The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, November 16, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 2

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Be A S m a 1 S w n e r of IHfea S
f Toy .Can't
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Nov. 4.
( Special.) One of the record apple
yields of the Valley is that reported by
E. 0. Rader, of the State Line district,
who has established what is believed to
be a new mark for production.
Mr. Rader has 40 trees and they aver
age 32 boxes to the tree. These apples
are worth $1.25 a box at the figure un
der the present market. The estimate
of 50 cnts a box for getting them
ready for market leaves him 75 cents a
box clear. This means $24 a tree or
nearly $1000 for the 40.
Just as good yields, and many bet
ter ones, have been recorded in
Wallowa County.
Valley View Orchard Acreage will
be planted 50 trees to the acre, and
pruned, trimmed and cultivated for
three 'years for the present price
per acre. -
The closer to some good town and a good market the bet
ter. Land has made more wealthy men in Wallowa County
than any other thing. Land is worth more around Enter
prise than it was last year, and it will be worth more next
year, and the next and the next. Such is the experience of
every country. Many men can remember the time when the
Sand Ridge or hill land in Grande Ronde Valley was consid
ered worthless. Now the biggest and best apple orchards
in Union county are on the Sand Ridge. Look what the peo
pleare doing on the hill or up-lands of Wallowa county.
They are growing all kinds of fruit, even peaches, where a
few years ago nothing but bunch grass grew. Go among
the farmers on the hill land north of Enterprise and see
what they are doing. Good apples are grown successfully
in the Leap country, and in the Elk Mountain country, They
are grown on Prairie Creek, on Alder Slope, and right in the
town of Enterprise. Apple land, close to market, is the sur
est land to increase in value of any in the county.
Shipments of thousands of trees
are just now being received and de
livered to the people of Wallowa
county by the different nurseries.
It is an established fact that this
county will become a banner apple
growing section of the Northwest.
Skeptics who saw the exhibits at
the late County Fair are now pre
paring to plant fruit trees.
Those who wait will later be buy
ing high priced orchards instead of
having one of their own to sell or
market the fruit from.
10 Per Cent Down and
5 Per Cent Each Month
rruned, Trimmed and Cul
tivated for Three Years
Formerly the Wallowa . Naws,' estab
lished March 3. 1899..
Published Wednesdays ' and Satur
daye at Enterprlae, Oregon, by
Office East aide Court House Square
Entered as second-class matter
January 2, 1909, at the postoffice'. at
Enterprise. Oregon, under the At of
March 3, 1S79.
Subscription Ratea: One year $3,
alz months $1, three mouths 60c,
one month 20a. On yearly oah -la-advance
subscriptions a dlsoount of
Kc Is given.
The voters Mr the Home Rulo
amomlment at' wondering who put
up the Job an, thm. The amendment
purported, or it, was vouched by Uie
sponsors of Uw amendment, to give
absolute control1 of the license and
Baloau questions , to municipalities
within their limits. , ' ,, i, i
It doos nothing of the kind.
Hone are .the filial and vital clauses
of the anwdment: "end tihe exclusive
power to license, rogulr,tet control or
to suppress or prohibit the Bale of
Intoxicating liquors therein la vest
ed In such municipality, but such
municipality shall be awibjoct 4 the
provisions of the local option law of
'the State e Oregon."
Just wad that last clcue again
anid then toll ua how c. town In. a dry
county can. become legally wt. '
The leading lawyers of Alio Kx-al
bar unhesitatingly say s, town In, a
dry county (under the "local option
law of the tat") hmkh. be dry, no
matter how much tn1 tow vote w-ct
Proecut,tag Attorney . Ivwihoe la
reported aa saying thore w-Ul be no
kgal tm loons In Wallowa county, un.
til the Supremo court haa passed on
thoso clauses of tho Homo UuJe
Continued on page 3, column 6. j
Official Vote of Wallowa County Nov. 8
aM" '"F""! I SEC' "ATXttfRPR1'! Co! CMVCheriffl.'l'kll Co. Treas. iffODllRu!1!
I c.a c c ci ; c c i t o c o c e ol x o c
2 'C o n o .a C a o .2 s a) 5 .2 'ci .2 s 9? .2 .2 3 5
2 2 g 2 gl 75 w g - -
JWq go; L o S O Q Pi OS (SI ' gfc cQ.K 22
1 a 5 g S - I I S i I 1 m -S La I Psl 1 I I.
