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About Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1915)
S a t u r d a y , Aiifcunt 14, 1015 3 THE FALLS CITY NEW8. — C a le n ta r — H tto . t o i 5 It. Paul was in Black Rock Mon- ; day, A Surprise Party A very pleasant surprise party las. No*. T»«». Wed Than. Fri. Sat. Mrs. Mary Thorne is visiting her was given Mrs. Alex Courier last 4 1 2 3 6 5 7 Monday in honor of her 62d birth I daughter in Lents. 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 day. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Munson 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 'spent Thursday in Dallas. A number of friends gathered in the house while Mrs. Courier was 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Percy and Ferris Dodd have ¡showing Mrs. Graham tne fruit, 29 30 31 l gone to their homo*near Monrce. » ; chickens, etc. Great was her sur F. S. Belcher and family went prise when she returned and found n j over, to Newport Sunday for a few the house full of ladies. SALEM, FALLS CITY 4 WESTERN ! weeks, ' Many beautiful as well as useful Pasaenger Train Schedule Frank lleydon of the Siletz was presents were given Mrs. Courier. Effective Oct. 4,1914 transacting business in Falls City The afternoon was spent in 1*7 161 1«! wsatauimu am. pill. am. Friday. 'crocheting, tatting and chatting. 3.26 Salem . . . 7:00 9.46 Delicious ice cream and cake was Mrs. John Miller's brother who 5.00 Dallas. . . 8.15 11.07 served at 4 o’clock. 8.6« 6.36 Falla City. 11.11 is here lor medical treatment is HI’k Rock. 12:01 A beautiful birthday cake with , improving. ..|70 164 the word “ Mother.” her age aud *44TM>U*t> am. pm. pm. Mrs. Bud Hubbard and children the date in pink letters was made Bl’k Rock 1.06 have gone to Harrisburg for a 6.40 Falls City. 9.30 1.25 by Lota Bradley. three weeki* via it. 6.40 Dallas. . . 10.1« 2.(8» Several so igs were suug by the 7.45 Salem . . . 11.26 3.15 Messer Matthew, Hall, Finley crowd. Grandma Courier then i A c M i l l . a ..«> t and I^iftus took in the hall game V A ....... surprised the crowd by singing one at Salem Sunduy. veise of "On Higher Ground.” Ben McDowell of Pedee came Lota Bradley, Gladys and Jessie Wednesday to visit his brother-in- Paul finished this part of the pro law, John Hughes. gram by singing “ Does Jesus Mrs. J. H. 8. Powell and Mrs Care.” Purdy spent Wednesday visiting Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Courter, Bro. Hicks; Mrs. Win. Chappell. Mesdames Bradley. Edna Russell. Mrs. M A. Gill o f Salem came Dave Courter, Richard Paul, Buell, last Saturday on a two week's «¡sit West. Graham, Driggs, the two Mis Woods, Grandma Courter, W. Mrs. E. A. La Dow. V. Graham, Harris, Titus, the Mrs. Win. Ellis and grandaugh- Misses Carrie Graham, I^ota Brad ter are spending a few days in ley, Gladys and Jessie Paul, Mar Dallas visiting friends. m i Driggs and Gwendolen Russell You «re eure of the beat, when you Mrs. N. Selig is looking after her and Masters Verl Courter,Clarence ask for Mt. Hood ice cream at Ellis. fall stock of millinery goods in lit ad ley and Byron and Richard Paul. Portland the past week. r ......-.........» ... YOUR HOUSE. WE MEAN. Rassmusser and Lowe Brothers Paints Will beautify and preserve your buildings. J. C. TALBOTT & CO ~isr R. E.W illiams , M. L. T hompson , W. F. N ichols , R. G.W hite , President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier Bank o f Falls City F alls C i t y , P olk C o u n t y . O kkoon Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. TH E“GREATER OREGON“ W it h n e w h u lM I n f a , b e tt e r e q u ip m e n t , o n - j m rg+<\ g r o u n d a. nod m a n y a d d it io n « to I t « fa eta lly, t h e U n iv e r s it y o f O r e g o n w i l l b e c t n I t « fo r t ie t h y ea r. T u m d a r . N e p te m b r r 14. l f l f t . N p e f l t l t r a in in g In C o m m e r r e , J o u r n a lis m . A r c h it e c t u r e , U w . M e d ic in e . T c r e h l n c . L i b r a , ry W o r k . M u n ir. P h y s ic a l T r a in in g a n d r i n e a ifi * n d # tro n f d e p a r tm e n t« o f L i b e r a l (¿ d u ra tio n . s L ib r a r y o f m o r e th a n &A.OOO v o lu m e * , t h i r teen b u