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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1917)
v Telling AIM Eventp in •toy. and registration day, June 6. “ It ra ver raina bat i* p o o r«.” ; mtî ; . ’• ... 1 Just H pears i f « n ext Tuesday, K a y 29, the B altim ore colony, which me lit one o f the ea rliest settlem ents in Coos county, camped on the river hank hare a t Coquille^ Th ey had come up from P o rt O rford by «a g o n , most o f them w alking, ns th eir chat tels filled the wagon. Th ere w ere f - li i Hoes, 35c to 75c kakes, 35c to 75c Shovels, $1.20 to $1.50 Forks, 90c to $1.10 i , : i . . W ho la Exem pt— N o a u la resident between the ages o f i l and 80 years, inclusive, is exem pt from registerin g, signed his office last Tuesday to take Those tor be exem pted from m ilita ry hours a t hones. [e ffe c t W ednesday evening. The o f-' service w ill be determ ined later, but M is Laura W atson cases over from [Her o f a better position as scaler over 1 first a ll must register. the Bay last M onlay fo r a week’s vis at Sumner was the kause o f his sud- W here to R egister— R egistration it with relatives. den resignation. 1 .-inch Cotton i must be made in the horns precinct o f President (3 m s . H all, o f the Coos M r. and M rs. C. MeC. Johnson and , i the man registerin g. R egister at County Good Roads Association, was g irls returned from a tw o days’ vis^t | your regu lar votin g place. in town yesterday. ‘ ' " en the Bay Sunday, Tuesday morn H ears fa r R egiatratlen - Booths a t - v: • .; • í. : . \ ^ • - regu lar votin g places in each precinct The sh eriff’s office hers m ailed out in g M r. Johnson started fo r San Fran %-inch Cotton Hose fg jl be open on W ar Census D ay the supplies fo r the d ra ft census re g cisco on business connected w ith the ' Bandon shipyard. j from 7 o’clock a. m. to 9 o ’clock p. m. istrations last n ig h t | Don’t w a it until the la st m om ent T . J. T h rift has a sort o f stump i M iss C lare Sherwood returned Mon ! R egister early. day evening from a short v is it w ith puller on a sm all scale w hich he is us- , R egistration e f A been tees— I f you %-inch Monarch 5-plyrubber in g to clear h is yard o f dandelii ns. < her sister, M rs. L . A . L U jo q vist find you w ill be unavoidably absent H e showed us one the other day whose < P . C. L e v e r is a little better this root was fu lly thxrs fe e t lon g and j from your home precinct on W ar Cen week and a ll food y to g o down town [which was about the lim it o f the ca- j sus Day, you should ap p ly on the ear ♦ in a wheel chair as soon as w e g e t a I p a rity o f a hand machine. liest possible date to the county clerk < %-inch Heckla rubber hose o f the county in which you m ay be a t E . E. Johnson reports ten care o f the tim e, w hether in O regon o r else lum ber shipped from the local m ill , where, who w ill fill out your reg istra the pest w eek. T h is is the ma x imum t tion card. H e w ill then g iv e you the shipping production o f the m ill a t « card, which you must m ail to the re g present and w ith no fu rth er tro i$ le • istrar o f your home p recin ct in care from lack o f ears a steady run fo r t o f the sh eriff o f your home eounty, in tim e t o reach R m reg istra r b y W ar Census Day. I f you liv e in Portland, or a c ity o f over 80,000 population in » another etate, m ail the card to the registra r in care o f the m ayor. Complete House Furnisher But rem em ber, the burden o f hav in g your card reach the reg istra r o f your home precinct b y W ar Census Day is on you. R egistration e f the Sick— Men o f I M rs. J. N . Larrim ore and children m ilita ry age who are too ill to go to B n w n F o r reliable Abstracts o f T itis and inform ation rrrived in Coquille W edneeday even the votin g booth to reg ister must send about Cooa Connty R eal Esta te sec in g from W illiam e, Josephine county, a com petent person before W a r Cen ) I l l H U 1 0 m u a ooar an te e a abstr ac t co m pany end w ill m ake th eir home hern. A t sus D ay to the eounty clerk to ex preeent jthey aré the guaets o f M rs. 1 attention paid to looking a fte r aaaemmente and p ayaien t o f taxée. plain the circum stances, and secure Larrim ora’s sister, M rs. R. H. Irvin e. M arshfield O ffice Phone Coquille Office instructions from the Federal regu la The fa m ily w ill be Joined la ter by M r. H E N R Y 8 E N G S T A C K E N , M anager 191 tions which these officials w ill receive Larrim ore. from the Governm ent. j M r. and M rs. Lem Cochrane, who Penalties— The penalty fo r fa ilin g W . S. H odge came in Sunday night had been en joyin g e vacation over on A W arning to Paren t«. from C aliforn ia where he was en to appear to register, or fo r g iv in g the B ey, cease in la st even in g fo r a raise, m isleading or incorrect an L. B. W oodruff, who d elivers fo r Lloyd W . Coleman, an agricultural I couple o f d ays' v is it w ith her parents, gaged in en gin eerin g work fo r the In ter-S tate Commerce commission. swers, is im prisonm ent. There is no I the F an n ers’ Union Store, says he student a t O. A . C , is expected to v M r. end M rs. H . W . Dunham. M r. altern ative o f a fine. j doesn’t w ant to p la y H erod and rive tonight to assist County A gen t C. w ent to Bandon on business this H o cams here to take a position as engineer on the new road w ork .in slau ghter any infanta, but unless the Smith during the summer vacation. m orning and thkp w ill return to Pow A t the Chapel Car Tonight. this county and expects to be em parents o f the three and fou r-yea r old ers tom orrow. Those who enjoyed “ The B irth o f a ployed firs t on the Em pire-Sunset Ton igh t F ath er Donegan C. S. P . kids who in sist on clim bing on his N ation” a t the Scenic last fa ll w ill a ll L N . M iller was up from Bandon Bay project. M r. H odge has spent w ill lecture on “ W hy Confess our Sins I f he w ere to tra vel over a hard, oven w agon when it is in m otion and he want to sos “ C iviliza tion ” hero next this m orning attending to m atters a t most o f his life in this c ity bat dur to s P r ie s t? " It was postponed on surface habitu ally instead o f over the doesn’t see them , stop th at foolish weak. It is a m agnificent spectacle. the coart house. H e says the neces in g several years past has been e n account o f the declam atory contest average country road, M s g asolin e ness, there is no know ing What w ill .H a rry O erding cams homo Satur sary m ateria] fo r the Bandon W oolen gaged in w ork in his lin e e ll over the which took place last night. There b ill would bo g re a tly reduced. . A m o happen. H e fe e ls certain th at a ser day evening from Roeobnrg whore he M ills was shipped from M aine the Pacific coast section. w ill be no services in the ear Satur to rist in M ississippi has figu red out ious accident m ay occur a t any tim e had been w orking w ith th e surveying first o f the month and it is hoped to day evening. Sunday m orning thfere th at hard-surfaced roads in his com and is alm ost sure to sooner o r la t crew on the M yrtle Point-Roseburg have the m ill in operation soon a fte r “ The Laurel” fo r 1917. w ill be a mass w ith a serm on. The m unity savs him $80 par year in the er i f the children don’t quit the prac the first at June. read. subject Sunday evening w ill be: “ W hy gasolin e consumed by s sin gle car. tise. So parents take w arning. Today the fifth annual number at County S u rveyor McCulloch w ith a “ Th e Lau rel,” the Coquille high school I Am e Catholic,” follow ed by bene ' In fa ce o f these facta, is there any The gravel w ent down the river this possible reason w hy every autom obile R IV E R T IM E C A R D C O Q U IL L H . m orning fo r the concrete base fo r a publication, on which the Sentinel diction o f the Bieased Sacram ent, and Boats D epart. 12 by SO fo o t silo which w ill bo erect present locatin g the line fo r the Co- prin tory has bean busy fo r the past this w ill conclude the mission in Co ow ner should not veto fo r th e 80,000,- 000 food roads bond b ill? ed on the Ph illips place a t B eaver quille-Myrtle P oin t rood im prove month, is issued from the press. W hile quills. (A ll le a v e fo r Bandon and w ay m ent* which ere now being advertis e ll the previous “ Lau rels” have been landings except the M y rtle .) ed. H e ie also m aking up the neces- w orthy o f commendation fo r the ex The principals o f a ll the city T elegra p h ..............................1.80 p. m. A t eigh t o’clock last night Bov. •eary topography maps fo r the use o f cellence o f th eir contents, the present schools in the county have been re- Charm .,..9 :1 $ a. m. and 4:1$ p. m. T . H . Downs perform ed the m arriage w ill not su ffer by com parison with appointed fo r the com ing year. They N orm a (m a il and e x p re s s ).6:00 p. m. service fo r Raymond Goodrich and are C. A . Howard, C oqu ille; L. W . Dispatch weak d a ys..........1:00 p. m. M arie Purdy, o f Spurgeon H ill, in tu g Queen towed the governm ent W e w ant to say fo r the editors at Turnbull, Bandon; F . A . Tiedgen, Dispatch S u n d a y s.............. 1:80 p. m. this city. dredge from Bandon up the riv e r to a this year’ s book that th eir copy has M arshfield; E. L. C ole, N orth Bond; C. M. Msupin, form erly o f Coquills, point between Fishtrap and N orw ay. bean delivered to the printers in good V ictor P . M orris, M yrtle Poin t. It is M yrtle fo r M yrtle P oin t , Considerable w ork is to be done J e r shape and arranged fo r the pages so understood th at E. 8. Gam w ell has Boato A rriva . the upper river port this summer by as to cans# them the minimum lea n reappointed to the Pow ers school Telegrap h ....................... 