S 3 ,M I H' 3 - ! I M S s P Susj- 3 s i a s '
P H p r a j ? 3 a (a o a i a 3 a -a ' so 3 g g pi . z g
2i 157 60 11 118 15 13isi 143 17 18 82 130 130 98 171 131 29i10 27! 225 239 15 17 113131 91 165 149 106 94 157
3 190 15, 150 19 24 140 180 19 30 101 163 150 216 1(H) 119 30 1771 28; 294 285 36 23 243 63 206 118 117 210 172 155
l 82 48 4. 44 9 91 D0j 77 8 11 49 57 88 70 72 80 12 53 81139 135 12 6 25 120) 83 58 55 85 68 72
4ljl86 73 111 163 16, 47,116 161 14 45 110 109 196 130 173 264 40 42 40 292 265 52 42 84 204 190 137 133 176 168 140
6 5 7 1 1, 5 9 0 0 6 3 111 10 4 14 0 S li 13 13 1 3 ' 6 5, 13 0 0 11 12 0
B 18 10 8 2 6 20 13 0 5 16 19 vl 21 12 23 4 8 5 26 26 6 5 16 13 27 3 2 30 23 6
6 23 11 2 13 2 6 22 20 2 6 13 10 27 10 26 18 6 18 5i 3fJ 33 8 5 28! 10 18 22 12 24 15 19
2! 15 8 0 9 1 1 15 13 1 2 10 5 16J 7 18 11 8 - t 2! 22 24 1 3 131-10 8 16 8 18 5 20
24 15 9J 20 10! 2 20 21 13 3 15 23 27 27 21 20 4 2 li 4 47 1 5 221 22 42 7 7 36 40 5
3 14 17 2 11 2 2 22 14 4 1. 18 13 24 23 14 13 2 2;5 1 37 34 3 4 24 11 26 11 3 33 20 13
llj 6 0 0 5 0 10 . 0 4 0 11 1 4 4 5 4 5 11 10 5 6! 11 15 o' 1 13 2 3 12 11 4
1 20 23 0 10 4 1 32 15 If 1 80 27 19 27 20 20 1 26 2 42 41 2 3 23" 20 26 19 12 27 19 1
17 7 0 14 2 0 1C 17 0 1 8 11 14 14 12 8 1 W 5 31 22 4 1 15 10 10 li 9 14 10 12
6 6 0 3 0! 3 .10 2 2 2 8 6 10 15 1 4 31 9 2 13 14 2 3 11 2 4 l9 7 8 4 10
0 21 5 14 2 0 18 22 0 0 5 7 19 12 11 16 H 0 25j 24 1 0 13 12 12 2lB 14 14 3 23
2 1 4 0 8 0, 0 6 9 0 1 4 2 12 8 6 1 li id li 11 11 1 1 8 3 2 lofl 3 11 2 12
- 6 18 5 16 lj 4 9 17, 0 5 8 10 18 18 8 13 4! l(i 4i 21 20 4 3 111 12 6 lifl 16 10 8 17
S 10 5 , 1 3 l!' 2 15 7f 1 2 11 , 17 2 16 2 4 41 11 8 13 15 4 4 7: 7 8 li 9 10 7 10
II lb 11 0j 9 11 17 12! 1 1 13 17 10 21 8 13 1; 13j l! 28 27 1 1 14 14 6 19 J 5 23
621 ll 2j 22 6j 4 31 29j 6j 3 24 23 86 30 2J 16 192ij 12 4S 7 4 32 22 24 M 29 27 17 38
....... 165j 855 392 63l 647j 93; 134 731 785 89 148 531 658 826j 778 712 793 1811 593 1 163136S 1333 172 IS 708: 69 J 815 699H 607 871 "703 "757
Enterprise ...
I.ostine ......
Powwntka ..
Grouse 1..
Lost Prairie..
MudCreek ...
Trout Creek..
Pina. Creek...
Divide ...
Pruirie Creek
Results i County for Offices and
Measuraa Not Given in Table.
Sta'e Treasurer, Duller (Pro ) 23.".
Kny (Rep.) 99S, Otton (Sac:) 20.1.
Justice Supreme Court 4 " )"-rs,
Beaa (Rep.) 894. Bright (pro.) 19S,
McDrlde (Rep.) 547, Myera (Sc.) 16"),
Ryan (3oc.) 135, S:tAr (Hem.) 415.
Justice Supremo Court ' 6 years,
Bitrnett (Rp.8f3, Jones (Soc:) 180,
Kbg (Djiu.) 49S. lo;ir (Rep.) 605,
Ramp (Soc.l H0.
