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About Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1909)
i (Ciîttanr (íkmtr í^rttíturl S U C C E S S O R TO T H E W E S T E R N O R E G O N VOLUME IV SPEAKS OF EARLY DUES COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCT. 8. 1909 NUMMER 2 sions of the new law by which certifi any man to live in a town if he does cates of delinquency are issued by the not like it. I f you have no good word | sheriff to persons paying taxes which for your city, its institutions or people, are unpaid by the owners o f the pro- emigrate. You won’ t bust the town perty. The owner may redeem these by going away. The church hells will | Mr. McFarland Located Here in I j at Cottage Grove Presents to the World Opportunities Unsurpass have the same musical ring, the little ■ Thousand Acres of Fruit Trees any time within three years by ing the holder the amount of th lax the Early Fifties. dogs will play just as well and the ed by Any Other Section in the Great Pacifc Northwest. to Be Planted This Winter. [ and interest at the rate o f 15 per cent pure air, bright sunshine and sparkling I per annum, but at the expiration of -------- water will have the same health g iv - , COTTAGEGROVETHEN UNBORN the three years they operate similar to tho southern end of the beautiful The mining interests of the city next ing qualities. Speak a good word for CANADIAN IN CHARGE OF WORK a mortgage and the holder may fore- Willamette Valley in Lane county, 144 to lumber are the most important of your city, if you can; if you can’ t, do i I close and gain title. It is believed-»m;|es south o f Portland, and advantage- her industries, as it affords such a not everlastingly enlarge upon its I Made the Long Journey With Father’ s ! that under the new law the county ousiy located on the main line of the splendid market for all local products o f faults. If you have become thoroughly Many Men and Teams W II be Employ Family Before Railroads Had Pene ed for Several Months in Preparing will practically clean up the delinquent Southern Pacific railroad, is the thriv- the farm. Mines and miners produce disgruntled, move away. trated the Great Pacific Northwest. the Land.--Plan to Sell Small Orch ! list within a very short time after the inK,y progreg8jve t.jty of Cottage Grove. nothing but money, anil are consumers Cottage Grove needs boosters, not Freighted Provisions From Portland. J six months limit expires, for it is be It has a population of 3000, which is of every necessity of life that is pro knockers. Knockers may be had with ards on Installments. . Mr. J. Henderson McFarland, after lieved speculators will be eager to buy rapidly increasing. The city affords duced by the farmer, stock raiser, out the asking. Give the town a good Mr. Ruben Phillips, o f Toronto, Can having been confined to his home for the certificates. exceptional educational advantages, gardener, poultry man, etc. The prin word. It will pay every time. ada, has been in Cottage Grove this upwards of a fortnight, visited his cus and in addition to the graded schools, cipal mining district tributary to Cot week making arrangements to move GATHERED GOAT HAIRS. tomary haunts last Saturday. Mr. Mc which have an enrollment of more than tage Grove Is the Bohemia gold mining HURT BY FLYING STEEL. his family hither. Mr. Phillips will Farland is a pioneer in the truest 800 pupils, with sixteen t > aehers, there district, 36 miles to the east which is have the management o f the Churchill- meaning o f the term, and when in a Woodmen to Do Team Work at Drain. ¡s a graded high-school, whose gradu- fast proving itself to be among the Sherman Shortridge Setters Painful Matthews fruit ranch o f approximately reminiscent mood relates some interest Mr. Rosenberg Honored -N otes. ates are entitled entrance in the Uni- leading camps of the Pacific Coast. Injury on Monday. one thousand acres,near Lorane, twelve ing instances connected with the early On Monday afternoon next about versity ol Oregon. 