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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1920)
Oregon Historical Societr. Auditorium ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS VOL. XLIII A8HLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE SO, 1920 NO. 103 Prominent State Editors to Attend Big Celebration GREATPUBLIC MAN EVANGELISTS TO El The following telegram from SPEAKER JULY 4TH BE ATTRACTION Gerard's patriotic address at Ashland during the celebration I A party of young evangelists i f rom the Bible Institute of Los will be the greatest treat ever of-1 Angeles will be In Ashland next feted to a Southern Oregon au- Sunday, July 4, and will have dlence. Ha Is absolutely the best charge of the evening's program MRS. CORDELL LAID Ed Kaiser Indicates that several! man " Amer ' uch j In the Chautauqua building". This TO REST SATURDAY The funeral services of .Mrs. Nannie L. Cordell were held in prominent state editors will ac I company the Gerard party here I for the celebration: j San Francisco, Calif., June 28. "E. T. Staples, Ahsland, Oregon. "Piper has reservation on Ger ard train and will stop. Frank Irvine, blind editor of Journal an occasion. purl of the Sunday program of He is the only living American: the celebration promises to be a Kaiser Brings Guests PLANS READY FOR SUMMER SCHOOL New Spring Developed By Pompadour Company Victor Mills Saturday June 26. stop. Henry Hazen of Telegram at 8 tlm0 w,len the feacherous of the institute. Mr. Cochran l.tary) to iron out the transpor- under the best instructors obtain- ' i...j t r. ik ii.i. in ill 4i,i0,m in propaganda of the former wait ' a son of Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Cucli- tation of Gerard party lord was, like ail octopus, reach it: out its tentacles to entangle America. "America had better look out after this war. I will stand no dicated America's the home of her daughter, Mrs. will consult wife and probably June 26, stop. Henry Hazen of Telegram conducted by Itev. C. F. Koehler, ' arrive Ashland in advance pastor of the local Presbyterian I Representatives of several nation Church. The remains were buried I wide journals have promised to In the Ashland cemetery. I visit Ashland before returning. Mrs. Cordell was born Novcm-j "E- J. KAISER." tier 18, 1863, on a farm near Hur- jousburg, Ky. This farm proved j SUMMER SCHOOL OF a quiet retreat during the war and ! MUSIC LITERATURE here her childhood and youth! AND OTHER CLASSES .were spent In quiet contentment' Ashland may obtain a real sum lind unalloyed happiness. Her nier school for the month of July earlier married life also was most providing sufficient interest is happy; Later the malady took Immediately manifested to make possession of her which proved j this possible. Negotiations with Incurable and resulted In untold the musical department of the Muttering up to the time of her j University of Oregon, have de death. vcloped to the extent that music Thmiffh hanillivii'.nat loriniiiln ' COU1SPS UlaV be Conducted hV lPflil- . . I that he fr.ivp Hnrmunv In im,,a- ! it iwlilnri mn In this manner she yet Herved her instructors from this iiiHtltu-' t . , . . ... , ,i i. linn c.ih ,,, iue uuiieu aiaies uuuuiie I was firm in its demand that the I ! lives of neutralB be respected. Gerard's four years in Germany nn.. 111,.. ... 1 1 U .1 1 I . ; - ' make happy all with whom she,", Slea club and vocal work. I .... o. . ii. ! im,v.,ii ,.,... ltllan ever a diplomat faced n a came Into contact. She stored her, I liyslcal I lasws i . ... I fntPlpn pnilllTrv RauiHao t.iLHna mind with the choicest gems of A course in physical education; " ' - ; iitprii,ra m,,i tnt nnni ii hu i for women is sueeested. such as conversation was rich with whole-, the following which is part of the ! 