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About Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 2018)
2B COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL DECEMBER 12, 2018 Middlefi eld Men’s Club Monday 12/3/2018 Game: 2M Best Ball First Place: -16 Ron Ackerman, Larry Eyman, Jim Cunningham, Dar- rell Lee Second Place: -14 Jake Cox, Dan Smith, Larry Strickland, John Kallbrier Third Place (tie): -12 Bill Avery, Gary Ingram, Keith Rowling, Jack Doleman Third Place (tie): -12 Tom Arney, Gary Culp, Don Perkins, Dave Tooker Frank Gates, Leon Hayes, Jerry Sing- er, Larry Emery Fourth Place (tie): 85 Bob McCarty, Pat Rickard, Larry Strickland, Jerry Pennington Low Gross Dan Smith 74 Jake Cox 76 Gary Ingram 77 Low Net Darrell Lee 65 Jim Cunningham 65 Dave Tooker 66 Keith Rowling 68 Larry Strickland 68 Closest to the Pin: #5 Darrell Lee #7 Jake Cox #14 Ron Ackerman Longest Putt #12 Jake Cox Middlefi eld Men’s Club Mon- day 12/6/2018 Game: 2M Points First Place: 90 Bill Avery, Todd Dennis, Jack Dole- man, Bob McCarty BD Fifth Place: -11 Don Hanly, Steve Lindholm, Pat Rickard, Gary Sparks Second Place: 88 Ricky Ambrose, Keith Rowling, Steve Lindholm, Jim Wamsley BD Sixth Place: -10 Manny Anderson, Todd Dennis, Phil Hamilton, Russell Bryce Seventh Place: -9 Cox, Leon Hayes, Gary Rider Fourth Place (tie): 85 Larry Emery, Don Perkins, Gary Welch, Jim Wams- ley Fourth Place (tie): 85 Tom Arney, Jim Hoover, Gary Sparks, Dave Tooker Low Gross: Gary Ingram 76 Jake Cox 76 Bill Avery 81 Gary Sparks 81 Low Net Bob McCarty 63 Jack Doleman 65 Russell Bryce 66 Tom Arney 67 Closest to the Pin #5 Jack Doleman #7 Jake Cox #14 Gary Ignram Longest Putt #13 Larry Eyman Third Place: 86 Russell Bryce, Jake High School Basketball Standings COTTAGE GROVE from B1 For Cottage Grove, off ense continued to be hard to come by until Hidden Valley pulled their starters in the fi nal min- utes of the game. Ema Gard- ner led the team with nine points and Matty Ladd had seven. “We’ve got to be able to take care of the basketball. So our fundamental skills, the basics: dribbling, passing, catching, shooting the basketball. If you can’t do those things, you can’t do the bigger things,” said Eastburn. “And when you play a good team like Hidden Valley, who is fast and ag- gressive and physical, that really exposes those things. So I think the girls learned a really good lesson from that. Th ey’re pretty self-aware of what went wrong.” According to the latest rankings in the coaches poll that came out last Monday, Hidden Valley is now at num- ber seven in 4A while Cottage Grove is at number eight. On Saturday, the Lions trav- elled to North Valley where they defeated the Knights 40- 36. Ladd led the team with 17 points while Gardner had nine on the night as the team improved to 3-1 on the sea- son. Th e Lions now have a brief Boys Sky-Em League Team Record Ranking Marshfi eld 2-0 2 Junction City 2-3 31 Siuslaw 2-3 32 Marist 1-2 23 Elmira 0-1 27 Cottage Grove 0-3 33 Girls Sky-Em League Team Record Ranking Marshfi eld 3-0 1 Marist 3-0 8 Cottage Grove 3-1 11 Junction City 3-2 9 Siuslaw 2-4 33 Elmira 1-0 7 PHOTO BY JADEN DOOLITTLE/CGHS PHOTOGRAPHY Freshman Gracie Arnold guards the perimeter. hiatus as they don’t play again until a road trip to Banks on Dec. 18. Following that trip the Lions will be at the Sea- side Holiday tournament starting Dec. 20, the Stayton Holiday Tournament starting Dec. 27 before playing in