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About Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1911)
\ y \y w ' w ' r ®te (ttottag? (fk iw §>ntitel COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911 Volume VI DOES NOT CARRY ENOUGH ADVERTISING COMPARED TO NEWS TO MAKE IT PAY SO SAYS DULUTH FRIKNI) THK SKNTINKL. OF Mr. Carter refuaed to »wear out a com- T R A N S F E R R E D TO A R T I L L E R Y. Fourth Regiment Disbonded Portland Monday. R 0. BUSINESS INCREASES. at Largest M 0. Report in History of Local Office. Co. E., of Ihi» city, in now a part of the I'OMNl artillery, tin- Fourth rcgi merit having been di»banded at Port land Monday. The disbandment and transfer mark» the consummation of a plan which lia» been before the war department for a ilo rnber o f yeara, National goard oflicera bave long heen eonvineed (fiat »tute troop» »houli! la- thoroughly trained in thè iiandling of coast de ferme guna. While il ih ìh Irne ihat thè troop» bave had three enrarniinieiit» at thè eoa»t fo ri» in D iìm »tate, their training haa never heen ronaidcred thoroogh enough to enahle thi-m to take e barge o f thè coa»t defenaea in tln- evenl of invaaion. The largest money order huNine»» in the hiMlory of the local poatoffiee wax reported in the regular bi-monthly -itaternent ixxoed December 1st. The report »bowed that order» i»»ued for the 15 day» amounted to II,.525 lit and tho»e piad to *1,214.69. A t one period in the history o f the office the amount of order» issued was larger, but they were issued under con ditions that did not indicate the le giti mate business nl tin- office. Number 12 STRAWBERRIES RIPEN IN WILLAMETTE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WINTER Lane County Poultry Show. TH IN G S N E V E R STOP GROWING plailit oil the evidence of the dog's The fourth annual Lane county poul IN W I L L A M E T T E . work, aa no postage atamp» could he try »how will he held in Eugene all found. The party a Treated promised next week, beginning Monday. i Felix Currin Brings in Samples of Wiltrh Sentinel a Highly Coinpli- the diatricl attorney to remain in Eu All entneH must iw: m*fJe on blank* l _ , . ftf . ineutnry Letter and Gives gene until the grand jury incela. furnished hy the secretary; entry fee. ; Ll,#c»ou* Fruit from Walnut Entrance to the olllcc wax effected (iood Advice. payable to the secretary, B.K. Keeney, I Avenue Farm. hy " j i m m y i n g " « swinging window strictly in advance. Entries without i ------------ u | m - ii . The interi r id the office wua IH 'N I'l.KY PRINTING Co , fee» will not be recognized. There's not much the matter with a ranaacked, paper» and hook» being Duluth, Minn. Entries will iioaitively clcae at 6 p. country that will produce strawberries atrewn all over the Hour A druwer m., Friday, December 15, 1911. right in the middle o f winter, and Mr Elbert Bed*. in which wax kept aeveral dollar» Cottage Grove, <tregon. Entry fee» are a» follow» : Single that a what the Cottage Grove country What About Socialism? worth of atamp» and $5 or $6 in money M. Dear Mr. Ilcde Rev. Sutcliffe will give hi» view* on b rds, 25c; pens, $1.00 extra; turkeys, j ia doing. Felix Currin was in the city Sample copy of On- Sentinel re w a» “ Jimmied" ami the contenta taken. socialism at the M. E. church Sunday duck» and geese, 25c each; pigeon», 1<X- this week with a bunch of the berries ceived, mim I »he certainly i» u hummer. evening at 7 in. This is the second o f each. All bird» must lie entered »ing- I that opened the eyea o f even old tim- Fred Churchill Dead. Collage Grove wBI certainly forge to his sermons on subject» relating to ly. ¡era. They were large, solid, healthy- The funeral o f Fred Churchill, »on the front with a paper like the Senti socialism, and u third one will he given All bird» must be plainly banded and looking berries, only a few of which o f Mr. and Mr». S. F. Churchill, wax tri thè re-organization Capi. R. K. nel to booat her along. 1 note that you the next Sunday. The church was band marks plainly marked on entry were yet ripe, the most of them being held Sunday from Veatch'a chapel, l.awHon'» aervìcea are likely to he »ig u«e the name fearlena pen that churac- Exhibitors not having leg | green ones, which had just about crowded last Sunday and the audience blanks. Rev. Iloven officiating. Interment nallv rewardori liy hi» promotion to lerUcd your work In Miniieaota. I e x this Sunday promises to be larger than bands on birds can obtain same trom reached their full growth. There were wai made in the l. 0. <). F. cemetery. licutenant eolonel. tend my heal wishes for proapenty, secretary by enclosing with entry fee also several blossoms which had not ever. Major C. E. Dentley, of Ila 15th in Mr. Churchill died at a San Francia- tint it ace urn to me