0(Un" he. ,ued h;9 e'nbasf ,.,.. in a r rr,iP,.im- , i,lto a clearing house for all com- uiiin luniiM. i - Though not long a resident of A ulil'jiiil tin vnl mriila in u n u friends here many of whom were 'track athletics, etc. Open to al) : teteats in Germany. present at t ho funeral services to stuuentH. how their appreciation of her; Soccer. Open to all students. V, ,irt Ii. Tenuis. Open to all Btudents. A very interesting feature of Swimming. Open to all stu the occasion was the reading of a dents. poem composed by Mrs. Cordell: Fencing. Open to all students, entitled "Mothers' Day," which i Indian Clubs. Open to all was written to a friend who had Htudents. lost a mother and In comment-i oration of the first Mothers' Day. 1 ln to all students. The purpose ' of this course is to develop grace, 1.1. ST VARIETIES aml freedom of movement. Creek OF GRAIN' GROWN dancing, now considered one of who in official life "Bat on the, big feature, and one that Is at Kaiser." trading much Interest throughout As United States ambassador at the valley. M. H. Reynolds, the Berlin, the former justice ot the evangelist, is a speaker of note Dear Ed: iew YorK supreme court faced the: eud will deliver the address ol the Will meet Emery E. Smith at : sible be given out of doors, difficult problem of protecting; evening. Accompanying hlra la j 10:45 tomorrow (Monday) and! Private instruction is to be ot Amerlcan interests In Germany j Earl Cochran, a prominent singer j see Dolun (McCormick's secre-1 fered in piano, violin and voice The company lately develonod j J Tlie Pompadour Mineral Springs the "Silver Geyser," which is l'o- I Under the direction of Profes-1 'ompi"ly' r Wuicn Worry Silver1 cated about 300 yards distant I t .. . . . ... ... t iS thQ miltliiaav It, maallni. 1. ...-.l.l mil... ....... sor ueiuuu a. coon 01 I lie lut-j -.n., n ijwui tuti uiu itiiieue silver veisity ot Oregon plans are rap-lvvi,h succe9S 'he sale of the : r.ithia Springs." The water from i idly reaching a state of compe- om e sunu"a ,09 colu- "e "Silver" is lighter in mineral tiou for tho Ashland Summer1 y J8 00""nS. "e water from content and ftinkes a better table i School which Is to be in session : 11 "P1 ueser nU(l tue Old. water than the ' Old Lithla," al- 1 ll lliu - " ,1, ,- - .... I for sin weeks commencing July 7. ' company oniy tnou gh still retaining its niedici- Classes will be held in Chautauqua ' reoell,l' beKan bottling the water; m,l properties. San Francisco, June 29. .Memorial hall and the Chautali-i of tliese ,wo Wrius exten-j .Manager Silver has had an E. T. Staples, Ashland. Oregon, ut it auditorium. .sue way. and already has worked' analysis mude ot the wntera (mm , education work will as far as pos- ii i iino uusiuess in Asniann auu Hie two springs, which is given be' surrounding towns. low: Analysis Met Mc-lable. M (he class work will be1 ran, ot Ashland, and while the! Cot mack today Just as he re- i-iesented harmony, theory, sol- Lithium Chloride .., young man has not lived in Ash-j tin tied to town from taking a I leggio (sight Ringing), musical Potassium Chloride-, land the musical ability of his congressional committee on a, analysis, music history and ap- Sodium Chloride ... father, who is a member ot one tour. He is arranging to send preciutlon, thiB latter course being Sodium Sulphate ... of the leading male quartets olithem north to Crater Lake and ' illustrated with Victrola records' Sn(li 11 i Tetru Honitt nensense from America after thin l this city, Is sufficient recomnii'ii-: Ashland in his car. janii with songs and instrumental ' ''Imodium Arsenate war," was the challenge Wilhelm dation to give Mr. Cochran Jr. a McCormick is keen on the Ger-i selections characteristic and illus-J ,Uuliui11 Bicarhouutu hurled at Gerard when the am- j fine welcome. jiird trip to Ashland. Emery .1. ! trative of the various periods and Barium Hicarbonati' bassador was closeted with him j Beside these two strong tea-: Smith is very active and the Ger- styles of music. It will also in-' Strontium Bicarhonat half. In 1915. nish music at the meeting. Tliislhe Ashland trip than thoy are' instruments to the end that the 'Calcium Bicarbonate