1 he population is Numerous large mills, concentrating Sherman Shortridge, an employe of miles from this city. He has had no settlement of this section o f the W il forty members o f the Cottage Grove more than 95 per cent American, and plants, electric power plants, sawmills, the Brown Lumber Company, met with inconsiderable experience in fruit cul lamette valley. lodge of Woodmen of the World will go there is a healthy interest in education, etc., are operating in the district, em quite a serious accident, from the re- ture. He will commence at tin- very In 1850 Mr. McFarland’s father came The to Drain, where initiation ceremonies churches and organizations o f a purely ploying several hundied men. T j suits of which he will he “ laid up” for foundation in this instance, by plough from Missouri to the present site of Black Butte quicksilver mines, 18 will be held in the evening. The vis social and fraternal nature. several days. While in the blaeksmith- ing the extensive tract and setting out Cottage Grove, traveling the entire dis Cottage Grove is an important point miles to the southwest, contain large ■ , . , „ . itors will be headed by Consul Com the trees. The land has but recently , ... , ing department a piece ot flying st tance with an ox team. He was great * ^ mander John Veatch, while Mr. F. H. along tha Southern Pacifci system. It deposits ot cinnabar, ore, which are be- ' struck him across the left * eye, injur come into the possession of the Church- ly impressed with the country, its pros ; Rosenberg, captain of the drill team enjoys terminal rates on its exports of ing extensively developed. Large de ing the globe and lacerating and bruis ill-Mutthews Company, and there is a pects and possibilities, and after secur and sixteen others will perform the lumber and in the all important matter posits of mineral paint have been dis ing the flesh. A physician removed a large amount of preliminary work to ing land a mile west o f the present operation upon the initiates. Head of passenger transportation is accorded covered four miles north and a com tiny piece of steel from the tissue of be done this fall and winter. I’art of town he returned to the Bourbon state Consul 1. I. Boak of Denver will be distinct advantage, being the initial pany has already been incorporated to the globe or eyeball, and iron rust from j tbe acreage was under cultivation and for his family, going by water to San The develop them. present. The Cottage Grove lodge point for certain local trains. the eye, and while the sight will be there are a number of line fences to Francisco. The McFarlands consisted Cottage Grove besides being the impaired for a time, it is thought that be removed, some timber to cut, ami may boast of its team work, for, i the Oregon and Southeastern railroad has o f a wife and two sons, J. Henderson line running from Cottage Grove supply point for the various mining language o f the head consul, " i t Is as the accident will not cause permanent brushing to be done before the entire and Charles, and this group, one bright good a team as ever put on the work.” twenty miles up the Row River Val districts and lumbering camps, already injury. tract can be utilized. This work will spring morning in 1853 bade adieu to Jendentus Lodge, No. 48, K. of P., ley to the great Bohemia mining dls- mentioned, is also the principal trading go forward as rapidly as |xissible after their old home friends and acquaint held an interesting session Wednesday I r*l't. Ibis line taps the famous tiin- point for a vast scope of surrounding COU NC IL ON RIGHT TRACK. October 15, and twelve teams and ances and started for their future nlght at which one candidate for mem- ber btd*- in Lane county. It is estimat- country, such as the fertile Lorane home many hundreds of miles away, Citizens Gratified With Its Position on about forty men will be engaged Iwrship was admitted. The members ed that tributary to Cottage Grove Valley, 12 miles west, which is import throughout the winter months. When employing the same means o f trans Public Improvements. enjoyed refreshments at the conclusion there. 