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About Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1915)
THE FALLS CITY NEWS. Saturday, August 21, 1915 Calendar—litio. 1015 taa. Non. Tati. W(4. Tksri. rn. 4 s 6 3 1 2 10 It 12 13 8 9 *k IS 16 22 29 23 30 17 24 18 25 19 26 20 27 31 A* L. AI. Byerly left Wednesday for There is a tine for all things. Riel: real. The time to have your teeth fixed Sat. Dr. Arnold makes pintea you will be Aug. 23-24. 7 '-an wear. I, L. Brooks returned iai-t Sun 14 E. M. Burts was in Dallas on day from a trip in the vicinity *>f 21 business Thursday. Mapletoti. He went there to 28 Mrs. Mary Thorne leturned from locate a claim, hut found that there Portland Wednesday. weie many ahead ol him and there! !. A. Johnson was it. Sllverton was not much left to choose from. Tuesday on busineafc. J Goldsmith of Portland is here SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN Passenger Train Schedule Effective Oct. 4.1914 w i.mocae Salem . . . Dallas. . . FallsCity. Bl'kRock. lAITMH’WD Bl’k Rock FallsCity. Dallas. . . Salem . . . V» 161 |6 | 16« ~ iU ~ 167 pm. 8.26 6.00 5.36 am. am 7:00 9.45 8.15 11.07 8.50 Il II 12:01 ~7W pm. 1.06; 9.30 1.25 ! 10.10 2.001 11.28 3.16 am. A. C. F o w im pm. 6.40 8.40 7.45 , A « in t I,. M. Robertson Inis been ap this week taking stock ol the Falls City Lumber company's store. He pointed lire warden, George Brown returned'front a will take an envoice of the lumber on the dock that it not bonded as trip to Salem Thursday. soon as he gets through with the S. R. Skrela made a business store. It is said that this is being trip to Dallas Thursday. done in the interest ol the credi Mrs. Jim Turpin was down from tors. There are many rumors Black Rock Wednesday afloat in regaid to Receivers, Bank Mrs. May Lane and tier mother ruptcy, etc-., but just what the real visited Black Rock Thursday. state ol affairs is we are unable to Wm. Finley made a business trip learn. It is to be hoped that mat ters will be straightened out and to Independence Wednesday. Miss KIJa M i hrling if camping the mill put to running again. at Silver Creek Kalis this week. M. L. Thompson was sightseeing at Haldcree's camp Wednesday. FRESH PEACHES FOR CANHIN6 NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR HOUSE Rassmusser and Lowe Brothers Paints Will beautify and preserve them. J. C. T A L B O T T &. C O . R. E. W illiam s , M. L. T hompson , W. F. N ichols , R.G.W hite , President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier Bank of Falls City F alls C it y , P olk C ounty . O regon Does a General Rankin# Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Exchange sold on all point* in the United State*. Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. Fresh Alberta peaches for can Dr. Arnold will treat your teeth ning at $1.2T> per bushel. Sold i scientifically and nntiseptically. on orders only. L e a v e your Mrs. Karl Ilaticon of Portland orders at the Falls City Hotel. visited Grandma Coiirtcr Wednes O. Michael. THE MGREATERlOREGON day. W i t h n e w b u i M l n * « . b e t t e r e « j n i p m e n t . e»» la rg e r! g r o u n d » , a n d m a i n a d d i t i o n * to i U The farmers are all very busy far-ult > t h e I n l « e r * t t y o f l l r ^ o n w III b e g i n It* NO MORE IRRIGATION f o r t i e t h yea r. Ttiea du y, 14. SIM ft. harvesting and threshing their Sp w f l a l t r a i n i n g In f o m m e r r p , J o u m a l l m n . Nc tice is hereby given to water A rehlteetn re. U w . ed lrln e. T e a ch in * . L ib r a - giain. r f W o r k . Music. P h y s i c a l T r a l n l . i c e n d F i n e user» that on account of the water L * r c * «n d strong departm en t* o f L i b e r Money Wanted—To borrow $11)0 supply being dangerously low that al E d u c a tion . • L i b r a r y o f n o r « t h a n ftft.OOO » o l i m e « . t h i r You are aure of the beat, when you on real estate. Call R at News t ee n b u i l d i