that you will have two ami one-half cents per band for yet developed into berries. Theae City Bouda Sold. laaly wii » fanlry, »tationed at Pori lami, in- co hospital Dec. Hth. Th number need- g. berries were grown right out in the to have more advertiaiiiK to no with »pected thè property of li Saturday The issue o f $,6000 of improvement brought here Saturday. the amount of new* you ge l up to make Should birds be entered ami not open without any protection whatever Deceaned wa» 24 year» of uge. lie and gave an uddre»» in Die evening on bonds recently advertised by the city it pay. tiood luck to you anyway. shown, the fees for same will go to the from the weather, wan lairn at Eikhead, Dougin« county, mililHry mailer» to mernlier» o f thè council ha* been sold to J . II. <'au»ey Youra aincerely, association. i ——---------------------- thi» »tate. Hu leave», heaiden wife regiment. Every soldier who heard & Co., of Denver. The deal was closed W. W. H U N T LE Y . and parent», two brother», Floyd, of him iHlk ha» higher and better ideals with an agent of the company this I Sutlierlin, Oregon, und L'he»lry. !.. of of the solider’ » life than fie ever bad week, and the bonds will be taken up for same forfeited to the association. ~ * tlii» city, and two ai»ler». Mr». Walter iiefore and his visit was greatly ap- as soon as approved by the company. A ll birds must be in the show room BIG A N IM A L S W I L L BE PROPA- Tiiralkill, of Portland, and Mrs. Laura preciated. I he bond» were taken at par. by 10 a. m. Monday, December 18, GATED IN ST AT E . KirtU-y, o f Jacksonville, Oregon. 1911. Birds will be received and cared LOTTAGh GROVE DOG MAKES Mr. Churchill had made Co( 1 for on the 16th and 17th. . . . . „ , HER FIRST CATCH- Grove his home most of tils life and All coops and crates must be ad- P le n t y of Verdant P ^ t u r a g e for was well ami favorably known here. tbe Large and Beautiful Au- POPULAR HOSTELRY UNDER BANK OF COTTAGE GROVE IN dressed to the Lane County Poultry Eugene burglar Qunklv Traced to Ill« many friends regret hi» taking olf association, Eugene, Oregon, express- tiered Grazers, NEW M A N A G E M E N T . NEW HOME. just in the prime of life. He was Hla Lair hy Cottage Grove age prepaid. ----------- taken to San Francisco hospital Mau Hunter. That Oregon creamery need not take i Through the efforts of M ate Game Oct. lat suffering with dmp»y. Medi J. T. Donovan Retires from Oregon Now Occupies Corner of Jones’ aecoid place in manufacture of dairy harden L. Finley, on his recent visit cal an! could do nothing for him, how Hotel; Billings and Bartell Building Recently Vacated by products was stated on undoubted at Washington, D. C., the government The Ci ttuge Grove blood hound made ever, and the end wan not unexpected. New Proprietors. First National. authority at the recent convention of bas been persuaded to donate fifteen il» hr»* catch Sunday in tracing a Eu A fine country place on the bank of butter and cheese makers in Portland. ebl to the state of Oregon. These gene burglar. The hound traced the ( 'ns ked river. Crook county, coating biirglur to Ida lair in a few minutes. . . .. ...... The Oregon hotel ha* changed hands, The Bank of (Cottage Grove is now Prof. John Sollie, of Albert I.ea, animals will be taken from the forest , . . . $6t),uuu, ia pmmiHcd by Henry Met all The fiutimi wus hi charge of Marshall . . ...... 3 ... . W. C. Billings, formerly o f lairane, comfortably settled in its new home in Minn., chief judge o f the exhibits, reserves o f Wyoming, crated and trans the son in-law of Thomas W. Lawson, Frank Snodgru«», who i» much pleased and C. A. Bartell, who ha* hud charge the Jones' building, corner Main and »aid he was surprised at the high quali ported to Oregon as soon as the people of Boston. Mr. Met'all ha» bought 4<si with the record made during the first of the Oregon grill, having succeeded Fourth streets, just across Fourth ty of cheese and butter he found here. o f this state provide an adequate pas acres and will make a beautiful fiume He said the butter show would rank ture for them. They will become the real try out J. T. Donovan as proprietors. Mr. street from the First Nations of it. This I* one result of the visit of The building ha» been completely with any he had judged in New York 8 0 property of Oregon and serve to Sheriff Itown saj* tin- blood bound, Billing»' tine Lorane property was Mr. Lawson to Oregon last summer. remodeled since the First National and the eastern states. perpetuate a race o f noble animal» that which is a young female, worked a consideration in the deal. - is rapidly becoming extinct. splendidly, ami fie could recommend The hotel enjoyed a prosperous bank moved out, and makes a much Do your Christmas shopping early. Oregon Attracts Attention