The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, March 09, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 4

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Formerly tha Wallowa News, sstab
liehed March 3. 1899. .
Published, Wednesday 'and Satur
days at Enterprise, Oregon, by
' Office East side Court House Square
, ' ; Entered as second-class matter
, January 2, 1909, at the postofflce at
Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act of
March 3,-1879.
; Subscription Rates: One year $2,"
six months. 11, three mouths 50c,
one month 20c. On yearly caah-ln-advance
subscriptions a discount of
iic Is given. '
City and County
Brief News Items
Bicycle Headquarters. Any standard
make at Rodgers Bros.' 88b2
Mrs. F. A. Reavls returned Friday
from Imnaha,
H. E. Driver of Wallo,wa bad bus
iness at the court house, Monday.
Fred Woniack of Loatlne came
up Thursday for a short visit, with
F. I. Vergere returned homie Mon
day night from an extended stay In
1 ; Mr. W. J. Ransom, the Milton nur
sery man. Is In, town for a few days
taking orders for spring.
Miss Margaret flavor returned
home Thursday from a visit of sev
eral weeUs1 ;wlth. frlenda In) Loetine.
A big Job lot of Wall Papers from
. 20c to th 7Dc grade now at 10c
per double roll at ' the E. il. &
M. Co. store.
Miss Bula Forsythe, who went to
' La Grande to consult an ; optome
ttrlcist, was among those -detained
. by the blockade.
R. L. Day has bought the Inter
est of L." W. Riley In the livery
barn and all sale horses, Involving a
consideration of about $3200.
Dr. F, E. Moore, osteopath, has
office hours, all day Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday In. Enterprise. Of
fice over the bank. 83btf
' It will soon be Ume for purchasing
Spring requirements da farm imple
ments. The E. M. & M, Co. have
a complete line at reasonable prices.
.. Bee S. K . Ctark. before buying
" water pipe and fittings and all plumb
log material. He will save money or,
your bill. Phone blue 7 64btf.
- Gus Price la reported as slightly
Improved. He has been confined to
hie home since the first of the year.
He expectato go to Hot Lake in
a day or so.
Rev B. F. Zimmerman, field sqc
rotary of the Oregon' Antl-&aloon
league, will give a free stereoptlcon
lecture at the M. E. church, next
Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Ev
erybody Invited.
The next meeting of the W. C. T.
U. will be held next Friday after
noon, March 11, at the M. E. par
sonage. A full attendance ct the
members Is requested, and all who
are Interested are cordially Invited.
' L. Couch, the well known- real es
tate dealer at Wallowa, Is laid up
with a broken leg. . He cleanod, the
snow off the roof of hla bara re
cently, and in jumping to the ground
fell and fractured his right kg near
the ankle.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson go to
Joseph Thursday to stay a few
months with thtlr son Hugh and
. assist him on his dairy ranch. Miss
Mabel Wilson has been In, Joseph
several weeks clerking in the F. C.
. C. alore. ' ;
"Mlas Victoria Haas writes to
friends In this city of the pleasures
Of picking oranges and violets at
Woodland, California, Her letter
dated February 26 says It t almost
too warm for comfort. Violets, nar
clssua and almond trees are all In
bloom and for a change from kill
ing time picking oranges and pom
elos,' which are much nicer picked
fresh, from . the trees, they fight
mosquitoes, . ' "
The District Boundary board met
Saturday, and granted the petition
tor a new chool district. No. 73,
from the north part of district No.
9, la the Divide country. The new
- district is S by 12 miles in, extent,
,1 while the old .on U stilt T mllos
wide and 12 miles long.
We wish to thank our patrons for the business during the
past year and bejr to state that we are in the same old stand
with a larger and more up-to-date stock of Watches and
Jewelry than ever before, and will be pleased to attend to
your every need in that line. All Work Guaranteed.
Your Patronage Solicited "y
Martin Larsen & Co. !
-s . . Successors to Larsen & Carpenter
. Easter Post . Card at Jackson, & j
Weaver's. ' I
See the E. M. & M. Co. for Bye,
Alfalfa or Timothy Seed. ,
Bicycles 1910 Models. Every stand
ard make. Prices, lower than ever.
Rodgers Bros'. , " ,
County Fruit Inspector Ford G.
Potter lav up from Wallowa attend
ing to business matters.
Get your Spring Tonics a(. Jack
son & Weaver's. They have every
thing in that line.
G. J. Wagner writes to have his
paper sent to Portland again, hav
ing returned from California. ! He
reports a pleasant trip.
