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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1917)
V t row «3 6 Boy M. A very, who has been con nected with the Herald here fo r most o f the past year, w as over here Sat urday and inform ed his friends that hs had enlisted in the United State« navy. Ho w ill not help handle the Mg guns, though, or do any o f the or dinary midshipman w ork on the dreadnoughts, but gum in as a prin ter, each battleship carrying a small printing office fo r printing orders and other work in connection with the The Coquille Orchestra w ill give a dance at Hoaalot Hall tom orrow (Saturday) evening. A dm to »inn 7b Mow to elim inate the Dane«roue Glare In Front of Yew. . Bltm tnatks» o f glare from automobile headlight» is ridiculously easy when the headlights are hung oo forked brackets, according to Oeorge & W ilts, sales manager o f a large m otorcar cor poration. Ho says: “The problem o f boadiigbt glare, which Is not only Inconvenient to ap proaching motorists, but positively dangerous, and which has canoed so n im tbs C oquill« Valley Creamery on behalf o f tb* now com pany. The words “ Buttercup,” “ D aisy,” “ Mead owlark,” “ Bluebell” and D arifood" were selected bat a search o f the rec ords revealed the fa ct th at, these names were already registered. In fast, it was learned that practically all the suitable names <*f flow ers and birds w ere registered. . F ra n a com m ercial standpoint, the selection o f a suitable name fo r the brand o f the manuf actured products is a very im portant m atter. In view o f this fa ct the F . E. Conway M ort gage C o, on behalf o f the now D airy Products com pany, is offering «8K00 in gold fo r a suitable name. The new company w ill m anufacture butter, the name o f the now com pany, such as Meadowlark D airy Products C o, o r D arifood Products Company. It I s required, if possible, that the name fo r the brand and the company be one word, reasonably short, easily spoken and remembered, universally known, suggestive o f D airy Products and one that has not already been registered or is not in use, but which is registrable. The name m ay be n “ coined” word. It is m ore likely that a “ coined” word such as U -N osd-A - Biscuit would not bo takon and there fore loss trouble encountered in regis tering it. Decoration Day Myrtle Point An idea fo r a brand should accom pany each name, although not abso lutely required. A nybody anywhere is eligible to com pete, and there is no Col. Jewell Post No. 53, G. A. R. The program fo r M mss rial Sun day and Decoration Day aorvim o has« on fe e 97th and 80th w ill be printed in next week’s Sentinel f* G. J. Arm strong, who is supervis in g the repair o f the Hoffnmn bridge above M yrtle Point, was in town. Tuesday fo r a load o f lumber. City Recorder J. 8 . Lawrence ex pects to leave Monday montag tor the Grand Lodge L O. O. F . to bo held in Eugene beginning the 23rd Hon. Binger Hermann greater as tbs distance from the lamp Take that sick car to A . A . Pauli, grows greater. Satisfaction guar- “ It is, however, easy tp understand Coquille G a n g a . that If the upper edge o f the shaft o f light la parallel to the ground tb# light who w ill deliver the principal address o f the Will extend for as g n a t a distance as trièt in this state. tbs lamp Is capable o f throwing It, but afternoon o f May 90 at M yrtle Point, O re. Mrs. V. L. Hamilton and son, Earl will be snflctootly low so that It will came in from Portland Wednesday not strike the eyes o f s person ap evening to join the doctor, who has proaching. whether afoet o* la a ve hicle.” resumed his practice bars. Hs has about completed plans fo r opening n fu lly equipped hospital in Coquille W hile Vacationing. and will be ready to announce them “ Com fort Is to bo found in the camp ear.