Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 24, 1914, Image 1

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    T h * N cw n stands for
• greater and botter
Falla City all the time
Council Proceedings
The Falls City council held an
interesting session, last Monday
evening, and enacted some im­
portant legislation.
Officials present w ere: Mayor
Hubbard; councilmen Hollowed.
Grier, Brown, Teal,
Meyer; auditor Lee,
T ooie, marshall Lewis.
Visitors; W. F. Nichols, R. A.
Titus, H .G .Strayer. N. A. Lunde,
S. Ouderkirk, Z. Hinshaw, O.
Aurland. A. L. Raines; also Wm.
Himes o f Dallas.
Brown for the street committee
reported that certain ditches or­
dered on Montgomery and Parry
streets had been completed. Re­
port accepted and ordered placed
on record and filed.
Teal for the water board, re­
ported that line for additional
water supply had been surveyed
to Glaze creek, a distance o f 4,200
feet from the reservoir.
Engineer Raines further e x ­
plained in detail the survey made
and stated that the line, if estab­
lished. would supply 600,000 gal­
lons daily.
A fte r some discussion, t h e
mayor ordered that the matter o f
increased water supply be more
fully investigated by the com m it­
A rem onstrance from Irving
Matthews was read. He enum er­
ated fifteen reasons why he should
not pay for the new sidewalk
recently built in front o f his prop­
erty at city expense, and made a
proposition to the council that he
would pay half the cost about
(171 cents per foot) if said coun­
cil would give him sufficient time.
Council ordered that Mr. Mat­
thews be invited to attend the
regular council m eeting o f Feb. 2
for the purpose o f getting together
on the m atter in controverv,
Council ordered remonstrance
overruled, and closed hearing on
matter o f estimated cost o f side­
walk construction. The final es­
timate is 35 cents per foot, which
amounts to 1 2-3 cents per foot
for those citizens who built their
own walks.
A petition was received from
several M ontgom ery-street prop­
erty owners, asking for a 9-foot
macadam im provem ent on the
street. Further action on the pe­
tition postponed until next regu­
lar council meeting. I f all the
property ow ners sign the petition
and waivers as to legislation it
will be possible to build the street
at a cost o f som ething near 25
cents per foot.
Council ordered that proceed­
ings be instituted by which offic­
ial grades may be established on
all those streets included in the
1913 proposed street im prove­
ment district.
Council ordered that $900 be
invested in the purchase o f the
citiy ’s outstanding street im prove­
ment bonds as an addition to the
water-bond sinking fund.
The Evening Telegram
■no T h e Falls City News
A re conducting a vigorous circulation campaign in Falls
These t w o papers will supply you with all the
news o f this locality and also with all the news o f the
country at large, at a minimum cost.
For a short time
we will take your subscription to the tw o papers for one
year at $3.75— by mail -a saving to you o f $2.25. Pay to
The Telegram, Portland, or to the Falls City N ews.
Council ordered that the foot­
bridge be repaired and opened
for travel.
Mayor Hubbard went home on
account o f illness, and T. I). Hol­
lowed presided during the re­
mainder o f the session.
Council passed ordinance No.
114, calling for a vote on am end­
ing charter sections 63 and 64, at
the April election. A mass m eet­
ing will be held in March, for
discussion o f the proposed amend­
Mow la Ha p tha Daaf.
One of the moat effective help«
which we esn reuder those fellow
travelers who find the fatigue of
their deafness a daily load is gentle
speech, well chosen, well modulated,
of an even tenor and, above all, ar­
ticulate. When it is necessary to
increase the voice volume, this
should be done with due regard
to the evenness of tone and the
distinctness of articulation; to those
who can receive only that which
is miniateringly brought to them,
to whom the once accustomed vol­
ume of the sound of life has be­
come pitiably diminished, let us
bring in gentle mien, carefully, pa­
tiently, the best that we have to
offer.— Atlantic.
R sslin sd and W rsts.
Sir Walter Scott did much of hia
best work in a recumbent position.