the Sky-Em/Skyline Crossover at Mazama starting Jan. 4. Th e team will round-out non- league play with Crook Coun- ty on the road on Jan. 8 before beginning league play Jan. 11 at Siuslaw. Th e next home game for the Lions is against top-ranked Marshfi eld – which defeated Hidden Valley 52-30 on Sat- urday – on Jan. 15. And until then, Eastburn is looking to get better every day. “Th ey’re really good kids and they will come back and work hard. Now does that translate to they will get bet- ter? I don’t know. Stay tuned,” said Eastburn. “We will see improvement from each and every kid. Does that take us to the next level that we want to be? Who knows. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t but at least we don’t end the season saying we didn’t do every- thing we can do. I know the girls will do that.” Boys Skyline League Team Record Ranking Riddle 5-0 11 Days Creek 3-2 13 UVC 3-2 18 Pacifi c 3-2 37 North Douglas 2-2 34 Camas Valley 2-3 50 NHC 2-3 52 Yoncalla 2-3 55 Milo Adventist 2-4 32 Elkton 1-5 54 Glendale 0-5 65 Girls Skyline League Team Record Ranking North Douglas 3-1 5 UVC 3-2 20 Pacifi c 3-2 26 Days Creek 3-2 38 The businesses on this page are: SUPER F ANS They proudly support our local student athletes. Please show your appreciation by patronizing their businesses. Cottage Grove High School North Douglas High School 12/14 4:30 p.m. Swimming @ North Bend 12/18 5:30 p.m. Girls Basketball @ Banks 7:00 p.m. Boys Basketball @ Banks 12/14 6:00 p.m. Girls Basketball vs. Lowell 7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball vs. Lowell 12/15 4:00 p.m. Girls Basketball vs. Coun- try Christian 5:30 p.m. Boys Basketball vs. Maple- ton 12/18 6:00 p.m. Girls Basketball @ Oakland 7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball @ Oak- land Yoncalla High School 12/14 5:30 p.m. Boys Basketball @ Reedsport 12/15 7:00 p.m. Girls Basketball @ Trian- gle Lake 12/17 6:00 p.m. Girls Basketball @ Ed- dyville Charter 7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball @ Ed- dyville Charter FAX (541) 942-2881 Rogers & Son Floor Covering • Window Covering Saunas • Swimming Pool & Hot Tub Supplies Dave & Carol Rogers (541) 942-0500 1324 E. Main (541) 942-0750 P.O. Box 40 (541) 942-0017 Fax Cottage Grove, OR 97424 www.rogersandsonfl Cottage Grove Sentinel @ cgsentinel @cgsentinel #cgsentinel Cottage-Grove-Sentinel Saturday, Sa at urd r rd d ay a , December D e c ce De e mber m b 1 15 5 Utt ah h @ Kentucky K en e tu tucky Utah 2 : 0 PM 2:00 P M ESP ES S P N 2 ESPN2 B ell mo nt @ UCLA UC U C LA L Belmont 2: 00 0 PM P M PAC12 PA A C1 C 1 2 2:00 A r izzon o a St S State ate @ Georgia G e o Ge or r gi ga Arizona 3: 00 PM SECN SE ECN N 3:00 V r g in Vi n ia Tech @ Washington W a sh Wash Wa h in ingt n gt g t on Virginia 4: 00 PM P M ESPNU ES SPN PNU U 4:00 Eaa st ster ern er n Washington Wa ash s in ngt gto o n @ Stanford on S tanf nf f o or r d Eastern 4:0 4: 0 0 PM 00 P M PAC12 PA AC1 C12 2 4:00 US S C @ Oklahoma O k l a ho Okl Ok h om m a ma USC 6: 00 0 0 PM P M ESPNU ESPN ES P NU PN 6:00 Boise Bo ois i s e State S t at a tee @ Oregon Oreg Or e on eg 6:00 0 PM P M PAC12 PAC1 PA C1 12 Cal Ca Poly Po o ly y @ California Cal a al li l if i f orr ni nia a 7:00 7 : 00 0 0 PM P M Baylor B a ylor yl l r @ Arizona A ri izo o na 8:00 ESPN2 8 :0 00 0 0 PM P M ES E P N2 PN Texas T xa Te x s A&M A & M @ Oregon A& O r eg Or e g on o State S ta tate te 8: : :00 8 00 0 PM P M PAC12 