n g s f w lly equ ipped, t a t » «p len d ld irrigation will he prohibited. Par ttm n a klu m i ask for Mt. Hood ice cream at Ellis. office. T u itio n Free. ' D o r m it o r l«» fo r n u n and fo r ties who have paid the irrigation wom en. E xpense* Lowest. Mrs. Chapin and daughter. Mrs. fe e fer August will please call on W rite fo r fre e ( x t * l o t » , a d d r « ii l n r M e r iit m r Dr. W . L. H o llo w a y Alvin Rains were in Dallas Wed the Auditor and Police Judge and j U N IV E R S IT Y O r O R E G O N U l i t M . OREGON ¿CHIROPRACTIC nesday. he will make a refund for the part - JO M SSO « M »l i L V r w» S u H O 'W '- u ■»* U OF DALLAS. ORE. Mrs. Rosa Post of Jeffer»on is of month, or give credit for regular Phone 822. here visiting her daughter, Mrs. water service for September. This WILL BE AT FALLS CITY HOTEL order will be strictly enforced, so May Lane. ALL DAY Dr. Arnold, Crown aud Bridge take due notice and govern your-i MONDAY. WEpNESDAY AND Specialist, at Kalis City Hotel. selves accordingly. FRIDAY EACH WEEK B y O rder ok W ater B oard . I Aug. 23 24. This 19th day August, 1915. All chronic and acute diseases Mrs. Wm. Finley and daugnter, S a l e m ’s treated. I f you are afflicted with Lucile, returned from Portland any ailment call and we will talk Wednesday. Grandfather Takes Child L e a d in g D e n t is t it over. The last act in the tragic death Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trimble spent Saturday and Sunday at o f Mrs. Alice Palmer who died A t the request o f numerous suddenly at Black Rock, June 19 their home here. Falls City patients, will be in Falls Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, Kief, was enacted and the curtain City at the Falls City Hotel August and other bakery goods, every day drawn, inso far as Polk county is 23-24 and every two weeks there at the Falls City Bakery. concerned when A. S, Wertheim. after to practice Dentistry in all its Mrs. C. M. Wonderly and Iirscal, father o f the woman left tor branches. T he beat «how at the (iem tonight and Mrs. L. P. Kimes are visiting Texas with her two year-old son, Rex Palmer. Mr. Wertheim only Hay wanted. Inquire at News friends at Airlie for a few days. recently learned o f the fate of oflica. Albert Teal, C. A. Hanson, Kile hi* daughter and came at once Dr. Arnold, Dentiat, Kalla City and Ferguson left Thursday morn and gained permission o f the ing on a hunting trip to the Siletz. Hotel, Aug. 23-24. county court to take the child to S p e c i a l i s t in Mrs. Eleanor Butler and Mrs. Svbil Wilson is spending her his home in Texas. C. L. Hopkins were guests of Mrs. vacation at the coast C ro w n an d B rid g e Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Trimbel of Walter I.. Tooir, Jr., Lawyer, A. M. Varsall of Dallas Wednes this city have been caring for W ork day. Dallas, Oregon. tf. the child since his mother’s death Elmer Lewis left Friday morn and were in hopes o f being al * Dr. Arnold for reliable Dentistry ing for Newport to bring back W . lowed to adopt him, but it was at Falls City Hotel. I f you are in need o f r.ew plates or your old ones won’t T. Grier and family who have been not to be. They had become at fit, call and see me and we will make them fit. Chester and Luella Ward made f there for two weeks. tached to the child and are much a trip tb the mountains Monday. I will tell you FREE OF CH ARG E just how much it will | Mayor Harvey Griffin and 1am- grieved. cost you to have your teeth fixed. