hl pluck and hlx courage. Mm. Ham mond won ran trouHnenu miidn In Paris, rendu the Intent novel, nnd haughtily refuxeH to return the ciiMh of the aris tocracy of i'ort Scott. Hitherto she linn hnd only to wlnli for IhlngR, nnd If money could huy theni they were hers. The box car In which the Hammonds nre living hns seen hard service. A eont of dull red paint has served to con ceal some of Its scars and pntches. The floor Is covered with '.'.Vcent mnttlng In the drawing-room end, and 20-cent oilcloth on the kitchen and dining-room end. The dainty slippers of Mrs. Ham mond, so used to henvy velvet enrp'ts. now "tap, tap" ncroirt floor covering TUB nAMMONDS' FHB1GHT-CAH HOME. costing precisely $0.70, mnde, tilted nnd laid on tho floor. Ptory of Honmntlc Marriage. Tho Hammonds were married nt n fnshlonablo hotel In Hot Springs, Ark. Ho wns 24. gay, Jolly nnd thoughtless, depending upon the generosity of n wcnltliy father to keep the wolf out of the front yard. Sho was 20, pretty, Im petuous nnd self-willed. They hnd met nt Hot Springs Just ft yonr before. She was stnylng then nt the Pnrk Hotel with her parents, dazzling everybody with her exquisite toilets and superb Jewels, the gifts of her devoted father. Young Hnmmond wns then recovering from an Injury sustained In a runaway while employed as an operntor nt a smnll Missouri town on his fathers railroad. His fnther hnd put him there Jo "tone lilm down." ho said, ne tagan paving attentions to Miss Barrett, but his advances were not encouraged bj her family. They snubbed him and mhdo their objections very plain. Ham- "i d laughed nnd said that ho was courting tho girl and not the family. If It enme to n question of money and position the Hammond- did very we I !, thought, probably as well as the Barretts. , Miss Barrett alone failed to share tho prejudices her family. Young Ham- ."Hom. nd c ever and athletic, and she fell In love with . h m. The family Anally consented to the match and the bride's trousseau was ordered from Pari 1 cable. Piepara tlftis were made for an elaborate wed ding and the fnshlonablo society of Hot Springs was bidden to the affair. A few days before the date set for tho wedding young Hammond quarreled with the Barretts, and rumor had that tho mutch was broken off. But It was not-only the fashionable cero mony woa dispensed with. The young people went to another hotel, and It Is aid were married In defiance of pater- nl authority. At first tho couple took up their residence at Kansas City and npunt a few weeks there. Then mat lurs began to look dubious. Bread nnd cheese and kisses arc ail right for lata "uppers, but pnlntua accustomed to lllels mlgiions, Krench pens, and straw, berry Khotcalto cravo heartier proven der. Kansas City wondered what would happen, when ono day young Hammond disappeared. There wns uilk of reconciliations, and next ho ap peared In tho garb of a practical rail road man, as straw boss of a section Kiuig In tho yards nt Fort Scott. Hnuli for Kniinu Women. To tho further astonishment of the 100 of Kansas City and Kort Hcott, Mrs. Hammond accompanied her husband. They took apartments In u fashlouablo quarter, went to the theater and social functions of various sorts evenings, while tbo young husband, In working clothes and broad-rlmmed laborer's hat, honestly worked all day. Nobody wore such costly costumes as tho wife of tho section hand of the Kansas City, For. Hcott and Memphis Itallroad Company and nt nftcrnoon tean, receptions and card clubs the devotion of tho Ham4 monds wns tho popular theme fo weeks. Many women of tho hlghesj standing called upon Mrs. Hammond: but she, through embarrassment or ec centrlclty, acknowledged few of thcsij attentions. Mrs. Hammond nppenrei to be under the wing of a coclal leadei) of the town, nnd in response to her kindly suggestions a half-dozen young women of Kort Hcott's upper crust cnlled one day on the bride at her hotel. Blie was lounging In one of her ex lulslto Paris tea gowns nnd rending tho latest novels. Bhe sent down word that she was "too wenry to see nny body." Blnco then the upper-crust young women who cnlled hnve had a tired feeling at the mention of young Mrs. -Hammond. While this wns nppnrently merely a cnprlcp, It created a sensntlon locally, nud the recent announcement In ono of the newspapers thnt thp Hammond hnd gone to live in a box car was grati fying in the extreme to those who felt snubbed. Tlfc box car runs over the division be tween Tort Keott and Memphis wher ever there Is any repnlrlng to be done. The Hnmmonds' mcnls nre furnished by the regular cook with the work train, nud nre very plain. Hammond, howevpr, K'cms choerf'il nnd Indus trious, nis young wife holds her head high, wears her Imported gowns, rends the latest novels, and only to her Intl