Use Enterprise Flour and patron
ize home Industry. At $5.00 per
barrel. It costs you less, and there
is none better. Every sack guar
anteed satisfactory or money back.
The Ladles Aid! society of the M.
B. church will have a beautiful line
)f Easter Post Cards on sale ' Sat
urday at E. M. & M. Co. and R. S.
& Z. stores. ,i
G. H. Vest wishes, to warn, eques
Hans from riding on the sidewalk
it hto property; as some have been
lolng since the high water. If It Is
mtinued the la,w will be enforced.
Fred S. Ashley has soldi his. inter
sat In the hardware store at Loatlne
to J. W. Bright and the firm of Bue
ft Bright will conduct the business
under the name of the Lostlne Hard-
ware company. . ,
. W. H. Robins came downi from
foseph Thursday on a business, trip.
Mr. Robins and family returned' to
foseph last -week, having left there
as't November for an extended visit
n the East, ,
; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blanchard.
arents of Landlord Blanchard, of
m Hotel Enterprise, went to Im
. er Tuesday to visit their daugh
er, Mrs. R. McBrlde, and their
ins, Frank and Jesse. . -
Wallo(wa Valley chapter, 6. E. S.,
held an Interesting session Satur
day night, at which, time Mrs. J. L.
Browning and1 daughter, Mis Edna
bocame members' of the order. A
delicious supper, lit charge of Mrs.
W. C. Boatman, was an enjoyable
A farewell reception was . given
at the Presbyterian church Monday
evening in honor of J. S.-Kay, and
family, who have been valued mem
bers of this congregation, and are
low removing to Wallowa. A short
Impromptu program was given, with
jpeeches testifying to the help Mr.
Xay has been to the church and Sun
day school, and showing the true
regret which marks his departure.
Rcf resmeuts .were served.
.Blaine Davis writes from Schoff
nor's ; Corners, Pa: "You have an
interesting paper and I would be out
jf sorts if I. could not enjoy the
reading of Wallowa work once a
week. Pennsylvania has been fav
ored this, winter with one of her old
time winters, the snowfall here
imounMng to 10 feet." ' Mr. Davis
swns considerable land Ira Wallowa
county and1 formerly conducted a
itoro here, leaving here about four
years ago.,
An Oyster Supper.
, (From Flora Journal.)
About 30 friends of Miss Nettle
Brock gathered at the home of Mr.
Md Mrs. J, M. Conley. lost Friday
evening, for the purpose of giving
iier'.a tare ell- party. Miss. Brock
uad been Invited by Mrs. Conley to
.nke 8upj.ui w'uth them. Not long
after supper tha Invited guests be
gan to arrive and she seemed to be
very much surprised that so many
happened to call at the same time
he did. .
Games, music and conversation
filled, up the evening and an oyster
supper was served.
. It was not -until the wee small
hours of the morning that the guests
took their departure for their sev-
eral homes. An enjoyable time is
reported by all who were present.
Miss Brock, who taught the pri
niary department of our school for
the past six months, started for
her home In. Enterprise Tuesday
morning. She will teach another
term of school In this district be
ginning April 11th. V
R. C.
. (Continued from First page.)
. W. C. Fleener Is again able to be
around town after being laid up sev-
eral weeks with a broken : leg and
other injuries. "
The High Schools pupils are plan
ning to give a play soon. Ite title Is
Borderland. Reporter.
(Contlncad from front page.)
Coleman Prlntery, printing... 7 50
W. C, Wilson, extra help on. .
tax "roU 25 00
Edgar ' Marvin,' printing and
stamps 55 65
Edgar Marvin, board of pris
oners , 67 44
Edgar Marvin, 'deputy bixe .. 10 00
N. C. Boatman, stamps .... 26 00
3. F. Miller, stationery, and, ,
stamps . 1 90
5. T. Anderson, salary county
physician'. 51 20
. C. Conley, stamps) and ex
press ' 35
W. A. Davis, repair on chair 1 z&
Edgar Marvin, expense Heav-
erne trial -. ... 6 55
Wesley Duncan, whnessi State
vs. Heaverne . . . . ...... 5 40
M. Blakely, witness State
vs. Heaverne . .6 20
Pete Wilson, witness State vs.
Heaverne ...... . 16 00
A. Wilson, witness State
vs. Heaverne . 16 00
r. K. Mullln, witness State
vs. Heaverne 41 50
j. A. Fibk', witness State vs.