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moyer and • ily are taking a vacation on the I baby were town visitors Sunday. coast lor a short while P r i c e s R e a s o n a b l e . A l l W o r k G u a r a n t e e d Did Not Tarry Long Mrs. Chapin has received her Mr. Newman of Caldwell, Idaho At Falls City Hotel, August 23-24. The "M erry-go-round” that penaiun. This includes all back returned homo Thursday. Mrs. swooped down upon our little city pension. Newman will remain awhile visit did not abide long. They "came Lrrvun Gottlreid left last week ing with Mrs. C. M. Travis. and went.” I f reports be true Free Methodist Church Dr. Turner and wife of Portland they neither “ took” much money to have a quarry located within for Montana where he will join his Sunday School 10:00 A. Si. 1 are here on professional busiuesi from the town nor le ft much that the city limits. It might be in brothers. teresting to know just how long Preachiag 11:00 A. M. Jf in need of dental work see this week. The doctor has recent they brought with them. Bump Class meeting 12:00 P. M. such a thing could last within the Dr. Arnold at the Kalis City Hotel, ly took unto himself a wife. ing around a circle on dummy Evening service 8:00. city limits o f Portland, Salem or Ang. 23 24 Mrs. Priscilla Ritenour, Ruth horses accompanied by wheezy H. A. W a lt e r , Pastor. even Dallas. A re not the rights Mrs. Raines and little daughter Ritenour of Hioksville. O., mother music does not appeal very large and comfort ot the citizens o f Christain Church who have been visiting i i Napto I and sister of Mrs. Phillip Gottfreid, ly to an inteligent adult popula Falls City just as sacred? Service on next Lord’s Day at tion, so between the city license, returned home Monday. came Thurcday to visit them. 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. ui. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. Lewis who have running expenses and other ex Miss Rose Sterling who has been Bible School at 10 A. M. a Calculated to Encourage Crime been visiting J. S. S. Powell and penses incident to a " w e t ” town in Dallas for a month is visiting Junior Endeavor at 3 P. M. family and other relatives, return it is to be presumed that no bo her mother, Mrs. Mse Lane. It is reported that last week a Christian Endeavor at 7 P. M. ed to their home in Dayton, Wash , nanza was struck. band o f gypsies held up a man, Evening services 8 P. M. Miss Helen Treat is in Mon- Wednesday. between Willamina and Sheridan, A cordial invitation to everyone. mouih staying with her grand Work finished Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brentner, and robbed him o f $30. A deputy- Strangers made welcome. mother who is in ill health. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crocker and The work o f rocking the roads sheriff from Sheridan captured B. L. H icks , Pastor. Miss Anna Persey has returned Miss Sofa Feeter motored to Salem near town was completed last the hand and recovered the from a week’s visit in Salem. Mis? Sunday and took dinner with Mr. week and the tent town has van money, but let them go on their M. E. Church Otterbaum returned with her. and Mrs. George Thompson. ished. It will be a great relief way. Such methods o f law en Regular morning service at 11. Miss Hammond is spending a Suhl, the Great Dane dog owned to many that the heavy blasting forcement, or rather non-enforce Evening service in charge of the week at the Boughey Peach Or by F. Droege died Sunday from has ceased. When the heavy- ment is not likely to strike terror “ Anti Cant’ s.” chard, 15 miles from Salem. being poisoned. Less than six shots were set off it made the to the hearts o f evildoers. The Professor Matthews of Willa T. E. Oates and wife of Portland years ago Mr. Droege had refused windows rattle in distant parts highwayman has everything to mette University will speak. Don’t spent Saturday and Sunday with an offer of $750 for the dog. A o f the city and it must have been gain and nothing to lose under tniss hearing him. his brother-in-law, O. S. Hutchin reward of $50 is offered for proof terrible to those living near the such a system. He might not M ilton A. M arcy , Pastor. and conviction of the guilty party. quarry. It is certainly a mistake get caught next time. son of the Madena Hotel. DR. A R N O L D Local News Hems ALL W O R K G U A R A N T EED 4