It has never been printed what j is composed of P. Schmidt, first j about anything else than the con-, student may bu able to distinguish j '''rous Bicarbonate Gerard replied, but his careful ' tenor; J. Willems, second tenor; : veution itself. ithn instruments when heard sen-l Alumina handling of the delicate sitim- , A. Willenis, baritone; P. EIUimi.i You know that Taggart leaves ariilelv or in combination tions during the ruthless submar-i bass. This company comes high-j here for French Lick Springs Fri-- An attractive feature of the ine warfare proved he plainly In-1 ly lecomniended, and should be! day and will not visit Ashland tin-: Summer School activities will be! Silica generation well. She had the hap-1 on. Such courses as planoor- py faculty of remembering in hcr:Bi. harmony, theory solfeggis, . ....u I. i fi n. ll'aln lilufnrv and u httrafiiu ti'mi ' JIIIIIIHIIUIIUIIB buih as too nciieiai-- ' i'r ly overlooked, and she sought to ol music may be given, also chor- position and drawing card sufficient to fill the 'til later. He Is keen to see the'tht. children's chorus oneu to lAsuiaiul proposition and is urging . children of all ages and the adult i ex-Governor Samuel R. Rulston of chorus in which are to be en Inuiana to go to Ashland with 1 rolled anyone who can sing. In J Gerard. (Apparently Ralston is ( this project the people of Ash , interested with Taggart in French land and Medford are to be unit Lick.). Tomorrow morning we e.i and the mini, ine. I f,.i-,. u-il! M will make an effort to cinch Hal-: at the close of the Summer School i ston's decision. piesent au evening's program i Cherry will place Gerard-in ith four soloisls in addition. LIT! DRINKER Hydrogen Sulphide Free Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide set tree from fli caibonates on evaporation to dryness (cc per liter W OoC 7ti0 mm "Silver ' Old Lithia Geyser" Spring' Parts Parts per M. per M. 38.0 47.8 32.8 02. a 215.5 217.3 28 15.0 7.7 'i.8 414.0 52.1. II .0002 Trace 26.15.0 Trace Trace Trace Trace 1023.0 Hli7. 0 12(0.0 1377.0 2U.S 21.0 2.4 Trace 79.J 85.8 855S.I0 10591!. S None None Excess Excess 678 821 II care ot the affairs of his own 'Here's the water to make pco- nmnlnntlon. Ralston is a prince .; In the choruses and in the en Pie live long." one Shriner wus (;elar(I chatted very pleasantly tire work of tho Ashland Sum Outdoor sports, soccer, py.'munications between the warring; heard t0 ,.emurk t0 another lasti""0"1 'l0SKe VtinDnrn and his ca- mei School the necsarily vital ANYTHING ELSE TO HE AIMEI, SEE STAPLES AND HE'LL ITT IT ON SYNOD OF OREGON ground ball, cross ball, base crick, ! n"lion" Protecte(I en,ente ln"! Saturday night when the special ''fi,v STATE CANVASS ItV CHAMItER OF COMMERCE STARTS C. A. Fleming and James G. Stafford, representing the Oregon oiaie i-uamoer oi commerce, wiiMpt!0pe , Aijhan(1 who d,.ink thir probably reach Ashland early I ., tn h. ve!11.a nf ,, Tho Fourth of July celebration, oininittee with K. T. Staples as! He left no doubt that , and enthusiastic uinperatiuu ofjHif head, is almost too busy to; trains were passing through Ash-' WilllM"'n C0,I(I '"'ii'K Ashland to J tho people of Ashland is inoslioi.1 or sleep these limes, but urej I laud, and members of the visitors to Portland stopped at the lithia fountain at the station to drink of the life-giving waters there.. "Honestly," the stranger sol emnly went on. MEETS IN EUGENE in attention ot tne world, tier-, earnestly solicited. If the citizens j fast lining up all the attractions j aid talks in a crisp style and I of this town show this year that available In order to give visitors; only regret now that I did not Ihej are thoroughlv interested In! to Ashland during the three dayi: take his exact words down In, the future of this undertaking ! the worth of their money and time. ' writing concerning Winburn's and that they are heartilv in svm-! Kerylhiiig new, or original or en-; I've heard It iniid'""""-v- Kd. you rertuinly have had palhy