mates snys from her henrt: "We mar ried for love, yon know." From section Iiohs young Hammond hns nlrendy risen to the management of a train of thirty men. Promotion did not bring more extrnvngnnt habltn. The Hammonds still live lu the car and are apparently contented. Qiu-nr DpvIoo for Gambling. "Tho queerest .gambling device thnt I ever saw was a check perforator," said J. H. Irons of the United States mar shal's ofllce. "I went Into a downtown bank not long ago at the noon hoar to serve u paper ou the president. There was a board meeting on In a back room. I noticed all of the clerks In a bunch playing some game, and I went over to see what it was. They hnd one of those revolving check perforators with numbers on it from 0 to 0. One mnn wnn spinning and acting as 'bank er,' while the others were laying bots on the numbers. They were operating on the old wheel-of-fortune system. I got so deeply Interested that I forgot all about tho paper I had to serve until there was a sudden scattering of tho group nnd n disappearance of the per forator and the cash ou tho board. I turned nnd saw the president. When he entered tho banking room every clerk was busy at bis desk." Pittsburg Nowa. Kklpping the Ropo as a, Cure. Sklpplug-ropo exercise for middle aged gentlemen nffected with "liver" or Indigestion Is the latest alleged med ical fad to which the humorists of tho press have directed their attention. The London correspondent of tho Gazette listens that tills novel form of adult exercise Is being used on rainy morn ings ns n substitute for the mile nnd a half run before brenkfnst, which has been prescribed by a west eud physi clnn ns a remedy for that condition of liver which In'Loudou Is due to want of outdoor exercise and Into hours, hard work nnd bad air. There are profes sional men and others who take their run In tho park before breakfast every fine morning nnd who bless the good physician who discovered this slmplo way of restoring health. Its effects in some enses have been marvelous. By "run" Is not meant n sharp walk, but actual running. Birmingham Gnzette. By the time a practical joke Is carried out, It Is no longer funny. Marriage Is like minlng-a great thine when you strike it HIS TEETH, THOUGH FALSE. pne Mum Wlio Ketulns the Mnntlcaters thnt Nuturo Olive Him, Four or live traveling men around tho hotel stovo laid been unking ubout leelh, when ono of them got up and, nying "good-night," 'went olf to bed. "Hid you notice what lino teeth that party IiiiiIV" mild a man from St. Louis. "Ho won't acknowledge they nre false, or mthcr hu Insists Unit they aro ids own, and yet ho doesn't quite tell tho truth. My brother Is u dentist In Kan sas City, and this man lives there, and my brother does his work for him. Not that ho tells mo anything, but merely as mi Incident, for everybody who knows tliu man knows tho circum stances. "His teeth are his own, and at the same time they are false. V'ou don't understand, so I'll explain. He always hnd unusually flue teeth, but about live years ngo they showed signs of Ulggs' disease, an infection which causes tho gums to recede from the roots, leaving", them exposed some dlstanco down rroni the enameled surface. In aggra vated cases or where the person Is very sensitive tho disease Is very painful, nud It Is almost Impossible to relieve It. To cure it is practically Impossible, for the gums will not grow bnck again. "Tills man was of tlie sensitive kind. nnd although physicians nnd dentists tried their skill on him they could do nothing, nnd lie suffered so that ut last I he told my brother to extract every ! tooth lu his mouth and put false ones In for him. As nothing else could be done, my brother folowed Instructions nnd pulled every tooth. They were all In perfect condition, nnd ns my brother looked them over, regretting that his I patient wns forced to give them up, a I novel Iden occurred to him, which he nt onee told to the other mnn, who agreed : to It willingly. This was that Instead of making urtlflelnl teeth, as was the usual custom, these same tcetli be used i cAactly as If they were artificial. "My brother, who Is a flrst-clasR den-1 tlst, was more than ordlnnrlly careful on this Job, nnd when he hnd mounted the teeth in a plate measured to a hair's ' breadth and slipped them Into his pa-1 tlent's mouth they fitted ns if they had grown there, ns It were, and now there Isn't one mnn In n thousand can tell that they nre fnlsc If. Indeed, false they are. At the same time there isn't nny more Ulggs' disease to trouble him." FAN ATTACHMENT FOR CHAIRS. Newly Patented Automatic llevlce for Hot Weather Use. Tho picture shows a rocking-chair equipped with a newly patented auto matic fun, designed by Frank J. Becker, of Hamilton, Ohio. The fans nre attached In clamps, at