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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1917)
hft'i. S ' - y t r t f . --- - - .■ ------------- r: 1 111 sM W ttB M M E ílS i¡intt»8arr3r--í*cffi. ■ j ? * - “ ¿»S* vY* Tv NÉj1 Tfc T » ■ I 1 M AY î D O U B LE PC . ' J * "F . ■ Î eT Z Z L E PEARL l OIL> nam ing the Mlb in a wild state. Ha had caused much trouble to ranchers in that vicinity and terrorised eevsral of the inhabitants by chasing them in past years. The boys started out last Thursday with their four dogs to en deavor to pot an and to the depreda tions of the animal, with the result that the dogs soon picked up his thail and cornered him in the march and a bottle royal ensued. The bear gashed one of the doge severely in the early part of the battle and it was then that they conceived the idea of r«p- taring Urn alive. Ropes ware se cured and after many failures a rope was gotten around hie jaws and he was soon securely "hog-tied.” A home and sled were taken to the place and the animal was brought to the ranch houee wham his tusks were ex tracted and he was turned loose in a secure stockade. At the time of the capture the boor weighed in the neighborhood of four hundred pounds but was very thin. Those who have seed him say he win reach the six hundred mark when in prime condition. At the prevailing price of pork this capture will net the boys a tidy sum as a result of their strenuous sport. A year or ao ago, while traversing the woods back of his place, Tom Me- to call tho raee off. Night Office» Jackson flaehod bis light oa two young man drinkiag fron a bettle bock ef the oM tqlepkone Office wfaich caused them to take to their beeis. Jackson called to them to halt, but thsy separatad and one gut into the dance hall whsre ha was quiekly lest to sigbt in the eaowü. Epperson hoard Jackson caU and aaw tho ©toer ans m but ssido front giving bim s shipping concern, have at- present un der construction six large ocean Un- era. The first act of Mr. Christensen up en his arrival was to increase wages at the mill 10 per seat, the increase taking effect May le t He stated that the fir market is looking up again end that in his opinion tbs entire Pa cific coast is do# for a period of re newed business activity.—Western World. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. tbs party bidding Will duly enter into and execute the contract Should the successful bidder to whom tho eon- tract is awarded fail to execute the same within five days (not including Sunday) from the date of tho mailing of the notice from tho County Court to Urn, according to tho address therewith given, that the contract is ready for signature, such cash, bond or certified cheek shall be forfeited to Coos County, and the same shall be the property of the County. All oth er cash, bonds, and certified checks will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders who submitted tho same. M c G sa T o S ob Mine. /. R. McGee, of Riverton, returned last week from a trip, to Portland with tho news that tho final nego tiations were complete whereby he secures control of the Kay coal mine at R iverita. This property has for several months been operated by a company of whieh W. 8. Hall was manager, but in the futur« toe mine will be operated under the general supervision of Mr. McGee. On May 7 he was granted a trust deed of the property end on that date took form- COQUILLE HARDWARE CO NEW GOLD STRIKE. Plans inay be seen and forms of specifications and contract may be se cured et the County Clerk's Office, Court-house, Coquille, Oregon. Plan Deposit A deposit of $10 will be required for jdans and specifications. Deposit will be returned to cash bona fide bid said County. „ der. - COUNTY COURT OF COO» COUNTY. The right is reserved to reject any James Watson, or all proposals or to accept the pro County Judga posal or proposals damned best for G. J. Armstrong, County Commissioner Coos County. COUNTY COURT OF Archi« Philip, COOS COUNTY. County Commissioner Atteet: L. W. Oddy, County Clark. Coquille, Oregon, May 9th, 1917. 