with its puriioses I school ; tei taining they can devise is be- a will another year be on a mure' lug prepared. Already a long list 'blooming optimistic nerve to tin-1 Mibstanl ial basis and will most of entertainments and BPorts are esthetic dancing. (Elementary.) next week' t0 dlrect the lnten8lve!and then they havo to take out ; ,l,,r,i,ke ""'i)ar Gerard or probably receive recognition j scheduled. Among these will be canvass here, in connection with the statewide expansion move ment now being conducted by that organization. The state chamber representa tives will be assisted in this work by the Ashland executive commit- A movement has been launched the most important phases of gym- ly the Farm Bureau to determine nnstic exercises, is emphasized. , vhat are the best varieties of Aesthetic dancing. (Interme-i ...i..... i t I ....... . :.. fllllte 1 Htipn tn fill attulelita U'hn wueai, u..e, auu ouw .o ... - - - , , he . tQ raiae this county, and to get pure have completed the elementary! .' , strains of these varieties estab- course. , llshed over the county. The wheat' dancing. Open to all stu- has long been such a mixture of dents. In this course are taught varieties that it is usually dis- variety of peasant and national! criminated against on the market. ; dances suitable for recreation or, Farmers have been getting their teaching. seed from theirs and their neigh- Arcnery. open to all students, bore's best fields, regardless of va-1 P'a-V "'"I playground games. riety, yield, milling or feeding! l,6n 10 u" summer school stu- qualities of the grain. j Ien,l. j ThiB practice must give way fori Rerchtold In (liargo , Dr. Frederick Berchtold, pro- their livers and kill them.' iinybody else away from such an: mm the educational institutions', Hi.i following: It was an awe-strnck htiTicli . 0( interesting thing as a national , of the slate. At u meeting ot tho The merry-go-round man has Shriners who continued on their 'Convention. I am telling you I auxiliary held last evening a com-; in rived, and his car with the Journey away from Ashland. that your work in assembling the mitte foices to get the consisting of Miss Hicks,: equipment is on Its way. The kid dies will sure have entertainment MI SIC INSTRI tTOR LVII eilll'TllVII'.! I : tee, appointed to co-operate with, -mn.i v budget ot 1450,000, covering a three-year period, to finance its expanded program of activities. The local executive committee One of the recent arrivals In: town for the summer is I. eland A.! Coon, professor of piano and or-1 gau at tho University of Oregon, j mn.i.i. nf i. v fm. ohaip. I Mr. Coon's presence Is of intense man; C. B. Lamkin, vice-chair-! locaI Interest, in that he is to act 'iii!,n- I H Mefine T w AtePnv i as director of the summer school i.nil VON Smith I which Is to he soon started as an trick turned . ;ils. Henry Provost, Mrs. Charle looks mighty good from this eiid.jH. Pierce. Mrs. Fred Wagner, and this celebration. 13. J. KAISER. j.Mrs. Nine Rates was appointed to, Arrangements have been made' assist in presenting the Summer to havo the old time circus band1 BEE ARISTOCRACY School to Ihe public. Come, res- vagou from Jacksonville in the Old! Hl'MS TRANSPORTATION idenls of Ashland, show our col- Timers' Parade July 3. j The Main Line Is now the "Hee'ors! , The managers of the Hiawatha . Line." I pageant are drilling dally, and This assertion is based on the; t'NI VERSITV OF OltKGOX. ' t he big show on Ihe night of July recent experience of an adverlis- 'Eugene. "Pioneering" is Ihe ex ; :i is promising to be a very extra-. a business-like selection of seeds: I 9 ......... i:i- ... . r . rt i'"u .ins. rieu ieii ui mis e;iv , - -- that will mean agricultural pros- 1 of literature at O. A. C.,l . ' nnt ami nnnul-r feat.ue a. the !.;,. i A . - , , Biiu u loiuier uupei earner al !: e; -"' - liniltv for the countv. It costs '"lve charge of the work in . . l.,,.o.. ,,i ,.i , iug mull who lives in Paoli, keeps , pression Dr. Chester