PA P AC1 A C1 C 12 1 2 8:00 Mon Mo nd n d ay, ay y , December D e ce De c m mb b er e r 1 7 Monday, 17 Ariz Ar izo o na on n a State S t ate St at t e @ Vanderbilt V a nd Va d e er rbi r b bi i lt Arizona 4 : 00 4: 0 0 PM P M SECN S SE E C CN N 4:00 F l lor Fl orr id o i d a A&M A& & M @ Utah Ut t a ah U h Florida 5: : 00 0 0 PM P M PAC12 PA P A C1 AC1 C 1 2 5:00 Pepp pp p p er e r d di i n ne e @ O r re e ego g o n S St go t atte tat Pepperdine Oregon State 7 0 7: 00 0 PM P M 7:00 R i d de e r @ Washington Wa a s sh W h in i n g gt t on ing n State S t ta ate a te t e Rider 7 : 00 0 0 PM P M 7:00 Tu ues esd da y da y, , December D ecc e em m ber b e 18 8 Tuesday, Flor Fl l or rid idaa A&M A& A & M @ Oregon Or reg O r e eg g on Florida 3 : 00 0 PM P M PAC12 PA A C1 C 1 2 3:00 U C @ Santa US S ant Sa a n t a Clara Cl lar ara a USC 7 00 7: 0 PM P M 7:00 Sa a n José J osé Jo s St S t @ Stanford S t a an Stan n fo ford rd San 7: : 00 0 0 PM P M PAC12 P A C1 PAC C 12 7:00 12/14 3:00 p.m. Girls Basketball vs. Country Christian TBD Boys Basketball @ North Douglas Invite 12/15 1:00 p.m. Girls Basketball vs. Lowell 2:30 p.m. Boys Basketball vs. Lowell PAC--12 2 WOMENS W O M EN NS PAC-12 Wedn We d n es dnes e s da d a y, y , December D ec ecem em m b e r 12 1 2 Wednesday, O r egg o Oreg Or on n @ South S outh ou u th t h Dakota D akota ak k a State S at St ate Oregon 5:0 5 00 PM M ESPN+ E SP SPN N+ 5:00 P ai Pr airi riee View Viee w A&M Vi A & &M M @ Colorado C o lo o r ado orad Prairie 6 : 0 0 PM 6: P M 6:00 F r id Fr d ay, a y , December D e cem m be r 14 1 4 Friday, O eg g on Or n State S t a te t e @ Eastern E astt e rn r n Washington W a shi hi inggton n Oregon 8 : 59 PM P M 8:59 S atu Sa tu ur d ay ay, December D e e m Dece mb b er e 15 Saturday, B a ayl Ba y l orr @ Stanford Sta an St an forrd anfo Baylor@ 12 1 12:0 2 :0 00 PM P M PAC12 P AC C12 12:00 Web We be r State be S t at te @ Utah Stat Ut t ah h Weber 1 00 1: 0 PM P M 1:00 Mont Mo ntt an n ntan a n a @ Washington ana W sh Wa s ingt gton gt t on o Montana 1: 00 0 PM P M 1:00 Oreg Or e gon eg on State S ta t a te t @ Texas T ex e a s A&M A & &M M Oregon 8 59 8: 5 9 PM P M 8:59 Su S u nd n ay, ay y , December Dece De cemb ce mber mb er r 16 1 6 Sunday, C Santa S an anta t a Barbara ta B ar arba b ara ba r @ California ra C alif all f or o r ni ia UC 2: 00 0 0 PM P M 2:00 Ar riz z on o n a State@ ona S att e e@ St @ Kansas K an a nsa s s State sa S t at St atee Arizona 2 : 00 2: 0 PM P M 2:00 CS U Northridge No Nort o r rt t hr h r id dge e @ USC U SC S C CSU 2: 0 00 0 PM P M 2:00 Ok O k laho kla la a ho h o ma m State S ta a te e @ UCLA U CL LA Oklahoma 2: 00 0 0 PM P M 2:00 M o nd Mo Mond d ay a y, y , December D e ce De Dece c e mb m b er e r 17 1 7 Monday, U T EP UT E P @ Arizona A ri i zo o na n a UTEP 5 : 3 5: 30 0 PM P M 5:30 T u e Tu Tues es s d da a y, y , December D ecem e c em ec e m b be e r 18 1 8 Tuesday, S t n fo Stan St f o rd ford d @ Tennessee T en e nne nee ss ssee s eee Stanford 3 : 00 3: 0 PM P M SECN CN N 3:00 M i ss Mi Mis s s i is s sippi State ssis Stat atee @Oregon @O @ O re r go g o n Mississippi 7 :00 PM P M ESPN2 E S PN ES P N2 N 2 7:00 PAC12 BAKSETBALL PAC-12 PAC PA C-12 1 MENS M EN ENS S Wednes We ess da d a y, y , December D ec e c em e m ber be b e r 12 2 Wednesday, San Dieg Di Diego i eg ego o @ Oregon O eg Or e gon o n on 7:00 7 00 7: 0 PM P M PAC12 PA A C12 C 1 2 C1 (541) 942-4415 Elkton High School