18 as niut’h tonnage for railroad ant for its dairying interests, also it is learned that these possessions ex portation as had the father in his of the work The public-spirited citizens o f the traffic as would be found in any equal Calapooia Mineral Springs, located 12 tend three miles down the valley, one initial trip. area in the state. This consists main- miles southwest, which is becoming community cannot but appreciate and can more readily comprehend the mag Snark J. H. Baird, whose headquar- “ A t that time,” said Mr. McFarland ters are at Nashville, Tern., has ap- ly o f lumber, mining and farm products, noted as a health resort, and is reached commend the position taken at Mon nitude o f the work to lie accomplished. to The Sentinel, “ there w;ft no Cot day’s meeting by the mayor and eoun- pointed Frank H. Rosenberg of Cot- There are thirty-one lumber mills from Cottage Grove by daily stage. It is the purpose of the company to tage Grove, and our market place was tage Grove Vicegerent of the Hoo-Hoo tributary to Cottage Grove, a score ot So successful has been the business cilmen on matters for the betterment plant apple and pear trees, and dispose Eugene, a mere hamlet then. Many of for the Southern Oregon district, to which arc within twenty miles of the of poultry keeping In the country sur of the municipality. A spirit of pro of the young orchards in five and ten the necessaries o f life the settlers succeed himself. Mr. Rosenberg was c*ty. The employes of these mills rounding Cottage Grove and so large gress prevaded the atmosphere, and acre tracts at $350 per acre, the agree brought from Portland, going and com trade in Cottage Grove, and the month are the shipments o f poultry and eggs contemplated improvements which have ment stipulating that the company shall filling an unexpired term, caused by ing the 144 miles with ox teams. ly payroll exceeds $50,000. One of the from this point, that the city is fre- seemingly been unwarrantably delayed care for the trees for a period ol' five Nearly everything consumed was the resignation o f J. S. McGladry of principal resources of Southern Lane a new impetus. There quentiy referred to as the Petaluma o f! weri> Eugene, and his reappointment to the years. Payments may be made on the freighted in, and we could do it as the part of county, of which Cottage Grove is the Oregon, by those who are interested was no outward sig,. exalted position is a recognition of installment plan, and purchasers may cheaply as the regular freighters. Our pivotal point, is its extensive forests in the n n n '«T - ' ere is no the aldermanic body to balk or retard occupy the land whenever they so elect. cattle and hogs were also marketed the excellent services rendered during of standing timber, therefore n- for the de- public improvements, and no disposi Ten acres in the geographical center o f there for a number of years. The first his incumbency. the leading industrit »g* business tion to shrink from meeting every le the thousand acres will be reserved for The Eastern Star will meet at Ma '•‘4 store, according to my recollections, in Grove for many years t ■ in this gitimate financial demand was niani- a community settlement, and owners of Cottage Grove was conducted by Chas. sonic Hall this evening, and a special the inantlfa',ture of Inn I festetl by the numerous tax-payers orchards may make their homes at this Samuels, a Hebrew, and was situated invitation is extended by the Worthy timber products. present. It was a gathering o f the Matron, Mrs. J. H. Chambers, to all place in case they so desire. Mr. A. All » i ’. iovt :, alfalfa, on what is now the O. P. Adams place. It is estimated by forces that have the material interest members and visitors in the city to be ('. Churchill and Mr. Phillips went over ;iii, Italie, rape and do well in This was about 1850.” that there are sixteen billion teet ot ... , , I o f the city at heart; it was a meeting the land together the first of the week, and In those days, according to this au present. Degrees will be conferred, merchantable timber in the area con iis section . .. . yle * a 'un< an y- | of the representative citizenship of (irnve ¡mbuei, wilh OM, thoUKht ! and for the winter it was decided to thority, the native grass was luxuri after which refreshments will be tiguous to Cottage Grove. It will cost Clover yields from s,x to eight bushels ^ , have a hoarding house at each end ol seed per acre, and vetch will v ie d , ., , ant, the hillsides and the valleys wav served. $7.50 per thousand feet to prepare this of . 