ild in g * f o l l y e q u ip p e d , t w o s p le n d id g y m n a s iu m «, t j T u it io n F r e e . T D o r m it o r ie s fo r m en an d f o r w o m e n , t a p e n e e « L o w e s t. \ W r i t e f o r fr e e < w t a lo g «,a d d r e s s in g R e g is t r a r Dr. W . L. Holloway Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies, Pies, W. T. Grier and family and U N IV E R S IT Y O r O R E G O N and other bakery goods, every day Harry Packard of Portland went K l ’C lK K E . O R E G O N ¡CHIROPRACTIC at the Falls City Bakery. OK DALLAS, ORE. over to Newport by the Siletz Miss Vula Selig left Sunday for Sunday. Phone 822. the Sin Francisco Fair, by boat., WILL BE AT FALLS CITY HOTEL Mrs. Chapiu and daughters came i Incorrecly prescribed glasses Free Methodist Church She will tie abeenta month. ALL DAY up from McMinnville Saturday increase the eye strain, de Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Miss Mercie Sheppard who has where they had been visiting. MONDAY. WEDNESDAY AND Preaching 11:00 A. M. form the eye, and make your later been visiting in Salem two weeks FRIDAY EACH WEEK Class meeting 12:00 P. M. Rev. II. A. Walter is going about years a time of permanently dim returned home last Saturday even Evening service 8:00. with a smile that won’t rub off. All chronic and acute diseases med vision. Such glasses are com ing. H. A. W alter , Pastor. If you Bhould interrogate him he treated. I f you are afflicted with mon enougu, hut are eye destroy D. L. Wood, Jr., and Will Wood will tell you that a 9-pound girl any ailment call and we will talk ers ansi the product of inexperi were over on the Big Luckiamute: arrived at his house Friday morn- j it over. enced. opticians. On the otLer • Christain Church the first of the week fishing. ing. He has three hoys and this I hand, correctly prescribed glasses Service on next Lord’ s Day at Jonah Lowe rotyrned Wednes is the first girl— hence the exuber 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. save the eyes from strain, increase day from Florence, Oregon where ance of joy. Bible School at 10 A. M. their usefulness and for you, if you he has been visiting his sou. wear them the day of dimmed vis Junior Endeavor at 3 P. M. Mr. Leatherwood, who has been to Hot Springs, returned home '1 he beat shBw at the Gem tonight He is living with Mrs. Sheppard, hie daughter. Hay wanted. Inquire at News Mr. and Mrs. Newman and their office. daughter, Mrs. Clark Travis of For Snle— Freeh cow. See P. 8. Caldwell, Idaho are visiting rela Calkins. tives in the city. Mrs. VY. R. Hinahaw is in from B. L. Ellis and wife left Tuesday' the Siletz. morning for the Sai) Francisco Ex Win. Ellin and wife went to Dal position. Mrs. Ellis won the trip las Tuesday. in the Hartuug s Contest. W. J. Southwell of Norton’s is in town this week. Fred Holman of Dallas and S. H Tetherow and wife of this city Phil Awther is helping Mr. Ro-j left Tuesday morning for Tilla bertson make hay. mook on a two week’s outing. Mrs. George March is visiting in Rcy McMurphy, 1). Wurtzher- Corvallis for a short time. g&r.and Irvin Stoddard spent Sun Rev. Marcy motored to Portland day in our city. The former is Tuesday in Thompson's auto. looking after a rock crushing con M. L. Thompson went to Port tract near Salem. land to attend “ Buyers Week.” Among those down from Black C. VV. Davis and Bert Wouderly Rock this week were Mrs. Fowler left Monday for eastern Oregon. and brother, Mr. Swett, Mr. Baker Walter L. Tooze, Jr., L a w y er,1 and grandson Ray, Mrs. Wallace Dallas, Oregon. tf. and Mrs. Pearl Dunegen. Miss Norma Southerland of Sa Mrs. W. A. Persey and Miss lem is visiting Mildred Thompson. Sippel left Wednesday for Salem BLACK ROCK ITEMS August 18. Mrs. S. G. Price was a Falls City caller Thursday. Mrs. Win. Krebs, of Balderee’s camp, was in Black Rock Wednes day. Christian Endeavor at 7 P. M. Evening services 8 P. M. A cordial invitation to everyone. Strangers made welcome. B. L. H icks , Pastor. M. E. Church Morning Theme:— “ Do U n t o Others” including a partial discrip- Mrs. George Nichols was in Falls cion of the Prison Ship “ Success” City Monday, having some dental which is now iu Portland harbor. work done. Evening Subject:— “ Missio n s . ” Levi Nichols, of Coos Bay, spent Program iu charge of classes of a few days with his parents, Isaac Mrs. Jessie Moyer and Miss Edith Nichols and wife. Montgomery. This program in Mrs. E. G. Balderree was visiting cludes another mandoliu solo by a few days in Yamhill the latter ; Miss Wells. part of last week. You ate cordially invited. M ilton A. M a rc y , Pastor. Mrs. George Graves, of Spauld ing’ s camp, was calling in Black . Rock Wednesday. VISITORS FROM SALEM There will be an icecream social An automobile party from Salem at Spaulding’s old cook house Sat on a joy-ride were in this city last urday, August 14th. Sunday and visited with B. M. Mis. S. G. Stevens and Mrs. N. Howell and family of this city. H. Dimmick came down from Bal- They were:— A. R. Southwick, derree’s camp Monday. Mrs. Cara Southwick, and Miss Mrs. W. T. Wallace, Clifford Vera Southwick; James B. Smith Wallace and Miss Bessie Hunter and Mrs. Clara P, Sm ith; Oscar Mrs. A. B. Hubbard and chil where they will visit until Sunday drove to Falls City Wednesday on Frye, Mrs. Kate W . Frye and Her dren have gone to Halsey for an and then leave for the San Fran business. man and Billie Frye; Mrs. Mollie cisco Exposition. They will re outing. B. Wilson, Miss Nancy Wilson,. George Pye cut his knee Monday Mr. Leather wood, Mrs. Shep turn by boat. Miss Glsdys Olsen, and Mr. Chas. while felling timber for the W il Arch Krehhs and wife returned pard's father, has gone to Oakland Kuhnke, all of Salem. Miss Sarah lamette Valley Lumber C o , and Wednesday from Oregon City on a visit. Case of Portland and John Beider- had to lay off for a few days. where they went several weeks ago. W. F. Nichols, cashier o f the j liuder, Mre. Beiderlinder aud Miss Josie McCutcheon, Opal Wallace Mr. Krebbs has a job on the hop Bank of Falla City Is sporting a Alice Beiderlinder, of Springfield, yard and will return about the last Bessie Hunter and Clarice Kim- new Ford. baugh were visiting Mrs. A . F. Missouri. of the month. They expressed themselves as Mr. and Mrs.Treat of Monmouth Dr. and Mrs. Arnold, of Salem Donm&yer, at Spaulding’s camp enjoying the trip aud visit very are visiting their sou, G. D. Treat were gueBts in the city last Sunday., Tuesday. much, and were especially pleased ami family. Wm, Morse, of Balderee’s camp, with the good roads over which The Doctor is a dentist and was Mrs. Mabel Boughey of Salem here to size up the situation with was taken to the Dallas hospital they traveled, and the scenery and who has been visiting friends in a view of establishing a branch Sunday, a piece of bolt having excellent water of Falls City. town returned home Wednesday. office. He is of the opinion that struck him in the eye. The at Mrs. Ed Brown and Miss Ruby Austin Titus has charge of the, there is an opening for an eneigetic tending physician said that if no complications resulted ho would dentist and will probably establish McGee left Tuesday for a two Ellis Confectionery while Mr. and not lose the sight of the eye. week’s vacation at the coast. Mrs. Ellis are at the Exposition. an office. ion m ay never arrive. Such glasses are <;ye builders and are prescribed by long experienced eye specilists. Drs. Lowe and Turner have had years of hard experience as exclu sive eye specialists. Theirs is no side line, for they devote their entire time, energy and effort ex clusively to the eye, coupled with their being educated in the best schools and their many years e x perience makrs them safe persons for you to consult. Consult them at the Falls C ity Hotel. Thursday, August 19. TNE MARKETS Portland. Aug. 13. Flour— Patent®, per bl. # 5.60 “ — Straights per hi. 5.10 “ — Exports “ “ 450 Feed — Bran, per ton 26.50 — Shorts “ “ 27.50 - B a r l e y “ “ $26t o 27.00 Potatoes— Per sack to .75 Onions— “ “ .75 Sugar— B s T y 5.60 -B eet 5.35 Hams— Choice 20c; Stivwdard 181c; Picnic 12c. Bacon— Fancy 28 to 80c; Stan dard 22 to 28c; Choice 17| to 22c. Lard— K e t t l e rendered 13c; Standard 11c; Compound 8 l-3c. .70 FRESH PEACHES Early Crawford peaches from C. M. LaFolletts Wheatland Fruit Farm, fresh every day at 60-cents a box. W ill be in town until Sep tember 1st. Call at the Falls City Hotel. O. Michael.