Several of the Waverley novels were
dictated in their entirety while Sir
Walter lay in bed or on his couch,
dictating so rapidly 'as to keep two
or more secretaries busy. The weak­
ness of hia leg was responsible to
some extent, no doubt, for this pre­
dilection, but many other famous
authors — including James Thom­
son, Jules Verne and Mark Twain
— have found inspiration flow most
easily when lying down.
A nd It's S sm s Jebl
The color scheme of many a wo­
man consists of keeping hor age
dark and her hair lignt— Philadel-
F oor, but H appy.
Happiness can exist with poverty.
Some very poor people are happy.
A very unhappy potentate was told
that the way to be happy was to
wear a shirt that had !>cen worn bv
a happy man. He therefore sent
some of his courtier« to And a
happy man. After Ion? «earchinc
they found a poor ••'.•n who *iiid
that he was perfectly I iii - ov . The'
aeixed him to take hi* *!iirt. and—
found he had none!
T r y a Sack of
and watch results
All Goods <md Prices Are R light
A P ro p o s a l T o P re p a re S m a ll
Thu press and thinking men and
women of the country have been giv­
ing much attention to a solution of
the great economic question of Induc­
ing rural settlement, and perfecting
some plan for farm credits.
some method must be devised by
which the farming population may be
increased and farm life made more
attractive and profitable, la univer­
sally conceded. President Wilson and
his three predecessors have appointed
commissions to Investigate but, as
yet. ao method has been presented.
Hon. John Manning, of Portland, In
a recent speech before the Arleta So­
cial Center, presented a plan for In­
ducing the settlement and cultivation
of rural lands from which, as a basis,
be hopes to evolve a perfect plan
which will result In great good to the
people of the State. To promote this
he Invite* every man and woman, to
■end him a card or letter approving
or disapproving the plan and offering
criticism and advice.
After enumerating the necessity for
some action and the Importance of
properly solving this question, Mr.
Manning tells of the operation of the
English Land Act In Ireland, Govern­
mental aid to the fanner in Canada,
and recites the wondrous success of
James J. Hill In Inducing the settle­
ment of lands along the lines of the
Great Northern. He cite« the fact
that the head of a family with 11,000
or $1,500 capital cannot undertake tha
assumption of such a load aa high
farming land prices compel. Their
capital doea not hold out If they at­
tempt to make a farm from the cheap­
er logged-off or burnt over lands,
neither can they prepare to Irrigate
the fertile lands of Eastern Oregon.
Mr. Manning proposes the passage
of such legislation •a will enable the
State to put all the tillable State lands
Into a condition ready for cultivation
and occupancy—the clearing of logged-
off or wild lands. Irrigating or drain­
ing where necessary. The State to
dispose of these lands In from 20 to
100 acre tracts to the actual bona fide
settler at a price not to exceed the
actual coat to the 8tate In addition to
a fair valuation for the land, the State
to loan such settler enough money to
build a suitable house, barn, fences,
etc., and to purchase Implements and
stock, taking as security therefor a
mortgage for 15 or IS years, payable
In small yearly payments at the same
rate of Interest the State pays for the
money, say 4 or 6 per cent
Mr. Manning also favors extending
the privilege of borrowing this State
money, or money from the help fund
at this low rate of Interest to all
farmers and rural owners with the
necessary safeguard that the money
would be used for farm development;
the State to issue 20-year bjuds to be
sold as the work of reclaiming the
land progresses and the money la
The State by this plan, would get
a return of every dollar Invested, with
the interest thereon, in 15 or II years
and would be able to meet the bonds
thus Issued when due, and without
the loss of a tingle dollar to the State
Mr. Mannlag also has a plan for a
simpler method of marketing stock
and farm produce.
The gentleman
cites Instances under the present
method of where the actual consumer
has paid aa high aa 60* per coot more
than waa paid to the farmer or pro­
ducer. He firmly believes that hia
"Back to tha Soil” plan would make
Oregon n State which could boast of
a people of wealth producers and not
alone of wage earners.
“ I tell you I am no man’* mauf”
‘"Then I guess you mast be s
lady’s man.” — Baltimore American.
Forests and Hal'aterma.
Reversing a j
• y ED ITH M ELN O .
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a
T h e C onclusion.