1 „ J and one purpose, that or municipal ad- . . . . , , ,. , .. I the tract, and prosecute the work o! twenty to twenty-five bushe s. i , , .» ing with it. Recalling the pictur THE PRE SID ENT’S VISIT. timber for shipment in its crude form, from „ . J " ! vancement, and if results are not at- making ready and planting from either farmers receive from $30 to $50 , ■ esqueness o f this scene, Mr. McFarland according to the United States Govern Many J . , lamed it wi attributablo to direction. Mr. Phillips will move his said he remembered that when plowing Chief Executive Accorded No Notable ment estimate of costs. This involves per acre from vetch and clover seed, j som j U(| family, consisting of w ife and daugh securing a good pasture, i Reception by Citizens. the first field his father had unyoked an expenditure of $120,500,000. The besides ter, here during the present month. DONS A NEW DRESS, the oxen where they had left the fur President Ta ft was in Cottage Grove movement of this timber, it is estimat- From one-quarter of an acre near Cot- I Mr. Phillips went to Portland yester row at night, and in the morning found last Sunday night between 11 :00 and ed by the experts of the Government, tage Grove a little more than one ton I Promise ol The Sentinel Management day afternoon to complete arrange them within a hundred yards of the 11:01, but owing to the very limited will be completed within thirty years, of clover has been produced, and j Is Fulfilled Today. ments for the commencement of work, plow, they having filled themselves time he was within the corporate boun- and this vast sum of money will be ex- twelve acres in clover recently yielded Last week The Sentinel noted the and will he absent about a week. In thirty-six tons. F ifty-five bushels of within this short distance. But the daries no ovation was tenderd him. pended in and about Cottage Grove. fact that it had purchased a complete i the meantime supplies and tools are grasshoppers came in swarms in 1856 Then, too, the chief executive of the The destiny of the timber growth of wheat to the acre is not an unusual i yield in this vicinity, and oats show a | ,lew “ «'••ess“ for the paper, and ex-I being taken to the ground. and cleaned out the native grass tee- nation was snugly ensconced in his : Lane county 4s little short of amazing, pressed the hope that tile type would I productiveness of one hundred bushels totally. downy birth, and it would have been There are quarter sections, 160 acres, PREPARING FOR THE FRAY. to the acre. The country surrounding arrive from San Francisco in time for j The Calapooia Indians were settled in rudeness on the part of the common in the vicinity of Cottage Grove that presentation to its subscribers today. Basketball Boys Industriously Practic Cottage Grove is regarded as ideal for Lane, Douglas and Linn counties. people to have awakened him for the contain 22,000,000 feet o f merchantable ing for Coming Games. dairying, and the industry is more It is before you new, spick, span and sole purpose o f exclaiming, “ Hello, timber. The grade of this timber is They were a peaceable tribe, and were sparkling and we trust that you will profitable because o f the great demand The basketball team is doing some anxious for the whites to settle among B ill,” even if the special train had excellent, running as high as 54 per appreciate the clean-cut appearance of for the products of the dairy. good prepratory work at the armory paused on its rapid flight from Portland cent clear. It must not be forgotten them, thinking that the newcomers The Sentinel in its new garb. The these evenings, and when the season Cottage Grove offers splendid oppor would aid in defending them a ^ in st to San Francisco. A t Oregon City, that the natural outlet for these vast type is somewhat smaller than that the hostilities o f the Rogue River In Salem and Albany, President Taft ap- resources of timber is at Cottage Grove, tunities for the fruit grower because heretofore used, but this is from choice. opens a fortnight hence will be in fine dians. The latter tribe frequently peared upon the rear platform o f his and that Cottage Grove will continue to of the deep fertile soils of the sur The smaller the type the more reading form to enter contests for honors. made trips northward, stealing the train and spoke briefly to the assem- be the market place for the workers in rounding country, and because of the matter to the column, as you must Games have already been arranged Calapooia’s squaws, their ponies, and bled crowds, but he had retired before the lumber camps and sawmills of this favorable conditions which serve to know, and it is our aim to give Cot with Rusehurg and Albany, and others rich territory. The merchantable tim produce fruit o f the finest quality. tage Grove a newspaper in