L. Carlisle, (iiclinary entertainineut. bees, and asks his friends lo ac-; captain of the United Slates Pub- Tho celebration committee have cept the following story at Its true;lic Health Service, conducting th' sei tired the services of some very worth: ; Oregon State survey of mental de- l.ith grade talent for the free ' Right now, in the height of j feet, delinquency and depeinlcn-! andoville acts to be held in the the while clover honey flow, Is ; cy, finds for tho part the l'niei- park during the celebration days. tho irrnnlnul lima in ull Ilia vau p ! ,. i 1 1, l)i.,,,i,,, iu i.t-.i-itn. in tli.: lliiaphilll lillei-a U'ill Im lll!lvel p...i vn ki. .ii-! is intended to become as nerma- ' ... I' . . ... .(A.NNING Kill 1 1 ...... . ...i, , ... i for bees to gather he r harvest ASHLAND HOY HAS RIDE IX AIRPLANE Joe Neil, the young sou of Mr. jdjunct to the Chautauqua As sembly. I Great enthusiasm is already being shown in the venture which! Tlie Synod of Oregon, govern ing body of the Presbyterian flu: :ch in tills stale, will meet on the University campus July 13 to 2i. Some of the delegates will speak to students of the summer school during the week that the body will I: in session. Among these mi,-, roj it. Carter .Milli M;in, si' J, "t the department Missios'iJy Education of tliu I Presbyterian church, W illiam lli- t a tn Foulkes, former Portland pastor and general secretary of Ihe New Era movement, John F. McDowell, national social service secretary of Home Missions, and Ik. Silas Kvans. president of Oc cidental College, Los Angeles. Meetings ot the synod will bo held in tlie V. M. ('. A. hut on tho campus, or lit Guild hall. The session in Eugene is part of tho plan of tho University which Is anxious to welcome any organiza tion to Eugene and to furnish Uni versity facilities for meetings or conventions. survey. (to know that there will be a good school conducted for j rays tho Paoi bee expert. "It's He asserts positively that this game each afternoon at the High, .... ii.. i. i j literature, and will make it innrn ! 1 ,u"'6 ". io tt particularly auspicious season is the first lime in the history ; School grounds, Ashland vs. v ru- Zn a: ZZ:: than in former years. It""". llu-l!T:r T.. 7:rh..r Wn-, tUu , wr.,. when ,e a,. y;i,.. Those w., comne,,.,,, . ttnn nf rarrt n I n rr u r n .t innai , muuiiu, i , tin, v.uun imo ni ; ...... . ., . . i . vt iHii-Hvosmi, , 11 old 1 1 a i l a ii neea. n ii i str it or m n hiive l;i kei i . uuuo nay linn .vsmaiHi nits coi ,. x.un a un iil iiih teciii cai iiuni- 1 I iuu nuuuic una uccu 1.1 iuo pa. , . . . . . olimm mu ,.,, nrn intaraulaH In anv nf ihia wnvlr ...... m.c .....j communicate at once with J. H. Fuller by mail or at the Commer cial Club room. that It has been hard to find pure strains of desirable varieties. It is hoped that the farmers of the county will take advantage of the efforts being put forth by the Farm Bureau in behalf of pure strains ot tried varieties. If the farmer has been raising grain or it he has an established opin ion that certain varieties of wheat and barley are best adapted to this county, he is asked to give the Farm Bureau the benefit of his knowledge and experience so that It wll be possible to concen trate efforts along the lines they will be the most effective. The farmer to meet the present con ditions confronting him, must produce a better grade of live stock, better and higher yielding Varieties ot alfalfa, wheat, barley Ktid oats. I, ,. ,. ... ...... . ino- in lha r.t'icyin'il fli :i ll I :i lin n o I ::ng wun uis uncie on me latter s - " """".rin Country club at Paoli is a lot this nature. cattle ranch. However, Joe had en experience that beats horse bieaking all to smithereens, and To complete an Irrigation pro-j this is airplane riding. In a Ijt ject involving an expenditure of!'er t0 mother, written Friday. $1,250,000, Uie Rogue River Val-i Joa my: summer school and is thoroughly: 'On the links of the Tredyff-j part in conducting a survey of together