Falls C i t y Lumber ( A
No. 21
T ra c ts and S e ll T o S e t­
tle rs a t Actual C ost
A prominent forester of Switzer­
land hea observed that hailstorm*
do not occur in wall wooded dis­
trict*. A* evidence he mentions
that a district which waa exempt
from such visitation* while the for­
est* remained unbroken has been
visited by very fierce storms since
gap* were made in them. On the
cleared ground being replanted
with fire, the storms ceased.
Buy all good« of hoaa
merchants and help to
make Falls City greater
“ She said, 'How can I do itP
and then the cried some more,”
continued Tommy. "Than these
waa something about for father's
sake, and mother cam* in and said
something about duty tad thaa
something about Mr. Bowen, and
Jessie cried lots more, and then aho
wrote the letter, and sho gave mo
a penny for myself and kiaaod me.”
For a moment Dorrington sat
stunned. Howie had invested heav­
ily in suburban real estate, and
much of his capital waa tied up in
land, but Dorrington had not gueoa-
ed that Mr. Howie's need waa so
great that he had been compelled
to go to Bowen.
For nearly a year Cyrus Bowes
had sought to make Jessie the
fourth Mrs. Bowen. Mrs. Howie
had favored his suit, for the ma­
tron was ambitious for her daugh­
ter, but it must have been dire
need that caused blunt Henry
Howie to add his influence. Dor­
rington turned to Tommy.
“ Thomas Henderson Howie," ho
said quietly, “ I pledge you the word
of one man to another that I did
not make Jessie cry. Will you mind
the office a moment?"
He swung the youngster into tho
big chair before the roll top desk,
supplied him with a pencil and pod
and slipped from the room. It was
less than a block to the office build­
ing in which Henry Howie hud hia
suit, and shortly Dorrington enter­
ed the private office of the opera­
“ You will pardon my abrupt­
ness," began Tim, “hut I have just
had a latter from Jeeaie refusing
an offer of marriage. From what
Tommy says I imagine that her re­
fusal is influenced oy the fact that
you need Bowen's assistance, and
•he is the bonus for the loon. Ant
I right?”
For a moment Henry Howie’s
hands clinched and unclinched
themselves nervously. Tho blunt
statement of faeta roused him to
anger, but the white, tenae face of
the man before him restrained him
from pitching Tim oat of the of­
fice as he longed to do. He liked
Tim, and it hurt him to give pain
to the young fellow.
“ You are not entirely correct in
your premises,” he said at langth.
“ I believe that Jeesie does content-
late marriage with Mr. Bowen.
owen has promised to come to my
aid in an extremity. That Deep-
dale tract has been a heavy burden
to me. Bowen will take it at what
I paid and pay cash. This will
enable me to save other invest­
ments. Naturally Jessie is grateful
to the friend who has come to my
rescue and looks with favor upon
his suit. I tell you this thst you
may understand. Of course it will
go no further.”
“ I thank you for your confidence,
which will be respected. But I
want to ask what you are getting
for your Deepdsle holdings.”
Howie looked at the younger
man in surprise. “ I presume i that
you have s reason for asking,” he
said. “ The sum is $10,000. That
is $200 more than I gave for the
“ Bowen is generous in the ex­
treme,” said Dorrington, with 1 n
sneer. “ No doubt you ere aware
that the Central and Suburban
plana a cutoff to the main line that
strikes the property? That will be
better than the trolley which was
not built. I am junior counsel for
the road and I know that Bowen
has known this for two weeks.”
For a moment Howie shrank
back, stunned at the treachery of
his fancied benefactor.
would make a handsome profit
from his supposed charitable ao-
“ I suppose this ia the reason you
seek Jessie’s hand," sneered the
elder man, stung to a retort ae aa
outlet to hia feelings.
“ Not at all,” mid Dor
calmly. “ My reason for
now is that they purchased mj
homestead for a model town,
are to build their shops there,
had not thought of your holdings.
Do you went a loan f"
Twenty minutes later Dorring­
ton burst into his own office.
"Tommy— hoy,” he cried, “ for
your great services let ua get sous­
ed on soda and then buy out a
candy store and taka it up to Jes­
sie. You’ve enabled me to boat
Bowen at hia own game end wipa
Jessie’s tears away. ‘Soueed’ is a
vulgar word, Timmy— boy, but »He
expreaaive of my feelings, end to
your uncanny powers of observa­
tion 1 owe the fact that I’ ve re­
versed the decision.”
