T h * N cw n stands for • greater and botter Falla City all the time FALLS CITY NEWS FALLS CITY. OREGON. SATURDAY. JANUARY 24. 1914 VOL. X Council Proceedings The Falls City council held an interesting session, last Monday evening, and enacted some im­ portant legislation. Officials present w ere: Mayor Hubbard; councilmen Hollowed. Grier, Brown, Teal, Sampson, Meyer; auditor Lee, attorney T ooie, marshall Lewis. Visitors; W. F. Nichols, R. A. Titus, H .G .Strayer. N. A. Lunde, S. Ouderkirk, Z. Hinshaw, O. Aurland. A. L. Raines; also Wm. Himes o f Dallas. Brown for the street committee reported that certain ditches or­ dered on Montgomery and Parry streets had been completed. Re­ port accepted and ordered placed on record and filed. Teal for the water board, re­ ported that line for additional water supply had been surveyed to Glaze creek, a distance o f 4,200 feet from the reservoir. Engineer Raines further e x ­ plained in detail the survey made and stated that the line, if estab­ lished. would supply 600,000 gal­ lons daily. A fte r some discussion, t h e mayor ordered that the matter o f increased water supply be more fully investigated by the com m it­ tee. A rem onstrance from Irving Matthews was read. He enum er­ ated fifteen reasons why he should not pay for the new sidewalk recently built in front o f his prop­ erty at city expense, and made a proposition to the council that he would pay half the cost about (171 cents per foot) if said coun­ cil would give him sufficient time. Council ordered that Mr. Mat­ thews be invited to attend the regular council m eeting o f Feb. 2 for the purpose o f getting together on the m atter in controverv, Council ordered remonstrance overruled, and closed hearing on matter o f estimated cost o f side­ walk construction. The final es­ timate is 35 cents per foot, which amounts to 1 2-3 cents per foot for those citizens who built their own walks. A petition was received from several M ontgom ery-street prop­ erty owners, asking for a 9-foot macadam im provem ent on the street. Further action on the pe­ tition postponed until next regu­ lar council meeting. I f all the property ow ners sign the petition and waivers as to legislation it will be possible to build the street at a cost o f som ething near 25 cents per foot. Council ordered that proceed­ ings be instituted by which offic­ ial grades may be established on all those streets included in the 1913 proposed street im prove­ ment district. Council ordered that $900 be invested in the purchase o f the citiy ’s outstanding street im prove­ ment bonds as an addition to the water-bond sinking fund. The Evening Telegram ■no T h e Falls City News A re conducting a vigorous circulation campaign in Falls City. These t w o papers will supply you with all the news o f this locality and also with all the news o f the country at large, at a minimum cost. For a short time we will take your subscription to the tw o papers for one year at $3.75— by mail -a saving to you o f $2.25. Pay to The Telegram, Portland, or to the Falls City N ews. Council ordered that the foot­ bridge be repaired and opened for travel. Mayor Hubbard went home on account o f illness, and T. I). Hol­ lowed presided during the re­ mainder o f the session. Council passed ordinance No. 114, calling for a vote on am end­ ing charter sections 63 and 64, at the April election. A mass m eet­ ing will be held in March, for discussion o f the proposed amend­ ments. Mow la Ha p tha Daaf. One of the moat effective help« which we esn reuder those fellow travelers who find the fatigue of their deafness a daily load is gentle speech, well chosen, well modulated, of an even tenor and, above all, ar­ ticulate. When it is necessary to increase the voice volume, this should be done with due regard to the evenness of tone and the distinctness of articulation; to those who can receive only that which is miniateringly brought to them, to whom the once accustomed vol­ ume of the sound of life has be­ come pitiably diminished, let us bring in gentle mien, carefully, pa­ tiently, the best that we have to offer.— Atlantic. R sslin sd and W rsts. Sir Walter Scott did much of hia best work in a recumbent position. Several of the Waverley novels were dictated in their entirety while Sir Walter lay in bed or on his couch, dictating so rapidly 'as to keep two or more secretaries busy. The weak­ ness of hia leg was responsible to some extent, no doubt, for this pre­ dilection, but many other famous authors — including James Thom­ son, Jules Verne and Mark Twain — have found inspiration flow most easily when lying down. A nd It's S sm s Jebl The color scheme of many a wo­ man consists of keeping hor age dark and her hair lignt— Philadel- F oor, but H appy. Happiness can exist with poverty. Some very poor people are happy. A very unhappy potentate was told that the way to be happy was to wear a shirt that had !>cen worn bv a happy man. He therefore sent some of his courtier« to And a happy man. After Ion? «earchinc they found a poor ••'.•n who *iiid that he was perfectly I iii - ov . The' aeixed him to take hi* *!iirt. and— found he had none! T r y a Sack of HIGH FLIGHT FIOI U R and watch results All Goods