Through- in the northwestern part of the state the animal to any oflicer desirous of business during the time Mr. Donovan more attractive appearance on Main out East. there is a 2500-acre pasture that has catching a criminal. Others who saw owned it, and much o f its popularity street than it formerly did. The in- Girl Dies of Burns. Eyes of eastern people have been been set aside by the national govern- Die dog aay her work could no* lie beat The little seven-year-old daughter of WH* ’*uc 1,1 the up-to-date manner in terior also had much added to it in the en. She w i i recently brought here Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kinsley, o f lasik which the grill ha.» I «-on condurted way o f a steel ceiling and new decora- i fixed on Oregon during the past two mer,t for testing the utility of a coyote tions. weeks. The governors’ specia, learry- Pro° I fence. It is said to have proven from Michigan by a company of Cot ing Glass, who had Die misfortune to bv Mr Bartell. Both banks o f the city are now- lo- ing an exhibit of state products, has e le ctive for that purpose and the for- tage Grove buxines* men. Chriatmaa ramile» 15 cents per box tie liadly scalded u few days ago by ■ated at the same corner. heen visiting the principal cities of estry service, according to W arden Pin- .-joine time Saturdsy night the office fulling into a vat of hot water which at Brund & Co.’s. D15-22 the country and has attracted great '* willing to give this big park to ut the factory of tin- Eugene Ice and was being used for scalding hogs, M A N Y ROADS TO EUGENE. attention everywhere. Oregon has ' the state as an elk reserve. The mat* to ld Storage company, ut the north passed away lust Friday evening. The HOUSE W A R M IN G SUCCESSFUL. l»een favored with more interest than location, however, has not been end of Ferry ntreet, was broken into accident occurred on the J. E. VN illiums Eugene Newspapermen Imbibed Too County Seat Expects To Be Quite a any other state, judging from the great settled, as this is a question that will and a small amount <>f money ami some farm. The little girl was playing number o f inquiries asked o f those on be left largely to the state at large, slainp* were tukcu. F. M. Carter, Much Enthusiasm. R ailw ay Center. near the vat when she was accidently t)oarj as it is distinctly a matter o f public principal owner and manager of the jostled by n hired hand, when she top The Eugene Commercial cluli’s house No less than six railroads are now plant, discovered the burglary during A t the Chicago Lxnd show, tco, this interest, ple»! into the boiling water. She was warming last Fridav evening was a under actual construction toward the state has played a prominent part. The Wyoming elk are magnificent Die forenoon ami notified Sheriff Down, immediately jerked out and everything successful affair in every way. There cilv of Eugene, and this winter and Oregon Day, Decemb«*r 7, was marked speciment and it is believed that they The sheriff asked if any one hail been possible was done to relieve the in- are those, thougii, who fear that the next summer promise to be exceeding- in Die office during the forenoon, and tense pain of the little .offerer, whose newspapermen of that citv must have l> busy in this part of the Willamette by 8 very^ large ^ He' l o g i c a l ' ! u r ' e y ^ f the^Tp^rt- receiving a reply hi the negative, he h.aly was badly burned from the neck imbibed too freely of aomethirg beaide. valley. The roads are: Oregon Elec -»ted " ho JJ* 1 ment of agriculture will meet part of telephoned to Marshall Miodgrusa to down. enthusiasm. It is claimed that no law- trie extension from Salem and Albany more of Oregon. A 1 8 1 „ the ex tg of cratin d tran8port. firing the I i I imh I hound to Eugene on Tjie funeral was held at Looking abiding citizen in a dry town could per- to Eugene; Southern Pacific line to 8bow. which opens this week .or 11 . . . . . . . f w - . the train, us tins would l>e a good Glass last Sunday, services being con- petrate the following write-up of the Cooa B a y ; Oregon Eastern Harriman) da-va- < >regon will also be represented ^ The fooJ for the winter .op|M>rtunity to teal its skill, inasmuch ducted by Rev. A. C. Vernon. and an an exhibit. exhibit. These These To banquet, which appeared in the Regis- from Klamath Falls, over half of by delegates and Rev. A. I'. Vernon, will have to be provided by the people aa no one had entered the office after which lias been completed; Oregon big features will do much to point land- mourn her loss the little girl leaves ter ; of Oregon. It is expected they will oe the biirglur hud liiii*lied his work, g i v " Feminine beauty, sartorial elegance ‘ Eastern through Malhuer canyon to hungry people to this state, where ag- tier parents and several