Attorney Gore:al, P.rix (Sc.) 2.10,
Crawford (Rep.) 1162.
Superintendent Public instruction,
Alderman (Rep.) $02, llfciitdalo (Soc.)
152, Homer (Detn.) 439, St,-l (Tro.)
95. i . ...
Stat Printer. PvlanJor (Soc.) 153.
Dunlway' (Rep.) 878, GoJrey (Dem.)
Labor Commtesloner, Curry (Soc.)
1S4, Hoff (Rep.) 829, Houfltan (Dem.)
Railroad Commissioner, McLalii
(Dem.) 548, Miller (Rep.) 865.
State Engineer. Koob (Soc.) 20C,
Lewis (Rep.) 1042;
Water Superln'e.ideiit, Division.
No. 2. Cochran (Rep.) 891. Saxton
(Dem.) 610. .
Women's Taxraylnjf Suffrage, Y
5S, No 746.
Eaern Oregon Insane Asylum, Y8
727, No 653.
OmiatHudonal Convention, Yea
2G9, No 892.
Separa'e legislative Dlatrlota, Y(
Sr6, No 769.
Abolishing Equal and Volform Tax
ation. Yea 479, No 657.
Authorizing Railroad Dl:rlcts,Yoa
461. No 654.
Tax Amendment f Sec.l, Art. IX,
Yea 431, No 23.
Increase Salary of Bmker County
Judge, Yea 134. No 10T6.
Nesmlih Coimty, Yea 152, No 943.
Monmouth Normal. Yes 461, No 746.
Otis County, Yes 137, No 944.
Annexation of Part of Clackamas
to Multnomah, Yes 97, No 1009.
Williams County, Yes 120, No 913.
County Control of County ' Taxa
tion, Yes 606, No 589. ,
Employers' Liability, Ya 663, No
Orchard County, Y 153. No 943.
Clark County, Yes 116. No 964.
Westou Normal, Yes 495, No "It-
Annexation Part of Washington to
Multnomah. Yea 83. No 999..
Ashland Normal. Yes 38, No 772.
Search Law, Yes 708. No 782.
Employers' Ijabl'ity Inquiry Board,
Yes 367. No 744. .
Prohibiting Seining ki Rogue River,
Ye $22. No 473.
Deschutes County, Yes 126, No 820.
BUI (or Division of Counties, m
552.N0 534.
Allowing Counties to Bond for Per
manent Roads, Y' 657, No 563.
PrimaTy Elecilsn of Presidential
Eleotors, Yes 627, No 527.
Official Cazette, Yea 399, No 719.
Proiop;ional Reyresen'taUon, Y'es
468. No 622.
Three-Fourths Jury Verdict in Civ
il Suits, Yes 606. No 676-
County Surveyor. Rudd (Rep-Dem)
1260, Reavls-1, Merry man. 6.
.Coroner, Thompson 20, irvta- 9,
BraLaaTd 8. Anderson 5, Ketch um 16.
Ault 9. lij iett 10, Gesnax6, Grego
ry U..C'orae 10, Gil more 10, and 19
vo j.tered among 15 otner can
dlJamj. ' -
Jus'Jces of Peace:
Joseph. Sheets 246. Winston 63.
E.vterpri.-, Oakes 51, Smith 298.
LoitUie, Goodman. H3. '
Wallowa, Moieock 226, Wiggles,
worth 35, Hall 3.
Promise, llescock 13, Hawly 16.
Grouse, Mocauley l.iWUson 14, Go-'
vey 1, Boston 8, Fleming 4, Flckerl,
Richman 1.
Flora, Austin 6, Cannon 1, Davis! 5,
A"pp!egate 9, Frazier 4.
PItUburg, Chattln 10.
Imnaha, MoCarty 29, Denny 1;
Lloyd 1.
Con'stables; 1
Joseph, Martin 12, Bedlngfleld 2,
Duncan 9.
Enrerprlso, Marks 110. Cramer 31,
LosUne, Pagia 110. Scattering 3.
Wallowa. Maxwell 230, Hall 23, Or
f ut 2.
Promise, Colpitis 8, Sanar 1, Car.
per 7. " -
Grouse, F. A. Richman 6, Scattering
Flora, Marsh 16, Applegatq 33,
Moore 30, Scattering 6
Pittsburg, Johnson 2, Blackmaa 1,
Wisener 1. .
Imnaha, CrovreU , Scattering 8, '