17t4 is in a position to get fa* better re- n um ber of parties who have offered to finance the development of the pros pect. It is a placer proposition and h* has about 700 acne of land sur rounding the place under bond. The men believe that they have found the original source of all the platinum along tho coast, as the find is on a tributary to Rogue river, and in e dis trict that was mined successfully 50 yean age^—Western World. the front door of the County Court House, in the City of Coquille, Ceos County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell a t public auction to the highest and beet bidder for cash in hand all of tho right, title apd interest of the defendants or either or any of them in and to tho following described real property to-wit: Lot four; tho south half of tho northeast quarter; the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter; the thirteen West ef the W illamette Mer idian; also tide land fronting Let two Section thirteen and Lot four of Sec tion eighteen above mentioned, sav ing and excepting, however, froin th r foregoing description tho following described parcels to-wit: Beginning a t that place where the east boundary Uno of the right of way of the G. B. R. A E. R. R. A N. Co. intersects the h K section line, running E. A W. through the 8W14 of 8. 18, T. 28, 8 of R. 12, W. ef toe Willamette Meridian, thence N. 81 de grees E. 8.10 chains, thence S^_JÇ,X degrees E. 6.50 chaina, thence W. 7J8 chains to place of beginning and eon- Also beginning a t a point on too right bank of Coquille River, from which an ask 1 m l inches hi rtietea tar bean N. 28 degrees W. 12 links distant, said point being N. 8 % de- STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF COOS. Sealed proposals, addressed to the County Court of Coos County, Ore gon, and endorsed “Proposals for Con structing a Bridge In Coos County, over the South Fork of the Coquille Hiver, Myrtle Point,” will bo re ceived Court of Coo# Many Millionaires These. County by at the its County office in the Court Major W. C. Hinman, who le a House, Coquille, Oregon, until 2:00 member of the Reserve Officers’ o’clock P. M., on the 7th day of Jane, Training Camp in San Francisco, 1917, and a t that time and place will writes that he is now a full-fledged be publicly opened and read. commander of the Twelfth Pro Proposals for tho structure will visional Company at tho Presidio, ris cover one one 180 foot steel spaa s t 5:80 in the morning, working ten with alternate préposai on wood, con hour* through tho day, wi«i two crete piara, timber approaches, and a hour« of study et night. concreta viaduct over the tracks of His company includes 148 members, the Southern Pacific Railroad Com- representing asme startling incarnée NOT1CE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON FORECLOSURE. Notice is Hereby Given, That under end by virtue of an execution and or der of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for too County of Coos, on the 8th day of May, 1917, in a certain cause pend ing in said Court wherein R. H. Mast, Trusten, is plaintiff, and Ida J. Al berts, her husband D. L. Alberts; Al fred Johnson, J r , hie wife Flora Johnson; E. E. Johnson, his wife Julia Johnson; C. McC. Johnson, his wife Dell Johnson; Kitty Slagle, her hus band J. C. Slagle; Ethel Mehl, her husband T. B. Mehl; sad Esther Dol lar and her husband J. Stanley Dol lar; and E. E. Johnson as tho Ad m inistrator of tho estate of Alfred interest on as «% per ennui April, 191T. I WILL on of Juno, 1911 o’clock in tho 8 chains, tbence N. M degrees E. 2 cHains, thence N. 84 isgrsse E. 8.70 chains to 14 % section lins running E. A W. through S. H of 8. 18, T. 28. 8. of R. 12 W. of W. M. tbence W. along said * 14 section lins to the right bank of the Coqutlla River, thence up right bank of Coquille Riv er to the place of beginning and eon- taintag 12.97 acros, mors er leas. Alte a boom prtvBege commencing a t the place where tne % % section Uns running R. A W. through the SW * of S. 18, T. 28, 8. of Range 12, W.’ of W. M. intersects high tide Ihm of tho right bank of the Coquille River, thence E. 10 fest, th e m ln a southweeterly direetion, keeping a t a d lata nee of 10 tost from and parallel to aald high tide Uns to the 14 % section line running N A l thrnnsh ths NE 14 of 8. 24, T. 28, 8. ef R. 13> W. of Willemette Meridian, thence N. to tow tide line of Coquillt River, thanes In a northeasterly di rection down stream , »tong said low tote Una tu a pUea wert of the blace