opposite sides of the vertical rod, the fastening arrangement being such thnt any or dinary fan can bo utilized. The rod has n spiral thread cut at the lower end, mil passed through a sleeve fixed on AUTOMATIC KANNI.NO IIKVICJC. tho side of the rocker, with a spring sur rounding the rod to press against the knob at the end and maintain the rod in . its lowest position until the chair la tilt-1 ed forward, when the knob strikes the , lloor, nnd the rod Is pushed through the sleeve to Impart a rotary motion to the ' fans at the top. As soon as the chair is 1 tilted back the spring forces tlie rod down through the sleeve with a reverse t motion, the pitch of the screw and the f power of the spring being nrranged to produce a free and rnpld movement of , the fnns while the chnlr Is In motion. ItotiukliiK a Young Pulpiteer. Old Scotch ministers hnd a keen seuse of humor apart from the Doric altogether. One of the best stories that could be quoted In this connection Is that told of Dr. Gilchrist, formerly of Greenock, but who was minister of Cnnougnte, Kdlnhurgh, when he died. A rather cock-sure young man was olllt'inting for lilm one Sunday, nnd, on going to the vestry, tho doctor fouud his substitute robed nnd ready for the pulpit. In the course of a few min utes' conversation with the old minis ter the young sprig said, lu an off-band way: "1 suppose. Doctor, you repeat the Lord's prayer In some part of the service?" "Aye. aye," replied Dr. Gil christ quietly, "unless ye hue a bettor one o' yer nln." Mosaic Court lu London. There Is a Jewish court In Great Brit ain known as Beth Din. which Is pre sided over by Very llev. Dr. Adler, chief rabbi of Kugland. its decisions are not. of course, legally bindlug, but all who come before the court are asked to sign a form accepting the de cisions as filial. It was lu this way thnt Moses "Used to adjudicate upon tho differences of the children of Israel. Oil us Fuel. Tests of oil ns fuel, made In the navy, have not so far proved satisfactory, Patent fuel, made of coal dust and tar, was found to yield Hourly as good re sults ns coal. Chess players are not the only onei who move once a year. 1 Tlie Fltnr of Thing.. "Sco, tho sheriff is asleep," said the Irst convict. "Let us jump from tho train." "No, wo ennnnt jump now," object ed the second convict. "Tho train is not yet running (JO miles mi hour." Tills shows Unit oven the criminnl classes rend tho newspapers, nnd have an Idoa of tho proprioty of conforming to conventionalities. (toil In Tlirrp. Try to renlizo God's presence; the realizing it ever so littlo has it wonder fnlly toothing nnd cnlming inllnenco on tho henrt. Say secretly: "The Lord is in His holy temple (His tout plo of the inner mini); keep silence, O my heart, hofore Him." Tho mind wants steadying many times a day. World to Kii'l ThU Year. This is l he recent decision of one of the ftocietipH of the Morkl, and while there are few people who believe this prediction, there nre thousands of others who not only believe, but know that Hostcttcr's Stoni nch Hitlers will cure dyspeoMn, indiges tion, ronHtipntioii or livcrand kidney trou IjIpd. A Irial will certainly convince. Pot ii to salad is much more savory if mixed with the salad drossing while hot. Nil Morn Kuii'iiuu Halt rills. Felence lis retired thp pill. A toothsome, fmnranti medluntctf tablet (Ills the need of the liuiir-CnFi'areU Candy Cathartic. IlruKchits, lUc, 23e, Wc, "And now, cliildien," said tho teacher, who had been talking about military fortifications, "can any of you tell mo what is a buttress!" "Please, ma'am," cried littlo Willie, snapping his fingers, "it's a nanny goat!" The recent fad for perfumed beds has gained great popularity. The perfum ing is managed by spreading a cotton pad, thoroughly suclieted, beneath the lower sheet. By this one's bed can be made to seem stuffed with roses or violets. "So there," said Mrs. Henponk, con cluding her remarks, " 'A word to the wise is sulbcient.' " "Yes, my dear," rep.ied Henpeck, "and to the average married innn a word in edge' wise is suflicient." (The Famous German Wood Preserver) WHICH I'KIIMANKNTI.Y IJKSTIIOYS ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN.. ipSyOne application is all that is required". It lasts for years. If your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the following; distributing; agents: Perfection Pile Preserving; Co., Seattle, Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whitticr, Coburn & Co., San Francisco, Cal. DON'T LET YOUR HARVEST SEASON FIND YOU "WITHOUT A STUDEBAKER WAGON. Made of the Best Materials, thorottghly seasoned; by competent workmen. It standi without an equal. Call on cur Agent, or address . STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., 320-338 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. M itche Are the best that can be made. Nothing is or can be superior to a Mitchell Wagon, because it is made of thebesi material by experienced workmen which, cou pled with 65 years' experience in building; wagons, during which time the manu facturers have had but one aim, and that to produce the best possible to build, is a guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell Wagon, you get the best that can be made. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. If none in your vicinity, we will sell' to you direct. Send for circular. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. Branches at Spokane, Seattle Salem, McMinnville, Aiedford and La Grande. Mention this paper. In OHIO who had bare if aiuds .zp.nAus with a UrllllPir Out fit toot our adilr. .lid bought on. nf ourraod vi'ii aud art-.lut Well FachioeSj and did ST.OOO worlli nf drilling with It last yer. wbo retu,ot,IUk,toodaUvlcB when It l.offrtit Uim uii nl I tot pUttr! (Mrftiliir froe. Koosiiste.N YMA., - Timji. onio. Here's a Proposition Isn't it reasonable to supi.uio tlmt a Hrm ot HOyi arncxperliMit'e coiild tell you Hie best nay to B'lxuod value for your money t If jouaru makluit Improvements In your lioitfe, or build, tun u new lioufp, no matter how vmall or &tk i lie sum you with to spond In electrical or rhs fixtures llreplact's. mantel furniture, etc., you will wive money and bo well Milted l( ou con. Ulllt Till! JOHN It A llllliTT tO. ,01 Flr.t Slrprl, l'urtlnnd, Omciin, HARD WORKINGWOMEN Can II ml quick nnd permanent relief for utIouj and (tviuth di'Stroylns troubles lu Moore's Revealed Remedy ThoUf.Riuh have lued It aud thousand, now piaUe It. Ii uiires permanently, Jl per boitle at your dnis:tlK'. rwLr,jANRPEWSiow lr BICKFORM, Wnhlnoton, D. C. they will te ll celvequltik replies. U. Mb N. 11. Vols, btaff 30th Coroi. f roxcutluf vlalois sloci U7. Articles known to medical science arc nsed in preparing Hood's Sitrsnpurilln. Kvery ingredient Is carefully selected, person Rlly examined, and only the best retained. It is prepared by it combination, propor tion and process peculiar to itself nnd known to no other medicine, nnd by wlilch. the full medicinal power of all ingredient! used Is retained. It cures when a cure Is possible. Get only Hood's, because Hood's Sssrssitaritta Is the Best Medicine Money Can Buy. White grapes, nsparagus tips and JSnglish walnnts, with whipped cream dressing, mako a novel and dainty salad, 1 am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ngo. Mas. Tims. ItonoiNs, Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y,, Feb. 17, 1000. A substituted forefingor was shown by a Koenigsborg doctor at a surgical congress in Berlin. He had cut off the patients second too and sewed It to the stump of tho missing finger. Primary union followed, and tho new finger could be moved by its owner. Mothers will find Mrs. "Wlnslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. There is more need of common sense in culinary scienco than is ordinarily supposed, for we cannot becomo a strong people mentally unless our phys ical beings nre'well nourished. JHnister Now, littlo girl, yon wan to bo a Christian, don't you? JEthol No sir, I'd rathor sing in tho choir. Girls employed in the crepe manufac ture are under a curious contract no to engago in nny housework after their horns of labor. Tho reason is lest their hands should become coarse and unfit ted for the delicate nntnro of their em ployment. "How is it that Crimper did not have a penny last year, and now he is assessed on .$ 25,000 worth of property?" "None of his danghtors had to prepare for graduation this summer." Dayton's FIy Killer Used a few minutes aven lngg, will rid your bouta of Files and itoqtiltoev No mark or stain left on the ceilings or walls. Works like inaglc. Price Moonls. Write for book let. Dayton llardwara Co., I'ortlaud.Oregon. IHPBOTED LIVER ONE FOR A DOSE. Core Sfck Headache and Dys pepsia, ncmoro l'lmples.l'urlfy tho Mood. Aid 11bm tlun.l'rmrntimioutiiieis. DunotUrlpoorBlcken. To wmvlncojon.wtlluialHamp erreejf ullloi.Mo. DR. BOOANKOCO.,l'klll,lPtl)r. Boldbyllruinrliti. ."us ONE DOLLAR Wo will mail you a pair ot our una eaee, warranted ten jer, with mr KTit-i'Mfinv Trtiu hi n niaisM wArmntMl to fit jour ojes or money refunded, Ouritlrwei will permajieutly uure headAChe.nerTOua neM,iiiflmd eyes, Btjrs,Mtlffmtlm, tAko wrinkle out of your f am, cross eyuj intuit) to t-et auulght, to 0u0 rt (rwn mt Oplltml On. 14ft MiHtl.H.. JOHN POOLE. Portland, Obfooh, can give you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts aud windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold bt him, is un equalled. N. F. K. V. So. 31-1H00. WUKN wrttlnr to pi. ut.atlun thT pap.r. Wagons