Thomas Henderson Howie step­
ped grandly from the elevator,
rather resentful of the elevator
boy’s patronizing pat on the heed.
Men who come downtown on busi­
ness should not be patted on the
head even if their mothers do pos­
sess foolish ideas that curls are
cute. Men on business bent al­
ways act importantly and should be
treated with deference.
The pat had the effect of stiffen­
ing Thomas Henderson Howie’s
small backbone to an unusual de­
gree of ramrod stiffness, and it was
a very pompous six-year-old who
entered Dorrington’s office.
Tim Dorrington looked up from
a pile of papers with a genial smile.
“ Welcome to our city, Mr. Thom­
as Henderson Howie,” he cried.
“ And what good fortune brings you
to the office? Surely you are not
about to be sued for breach of
promise? I am afraid of that little
Houston girl, or perhaps it is the
embezzlement of preserves again!”
" I t’s a letter," explained Tommy
stiffly, as he delivered the square
white envelope into Tim’a trem­
bling hands. “ I will be going now,”
he added as be turned away. Tim
raised his hand.
“ Wait a moment, please,” he ask­
ed. “ There may be an answer."
Tommy climbed into the biggest
chair and settled himself with
quaint, old fashioned gravity, while
Dorrington opened and read the
note. T rice the man read it, though
the first time the words had seared
themselves into his brain.
It was a cold, almost curt note
in which Jessie Howie acknowledg­
ed the honor he had done her in
offering to make her his wife, an
honor she declined, regretting that
there had been anything in their
friendship to lead him to believe
that the friendship might grow to
greater intimacy.
Dorrington smiled bitterly as he
read the last few lines. Surely he
had had every reason to hope for a
favorable answer to his letter. Jes­
sie had been tenderness itself. With
a sigh he thrust the letter into his
pocket and turned to his small visi­
“ I regret, Thomas Henderson
Howie,” he said in the playful ban­
ter that had been suggested by the
child’s quaint dignity—“ 1 regret
that my pleasurable anticipations
of a wild dissipation in soda water
and candy in celebration of an im­
portant event have been dashed to
earth. But man turns to drink both
to express his joys and drown his
sorrows. Therefore I pray you to
descend with nie to the drug store
on the ground floor and assist me
in the latter ceremony. They have
hot chocolate with whipped cream.”
“ No, thank you,” said Tommy
politely. “ 1 don’t want any soda.”
“ Perhaps you prefer the stronger
tipplo of beef tea ?” suggested Dor­
rington. “ It is a cup that cheers
without inebriety and can be ren­
dered quite palatable if you use
enough celery salt to disguise the
flavor of the beef extract. Shall
we go?”
“ 1 don’t want to go with you,”
said Tommy stolidly. “ I don’t like
you any more. You make Jessie
“ That,” said Tim, “ is what they
call an inversion of facts. Your
sister has made me cry.”
“ I ’m glad of it,” said Tommy
cruelly. “ You made her cry lots.
“ You are sure?” asked Dorring­
ton quickly. ‘She was crying over
my letter?"
“ Lots,” declared Tommy with a
sweeping gesture that suggested m
very flood of tears. “ I went to her
room to get her to sew the tail on
my dog again. She was crying aw­
fully, and she was kissing your let­
ter and saying things.”
Dorrington moved closer to the
boy. “ You don’t remember what
she said, do you f " he pleaded gent­
ly. “ See if you can’t think, Tom­
my, boy. Try hard, laddie.”
Thomas Henderson Howie knit­
ted his brows thoughtfully and as­
sisted the mental process by sol­
emnly wriggling hia right foot.
“ It was something about a mean
sacrifice,” he said at last. “ Sacri-
fleet," he added informatively, “ is
where the Indians kill people and
TKa HI«H »tu n .
burn ’em up.”
“ How did run know that fallow
“ The operation is bloodless and
the fires are internal nowadays,” was a masher)”
MI gueused it from hii toft c n i b
•aid Dorrington softly. "What else
hat.” —Baltimore American.
d iia k o say?”