the truest will be bad later. The sporting editor occasionally causing serious trouble for reaching this point. ber area of Lane county embraces 5956 The conditions for successful apple sense of the word. When we become of The Sentinel watched the young ath stockmen, who sometimes drove cattle ITS BUSINESS IS GOOD. letes practice Wednesday night, and is square miles. culture are especially good. Spitzen- from this valley into California familiar with our surroundings, and confident that if they are vanquished The lumber industry o f this section berg, Baldwin, Ortlye, Yellow New- . , , - , ,, , , Ote^on and Southeastern Handles 116 For thirty-five years Mr. McFarland ' ’ get worked into the harness, we shall the other fellows will have to go some. is in its infancy, and offers tempting town Pippin, Northern Spy, Jonathan, , , , , ,, Carloads of Lumber Last Month resided on the old homestead one mile ,, V. , .... . expect to do better. Until then we Walter Mason is manager, Mert Earl (iravenstein and Winter Banana va- r . , During the month o f September last fPPortunities for investment not alone shall miss items of news, and ask our west o f town, during which period he captain and Geo. Baker referee. The , , , ,■ , ... a varlet-V of kindred rieties are all " grown here and attain ■ readers to be patient with us. witnessed the rapid settlement o f this the Oregon and Southeastern, which : " tlmb?r’ bu* team is eom|K>sed of the following perfect coloring. Sales of these var- valley with no astonishment, for from penetrates magnificient timber lands ' ndustr'es- “ » not stra" f oung men Met i . EJgrl, Robt. Sher MERCHANTS TO BANQUET. his early manhood he appreciated the for a distance of 20 miles, delivered to denae forests of tower,n* tlmber- and “ -‘ties o f apples in the New York mar- wood, Jesse Lewis, Elmer Hastings, the Southern Pacific at this point, 106 luxuriant plant growth are character- ket during the last season netted ship- value o f its resources and consequently Association Dircusses Collection of Chas. Beals and Fay Allison. carloads of lumber, or approximately istic of Lane <-ounty’ an<1 Part“ ’ularly per* $1.80 a box. A ll varieties of believed firmly in its future. Long Standing Accounts. o f its southern section, in which Cot- American grapes are grown here in 1.500.000 feet. Ten carloads, or about THEATRES CONSOLIDATE. The attendance at the regular semi REFLECTS CREDIT UPON CITY. 150.000 feet were delivered to Cottage tage Grove is situated. Ideal climatic profusion, the sunny slopes o f the sur- monthly meeting o f the Merchants’ The Arcade Closes and Dreamland Be Besides this, conditions and deep, rich soil form a rounding hills, as" well as the sandy Association on Tuesday evening was j Eugene Register Has Kindly Words for Grove for local use. comes the Arcade. combination which produces big things, loams, offerng ideal locations for grape the railway brought to the Brown Our New Undertaking. somewhat larger than usual, and no in giant trees and bounteous crops. J culture. Cottage Grove is now without eom- considerable interest was manifested in What was formerly the Cottge Grove Lumber Company’s saw mills in this |ietition in the moving picture business, city 156 carloads o f logs. The pas the questions brought up for discus- j Western Oregon now comes to our ex but notwithstanding this there is no NO DAMAGING FIRES. NO T LARGELY OPPOSED. sion. Principally among these sub- 1 change table as The Sentinel, with Lew senger traffic, as well as the merchant immediate prospect of raising prices. freight business, was somewhat above A. Cate* as publisher. The first issue McKenzie District Fortunate Again in Eastern Oregon Gives Appreciated Lift jects was the important one of collec Mr. N. H. Martin of the Dreamland tions, and some definite action will o f the Sentinel is a 12-page paper and the average. This Respect—Up-river Notes. to Nesmith County. and Mr. Chas. Hall of the Arcade tins a vast improvement over the Western Circulars Are Belated. Mr. S. K. Lewis, who spent the sum- Mr. M. H. Anderson, of the real likely be taken in the near future to week consummated a deal whereby a Oregon. Editor Cates also demon The circulars giving colonist fares to mer in the vicinity o f Leaburg as fire estate firm of Veatch & Anderson, employ a man to give them his person consolidation of interests took place, strates