“ says a writer In the Woman's ITIklATA For reliable Abstracts o f Title and inform ation Homo Companion. “ If you know bow about Coos County Real Estate see Mrs. R. 8. Knowlton, Mrs. O. H. to arrange tor It. The bed should be J l l l H v I d TITLE g u aran tee a a b str a c t co m pan y Knowtton and Miss Naomi Knowlton In the car If you have no tent, aa the MffrBtvfMd h 9 CwquIIU CMy, OfB* g ot home from San Francisco Tuee- charm o f sleeping on the ground soon 1 attention paid to looking after sm ses m oots and paym ent o f taxes. cay noon. Miss Naomi baa boon at pafls, and berths In the machine are Marsh fie Id Office Phone CoquUle Office HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager 191 tending the U niversity o f C alifornia easier to arrange than s portable «bet daring the school year Just ended and tor. We oeed a springy bed o f canvas her mother has been keeping house and light fram e made to extend scross tbs top o f tbs front seat end allow fo r her. FOR BALE QU ICK. Perfect in Spelling. space for tb# pillows over the back One o f the finest dwellings and lo Mrs.' T. H. Mehl and children left sea t This affp-ds a waterproof roof The follow ing pupilo o f the Seoond cations in town nt bargain term s. by yesterday m orning’s train fo r Cal for the steepen to esse o f rain, and Grade were p erfect in Spelling this See T. A . W alker. ifornia where they will visit in Oak even If a storm shoo Id come op the land fo r several weeks. About the by b«turning the daps from the top A class, Dora Thornton, W ilbur flrst o f July they expect to go north to the body o f the cor. Mosquito net A T COQUILLE P 08T 0F F 1C K . Humbert, Marlin- Brandon, Kathleen to join Mr. Mehl, who is in the em ploy ting Instead o f side flaps may be de Vowell and Glenda Johnson. B class, M oils D epart. o f the Dollar company near Vancouv sirable In som e camp sites.“ Frankie True, Chester M cQuigg, Hel Marshfield and Eastern 5AO a. m. er, B. C. en Beckett, F reda' Baxter, Mary Ella M yrtle Point « 4 0 a. m .; 7 :8 « p. m. Cary. Powers 2.00 p. m. CapL James Polhem ui, engineer in Marshfield 3.56 p. m. charge e f government work on this section o f the Oregon coast, was in 0 J 0 a. a . ; 4:00 p. m. V. R. W ilson, the watchmaker. Bandon 1:00 p. be town Tuesday evening. He was on “ The man who knows a watch.” I A rpgo (b y boat) his return from Bandon whore he had Mails A rriv e give you skilled service nt no grantor been making arrangements fo r n 0:18 a. m .; 4:15 p. m. price than you pay elsewhere fo r poor M yrtle Point bucket dredge to operate on the up per river this summer. EVERYBODY IN V ITE D TO COME kill MI* IV To the Fanners & Dairymen This scorning J. Percy W ails, who was principal o f the city schools here ton years ago, called on the Sentinel in company with County Superinten Do you know what your cows earn you ? W hat it has coat ......... ■■ ■■ dent Raymond E. Baker. Mr. W ells you in labor, interest on investment and material to market your MVEB TIME CARD coq is now district leader fo r O. A . C. m I . Boats Depart the food preparedness cam paign in crop. W as some part o f yopr business conducted at a loss? ( A)1 ) mrm , Coos, Curry, Douglas, and Lana coun- Could you have made more money by knowing readily the exact | fadings except the M yrtle.) O. A. M intonye received word this relation o f your different crops from a financial standpoint’? week from his son, Clare, that after W e conduct a Home Study Course iu Bookkeeping ft his withdrawal from the Canadian Dispatch regim ent in which hs enlisted, he tw . It is endorsed by County A g r ic u ltu r a l A gent J. L . Sm ith Dispatch case« back into the United States to Minot, South Dakota, and within and by the m ost prominent and successful business men o f Coos thirty minutes from arriving there he had enlisted in the National Guard and secured a Job ponding the call It will cost you nothing to ask fo r particulars. Let ua mail charm . ing out o f the m ilitia company. I Relief C0“ ,,*r - Beginning May 1, the charge fo r you som ething that will interest you and prove valuable. A N D E R SO N S’ PR A C TIC A L B U SIN E SS CO LLEG E Coquille, Oregon. E jg ji ¡¡¡JJJ*4* ; I Myrtle, f