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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1917)
■ FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 9, 1917. PAGE tJKEE _____ - \skm t m Teeth in law o f this «tate eri fact last Friday is Ths gist o f the law Ini mondad Section 6 o f C tho lawn o f 1916: j 1 of > ■*. Garden Tools Axes, Curry Combs to k m in Ua | liquor lawfully • Common Hoes 35c to 75c Cultivating Hoes - 65c and 75c Garden Rakes Shovels and Brushes ‘■'W;*' '* WR2 85c to $1.20 Childrens' Garden Sets, 25 to 50c _________ (1 ) The Five Hundred Club entertained their husbands Teeoday night-at ths home o f Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Evland. Ths largo diniqg rooge wee afpropia- tod f or the occasion* And sight tabiss Currie gentlemen's first prise. A fter a very enjoyable evening n delicious luncheon was serrad to the following: Chorch Convention. Tbs County Convention o f the Christian Charchas o f this county at North Bend last week dosed on Sun day. Coquille waa selected as the M arriage « ■ m e n «a d ths Inst week In May. 1918, an the date. Ned C. Kelley, of this city, wan elected permanent chairman o f the convention and Mias May Allen, also o f this city, as per manent s e c r e t a r y . ' In h * dosing* sermon at North Bend Sunday, Rev. C. G. Price ox-. pressed his great appreciation of the support accorded to him by ths peo p le, o f North Bind and paid a warm tributo to ths sympathy extended to his work by the prose. On Wednesday evening, prior to his departure from North Bta& to begin U s poeterete o f ths Christian church hare, Mr. Price, was given a farewell reception by hie congrogn- son, f wy pAtkftft intoxi- eating liquor, uni see such package shell be marked ns required by eee- tion 1 o f said chapter 260 o f the gen eral laws o f the state o f Oregon, en acted by the Legislative Assembly of the year 1918, and it shall be unlawful to haul, transport or earry any such package containing intoxicating li quor on or through nay street, rued or other public highway within this state mdses such liquor shall be in the lawful possession within the state o f Oregon at ’the time o f the going into effect of this amendatory act, of the person thus, in person or by agent, hauling transporting or carry ing the same, or shall have been law fully received within the provisions of this act; and in any prosecution for such hauling, transporting or carry ing, or for receiving intoxicating U- tjuor in violation or tms set, tne our den of proof shall be on any person having such liquor in hie possession within this state prior to the taking effect o f tide act as amended or has since been lawfully received. M ethodist Episcopal. We have engaged Aaron Wilson to make our deliveries and all orders for various sections will have to be in be fore the hours indicated below. ''. T r "'“ -....... h T ' ' • '< V - i ----------------------- 8:30 a. m. North Delivery 1:30 p. m. 10 a. m. East Delivery 3:00 p. m. 11 a. m. Spurgeon Hill 4:30 p.m . MILLER BROS. MEAT MARKET * Phone 781 a Mias Flora I. Foreman, o f this county, who has secured a good deni of notoriety by attempting to teach socialism and disrespect for ths na tional flag in public schools o f this state, is now at Salem engaged la lobbying against ths anti-picketing blit Probably any legislation against which Mrs. Foreman would work is something we-ought to havs. NedC . Kelley INSURANCE Fire Accident Life at 8 school at 9:30 a .m . , » ' • - v The time for buying these dainty missives and tokens Is sh ort W e received another shipment but the ssock is going fast and those desiring Vatentine Place Cards, Cupids, Hearts, Arrows and Novelties cannot delay. Christian Science Society. . i-.Í T s K y . t r , -------------------------------------------------------------------------; St Valentines Day February 14 at 10 a. m. Worship at 11 a. I subject, "The Grant Thom*. Y. P. A C. E. at ÌJH p. m. Evening sei vies at T:M p. i I subject, "Four-fold C h rist- Next Sunday will bo ths I day o f Mr. Prise's ntinistry j L ---------------- j Want Ads J. G. Horn, the North Bond con tractor, was in town Wednesday and ■aid ha was engeged in the last work on his Brat contract for building Southern Pacific depots along the Has o f tho Willamette Pacific. The hurt structure will bs at Hauser. Mr. Horn fla k y.