a very fast battory. Al Previously such in- least two Coast League players of nice clover. I'nfortunately, vestigatiou lias been made In tlie 'lio havo happened to become 1 ",e .l.owever, it Is so hort that the: hands of staffs or organisations.; lenient of Asnland, will sur- suc an Inst tut on. lmve (() gcf ,jown their but in this instance tlie stale, prise the natives. Remember, ' 7 hands and knees to gather It. ! through the instrumentality ol 'the the game Is between the Yreka will appear in the local papers In ley Canal company, of Medford, hur filed four applications for per mit!, to appropriate water for the irrigation of 3000 acres. For Central Point canal the company asks permission to di vert 130 second feet of water from the immediate future. It is most .... ....... t .. . . . ! ftucii-uhla Otnl all wialiinn tn iaha ine oesiauing i ever meet in j - :0l. ), ,UI1,S ,,,, kllps hl, my life was today, wuen I had aDUUm"" uui annum nun ride in an airplane. When we lheir desire at the earliest possi- started it looked like the ground , blB moment to Professor Coon!sj(le of was running away from us, then wno my 08 Iolln" ul ,lu' uonl niercial Club. Naturally, a dignified Main Lili'V univoisity, Is enlisting the public : Gold Diggers, and he Ashland WITHOUT SUGAR These days of high priced su gar are Ihe despair of housewives, who cannot reconcile herself to paying the exorbitant price sugar is now selling at for her usual summer canning. The Jackson County Farm Huieau News pub lishes the following method of canning fruit without sugar: All fruits can he canned suc (PHsfully for future use for Jelly making, pie filling, salad pur poses, etc., without the use of stt- t:;ir by simply adding hot water we kept on going up. It sure made my stomach tickle. I Little Butte Creek, Fish Lake andi'00e(. down and saw a fence and, WOMAN IS HOME The Jackson County Farm Bu-I compliments to one of the pro of the ground it will be necessarv to construct flumei. I For two Central Point laterals, j east and west, the company asks for 50 second feet of water from j Pear creek, Willow creek and seepage tributary to river. jit AD MAX ESCAPES WITH HAXDCUKI'H Clenn Duncan, who was arrest ed in Ashland last Friday for the theft of an automobile in Rose burg, escaped from the officers While tip was being taken back to Douglas county, Sunday after noon. The deputy sheriff and his! handcuffed prisoner occupied the! rear seat of the machine as they Beared Myrtle Creek. Duncan, 1iIIa tha nffirpi lannoH nvai tlta , . . . , , . feet of water from the accumu- frnnt seat to converse with the , . . , , . , , , , ., ,, i lated seepage of a number of driver, leaped from the machine! ,, , , , , , , i , i .. . ; small creeks in Jackson county, end dodged Into the brush. Two - , , . , . . . , ,. . , .. , It is intended to complete each phots were fired at the escaping! , ,.u . , . . . ' i of the main canals three m les in man, neither of which took eflect, ... ,. . . , .. . length within one year from date and beforo the officer had alight-1 im niiutiii ui application, unu to Four Mile Lake, tributaries of;'t looked like a long line riho Regno River. ' Dees looked flat, and 30 did tho The same amount of water R j IiIIIb. About the time I got In verted for Hopkins Lateral ditch, terested thi man dipped, "ut to be taken from Hopkins lateral' ,ne 1,086 t0 the ground, in;1 then I gieBsive women of the Ilellevlew seepage from numerous small j started up again, .ifter he had j district; creeks in Jackson county. Tho I u011 that several tlms, he started 1 "Mrs. Vesta Brown ot the Relle tuain ditch will bean excavation, Uown, and we hit the ground easy, view community is a real homo except where because of the natural nn(' didn t bounce a bit." demonstrator everything that Joe stated they went up about tiie home demonstration agent lee wouldn't got down on his, her; for research. , Lithia Gladiators. "Tho greatest value of this sur- I ho committee oil Old Timers or It seeks fodder elsewhere. j vey, which was ordered by the : parade are urging everybody to Ti , ..... . , 1.. ...Ill .il -,, l f,,.. l,iu h ,.n,l., ftv.,.. imih at uerwyn, two nines tins legismiiue 111 s,,ee,... s "... ; t.