. Heaverne 15 00
'j C. Horner, witness. State vs.
- vs. Heaverne 22 00
Elizabeth Henvrne, witness
State vs. Heaverne 6 60
0. C. Boswell, circuit Juror.. . Z w
imeat Henderson, circuit
juror ' . . .......
. H. Young, circuit juror.
V. R. Murray, circuit Juror..
.V. A. Mosa, circuit Juror ..
Ohas. McAlister, circuit, Juror
.V. E. A. Watson, circuit Juror
Yank A.Ravi, circuit. Juror
ft. A, Davis, circuit Juror.,
fed Marks, circuit juror..
3a ve Steele, circuit Juror..
1. T. Mitchell, circuit Juror
2 20
2 20
2 80
, 2 20
2 80
-3 00
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2' 20
3 20
2 90
3 20
4 20
2 20
6 20
6 20
6 20
. 6 20
3 20
6 20
6 70
IJ H. Oebourn. circuit Juror...
ari Whitmore, circuit juror
?. J. HambeMon; circuit Juror
r. D, Woodell, circuit juror. .
P. Humphries., circuit Juror
;. W. Childers, circuit Juror..
1. Maytield, circuit Juror....
lert Reynolds, circuit juror..
3. T. Daggett, .circuit Juror..
Dren, Wagner, circuit Juror . .
3eorge Brock, circuit Juror..
f.' Ellis, circuit Juror .... ..
.Vilbur Koman, circuit juror..
'ert Eggleaon, circuit Juror.
Jhas. Thomas, circuit Juror. .
IV. E. Lewis, circuit Juror ..
.Valker Franklin, circuit Juror
,V. J. Funk ft Co., mdse1 coun
ty poor
I. W. Kerns, board examiners
i. F. Pace, labor'
6 50
6 70
6 20
12 40
, 2 20
24 20
9 00
S0 00
15 25
. 1 57
r. c
11 ass
Conley, expense, Supt.
Hodson Co., stamp....
Prudhomme Co., print-
4ng .... 54 25
31ass Prudhomme Co., print-'
lng 27 75
jloas Prudhomme Co., print
in .... .... . 6 64
loseph Herald, printing 2 25
Ilarl H. Bronson, board exam
Iners ...... .... 20 00
Vubrey O. Smith, board examl- .
ners ...... .... 20 00
J. G, Muck, board examiners 9 00
3ouch & McDonald, rent coun
ty poor 15 00
loseph Herald .... ........ 2 00
A. C. Smith. Justice fees.. 8 25
rhoa. Winston, witness State
vs WUsoa ..: 11 50
Charles Horner, .witness State
va Wilson 1 70
f M.' Blakeiy. witness State
vs. Wilson ...... I 70
.Veyna Wade, wi nes State
vs. Wilson, . 16 50
Union County, eouaty poor,
W. H. Decker .... .... 30 00
Al Emmons, coits supreme
court 6 00
County Poor, Stella Doud' .. 24 00
County Poor, L. P. Rose.... 24 00
Charles Hug, expense Wilson
case 4 00
S. R. Haworth payment on
court house 500 00
. Court adjournedi until Saturday,
March 5,
Second Judicial Day, Saturday,
-. March 6, 1910,
Tn! the matter of cancelling war
rants: ' '
County treasurer presents War.
rants to be cancelled, and after
the court fully examining the
It Is considered and ordered that
tii follcjwkig .classes and amounts
be cancelled to-wlt:
No. 13S Genera) fund ....$10,127 68
No. 133 County school fund 237 00
No. 134 Road! fund 1.3A1 13
No. 135 High school fund 1.459 74
No. 136 Scalp bointyi fund., 614 00
Sachs & Company
Braack Heat ef Baftar
City Hide and Jaak C. '
WmI af ltd Fraat fetm, tatefyrias .
Highest Market Price Paid V
, for Hides, Pelts, Fur, Junk of
all kinds. Rubber, Brass and
Cast Iron -:- -:- -:-
Beginning Feb. 1: 18Jc per pound
for dry beef hides; 15c per pound
for dry sheep pelts. Will buy
wool. -:- - -
Osteopathlcally viewed, la grippe
presents this condition: Inflamma
tion in the posterior layer or deep
spinal muscles, which in. severe cases
leads to the formation- of slight ad-v
healone and cicatricial or scar tissue,
which In turn necessarily put pres
sure upon the nerves passing out of
the spinal' cord in and through the
affected area, thus causing dearth
of nervous energy, weakness and dis
ease in the organs controlled' by
3uch nerves. And no amount of
treatment administered upon: symp
tomatic effects merely, in such cases,
can be productive of permanent re-
suits. Osteopathy seeks and -removes
he cause, and so the dreaded after
effects are avoided. Right Way.