1 the dredge in deepening and w idening o f uncertainty and inconvenience. Ev \ut no definite report has y et bean ra- the channel o f the Coquille. ery year has w itnsssel an im prove burden the pupil* w ith this w ork dur m ent in that respect, and the Sentinel J. F . Schroeder says that during in g the rest o f th eir vacation so th at want* to com plim ent the m anaging the fourteen years he has lived in B u ggy fa r Cash or Trade. they w ill be fre e until school begins D i* patch, Sundays .......... 11:00 a. m editor fo r 1917 on the w ay in which Coquille, he is la ter this year gettin g N ea rly new sp lit H ickory B uggy in the fa ll, to do any productive w ork R e lie f .................................5:00 p. m. he has taken hold o f his Job and solv fo r work or fo r yearlin gs. hi* garden planted than he ever has F o r a o f which th ey are capable. Th e dis M yrtle, from M y rtle P oin t .9:00 a. m. ed its problems. bean before. good trade see C. A . Pendleton, Co- tricts should a t one# make any nec The fo llo w in g is the ed itorial staff essary provision fo r this exam ination. A t the Presbyterian -church last A T C O Q U IL L E P 0 8 T O F F IC B . fo r 1917: Sunday Theodore Pu rsley was bap- M a ils D epart. L sriis Schroeder, ed itor M yrtle Commencement W eek. M arshfield and E astern 5A0 a. a . Cunningham, assistant ed itor; M arion John L . G ary, o f the c ity high M yrtle P oin t 8:80 a. m .; 7:28 p. a . Schroeder, musical ed itor; Ada ~ ------------ -- " » w , SOI school, w ill preach the baccalaureate Pow ers 2.00 p. a . Downs, society ed itor; W illiam Phil | sermon a t the M . E . Church South M arshfield 8.66 p. a . pott, Joke ed itor; W elm an B all, ath I Sunday, M ay 27. Com m encem ent Bandon &80 a. a . ; 4:00 p. a . letic ed itor; A lexan der Low s, ex- exercises w ill be held a t M asonic H all A ra g o (b y b oa t) 1:00 p. m. change ed itor; M yrtle N m ly, Junior Tuesday evening M ay 29th. Th ere M alia A rriva . ed itor; Elm er N eely, Sophom ore edit w ill be fourteen graduates in this M yrtle P oin t 0:12 a. a . ; 4:16 p. a . o r; Barbara Treich ler, Freshman ed [year’ s senior class, seven boys and Pow ers * 8;00 a. m. ito r; Catherine Robinson anl Donald seven g irls— certain ly a lucky coinci M arshfield 9:00 a. a . ; 7:40 p. a . Pierce, prep editors. A rth u r Hooton dence. Bonbon 4:00 p. a . is the business m anager. 50 fe e t fo r $4.50 50 fe e t fo r $5.00 and 50 fe e t fo r $5.50 50 feet for $6.00 Lawn Mowers and Grass Catchers H. 0. Anderson |jl 111 IV GET READY for BUSINESS J. C. N oel, o f this city, returned Saturday from G ardiner where he w ent to bury his son, Ralph, who died from m easles and a com plication o f diseases a t the hospital in that c ity lM t M r. and M rs. Dean H orsfa ll, o f ¿ a n - doa, and R ev. F . G. Jennings, who is now in charge o f the M arshfield Epie- copal church, started M onday m ofn- ta g fo r Portland to attend the Annual Diocesan Convention o f that church fo r Oregon. i* a beautiful one costing $26.000, and was donated to the Church’ Ex- tension S ociety o f Chicago bp M r. P eter Ktints, o f Dayton, Ohio. , ________ . . „ „ J* “ « « W atson and E . E. Johnson w ent out to the N orth Fork W ednes- day in P h ilip Johnson’s “ green bug.” They caught about 66 traut o f various I sixes. Whan ready to sta rt tom e the engine was cold and each took several ton m inute turns a t spinning the I crank. F in ally, w ith Eek a t the wheel, the Judge found it easier to g e t be- G aeellae a t the G arage. hind * “ d Pu,h than to crank, and the W e caa eeU yuu gasoline a t 2 3 * cents in drum lots—e s cheap aa you ,U r t was made in that wap. This year’s issue consists o f 104 pages, 28 o f which are advertising, representing fo r the m ost p art the business firm s o f the city. The cover is green printed in gold to represent the class colo n . The Itterary m attor fu rn istod by thé stodents and appraved by Super intendant H oward loess nothing bp comparison w ith pravioo* issues. T to Illustrations are abondant and els- gan t, and com pris# port ra its o f the fa cu lty and tto graduâtes and graup P iéto n s o f tto thrao o tto r classes in t to higfa ftchool as w ell as t to “ prepe.” T to cartoons, made from d raw in gj bp members o f t to clam ara clever and creditable. Jokoo a n abondant aa usuel and tto w ork la sure to e lM t Interesting Clim atic N ote. The fo llo w in g persons! from yes terday’s Coos B ay Tim as is o f clim at- is in terest: C. A . Sehlbrede is spending a day in Coquills, try in g to sos a little son- shine, he says, a fte r his lon g illness. A . A . Pau li. D ay and N igh t Semions AND ERSO NS’ V . R. W ilson, tto w atchm aker. “ Th e man who knows a w atch.” I g iv e poo skilled servira a t no grantor price than poo pap elsew here fo r poor Practical B aaiaraa Colicué P a rticu la r people take th eir W atch . I — il II ...