- -'j 1. in d , .., sinl). ..... , . Paoli, there is another! bn in proving the efficacy of Ihej The merchants are asked lo put on f . m,Ptic ,, H,,0 wj, col.t..i.. patch of luxurious clover, ot sut-1 method which tho university is old time signs, making Ihe np- vfj;otnblra to substitute sugar for filcent height to permit a bee to inaugurating and in educating the poiirnnce of mining days. Loggers ( (h() (..)llljHe I)10(.S!ii aml rartake ot it without loss of dig-(people of the state, by the invesli-'are asked to prepare soiiietliing j' .. . ' , . t.lty or comfort. j gallons they conduct, in the in- to feature the logging crowds, uud ; DEJIOXSTRATOR .,j wns rj,B 0Ht through Her-! terests of the survey to the condi-, everybody should lake an interest wheu serving. in Panning fruit without Biigar. v,yn when I happened to see this' Hons of mental deficiency exist-; in this and help to make the time ,a. (he ,)rodl(,t he (1.,y u H reau News hands the following ! ,,(,., 0; ciovor," nie bee expert ling here and everywhere," says , enjoyable. Cowboys, cowgirls, 2C00 feet high, and that a hay ! suggests to make the home work easier, Mrs. Brown tries out and then tells all her neighbors about it She has helped a large num ber of women to have the home continues. "Naturally, I decided , Doctor Carlisle. 1 emigrant trains, mule packs, etc This is not tlie first time the will probably bo featured. The l icked. Cull, stem, seed, and (lean fruit by placing in strainer 10 tin 011 my noes aiiout 11, wnen mis i ni u.e 1... u... , ; oarine coh, ...... OVBr ,, all of a sudden what do I see?" i University ot Oregon has g MV.nidup will be at Miners' Row, f,ii(,k muU)H Clll.efully j,, hot "Well, what did you see?" the ! a-.ioiieering in the Interests ofj where there will be the Rainbow ; Ja.g ()r t(n untjl fim bee expiu't's friend asked. bolter ictizenship. As she is now Lane Hanking Institution provid-; ,.se H .1'b,0(.p011 W0()l,el, "I saw three beavi v aden bees work ng 11 the interests or com 101 in im iucsy t urneucy lor stack looked like a wart, and a Ford bug could not be seen crawl ing along the road. After this ex perience Joe stated they got into! Rogue j a Hudson speedster nnd it seemed I made dress form; she made u flre I like riding In a wagon. less cooker which just cost her $1.00 and which lias already ccoked many dishes for her; very fly into the window of the car and alight on the window sill near 1 me, said the bee man. They were three of my own Italian bees, and of course I recognized them. I didn't say anything (o tho con ductor, so they rode right on through to Paoli. There they got off the train. To till the "Main canal and . . AITYt 'I.II,TI?IV Phoenix lateral of the Medford Ir-cconeu many ensues tor ner, ery. ..Tne VPry nexl ()(iy j Int ,,10!)(, ligation district," permission is; IHRIXO THE NIGHT , recently made for use in the hot bpes aBaill nd I have trained 'em nsl-.ed to annronriate 130 second! ,ne ,OCH1 po,lce "re Bearcning weather an iceless refrigerator of mental deficiency, her practi- tiett' in that thpv'ra uriiillnir fnr for the Ford runabout belonging! she says that the benefits lo her )C ,,, PVary time we RO thl011(,h to T. L. Powell, one of the local! from the elothine mid milliner 1. .1.. 