Notice Is hereby given, That by
virtue of an ' execution duly Issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State.
X Oregon for the County of Wal
lowa, and to me directed on the 1st
day of March, 1910, upon a Judgment
and decree of foreclosure, duly ren
dered, entered of record and docketr
ed In and by 6ald Court on the 24th
day of February, 1910, in a certain
suit then in said Court pending,
wherein Schuyler C. Himelwright
was plaintiff end Albert W. Hodgin
ind Sarah Vies HodEin vere de
fendants, in favor of plaintiff and
against said defendants, by which
execution. I am commanded to sell
the property in said execution and
hereinafter described to pay the
sum due the plaintiff of Eighteen'
Hundred and Forty-three and 85-100
Dollars, with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from
the 24th day of February, 1910, until
paid, and the further sum of $150.00
as plaintiff's attorney's fees, together
with the costs and disbursements
of said suit taxed at $50.80,' and
costs and expenses of said execu
tion, I will on Saturday, the Uth
day of April, 1910, at the hour of
len o'clock A. M. of said day at the
front door of the County Court
House la Enterprise, Wallowa Coun
ty, Oregon, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash in
hand oh the day of sale, all the
right, title, interest and estate which
said defendants, Albert W. Hodgin
and Sarah Visa Hodgin, or either
of them, and all persons claiming
under them subsequent to the 12th
day of December. 1907, had, since
acquired, or now have, in, of and to
said real property hereinbefore men
tioned, described In said execution
as follows, to-wit:
The SW of the'SEl4 of Section
28, the NB of the SE of Sec
tion 22, the W of tbe SW
of Section 23, the NW of Sec
tion. 26, tha E of the NE114
and BVi of tbe SE of Section 27,
tbe NW14 of the NE and. tbe
NE of NW, of Section 27, and
the SW of the SEV4 and the SE
K of the) SW of Sectfoni 22. all
In ToJwnohip,Two(2) South, of Range
Forty-ellght (48) East, W. M., In
Wallowa county, Oregon,
Said sal being made subject to
redemption In the manner provided
by law.
Dated this 1st day of March, 1910.
Sheriff of Wallowa County, Oregon.
An nance to provide for the
collection of 1 oil tax within the
R.Md I '.strJcV of tlo City of Enter
prise. Ji'.J. lfte manner
jf expending the same; To provide
or the collection of certain Road
.''unds from the County Treasurer of
Li Iowa County, Oregon, and for the
nanner of expending the same.
The city of Enterprise does ordain
is follows:
Section 1. Tbat Whereas, the
County Court Jn and for Wallowa
ounty, Oregoa, did om the 13th day
A January, 1910, by an order duly
iafl.e and entered on the records of
said Wallowa County set apart ffom
noveral road districts within said
VaVowa County, all that portion of
territory which is coextensive with
the corporate limit of the said City
of Enterprise, Oregon, and which
Road District U designated as Road
District No. 28, Enterprise; Road Dis
trict, wKh power and authority to
collect and expend the proceeds of
the poll tax de ived from persrw
subject to the payment thereof; and
also wKh power and authority to de
mand and receive from the" county
treasurer of said Wallowa county,
the amount which' said Enterprise
Road District No. 28. is entitled
to receive from- sold Wallowa county
Section 2. Every male inhabitant
residing within the corporate limits
of the City of Enterprise. Oregon.
over twenty-one years and under
fifty years of age. unless by la,w
exempt, shall annually pay a Road
Poll Tax of $3 00, which shall be
collected tin cash by the City Mar
shal of said city of Enterprise,
Oregon, and whk-h sum shall be col
lected by saWl city marshal, on or
before the first day of December of
the year for which such poll tax
Is due. Such poll tax shaU be paid
on demand to said city marshal as
hereinafter provided. ;""
People of Oregon
Fares Can Be Prepaid
At home if desired. - Any agent of
the road is authorized to receive the ;
required deposit and telegraph ticket
- to any point in the East ,
Remember the Rates , .v
From Chicago, $33; from St. Louis,
$32; from Omaha and Kansas City,
$25. This reduction is proportionate
from all other cities.