- ; •*' Sunday School at 10 a. m. Mrs. Or. Richmond. Superintendent, Mr. H. 0 . Anderson, Musical Directo». The preaching service at 11 a. m. The theme of the sermon will be “Our New C u e s in C ircuit C ou rt Rolation to God, tho Pledge o f Selva- Fob. 8— J. Richard bison vs. Char ley Noble. • Feb. 7—State Land Board o f the State o f Oregon vs. Andrew J. Ham lin, et aL • Feb. 7—John Henry Carver vs. J. R. Benson, Mabel A Roberts and Wm. Carver. Feb. 8— State Industrial Accident Commission vs. J. S. Whitaker. Feb. 8— State Industrial Accident Commission vs. Sugarloaf Lumber Co. New Depots About Finished Joha Brown, Margaret Shorn, Mabel Coquille House Fur- Phone 496 thajntsrsst and increase the attend ants. It is taking the form of an automobile race from Coquille to Now York and back. Prof. John Gary and SECOND HAND LUMBER for sale Miss Newell are driving ths ears. If cheap. Inquire at new Hall o f Re yon do not belong to any Sunday cords building or o f W. W. Ladd, Basket Ball Games. school join ours and enjoy the con contractor. Here is another interesting provi This afternoon the High School test with us. sion o f the amended lawt T. EL Downs, Pastor. "It shall bo unlawful for any per son to enter or bo found fat a stats of intoxication or to drink intoxicating S t James Episcopal Church liquor of any kind ns a beverage in or upon any engine, ears, train of cars, boat landing, wharf or depot of any common carrier within ths stats of Oregon; and it Shan bo unlawful fo r any parson to bo drunk in nay public pines er building or for any person to be drunk in any private building or pines and disturbing oth ers. Any person violating this sec tion shall upon conviction thereof bo fined in any sum not loss than 810 er In looking ovar tho library o f the late Judge E. D. G. Holden of this city, which was donated to the city li brary here, we wore interacted to find so many old friends in the shape of works wo rend and studied half a cen tury ago, like the works o f Josephus and LysU’s Geology. Ho was also a considerable investor in tho mors modern publication o f books in serins in which so many o f ns have been in duced to invest only to find that they am much Isas valuable and interest ing that ths attractively worded ad vertisement« had lad us to expect But the old books tbs judge had col lected before the day* o f the "five foot shelves” on one subject bear evi dences o f careful study and give one g pretty good insight Into ths judge's mental affiliations and affinities Leona Carter, Edward Johnson, Dorris Emery, Clara CUuaaRser, George Belloni, May Pointer, Malle Brandon. Joan Young, James Gal braith, Thomas Saadaraaa, Charlie MciMeme, Aida Vow^ Tyls^ W aMt- Complet« n is her H. O. Anderson, with tho provision« horoinbofore Mt forth, to brine, introduce or delivor any intoxicating liquor into this state1 , and it shall bo unlawful for any agv-rt M . E . Church South, o f any such common carrier or other Mrs. H A . Young and daughter, person knowingly to deliver intoxicat Jean, went over to Marhsfleld last ing liquor to any minor, or to any Saturday. person known by tho agent o f open Tho Sunday School at 10 am . will common carrier to bo a habitual bo conducted by C. D. Hudson, Supt drunkard; nr to any person in an in The morning servies i t 11 i m. toxicated condition; and it.shall bo unlawful for any such common car rier or any oAeer, agent or employe o f such common carrier knowingly to deliver intoxicating liquor to any oth er person than tho original consignee Salem, Albany oh ups M|M is marked on. tho pack age containing the same, as required by the provisions of chapter 260 of the general laws o f the state o f Ore- gCn undated by the legislative assem bly for the year 1018; and ft shall be unlawful for any person to haul, transport or carry or canee to be hauled, transported or carried on or through say street, rood or other pub lic highway within this state, for the The F ire Hundred Chib. Kenna, F. Slagle, Harlocker, Howard, Hasard, Evland, Sherwood, Fslsom, Lamb. Mehl, Hartaon, C. Johnson, C. Singlo, J. W . Lsneve, E. K. Johnson, It shall bo unlawful for any Prices from a penny up RACKET STORE ]ja g '¿A'' ♦ _