brother» ami moved by February and some definite ing tin- iiiiimul s clear trail. and masculine pulchritude.coupled with Burns and eventually to the Eugene- ricultural opportunity awaits them, sisters. Yoncalla Times, Hth. action as to location must be taken Marshall Snialgrass was instructed by witty retort, bon mot and repartee in- Klamath line; Pacific Great Western before that time. Sheriff Dow n to get off the train at termingled with stringed harmonies to l oo# Bay; and Portland, Eugene & Several other states have tried to se Springlield Junction, and the sheriff i m n u u i o lo n i\ U L .J l 111 d i n i L i atul 8 t r i d , n t s t r , j n 8 o f chortling jinglea Eastern from Monroe to Eugene. cure these elk in the past, and Oregon niei him there with an automobile, of local color amid dazzling ligiits and bringing him on into the city. The Foreign Competition. SMOOTH N E W S P A P E R AGENTS people to feel proud at having been sue- CONTEST BRINGS BIG GAIN IN laughter were the ingredients of the Eliminates cesaful in interesting the government hound was ut once taken into tile office Ministers o f the gospel from other HAVE D ISA PPE A R E D . housewarming and reception gaieties M E M B E R SH IP. in its decision to honor Oregon in this o f the ice works, and after sniffing which reached one grand crescendo of » l * te* cannot Perform marriage eer- way. Its own elk will soon be e x around a while, durted out the door. notable success at the Commercial emonies in Oregon, according to an She led the party to a small house in Cottuge Grove Grange Will Have club home last night, thus signalizing ° P * " ' ° " written by Attorney ^General Had No Authority to Dispose of tinct. With a starter of 15 animals, there ought soon to be quite a respect William Randolph Hearst’ s the neighborhood o f Die roek crusher the Largest Membership the final and crowning triumph o f the Crawford a few’ days ago. The new able herd. I t is absolutely necessary ut the old tannery and refused to go Fancy Poultry. in Oregon duh members in their completion and law requiring all ministers to file that public sentiment be aroused in further. The occupant submitted to statements of their authority to sol i occupancy o f the new club home. this behalf, as it is a matter that can seurch anil wiis tiiken to the court emnize uisrnage contracts, provides The newspaper solicitors who were Cottage Grove grunge, when the " A s a brilliant social event, com- only be brought about by this method. house, ami Deputy District Attorney that they shall be ministers or priests here some time ago taking sub9crip- Bryson put him through a course o f meinliers now on the waiting list are plete in every detail and appointment of churches or congregations w ithin tions for the San Francisco Examiner’ s | }* s*ai1<' questioning, and the amount o f money wil1 bt' thp ,arK‘ ’*l in lhe a u d ru n n in g t h e g a m u t o fv a rio u s e z e r - the state. So ministers from Idaho, Weekly and offering to give a dozen behind Warden Finley in this effort, as found on his person corresponded with 8t" u*- H* nearest competitor w il l b e | c i » e s and ceremonies, the affair sur- W ashington, or any other state cannot white Leghorn chickens from Hearst’s he has given his word that Oregon will the amount stolen from the desk. I.ut Kvenin« Stl*r « r“ n* e at «'«rtlamL passed far and away the most sanguine cross the state line and perform mar- chicken ranch with each order, are find a place to house these animals if The recent meinliership contest re- • x p °‘‘ tations o f the great gathering of the government would giv e them. riage ceremonies in Oregon, nor can probably swindlers. They took a num- suited in surprising gams. Die member- hosts assembled to do honor to the they secure the right to do so by any oer 0f orders here, but so far neither ship being increased from 98 to 378. I auspicious event. There was a general means. This opinion was written in papers nor chickens have arrived, and Two weeks avo a big c I hss was given a' r ° f Ha't ty a,,d good fellowship over answer to an inquiry from Robert ( ’. the chances are that those who ex- the first two degrees, but there are tho who,e asaemblage. which caused Lee, of Huntington, near the Idaho pected to get a dozen Leghorna and the yet list on the waiting liat, most of Heeling hours of the evening to tlit boundary line in eastern Oregon. American Weekly three years for $¡3.00 l whom are expected to he in for the l,y into the past like moving pictures, TO BE ERECTED CORNER SEC are probably out their cash. JESSE DARLING TO EXHIBIT Fancy Frills Cut Out. j meeting tomorrow. The fir8t hour o i the reception was giv- Other towns along the line have be OND AND MAIN. W ILLA M E T T E PRODUCTS. Highsounding titles and the cus Thc