General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon
All New and Modern Throughout
Rates 50c to $1.50
Cor. Jefferson Ave. and Elm St,
LaGrande, Oregon
Hot and Cold Water, Steam Heat and Electric
Lights in Every Room.
Section 3, Between the first ilay
3f March and the. first day qI De
cember of each year, the szlA cHy
marshal shall demand from each and
av-ery person within the corporate
limits of said city of Enterprise,
Oregon, liable for road poll tax
i'or the year, the amount due from
iach person, as such road poll tax.
(f any person liable for the road poll
.ax herein required' to be collected
efuse to pay the same when de
nanded by said city marshal, and
men personi is in the employ of any
.lerson, firm, corporation, or com
pany, said city marshal shall ascer
ain, if possible, from said person,
:lrm, corporation or compiuiy wheth
er or not such person refusing to
pay said poll tax has earned, and it
-here yet remains unpaid a sum of
money sufficient to pay said road
joll tax and the necessary cost of
nitt. If said City Marshal finds that
such an amount Is due from such
employer, or If he Is unable to se
cure such Informa'-lon, but believes
Jiere is a sufficient amount due said
Person from said employer, he shall
orthwith file wjth the City Record
r of the City of Enterprise, Ore
m, a statement, setting forth the
'acts as above; and) thereupon, the
City Recorder, aforesaid, shall Im
mediately issue summons to such
person refusing to pay such road
soil tax, directing him ; to appear
before such City Recorder, afore
infcl, as provided by law, and -show
cause why judgment should not be
intored against him for such sum.
The City- Marshal serving the sum
nons upon the person, refusing to
pay such road poll tax ' shall, at
he same jtime, serve , the person,
firm, corporation, or company In
hose employment such person may
be, with a summons to appear be
fore said City Recorder aforesaid at
.he same Ume as tbe party sum
moned as defendant, to answer
touching their liability as a gar
nishee defendant. The CUy Record
er, upon the trial, unless a good- de
fense shows, shall enter judgment
against such person refusing to pay
such road poll tax for the amount
thereof, and for the cost of such
suit, and shall also eater judgment
and the
Great Northwest
: The management of the Oregon Ilail
road & Navigation Co. takes great
pleasure in announcing that the low '
rates from Eastern cities, which have
done so much in past seasons to stim
ulate travel to and settlement in Ore
gon, will prevail again this Spring
' DAILY from March 1 to April' 15, inclusive.
The railroads have done their part:
now it's up to you. The colonist rate
is the greatest of all home-builders."
Do all you can to let Eastern people
know about it, and encourage them to
come here, where land is cheap and
home-building epy and attractive.
against the garnishee defendant for
the amount of .such judgment and
cests, if such amount ls foundi to
be due such person from such gar
nishee defendant.
Section . 4. The funds derived
from such road poll tax shall be
turned over by said City Marshal to
the .City Treasurer of said City of
Enterprise, as soon as . collected,
ind said funds shall be set aside
tnd kept apart from any and all
:ther moneys or fund of said City
if Enterprise, and shall be placed
aid kept in a fund to be known as
be Enterprise Road Fund,
Section 5. On tiie 31st day of De
ember of each year the City Tareas-'
trer of said City of-- Enterprise,
hall collect from the County Treas
urer of Wallowa ' County, Oregon",
hat portion of the Road Fund to
Ukh the said Enterprise Road Dla
r!rt shall be entltled,xand shall
iluce the sum so collected from the
lounty Treasurer In said Enterprise
toad Fund. .
Section. 6. No part of the moneys
ler'.ved from the collection of the
oll tax within said Road District
jf Enterprise, or from the moneys
ecelved from the County , Treas
ir ff'iiesald, shall be used for any
j'lrpoao whatsoever,' except for the
lurpooe of building cross walks,
ridges, approaches,, the grading,
aving and improving of the streets
md alleys within the corporate 11m
' of said City of Enterprise.
Sectloa 7. No part of any oe the
unds placed in said Enterprise. Road
?und shall be drawn out of the
reasury of said City of Enterprise,
ixcept upon, an order drawn upon
he City Treasuer of said City of
Enterprise, which order shall be
ilgned by the Mayor of said City
tf Enterprise, and countersigned by
he City" Recorder of said City of
Enterprise. '..-.''
Sec don S. Thl Ordinance shall
ake effect and be in force from and
fter Its approval by tha Mayor, and
publication according to law.
Passed the Council, March 7, 1910.
Approved, March 7. 1910.
B. MAYFlELD, Mayor.
Attest: W. E. T AGO ART,
" " City Recorder.