that he is a newspaper man of Cottage Grove from all Eastern points warden, returned to his home in Cot- while in Morrow and Umatilla counties al attention, as is done in other cities the latter closing his theatre, and mov experience and ability and the Grove which have been issued by the Home- tage Grove on Saturday. This was last week, secured something over 2ilb Lew A. Gates, o f The Sentinel, was ing his paraphernalia to the Dreamland should back him up in the work he seekers' Bureau of the Sunset Maga- Mr. Lewis’ fourth’ year in the service signatures to the petition asking that a‘ Imitteil to membership. The associa building. The consolidation will prove has undertaken in giving to that city a zine, arrived on Monday, and although on the McKenzie, prior to which he the proposed formation of Nesmith tion will hold a banquet, or love feast advantageous to patrons of these en publication that reflecLs great credit somewhat late will probably be the was on Mosby creek two years. Dur- 1 county be submitted to a vote o f the within a few weeks, the date of which tertainments, as the elimination of upon Lane's southern metropolis. The means of accomplishing some good, ing the past season there were no fires |>eople. The necessary 10,000 signa- will be named at the next regular ses competition will afford the united Sentinel is republican in political be The rates hold good only until October of a destructive character in his dis- tures have already been secured, but sion. forces to present a higher class of lief. Success to Editor Cates. He has 15. Many thousands o f the circulars trict. an additional work along this line will amusements. Up Goes the Rate. started in to give the Grove the kind of have gone forward to Eastern points There is a large force of men work- be done. There is very little oppos Made a Trip With Cook. Postmaster Gault informs The Sen paper it deserves and needs.— Eugene for distribution. ing near Leaburg on the promised tion to the measure when it is consid- tinel that after November I all persons Registe. Mr. B. F. Pitcher of Disston was in power plant o f a Eugene company, ered. registering a letter in the United Cottage Grove on Tuesday for a load Accident at the Brown Mill. Now Pay the Penalty. The McKenzie will furnish the |x»wer. Open Season Deferred. States mail will have to pay 10 cents of freight. Mr. Pitcher went to Alas The mills of the Brown Lumber com Mr. Lewis o f this city says about 100 Taxes have been delinquent since pany did not operate on Monday, the The last legislature having changed for the service. I he I nited States will ka some years ago on the same steam men and many teams are engaged in Monday. During the closing days for shut-down being occasioned by a broken the date o f the opening o f the season, assume a maximum liability for regi- er as did Dr. Fredrick A. Cook, discov the work. payment a considerable number of prop throttle valve on the engine. The re it will not be lawful to kill the China tered matter of $oO insteail of $25. erer of the North Pole, when he climb erty owners found their way to the The fish hatchery on the McKenzie pairs were speedily made and opera ed Mount McKinley. pheasant until October 15, instead of First National Bank and departed with New Firm Formed. river, about three miles below Gate tions resumed on Tuesday. October 1, as heretofore. The birds The End Is Near. the necessary receipt to tide them over Mr. Nichol, who recently sold his Creek, has this season taken something are said to be scarcer in this section Mrs. Oliver, who has been confined for the coming twelve months. The printing plant in this city to The Sen To Them a Son Is Born. over ten million salmon eggs. These than in former years. tinel, has purchased an interest in the to her home by illness for some months, delinquencies from this part of the Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hutch are hatched, and when the young sal- county are not numerous. Some of inson, on Saturday, October 2, an eight- mon are large enough to care for them repair shop o f A. It. Coehran. The is very low, and her recovery cannot Very Plain Proposition. be hoped for. firm is known us Coehran * Nichols. these may not understand the provi pound son. selves they are returned to the stream, j There is no reasonable excuse for ADVANTAGES. POSSIBILITIES INO PROSPECTS WORK TO BEGIN SOON