1. transfer men, which was taken from in front of his home on Oak street some time Monday night. The key to his truck was also ta ken from the clothing and millinery nrrwvn, sihools cannot be estimated. The hpp , companion reg- 1 Islered deep thought. GOLD HILL. The regular an-j "Well." said the B. or table knife for narkiner nnv. ....I,. ...i.i..i. ... i.... .1 1.1 1 " nuiiT, nun nuiiii iu lii.ll lil- mil ' . . .,. , 1 ' noes. Pour bin hie hot water cal achievements in perfectMig the , lima games. ! over the product in the hot Jar. mental and physical vigor of (),e- John hunts, the 'Kewpie King . ,n "''" "' 1 ,lwish"- 0lll i".' o"K"T.' '",'e"dy '"" ""' " tight. If using tin cans, side the scholastic field In lore,,- riv.. 1. He w.ll two carloads j C0,11I) ,,lu,9 , iha .icand it, athletics and all o.her of paraphernalia to provide his , lerilUer VH, r MM. risen above her opponents, won j Ashland fourth of July wilhouibelow , , meets, seized victories and earned; Johnny and his kewples wl"tvpe or outru Use(,. cl.,n.pioi,Hl.ips. Oregon is a -j b. as flat as a circs without a, ' wai,r b( gr t.eer," avers Doctor Carlisle. clown, or an ncli Toms eublu. miMiles 1 miii w 111110111 ine uiouiinouuns. A lormer citizen 01 Asiiiaini, ; The Chamber of Commerce 1: nual school meeting held in Gold ,i0 ..,. ii,iik of that? As Mr. Powell's car was welli Hill Mondav resulted in the re- ..1 ...... n,i,n ..,1,1 1.1. H frm the aotomnlille tho nrla., a'''"""""- ",,u '"1 i.j .. . .. ' ' """" " " T , " " apply all ot the water within nine1 ""cu ",lu " tearea : election or the out noaru. which linioli. "that It's a good thing oner had disappeared completely. A search was at once instituted fnd ft posse formed to find Dun can, but so fur as has been learned lias not been beard from. Several charges are against years after completion. the Joyriders got a considerable: consists of William W. Ilittle, SI- for (lfl Pennsylvania railroad distance away. Water seal, 211 degrees, 20 I'liuile. I) lliivener illeil .lime IS , eol ,,.,. l. 11.....1 ' 1,li.n,1teS. - , ...u,,!,,, . Hindi .,... I . a, at Tacoma. Wash. Il had been Ik r,..i f, .ha 1 i Ten poun,H 8,eam t"'. 10 a resident of North Ilend. Ore., foi ' Ereiy resident in Ashland is asked M., "what"1"0111 IH" visiting, to make up their "spare bed and at the home or his daughter when have it in readiness for the rele his death occurred. llosides the bratiiin. Widow, he leaves two daughters j , cud one sou: Mrs. G. W. Addison. y. R. Byers came up f.ofi ' minutes. , After sterilizing remove tho Yesterday afternoon it was re-! Johnson, directors, and FYed Guy.j( claimed to be the same man who oeat up Late Brumbaugh at Myr-pored the car was seen early in . cle rk. The consolidation of the: tie Creek recently, for which he, the morning being driven by a' Foots Creek school with the Gold was fined 125 for assault In laa Flcmmings, and .Martin S.:tint vol, nrfl raising bees instead! Tacoma. Wash.; Ray C. lleve- Di.nsmtiir today and Is locking vert to cool and test Joints. Wrap in paper lo prevent bleaching and store Iu dry cool place. If tin cans are used it wil be found ad- P. L. Nelson, manager of the lo- a ! man over the Green Springs road. ' Hill schools carried, also the bond i ral Western Union telegraph of- Is also stated ' Chief of Police Hatcher went out! Issue of 111.500 to comnlete the' fire, has aone In Seattle to assume to have passed several worthless; that from letters found In his as far as Plnehurst, but failed to I annex to the high school building. tbo management of the office rbiecks in Roseburg, previous" to suitcase It Is believed be Is want-fina any trace of the automobile ! The entire issue of bonds has been there. He is, succeeded in Ash- Puncan, it is learned. He is said justice court. It stealing the automobile, and ls.ed in California. I there. Portland. Charles wasa brother curing a home for his lamllv who Hevener. Mrs. Florence , expects to follow .ppedily Mr. to W. W Stiutton 'antageoas to plunge them into cold water immediately after ster ilization to cool thorn quickly. and Mrs. A. Ilutler of i I, vers was formerly from Sook-I uv.. v-aw Ashland. Mrs. Sylvia Lamb of Lake une. but Is now iu the employ of bujt fr i L. L. L. City, Minn., who Is spending the the Southern Pacific company. summer here, and Mrs. S. L. and will make his home In Ash-: Hillsboro to have hall to bo taken by local peopln at p.r. ' land by George Carter of Seattle. 1. 1 bel ts ol Spokane, Wash. land. , cannery. ft $tf,04