grange ia now in a very prospar- en over to greeting ol friends, acquain- come suspicious because o f the delay nus condition, and there is some talk tanres and visitors and to an animated tomary " m y dear sirs," and " m y dear in receipt of the goods, and answers New Structure To Have 75-Foot among members of starting h move for 8,,rtie of the gathering in an intimate Mr. So-and-so," have been barred from received to telegrams sent to the Ex- Vegetables from Lorane Valley and the building o f a grange hall, the pres umI Interested inspection of the various the offices of the Southern Pacific coni- uminer from Rosehurg stiIII further F'rontuge and To Be Two Grain and Grasses from Currin ent quarters being far too small for the NpartmenU and appointments of the puny. An order went out a few days strengthen the opinion that the agents Stories High. Farm Sent to Wisconsin. new club home. Reception committees ago, signed William C. Sproule, presi- increased mem lie rs hip. have fiown with the money. joined the various groups and acted as dt.nt of the company, directing that The men traveled under the names A new brick building is under con Cottage Grove fruit, vegetables, escorts in the various little side trips henceforth in all communications be- Somers Elected Vice-President. of Sullivan and Noke, transacted their sideration for Cottage Grove, Alfred grains and grasses will be exhibited at o f drifting about the spacious interior tween employes of the line, rank or At a meeting of Lane county osteo business so openly anti were such re S. Powell ami W. It. Cooper, being Milwaukee, Wis., to entice residents and everybody was made to feel thor- station notwithstanding, the customary spectable looking fellows that while the gentlemen who have the proposi paths ut Eugene Saturday, Dr. H. H. o f that state to this fertile section of oughly at home in the enjoyments pro- salutations would not be tolerated, Somers, o f this city, was elected vice- their proposition seemed to be an un tion under consideration. the earth. vided for the evening of social com- From now on the missives will be usually good one, no suspicion was at I f erected, the building will he put president. Dr. A. M. Smith, of Eu A shipment of two boxes, containing raderie.” headed plain "John Sm ith," and signed tached to them until it was known that up at the southeast corner o f Main gene was elected president and Dr. J. vegetables furnished by Hardy Crow, Messrs. J. S. Medley, Ben Lurch, "John Sm ith," with no "yours to com- they had disappeared unexpectedly and and Second streets and will be con G. Hurst, o f the same place, whs o f Lorane, and grains and grasses from L. S. Hill and W. H. A hrams attend mand,” "yours respectfully,” etc., al that no chickens had apneared. structed of brick, two stories In height, elected secretary and treasurer. the Felix Currin farm, near Cottage lowed. Letterheads also are under the ed from here. The organization will lie called the and have a frontage of 76 feet. In ad ban. l ’ lauyUationery will be in vogue Southern Oregon cities are looking ! Gruve waa made Monday, Following is one o f the fak e tele- dition lo the vacant property ut Dus Lane county Osteopathic association. in the Southern Pacific office from this forward to a network o f interurban Mr. Darling is heavily interested in The purpose o f the association is to grams read that made a hit; corner it will take in the ground now date. electric lines that will greatly facili- orchard lands in the Lorane valley "Oshkosh, Wis., Dec 8, 1911. occupied by Milne A McQueen’ s and spread the principles o f the osteopath- You can judge the kind o f job print- tate travel and inter-community life in will exhibit the products where they ic science to the public generaBy and "in form a tion Bureau, Die bicycle ahop. ing a newspaper does hy the kind of a that section o f the state. Plans are will do most good. "E u gen e Commercial Club, The plans are not fully matured us aid in every manner in the upbuilding The shipment was gotten together ” 1» Cottage Grove, Oregon, in Lane paper it prints. The Sentinel is w ill announced of a trolley line from yet, but it is more than likely that the of thHt school o f practice for diseases. by Hemenway & Lockwood. ing to let its paper be an ad. for its Qranta Pass to Ashland, linking all county. Please answer. Meetings o f the association will be building will be put up in the near fu job printing. the interme»liate cities. " N . E. S. M IT H .” Legal blanks at the Sentinel office. held at the call of the president. ture. 15 FINE ELK FOR OREGON HOUND GETS THE BURGLAR ••■■e HOTEL CHANGES HANDS IN ITS NEW QUARTERS rR AWre I ARfFST IN ^\TATF NEW BRICK BUILDING FOR COTTAGE GROVE MEN MAY BE SWINDLERS VEGETABLES AND GRAIN SHIPPED TO MILWAUKEE